How and with what to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside? How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor. Insulating the ceiling of the top floor of an apartment building.

Insulation of an apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, since they are not thick enough, they quickly cool down, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms drops. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question faces the majority of homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. External walls in such houses they become cold especially quickly, and often due to temperature changes they begin to become damp and covered with mold.

Sometimes, when there is such a possibility, the walls are thermally insulated from the outside, since this more effective method heat preservation. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to carry out such measures independently, without the use of special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor. Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the overall usable area. But, be that as it may, a warm apartment with a slightly smaller area is better than large, cold rooms. Interior work can easily be done with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the right tools.

If the apartment has equipment installed autonomous heating, then insulating walls will help save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared to external thermal insulation of walls, internal insulation of an apartment has its rather significant disadvantages:

  • An insulated wall does not accumulate or retain heat, and heat losses range from 8 to 15%.

With internal insulation, the “dew point” may be inside the insulation, which leads to its dampening
  • The “dew point” for internal thermal insulation is located between the insulation and the wall, sometimes inside the insulation layer. This leads to the formation of condensation and the appearance of mold colonies .
  • A wall that is improperly insulated from the inside will freeze all the time, and this inevitably causes, over time, irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material.

Proper insulation

To prevent condensation from forming under the thermal insulation layer due to temperature changes in winter period, and also, as a consequence, no mold spots appeared on the walls, you need to carefully follow all technological recommendations for insulation concrete walls from inside the apartment.

An important element The structure of the thermal insulation “pie” includes high-quality vapor barrier. It should protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions. for a long time.

What kind of work needs to be done to achieve the goal?

  • Must be purchased vapor barrier film High Quality and waterproof tape for sealing seams at the connection of its sheets.
  • For the insulating layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When gluing insulation, its surface is completely coated with glue using spatula-comb, and it is pressed very tightly against the surface of the wall, so that there are not even small cavities left between them.
  • To avoid the occurrence of excessively high relative humidity indoors, they must be equipped with additional natural or forced type. For example, for this window frames install valves through which air will flow into the room.

  • Next, you need to accurately calculate required thickness insulation. It will depend on the average daily temperature in a given region in winter time. The thickness of the thermal insulation material should not be less than the parameters obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam-heat balance will be disrupted.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers. They will “cure” the wall, prevent mold colonies from forming on it, and also increase adhesion when gluing thermal insulation.
  • Installation of insulation can begin only after the wall has completely dried.
  • The formation of “cold bridges”, which can negate the entire insulation process, should not be allowed. The risk of their occurrence is especially high at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

What insulation materials and how are they used?

Cork is excellent natural material for thermal insulation

Such a thermal insulator is made in the form of slabs or rolls from the bark of a special type of oak - balsa wood. Therefore, this is an environmentally friendly safe insulation, which is very important for interior decoration premises.

Using high quality material, you can solve three problems at once - noise and sound insulation, as well as decorative design walls

An important condition for installation cork covering is the evenness of the wall, so before you start gluing it, you need to carefully prepare the surface. This process is carried out as follows:

  • The old coating is completely removed from the wall.
  • Then the entire surface is treated, which will protect the wall from damage by fungus or mold.

  • The next step is to level the surface.
  • You can also decorate the walls with drywall, but in this case, the sheet must be completely coated waterproof glue or polyurethane foam, so that there are no voids left underneath. The drywall is pressed firmly against the wall and is additionally secured with anchors or plastic “fungi”.
  • Cork material can be glued to a dry wall. To do this, use a special glue designed for such purposes.

The positive qualities of the material, in addition to its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and good noise absorption, include:

  • Easy installation of cork wall coverings, provided you are careful in your work.
  • Aesthetically attractive respectable appearance.
  • The surface of the material is always warm and pleasant to the touch.
  • A variety of release forms, textured patterns and shades.

Cork is not only an excellent thermal insulator. It will give the room a special decorative touch.
  • Cork insulation is not very thick, so it does not make the area of ​​the room smaller - this quality sets it apart from other thermal insulation materials.


Penofol at its core is a roll of foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which it is applied, which helps to reflect heat into the room.

Penofol - foamed polyethylene with foil coating
  • Before installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as for cork.
  • Penofol can be fixed to smooth walls using construction tape. double sided tape. Under any circumstances, the material is placed with the foil side facing the room. This creates a kind of thermos for effective heat retention.
  • Stripes penofol laid end to end. They are glued together with special tape, which also has a foil reflective surface, since the entire coating must be airtight.

  • A sheathing of slats, bars or galvanized metal profiles is installed on top of the penofol fixed to the wall. This frame with a base for installing lining or wall covering with plasterboard sheets. The plasterboard surface can subsequently be covered with plaster, wallpapered, or thoroughly puttied and sanded, and then painted.
  • It is very important when installing drywall or lining at the top and bottom of the structure to leave a gap that will serve as a ventilation hole for air circulation to prevent moisture from accumulating.

Despite its small thickness, penofol is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as a separate insulation, but it can also be used in combination with other materials. It attracts with its simplicity and speed of installation on walls, floors or ceilings, as well as its long service life.

