Isover insulation technical characteristics. Thermal insulation isover technical characteristics

Izover insulation was originally developed and produced in France, and came to us about 25 years ago. It was first used in the mid-30s of the last century with light hand Saint Gobain company. This is a material based on glass fiber and mineral fibers. Thanks to localized production, its price is no longer European, but the quality is quite good.

What is Izover

Izover insulation can be supplied in a wide variety of forms and formats. It depends on where it is used. Only one thing remains unchanged - this insulation material based on mineral fibers and fiberglass. The first quality of any insulation should be a minimum thermal conductivity coefficient. The tables indicate the characteristics of several types of material and the maximum thermal conductivity coefficient of the universal Isover. It is about 0.036 W/m³ and can vary depending on the density of the material.

The material itself is a fiber structure. The length of the fibers can be from 120 microns, and the thickness is no more than 4 microns. These are the indicators that guarantee the material high strength with minimal thermal conductivity and a sufficient volume of air retained inside the material. The production technology is patented and no other material simply physically can have the characteristics that Izover of any type declares.

Characteristics of Izover

Minimal heat loss is ensured simple property air placed in closed space between the fibers of the material, this is what makes the material so warm. In addition, Izover can also be used as a sound insulator and the company declares it to be absolutely safe for health. It can be used not only for external insulation of facades, but also internal insulation rooms of a residential building, including children's rooms.

The vapor permeability of the material also has great importance, since the accumulation of moisture in the structure of the material leads to a loss of thermal properties. However, when insulating foundations, plinths and facades with Izover, experts recommend leaving at least 2 cm for sufficient ventilation. To make it water-repellent, the material is impregnated with water-repellent agents, which guarantee the absence of not only moisture, but also biological threats. Therefore, the manufacturer can guarantee a 50-year service life of the material.

Safety, weight and price

According to GOST, Izover is considered non-flammable when used in the form of clean slabs, mats and rolls. In combination with aluminum foil or film, it can be considered low-flammable, but this is enough from a safety point of view to safely insulate with the material interior walls residential buildings, not to mention facades. Isover in this sense has no restrictions on its use.

One of the distinctive qualities of the material is its very light weight. This is important when you consider the costs of lathing equipment, fastening materials and additional elements which are used during installation. Also, the low weight of the insulating structure reduces the load on the floors, walls or roof. The price of the material is also quite reasonable. With a high level of localization of production, it was possible to achieve the price level of domestic materials, which is about 130-180 rubles per square meter insulation. Packaging an insulator can cost from a thousand to 1,500 rubles, depending on the brand.

Dimensions, density and types of insulation

The density of a material can play a decisive role when it is used in certain conditions. For example, the densest insulation has a density of 120 to 160 kg/m³ and is used for roofing, and the least dense with an indicator of 28-38 kg/m³ can be used for both walls and facades. Isover for flooring has a density of 150-165 kg/m³.

The dimensions of the material and the form of release can be very different, depending on the scope of application. For example, foil moisture-resistant Izover for wet rooms can be produced in rolls with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm, and the length of the unraveled roll will be within 1.25 m. Universal insulation can have a thickness of up to 100 mm and are produced in the form of slabs of various sizes, while the material is perfectly cut and processed, and the size of the slab is selected based on the size and surface area in order to prevent large quantity waste.

Areas of application of insulation

Considering the universal properties, low price and various forms of release, the use of the material can be very versatile. For example, the main areas of use of Izover are:

  1. Foil-coated isover is used for baths and saunas.
  2. Ceilings and floors are insulated with less dense material.
  3. High-density Izover is used for floors and roofs.
  4. It is used when installing plastic windows.
  5. For insulation of balconies.
  6. For insulation of basements and basements.
  7. Interior partitions are insulated taking into account the fact that the material has good sound insulation.
  8. For insulating facades.

Reliable and durable material (the manufacturer declares a 50-year warranty) can become excellent insulation not only for a private house, but also for an apartment, as well as for non-residential buildings. Good luck with your choice and warm homes!

