How and when to do cardio for fat burning? Inhale-exhale: everything you need to know about cardio training for fast weight loss.

One of the prerequisites for weight loss is playing sports. But is every exercise stress helps you get rid of extra pounds? Any trainer will tell you that cardio is best for weight loss. Eat different variants training that can produce tangible results when the right approach, so you should understand how much cardio you need per week, its features and nuances.

What is cardio training to burn fat?

Performing a set of exercises in which the main load falls on the cardiovascular system is called cardio training or aerobic exercise. The second name comes from the method of extracting energy from glucose. If oxygen is involved, then the method is called aerobic, if without it, it is anaerobic. The second method is more often used when performing strength exercises. Famous examples aerobic exercise: running, swimming, football, aerobics, cycling, etc. Feature cardio exercise for weight loss - time, it cannot be less than 20 minutes.

The benefits of cardio exercise

In addition to strengthening the heart muscle, blood vessels, and increasing the overall tone of the body, the benefits of cardio training include burning fat. Such a load forces you to spend great amount calories, and obtain energy using existing fat deposits. The speed of this process largely depends on the intensity of your exercise and nutrition program.

In order for fat burning exercises to have the desired effect, the frequency and duration of the exercise must be observed. For beginners (first 2-3 weeks) 2 classes per week will be enough. Whether you train in the morning or you prefer evening training – it doesn’t matter, but regularity is needed. The minimum workout length is 20 minutes, but the longer the better. Further, the frequency should be increased to 5 classes per week, and the duration to 1 hour.

Types of Cardio Training

Professional sports is a science, therefore research is carried out on the topic effective exercises, minimum and maximum loads, methods and training schemes. Thanks to this, several techniques for performing aerobic exercise have emerged, which have different effects on the process of burning excess weight. Each person chooses the type of training that suits him best.

Long training

It involves performing a workout over a long period of time (20-60 minutes) with the same, constant load. An example of such a scheme is working on a treadmill or in a park at a speed of 11 km/h, without acceleration or rest. This option is perfect for athletes of any level of training and does not pose any threat to the body or health.

Interval training

This method is based on alternating fast stages with a rapid heart rate with slow recovery stages. For example, run at a speed of 13 km/h for 2 minutes, then run at 8 km/h for 3 minutes. Repeat the sequence required amount once. These workouts usually last 20 minutes for beginners, 40 minutes for trained athletes.

This is the name of one of the types of interval training, which does not have a clear systematization by periods of load. Athletes with high level physical training. The same alternation of high-intensity and recovery periods is used, but without a system. You determine the temporary fluctuations between high speed and low intensity.


This is a symbiosis of short aerobic cardio exercises and anaerobic strength exercises with weights. For example, you work for 3 minutes elliptical trainer, then squat with a barbell for 1 minute, go to treadmill and run for 3 minutes, followed by a platform leg press for 1 minute. The scheme provides an opportunity to receive maximum effect from cardio training for weight loss.

Types of cardio equipment for weight loss

Any fitness room has a cardio zone for burning fat, which contains suitable exercise equipment. They specially hang TVs there so that it’s not boring to do long runs, or they place equipment in front of open windows outside. If you wish, you can purchase such exercise machines yourself to do daily cardio exercises at home. The following options are considered the most popular:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • stepper;
  • ellipsoid;

Heart rate calculation for cardio training

To control and assess the load during cardio training for weight loss, it is important to know your maximum allowable heart rate. Based on this value, you can calculate the required frequency for low, medium, and high intensity training. This indicator is individual for each person, so you should use the formula. The maximum heart rate is calculated as follows: 220 minus your age. For example, if you are 30 years old, then the maximum permissible value during cardio training 220 – 30 = 190. The degree of load is calculated as follows:

  • low load – 65% of the maximum value;
  • average degree of load - 65-70% of maximum heart rate;
  • high degree load – 70-85% of the maximum value.

Nutrition after cardio

If it is recommended to visit the cardio room on an empty stomach, then after training you should choose food with slow carbohydrates. The optimal interval between training and eating is considered to be 40-60 minutes. Immediately after aerobic exercise, you can drink a protein shake, because when performing high-intensity exercise, protein is burned very quickly, and this is the main construction material for muscles that should be spared.