Video: insulation of internal walls with foil material

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

When choosing a material for insulating a living space from the inside, you must first examine all wall surfaces on which thermal insulation will be installed. If the wall is dry and there are no mold stains on it, then you can begin preparing the surface and purchasing insulation material. Carrying out such work on an unprepared basis is strictly prohibited. Not only will such insulation not provide desired effect– you can thoroughly spoil the apartment atmosphere, making it damp and unhealthy, since spores of many types of mold or mildew are extremely dangerous to people’s health, especially for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or a predisposition to allergic reactions.

In general, any of the methods presented in the publication of an apartment from the inside will not require any complex additional equipment, and this one technological process VP can be done independently.

Ceiling insulation is a mandatory stage of work when building a private house with an unheated attic. But the ceiling surface of the apartment located on the top floor also needs thermal insulation. Moreover, ceiling insulation can be done in two ways. The choice of one option or another depends on the height of the room, the design of the house and the insulation used. Before properly insulating the ceiling in an apartment, you need to study the characteristics, pros and cons of all heat insulators suitable for this.

When choosing reliable insulation, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Take into account the weight of the material. It is important that the insulation does not heavily load the floors.
  2. Use only harmless, environmentally friendly materials that do not contain toxic substances and do not emit them in the form of fumes.
  3. The heat insulator must have chemical and biological resistance. It should not be damaged by insects and microorganisms. Biological resistance is important when operating in conditions of high humidity.
  4. To insulate the ceiling in the bathroom and kitchen, materials with low water absorption are used.
  5. Fire resistance – no less important requirement. The insulation should not drip, support combustion or smoke in the event of a fire.
  6. If you do all the work yourself, consider the ease of processing and installation of thermal insulation.
  7. Give preference to insulators with good vapor permeability. They do not interfere with the air exchange of floor structures. Thanks to this ceiling surface Condensation will not collect, which spoils the finishing and building structures.

Insulation methods

Since insulation of the ceiling in an apartment is carried out only on the top floor of high-rise buildings, internal or outdoor installation heat insulator. Insulating a concrete ceiling from the outside copes much more effectively with the task of preserving heat, because it concrete structures better protected from freezing.

Insulating a concrete ceiling from the inside has significant disadvantages:

  • after fixing the insulation to the ceiling surface, the height of the room is significantly reduced;
  • When attaching insulation from the inside, the concrete floor freezes strongly, which leads to significant heat loss in the room.

External installation of thermal insulation, although it has many advantages, is not suitable for all apartments, but only for those above which there is a technical floor. Otherwise, you will have to use insulation from the inside.

Material selection

According to their physical state, all thermal insulation materials are divided into fibrous, solid, bulk and sprayed. The latter are practically not used for thermal insulation of apartments, because they require the use of special equipment for spraying, work skills and are expensive.

For internal thermal insulation For the ceiling surface in the apartment, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool and its stone variety are used. During installation, frameless or frame technology. The choice of installation method depends on the density of the material. Dense insulators are fastened without using a frame, and soft materials lay sheathing between the slats.

Houses with an attic or technical floor are suitable for using external insulation. It is important that communications passing through the technical floor do not interfere with the installation of thermal insulation. For external insulation Expanded clay is more often used. The material is poured between wooden blocks laid over the ceiling. Be sure to make a vapor and waterproofing layer, because wet insulation loses half of its thermal insulation qualities.

Important! To prevent damage to the heat insulator when walking on the technical floor, it is covered with boardwalk or a cement screed is made.

Let's consider the most popular types of thermal insulation materials used to insulate an apartment.

Mineral wool

Two types of mineral wool are suitable for thermal insulation of an apartment:

  1. Glass wool is inexpensive, easy to install and durable. However, the material emits small sharp particles that penetrate into Airways people, so it is used for outdoor installation.
  2. Basalt wool It is distinguished by its environmental friendliness, resistance to mechanical damage, strength and durability. This non-flammable material with low water absorption and good vapor permeability, it is allowed to be installed inside the room. Can be used when laying frameless technology. The material is allowed to be used in premises with increased fire safety requirements.

Important! The thermal conductivity coefficient of mineral wool is 0.041, vapor permeability is 0.48, and the density ranges from 20 to 220 kg/m³.

Among the positive qualities of mineral wool are the following:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • basalt wool is waterproof;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to deformation and chemicals.

Only glass wool has disadvantages. The material generates a lot of dust during transportation and installation. When wet, it loses some of its thermal insulation qualities.

Expanded polystyrene

Ceiling insulation in an apartment with Penoplex is most often used. This type of extruded polystyrene foam is produced by TechnoNIKOL.

Generally for thermal insulation concrete floor The following types of polystyrene are suitable:

  1. Polystyrene foam, made using pressless technology, is the cheapest material. The water absorption of this variety is the highest, and thermal insulation characteristics slightly lower than that of the second variety.
  2. Pressed foam has closed pores in its structure, and therefore has low thermal conductivity. It is quite durable and dense.
  3. Extruded polystyrene foam consists of small, closed pores. Its thermal insulation characteristics are the highest.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling with extruded polystyrene foam has many advantages:

  • waterproof surface;
  • high efficiency;
  • acceptable price;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • light weight;
  • service life reaches 30 years;
  • resistance to rot and mold;
  • absorbs impact noise well.