Market building materials constantly offers new types of products for home insulation. One brand that can meet the needs of any type of thermal insulation is Izover. The characteristics allow the widespread use of slabs or mats of this brand throughout our country. The company's products are widely used in private households, industry and when laying communications.

Cooperation between the Russian market and Saint-Gobail began 25 years ago

Brand history

The rights to the brand belong to the Saint-Gobain company from France. Its main office is located in Paris, and its founding date is 1665. She appeared on instructions Louis XIV and produced glass and mirrors. The name Isover insulation is formed from the words “glass” and “insulation”. In our country, the company's products were initially known under the Uteplyaev brand.

Initial Izover products in Russia

Over more than 350 years of history, Saint-Gobain has grown into an international industrial group represented in 67 countries and employing over 170 thousand employees. Sales in 2015 amounted to 39.6 billion euros.

Soundproofing Izover “Quiet House”:

The company is included in the following ratings:

  1. Hundred largest industrial enterprises according to Forbes.
  2. Top 100 innovative organizations in the construction sector.
  3. Best Employer - 2016

Experience and Newest technologies made the company a world leader in creating comfortable space for life. The main activities of Saint-Gobain are:

  1. Innovative technologies in the field of high-tech products in the production of ordinary and special glass.
  2. Building materials represented by ISOVER, ISOTEC, ISOROC brands in insulation; GYPROC in gypsum solutions; WEBER dry mixes; ECOPHON for acoustic ceilings and panels; in siding and tiles - CERTAINTEED; RAM pipes
  3. Distribution activities in the field of building materials.

Saint Gobain Campaign:

The company's products have been known on the Russian market for more than 20 years. Ten years ago, a plant was opened in the Moscow region (Egoryevsk), and since 2011 in Chelyabinsk, the Minvata company began producing stone fiber insulation. All products have international environmental certificates and comply not only with internal corporate standards, but also with EN 13162-ISO 9001.

Scope and properties

Isover thermal insulation can be purchased in rolls and in slabs. This is a non-flammable material with excellent properties. The company is not a monopolist in its segment. Its competition is mineral insulation Ursa, Rockwool, Izovol, Knauf and Parok.

The company's material is perfect for insulating and soundproofing your home

Isover mineral wool is widely used for the following types works:

    1. Sound insulation and insulation wall structures and roofs.
    2. Arrangement of ventilated facades and multilayer partitions.
    3. Installation of pipelines and other communications.
  1. The industry uses one of the varieties of the brand - Isotec.

In order to get high-quality results when using similar material, before purchasing, you need to understand the technical characteristics of Izover insulation. This is fiberglass-based mineral wool, manufactured using TEL technology.

Is the density of thermal insulation materials important:

Main indicators:

  1. Thermal conductivity is 0.041 W×m−1×K−1, which allows you to retain air without changing properties in different climatic zones.
  2. Maximum sound protection is achieved due to the porous structure of the material.
  3. Average density - 13 kg/m³. Depending on the type of insulation, it may vary slightly in one direction or another.
  4. Fire safety is explained by the low previous indicator, which guarantees the absolute non-flammability of the product. Therefore, the use of Izover is permitted in commercial and residential premises, cottages and apartments in high-rise buildings. Foil plates are low flammable. The main condition will be full compliance fire safety standards when laying material and operating the structure.

Main indicators of Izover mineral wool:

  1. The problem with modern insulation is the formation of condensation inside the layers. Fiberglass solutions have special water-repellent components. They help remove moisture and increase vapor permeability. For Izover it is 0.5-0.55 mg/mPa. When installing, it is recommended to leave a two-centimeter gap from the wall.
  2. Depending on the type and conditions of use, mineral wool from Saint-Gobain can last from 50 to 100 years.
  3. The absence of harmful emissions during operation guarantees the environmental purity of the insulation.
  4. Low weight, the lowest in its segment, allows this building material to be used even in weak load-bearing structures.
  5. The dimensions of the slabs and rolls allow the use of insulation with maximum rationality.

