Famous people born on December 27th.

Day of Selfless Servants.

December 27th celebrity birthday- actor Sergei Bodrov, actor Gerard Depardieu, actress Marlene Dietrich, actor Salman Khan, actress Svetlana Chernyshkova

Personality of Capricorns born on December 27th- Those born on December 27th are, as a rule, service-oriented in the highest sense of the word. They are sincerely concerned about the problems and needs of family, friends and society as a whole. They often have developed technical abilities and at the same time know how to use them to the benefit of everyone.

People of this day appreciate witty jokes and are good-natured. However, they also have a dark side that few people know about. They deeply and sincerely experience all the blows of fate, but due to their nature, they do not show their feelings to others.

One of the big problems of those born on December 27 is their truly phenomenal tendency to self-sacrifice. People whose birthday is December 27th are often simply unable to refuse anyone; they do not have the aggressiveness to restore justice and stand up for themselves. More developed individuals from those born on this day know how to set boundaries for their own protection. In addition, over time, they acquire the ability not to keep repressed grievances inside themselves. People who are less resilient, on the contrary, tend to blame themselves for everything and suffer from depression and low self-esteem. However, since those born on December 27th are characterized by a certain inner nobility and natural adherence to ethical standards, negative feelings such as doubt and guilt can seriously attack the deepest foundations of their personalities.

It follows that the ability to deal with negative energies - both internal and external - is of great importance for their personal and spiritual development.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is December 27th? Most people around them tend to believe that people whose birthday is December 27th are generous and completely devoid of selfishness. Therefore, they may well deceive someone’s hopes if they suddenly decide to take a different path from others. If this happens, they should not immediately change their plans. It is important to continue to insist on their own independence, to pursue their legal right to express their opinions and be heard, and, if they wish, to seek recognition of their difference from others.

The most important part of the life of those born on December 27th is faith. Often they simply need to take part in some kind of religious or other spiritual activity, this can give them the necessary support and fill their life with meaning. Belief in higher powers, in people, or both at the same time helps those born on this day to become more tolerant of others. However, before embarking on such a mission, they should decide for themselves whether they are doing this of their own free will, and not allow outsiders to try to guide them.

Advice for Capricorns born on December 27- Fight depressive tendencies. Remain receptive to beauty. Don't let anyone undermine your optimism. Recognize your own importance.

A person craves happiness and success for himself. Is it due to a lucky star, noble birth, chance or hard work?

Let's consider celebrities who are united not only by fame, position, historical importance, talent and global calling, but also by their date of birth - December 27. Let's try to find out what is the secret of everyone's success.

This great and famous astronomer was born in 1571. His place of birth is the city of Weile near Stuttgart. The family was extremely poor. Johann lost his father at an early age and was forced to start working in a tavern from an early age.

Despite all the sorrows, in 1589 he entered the University of Tübingen. He promoted Copernicus and remained faithful to his teachings until the end of his days. Promoted religious persecution.

In 1596, The Cosmographic Secret was published. This edition takes into account the central position of the Sun. As a true patriot of science, he dedicated his life to research and work.

His discoveries include the foundations of the theory of eclipses, a telescope and many scientific works devoted to astronomy, optics, mechanics, physics and mathematics. Political unrest (the Thirty Years' War) forced him to live on the road.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1885)

This man of outstanding mentality was born in 1822 in a commune in the French department of Dole. Microbiologist and chemist, member of the French Academy of Sciences. His work on the optical asymmetry of molecules by optical symmetry laid the foundation for stereochemistry.

Studied the fermentation process. He studied the spontaneous generation of microbes and disproved it. Single-handedly he was able to develop a vaccination system against infectious diseases such as diphtheria, smallpox, cholera, tuberculosis, and septicemia.

He was the first to prove that the cause of infectious diseases is microbes and bacteria. The Institute of Microbiology (founded 1888) in Paris is named after him.

Pasteur became the first director of this institution. This is one of the greatest scientists that a man of science should look up to.

Pavel Tretyakov (1832-1898)

Patron of the arts, art collector, Russian entrepreneur. Born in 1832 into a family of merchants. Received a decent education at home. After his father’s death, his mother managed the company, and when she died, he took the reins of everything.

This figure and connoisseur of art devoted his life to only one goal - collecting works of Russian painting. He supported and patronized talented artists until the end of his days.

He donated his collection to the city of Moscow in 1892, on the basis of which the Tretyakov Gallery was formed.

Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992)

Maria Magdalena von Losch (this is the name given at birth), was born back in 1901 in the Berlin district of Schönenberg, German Empire. German by origin.

