How to get rid of scale in a kettle: the most effective method I've seen! How can you descale a regular kettle? How to get rid of scale.

An electric kettle has long become an indispensable item in the kitchen. But over time, scale forms in it, which occurs regardless of the quality of the equipment, frequency of use and other objective factors. The deposit disrupts the operation of the device and causes an unpleasant odor in the water. To avoid such negative phenomena, carry out regular cleaning household appliances using chemicals or home methods. How and with what to effectively descale an electric kettle at home?

To descale your electric kettle, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Warn all family members that the kettle is being cleaned and the water from it should not be drunk. If possible, carry out the procedure when no one is home.
  • To clean the device, pour water into it, add the active substance and boil. Unplug the kettle and rinse thoroughly.
  • Do not use abrasive powders or metal brushes for cleaning. They may damage the kettle.
  • Do not allow a large accumulation of scale - to do this, clean the electric kettle at least 1-2 times a month. For preventative purposes, use settled or filtered water.
  • For removing heavy pollution use several methods in combination.
  • When using household chemicals for cleaning, do not forget to wash the device thoroughly to harmful substances did not enter the body.

Citric acid and juice

To clean the kettle, prepare a solution based on 500 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Pour the resulting mixture into the device and boil. After turning off the kettle, leave it for 15-25 minutes to dissolve old dirt. After the allotted time, rinse the kettle with a soft sponge and clean water.

In a similar way, you can clean the device using lemon. Add a few slices of fresh citrus to a kettle of water, boil it and wash it. This method will not only get rid of scale, but also give a refreshing lemon aroma.

Baking soda

Baking soda will help you get rid of scale effectively. Pour 1 liter of water into the electric kettle and add 3-4 tbsp. l. soda Bring the solution to a boil, let it cool slightly, and then rinse the device with clean water.

To get rid of old dirt, boil a kettle with soda, then pour out the solution and pour in vinegar. The reaction of alkali and acid will speed up the process of destruction of scale and help quickly get rid of it.

Vinegar and essence

To clean an electric kettle at home, pour water (1.5-2 l) into it and add 100 ml of 6% vinegar or 1-2 tbsp. l. essences. Turn on the kettle, wait for it to boil and leave it for 3-4 hours (at large quantities scale - overnight). During this time, the vinegar will dissolve the plaque. Then pour out the vinegar solution and rinse the kettle thoroughly with clean running water. The disadvantage of this method is bad smell vinegar, which can be removed by prolonged ventilation.


It may seem strange to you, but scale can be overcome with carbonated drinks. It is important that the lemonade is colorless, otherwise some elements of the device will become colored.

To descale, shake the soda and pour 1 liter into the kettle. Bring the lemonade to a boil and leave to cool completely. The scale will completely dissolve and be removed due to the orthophosphoric acid contained in the drink. If the stains are not severe, simply pour the soda into the kettle and leave for several hours (without boiling), and then rinse with a soft sponge and clean water.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can also cope with scale. Pour a small amount into the kettle and fill with water. Boil the solution and leave it for a few minutes, then remove any remaining scale with a soft sponge. You can also use fresh sorrel for cleaning, but due to the low acid concentration in it, you will need to repeat the procedure.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals will help get rid of scale in an electric kettle. The range of products will allow you to choose the most suitable option, which will effectively remove plaque. The most popular products are Antiscale, Antiscale, Major Domus.

Before use, carefully read the instructions and perform all actions strictly following the dosage and recommendations. After treating the kettle with household chemicals, rinse it thoroughly, and to remove residues chemicals, boil in it clean water at least 3-4 times.

Often, to prepare hot drinks, running water, which is highly hard due to salt impurities, is boiled in a kettle. When heated, salts precipitate, which is deposited on the walls of the container, forming a dense coating after some time. In this article we will look at how to descale a kettle at home.

If the dishes are not cleaned, scale prevents the water from heating and impairs cooling heating element, which leads to overheating and increases the risk of device failure.

When systematically introduced into the human body, salt deposits lead to the development of various diseases, including gout, osteochondrosis and stones in the urinary system, so regular cleaning of the kettle is required. How to perform the procedure correctly and safely?

Safety precautions and preparatory stage

  • Do not use synthetic preparations used for cleaning washing machines. Only products designed for kitchen equipment and equipment whose surface comes into contact with food products. Chemicals and abrasives may enter the drinking water, since they are difficult to remove from plastic and metal elements.
  • To clean the outer surface you can use household chemicals without abrasive inclusions. It’s better to forget about metal sponges or brushes.
  • Before cleaning the kettle, unplug the appliance and let it cool. To prevent sediment from getting into the drinking water, the kettle is equipped with a filter. It is located in the spout and also requires cleaning.
  • Do not immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid for cleaning.