Advantages of Izover material:

Advantages and disadvantages

If we take into account all the properties of Izover thermal protection, we can derive several positive qualities when using it:

Excellent thermal insulation.

  1. Tolerance of extreme temperatures.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. Immunity to deformation.
  4. Ease of peeling.
  5. Tensile strength.
  6. Waterproof.
  7. High level of noise absorption.
  8. The material is not subject to destruction by rodents and other animals.
  9. Simple installation technique.

Pros and cons of isover insulation:

When working with Isover products, you must adhere to the following precautions:

  1. Restrict access to the construction site during work.
  2. Use film, plywood or gypsum fiber board as fencing.
  3. Apply means personal protection: overalls, glasses, respirators.

Preparation method

In order to achieve necessary qualities During production, all required technological standards and processes must be observed. Make Izover this way:

  1. A mixture is prepared from quartz sand, soda ash, limestone, glass waste and other minerals.
  2. This composition melts at a temperature of about 1300 degrees. The result is a homogeneous plastic mass.
  3. Next, it is fed into a bowl rotating at high speed with small holes in the walls. Through them it is squeezed out by long thin threads under the influence of centrifugal force.
  4. Mixed with polymer yellow glue, a sticky substance is obtained, which enters the oven for rolling and drying.
  5. The set layers are cut into the required formats with a circular saw.

Production of Izover insulation:

Types of thermal insulation

All materials produced under the Izover brand differ from each other in functional purpose and physical properties. Industrial and household categories of insulation are supplied separately. There are several of the most popular varieties of products from Saint-Gobain.

Types of thermal insulation Izover:

Minvata Izover KL 34

This mineral slab 5 or 10 centimeters thick. It is used when frame construction and does not require additional fastening with dowels. These products are characterized by high elasticity, which maximizes the scope of application.

The insulation is packaged in a bag. After opening, it instantly takes on its original appearance and is ready for installation. Another advantage of this modification is low shrinkage. Among the technical characteristics it should be noted:

  1. Thermal conductivity – 0.034 W/μ.
  2. Vapor permeability – 0.53 mg/mchPa.
  3. Nominal compression at 2 thousand Pa – 60%.
  4. Return to normal condition – 98%.

Thermal insulation of walls and floors:

This material is completely non-flammable with operating temperatures from -70 to +250 degrees. If it is completely immersed in water, it will absorb moisture no more than 5% of its mass, and when wetted - no more than 1%.

Pitched roof

This modification is intended for use as roof insulation. Available in the form of mats measuring 117x61 centimeters and 5-10 cm thick. It is almost one hundred percent hydrophobic. This is its main advantage over its competitors - the ability to use it in conditions of high humidity without loss of properties.

This type of Izover product is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Thermal conductivity - 0.035 W/mK.
  2. Steam conductivity - 0.55 mg/mchPa.
  3. Absorbency when partially immersed - 0.08 kg/m² for 25 hours.
  4. A density of 15 kg/m³ is combined with sufficient return and deformation properties.

The advantages of the material make it number 1 on Russian markets

Non-combustible thermal insulation for pitched roofs Izover is sold in packages with an area of ​​14.72 m² and a weight of 10.8 kg.

Product category KT37

This insulation is available in rolls 630 cm long, 60 cm wide and 50 or 100 millimeters thick. Double compression packaging allows for convenient and economical transportation of the material to the construction site. If the volume of insulation in the package is 0.16 cubic meters, then after opening it increases to 0.71 m³. The scope of its application is the insulation of concrete, brick, and wooden buildings from the inside. It is not prohibited to install floors and interfloor ceilings as thermal protection.