Cardio exercise video

Everyone who is planning to lose weight, the first thing they remember is morning or evening jogging, but not everyone has the willpower. You can do cardio at home, but no one will control you and there is a high chance that you will begin to cut yourself some slack and underwork. It is very important to properly set yourself up psychologically, get motivated, find out what is included in cardio training, and how to burn fat effectively. All this can be found out in the video below.

At home without exercise equipment

In the gym

Interval Cardio


Cardio training (as well as strength training and, something tells us, any other) training is surrounded by legends. Most of adherents of a healthy lifestyle believe that it is cardio exercise that can help in reducing body weight, while one cannot expect this from working with weights. Fitness trainers, in turn, argue that it is precisely this approach to training that prevents you from gradually and productively losing weight.

Let's figure out what myths about cardio training are stopping you from losing weight and why.

Myth 1. To lose weight, you need to focus on cardio training.

Doing only cardio workouts is not only boring, but also ineffective in terms of weight loss. “Strength training builds muscle mass, which actually increases your metabolism,” says Hollywood trainer Elizabeth Hendricks Burwell. “So the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn day after day.”

Add to this the fact that recent research from the Personal Trainers Association of America has shown that dumbbell exercises burn up to 20 calories per minute.

Myth 2. You should start your workout with cardio exercises

Which should come first: cardio or strength exercises is as eternal a question as the one that involves the chicken and the egg. "If you first run on the treadmill for 40 minutes and then pick up dumbbells, you'll have too little energy left to work on the relief," warns personal trainer Lindsay Vastola. She advises alternating between cardio and power training, choosing a separate day for each of them.

Myth 3. You need to burn at least 500 calories during cardio.

Sticking to a treadmill that tells you how many calories you've burned is a waste of time and energy. “If only because exercise machines can only roughly estimate your metabolic rate,” says Vastola. The trainer advises not to pay attention to the red numbers, focusing on the intensity and quality of the exercises. Choose an intensity of 8 or 9 if you feel up to it, and then you can allow yourself to take breaks more often without harming your end goal.

Myth 4. We must not forget about the “fat burning zone”

The mysterious formulation “fat burning zone” hides a not-so-complicated, but in a certain sense, useless formula that allows you to calculate the “ideal” workout intensity for weight loss. But experts are confident that you shouldn’t bother yourself with calculations. "The higher the intensity, the more calories you'll burn—that's all you need to keep in mind," says certified trainer Marta Montenegro. At the same time, the expert recommends alternating high-intensity exercises with relaxing ones to give the body time to recover.

Myth 5. Cardio exercise on an empty stomach burns more calories.

You can't start a car without gas, so why would you expect anything different from your body? The secret to the effectiveness of cardio training is that it is inextricably linked with. “It’s important to remember that when we exercise on an empty stomach, our bodies tend to look for carbohydrates in the blood and muscles, and not in excess fat, as we would like,” says physiology professor Michelle Olson. The result is fatigue, drowsiness and insufficient hydration.

Try to eat at least 90 minutes before your workout. Olson says it should be something light but nutritious: for example, half a cup of low-fat kefir + 2 tablespoons of granola + pieces of fruit + cinnamon. And be sure to complement this set with two glasses of water.

Myth 6. Participation in marathons - great way lose weight

Needless to say, marathons have many benefits: strengthening the cardiovascular and immune systems, increasing endurance, or, as is happening more and more often, contributing to charity. Plus, training for a marathon makes your body more efficient in every way, allowing it to learn how to conserve energy and function the best way. “However, don’t expect noticeable results from the first race,” warns personal trainer John-Erik Kawamoto. And of course you shouldn't do weight loss ultimate goal participation in the marathon.

Myth 7. Cardio and strength training should always be separated.

So, we are ready to completely confuse you. Experts say that while keeping your cardio and strength training separate is often helpful, sometimes combining the two can be truly effective. Studies have shown that if you alternate cardio and strength exercises once a week within the same workout, then after its completion, calories continue to be burned for at least another 20 minutes. “This way you can lose weight even after the workout is over,” comments Montenegro. Not bad, right?