All polystyrene foams ignite easily, but the extruded variety is considered a self-extinguishing material. For gluing polystyrene boards to the ceiling, it is allowed to use only adhesive mixtures, which do not contain solvents that are aggressive to foam plastic. Also, the disadvantages of polystyrenes are their low vapor permeability and poor protection from sound waves traveling through the air.

Important! Water absorption of polystyrene foam is 0.4-4%. Vapor permeability coefficient 0.019-0.015. Strength 0.4-1 kg/cm³. Extruded polystyrene foam has the best performance, so it is used more often.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay granules are obtained by firing shale clay. When heated, the surface of the granules sinteres, pores appear inside, which are responsible for the high thermal insulation characteristics of the material. For external insulation of concrete floors, expanded clay of fine and medium fractions with a granule size of 1-2 cm is used.

Advantages of thermal insulation of floors with expanded clay:

  1. Expanded clay granules are non-flammable. They do not smoke or emit toxic substances during a fire. The material does not support combustion and does not drip when heated, so it is classified as fireproof insulation.
  2. This lightweight insulation does not load the floors.
  3. The granules are biologically and chemically resistant. They are not afraid of rodents, insects, rot and mold.
  4. This durable material has an impressive service life (up to 50-60 years).
  5. Installation can be done with your own hands, because this does not require special skills or equipment.
  6. The insulation is inexpensive, which is also its advantage.

The disadvantage is the dusting of the material during installation and transportation. In addition, the granules are hygroscopic, so after getting wet they lose 50% of their thermal insulation qualities. That is why when installing expanded clay insulation Special attention pay attention to the installation of vapor and waterproofing.

Cost of insulation

If you are planning to order ceiling insulation, the price for the work depends on the method of installation of the material and the heat insulator used. In the process of insulating the ceiling surface, various works are carried out.

The total cost of installing insulation consists of the following indicators:

  • Preparing the ceiling surface (removing old decoration, antiseptic impregnation, primer) costs approximately $1/m².
  • For installation of load-bearing sheathing on the base ceiling, you will have to pay $2.8 per square.
  • Laying vapor barrier membrane– 1.5-2$/m².
  • Installation of mineral wool on the residential side - $6.7-7.5 per square.
  • Insulation with mineral wool outside flooring – 4.8-5$/m².
  • Ceiling insulation using frameless technology (fixing slabs with dowels and nails) – $7-8 per square meter.

After execution internal insulation ceiling surface of insulating material is covered finishing. Usually drywall is installed, but wood and plastic panels, ceiling tiles. If Finishing work will be performed by professionals, then their wages should also be added to the cost of insulation.

Insulation of the ceiling surface is relevant not only for private houses, but also for apartments. This is especially true for premises located on the top floors. Because the warm air rises, heat loss through the ceiling and ceiling reaches 20 percent. Ceiling insulation solves the problem low temperatures in the apartment in winter and heat in summer. In addition, the thermal insulation materials used absorb sound waves, therefore increasing the comfort of living in the apartment and protecting from noise coming from above.

Principles of insulating the ceiling in an apartment

Before you properly insulate the ceiling, you need to decide on the material.

When choosing a heat insulator, pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. The material should be light in weight so as not to unnecessarily load the floor.
  2. Insulators must be environmentally friendly and harmless, that is, they must not release toxic substances into the air.
  3. It is good if the product is not susceptible to mold and other microorganisms. This is especially important for apartments with frequently leaking roofs and for rooms with high humidity.
  4. The heat insulator must be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
  5. For installation in damp places It is better to choose moisture-resistant insulation.
  6. Fire resistance is also important. The insulator should not emit acrid smoke and toxic compounds during a fire.
  7. Consider the ease of processing and installation if you plan to do the work yourself.
  8. Choose insulators that do not interfere with the natural air exchange of the ceiling surface and ceiling. This will protect structures from condensation accumulation and subsequent destruction, as well as a decrease in technical characteristics.

All thermal insulation materials used are divided according to their physical state into solid, sprayed and fibrous.

Basic methods

Insulation of the ceiling in an apartment can be done from inside and outside the room. The latter option is only suitable for housing located on the top floors.

The first method has two disadvantages:

  • after installing the insulation on the ceiling, the height of the room will decrease;
  • internal insulation is not as effective as external installation of a heat insulator (this is due to the collection of condensate on the concrete floor and its freezing).

However, if it is not possible to lay insulation on the outside of the concrete floor, then the only option left is to perform internal insulation.

Insulation from inside the room

Insulation of a concrete ceiling from the inside is carried out using expanded polystyrene (foam plastic and its extruded variety), basalt wool and mineral wool. Depending on the density of the material, frame or frameless insulation technology is used. Using the frameless method, basalt wool and expanded polystyrene are installed, and assembly of the sheathing is required if mineral wool is used.