Folk remedies against scale

If the kettle is covered with too much scale, then not all means will help achieve the result the first time. However, you shouldn’t be upset, there are effective folk methods that do an excellent job of removing plaque and cost practically nothing.


To prepare the solution you will need 9% table vinegar and water. Fill the kettle with ⅔ water from the maximum level. Then add vinegar to the max mark. Boil the solution, then leave to cool.

If 9% vinegar is not found, use vinegar essence (70%). Pour water into the kettle up to the max mark, then add 2-3 tablespoons of essence. Work with the product very carefully, avoiding contact with mucous membranes, so as not to cause a chemical burn.

Finally, rinse the device thoroughly with water. If it was not possible to remove all the scale the first time, repeat the procedure. The disadvantage of this method is the strong smell of vinegar (especially in the case of essence), so the room must be well ventilated.

Video tips

Lemon acid

The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 grams of citric acid per 1 liter of water. Typically, acid is packaged in 25 gram bags, so a standard kettle will require one bag.

Bring the resulting solution, as in the case of vinegar, to a boil. After boiling, turn off the kettle as the solution may begin to foam intensively. Let the kettle cool, drain the solution, and rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Baking soda

If the kettle has not been cleaned for a long time and the layer of scale is large enough, then before carrying out one of the above procedures, you need to boil water with baking soda in it. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of soda per 1 liter of water. This preparation will give a more active reaction with the acid and increase the likelihood of cleaning.

Coca Cola

The method is suitable for any kettle, except electric. Sweet carbonated water must contain phosphoric and citric acid. Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite drinks are considered suitable for cleaning. They clean scale and do an excellent job of removing rust.

Before starting the procedure, open the lid and release the gas from the drink. Fill the kettle to medium level, bring to a boil and leave the liquid to cool. Drain the liquid and rinse the inside thoroughly with water.

Neglected cases require a combination of several methods. A kettle with heavy deposits can be cleaned in the following way:

  1. Perform the first boiling with water and soda, drain the liquid, and rinse the kettle.
  2. Perform the second boiling for half an hour. To do this, add 1-2 teaspoons of citric acid to the water and after boiling, rinse the container with water.
  3. Perform the third boiling with water and vinegar.

At the end of the procedure, the scale will become loose and will fall away from the walls without any problems. After this, thoroughly wash the device again to prevent acid and crumbling plaque from getting into the future drink.

Purchased products and chemicals

If you need to quickly and easily remove scale from an electric kettle, use specialized products sold in stores. Such remedies are effective and act quite quickly.

  • “Antinscale” is commercially available, inexpensive, and quickly achieves the desired result.
  • "Descaler" - cheap and effective remedy.
  • “Major Domus” is a proven product in liquid form, but unfortunately, it is not available in all stores.

Using anti-scale powders is quite simple: pour them inside the kettle and fill with water. After boiling, drain the water and rinse the inside of the appliance thoroughly.

Non-standard solutions

If you don't have the ingredients needed for cleaning at home, try cucumber pickle. Pour it into the kettle and boil for 1-2 hours. Instead of brine, you can also use whey or sour milk.

On the Internet there is a method of peeling apple peels. Only sour apples are suitable, the peels of which are filled with water and boiled in a kettle for an hour.

After the procedures, the kettle is thoroughly washed.

The best way to solve the problem is to prevent scale from appearing.

  • Use a sponge to remove a thin layer of scale from the inside surface after using the kettle 1-2 times.
  • Boil pre-filtered water.
  • Do not leave boiled water in the kettle for a long time; pour out the excess immediately.
  • Carry out descaling monthly to prevent the deposits from becoming too thick.

Cleaning and preventative procedures will protect the kettle from scale, extending the life of the heating element.

In any water heating device from time to time we discover a treasure trove of minerals, namely deposits of magnesium and calcium salts from hard water. And if we always try to prevent the occurrence of scale in the dishwasher and washing machine, then what can we say about the kettle, where it not only impairs its performance and leads to breakdowns, but also harms the health of household members.

In this material, we have collected 6 of the most effective and affordable methods at home that will help you descale your kettle. Actually everyone's secret folk remedies very simple:

  • Scale in a kettle or electric kettle is afraid of organic and inorganic acids, therefore almost all methods of removing it at home are based on the use of acid-containing products.