Myth 8. Cardio training allows you not to restrict yourself in nutrition

Oh yes, we'd like that. But, unfortunately, most of us overestimate the capabilities of cardio - namely, the number of calories that can be burned with the help of these exercises. "Physical activity alone isn't enough," says certified fitness expert Bret Contreras. "The average obese person loses about 2.5 kilograms of fat over eight months of exercise, which is very little. But everything changes when you add... regular exercise, proper nutrition and ".

You can lose weight without doing fitness, but with regular training you can do it faster and more effectively. How to structure an aerobic activity to achieve maximum results? Is it true that the most effective way to burn fat is through cardio training?

This article will discuss the most popular questions regarding cardio training and its effectiveness for weight loss. We'll also look at popular myths about cardio training that can be misleading and hinder your progress. And finally, we will offer you a ready-made set of cardio exercises for practicing at home or in the gym.

Cardio workout (or aerobic training) occurs due to the energy that is produced during the oxidation of glucose molecules with oxygen. This is the main difference from the power load, where energy is produced in an oxygen-free manner. Therefore, during cardio, not only the muscles are trained, but also the entire cardiovascular system.

Cardio training is especially useful for those who are just starting to get into fitness. They prepare your heart for heavier workloads. What else are aerobic exercises good for?

Benefits of Cardio Exercise:

  • Calories are burned, which facilitates and speeds up the weight loss process.
  • Endurance increases, you will be able to withstand increasingly heavy loads (this will also be useful to you in everyday life).
  • Metabolic and metabolic processes are accelerated.
  • Lung strength and volume increases.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves and the risk of disease decreases.
  • Immunity increases.
  • Relieves stress and psychological tension.
  • You will get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

Heart rate during cardio workout to burn fat

In order for cardio training to be effective, you need to exercise in the fat burning zone. The so-called fat burning zone is within 65-85% of the maximum heart rate (HR). The higher your heart rate, the more calories you will burn. The heart rate range at which fat burning is achieved is calculated using the following formula:

Heart rate max= 220 – age (this is the maximum allowable heart rate)

  • Lower limit: HR max * 0.65
  • Upper limit: HR max * 0.85


Let's say your age is 35 years old

220-35=185 (this is your heart rate max)

  • Lower limit of fat burning zone: 185 * 0.65 = 120
  • Upper limit of fat burning zone: 185 * 0.85 = 157

Those. To burn fat during cardio training, your heart rate must be within 120-157 beats in a minute (example for age 35). This is the recommended heart rate zone at which cardio training will be both effective for weight loss and safe for heart function.

You can use a heart rate monitor or to measure your heart rate during cardio training. If you don’t have one, you can measure your pulse yourself during class. To do this, count the number of beats in 10 seconds and then multiply the resulting value by 6. This will give you the value of your heart rate.