Expanded polystyrene

The following types of foamed polystyrene are suitable for thermal insulation measures:

  1. Pressless foam- the cheapest type of expanded polystyrene. Its structure contains granules and pores different sizes. This material has high water absorption and different densities. Its thermal insulation characteristics are not as high as those of subsequent varieties.
  2. Pressed polystyrene foam It has closed pores, so it better protects against heat loss. The material is durable and dense.
  3. Extruded variety of polystyrene also has small closed pores in its structure. This is a product with the lowest thermal conductivity.

Insulating the ceiling in an apartment with penoplex, that is, extruded polystyrene foam, provides the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation efficiency;
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • acceptable price;
  • waterproof;
  • due to the low weight, the floors are not overloaded;
  • durability (will last up to 30 years);
  • the surface is not affected by mold and rot;
  • impact noise absorption.

The disadvantages of expanded polystyrene are considered to be their easy flammability, although extruded products are self-extinguishing. In addition, polystyrenes are not chemically resistant, so when choosing an adhesive for gluing to the ceiling, you should not buy compounds with solvents that are aggressive to the foam. Foamed polystyrenes do not protect against airborne noise and have low air permeability.


  • water absorption - from 0.4% to 4% (the highest for conventional foam);
  • vapor permeability – from 0.019 to 0.015 (the best indicator for extruded polystyrene foam);
  • strength – from 0.4 to 1 kg/cm³.

Mineral wool

There are several varieties of mineral wool. Only two types are suitable for insulating apartments:

  1. Glass wool is considered budget option insulation. Since the material releases small glass fibers into the air, it is not installed indoors. But glass wool is suitable for external insulation of floors.
  2. Stone wools have a higher density than the first type and are characterized by mechanical stability. Rocks, such as basalt, are used to make them. Basalt wool in mind high strength and densities can be mounted using frameless technology.

Important! Since stone wool is fire resistant, it is allowed to be used in areas with a high fire hazard.

The minimum thermal conductivity of mineral wool is 0.041, the density of the material is in the range of 20-220 kg/m³. The vapor permeability of the insulator is 0.48.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • waterproof (this only applies to basalt wool);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the material does not interfere with air circulation;
  • the product is resistant to chemicals;
  • high thermal insulation rates;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability;
  • harmlessness and environmental friendliness.

Only non-stone mineral wools have disadvantages. So, the disadvantage of glass wool is its strong dusting. In addition, when these insulation materials get wet, their thermal insulation properties decrease.

External installation of thermal insulation

External insulation of the apartment is carried out if there is a higher technical floor or attic space. It is important that the communications laid in the technical floor do not interfere with the implementation of this insulation option. Otherwise, you will have to abandon external installation.

Insulation of a concrete ceiling from the outside is most often carried out using expanded clay, but the materials listed above are also suitable. Usually they are laid between rows of joists, the height of which is equal to the thickness of the insulation. Vapor and waterproofing must be used. The heat insulator is covered with a boardwalk on top so that when walking on the technical floor or attic the heat insulation layer is not damaged.

Expanded clay

This is a product of processing shale clay. The granules are exposed to heat, after which their surface is sintered, and the material becomes porous from the inside, which gives the product high thermal insulation characteristics. Typically, expanded clay of different fractions is used to insulate a concrete floor from the outside. The optimal granule size is 10-20 mm.

Advantages of expanded clay insulation:

  1. The material is not flammable and does not support combustion. No granules are released harmful substances in case of fire, do not melt or drip. Therefore, we can say that expanded clay has absolute fire safety.
  2. Expanded clay is very light, so after installation there are no unnecessarily high loads on the floor.
  3. The product is resistant to mold and other microorganisms. It is not damaged by insects and rodents. In combination with hardness and strength, this ensures long-term operation of the heat insulator.
  4. The material can be easily laid on the ceiling without using special devices, which allows you to carry out installation yourself.
  5. Reasonable price is one of the advantages of insulation.

Among the disadvantages of expanded clay, it is worth mentioning the dust that is observed during transportation and installation. The hygroscopicity of the granules is also considered a disadvantage. Because of this, after getting wet, they lose some of their thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, after laying expanded clay, a waterproofing layer must be laid out, which makes it possible to level out this shortcoming of the material.

Cost of insulation

Prices for ceiling insulation work vary and depend on the materials used and installation method. Since laying insulating material involves various preparatory and basic work,

The ceiling of apartments located on the top floors is one of the areas of greatest heat loss in the room. It is through it that 30% to 50% of all heat is evaporated.

Therefore, the question of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment, and what material to choose for this, becomes especially relevant for the owners of such housing.

Choosing a ceiling insulation material

Types of insulation

There are many answers to the question of how to insulate a ceiling. On this moment exists great amount all kinds of insulation materials and methods of their application. So, you can choose penoizol, which is also called liquid foam.

This material is an excellent heat insulator, and the method of its application does not allow voids or thin spots to form.

Additionally, you can select for . This material is made from wood waste or waste paper. Essentially it is cotton wool, consisting of thin cellulose fibers. This material perfectly fills voids and is an excellent heat insulator.

In addition, there are now many other materials on the market that are quite difficult to describe due to the constant emergence of new ones. But almost all of these insulation materials have one big caveat. Due to their low use, their price is quite high, and sometimes special equipment is required to install them.

Mineral wool

The most common options for insulating the ceiling in an apartment are mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. Each of these materials has its adherents and enemies. Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and you can choose the most attractive one for you.

