Why do you dream about a monster in the house? Complete dream book of the New Era

As children, many of us were afraid of monsters under the bed. However, monsters in a dream can seriously frighten an adult. Should you worry if you dreamed of a monster? Let's look through the dream interpreter.

Firstly, as the dream book rightly notes, a monster may simply be a reaction of the brain to a recently watched horror film. Therefore (this advice will be especially useful for impressionable people), when you wake up, first of all think: maybe the dream itself, the monster in it, or other, at first glance, frightening events are just an echo of what you saw, heard or read?

Face the truth

But if you are still sure that the monster could not have been a dream only under the influence of a book or film, this is still no reason to worry and be upset. “A nightmare monster was chasing me - bad luck!” - surely this or a similar thought will be the first to come to your mind.

Meanwhile, perhaps a monster in a dream will become the very incentive that you lacked to pull yourself together and deal with a long-standing problem. Most dream books assure you that you can only understand why a monster is dreaming if you honestly admit to yourself your hidden fears. After all, it is they, the deep-seated fears and anxieties, that are believed to be embodied in night visions in frighteningly ugly creatures.

Or perhaps the animal you dreamed about is not fears, but bad habits or thoughts that you are trying to fight in reality. In this case, all that remains is to wish you not to give up and continue to overcome your shortcomings. Everything will work out!

They also say that if monsters constantly chase you in a dream, it means unsolved problem stretches from a very distant past, and you try hard not to notice it. Yes, running away is also a way out, but you won’t be able to run forever... Try to face trouble face to face, and you will immediately feel better.

The monster is also included in the dream book as a sign foreshadowing amazing event or no less amazing news - in general, something that will soon shake you to the core. Such a dream, among other things, can also warn of a not very pleasant acquaintance in the near future. Selectivity in communication will not hurt. Also, a monster in a dream can be a sign that you are losing your own “I”. Don't stray from your own path, accept yourself for who you are.

By the way, a monster does not have to be aggressive, cruel and ugly. Why do you dream of a monster that is quite friendly to the sleeping person? It also foreshadows unexpected news, but it will absolutely be unexpected joy, not grief. Do you dream about little monsters? The dream book interprets this vision in approximately the same way.

What happened in the dream

Surely in a dream you not only saw a monster, but somehow interacted with it. If you try to figure out why the monster is dreaming, taking into account what events happened in the dream, you can see that in most cases night vision is considered almost as a literal projection of a life situation.

  • To fight a monster is to fight problems, phobias, shortcomings, that is, with what, as already mentioned, the subconscious turns into monsters that appear to us in dreams.
  • from him - try to get away from your fears and problems. In addition, rumors and suspicions are likely accumulating around you.
  • To become one is to allow yourself too much, to indulge your shortcomings. The same goes for feeding the monster.

  • Seeing in instead of your own reflection means dissatisfaction with the opinions of others about you, fear of change.
  • Did you dream of a monster who turned into a handsome prince (or princess)? Such fairy tale motif predicts an unexpected metamorphosis in reality. Someone you know will amaze you with new facets of character.
  • In a dream, a monster attacks - prepare for an attack in life. Not literally, of course, but rather on your good name and reputation.

By the way, do you remember how the battle with the monster ended? Why do you dream about a monster you defeated? To the same confident triumph in reality - here the dream books give an unambiguous answer.

If the monster was defeated with outside help, if you have been protected from a monster, there is also nothing to fear in reality. In difficult times, a friend’s reliable shoulder will be nearby.

This is how it turns out that a monster in a dream is much worse than the consequences that this dream can turn into in reality. Author: Evgenia Bessonova

