Why do you dream about a turtle giving birth? Important detail: big or small? Why do you dream about a lot of turtles?

The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and long life because its lifespan is almost 300 years. People believe that the turtle is so slow because it has a long life and does not need to rush. Why do you dream about a turtle?

Turtle according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a turtle, then an incredible event will soon happen that will bring you joy and significantly affect your affairs.

If in a dream you eat turtle soup, then dubious entertainment or pleasure awaits you.

Why do you dream about a turtle - Vanga’s dream book

If you dream of a turtle, then a long and happy life.

If a turtle crawls in a dream, then you should not expect active progress in your affairs. And if it turns over, then your plans at work or in your personal life will fail.

Juno's Dream Interpretation - a turtle in a dream

Why do you dream about a turtle according to Juno’s dream book? Seeing a turtle in a dream is very good sign. It means that you will soon be given useful and wise advice. If you use this advice, you will definitely have success in all your endeavors.

However, a turtle in a dream may be telling you that your life is passing you by. In addition, a turtle in a dream suggests that you are moving slowly but persistently towards your goal.

If in a dream a turtle pulls its head into its shell, this means that you want to escape from reality or at least hide for a while while you find a solution to the problem.

Turtle - interpretation according to the White Magician's dream book

The turtle is a symbol of slowness. If you dream of a turtle, it means that you have poor control of the situation or no control at all. And this happened due to your slowness. Even if your indecision is justified, you should still act quickly and not waste a lot of time making a decision.

If in a dream you are trying to catch a turtle, then soon you will find yourself in competition with opponents who are behind you in some respects. Therefore, victory in this competition will be yours. However, you should not relax, because things can still change.

Moreover, in such a situation, you must show empathy for your opponent. It is enough that you have shown that you are stronger and more worthy, and also that you are ready for a fight at any moment. This kind of self-confidence should stop even the strongest opponents.

Turtle in a dream - a dream book for the whole family

If you saw a turtle in a dream, then you should show respect for what your family is doing. This way you can gain their respect.

In relations with your superiors, you should not be hasty; besides, your flattery can only bring harm and grief to him.

If in a dream a turtle is trying to run away from you or swim away, and you want to catch it, then in reality you will have to stop your loved one who decides to break up with you. However, all your attempts will not bring any results.

If you are trying to keep a woman who wants to leave you, then you will not succeed. At the same time, you should not be upset, this relationship will not bring anything good.

If you dream of a turtle wallowing in muddy water, then yours entrepreneurial activity, most likely, did not bring any income, but on the contrary will entail unnecessary expenses.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation - turtle

According to Aesop's dream book, if you dream of a turtle, then your business will go slowly and have some difficulties.

If in your dream a turtle hides its head in its shell, then you should be wary of a person who, due to his lack of independence, will stop all your affairs. So after such a dream, you need to think carefully about which of your colleagues or acquaintances has a bad influence on the implementation of your plans.

If in a dream you see a turtle that has hidden its head in its shell, then you will have a happy and carefree life. Your family will be happy, your children will be healthy and you will live with your spouse for the rest of your life.

If you dream of a turtle grabbing birds to learn to fly, then this indicates that you are a self-confident person who does not know how to listen to wise advice.

If you see a turtle crawling in a dream, it means that you are a slow person who does not adapt well to change.

If a turtle tries to overtake some animal, then real life you will have competition with your partner in business, from which you will not emerge victorious.

Dream Interpretation - small or large turtle

If you dreamed of a little turtle, then changes await you in your personal life. You might even meet your soulmate.

A large turtle dreams of a successful turn of events, which can lead to your relationship with your loved ones changing for the better.

Sea turtle in a dream

If you dream of a sea turtle, then your family is waiting for happy event. This could even be an imminent addition to the family.

Why do you dream about a lot of turtles?

If a young girl dreams of many turtles, then soon a simple period will come in her life, which will be full of little joys and trifles.

A more universal interpretation of the dream suggests that you have a lot of things to do and this happened because you are doing everything too slowly. In addition, such a dream can speak of many problems that you want to hide from, so as not to solve them for as long as possible, or, to put it more simply, to hide your head in a shell.

Many turtles can also be dreamed of by people who do not like their work, and because of this they do it slowly and reluctantly. However, if you walk around a lot of turtles, then you will have a long and happy life.

If there are a lot of turtles swimming in a dirty pond, then sleep is not very good. It means that old problems and conflicts will soon be revealed.