Let's start with mineral wool; its properties are almost identical to glass wool, so we consider their advantages and disadvantages together.

So, the advantages include the following:

  1. Fairly reasonable price for this insulation.
  2. Good thermal insulation properties of the material. So the thermal conductivity coefficient is only 0.041 W/(m 0C).
  3. Cotton wool is quite easy to install, especially if there are corners, which allows you to do the work yourself.
  4. Has excellent sound insulation.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Poor moisture resistance. When exposed to moisture, it loses up to 50% of its thermal insulation properties.
  2. Hygroscopicity. It can absorb and accumulate moisture, which complicates the drying process.
  3. Over time, this material cakes and crumbles.

Please note that the instructions of most manufacturers indicate the service life of mineral wool is about 50 years, but this is ideal conditions her styling.
In real conditions, when moisture and other external influences are possible, the service life ranges from 5 to 30 years.

Expanded polystyrene

One of the options for insulating the ceiling is the use of polystyrene foam. This material is also called polystyrene foam.

Its advantages include:

  1. Good insulating properties. The thermal conductivity coefficient is even slightly higher than that of mineral wool and amounts to 0.039 W/(m 0C).
  2. Foam plastic is easy to install on flat areas.
  3. In contrast, polystyrene foam is less hygroscopic.
  4. Over time, of this material its properties do not deteriorate, and it does not lose its shape.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Poor vapor permeability. Therefore, before insulating the ceiling, think about ventilation, otherwise it can be quite stuffy.
  2. Doesn't tolerate well ultraviolet radiation, which requires protection from direct sunlight.
  3. Foam plastic, depending on its density, can be quite fragile during installation.
  4. This material is quite “loud”, that is, when using it, you can hear your uninvited neighbors who have settled in the foam.
  5. And lastly, the material is flammable. Of course, in construction a material is used that extinguishes in the absence of contact with fire, but, nevertheless, under the influence of fire it burns out almost instantly.

Methods for insulating the ceiling

There are two ways to insulate the ceiling of an apartment. The first way is styling heat-insulating material in the attic, and the second is its installation on the ceiling of the apartment. But how to insulate concrete ceiling better?

When insulating any part of the apartment insulating material should be located outside the home. This method is the most effective, convenient, durable and does not take up living space.

Insulating the ceiling in the attic

If you have the ability to install, then you need to perform the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to clean the surface, plaster if necessary and apply a coat of primer to it.
  2. If we insulate the ceiling with our own hands, we recommend laying a layer of waterproofing. It should be laid with an overlap of 5–10 cm.
  3. Now let's start installing the sheathing. If the roof is made of wood, then you can use wooden beam. It is better to lay a metal profile on a concrete base.
  4. Now you can start laying the insulation. If mineral wool is used in rolls, it is simply rolled out and trimmed along the edges.
    If you use foam plastic or mineral wool slabs, then it is cut to fit the contour of the sheathing.
  5. If polystyrene foam was used, then it is better to foam the edges between the sheathing and the foam plastic with construction foam.
  6. After it has dried, it is advisable to apply another layer of waterproofing, since our roofs are not always airtight.
  7. The last step is installation flooring attic. Typically, a board is used for this, which is attached to the sheathing.

Insulation of the ceiling inside the apartment

Since it is not always possible to properly insulate the ceiling from the attic for various reasons, insulation is used inside the apartment. This method, in addition to reducing the level of ceilings, has a number of other disadvantages.

First of all, this can lead to increased formation of moisture between the insulation and the ceiling slab. The consequence may be the formation of a fungus with all the ensuing negative consequences.

But sometimes you can’t do without such insulation.

If this is your case, then the sequence of your actions should be as follows:

  1. Prepare the surface and apply a layer of primer.
  2. We attach a layer of waterproofing, which will prevent the insulation from getting wet.
  3. Now we install the sheathing. If you plan to file PVC panels, then we make the sheathing in increments of 60 cm; if we sew it up with plasterboard, we do it in increments of 40 cm.
  4. Now let's start laying the insulation. In some cases, adhesive mixtures are used, but you can do without them.

  1. On last stage sew up the ceiling with the desired material.

I hope our article will tell you how to insulate a ceiling with your own hands, and our tips will help you do it quickly and efficiently.


Whatever method and material of ceiling insulation you choose, insulation will help you save significantly on utility bills. And our video in this article will help you make insulation with your own hands.

Insulating the ceiling cannot be called a complex and time-consuming process. Thanks to this work, it is possible to significantly reduce heat loss through the ceiling. To make the room warmer, you can use different kinds insulation materials, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Today we will talk about ways to insulate the ceiling, and also get acquainted with the recommendations of experts.


Noticeable heat loss, as well as cold air emanating from the ceiling, are the result of incorrectly installed or low-quality thermal insulation. Heat loss through such a ceiling can reach up to 20%, since warm air rises and barriers are needed that will not allow it to leave the room.

It is recommended to insulate the ceiling during the construction phase of the house.. However, there are cases when owners for some reason do not carry out such work within the specified period. In addition, situations are not uncommon when old thermal insulation becomes unusable in an already built home. And in such conditions it will be possible to install insulation, but the work will be more difficult. At the moment, there are several methods for thermal insulation of ceilings.