according to the dream book of Mythical animals

A universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters carrying the life of the serpent, and the breath of life of the bird. He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting the beneficial rains that follow thunderstorms, and, at the same time, the destructive forces of lightning and flooding. In the East, the dragon, as a rule, is the Heavenly Power that brings good, while in the West it becomes chthonic, destructive and evil. The dragon can be solar and lunar, male and female, good and evil. On Far East it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, hidden knowledge, the power of the waters that bring life. This is the emblem of the emperor as the Son of Heaven and, after him, a wise and noble man. Monotheistic religions depict the dragon evil force, with the exception of certain cases when it can personify the Logos, the animating spirit or the omnipotent deity, the Pleroma. The dragon and serpent are usually used interchangeably in symbolism representing the implicit, the undifferentiated, the chaos, the latent, the untamed nature, as well as the vital force of water. When he spews out thunder and lightning, a transition occurs from the world of the unmanifested to the created world of form and matter. And here the dragon has dual symbolism: it can act both as the god of rain and as his opponent, who prevents the rain from falling. It is associated, on the one hand, with the sea and the depths of the sea, on the other, with mountain peaks, clouds and solar eastern regions. Acting as monsters, dragons are the autochthonous rulers of the earth, with whom heroes, conquerors and creators have to fight in order to capture or develop the earth. They are also the guardians of treasures and access to secret knowledge. The battle with the dragon symbolizes the difficulties that must be overcome in order to master the treasures of inner knowledge. Victory over the dragon represents the resolution of the conflict between light and darkness, the destruction of the destructive forces of evil, or the victory over a person's own dark nature and the achievement of self-control. To save an immaculate maiden from the clutches of a dragon means to release pure forces, crushing evil ones. The dragon often confronts the dying god. In alchemy, the winged dragon personifies the “flying”, and having lost its wings it is “fixed”, captured. In Chinese alchemy, the dragon is mercury, blood and seed. Among the Celts it is a symbol of supreme power, the master. The red dragon is the emblem of Wales. The dragon and snake are inseparable in Chinese symbolism. The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, the divine power of change and transformation, the rhythms of nature, the law of becoming, supernatural wisdom, strength. He is the “Heavenly Deer”, the Sun, light and life. Heaven, supreme power, yang male power. The cloudy dragon also means a thunderstorm and life-giving rain, deep waters and Spring. Blue Dragon “Lun” - the highest lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and infinite power. On earth, the blue dragon is a sign of delegated imperial power, the sign of the emperor. In the imperial dragon it is also called "harrier"; five claws, its head is directed to the South, and its tail is directed to the North. He represents the East and life-giving rain. The ordinary dragon "mang" has four claws on its paws and represents temporary power. More early form The Chinese dragon was a dragon with three claws. This form of dragon was subsequently adopted in Japan. The hornless dragon “li” lives in the sea and controls the depths of the sea; it also symbolizes the scientist. The chiyao dragon lives in the mountains or on the ground and represents a statesman. According to Wang Fu, the dragon has “nine correspondences”: “Its horns are like those of a deer, its head is like that of a camel, its eyes are like those of a demon, its neck is like that of a snake, its belly is like that of a snail, its scales are like those of a carp, its claws are like those of an eagle, its soles are like those of a tiger, and its ears are like those of a cow.” Two “fighting”, competing dragons looking at each other represent the dualism of the yin-yang forces, all opposing and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth; usually between them either the Sun or the “pearl of heaven”, the Moon, is depicted. The dragons turning their backs to each other represent the principles of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, it is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the yin-yang forces. Often the dragon is depicted with a "dragon ball" or a "flaming pearl". Available different interpretations these images: these are either thunderclaps, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, wanes, the dragon swallows it, and when it arrives, this is a sign that he gradually spits it out. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is the “pearl that fulfills all desires,” the pearl of perfection, in other words, wisdom, the torch and the spiritual essence of the universe. She may represent a Boddhisattva in the process of continuous enlightenment. The dragon, depicted together with the Phoenix, is a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, the divine potentiality that contains all opposites, the interaction of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two aspects of the androgyne, the rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double spiral. A dragon depicted with a tiger can mean voluptuousness, while the tiger in this case will symbolize anger and hostility. In Christianity, the dragon is considered a serpent, “that old serpent,” a force of evil, the devil, the tempter, the enemy of God. He represents, in addition, death, darkness, paganism and heresy. IN Old Testament“the abode of dragons” is associated with the “canopy of death”, Psalms 44:19 and the depths of the waters. The “abode of dragons” was considered a place of desolation and death. Dragon slayers are portrayed as triumphants over the forces of evil and heresy. A dragon with a tied tail represents defeated evil, since it was believed that the strength of a dragon is in its tail, like that of a scorpion. Archangel Michael, slaying the dragon, represents the victory of the sun god over darkness, which in Christianity was transformed into a version of the defeat of Satan. Dragons are attributes of Saints Cado, Clement of Metz, George, Kane, Margaret, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip. Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apep, the dragon of darkness and chaos, is defeated every morning by the Sun God Ra. In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Hercules, the conqueror of monsters. Sometimes dragons are depicted harnessed to the chariot of Ceres. Among the Jews it is considered a symbol of desolation; desert dweller. In Hinduism, the dragon is a manifest force, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra killed the dragon. In Iranian culture - an attribute of Haoma. For the Japanese, a dragon with three claws on its paws represents the Mikado, imperial and spiritual power. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology - “adversary”, the force of evil.