The main rules of effective cardio training for burning fat

  1. Give preference to interval loads. Interval training is many times more effective than monotonous aerobics. You'll burn more calories and have a more productive workout. In addition, such cardio programs are the least destructive to muscle tissue. For example, you can perform exercises based on the Tabata principle: We train with intense load for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, do 4-8 approaches, rest for 1 minute. You can also choose intervals to suit your capabilities.
  2. People who are overweight also need aerobic exercise. Only in this case is it better to choose walking: on a simulator, on the street, or at home, for example, look at our selection: Top 10 video training based on walking for beginners. You don't have to run or jump to catch excess weight. The most important thing in cardio training is to exercise with an increased heart rate, and this is achieved with any active physical activity.
  3. Cardio training should always be complemented by strength training. Without strength training, you will lose muscle, slow your metabolism, and degrade your body quality. It is not necessary to perform both types of exercise on the same day; they can be alternated. Be sure to check out: .
  4. Start your workout with strength training and end with aerobic training. If you combine two types of exercise in one day, it is better to start with strength exercises. Otherwise, after cardio, you will not have the strength to do quality work with weights.
  5. Always monitor your heart rate. With low values, you will not achieve the desired goal, and with high values, you will harm your health. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, measure your heart rate yourself 2-3 times during the session.
  6. Change the type of aerobic activity periodically. If you work out in the gym, then alternate, for example, an ellipsoid and a treadmill. When doing cardio training at home, try to change the sets of exercises. This will improve the effectiveness of the results.
  7. If you have knee problems, choose low-impact cardio. Now there are a lot of low-impact programs that will help you burn fat without harming your knees. If you work out in the gym, you can choose brisk walking on the track or .
  8. How often should you do cardio training? If you want to lose weight, then do cardio at least 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. If you want to keep fit or are working on muscle mass, then 1-2 times a week for 30-45 minutes is enough.
  9. Even if you don't need to lose weight, you shouldn't completely eliminate cardio from your schedule. With their help, you improve your endurance and heart muscle function. Those. develop your physical fitness comprehensively, in all directions.
  10. Cardio will not help you lose weight without a calorie deficit.. This is important for all people who are losing weight to understand. Even if you do aerobic exercise every day, if you don't watch your diet, you won't be able to burn fat. Read more about.

One example of interval training if you are a runner:

Many people do not like cardio training and try to avoid it if possible. But now Very big choice aerobic and interval programs so you can choose the one that suits you best suitable option. In addition to traditional running, this can be walking, plyometrics, crossfit, step aerobics, kickboxing, water aerobics, tai bo, cycling, dancing, elliptical exercises and. Also, an alternative to cardio training for burning fat can be sports activity: skiing, skating, roller skating, swimming, athletics, team sports.

8 Biggest Myths About Cardio Training to Burn Fat

MYTH #1: To lose weight and burn fat, you must do cardio training.

No, you don't need to do cardio to lose weight and burn fat. Lose weight from a calorie deficit (you consume less food than your body can use in a day), and body quality is improved through strength training by strengthening or growing muscles. Therefore, you can lose weight without cardio training.

However, cardio training gives additional expense calories, thereby helping you create the necessary deficit to lose weight and burn fat. This means that with regular cardio training it will be easier for you to lose weight.. In addition, heart training is a very useful component of fitness classes that should not be avoided if you do not want to get problems with the cardiovascular system.

MYTH No. 2: If you wrap problem areas with film or wear a thermal belt, then fat burning during cardio training will happen faster.

No, it does not affect the weight loss process at all, does not increase calorie consumption during exercise and does not help burn fat during cardio training. The film and thermal belt will just make you lose more moisture during training. Your weight may even decrease slightly, but only due to lost water, not fat.

In addition, dehydration during exercise is not only very unhealthy, but also reduces the effectiveness of exercise. Therefore, the film and thermal belt will not help you lose weight, but will only harm your health.

MYTH #3: If you do strength training, you don't have to do cardio.

Just because you're doing strength training and working on muscle growth doesn't mean you don't need cardio. The heart muscle trains much longer than the body muscles, so as strength loads increase, your heart (as opposed to the muscles of the legs and arms) will simply be unprepared. This is fraught not only with a drop in results, but also with serious health problems.

Imagine that you are only developing the muscles of the body, forgetting about the heart muscle. As your body weight increases, your heart has to pump more blood, which means it has to work harder. As a result, your untrained heart will wear out very quickly as the load increases. Therefore, even if you are working on muscle mass, you should have a competent combination of strength and cardio training.

MYTH #4: If you constantly engage in cardio training, then it is not necessary to monitor your diet. During classes, everything will “burn out.”

When during the day you consume more food than your body is able to process, then everything “unspent” goes into the reserve fund - fat. For example, an average one-hour workout burns 500 kcal per hour of exercise, and this is equivalent to only 100 g of chocolate. Therefore, if you want to get rid of fat, you need to monitor your diet in order to fit into your norm and not gain weight. Cardio training is a great way to burn calories, but nutrition is key to losing weight.

In addition, if you do intense cardio training to burn fat, then the body perceives this as a very energy-intensive activity. Trying to compensate for the effort expended, he begins to increase his appetite to replenish energy. Unbeknownst to yourself, you begin to eat more, and that is why a situation often arises when intensive training don't help you lose weight. We recommend counting calories so that the weight loss process is clear and obvious.