Due to the density of 15 kg/m³, it is not recommended to use KT37 in structures with high mechanical loads. Thermal conductivity of 37 W/μ is sufficient to create an effective coating even in one layer. In this, Isover competes with Rockwool Wired Mat 80 slabs. However, the roll form of the product allows you to insulate large areas much faster with the help of a non-combustible product from Saint-Gobain.

Roof insulation:

Material indexed KT40

It is classified as wall insulation. Isover KT40 is supplied in rolls and is intended for frame, brick houses and for insulating free building cavities. The roller, which is 10 cm thick, can be easily divided in half thanks to its two-layer structure. Its remaining dimensions are: 7 meters in length and 61 cm in width. Covered area - 17.8 m².

Roll insulation Izover:

Its thermal insulation properties are slightly worse than those of other Izover materials - 0.04 W/mk. However, high vapor permeability (0.5 Mg/mPa) makes it possible to effectively insulate buildings made from any raw material with its help. To improve moisture absorption, which amounts to 15% of the weight of the product, it is recommended to install additional waterproofing. GOST 30225 classifies KT40 as non-combustible thermal insulation.

Basalt mass

Russian factories, in addition to fiberglass boards, produce materials in the form stone wool. Similar varieties have the following differences:

  1. Higher cost.
  2. More durable, stronger and denser than traditional mineral wool.
  3. Less elasticity. Packages have larger size, increasing the price for storage and transportation.
  4. High moisture and heat resistance.

Basalt insulation is more expensive, but of the highest quality

Classification of basalt insulation:

  1. Optimal - for pitched roofs in the form of sound and thermal protection.
  2. Light - for frame housing construction.
  3. Acoustic - for sound insulation.
  4. Floor - from impact noise.
  5. Ruf V, Ruf N - for flat roofing.
  6. Plaster and Facade-Master are designed for facades under plaster.
  7. Venti - with improved vapor permeability.
  8. The standard applies to multi-layer brickwork.

Testing basalt wool for combustion:

Installation of thermal protection

A wide range of uses implies several options for working with Izover materials. There are 4 technological options in total:

  1. Metal frame structure.
  2. Wooden building.
  3. Using staples.
  4. On the plinth.

When installing thermal protection, seek help from a specialist

When assembling a thermal insulation complex, the physical properties of the materials should be taken into account. It is worth providing additional protection from moisture using special films. When laying a roofing or wall pie, a certain order of layers should be observed. The vapor barrier is usually stretched with inside to prevent condensation. The waterproofing is installed outside to protect against precipitation.

It is very difficult to choose the best of the many varieties of Izover products. Each type has its pros and cons. However, due to the diversity of the assortment and the optimal price-quality ratio, this product is recognized as the most popular.

All about insulation and thermal insulation Izover:

Mineral wool Izover is a thermal and sound insulation insulation of the latest generation. This material is made from compositions of igneous rocks, namely from the gabbro-basalt rock group. Metamorphic rocks and marls that are similar in chemical composition are also suitable for the production of mineral wool. Manufacturing process basalt wool refers to a principle similar to volcanic activity. A furnace with a temperature of 1500ºC accepts raw materials from which a fiery liquid like lava is obtained. It is this melt that plays a big role in production technology and in the production of stone fibers. The melted material is converted into threads by three methods: blowing, centrifugal roller and centrifugal blowing.

High-quality Izover insulation, manufactured on modern equipment, meets all requirements building regulations, GOST and healthcare requirements. According to the requirements of GOST 4640-93, Izover mineral wool has an acid module higher than 1.8. This means that Izover has highest degree water resistance, which in turn gives the material durability without subjecting it to destruction. Various additives make this insulation resistant to loads and mechanical damage, as well as elastic and dense. The latter, that is, density plays an important role in thermal insulation; it is the layers of air between the ultra-thin stone fibers that prevent heat loss. The material itself is light, and feels warm and soft to the touch.