I am 33 years old and pregnant with my first child (almost 4 months). I’ve already had a dream twice that I gave birth to a monster.
Moreover, the first time there were no details, only then I remembered something unpleasant.
The second time I had a dream was a week ago, on Wednesday, during the most blissful time of vacation.
This time the dream was in the morning, I remembered an awful lot.
I remember that I gave birth to a monster with a terrible large elongated head on four black short legs...
I remember that in my dream I still hoped that maybe somehow all this could be fixed. My husband and I even seemed to be discussing so optimistically that after all, our child is our own child... But the doctor came and clearly said that the child is not a casino (I still remember this stupid, inappropriate word). And I realized that all this was with me, that nothing would change, a monster was born to me...
Then this morning I realized two things. Firstly, not long before I saw in a magazine a photograph of either an embryo or a child in the prenatal period. And he looked very much like an alien, with a huge elongated head. And also - that in my dream the monster was, as it were, plush - that is, covered with a plush layer of obviously synthetic origin. And on the red plush head there are white peas, like on a fly agaric...
Then, when I told my husband my horrible dream, it turned out that in the retelling he is somehow not scary at all, but even funny...
But I remember the horror and despair that I felt in my dream...
Could this be an indication of actual problems with my unborn child? My husband and I didn’t do the triple test because we thought that we wouldn’t do anything anyway even if we found out something unpleasant, so why bother trying in vain (we live in the Netherlands). But it turns out that I am so afraid of all this.
What could it be?
Thank you, A.K.


The dream has nothing to do with the future child, although these thoughts allow you not to think about the intrapersonal problems that are currently taking place. This dream shows that you are afraid of pregnancy, your personality has changed - this is confirmed by childbirth and given time you are trying to deal with this change and are scared by it
The birth of a monster does not necessarily mean the appearance of a monster. Remember the motif of a newborn werewolf (cub) played out in many films. In terms of the deep psyche, we can say that an experience/idea associated with the animal aspects of the psyche has surfaced into consciousness. We must also not forget that much that comes from the unconscious can be perceived by the ego-image as threatening, scary, ugly. And the unconscious in your case is expressed very clearly: in relation to what is born, the concepts of a casino (game) do not apply - it must be accepted, loved and cherished as your own. Then what was suppressed (turned into a monster) will become first an animal and then a human. That is, the doctor’s remark (intuition, unconscious) arose immediately after ego-doubts [my husband and I seemed to even discuss so optimistically that after all, our child is our own child]. Pregnancy (real) has sharpened something in your soul and confronted you with the need to accept previously denied traits. And to make it easier for you to understand that these are your monsters, and not strangers, the dream is layered on top of a real pregnancy.


Moning to Yaroslav!
Following up on the dream with transformation, I want to describe one more episode.
Forest, I, in a group of people I don’t know, am running away (or rather, we are not running, but galloping on horses) from some evil monsters. I hear a crunch under our hooves, I look down and see that we are crushing the eggs of these very creatures. The whites and yolks of future cubs flow down the legs of the woman running in front. Then I realize that I am in parallel world and I cannot be allowed to transfer even a drop of this abomination into our world, because... They multiply at the speed of light. Here I am woken up at the wrong time, and the question remains unanswered: “Did I still manage to save the world?”


I work at some research institute. Corridors, doors to rooms. Then everything begins to resemble a horror film. In some part a terrible roar is heard, getting closer or becoming louder. Then silence. The employees of this institution, in search of the source of the sound, find only an empty room, splattered with blood with shreds of flesh scattered across it. People have just died here, but there are no corpses, nor the one who attacked. History repeats itself several times; panic from helplessness reigned within the walls of the institution.
I am in a room with some colleague (this is probably a laboratory - a colleague in a white coat) of this institution. An already familiar roar is heard from the corridor, only now it’s coming here. There is nowhere to run - there is only one door, all you can do is wait for the end. A colleague, saying “this will delay him,” cuts off a piece of tissue from his hand and throws it to the crawling monster, apparently in the expectation that we will have time to jump out of the opened door. Then I finally see what has crawled into the room. This is some kind of inflatable toy, somewhat similar to the cartoon Piglet, but very scary and alive. Indeed, the creature hesitated. I grab a piece of reinforcement that came from somewhere and pierce it. It deflates and dies. The feeling of sudden victory.
In conclusion: I am 30, a woman, not long ago my beloved husband suddenly left me for a 19-year-old person...


Everything is quite simple. The research institute symbolizes your very rational and correct (scientific) attitude towards reality (home is the meaning of life, an attitude towards something). So correct that it comes to denying itself. And since the rejected cannot disappear and it has its own needs, it becomes a monster and begins to harm the consciousness and thoughts contained in it [people have just died, the room is spattered with blood with shreds of flesh scattered across it].
The dream shows an attempt to rationally overcome the transcendental [sensation of sudden victory], which is only possible in theory, and even then not for long.
Of course, the monster can represent those unpleasant thoughts associated with the trauma of divorce. If so, then you have managed to cope with psychological trauma. When repeating such unpleasant dreams I recommend working through yesterday’s troubles using the “Shadow Self-Grotesque” psychological defense method.