MYTH #5: Cardio training should be long because fat loss begins only after 20 minutes of exercise.

Another popular myth is that fat begins to burn only after 20 minutes of exercise. But that's not true. The duration of the cardio workout only determines where the body will get energy for the workout. But for general process Losing weight doesn't matter. To lose weight, the main thing is to create a calorie deficit, that is, spend more calories per day than comes from food.

The only benefit of doing cardio for longer than 20 minutes is that it will burn more calories than short sessions. We emphasize that for weight loss, it doesn’t matter whether you exercise 5 times a week for 10 minutes or once a week for 50 minutes. Any workout uses calories, and it doesn't matter how you burn those calories: with a long session or a short session. The only recommendation is that you should not engage in cardio training for more than 1 hour, as this threatens the breakdown of muscle tissue, which is not very good for both body composition and metabolism.

MYTH #6: If you train outside the fat burning zone, the workout will be useless.

This is wrong. Whatever your heart rate is during training (heart rate), you will burn calories. The higher the heart rate, the greater the calorie expenditure. 70-80% are the optimal numbers at which you qualitatively train your heart and burn maximum amount calories without harmful burden on the body.

MYTH No. 7: If you have a problem with your joints and blood vessels, then you can’t do cardio.

You can, but you just need to choose low-impact exercise options. The most important thing in cardio training is to raise your heart rate and burn calories, no matter how you achieve this: regular walking or intense jumping. If you are studying in gym, then choose to walk on a treadmill, changing the speed and incline. If you are at home, you can practice walking, for example, using this 45-minute video from Leslie Sansone (suitable for beginners too):

MYTH #8: You can’t do full-fledged cardio workouts at home without exercise equipment.

10 Cardio Exercises to Burn Fat

We offer you a ready-made cardio workout to perform at home or in the gym. You do not need additional equipment; all exercises are performed with your own body weight. The load can be easily adjusted by speeding up or slowing down the speed of the exercises.

The program will consist of two circles. In each circle you will find 5 effective cardio exercises for burning fat. We perform the exercises sequentially one after another, first the first circle, then the second circle. You can do the exercises not for a while, A to the account, approximately 20-40 repetitions depending on the exercise.

Beginner Plan:

  • Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat each circle 2 times
  • Total workout duration: 25 minutes

Advanced plan:

  • Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat each circle 2-3 times
  • 1-2 minutes rest between circles
  • Total workout duration: 25-40 minutes

First round of cardio exercises

We run in place, trying to hit our buttocks with our heels. Lighter option: walking in place with the shin overlapping.

We jump into a wide squat, touching the floor with our hands. The knees should not go beyond the toes, the back remains straight. Lighter version: perform a wide squat without jumping.

We jump in a half-squat, simultaneously spreading our arms and legs. Maintain a half-squat position throughout the exercise. Lighter version: we move our legs to the sides in a half-squat position without jumping.

We spread our arms and legs, moving as if on a ski track with small jumps. The arms move in sync with the legs. Lighter version: we walk in place, synchronously moving our arms and legs.

Second round of cardio exercises

We run in place, raising our knees so that our thighs are parallel to the floor. The back is straight and does not go back. A lighter option: we walk in place, pulling our knees to our chest.

3. Plank leg raises

In a plank position, jump with your legs spread to the side. The body keeps a straight line, the back remains straight. Lighter version: move your legs to the side one by one.

There are quite a large number of types of aerobic exercise. Many people get confused and don't understand which cardio workout to burn fat is best for them. About the advantages and disadvantages various types I want to talk about cardio today.

Due to its characteristics, aerobic exercise forces the body to use fat reserves as the main source of energy, and relegate carbohydrates and proteins to the background. Therefore, it is obvious that cardio should be present in your training program during cutting.

At the same time, what kind of cardio should be done for weight loss is a question that causes a lot of controversy. Typically, aerobic exercise is performed at moderate intensity (though high intensity has been shown to burn more calories) and lasts 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to stimulate the heart and lungs and force the body to actively consume oxygen.