Many consumers are wondering why it is necessary to insulate the ceiling and whether such work can be neglected. To find out the answer to these questions, you should familiarize yourself with the main functions that insulation performs in this case:

  • High-quality insulation materials have excellent soundproofing properties. Thanks to such elements, silence will always remain in an apartment or private house, even if there is rain and wind outside the window.
  • Thanks to the installed insulating layer, the room will be warm in winter, since the heated air, rising upward, will collide with an obstacle and go down again.
  • Ceiling insulation will also be useful in hot seasons. It will prevent hot air from entering the room, so it will remain comfortably cool.

It is also worth identifying situations in which ceiling insulation is necessary:

  • Thermal insulation of the ceiling should be done if you have just started building a house. At this point, the ceiling consists of ordinary wooden beams. Then you can lay insulation between them and “sew up” it.
  • You can also begin this work if the owners have already begun to settle in the house and ceiling it's been ready for a long time. This is necessary so that living rooms it was not cold in autumn and winter.
  • Thermal insulation of the ceiling is simply necessary if no one lives on the top floor of the house. As a rule, such rooms are always cooler. In such situations, heated areas lose their heat to unheated ones.

You should not think that thermal insulation of the ceiling can only be done when arranging a private home. It is quite acceptable to carry out such work in apartment buildings.

In such dwellings, all actions can only be carried out inside, and residents are prohibited from repairing attics and roofs themselves.

Currently, they are used to insulate ceilings. various materials. Each of them has its own performance characteristics, based on which you should choose suitable option for certain conditions.

Insulation requirements

Ceiling insulation must meet a number of requirements:

  • It must be environmentally friendly and safe. Otherwise, you risk harming the health of your household.
  • The insulation must be fireproof.
  • Due to the insulating layer, heat loss should be reduced, and not the circulation of steam occurring in the house/apartment.
  • The insulation should not get wet.

Types of insulation: pros and cons

There are several types of insulation materials. Let’s take a closer look at them and consider what their pros and cons are.

Mineral wool

There are several types of mineral wool:

  • Stone. This mineral wool is made from igneous rock melts.
  • Slag. This insulating material is made from molten blast furnace slag.
  • Glass. This mineral wool is created from molten glass.

Included stone wool There are ingredients such as gabbro or diabase, as well as blast furnace slag and batch. The mineral ingredients in basalt insulation include clay, dolomite, and limestone. These components are necessary to make the material more fluid. Formaldehyde in small quantities (2-10%) acts as a binding element in this composition.

Slag wool is characterized by a fibrous structure. This insulation is made from waste metallurgical industry when smelting cast iron in blast furnaces. Slag fibers are distinguished by their small thickness and length.

In the process of creating glass wool, elements such as sand, dolomite, soda, lime, borax and broken glass are used.

Mineral wool can have different markings:

  • P-75. This type of cotton wool has a density of 75 kg/cubic meter. m. This material is used to insulate horizontal non-external planes. This could be the attic or the roof. In addition, P-75 mineral wool is used for insulation of pipelines of heating networks, as well as oil and gas pipelines.
  • P-125. Mineral wool under this marking has a density of 125 kg / cubic meter. m. It is used for insulating non-external bases located in any position. Material marked P-125 is also used for insulating floors and ceilings.
  • PZh-175. This type of wool is used to process reinforced concrete or corrugated sheet floors.
  • PPZh-200. Cotton wool PPZH-200 is used in the same way as PZH-175, but is more fire resistant.

Mineral wool has many positive qualities:

  • It is distinguished by low thermal conductivity. Because of this, mineral wool is an effective insulation material.
  • This material is recognized as fireproof.
  • She is not afraid of temperature changes. Under conditions of overheating and hypothermia, mineral wool does not deform or lose its shape.
  • Mineral wool is characterized by chemical and biological stability.
  • Such insulation is distinguished by high vapor permeability, so it is “breathable”.
  • Installation of mineral wool is quite simple and quick. It can be easily handled by a home craftsman who does not have extensive experience in such work.

Despite its popularity, mineral wool also has some disadvantages:

  • This material requires treatment with special water-repellent agents to reduce water absorption. By absorbing moisture, mineral wool loses its heat-insulating properties.
  • Such insulation cannot be called light. Because of this, the cost of its delivery increases significantly.


As a rule, ecowool is impregnated with special compounds, such as fire retardants and antiseptics. These components are necessary so that the insulation is not afraid of insects and rodents.

Let's get acquainted with the advantages characteristic of ecowool:

  • It is environmentally friendly and safe for health.
  • Ecowool is a “breathable” material that allows air to pass through perfectly. A room insulated with such material is comfortable even in hot summers.
  • Ecowool does not rot and does not become moldy. Of course, such insulation will not rot if it is not oversaturated with moisture. Otherwise, ecowool may be seriously damaged.
  • This type of insulation is durable. Even after many years, it does not lose its beneficial qualities.
  • Ecowool can be supplemented or compacted.
  • It is not a flammable material and easily extinguishes in case of fire.
  • This type of insulation is easy to use, especially when it comes to insulating a horizontal plane.
  • Many people choose ecowool insulation, as it is homogeneous - it has no seams or joints.