There were monsters there, they killed with their gaze. They were destroyed, in my opinion, I was with those who destroyed. space (I remember parts of the dream). For some reason I was talking with * (a person with whom I once had a frivolous romance, now we communicate sometimes, we have mutual friends, I forgot to call him the other day to congratulate him on his birthday and went to bed with the thought of calling the next day). we talked where there was a lot of grass, in my opinion it was even getting dark, * he said something condemning, I understood that he was right (maybe about his birthday, I don’t remember). space. For some reason I become one of the monsters, I have no sympathy for those who kill, I know them all personally, since I was recently with them. I know that I can’t kill them with my gaze, maybe these survivors have immunity? It’s like I’m in a shell made of iron and powerful plastic, someone hits the shell with something like a crowbar and he closes my eyes with the iron part, deforming. I look at them with one eye, the other is closed with a piece of iron - nothing happens, I twist in the plastic and look with both, they are scared, but somehow I understand that I am defeated. I have not been female all this time. I ask you to give me one last conversation with one of them. She seems to me like a cut-out paper doll. My sister and I played with these as children - they were more than a doll, we almost believed that they were alive, we drew them ourselves and there were no repeating personalities. young woman drawn with a gray pencil. We are in the room where I lived when I lived with my parents, now my sister lives there. The window is open - it is covered with a mosquito net - you cannot get into the street through it. It's getting dark outside. We are speaking. I apparently invite her to fly away with me, I am a demon, I can fly far and fast, she apparently agrees. It’s hard to fly in a dream, it’s hard to control the flight, but with each flight it gets easier. It’s easiest to start from a great height, but it’s almost always scary - what if this time I jump and won’t fly. We're still in that room. I open the window - there is also a mesh, I try to tear it off, they hear it from the other room and come here. I see a window next to a normal window corresponding to the layout of the room in reality, I open it - there is no grid. We're leaving. We broke away from the chase. We are flying, looking out the windows. Somewhere there are people, somewhere there are not. We want to stop somewhere, be together, make love. We see a very modest room, the bed is covered with a simple blanket. Nobody here. We're flying there. There is an old woman with her granddaughter. Somehow we agree to stay there, the old lady sees that I can make things out of nowhere. A beautiful floor lamp...I understand that making interior items comes easier to me than other similar things. For some reason I’m making two of these same floor lamps, one involuntarily, but also beautiful. oh, I think, let it go. will sell it later...But then I remove it, make a nightstand in its place, and pull it into a small cabinet. For these transformations, apparently, she agrees to leave us the apartment and leave with her granddaughter for the night. then the phone rings. I understand who is calling. they ask me to throw the ball from the balcony, apparently it will be easier for them to find this apartment and squeeze me. I understand everything, I ask you not to do this, I understand that it’s too late. there will be no night on the small sofa. We take off into the night, into flight. chase. I try my best to imagine the speed, the kilometers, passing houses, fields, rivers, and this allows me to fly faster. We're leaving. space. We broke away. We are far away. something was happening all this time, I don’t remember now. The chase again. I know. these are the police, they are pursuing me not as a fugitive, but as... as someone who ran a red light, let's say these are other people who do not know about what happened recently. They are either flying or driving underneath me, black round plates next to a police car... it’s hard to say a car, it’s some kind of cosmic one. black things burn my legs with radiation, trying to tear me to the ground. With the strongest effort of imagination, I force a huge violet-blue shining horn to grow on my forehead - anti-rodar and allowing me to increase speed... We fly, we rush, they fall behind... We stop, I lie down on the ground. As a tribute to logic, I decide that this horn took a lot of strength. There are old women and children around. The children look at me, say something, and come up. She, the woman who is with me, in my opinion, is sometimes I, sometimes I look from her eyes. I can, whenever I wish, be either her or myself. space. We are in some place. Being her, I wash off the mascara from my eyes. I wash my face as if for the first time in several days, my face is tired. I'm tired. Some of us don’t want to fly further, others are trying to persuade us to fly. I don't remember who won who.

One day I just had a terrible dream. Because of it, I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back to sleep. It all started normally, I was alone at home and, having nothing to do, began to draw circles intersecting each other on a piece of paper, I drew them, left them on the windowsill and forgot. The day passed as usual, and in the evening strange lightning began to appear in the sky, screams of horror were heard from the street. The television announced the invasion of terrible monsters that were destroying all living things. They killed everyone I knew, and in the end I find out that it was all my fault, that it was I who caused the monsters by drawing circles on paper. I experienced indescribable horror! What does all this mean?


Monsters that destroy all living things are the activation of an internal mental program that attacks life impulses that are unacceptable from the point of view of society. Drawing static circles symbolizes adherence to the dysfunctional order imposed on us, fixation, closed, repeating movement. Therefore, the connection between the drawing and subsequent events in the dream is quite obvious.


It seems to me that in this dream your unconscious clearly made you understand that thoughts are material and a person programs his future. perhaps this is a warning that you are responsible for your fate and the fate of other people


all my close acquaintances and friends are gradually beginning to transform into monsters. When communicating with them, I see that each of them wants to devour me or turn me into someone like himself, but in my opinion, because we know each other, they don’t touch me. I’m trying to help those to whom this has already happened or warn those who have not yet become infected with this nasty thing - nothing works, I think there were some kind of medications. I'm losing one by one. I don’t remember how it ended.