Here are the main types of cardio for burning fat:

  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Walking

Their commonality is that they involve the largest muscle groups of the body. During aerobic exercise, oxygen, fats and carbohydrates combine to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of fuel for all cells.

Since there is more fat in the body than carbohydrates and proteins, it is more effective in providing energy during cardio training for weight loss. In addition, it mobilizes faster in the presence of oxygen.

Thus, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (50-75% of maximum heart rate) should likely burn a lot of fat. But will it allow it to do this in the long term? Some researchers suggest not.

In fact, a lot depends on what your heart rate is during cardio training to burn fat. High-intensity cardio (75% or more of your maximum heart rate) burns more calories, which directly affects the burning of fat tissue. To calculate your maximum heart rate, you need to subtract your age from 220.

As long as the exercise is performed in the aerobic zone (using oxygen) and does not become anaerobic (using carbohydrates), the higher the intensity, the better.

This doesn't mean low-intensity cardio isn't beneficial. As I'll explain later, it has its place in training. However, if you want to lose weight in as soon as possible, then you should stick to high intensity.

The purpose of this article is to identify the optimal cardio exercises for burning fat and explain why they are effective. But let's first look at the benefits of high intensity over low intensity.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

All types of aerobic exercise are equally beneficial. At the same time, both high and low intensity of their implementation (albeit within the so-called fat-burning zone) have their advantages.

To accurately determine the intensity you need, you need to calculate your target heart rate. lower limit the target zone is 55% of the MHR, and the upper zone is 80% of the MHR. Use an online calculator to determine these numbers (or simply subtract your age from 220 and then multiply the result by 0.55 and 0.8 respectively).

Cardio training (regardless of intensity) will help:

  • Strengthen the muscles involved in breathing, which means improving lung function
  • Increase the number of red blood cells in the body, which will allow oxygen to better circulate throughout the body
  • Strengthen the heart muscle
  • Relieve stress and tension, and improve psychological well-being
  • Improve blood circulation in all parts of the body
  • Increase self-esteem

Pros of low and moderate intensity cardio (50-75% of MHR):

  • Generally provides less impact on joints, making it ideal for people who are obese or low level preparation
  • Burns fat directly (rather than total calories) and can be done over a long period of time
  • Can be used for active recovery

Pros of high intensity cardio (70-85% of MHR):

  • Burns more calories and fat
  • Increases metabolic rate (during and post-workout) more than low-intensity cardio
  • Improves endurance, strength and performance
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis

Cardio exercises for weight loss and their benefits

The following types of cardio have different intensities. Choose the one that you like best and still produces lasting results.

1. Walking (burns 300-400 calories per hour)

Walking was once thought to be the ideal cardio workout for losing weight and getting stronger. general health. However, it is now considered one of the least effective aerobic exercises.

Walking is great for beginners and for people with injuries or obesity. Naturally, the lower the intensity of the exercise, the lower the number of calories burned per unit of time (15 minutes of cycling burns more calories than 45 minutes of walking at a moderate pace).

In addition, after walking, the metabolism speeds up for an average of only 1-2 hours, in contrast to high-intensity aerobic activity, where it can be increased to 24 hours or more.

Pros of walking:

  • Help with weight loss for obese people (who cannot do other exercise)
  • Suitable for people with sore joints
  • Moderate intensity suitable for active recovery
  • Intensity: 50-70% of MHR
  • Duration: 20-45 minutes

2. Running (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Running is an effective cardio for losing weight and improving overall fitness.

Although running puts stress on your joints, it is high enough in intensity to burn a lot of calories and stimulate your metabolism for a long time after exercise.

For fat burning purposes, it is better to jog (jogging), as this will allow you to avoid crossing the anaerobic threshold and not burning carbohydrates as the main source of energy. Running, like walking, uses the entire lower body, but on a much larger scale.

In particular, it includes the hip flexors, hamstrings, quadriceps, calf and soleus muscles. Running also actively moves your arms, which provides additional calories burned.