If in a dream you feed turtles, then in reality you will help those who are completely unworthy of it. If you had such a dream, then you should carefully evaluate your surroundings and understand who is worthy of your support and who is not.

If you saw in a dream how many turtles hide their heads together in their shell, then the problems that you have in Lately will soon fade into the background. If the problems are not solved, then they will not bother you for some time.

If in your dream you see a flock of turtles moving slowly but purposefully, then this indicates that your life is also leisurely, and you should not expect big changes in it.

There is a variety of species in the animal world. Almost each of them became a totem, symbolizing certain qualities.

A most curious creature - turtle, - the record holder for the number of meanings: she is slow, and wise, and long-lived. Why see her in a dream, this article will tell you.

I dreamed about a turtle, what is it for?

Why do clumsy reptiles dream - to gain wisdom or to slow down in business? The dream book will tell you the answer, the interpretation will be accurate if you remember the details you dreamed about.

  • Seeing a reptile lying on the sand- to a careless waste of time. The dream book advises you to be quick and not wait for the right moment.
  • Running Beast- to confrontation with a weak opponent. The dream book’s advice is to demonstrate strength, but be more merciful, and not “finish off” to the end.
  • ride it- to vain worries, unnecessary worries.
  • See a tortilla in the shell- to self-isolation.
  • Reclining on his own shell- to a wise adviser from your inner circle.
  • A dream in which I happened to see her next to a snake, portends serious wealth.
  • Running creature racing with another animal- to stagnation in business.
  • Crawling on the sand- to a depressive routine. Interpreters advise changing the situation and enjoying meetings with friends more, adding color to everyday life.
  • Miller's Dream Book connects this animal seen in a dream with unexpected joy and excellent health.
  • Observe for amphibians - to wise decisions.
  • There is turtle soup- to risky intrigues, the outcome of which is unclear.
  • I dreamed about how tortillas mate, - to romantic relationships.
  • Feed them- to an unworthy friend.

Why does a woman dream about a turtle?

A dream with this beast is of particular significance for the weaker sex:

  • if you dreamed about a woman- to be pregnant;
  • girl dreams of reptiles- the dream marks good luck in love, romantic relationships;
  • but to catch an amphibian- to mourning;
  • pregnant such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a healthy baby endowed with beauty.

Why do you dream about a big turtle?

  • Reptile size- an important detail that should be taken into account when interpreting.
  • Business man A large turtle dreams of profit in business, a successful investment of capital.
  • Floating huge creature promises changes, whether it be career changes, vacation or relocation - the plot of the dream will tell.
  • In Miller's dream book a large reptile portends stagnation in business.
  • In the dream book "Contemporary" such a dream is interpreted to mean time spent waiting in line or a canceled meeting.
  • I dreamed about her swimming- to achieve your dreams.
  • I dreamed with cubs- to useless fuss.

What does it mean to see a lot of turtles in a dream?

  • A woman has a dream, in which turtles are dreamed, promises many surprises and joy. The dreamer will have an easy and pleasant life period.
  • Dream Interpretations agree on the meaning turtles in a dream are harbingers of a large number of the dreamer’s problems that will need to be solved.
  • IN dirty water dreamed of amphibious creatures - to old grievances. The sleeper needs to get ready - there will be many problems.
  • A girl can see a lot of them in the water portends fans.
  • All turtles hide their heads under their shells- to easily solve complex problems.
  • I dreamed of a lot of them in the aquarium- to overcome obstacles.
  • See a lot of them in motion- to imperceptible changes that make a revolution in life.

I dreamed about a turtle in the water, what is it for?

If a person dreams of an amphibian in the water, he can safely take on any undertaking in reality. Higher power give the go-ahead. Other details of dream interpretation are below:

1. according to Miller's dream book creatures seen in the water promise success and well-deserved well-being;

2. if a woman dreams of a turtle floundering in the water, Pay attention to the liquid:

  • pure water- to a tender, innocent passion;
  • dirty water - to a vicious intrigue;
  • For a married woman, such a vision is interpreted as pregnancy;

3. catch them in the water- to trouble;

4. I dreamed about it in an aquarium– loss of time;

5.kill a reptile in water- to a change in success, fate will turn away from the sleeper.

Why do you dream about small turtles in a dream?