Technical characteristics of Izover mineral wool

Thermal conductivity

Izover resistant material not only to mechanical stress, it also has endurance to heavy loads, and is also a one hundred percent barrier to cold air while meeting the minimum level of heat transfer. Isover's thermal conductivity corresponds to a minimum index of 0.041 W/mK (λA). The internal structure of the insulation helps to retain air masses acting on it from the outside. When exposed various factors it does not change the indicated index, even with a sharp change in climatic conditions (low and high temperatures, high level humidity, etc.) this figure remains constant.

Soundproofing properties of Izover

Air gaps between stone basalt fibers are an excellent barrier to background sound of any origin. They muffle both high sounds and low noises. There is absolute silence in the rooms, despite the high background noise around multi-storey buildings or country houses. With this type of heat and sound insulation in residential or public buildings located in the area of ​​an airport or railway station, not a single sound is felt, except for some vibrations of the base of the floor. Mineral wool produced in a factory according to building regulatory standards (GOST 4640-93) does not change its technical properties even after 20-50 years of operation. Over time, the material successfully eliminates medium, high-frequency and low-frequency noise.

Density of mineral wool

The density of Isover products depends on the modification, that is, on its specific type (Isover Facade, Isover Optimal, Isover Plaster and others). The average density is 13 kg/m3, and the highest density is 30 kg/m3. These figures affect the scope of application; the higher the density, the stricter the application rules. Lower density materials are used indoors that do not require special requirements such as high temperature levels or high humidity. Products that meet high density are installed in areas constantly exposed to risk (fire, flood or sudden temperature changes).

Fire safety

The fire safety of mineral wool depends entirely on the density coefficient. Plates, mats or rolls with different degrees of density belong to different flammability classes, namely: tile and roll products covered with aluminum film with a density of 13 kg/m3 belong to the class SG (lowly flammable materials), and simple thick mats with a density of 30 kg /m3 correspond to class NG (non-combustible materials). Based on these data, mineral wool is selected for insulation. high-rise buildings residential, public and industrial purposes. The flammability class of insulation is taken into account at the very beginning of the design of houses, so after the objects are commissioned, cases of fire are completely excluded. The safety of residents after the commissioning of buildings insulated with Izover products is task number one. To avoid fires, builders and designers choose the type of insulation carefully and strictly according to fire safety rules.

Vapor permeability

The structure of basalt materials consists of super thin fibers, between which there are many air cushions. Special additives hold the fibers together, creating a solid structure, but at the same time the material remains breathable, which prevents the formation of condensation. The vapor permeability indicator is minimally low, it varies from 0.50 to 0.55 mg/mchPa. The manufacturing technology provided a point for the rapid release of moisture formed on the surface of the materials. This happens through good ventilation and compliance with installation with a 2cm distance from the wall, through which the walls “breathe”.

Operational life

The service life of stone wool varies between 50 - 100 years. This limit of “viability” of the material depends on many factors: on the degree of use, on the correct installation technology, on the climate and on the structural content of the walls, ceilings or floors. At poor ventilation of an insulating “pie”, the service life can be halved.
Ecological cleanliness

All Izover modifications meet the level of environmentally friendly building materials that do not harm human health. Isover is approved by the Ministry of Health and Pediatrics. It is absolutely safe. It can be used for thermal insulation of civil and industrial facilities.

Isover weight

Izover mineral wool insulation is considered air material. It is very light and easy to install. The weight of rigid or semi-rigid laid insulation is not burdened by its bearing structures high-rise buildings.

Izover sizes

The slabs or mats have a thickness of 5cm to 10cm and standard size 1m x 1m. Roll material corresponds to the following parameters: width 1.2 m and length from 7 m to 14 m.


Environmental friendliness and safety during operation. The material does not cause allergies or poisoning.

Durability: 50 – 80 years of service and depends on the acidity level of basalt fibers; the higher its level, the higher the water resistance, which in turn extends the service life.

Does not rot and is not destroyed by rodents and insects.

Does not react to temperature changes.

Resistance to mechanical stress.

Endurance to vertical and lateral loads.