The main disadvantage of this insulation is that the dry backfill cakes and settles over time. Because of this, it must be laid on the bases in a thick layer.


This type of thermal insulation material is used everywhere. It is inexpensive and quite easy to install. Its structure is a special foamed mass, in which the main volume is gas. Because of this feature, the density of the foam is quite low.

For insulating the ceiling can be used foam boards different densities. However, it is worth considering that not very dense materials require additional protective measures , since they cannot boast of sufficient strength characteristics. As a rule, loose materials are installed using a frame method.

Polystyrene foam is not an ideal insulation material; it has its disadvantages, which you should be aware of if you decide to use this material:

  • This insulation has limited mechanical strength. After installation, it needs additional protection from external damage.
  • Polystyrene foam is not a breathable material. It practically does not allow air to pass through it.
  • This material quickly becomes unusable under the influence of nitro paints and other paint coatings with such a basis.


Insulating the ceiling with penoplex has its pros and cons. First, let's take a look at its strengths:

  • Penoplex has low vapor permeability. Thanks to this quality, this material does not absorb moisture.
  • Penoplex is also characterized by low thermal conductivity.
  • It can easily withstand significant loads, which indicates its compressive strength.
  • Penoplex boasts for a long time service (up to 40 years).
  • Installation of such insulation is simple and affordable.
  • Penoplex is relatively inexpensive.

The disadvantages of penoplex include:


Another popular insulation material is covered with foil. As a rule, it is used indoors and reflects heat.

Let's get acquainted with the advantages of penofol:

  • It has a small thickness, but at the same time provides high-quality thermal insulation living space.
  • Easy to install. For such work, special and expensive tools are not required.
  • Penofol does not crumble or break.
  • It is an environmentally friendly and safe material.
  • Waterproof.
  • Fireproof.
  • It has excellent noise and waterproofing properties.
  • It has an affordable price.

The main disadvantage of penofol is its soft structure. You can easily press on it, after which it will definitely bend. For this reason, finishing this layer with plaster or wallpaper will be impossible.


Perlite or perlite sand is a popular material with the best properties of all effective insulation materials. It is very durable, inert and lightweight. Perlite raw materials differ in that they contain from 2% to 5% bound water. This material is inert, which is due to its chemical nature origin.

The main properties of perlite include:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • sound absorption;
  • water absorption.

Now it’s worth considering in more detail what advantages perlite sand has:


Sawdust is the cheapest and most accessible insulation material. They are used for both residential and commercial buildings.

Sawdust is the waste that remains when wood is processed. They are ordinary shavings or fine dust. Previously, such materials were widely used for insulating homes, but with the development high technology they faded into the background and began to be considered obsolete.

But do not think that sawdust is no longer used for insulating buildings; they are still used for these purposes. This is due to the effectiveness of sawdust, as well as its incomparable durability.

As for the disadvantages of sawdust, these include:

  • easy flammability;
  • sawdust may harbor insects or rodents.

In addition to sawdust itself, other materials that are produced on its basis can be used to insulate a home:

  • wood concrete;
  • sawdust concrete;
  • sawdust pellets;
  • blocks.

Expanded clay

You can insulate your home not only with cheap sawdust, but also with expanded clay. This material is enviably popular in our country, as it is inexpensive and has excellent performance characteristics.

Expanded clay consists of tiny granules with little mass. The granules contain pores, which make these elements as light as possible.

Let's get acquainted with positive qualities of this insulating material:

  • Expanded clay is inexpensive and is available material– you won’t have to look for it for a long time in different retail outlets.
  • A characteristic feature of expanded clay is its high thermal conductivity.
  • This material is lightweight, so it is very easy to work with; it does not put any noticeable load on the base.
  • An insulating layer consisting of expanded clay can serve without problems for a long time (up to 50 years).
  • Expanded clay - environmentally friendly pure material, which does not emit hazardous substances.

This material also has its own disadvantages:

  • Using expanded clay, it is very difficult to achieve complete soundproofing of a room. To do this, you will have to form a half-meter thermal insulation layer.
  • Such insulation will require additional investments from the owners to protect it from moisture.

Due to this drawback, using expanded clay for insulating old and damp buildings is strictly not recommended.


You can insulate the ceiling with clay. This material is inexpensive and environmentally friendly. It perfectly protects spaces from heat leakage. In addition, with such insulation the room will remain cool if the weather is hot outside.

Clay is easily diluted with water, and after drying it becomes very hard and retains heat well. Most often, this method of thermal insulation is used when treating large areas.

Let's figure out what advantages this environmentally friendly insulation has:

  • It is inexpensive, and therefore has no competitors among analogues.
  • It is a fireproof material - does not burn, does not support combustion.
  • Insects or mice do not live in such insulation.
  • The solution for ceiling insulation is diluted from fairly light fillers, which significantly reduces the load on the floors.
  • Clay does not contain harmful impurities.
  • This material is easy to work with. To do this, it is not at all necessary to hire professionals.
  • The dried mixture can be used again. To do this you just need to wet it. Thanks to this feature, you can avoid large quantity waste after completion of all work.
  • After adding water, the clay becomes very plastic and easily penetrates into any voids present in the base.
  • After complete evaporation of moisture, the clay becomes hard. For this reason, there is no need to lay out flooring for walking on the attic floor.