The dream in which a small turtle dreams has several meanings:

  • small reptile promises big changes in career;
  • catch a small tortilla– to good luck in the service, superiors recognize merit;
  • see small creature in water- to anxiety;
  • a small amphibian was basking in the sun– a waste of resources;
  • hold in your hands- to confident victory;
  • see them in the aquarium– to vain expectations;
  • kill the little tortilla- to refusal.

Why do you dream about a turtle that bites?

The possible pregnancy that a woman dreams of about a turtle has already been discussed. What does it mean when an amphibian bites in a dream?

  1. Feel the bite to a sleeper means fast life lesson. Listen to the opinions of your older, wise comrades.
  2. Seeing a reptile bite in a dream, portends disappointment in a friend.

The turtle is a slow and calm animal. Most often, dream books interpret a dream with this animal as a good sign. But sometimes such a dream is a warning of danger. If you remember it in detail, you will be able to predict the occurrence of losses, destroy the insidious plans of enemies, or make the right decision in a difficult situation.

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      Who is the dreamer?

      The turtle is a symbol of good luck and confidence in own strength. Most dream books interpret such a dream as slow movement in the right direction, successful completion of projects.

      But it is important to consider who exactly dreamed about this animal. Can be a dreamer married woman, young girl or man.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books


      If a woman sees this wise creature in a dream, then she will soon take a high position. If you dreamed of a huge turtle on which the dreamer was riding, then in life she will face accusations from a loved one. A small turtle in a dream foreshadows a woman’s changes in her personal life.

      • If you dream about an animal unmarried girl, then she will meet a wealthy and powerful groom who will want to start a family with her.

        When a married woman sees such a dream, important family issues will soon have to be resolved. Don't worry - everything will end well.

        For a pregnant woman, a dream with a turtle foretells the birth of a healthy and thrifty daughter.

        The newlywed dreams of walking with this animal towards a happy family life.

        Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books


        A man should conduct business with caution if he had a dream about big turtle. Such a dream promises losses.

        Selling this slow animal means large financial losses.

        Buying a turtle means harmony in the family, unexpected news about a relative’s wedding, or an invitation to friends for a holiday. Depending on the place of purchase, the dream is interpreted differently:

        • if in a dream an animal was bought at the market, then soon a faithful friend will appear in life;
        • a turtle was bought in a store - for a meeting with loved ones who have not been seen for a long time;
        • if in a dream the amphibian was bought from gypsies, one should be wary of the treachery of friends;
        • an animal bought from a child in a dream portends success and harmony in the family.

        Turtle Actions

        The amphibian portends happiness, good luck, but at the same time speaks of slow movement towards the goal. Such a dream can also be a signal of danger, a warning about the machinations of enemies.

        The turtle could run away from the dreamer, swim, hide in its shell, etc. The turtle’s actions have a direct impact on the interpretation.

        Lying on the sand

        If in a dream an animal was lying on the sand, then the dreamer in life is wasting time. It's not worth the wait the right moment, missing so many chances. He needs to be more decisive and act quickly.

        To dream that a turtle is lying on its shell and is unable to turn over means that the dreamer is now waiting for better times. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a sign indicating the need to change your goals.

        Runs away

        If in a dream a usually calm animal quickly ran away from the dreamer, then in life there will be a fight with rivals. It may seem that your competitors are weaker, but you shouldn’t try to finish them off. You just need to indicate your position and show the ability to stand up for yourself.

        A slowly crawling turtle symbolizes the dreamer himself and suggests that in reality he is a slow person and has a hard time with a change of environment.


        If the dreamer saw an animal in an aquarium, then there will be a long wait ahead. You need to be patient to get through this period.

        A dream where an amphibian swims in muddy water means losses. It is worth considering this when doing business and making transactions.

        If a turtle is in the sea and swims in a clean, clear water, then this symbolizes a slow but steady movement towards success.


        If in a dream an animal bites the dreamer, then he should be more attentive to his surroundings - someone may not live up to trust and break a promise. Such a dream may also indicate an unresolved problem.

        When a turtle bites the dreamer in a dream, this portends trouble due to the fault of a senior person or boss. But you shouldn’t dwell on this, as the issue will soon be resolved successfully.

        To ride

        Riding a turtle in a dream means disturbing thoughts that can interfere with moving forward. These experiences prevent the dreamer from enjoying life. But they are not due to serious reasons, so you need to calm down and gradually continue on your way.

        If the dreamer sat on this kind and wise animal in a dream, then in life a long-standing situation will finally be resolved, from which he no longer hoped to find a way out.