Zero level of heat loss. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity is able to retain 60% of the heat of the premises and save the cost of electricity and gas for additional heating.

An excellent barrier to external and internal noise. Mineral wool Izover is able to neutralize all noise frequencies from medium to low.
Absolutely non-flammable. Stone wool products can only melt at 1000-1200 degrees Celsius.

High level of vapor permeability.

Stability of parameters. The materials look perfect, maintaining their dimensions, even after 50 years of service. Cold bridges are excluded for the entire operational period.

Light weight. Thanks to this, the material is quickly installed.

Resistant to chemicals. Izver mineral wool is not subject to destruction by hot water supply, acidic and alkaline substances.
Izover mineral wool: modifications

Types of Izover stone wool

For ease of working with insulation, the following types of modifications of Izover mineral wool were created:

Areas of use

Mineral basalt wool Isover is widely used in the field of thermal insulation. It is used for insulation of all civil and industrial facilities. There are practically no contraindications for its use. There are 4 installation methods for installing mineral wool:

  • on a metal frame,
  • on a wooden frame,
  • on bracket fasteners
  • on the base profile.

You need to choose the optimal method according to the characteristics of the product, especially with regard to the correct choice of its size and standard modification. It is best to consult with the manufacturer. An incorrectly chosen method can lead to unforeseen circumstances such as rejection of multi-layer insulation or bulging of individual sections, as well as air gaps and cold bridges may form inside the sandwich.

Disadvantages of mineral wool

No matter how ideal the proven and technically tested material is, there are still negative aspects. As for Izover mineral wool, we can point out the only negative: the danger of stone dust. With direct contact, it can cause bronchial asthma or allergic dermatitis, so it is recommended to work with cotton wool in overalls, gloves and a respirator.

is one of the leading manufacturers of mineral wool fiberglass thermal insulation materials in the world. These insulation materials have proven themselves to be high-quality products with optimal ratio prices and performance characteristics.

From this article you will learn what types of Izover thermal insulation exist, their characteristics, and how they differ from each other. We will also study reviews and find out why these mineral wool insulation materials are better than similar products on the market.

1 Scope of application of Izover thermal insulation

Thermal insulation materials from the French company Izover, in addition to excellent insulating abilities, also have good noise-reducing properties, which significantly expands the scope of their application.

3 Isover KL 34

Slab insulation, the thickness of which can be 5 or 10 centimeters. This material is intended for frame installation, and does not require mandatory fastening with dowels. Model KL34, as evidenced by reviews, is characterized by high elasticity, which makes it possible to install it on any surface.

KL34 slabs are supplied in double-pressed packaging, after opening which the material immediately returns to its original shape. The thermal conductivity of Izover KL34 is 0.034 W/mk, vapor permeability is 0.53 mg/mhPa.

Among the advantages of this model, it is worth highlighting recovery after any deformation and resistance to shrinkage. The nominal compressibility of KL34 under a specific load of 2000 Pa is 60% of the same, and the recovery after compressive loads is 98%.

KL34 corresponds to the flammability class NG - a completely non-flammable material, and can be used in the temperature range from -70 to +250 degrees. The moisture absorption of KL34 when completely immersed in water for 72 hours is 5% of the total mass of the slab, and when partially immersed in water for 24 hours – 1%.

Line of insulation Izover K (l - slab, t - roll)

4 "Pitched Roof"

A material designed to insulate the inner surface of the roof of a house. The release form is slabs 5 or 10 centimeters thick, 117 cm long, and 61 cm wide.

To the advantages of cotton wool Pitched Roof can be attributed to high hydrophobicity - the material practically does not absorb moisture even when completely immersed in water for a long time, which makes it possible to effectively use it in difficult wet conditions, in which other insulation materials would lose their thermal insulation abilities.

Specifications Izover "Pitched Roof" are as follows:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.035 W/mK as in ;
  • vapor conductivity coefficient – ​​0.55 mg/mchPa;
  • Moisture absorption during partial immersion in 25 hours – 0.08 kg/m².