This German and American actress, singer, had a unique charm and voice. She emanated coldness and mystery. At the same time, Marlene was a bright and attractive woman.

Her images still captivate with their beauty and coldness. Her best roles were in the films “The Blue Angel”, “Morocco”, “The Devil is a Woman”, “Shanghai Express”.

Towards the end of her life she led a reclusive life and died on May 6, 1992 at the age of 90.

Jarard Depardieu (1948)

Gerard Xavier Marcel Depardieu was born in 1948. His biography has already become a kind of legend. Born into the family of a tinsmith, he was the third child of six children.

The family's hard life in poverty made the future actor a stutterer. After school, which he somehow finished, he led a hooligan life until an opportunity came along.

He was noticed by an acting teacher, where the future star came for company. Depardieu has many roles and it is difficult to single out the most significant ones. Here's just a small list:

  • "Waltzers"
  • "The twentieth century",
  • "Last woman",
  • "Cyrano de Bergerac"
  • "Between an Angel and a Demon"
  • "Unlucky."

Gerard Depardieu is a wonderful actor who came to cinema quite by accident and stayed there forever. It is impossible to imagine current French cinema without the incomparable Depardieu and his great gift.

Sergei Bodrov (1971-2002)

The idol of the nineties, actor and film director was born in Moscow in 1971. His father is the famous director Sergei Bodrov Sr. He studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of History. He started working in cinema at the suggestion of his famous father.

He gained popularity after the already cult films “Brother” and “Brother 2”, in which the hero of that time is shown. His directorial debut in 2001 took place with the premiere of the film “Sisters”. But the life of the aspiring film director and actor was cut short in the summer of 2002.

While working on the mystical film “The Messenger,” a terrible tragedy occurred. The glacier collapse covered the Karmadon Gorge in just a matter of minutes. No one managed to escape. Songs, books, and programs are dedicated to the memory of the actor and director.

This is by no means the most complete list. Here are listed the most prominent personalities who still live in the minds and hearts of people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people are born in this world every day, and who knows which of them will go down in world history. Someone will shine on people, giving hope and happiness, and someone will make an important discovery, thereby making people’s lives easier and presenting something new.

And it doesn’t matter what day and hour they were born, in what part of our planet. A talented and inquisitive mind will always find a use for itself.

Capricorns born on December 27th are typically service-oriented in the highest sense of the word. They genuinely care about the problems and needs of family, friends and society as a whole. They often have developed technical abilities and at the same time know how to use them to the benefit of everyone. And despite the fact that they often have a somewhat idealistic mindset, they are nevertheless able to make, and do make, very practical contributions to the life around them.

Capricorns born on December 27 appreciate witty jokes and are generally good-natured. However, they also have a dark side that no one knows about except those closest to them. Their emotionality makes them deeply and sincerely experience all the blows of fate, but, due to their nature, they are not inclined to show their feelings to others and are therefore able to suffer in silence for many years before throwing out their surprised grievances outward, perhaps in the form of aggression. To avoid this, those born on this day should strive to express themselves more fully, not restrain their emotions and, if the situation requires it, act more impulsively.

Capricorns born on December 27 practice a strict distinction between the public and private parts of their lives, which is very valuable to them. It is curious that they are really capable, when heading home, to completely forget about work and even change their way of thinking almost to the opposite. This equally applies to those of them who have their own business or work from home, since all people born on this day tend to value their personal life and attach great importance to it. Besides, they are all not the type to neglect their loved ones.

One of the big problems of Capricorns born on December 27 is their truly phenomenal tendency to self-sacrifice. They are often simply unable to refuse someone; they do not have enough aggressiveness to restore justice and stand up for themselves. More developed individuals from those born on this day know how to set boundaries for their own protection. In addition, over time, they acquire the ability not to keep repressed grievances inside themselves.

People who are less resilient, on the contrary, tend to blame themselves for everything and suffer from depression and low self-esteem. However, since Capricorns born on December 27th are characterized by a certain inner nobility and natural adherence to ethical standards, negative feelings such as doubt and guilt can deal a serious blow to the deepest foundations of their personalities. It follows that the ability to deal with negative energies - both internal and external - is of great importance for their personal and spiritual development.

Most people around them tend to consider those born on December 27 to be generous and completely devoid of egoism, so they may well deceive someone’s hopes if they suddenly decide to take a different path from others. If this happens, they should not immediately change their plans. It is important to continue to insist on their own independence, to pursue their legal right to express their opinions and be heard, and, if they wish, to seek recognition of their difference from others.