        Hiding in a shell

        A turtle in a dream may hide in its shell and not want to come out of it. Such a dream symbolizes the dreamer's reluctance to take responsibility. In life, he often shifts the blame onto others. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of a quiet and happy life.

        An amphibian without a shell in a dream means trouble in life. They may arise in areas where the dreamer did not expect problems to arise.

        Catch a turtle

        If in a dream the dreamer caught an animal, then soon he will have to take part in someone’s quarrel. It may also mean a skirmish with an opponent that will not cause serious harm.

        Catching a turtle in a dream means mourning in life or honest competition with competitors. But catching and holding an animal in your hands is a sign of endurance and constancy.

        If you fail to catch an amphibian, then troubles in life will worsen, and problems in business are possible.

        Killing a turtle in a dream is very bad sign. Such a dream is a warning against actions that can cause great harm to the dreamer.

        Animal rescue - a solution complex issue. It is worth taking a close look at the person who attempted to kill the turtle. It is possible that this particular person is the culprit of all the troubles.

        Type of turtle

        A turtle most often appears in a dream, foreshadowing happiness and good luck. To get more detailed interpretation your dream, you should try to remember what she looked like.

        It could be large or small, land or sea, etc. The interpretation depends on these details.

        Big or small

        Seeing a large turtle in a dream means good luck and improved relationships. This dream also foreshadows major commercial success - profit from a deal, a salary increase or an inheritance. In some dream books you can find an interpretation according to which a large turtle promises a new addition to the family. Although fish often dream of pregnancy, a turtle as a sea animal can also indicate this.

        A small turtle dreams that the dreamer will not be able to cope with a rather easy task. Another such dream indicates that some business is not a priority for him now, but it is worth doing.

        Sea, river or land

        If the dreamer saw a land turtle crawling on land, then his life is boring and monotonous. It’s worth bringing something new into it, changing the environment and relaxing. You can have a party or just a meeting with friends.


Animal world incredibly diverse, but almost each of its representatives has become a totem, symbolizing certain qualities. Probably each of us remembers the legendary turtle Tortilla, who gave Pinocchio the golden key. Despite its slowness and clumsiness, even in a fairy tale this animal personified wisdom and longevity. Why do you dream about this reptile? To decipher a dream, it is important to look into the very “heart” of the vision and remember it down to the smallest detail.

Interpretation of the image of a turtle in various dream books:

  • Miller - to an incredible event that will bring joy and have a positive effect on business;
  • Vangi - a long and happy life awaits you;
  • Juno - soon you will be given wise advice, and if you use it, all your affairs will be successful;
  • big - life passes by, but you don’t even notice it;
  • Denise Lynn - your perseverance can be envied, you are moving very slowly but confidently towards your goal;
  • Maya's dream book gives two opposite interpretations: the turtle crawled through, not paying attention to you - life passes practically without your participation; if the animal swam in the water, you will soon meet a wise man who will give you a lot practical advice;
  • family - the events that have occurred will strengthen your character, which will have a beneficial effect on business;
  • gypsy - interference and delays when concluding important transactions;
  • Zhou-Gong: a turtle in the water means wealth, catching it means death loved one;
  • eastern - some unusual incident will happen to you that will radically change your life;
  • Aesop - the image personifies a lazy person who does not want to take on any obligations;
  • Longo - slowness prevents you from controlling the situation;
  • summer - the promises given to you will turn out to be empty talk;
  • modern - you will be in a great mood, all problems will be solved in the near future;
  • Russian folk - you are a very slow person, but out-of-the-box thinking helps you out always and everywhere.

The White Magician's Dream Book states: if in a dream you fought with a turtle, it means that in real life you will have a wise opponent.

A turtle slowly crawling on land represents your life, which is also passing by

Who dreamed about the animal: a woman or a man

The dreamer's gender can change the meaning of the image:

  • a turtle dreamed by a girl represents good luck in love; very soon yours personal life things will get better, and you will meet the one who will make you happy;
  • For a woman, “turtle” dreams often promise pregnancy; this vision may also indicate stability in the relationship with your spouse;
  • For a pregnant animal, the animal portends the birth of a smart and healthy baby, endowed with incredible beauty;
  • for representatives of the stronger sex it is a symbol of success in professional field and stability in financial affairs.

Usually the turtle is classified as female signs. This reptile is associated with the night, the moon and water. Due to the fact that the animal lays many eggs, it is considered a symbol of fertility.