However, at present, clay has been replaced by more modern thermal insulation materials.

There are several good reasons for this:

  • Clay insulation is considered not the most effective. As a rule, this material is used only as an addition to the main insulation.
  • To properly prepare clay mortar, you need to very carefully maintain all the required proportions. Otherwise, the heat-insulating layer may simply collapse or will not perform its main functions.
  • Ready-made clay mixtures are heavy, so they should be laid only on stable floors that can withstand significant loads.

Installation methods

You can install the insulation yourself. This work is done in two ways. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

From inside the room

Experts do not recommend insulating the ceiling in the interior of the home. With such work, you will not only reduce its height, it can also lead to the insulation material itself and its fumes entering the room. Moreover, in such cases, thermal insulation material Fungus and mold may appear.

If you have no choice, then you should consider some restrictions:

  • do not use mineral wool to insulate the ceiling indoors;
  • leave short period between the insulation and the finishing coating of the ceiling.

To insulate the ceiling in the interior of the room, penoplex or penofol are perfect.

According to experts, working with penoplex is quite easy. First you will need to nail the sheathing onto which the plasterboard sheet will then be attached. Pay attention to the height of the sheathing beam. It should be 2-3 centimeters greater than the thickness of the insulation.

There should be a step between the slats equal to the width of the insulation (approximately 1-2 mm). After this, you need to lay an insulating coating between the sheathing. It should fit in the right places with light effort. In order for the insulation to adhere well to the ceiling, it should be attached using dowels.

At the end of the work, sheets of plasterboard are attached to the sheathing. Thus, it turns out a kind of suspended ceiling. If you don't want to install regular drywall, then you can turn to installing a tension structure.

To install penofol, it is also necessary to prepare the frame. Next, you will need to put insulation on it (with the foil side facing the inside of the room). Insulation material can be nailed to frame structure nails. Gaps should be left on both sides for ventilation, so you will need to install a second sheathing on top - sheets of drywall will be attached to it. In this case, you can also turn to a suspended ceiling.


Ceiling insulation with outside premises involves laying insulation not from below, but from above the ceiling (or into voids, if any). In this case, the installation technology largely depends on the base material.

For example, for wooden floors it is better to use light bulk options, and for concrete slabs More impressive insulation materials with greater weight are also suitable.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly install insulation on the outside using mineral wool as an example.

For wooden floors

For concrete

In this case, the base needs to be thoroughly processed and leveled, removing all bevels and potholes.

  • Then you need to attach the vapor barrier film.
  • The mineral wool will be hemmed on it.
  • Next comes the fastening finishing material(cardboard, plywood, wood).

Choose insulation for cold roof follows several criteria:

  • Room type. For different conditions fit different insulation materials. For example, for a loggia and balcony, mineral wool, penoplex, isolon or polystyrene are more suitable, and for an attic or attic - basalt insulation or polyurethane foam. For spaces with high levels of humidity, it is worth choosing moisture-resistant insulation, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.
  • Base material. For wooden floors, you should buy lighter insulation materials. For concrete foundations, you can purchase materials that can bear heavy loads.
  • Environmental friendliness. Experts recommend purchasing only environmentally friendly and safe types insulation materials.
  • Fire safety. Select non-flammable insulation materials that do not support combustion.
  • Manufacturer. Contact only well-known manufacturers, producing high-quality and durable products.

If you decide to install ceiling insulation in your home yourself, then you should listen to the advice of experts:

  • Do not neglect the installation of waterproofing when laying insulating material. This will avoid the formation of condensation on the base, which can then reach the insulation.
  • If you need to insulate the first floors of a low-rise private building, then you should use penoplex for this.
  • It is possible to insulate the ceiling on the top floor only from the inside of the home, despite the fact that this method is not recommended by professionals.
  • If you decide to use sawdust for insulation, then you will need to check whether they are dry or not. To do this, you should walk over them before installation. Dry material will bend and crunch.
  • An attic that is insulated on all sides and also equipped with heating is not an attic, but an attic. Acceptable Materials insulation for such areas is indicated above.
  • If you are installing penofol, then you should not use fasteners that need to be nailed, this method can negatively affect thermal insulation properties this material. It is better to purchase insulation with an adhesive backing.

  • After laying the insulating material (especially if it is tiled) on the base, you should always seal all the cracks and joints. Most often, polyurethane foam is used for this.
  • If you are working with mineral wool, then you definitely need to use protective equipment - gloves and a respirator. Once fixed, this material will be safe, but during the process of laying and cutting it, tiny particles may become airborne, which will irritate the mucous membranes and also cause itching on the skin.
  • The insulation must be fixed as securely and efficiently as possible. To do this, use various fasteners, slats and twine.
  • Insulation in the form of slabs can be attached to the ceiling using glue. To do this, it is permissible to use a reliable cement-based composition. Home craftsmen leave good reviews about this installation method, as they find it easier and faster.