Method 1. How to descale an electric kettle using vinegar

Manufacturers of electric kettles do not recommend using vinegar to remove mineral deposits - after all, it is too aggressive. But sometimes you can’t do without this powerful remedy.

The method is suitable for: plastic, glass and metal teapots with a very large amount of old scale.

Ingredients: water - approximately 500 ml and vinegar 9% - a little less than 1 glass or vinegar essence 70% - 1-2 tablespoons.

Recipe: pour water into a kettle and boil it, then pour acetic acid into the boiling water and leave the scale to soak in the solution for 1 hour, during which you should periodically lift the lid and check how the process of scale is peeling off from the walls of the kettle. If the scale does not come off on its own, but only loosens, then it will need to be removed with a sponge. Be sure to boil water in a clean kettle once or twice and then rinse it thoroughly to remove any remaining vinegar.

Method 2. How to descale an electric kettle using citric acid

The method is suitable for: cleaning electric kettles made of plastic, stainless steel and glass with light or moderate contamination.

Ingredients: water - approximately 500 ml and citric acid - 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the degree of contamination). A quarter of a lemon can replace powdered acid.

Recipe: we also pour water into a kettle and boil it, then pour citric acid into the boiling water or put a quarter of a lemon and wait until the water cools down for about 1-2 hours (the acid that gets into hot water, “hisses”). If the scale is not old, it will come off on its own. Otherwise, you will have to put in a little effort. Remember to boil water in a clean kettle and then rinse it thoroughly.

Method 3. How to get rid of scale in a kettle of any kind using soda

Enameled and aluminum cookware is afraid of aggressive acids, so the first 2 methods of removing limescale are not suitable for them, but the usual one can help you soda solution.

The method is suitable for: descaling both in conventional enamel and aluminum kettles, and in any electric kettles.

Ingredients: baking soda, or preferably soda ash – 1 tablespoon, water – approximately 500 ml (the main thing is that it covers all the limescale).

Recipe 1: to remove scale from the walls of an enamel or aluminum kettle, you must first mix soda with water, then bring this solution to a boil, and then leave it to simmer over low heat for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, wash off the remaining soda by boiling clean water once, draining it and rinsing the kettle.

Recipe 2: to clean an electric kettle with soda, you need to boil water, make a soda solution, and then let it cool for 1-2 hours. A more gentle way is to pour soda into boiling water, and then leave the solution until it cools completely - during this time, the mineral deposits will become softer, and it will be easier to wash them off by hand.

Method 4. How to descale a kettle using Coca-Cola and Sprite

This method is not the most effective and economical, but why not try it for fun?

The method is suitable for: descaling in ordinary stainless steel kettles and electric kettles, but for enameled and tin kettles - with caution.

Ingredients: any carbonated drinks with citric acid The composition ranges from Coca-Cola to Fanta. But it is better to take colorless drinks, for example, Sprite or Schweppes.

Recipe: First, release the gases from the drink, then pour 500 ml of liquid into the kettle and let it boil, and then cool. The result of the experiment can be seen in this video.

Method 5. How to remove scale from a kettle using apple or potato peelings

This product is suitable for either preventative care, or if the limescale is still weak.

The method is suitable for:

Ingredients: apple, pear or potato peelings.

Recipe: place apple, pear or washed potato peelings in a kettle, fill with water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, leave the peel to cool for 1-2 hours, and then wash off the softened plaque with a sponge.

Method 6. How to descale a kettle using brine

Since brine contains organic acids, it can also be used to remove scale and rust. Therefore, if you have cucumber or tomato brine on hand, which, as often happens, has nowhere to put it, feel free to put it to work.

The method is suitable for: descaling conventional enamel and metal kettles.

Recipe: pour the brine into a kettle through a sieve (so that nothing extra remains in it), bring it to a boil, then leave the brine to cool for a couple of hours. Using a sponge, we remove any remaining limescale and rust and, finally, rinse the kettle clean with running water.

Sodium bicarbonate is a soft alkali that well loosens the “salts” deposited inside the kettle. It's much cheaper industrial products and is not harmful to health. To enhance the effect, salt, vinegar or citric acid is sometimes added to the solution. It happens that soda ash is used instead of regular soda; it copes better with plaque, but it cannot be called safe. How to descale a kettle with soda? We'll tell you a few effective recipes.