The density of this material is 15 kg/m3, it shows good return deformation properties. In terms of flammability, "Pitched Roof" belongs to the class non-combustible materials NG, which makes it possible to use it for thermal insulation of industrial premises.

The area of ​​the slabs in one package of such insulation is 14.27 m², the weight of the package itself is 10.8 kg.

Installation of insulation Izover "Pitched Roof"


5 Isover KT37

Izover KT37 – roll thermal insulation material for insulation internal parts buildings made of concrete, brick, wood and aerated concrete. Consumer reviews indicate that it is perfect for insulating the inside of walls, attics, or interfloor covering and lag floor.

KT37 belongs to the category of soft thermal insulation; the material has a density of 15 kg/m3, which does not allow the use this material on surfaces experiencing severe mechanical stress.

Compared to the original volume of the roll, the packaged KT37 is compressed almost 2 times, which greatly simplifies its transportation; the volume of one package is 0.16 cubic meters, after opening - 0.71 cubic meters.

The thermal conductivity of Izover KT37, as well as comparable to other insulation products from this company, is 37 W/μ, which makes even single-layer insulation with this mineral wool quite effective.

The thickness of a KT37 roll can be 50 or 100 mm, length - 630 cm, width - 60 cm. The roll form of the insulation makes it possible to cover large surfaces much faster than can be done with slab material. According to flammability, the product is classified according to European standard A1, which corresponds to our NG class (non-combustible material).

6 Isover KT40

Isover KT40 is a two-layer heat-insulating material, produced in roll form, intended for wall insulation frame houses, installation in the middle of false walls and thermal insulation of free space inside hollow brick walls.

The thickness of the KT40 roll is 100 mm, and, thanks to the two-layer design, the product can be divided into two rolls of 50 mm each. Dimensions KT40 is as follows: roll length – 700 cm, width – 61 cm, the area of ​​one package of insulation is 17.08 m².

By thermal insulation properties KT40 is somewhat inferior to the rest of the company’s products; its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.04 W/μ. The material has high vapor permeability (about 0.5 Mg/mPa), which makes it the best option for insulation of walls of wooden and frame houses.

According to flammability standards GOST 30225 KT40 belongs to the class of non-combustible materials NG. This mineral wool is not intended for thermal insulation of surfaces subject to difficult wet conditions.

The moisture absorption of the material during partial immersion is about 15% of the total mass, as a result of which when installing KT40 it is better to install an additional waterproofing layer.

7 Isover “Venti”

8 "Standard"

Mineral wool "Standard" is universal option for non-load-bearing thermal insulation of any surfaces. This is an excellent solution for insulating walls and facades of buildings made of any materials - wood, brick, concrete, gas silicate blocks.

Using Standard type slabs, you can successfully insulate the roof, attic, roof, floor or ceiling of a house.

Structure of mineral wool Izover "Standard"


This insulation has a density of 38 kg/m3, which allows it to be used as facade thermal insulation for subsequent application of wet plaster.

Technical characteristics of Standard wool are as follows:

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient according to GOST 7076-99 – 0.035 W/mk;
  • Vapor conductivity coefficient – ​​0.3 Mg/Mpa;
  • Water absorption during partial immersion for 24 hours is 1% of the total mass of the slab;
  • Nominal compressibility under a load of 2 kPa – 8%;
  • Flammability class according to GOST 30244-94 – NG (completely non-combustible material);
  • Acceptable temperature regime operation – from – 80 to +700 C.

Izover “Standard” is produced in the form of slabs, the width of which is 60 cm and the length of 120 cm. Thickness is 5 or 10 cm.

The ISOVER company (Izover) occupies a leading position in the world market in the production of insulation materials for any type of structure.