I dreamed that I was running into a stone room, such rough gray stones as in ancient times. The door closes behind me and I understand that I won’t be able to open it. There are 3 minotaurs in the room with me, such terrible creatures with horns... I understand that I won’t have to kill them, because they decided to do just that. But how can I, a weak girl, resist these monsters... Then, without saying anything, at some karmic level, I try to negotiate with the minotaurs that maybe they will take something else in return for my life... At that moment, one of the minotaurs understood me and we we start having sex, right on this stone floor... The sensations are amazing, as if this is actually happening and, oddly enough, it feels good... And the power in it feels colossal... So, I’m lying at the bottom and I see that the second beast saw us, his eyes turned red (I don’t know if he was angry or hungry...), but he ran towards us and pierced the first minotaur with his horns, and I stepped aside so that he wouldn’t hit me... I got to my feet and saw another door in the wall, I ran from him (instead of the remaining two, for some reason there was only one) through this door and shouting as I walked, saying leave me alone. I run through the corridor into another room, climb onto some cube against the far wall and wait for him. Fear literally paralyzes my movements. And then he comes... scary, powerful, with big fangs... creepy... He comes up to me and then, out of fear, I begin to move away from myself and observe the whole picture, as if from the outside. I imagine that now he will tear my hands off, but the minotaur begins to push me away from my body and out the door and closes the door behind me, but for some reason my body remains inside. I wake up in horror and only then realize that this, thank heavens, is just a dream...


Hello! I can usually explain many of my dreams myself, knowing how I live, what I watch, read, what I feel and who I love. But this time I can’t. I didn’t see or read or watch anything scary or similar to what happened in the dream. I dreamed about this. It's like I'm in multi-storey building, in an apartment or office, looking out the window. Rather, it is not a residential building but some kind of office building. And in this office, people and everyone are fussing and saying that we need to take some measures quickly, otherwise the monsters will attack us and destroy everything. My mom tells me to quickly pack your things. I find myself on the street, it looks like a park or a forest, next to me is my baby’s stroller. The baby is not with me, but I know that he is safe or that she is with her mother, I don’t remember something. I quickly collect the scattered toys, put them in a backpack and hang them on my back so that it is convenient to drive the stroller. I find myself in the house I was in. Already with things and a stroller. And although everyone is again talking about security measures against monsters, we see through the window huge monsters that are destroying the environment, we are moving somewhere on an escalator in the form of a spiral. And we understand that we were lucky and the monsters did not destroy the house in which we retreated. This is such nonsense. If you can help with anything, I will be very grateful. It seems to me that all this nonsense makes some sense. In my life I am 27 years old. My daughter is 1.5 years old. My husband is also 27. Thank you.


... I'm in my apartment. A gang of monsters has settled here. they looked like people. one of them attacked me with a knife, wounded me in the stomach, I felt pain, blood flowed. I also wounded him, but this did not seem to cause him any discomfort. I took one of his knives. I needed to kill the monster, that was the only way to stop him. there was one more person in the apartment: my friend. one monster was in the kitchen, another in the parents' room. he, or rather she, was the leader, watched my fight with the monster and had no doubt about my imminent death. at this time my friend ran out of the kitchen. he distracted the one I was fighting for a second, and I plunged the knife into his heart. the monster fell dead. at this time, the leader attacked the friend. I wanted to save him and attacked her with a knife. She threw her friend towards the mirror in the hallway. Before I could do anything, I felt a sharp pain. the blow of her sword should have cut me into two parts (at the waist). but by some miracle the wound turned out to be not so deep... in pain, I fell on my parents’ spread bed and pressed my hands over the deep wound. Warm red blood seeped through his fingers. the monsters decided that it was all over with me, because the wounds they inflicted on me were fatal. they left the room, leaving me to die alone. they started on my friend. I heard his dying cry... then I gathered all my strength and stood up. I took the sword stuck nearby, the one that almost cut me. wings grew behind me, black, like the wings of bats. I had one desire: to avenge the death of my friend, to kill them all! I went to the kitchen where they were all gathered. they noticed me, but it was too late. I cut off the head of one as soon as I entered; he didn’t have time to understand anything. Then, with the same sword, I cut off the leader’s head, although I had to suffer a little with it. the last of the monsters turned into a dog, I also killed him. there was blood everywhere, disgusting-looking corpses and half-eaten human bodies lay on the floor... I was overcome by despair... a girl who looked about twelve years old came into the kitchen. I knew that she was most likely a monster too, but I couldn’t bring myself to harm her. the doorbell rang. I thought it was the police that the neighbors called because of strange sounds coming from my apartment. I thought for a second: how would I explain my appearance(I was covered in blood, my own and someone else’s) and corpses at home. but I realized that it didn’t matter at all, and that more than anything in the world I wanted to leave here. I opened the door and went out. In front of me stood a young man, quite handsome, about twenty-five years old, he had dark hair and blue eyes. I realized that he was not from the police, but from some other organization. he asked me to quickly leave the house and led me down the stairs. (it turned out I lived in some old house, like, on the 13th floor). I didn’t know whether I could trust this person, but I realized that I had no other choice when the girl from my apartment turned into a huge monster, covered with long sharp spines, and able, like a spider, to climb walls with great speed. and, of course, this monster chased us. I decided to take the monster with me, away from my new acquaintance. I stopped and got his attention. I didn’t know what I was going to do, because I no longer had the powers that had allowed me to deal with the monsters in my apartment; all the weapons were also left there. but I couldn't let the monster kill another person... when the monster was very close, I did the only thing left. I jumped down. I knew that the monster would follow me, and I hoped that it would crash with me on the stone floor at the bottom of the stairwell. 9 floors, and it was all over... I only remembered the flight and the feeling of freedom, there was no fear, I did what I had to do... ...I woke up in some room on a bed. That guy was standing nearby. we were alone. I realized that my plan was a success, but by some miracle I remained alive. all my wounds have healed. the sun came out outside. the guy quickly closed the curtains. suddenly I realized with horror that I would also become a monster. I put my hand under the small crack through which they made their way Sun rays. the hand began to become covered with long spikes-needles. my companion said that he is exactly the same, that you can learn to live without harming people, that he is the leader of those who oppose monsters, that he wants me to join them... then I remembered who I really am: I am the embodiment of evil, I gave birth to everyone this man fights against; I started all this to kill him. a moment before death and he realized it... at the moment of the murder, I dissociated myself and watched what was happening from the side.