The most important part of the life of those born on December 27th is faith. Often they simply need to take part in some kind of religious or other spiritual activity, this can give them the necessary support and fill their life with meaning. Belief in higher powers, in people, or both at the same time helps those born on this day to become more tolerant of others. However, before embarking on such a mission, they should decide for themselves whether they are doing this of their own free will, and not allow outsiders to try to guide them.


Those born on the twenty-seventh day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (2+7=9) and the planet Mars. The number 9 has a powerful influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 gives a result, the sum of the digits of which will be equal to the original number: 5+9=14, 1+4=5; any number multiplied by 9 gives the result, the sum whose digits are also equal to 9: 5x9=45, 4+5=9). People born on December 27th have the same influence. The planet Mars is strong and aggressive, and since those born on December 27 can be depressed and lethargic at times, they need to learn to use their Martian energy. As a rule, the combination of Mars and Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn) causes a tendency towards self-sufficiency and gentleness.


The ninth card of the Major Arcana is the Hermit, who trudges along with a lantern and staff and represents a brooding, lonely, silent traveler. The card symbolizes crystallized wisdom and strict self-discipline. The hermit is a kind of mentor who appeals to the consciousness of others, urging them to follow the outlined path. The positive qualities of the card are determination, honesty, concentration of thought. Negative meanings include dogmatism, intolerance, distrust and discouragement. Those born on December 27 should be especially wary of alienation and not close their inner world to external problems.


Capricorns born on December 27 often experience problems of an emotional nature, the understandable consequences of which are prolonged depression and irritability. This tendency is based on excessive self-sacrifice and a clear reluctance to openly express one's anger. Suppression of emotions can cause paralysis of the will. All types of activity associated with a surge of energy - physical exercise, a varied diet, regular sex with a loving partner - all these are essential conditions for maintaining mental balance.

Capricorns born on December 27 should choose a diet to prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerotic and thrombotic problems (low fat, cholesterol, sugar, and an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables are extremely desirable). If Capricorns born on December 27 do not adhere to an exercise schedule, they need to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Fight depressive tendencies. Remain open and receptive to beauty. Don’t let anyone encroach on your optimism; stand guard over your positive emotions. Keep giving, but don't forget to take something in return. Recognize your own importance.


Generosity, nobility, devotion.

If your birthday is December 27, your zodiac sign is Capricorn, which belongs to the element Earth. He has such wonderful qualities as innovation, altruism, leadership, and the main positive character traits of this zodiac are responsibility, sociability and responsiveness. He loves helping people. This is why Capricorn is loved and appreciated by others.

general characteristics

Capricorns are not very energetic, but they are cheerful. They convey to those around them not only a good mood, but also a love of life. Owners of this sign almost always keep everything to themselves and try not to show their weaknesses to anyone.

Capricorns have a lot of positive qualities that help you cope with any difficulties. The main ones:

They also have disadvantages. For example, they are slow, they don’t like speed, because they think “if you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.” Therefore, it is often difficult for those around them. Capricorns are also stubborn; if they have their minds set on something, it is very difficult to convince them otherwise, since they will still do it their own way.

Interaction with others

Usually, Capricorns have a lot of friends and acquaintances, with whom it is comfortable to communicate. They sincerely show interest in their interlocutors, will always listen and help with advice. Therefore, they have no problems with friendship.

Capricorns are always more concerned about the problems of others than their own. If necessary, they will help the couple make peace, find mutual understanding with children, colleagues, etc. However, they will not talk about their pressing problems, because they believe that no one is interested in other people’s experiences.

Now you know, those born on December 27th, the woman’s zodiac sign is Capricorn. These are bright, smart, but at the same time simple personalities with whom it is pleasant to spend leisure time. Responsibility is paramount for them; if they receive a task, they will complete it no matter what.

This is a bright and unique personality who is noticed always and everywhere. She loves gold jewelry and cosmetics of exceptionally good quality, as she knows how to create a unique, original image. That is why many men pay special attention to them.

Representatives of this day love a beautiful, sophisticated outfit in which the colors are tastefully chosen. They always look their best, despite life's troubles. If a woman doesn’t want to, no one will notice her state of mind.

For those born on December 27 The horoscope states that these people are distinguished by kindness, courage, and sincerity. They are not afraid to take risks and teach their loved ones the same. They support the following rules: “risk is a noble cause,” “those who don’t take risks don’t win,” “those who want to live better take risks.”