The cause of scale is calcium and magnesium salts. When water boils, salts precipitate and form hard growths on the inner surface of dishes, boilers, and washing machines. You have probably heard that water can be “hard” and “soft”. This depends on the amount of salts dissolved in it; the more, the “harder”. When the inside of the kettle is “overgrown” with scale, the taste of the drinks noticeably deteriorates, white flakes appear in the cups, and the water has a specific smell. This suggests that it is high time for you to clean the kettle.

What's wrong with scale?

Rust appears under the layer of limescale and gradually destroys the enamel. If you do not clean the scale for a long time, then after cleaning you will be surprised to find that there is no enamel left at all, and instead there is only crumpled, rusted metal. Now the vessel can only be thrown away or used as a container for cleaning cutlery; tea from such water will taste like rust and contain pieces of broken metal.

Scale has no better effect on an electric kettle. An ugly brown coating remains on the bottom and walls, but the biggest danger lies in the fact that salts settle on the heating element and quickly disable it; among other things, scale reduces thermal conductivity, which makes the device heat up longer and consumes an increased amount of electricity.

And most importantly: water with lime flakes cannot benefit our body and the health of our loved ones. Therefore, dear housewives, do not forget to clean the kettle from time to time.

  • Don't boil the same water twice.
  • There will be less scale if you do not leave water in the kettle. For example, cooled drinking water can be immediately poured into a glass carafe.
  • Clean the kettle on time, as soon as a whitish coating appears, or at least once every 1-2 weeks.
  • The calcination process can also be slowed down if you use “soft” water, such as filtered or bottled.
  • After each use, rinse the kettle with running water.

How to find out the “hardness” of bottled water?

It is best to use “soft” or “moderately hard” water; by the way, this is what is needed for the tea to reveal all its unique taste and aroma. Carefully inspect the bottle; the manufacturer indicates “hardness” on the label. Use the table to select the appropriate water.

Why is soda better than Antiscale?

It's not just about a product with a name "Antinakipin", but also about all analogues of domestic and imported production. The composition usually includes fairly harmless organic acids (citric, adipic, sulfamic, etc.), but sometimes quite caustic substances, and Chinese analogues can contain anything at all.

Instructions and ingredients not written in Russian or their absence should alert you. If the composition says: “natural organic acids and auxiliary substances” - this means nothing is said! The manufacturer hides the composition of the product from you. Specific details must be provided active ingredients. It is better not to use such suspicious products, but to choose something safer for cleaning, such as soda or vinegar. After all, you drink water from the kettle yourself and feed it to your children.

After such cleaning, the dishes from of stainless steel may suddenly become covered with black spots, which are not a pleasant task to remove. Cleaning electric kettles with Antiscale is also risky. There have been cases when Trilon, which is part of the product, corroded the nickel-plated coating of the heating disk, and the kettles had to be thrown away.

Advice: if you decide to use Anti-Scalp, carefully read the instructions and follow the dosage.

What's good about soda?

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a white crystalline powder, a weak alkali, used in cooking and baking. How universal remedy It is widely used in everyday life, it can be used to whiten laundry and clean the bathtub. The main advantage of the product is its safety. It's okay if a box of baking soda falls into the hands of to a small child. During boiling, it does not emit caustic fumes and completely decomposes at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Sodium bicarbonate loosens limescale, disinfects the surface and removes odors, you can use a saucer with soda, don’t believe me? But in vain.

It is used to clean enamel, steel, glass, ceramic and electric kettles. It is impossible to ruin dishes with soda. The good news is that after cleaning, no substances harmful to human health remain on the walls of the dishes.

Cleaning with soda, “grandmother’s” recipes


This method is suitable for electric and regular steel, enamel and teapots. Fill the container 2/3 with water and add 3 tablespoons baking soda. Boil for 20 minutes. and leave for an hour. If the layer of scale is small, then this procedure is enough to make the kettle sparkle like new.

However, this method is not suitable for a thick layer of scale. Soda, of course, is a good leavening agent, it’s not for nothing that bakers use it, but it cannot completely remove limescale, although it makes it more porous and loose. Softened plaque can be scraped off metal mesh. Soda is often mixed with other ingredients: salt or acids (lemon, vinegar, citric acid), they enhance its effect.

Soda with salt

How to descale a kettle using baking soda and table salt? Pour a full kettle of water and add 2 tablespoons of soda and a spoon of salt, stir well and put on fire. There is no need to drain the boiled water; let it stand for 10-15 minutes so that the composition has time to dissolve the hard crust of scale.