battle, in a beautiful, gothic castle. I am a hero, but not a winner, but not a loser either. I have a sword in my hands, a Japanese one, and I understand that I wield it masterfully. I protect someone, and I defend myself. I fight with creatures - cats, similar to coyotes, trolls, in general - monsters, with amazing suddenness and strength. dark. but not scary. when they appear, I strike without regret or thought, and I see my feet in Japanese national shoes and the light fabric of my clothes. I understand that I like myself. I feel like I killed everyone except the last one - she darted up the vaults into the darkness, and I fell down into scaffolding, and the first thing I did was look back to check where the person I was saving was, he was already alone, and I knew for sure that he was a man. During our fall, construction dust rose, and I peer into it to feel where this last creature might be, sword at the ready. awoke. I'm 27. girl. I don’t understand, that’s why I’m writing, it’s a colorful, real dream.


In the mission to save a man, you play the role of a man who fights with himself (his chimeras, dogmas, principles - in the form of creatures) for the right to be free in relationships with the opposite sex. The battle goes on with varying success - it seems that all the creatures are defeated, but the floor disappears from under our feet.

I would venture to suggest that in reality your relationship is not simple and by looking sharply around (looking inside yourself) you can always discover monsters in the shadows


I dream that I am a monster with wings. The appearance is female, but the arms and legs are scaly with spikes, and large wings behind the back, as in the paintings of Valeggio. I easily jump and fly between the roofs of high-rise buildings. On the roof of one of the houses I see a naked young man, he lies motionless. I rush towards him. I’m diving from above onto this roof, with what intention - to kidnap, to save? Don't know. This is where I wake up. I associate this dream with my interest in young man my friend. At that moment he was not free (in the dream he was bound by invisible bonds, without movement), now in real life they separated. Perhaps because of the feeling of embarrassment in front of my friend, in my dream I am a predator, a monster.


Hello, this is writing to you again! Today I had a dream in which I was in some basement, but it was lit, clean and various monsters were chasing me, they wanted to catch up with me and I hid in some room, in some room, and one of the monsters found me and I see his hand, which is changing before my eyes (it’s all covered in mucus and it’s like fingers in a glove and forked into two fingers and vice versa), and I’m already dressed in some kind of white skirt and the monster is touching me this skirt, but I’m not afraid and again I’m running away somewhere, but a very unpleasant feeling remains after waking up.


The main characters of a dream (they can be monsters or angels, communists or fascists, policemen or thieves) characterize, first of all, our behavior (and to a much lesser extent, our identity). It is easier to change a company or your pursuers than to change yourself. (A communist sees in a dream how the fascists catch him, a fascist sees how the communists catch him. Women see monsters or maniacs). Dreams about catching up reflect real contradictions in society. Here you need to be careful not to get caught. If I’m being caught by werewolf monsters, then it’s worth taking a closer look: am I communicating with them?