White turtle- symbol of well-being

Interpretation taking into account the characteristics of the reptile

As practice shows, some details of a dream can radically change the meaning of the image. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to them.

Turtle color

The shade of the animal's shell and body is important when decoding a dream:

  • green is a sign of good luck in love and financial well-being;
  • yellow - difficulties in relationships with relatives;
  • white - favorable events in life: the birth of a child, good luck in business and love;
  • black is a symbol of grief; perhaps one of your close friends or relatives will leave this world;
  • red - stagnation in relationships with your loved one; if you want to preserve your feelings, try to bring at least some variety into your life;
  • pink - your cherished wish will come true in the near future.

Small or large

The size of the reptile is an important detail to consider when interpreting. Remember what the turtle was like in the dream:

  • small - the obstacle in business will not be too great, and you can easily cope with it; in addition, the image may indicate that luck will accompany you, but this will not bring fundamental changes to your life;
  • medium size - you are worried about the health of a loved one;
  • big - the problem that has arisen is so big that you cannot cope with it on your own; take advantage of the advice wise man and ask your friends for help.

Small turtles together with large ones are dreamed of as a symbol of a successful period in life that will affect all family members.

Small reptiles seen in large numbers promise a long wait for something; take your time, because luck is still on your side now

Number of reptiles in a dream

A whole flock of moving reptiles means that initially imperceptible changes will radically affect your life. Give in to fate, let everything go as planned from above. A lot of turtles swimming in dirty water - to the renewal of old grievances. Your enemies have probably been harboring a desire for revenge for a long time, but now they have found the right way. If all the animals hid their heads in their shells, you can easily cope with all difficulties.

In ancient times, it was believed that the pattern on a turtle’s shell represented some kind of sacred message.

A few small turtles promise you a promotion. Your superiors will appreciate your merits. One individual also portends good events: you will receive a decent monetary reward or meet your love. Fate favors you - do not miss the opportunity to prove yourself.

Where did you see the turtle and what was it like?

A lot depends on the location of the reptile:

  • clean water - soon you will receive a big profit, which you will rightfully receive;
  • aquarium - your life is very limited, you live as if in a golden cage from which you cannot get out;
  • a well near your house - to quick income or unexpected wealth;
  • yours workplace- to problems in the professional sphere;
  • turtles swarming in the sand symbolize the monotony of your life.

In Ukraine, Belarus, and Serbia they believed that a turtle could reach the gap-grass. With the help of this potion it is possible to open any locks.

The characteristics of the animal are also important when interpreting sleep:

  • a land turtle is a sign that your life is now in complete stagnation;
  • a dead reptile indicates missed opportunities and a reluctance to change something in your life;
  • without a shell - you are defenseless against your enemies;
  • speaking - to receive wise advice; remember what the animal said, perhaps this will be the solution to your problem.

A fast running reptile indicates the hidden capabilities of an ill-wisher whom you underestimated.

A turtle without a shell indicates your defenselessness against enemies.

Actions in a dream

If a reptile tried to overtake some animal in a dream, your competitors will overtake you. A turtle crawling on land is a sign that luck will smile on you.

Interpretation of other animal actions:

  • hides his head in his shell - a dependent person will hide behind you;
  • there are enough birds - you are overly self-confident and do not listen to wise advice;
  • basking in the sun is a waste of energy;
  • bit you - you will be disappointed in your friend.

The end of a task that has taken you a long time is symbolized by a turtle giving birth in a dream. Moreover, if dead offspring are born, this indicates failure. Apparently what you've been working on for a long time, will turn out to be of no use to anyone.

The meaning of the dreamer's actions:

  • to kill a small reptile - to be refused an important matter;
  • a dream in which you cook turtle soup speaks of dubious entertainment;
  • catching animals in the water means trouble;
  • if in a dream you tried to catch a turtle, but nothing worked out, you are not in in better shape- take care of yourself;
  • treat the reptile with various delicacies - you are supporting an unworthy person who does not need your help at all;
  • walking with her like a pet is a sign of good news and happy events;
  • riding a huge turtle is a sign that lately you have been worrying too much about others, think about yourself;
  • buying an animal means getting help from a wise person;
  • stroking a reptile in a dream, watching how it constantly hides its head - instead of making a decision, you are trying to escape from problems.
  • As you can see, “turtle” dreams are quite diverse and unusual. They can mean both good luck and the need to be careful. Use the gifted knowledge wisely, do not be afraid of difficulties, be kinder and look at life with optimism. Then success will definitely await you, because it’s not for nothing that the turtle is considered a lucky talisman.