Izover slabs are considered the most the best insulation materials in the construction market. Most of The volume of production of ISOVER insulation takes place abroad, but in Russia, insulation is also produced in the Moscow region, in the city of Yegoryevsk. A large plant producing heat and sound insulation, in addition, the plant is the only one that produces mineral wool based on quartz and basalt.


Due to its shape retention, the material does not change
during installation

Firmly attached to the frame or wall, preventing the penetration of cold

Due to its elastic properties, no additional fasteners are required for installation


Saving utility costs up to 70%

Does not require much space for transportation as the material compresses well


Vapor permeability allows the insulation to “breathe”

There is no dust when working with insulation

When heated, it does not evaporate toxic substances

Eco-friendly, no harm environment and human health

Fire resistant material

What you need to know when choosing insulation

Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ)

Choosing thermal insulation products firstly, you need to pay Special attention to such an indicator as the thermal conductivity coefficient - λ (lambda). The lower the lambda value, the better the house can be insulated, due to the fact that the thermal conductivity value reflects how much heat passes through the insulation per unit of time.

Thermal conductivity coefficient is measured as W/(m*K). (watt per meter per kelvin)

Types of thermal conductivity coefficient (λ)

Dry lambdas (installed by the manufacturer at the factory):
λ10 - thermal conductivity coefficient recorded at 10°C. An indicator declared by the manufacturer.

Wet lambdas (set by the manufacturer at different degrees of humidity):
λA and λB - thermal conductivity coefficients for different conditions operation (according to SP 50.13330.2012). Measurements are carried out by licensed laboratories at material humidity of 2% and 5%. The coefficient is used for thermal calculations in construction.

Choose insulation based on its thermal conductivity value, because the lower the coefficient, the more effectively the house will be insulated. For example, if the thermal conductivity value is 0.036, this will be enough for 50 mm of thermal protection to replace 95 cm of brick

Which insulation to choose: in slabs or rolls?

All ISOVER products have high elasticity, which means that the material holds tightly and stably without the use of additional fasteners. Both rolls and slabs are used in different designs. The shape is determined depending on the room.

  • Convenience when insulating large surface areas, ease of installation due to the fact that one roll can be insulated large area Houses.
  • When used, fewer joints appear, and therefore, air flow throughput decreases.
  • Low material consumption.
  • Suitable for non-standard rafter spacing, easy to cut to the required width.

  • Recommended for insulating small rooms.
  • Suitable for one person use.
  • They are fixed by surprise without the use of additional fasteners.

Technical characteristics of Isover insulation based on quartz

Below are the universal and popular Isover insulation materials made on the basis of quartz. Each model has its own characteristics and advantages in different areas of application. Using a visual table, you can easily determine which insulation would be better suited in your situation.

  • Ceilings above the basement
  • Thermal insulation of house floors
  • Floors by joists
  • Exterior walls for siding

Technical characteristics of “Isover Warm Home”:

  • Interior walls
  • Thermal insulation of floors on joists
  • When choosing insulation with a thickness of 100 mm, it is suitable for:
  • Frame walls outside

Technical characteristics of the “Isover warm house stove”:

Suitable for use:

  • Insulation of walls outside and inside
  • Floors by joists

Technical characteristics of “Isover warm roof”:

  • External side of the walls of the house
  • Interior parts of the house
  • Thermal protection of balconies and loggias

Suitable for use:

  • Roofs, attics, attics, pitched roofs

Technical characteristics of “Isover warm walls”:

  • Suspended ceilings
  • Internal walls and interior partitions
  • Attics and pitched roofs
  • Floors and floors with joists
  • Attics and pitched roofs
  • Insulation of floors and basements

Technical characteristics of “Isover Quiet House”:

  • Ceilings
  • Walls

Technical characteristics of “Isover sauna”:

Do-it-yourself installation of Izover mineral wool

For thermal insulation various designs The manufacturer has a wide range of products. Thermal insulation material should be selected based on its characteristics (mainly density) and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Mats with a low density are better suited for horizontal surfaces; for thermal insulation of walls it is better to buy slabs with a higher density.