We were preparing for the invasion of monsters, they are terribly bloodthirsty, but quite stupid - monster birds (they are the size of flamingos with a rooster's fluffy tail and a deadly strong beak) they can easily kill a person with one blow of their beak. So our town was warned about the invasion of these monsters in advance, so all residents of the city took precautions. The most important thing that needed to be done was to hide, and under no circumstances should you lock yourself in rooms, closed doors caused the monsters to have a fit of rage. My husband and I tried to convince my daughter that she would never listen to music on headphones, since these creatures have perfect hearing, and we explained to her that she would have to sit in a closet or nightstand, where there was at least some way to hide from them. and sit quietly without moving. All these events took place in our supposed apartment. The apartment is simply perfectly beautiful, with the richest furnishings. Then my husband and I decided who would hide where. I don’t remember where he was hiding, but I woke up at dawn and heard that bird monsters were already roaming the rooms. One of them approached the sofa where I was sleeping. And she stared at me intently with her beady eyes, and I lay there, frozen, motionless, not even blinking, and my hand had already begun to go numb, and I couldn’t lie without moving, I began to slowly move my palm under the pillow. The creature heard the movement and jumped onto my bed, brought its mug right to my face, and I lay neither alive nor dead, I was in a fever from fear. Thank God that this monster did not have a sense of smell, but only hearing and sight. And then I gathered my strength, pulled my hands out from under the blanket and grabbed the bird by the neck, I knew that I was taking a great risk at this moment, what if I didn’t have enough strength, or suddenly the bird would scream and others would come running. But I was lucky, I twisted the neck of this creature and laid it next to me, managed to cover part of the bird’s body with a blanket, and then a second bird entered my room and listened and looked closely at me. And as luck would have it, my heart is pounding like crazy and my breathing is loud and rapid. The monster repeats the actions of its predecessor, jumps onto my bed, I tensed up and prepared to repeat my feat, I feel myself covered in hot sweat from tension, my hand is already cramping, almost a cramp, but I am ready to grab the bird by the neck. At that moment I woke up... my sensations: the tension in the whole body has not disappeared, I am all wet and I feel hot, my hand is in the same position as in the dream and there is a slight numbness. My thoughts flow very clearly and clearly that I need to return and finish dealing with the birds - the monsters remaining in my house. I was in this state for some time, and then, having settled down a little and cooled down, I began to stretch my arm, turned over to the other side and fell asleep. In the next dream, I was haunted by the constant thought of the previous dream and the fact that it would be desirable for me to return back to that dream. Here's the story... . And I also dreamed that my mother was playing the game subway surfes on her laptop when I left my room and went to ours where my mother and I sleep, so she played for the first time in a dream, as if in real life... Tell me what these dreams are for ?

Hello. Today I had a terrible dream. In a dream, I was sleeping and something started to wake me up. Then I wake up, and a pale humanoid monster with a scary face and black eyes with bright pupils is sticking out of my wall. It screamed that it would come to me every night, after which I drove it away or defeated it (I don’t remember exactly)

I was at my place at home, in an apartment, in the appearance of me being small, only there was a dog, which was not there at that age. I think I was left at home alone while my parents were away on business. In my dream, I was running around the apartment early in the morning and playing with the dog, but then it suddenly got dark, I had to turn on the light in the apartment, because it became scary to play in the dark. Someone sharply rang the doorbell and knocked gently, and I decided that it was my parents, I ran to open it, but alas, I tripped, and then they started banging on the door, then I somehow understood internally that my parents wouldn’t bang on the door like that . I got scared and wanted to hide under the sofa of my room with the dog. I called the dog - “Zarya-Zarya, come to me, quickly.” - I tried to pronounce the words as quietly as possible so that the one behind the door would not hear me.
I ran into my current room (the door is next door to the previous one), the door to the previous room was locked, I couldn’t open it. I ran in and saw something on the balcony. I couldn’t see it, I just remember that it was black, with angular shapes and moved a little in the wind. I wanted to run away from the room, but I was paralyzed and the door through which I entered was locked. Then a revolution in time occurs, and I am already lying in my bed, in the guise of my real self, surfing the Internet. (To be honest, I didn’t immediately recognize that this was a dream) And I hear that someone is walking, as if having a train sliding along the floor.
I immediately thought of my older sister, she often walks around at night in a blanket. But I decided to put the phone on charge, and to do this I had to cover my head with a blanket. But there was a clap above my ears, as if someone had clapped their hands, and someone took me by the shoulder. I wanted to scream, but I just remained silent, and then quickly threw off the blanket, turned on the light and looked back. I performed these actions in reality!