    A bunch of various characters and signs can appear in our dreams under the guise of animals, plants, natural phenomena and the elements. The most vivid and memorable dreams are filled with strong emotions and unusual phenomena.

    Those dreams where we see exotic animals also become surprising for us. It's not every day that residents of our country see a turtle. In the meantime, a dream in which a turtle is involved foreshadows a lot of interesting things, and its interpretation will be very interesting to you.

    Seeing a turtle in a dream

    The turtle is a twofold symbol. On the one side, if you dreamed of a turtle, then you can say that you are lucky. But, on the other hand, the meaning of a dream about careful examination can have a fatal meaning.

    If a woman was destined to see a turtle in a dream, then she is guaranteed a comfortable future with.

    If the role of the turtle is to characterize a person, then we will say about him as wise and strong.

    If in a dream you are hunting for a turtle, then such a dream can predict illness and misfortune.

    If you managed to catch a turtle - big problems and troubles.

    Turtle in clear water

    Dream about a swimming turtle in - big profits that will go to you by right.

    Another interpretation of the dream is that all your problems will be solved, but you will have to wait.

    If in your dream a turtle lives in, then you are given a sign that your life is very limited. You yourself have erected boundaries that you cannot overcome now. You should not change your life, but your attitude towards it. Try to accept minor adversities more easily and relax without worrying about problems. You need to learn to have fun.

    Most best advice, which can be extracted from this dream - go to hot countries, to islands and enjoy beautiful beaches and exotic things. This will give you back your zest for life and give you the strength to change for the better.

    land turtle

    If you dream of a land turtle slowly crawling on land, then your life is very stagnant. It seems to you that the days are monotonous, and you yourself are wasting your energy on things that no one needs. It’s worth thinking about your life and bringing some revitalization into it. Find a hobby, play sports, expand your social circle.


    Dead turtle - symbol of missed opportunities and wasted time.

    It is possible that the goal to which you have been working long and hard will lose all meaning or become unattainable.

    Such a dream can appear as a strong longing for the past, when you want to go back a few years and do everything differently.

    If you dream of a turtle without a shell, then you are now completely defenseless against your enemies and rivals. Why this happened can be found out if you study the dream in detail.

    It is not necessary that your defenselessness manifests itself precisely in front of someone who wishes you harm. It is possible that you are mentally exhausted. Problems, worries, stress - anything can bring a person to the point where the slightest gesture from others in your direction causes irritation. You need to rest and gain strength.


    A small turtle in a dream symbolizes a happy occasion.

    To you suddenly lucky in life, but this moment must not be missed. If you overstep and do not notice your luck, then there may never be a second chance.

    Keep in hand

    If you dream that there is a turtle in your hands, then now in your life most favorable period in order to take action. Time itself plays for you. If you wanted to do something important, but put it off until later, then it’s time to decide.

    Turtle bites

    If a turtle bites you in a dream, it means they want to rush you. Something is happening in your life that you persistently miss or ignore. And time is running out. This is exactly what the turtle wants to tell you. Act now before it's too late.

    There is another understanding of sleep - sudden and short-term changes await you. They will happen suddenly, but they will not leave a trace of themselves, like a turtle bite.

    This the dream foretells the end of the matter, which took a large number of time.

    If healthy offspring are born, the result will be good.

    If the offspring is stillborn, all efforts were in vain. What you worked on for a long time will be unclaimed.

    This dream may be related to relationships and in the case of the birth of healthy little turtles, or a painful breakup in the case of stillborn offspring.

    Turtle with babies

    This dream means that you shouldn't rush now. This period of your life will be favorable if you devote yourself to planning and thinking about the situation.

    Miller's Dream Book

    According to Miller's dream book, meeting a turtle in a dream - to a pleasant surprise, which will bring you many happy emotions and will affect the further development of your life. Such a dream means a change in fate, almost always for the better.

    Dream Interpretation of Juno

    According to Juno's dream book, a turtle in a dream has several meanings.

    The turtle could mean that you will have a wise advisor and, if you listen to him, then your life will go in the right direction.

    Another meaning is that your life is passing you by. You urgently need to change something in order to feel the taste of life again.

    Another meaning of sleep is related to achieving a goal. A turtle in a dream means that, albeit slowly, you are still moving towards your goal.