Pros of running:

  • Ability to train at increased intensity and burn more fat as a result
  • Working on the relief of the leg muscles
  • Improvements physical fitness and sports results in general
  • Increases metabolic rate for up to 24 hours
  • Help prevent osteoporosis
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Intensity: 65-85% of MHR
  • Duration: 20-30 minutes

3. Cycling (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Cycling uses the same muscles as running, but has the added benefit of being less stressful on your joints.

You can pedal either on an exercise bike (the preferred option for those who want to burn more fat) or on a bicycle.

Any of these methods will work for almost anyone because you can adjust the resistance to different levels of intensity. This makes cycling ideal for HIIT training. For bodybuilders, cycling will also help them work on defining their quadriceps.

Pros of cycling:

  • Less impact on joints, high intensity
  • Improving physical fitness in general and achieving greater athletic results
  • Work on the relief of the quadriceps
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Intensity: 65-85% of MHR
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes

4. Rowing (burns about 840 calories per hour)

The rowing machine provides excellent high-intensity cardio for weight loss. Rowing burns more calories in an hour than any other aerobic exercise.

Pros of using a rowing machine:

  • Burns more calories than any other cardio exercise
  • Total body workout
  • Low joint impact, high intensity
  • Improving physical fitness and achieving greater athletic results

5. Swimming (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Like rowing, swimming exercises the body as a whole while burning a large number of calories. It also does not put stress on the joints, and the risk of injury in the water is minimal.

Swimming works equally well for most people. To focus on different groups muscles, swim different styles. Changing the intensity will also help you burn more calories.

Pros of swimming:

  • Low chance of injury
  • Work of all major muscle groups
  • Improving physical fitness and sports performance
  • Burning large quantity calories and fat

6. Jumping rope (burns about 1000 calories per hour)

Jumping rope provides a very effective cardio workout for weight loss. They also allow you to work on the relief of your calves and shoulders, since these muscle groups are quite actively involved.

Jumping rope is perhaps one of the most difficult aerobic exercises because it requires serious skills, strength, attention and patience. It burns more calories than rowing (over 1000).

The duration of the workout should not be too long to eliminate the risk of injury to the lower leg or hip.

Pros of jumping rope:

  • A large number of calories burned
  • Help prevent osteoporosis
  • Development of explosive strength, endurance and speed (jumping rope is an integral part of boxer training).

7. HIIT training

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is relatively new and one of the most effective ways burn fat. Thanks to its increased intensity, it allows you to achieve excellent results and at the same time spend less time in gym. HIIT training increases your metabolic rate for the next 24 hours.

During stationary cardio with a constant load, the body tries to save calories. HIIT avoids this situation due to the fact that you change the intensity of the movements every minute.

Example of a HIIT workout:

Pedal the exercise bike at moderate intensity (75-80% MHR) for 2 minutes, followed by high intensity (90% MHR) for 30-60 seconds. Repeat the cycle for up to 30 minutes. Running, rowing or swimming can also be used for this workout.

Pros of HIIT training:

  • Increased levels of fat-burning hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • Decreased insulin levels
  • Raises your metabolic rate more than other cardio exercises

Recommendations for cardio training to burn fat

Start gradually

As with any exercise, you should start your cardio at a slow pace, especially if you're a beginner or overweight. Walking is great for beginners because it is low-impact and reduces pressure on your joints.

A sudden transition to heavy loads can lead to injury. It is important to start gradually to warm up your muscles and stretch out your joints for the work ahead.

Work in your target heart rate zone

It is important to stay within your target heart rate zone to get the most out of your training and avoid negative consequences for good health. Using the above formula, you can determine the lower and upper limits of your heart rate.

Do not overdo it

Your first priority is safety. Trying to do too much will likely have the opposite effect. How long should a cardio workout last to burn fat? If your health is fine, then the session should not take you more than 45-60 minutes.

Exceeding the specified time frame can lead to sprains and other injuries, which will ultimately slow down metabolism, and therefore fat burning. If you're combining cardio and strength training to lose weight, you need to be careful to avoid overtraining.