Wash the inside of the kettle under the tap and remove any remaining deposits with a dish sponge. Rinse well and add fresh water, boil for a few minutes and pour out, repeat again to be sure to wash off any remaining scale.

This “home” method is quite effective; it was possible to wash off very thick layers of scale with its help; if the case is too advanced, then the process is repeated again or triple cleaning is used, which will be discussed below.

Soda and citric acid

This simple method is suitable for regular and electric kettles. Pour water and turn on the kettle, after adding 2 teaspoons of soda and citric acid for each liter. Let the water boil for 15 minutes and turn it off. While the water cools, citric acid and soda will destroy the layer of limescale.

After about an hour, drain the water and repeat the whole process again. This method gives good results even when other means are powerless. Rinse the inside of the kettle with water; if small islands of scale remain, rub them with a sponge. Boil clean water and drain to remove any remaining acid and alkali. If you have an electric kettle, inspect it carefully to see if all the scale has been removed from the heating element? Remove and rinse the mesh, put it back and you can use the device as usual.

Triple cleaning

To work, we need citric acid, soda and vinegar. The essence of the method is that the scale layer is alternately exposed to three different solutions, which makes this cleaning as effective as possible even in the most severe cases. So, let's begin:

  1. Fill the kettle with water and add soda to it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per liter The solution is boiled for one hour and poured out.
  2. Prepare a solution of citric acid, the proportions and exposure time are the same as for soda.
  3. For the third boiling, use table vinegar (100 grams per liter of water), when the solution has boiled for an hour, it is drained and the inside of the kettle is thoroughly washed. After this treatment, it shines clean, but smells disgustingly like vinegar.
  4. Boil in a kettle before use. plain water to get rid of the strong vinegar smell.

Soda Ash

Unlike baking soda, soda ash has a strong alkaline reaction, which makes it easy to dissolve limescale. In everyday life it is used for cleaning kitchen surfaces from old grease, for washing plumbing fixtures and tiles, for boiling laundry and softening “hard” water in washing machines.

  1. Prepare the working solution: dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water.
  2. Pour 1 liter into the kettle. water and let it boil.
  3. Pour the solution into boiling water and turn off the gas.
  4. When the kettle has cooled down, take a sponge and clean the deposits by hand; the softened scale easily peels off.
  5. We rinse the vessel well under the running tap to wash away any remaining “chemical.”
  6. Fill to the brim with water, boil for a few minutes and drain. All. You can use it as usual.

Warning: Soda ash is a caustic alkali. Be careful to use rubber gloves and try not to inhale the light white dust that rises into the air when you try to scoop the powder into the spoon. This substance easily dissolves paper and old fat, getting into the nasopharynx, causes unpleasant burns of the mucous membrane and irritates the skin of the hands. Take care of your eyes. Keep the powder away from food products, out of the reach of children and pets.

Anastasia, September 1, 2016.

How to descale a kettle using vinegar? Pour 2/3 of water into it, as in the previous case, and table vinegar at the rate of 0.5 cups per liter of water. You can replace vinegar with vinegar essence. You need to take less of it, at a rate of 3 teaspoons per liter of water. Boil water, let it sit for an hour and drain it.

Old plaque will not come off on its own, so be prepared to rub some areas with a soft sponge. After the dishes are cleaned, fill it with clean water and boil it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When boiling water with vinegar, you may encounter an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you decide to use this method, make sure that the room is well ventilated.

Soda for cleaning the kettle

Suitable for regular, enamel and electric kettles.
Pros: safe, affordable, very cheap way, with which you can get rid of old scale.
Cons: may lead to scratches on the surface; in order to get rid of stubborn scale, you will need to carry out the procedure several times.

How to remove scale from a kettle using soda? Fill half a kettle of water, add a tablespoon of soda, and put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and let the water simmer for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the kettle and wait until the water has cooled, then drain it and wash the inside of the kettle well.

Clean the kettle with vinegar and soda

Suitable for metal and enamel teapots.
Cannot be used for electric kettles.
Pros: accessibility, simplicity and efficiency.>
Cons: unpleasant smell.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar and soda? Fill the kettle 2/3 with water, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Pour out the boiled water and add new water, but now add 0.5 cups of vinegar to it per liter of water, and bring to a boil again and boil for half an hour.

After draining the water, go over the areas where plaque remains with a soft sponge, if necessary. Then rinse the dishes well.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid

Suitable for all types of kettles, except electric ones.
Pros: gets rid of old, stubborn plaque.
Cons: time consuming, unpleasant smell.