I was in the forest, walking through a clearing, but suddenly I noticed some kind of large white animal. I don’t know who it was, it was the size of an adult bear, but with the face of either a dog or a wolf. I got scared and began to slowly move away so as not to attract him attention, but this animal saw me and began to get closer to me faster and faster. I tried to run away. Near me there was an observation tower on which people stood and watched this. But I could not run and this animal grabbed me and rushed somewhere with me I managed to grab hold of some post with my hands. But I didn’t have enough strength to hold on to it with my hands for a long time. At this time I was screaming and begging for help and people stood and just watched. When this animal carried it to its “den” to probably eat me. By some miracle I was lucky to free myself from its teeth, I quickly ran away and hid in some empty building. This animal also made incomprehensible, very scary sounds, which could be heard for kilometers

Hello, I dreamed that I was swimming in some lake with people unfamiliar to me, and then I wanted to swim from one shore to the other. But we all knew that that shore was deeper, as soon as I swam across and reached the end, I was immediately attacked by some kind of monster that felt like it. And I was dragged into the very depths of the lake and no one helped me. What could this mean? Thank you!

Scary dreams with monsters and creatures inexplicable nature Almost everyone had to see it. Children especially often complain that a monster appeared to them in a dream, the image of which can remain in their memory for a long time.

If you are interested in why you dream of such a phenomenon, just open the dream book - the monster in it is a reflection of subconscious fear and anxiety. But still, a more detailed explanation of the plot seen will be given by a full interpretation taking into account all the circumstances.

In almost every dream interpreter, the appearance of a monster in a dream is identified with the barriers that the sleeper himself has erected in front of him. And most often these are not obvious barriers, but internal experiences and groundless fears. Sometimes a monster in a dream may appear as a harbinger that a child will soon come to you with a serious conversation.

What do interpreters say about this?

In particular, Danilova’s dream book interprets a dream in which a monster appeared in any guise as a sign of a confrontation with one’s own fear in real world. Therefore, a person who sees such a plot should carefully consider his further actions, because only he knows what the price of the potential outcome is.

The mythological dream book, according to which a monster means unreasonable fear, indicates the dreamer’s empty speculation. Most likely, what a person fears in reality is not so scary in reality.

In the Family Interpreter, there is a different interpretation for the same plot: the monster in the dream acts as a new person in your environment. It will not be possible to avoid meeting him, but in the future it is better not to allow close communication with a new acquaintance, because his appearance in the dreamer’s life promises many difficult situations.

When wondering why a monster dreams, you can open Miller’s interpreter. He also claims that a scary creature can be seen in a dream as a sign of confirmation of fears experienced in reality. But if in a dream a monster dies at the hands of a sleeping person, it means that in reality a person will overcome his fears. Having overcome his fear, he will be able to receive a worthy reward.

But for a plot in which a monster in a dream turns into beautiful girl (handsome guy), there are two versions of interpretation:

  • A seemingly unpleasant person will turn out to be a very positive character when surrounded.
  • A person will rethink his principles and change for the better.

In the Modern Interpreter of Dreams you can find an explanation for the plot in which the monster was dreamed. According to this dream book, a monster running after a sleeping person indicates a collision with a long-standing problem. Perhaps it’s time to solve it in reality so that you can sleep peacefully in the future. At the same time, killing a monster in night vision is a victory over your worst fear in real life.

A monster appeared in a dream - in reality you will get rid of the stereotypes imposed by society. This is the Esoteric Interpreter's version. But Medea’s dream book claims that a terrible creature is the personification of a frightening truth that the dreamer is afraid to find out. Running away from him in a dream means avoiding in reality something that has long been no longer a secret, and feeding him means resisting the temptation to do the wrong thing.

When wondering why a monster is seen in a dream, remember: maybe you watched a horror movie in your spare time? In this case, the plot may simply be a reflection of the feelings that watching the film caused.

Seeing a fantastic monster in a dream, terrifying on people means that something extraordinary will happen in reality, which will cause you a feeling of amazement and at the same time disappointment. If in a dream you see the earth opening up in a cemetery at night and a huge and monstrously ugly monster growing among the destroyed graves, this portends you deep feelings about the loss of someone close to you.

A monster flying across the sky and burning everything in its path with flames from its mouth - such a dream foreshadows insurmountable obstacles or great anxieties ahead, which you can survive without losing your presence of mind.

If you run away in fear from a monster chasing you, this is a sign of gossip and rumors gathering around your name. Hearing the wild roar of a monster, from which your blood runs cold, means that unfavorable news awaits you about a decrease in your income.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Sex with a monster

Dream about sexual relations with a huge, scary creature has several interpretation options:

1) a symbolic vision of sexual relations in general, constrained by moral norms, the inability to surrender to instincts and achieve pleasure;

2) the subconscious thought that the person with whom the dreamer is communicating is actually something mysterious, mysterious, dangerous and creepy;

3) a symbol of a certain phase of the female body.

Cases of dreams of sex with a monster are described in psychoanalytic literature in sufficient quantity. They usually occur just before the onset of menstruation. Some women who have seen such dreams say that their appearance was strictly timed and made it possible to know about the onset of critical days with great accuracy.

For a man, dreams of a sexual relationship with a monster can mean reluctance to obey superiors, authority, indignation against attempts to exercise control over him and interfere in his affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from