Monitor intensity, time and frequency of training

To get the most out of your fat-burning cardio workout, plan your intensity, timing, and frequency. These variables will change depending on the stage of progress and the goals set.

For athletes with an average level of training, the intensity will be 70-85% of MHR, training duration will be 45-60 minutes 4 times a week. For beginners, the load will naturally be lower.

Drink water before, during and after exercise

Since cardio training for weight loss removes a lot of fluid from the body through sweat, it is very important to drink water before, during and after the workout (depending on the duration). Inadequate hydration (especially in hot weather) can lead to dehydration and decreased performance.

Intelligible about proper nutrition for burning fat and gaining muscle mass


To get a slim, ripped physique, you can't do without cardio training to burn fat. Since each person’s body reacts differently to stress, to achieve best results It is very important to choose the exercises that will work for you.

In order for cardio training to achieve your goal, you need to know the basic rules for performing this type of physical activity, as well as when it is best to do cardio - before or after strength training.

Doing cardio means doing physical exercise, increasing heart rate. As a result of such activity, the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system improves, endurance develops, and the metabolic process is activated.

There are many types of cardio exercises. The most popular are the following: rowing and aerobics, jumping rope, swimming, running, skiing. In one hour of such training, from 400 to 600 kilocalories are consumed. Cardio is often presented as the best way in the fight against extra pounds and fat, which is not entirely true.

Cardio and weight loss

The relationship between the calories burned and the calories expended when performing a particular type of cardio, which most people who want to lose weight are looking for for their workouts, preferring running over walking, can cause metabolic disorders. This happens due to the combination of a sharp reduction in diet with exhausting runs.

The number of calories burned by cardio depends more on your average heart rate than on the type of physical activity. The faster the heart beats, the more energy is expended. Energy consumption is also affected by the duration of exercise.

How dangerous can jogging be?

Running has a positive effect on human health, but it is not the simplest or easiest form of cardio. Incorrect technique, too hard a surface, and inappropriate shoes are factors that can lead to injury. To run correctly, you need to learn it.

Jogging is not beneficial for everyone. People suffering from overweight, they are contraindicated because shock loads increase pressure on the joints, especially the knees, which can cause the development of chronic pain. Rowing or swimming would be much safer.

The role of cardio before and after strength training

Warming up with cardio, lasting from four to seven minutes, is a great way to prepare the body for the upcoming stress. It accelerates blood flow and increases body temperature. The main thing is to monitor your pulse, the frequency of which should be at the level of 130-150 beats/min.

Cardio, performed after the main training, helps rid the stomach and sides of the fat layer and increase muscle definition. The most effective in this regard are circuit and interval cardio training.

Cardio training to burn fat

The mechanism for getting rid of fat deposits starts after the depletion of glycogen, the carbohydrate stored by the muscles. This can be achieved by doing cardio for at least forty-five minutes or immediately after completing core strength training.

The role of sport in the process of losing weight should not be overestimated. Exclusion from the diet junk food and reducing the total calorie intake to a moderate level bring a much more tangible result. It is easier to avoid an excess of calories than to deal with the consequences of excessive or improper nutrition.

How to make cardio as effective as possible?

For cardio training to be beneficial, you must follow four simple rules:

Short cardio as part of a warm-up

Suitable for those who want to lose weight and for athletes who are training to gain weight muscle mass. Performing light cardio as part of a warm-up for the upcoming training allows you to prepare your body and muscles for the stress and make your workouts more effective.

Active cardio is not for everyone

Such physical activity negatively affects muscle growth and cannot be combined with exercises aimed at increasing relief. The body is not able to increase and decrease body weight at the same time.

Heart rate is of utmost importance

The number of calories burned is more dependent on heart rate and duration of exercise than on the type of activity. A forty-minute session on a rowing machine at a moderate pace is much more effective than a ten-minute “speed” run.

The timing is right

It is best to engage in high-intensity, circuit and other types of cardio training for the purpose of losing weight when glycogen stores are depleted and blood sugar is low, for example, on an empty stomach in the morning.

Cardio training stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system; it is important not only for warming up, but also for using sugar as a source of nutrition, which leads to the process of fat burning, that is, to weight loss.