Many people value patience in the Capricorn woman’s character, as they know how to wait for a long time and believe in the best. However, if their patience runs out, a flurry of emotions will break out, and then it’s better for Capricorn not to get noticed. It takes a very long time to recover from this state; it can even take six months until they calm down and reconsider the situation with a fresh look.

The big minus of the Capricorn Woman is the lack of cunning. After all, sometimes you still need to put your directness into the background, and they don’t know how to do this. They don’t understand that in some situations you need to be wiser, not smarter.

The Capricorn woman is a very devoted person.. If you fall in love with a man, you can only stop loving him after many years. Even if he mocks her, she will endure it until the last moment, because she believes in his love. When she gives herself over to passion, then she does not listen to her reason at all.

Still, sooner or later, the Capricorn woman’s patience runs out and then the man will find out what she is like when angry. No matter how much it hurts her, she will kick her out and never forgive her again. Therefore, you should not test her patience.

Work and career

They very rarely build a career. It is important for them to have a simple job, where they can not only receive a salary, but also communicate with people. The owners of this day will not sit at home, wait for their husbands from work and only take care of their children, since they need to constantly do something.

A woman will try to do everything to be appreciated and respected at work, and she doesn’t need more. The main thing is that she will be able to develop herself every day with the help of colleagues and superiors.


Capricorn women are wonderful mothers who know exactly what their child needs. They will do everything possible for their baby to make him happy. It is very rare that they refuse their children because they believe that they should have a better childhood than they did.

A man is also dear to a woman, but not as much as a child. Still, she tries to create a cozy and warm atmosphere so that her loved one feels comfortable in the family. However, a woman will only try if she sees that he values ​​and respects her.

Earth sign men

As for the stronger sex, if he was born on December 27, the man’s zodiac sign is Capricorn, whose character is radically different from the female. There is not only courage in him, but also some toughness, even cruelty. That is, he rarely sympathizes with people, except perhaps those closest and dearest.

Men are smart and cunning. Therefore, they easily achieve a high position in life. They charge those around them with their optimism. However, they also have negative sides that often interfere with communication with friends:

  • hot temper;
  • sharpness;
  • boasting;
  • coarseness.

Now a man can be a sweetheart, but literally five minutes later he becomes menacing and hot-tempered, so when communicating with him you need to choose words so as not to offend him. This situation does not suit everyone around, which is why misunderstandings occur.

Capricorn men are passionate individuals who carry their woman in their arms. They don’t forget to give her gifts, take her to the movies, cafes, etc. That’s why many girls are crazy about such a strong, smart, brave, sophisticated man. If a woman wants a strong and warm relationship, she will get it, but for this she needs to try very hard. After all, men begin to trust their beloved not immediately, but gradually. It’s hard for them to cross the barrier and open up to a stranger.

Professional quality

The Capricorn man is not a careerist by nature, but if the opportunity to prove himself presents itself, he will not miss such a chance. He will do everything to be appreciated as a good, hardworking employee.

Men most often like to work for themselves, and not for someone else, because they believe that they can earn much more and not share it with anyone. Therefore, they often work as builders, programmers, tilers, and artists. That is, those workers who can find a client on their own. Therefore, they very often remain idle, since they do not always find people who are ready to provide them with work.

Family relationships

Capricorn men adore their children, but they raise them strictly because they want them to grow up to be good, kind and smart people. Weekends are dedicated exclusively to family. They all go together to the park, the zoo, on the swing, eat ice cream, sit in a cafe. The Capricorn man wants to leave his child with pleasant childhood memories and does everything possible for this.

Compatibility with other signs

Capricorns do not get along with all people. They need interlocutors, comrades, friends who are ready to support and help in difficult times.

So, Capricorns get along perfectly with people of the following signs:

  • Calf. Both signs have many common themes and interests.
  • Twins. They know how to calm Capricorn at the right time.
  • A lion. Helps the partner move forward rather than stand in one place.
  • Virgo. With its help, Capricorns become more persistent and resilient.
  • Fish. They will always support and reassure the interlocutor.
  • Cancer. Helps create a calm and cozy atmosphere.

Capricorn will definitely not be able to stay in the company of Libra and Aquarius for long. These three people do not know how to give in and adapt to others. Therefore, a man will not last long with them.

There are many famous personalities who were born on this day. All of them became celebrities due to their character and hard work.

Now you know what your zodiac sign is on December 27th. All people who were born Capricorns are charismatic, cheerful, friendly, determined, talented individuals. Every person can become the same, you just need to want to change your destiny.

Attention, TODAY only!