If the kettle is not electric, then, in my opinion, this is the most effective method fight against scale. But it is better not to run the kettle to such an extent that you have to resort to it. In order to clean the kettle, you will need to boil water in it three times for 30 minutes. The first time - with a tablespoon of soda, the second time - with a tablespoon of citric acid, the third time - with half a glass of vinegar. For each case, water should fill the container 2/3 full.

Using soda, citric acid and vinegar can remove scale of any degree. If there is a small amount of it left on the walls of the dish, you need to rub the area with a soft sponge. But from the use of solid metal brushes It is better to refuse so as not to damage the surface of the dishes.

How to descale a kettle using Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite?

Suitable for all types of kettles, except electric ones. Caution must also be taken when cleaning enamel models. The fact is that most drinks contain dyes that can penetrate into the surface of the dishes and ruin them.
Pros: effective, available method.
Disadvantages: not suitable for all teapots; dyes can ingrain into the surface of the dishes.

I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the drinks that children and adults love to drink are used to clean dishes from scale. I'll deviate a little from the topic, but have you thought about what is contained in these drinks, if they are able to clean plaque, which is not always possible to get rid of with the help of substances with an aggressive composition? I hope that most of us wise people. They don’t buy these drinks, much less give them to children.

They contain citric acid, so these drinks can be used to get rid of plaque.

How to descale a kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite? To do this, fill the kettle halfway with one of the listed drinks and put it on the fire. Wait until the liquid boils, turn off the kettle and set it aside for 20 minutes, then pour out the contents and rinse it with water.

Apple or potato peelings

Suitable for enamel and metal, electric kettles.
Pros: accessibility.
Cons: does not help get rid of old plaque.

How to remove solid deposits of salts in a kettle using apple or potato peelings and is this possible? Apple and potato peels contain acids that can be used to clean dishes from plaque. However, in the case of old scale, this method will be ineffective.

If you notice traces of plaque that have just begun to appear on the dishes, place washed apple or potato peelings in it and fill them with water. Boil water and leave it in the bowl for 2 hours. Drain the cooled water and discard the cleaning material. If necessary, wipe the inside of the dishes with a soft sponge and rinse well.

Cucumber pickle and tomato

Suitable for all types of teapots.
Pros: accessible remedy.
Cons: unpleasant odor after heating the brine.

It turns out that there are people who use our pickle to remove scale from the kettle. To be honest, I would never use this method myself. But some may like it for its accessibility and waste-free nature. Well, we all react differently to smells.

You need to use a brine that contains citric acid or vinegar, so remember the canning recipe, and if you purchased the preserved food in a store, look at the label. Acid and vinegar do an excellent job of removing plaque and rust that appears from iron salts.

How to get rid of scale in a kettle? Fill the dish halfway with brine, bring it to a boil, wait until it cools, and drain. Clean the dishes with a soft sponge and wash well.

And now I suggest watching a video on how to descale a kettle at home.

I don't like chemicals, so I use natural products whenever possible. Of all the above methods for descaling, I most often use lemon or citric acid and soda. I chose them for myself because they are always at hand, remove plaque well and are safe for health.

Chemical descaling agents

Despite the safety and accessibility natural remedies, it is impossible to ignore the chemical ones, which housewives quite often use. And it's worth noting that they are also very effective.

Among the most effective and accessible chemical agents are “Cinderella” and “Antinakipin”. Their use is not much different from the natural remedies discussed earlier. They also need to be added to water according to the instructions, boiled, allowed to cool and rinsed well.

How to prevent scale formation

In order for making tea or coffee to bring only pleasure, and not thoughts about how to clean the kettle of scale, let's figure out how to prevent its occurrence. This can be done if you follow some recommendations:

Avoid using tap water, or at least use water that has settled. Running water is very hard. If possible, install a filter that will soften it. It's good if you use spring or melt water(or buy bottled);
Pour into the kettle as much water as you need for one time. There is no need to re-boil the water, replace it with fresh water;
Rinse dishes every time after or before boiling water. This will allow you to get rid of plaque as it appears.
Now we know how to clean a kettle from scale and prevent its appearance. I am sure that each of you will choose for yourself suitable way combating plaque, which not only spoils the appearance of your favorite dishes, but can also harm our body.

Dear readers, what methods do you use to remove scale? I would be glad if you share this in the comments.

In this video you can clearly see the entire process of descaling.

If after boiling there is a little scale left, believe me, the kettle will still look much better than before. So hurry up and try this method.