How suspended ceilings are attached - installation instructions. Installation of suspended ceilings: step-by-step instructions Stretch ceilings are attached to the walls

Even if you did it in an apartment high-quality repairs, taking into account all modern fashion trends, and the base of the ceiling remains crumpled and twisted, with the presence of ordinary whitewash, the entire appearance and aesthetics of the room will be practically zero. What to do, you ask? It's simple: today it is possible to install a high-quality stretch ceiling that will fit perfectly with any interior of an apartment or house. But, in turn, another question arises: how is the suspended ceiling attached? Well, let's understand the intricacies of such material.

Stretch ceilings are becoming more and more popular every day due to many advantages over other ceilings

Stretch ceilings and benefits of use

Stretch ceilings, compared to conventional ones, have a number of undoubted advantages.

Perfectly flat surface. It has a large number of work aimed at eliminating various defects. This includes puttying fasteners, sealing cracks and seams, and installing slabs on levels. Of course, obtaining a flat surface in this case is very difficult. A stretch ceiling is free from this, since it is a solid canvas that has no joints. But, many will object, are there any welded sections of the film? Undoubtedly, but they are practically invisible. And at the same time, there is also a seamless stretch ceiling.

Diagrams of methods for installing a stretch ceiling: 1. Harpoon; 2. Wedge; 3. Cam

Easy installation. For example, if you use drywall, then during work there will be a large amount of dust and various construction garbage. In addition, this requires the removal of furniture and other things, which creates a lot of inconvenience. After all, by bending sheets, subsequent puttying, painting, and the like, you can simply ruin it all. This moment is completely absent when using a tension system - for the device it is enough to warm up the room and stretch the fabric. Then all that remains is to secure it. Those. Removing the furniture is recommended, but if this is not possible, it is enough to simply move it to the center of the room or leave everything unchanged.

Functionality. Such products are also installed in rooms with a low initial base: tension systems take up to 50 mm of space, while conventional suspended systems often take up more than 100 mm.

Stretch ceilings serve as heat and sound insulation; they are also attached to the kitchen, as they are fireproof and it is possible to attach any lighting fixture to them.

Lifetime. Manufacturers guarantee at least 10 years of service for such products, while suspended ones are much shorter. Besides suspended structures When the house shrinks, cracks may appear in the putty and sheets.

A suspended ceiling can hold water, so the apartment will not be flooded.

In addition, sometimes flooding occurs from neighbors above. Suspension system in this case, you will have to repair or replace it altogether, and stretch ceiling fearless about moisture. They will simply sag without breaking (the strength of a PVC stretch ceiling is 100 kg/m2).

And the accumulated water is easily pumped out, the ceiling will be in its original position. Such a system does not collect condensate. Accordingly, it is used where there is high humidity.

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Aesthetic focus

If you decide to install a suspended ceiling, then in terms of aesthetics you will not have any drawbacks. Manufacturers produce films with different color scheme and tones (metal, wood, marble, etc.). In this case, the surface can be both matte and glossy, which will help visual increase space of the room.

To create more beautiful view stretch ceiling, you can use LEDs and a light generator. Those. the first are directed to the points of intended illumination (original stars), with the help of the second element the light is supplied. The effect will be amazing.

That's sorted out. But stretch ceilings also have some disadvantages:

  • a sharp (and not only) object can damage the base;
  • cost - 1 m 2 of material costs on average 20-30 dollars.

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Preparing for the installation process

Before you start attaching the suspended ceiling, you need to do the following:

  • remove all excess from the surface of the base: plaster, whitewash, various contaminants;
  • to avoid the ceiling from being blown up by the wind, foam the presence of cracks and holes with foam (mounting foam);
  • if possible, make a free passage to the walls (you can just move furniture set, and then cover with film);
  • if there is hanging wiring, then it is attached to the existing base to prevent damage to the new one;
  • before warming up the room (if the ceiling is PVC), it is recommended to remove plastic windows(if any) slope corners.

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Installation of suspended ceilings

Tools required for installing a stretch ceiling.

First, prepare the necessary tools:

  • hydraulic level;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • glue;
  • heat gun(or other device that provides heat);
  • protractor;
  • To fasten the ceiling, you can use a special profile - baguette.

Let's start installation:

  1. Using a hydraulic level, find the lower corners of the room, step back a couple of centimeters and make a mark (the margin is needed to make it convenient to attach the profile).
  2. Next, the zero mark is applied in exactly the same way along all the perimeters of the walls.
  3. The next step is to take angular measurements of the room in order to ensure smooth joining of the profiles using a special folding protractor.
  4. The marks are made, the profile is fastened. But first prepare the profile slats. There are 2 possible parts options:
  • less than the width of the room;
  • longer than the length of the room.

Sequence of installation of a suspended ceiling in a room.

In the first situation, the edges of the slats need to be filed at an angle that is equal to half the corner of the room (measured with a folding protractor).

The second option involves filing one edge with the size of half the corner of the room, and the second at an angle of 90°C (for more convenient joining of the profile). Next, the missing sections of the profiles are taken and the same thing is done, only the bevels are made for opposite corners. Two sections of the profile need to be glued with glue.

Then the profiles are fixed to the walls at the intended levels with dowels or self-tapping screws. The result was a room where the profile was attached along the entire perimeter.

  1. The heat gun (fan) turns on, and the room warms up to a temperature of at least 40-50 C. And only then the film is unwound, but at some distance from the fan heater.
  2. They begin to tighten the material from the main corner (it is marked on the covering), then the opposite diagonal is attached. The rest are exactly the same.
  3. After fastening the four corners, you need to fasten the sides (sides) from them to the center of the room. Please note that the ceiling is stretched to an elastic state. These steps apply to PVC material. When fabric stretch ceilings are used, fastening occurs exactly the opposite. Those. First attach the sides, and then the corners.

All is ready. Nothing complicated. All that remains is to insert decorative plugs that hide the film fasteners and install lighting fixture(chandelier).

How to attach a chandelier? We prepare a plastic ring. In this case, the outer diameter must be such that decorative overlays the chandeliers hid it. Then the product must be glued to the material (the center must coincide with the markings of the lighting device fastener). After waiting for the glue to dry, a hole is made and the chandelier is attached (for this there must be a hook).

By making such a ceiling with your own hands, you will create a cozy and aesthetic room. And if you further decorate it with acrylic paints(waves, clouds, etc.), then unforgettable impression from being in such an environment will be guaranteed!

By stretching decorative fabric over ceiling modules, installers often damage the walls. Bad experience made home craftsmen excel in self-installation. Craftsmen give those who want to learn simple recommendations. They advise preparing the surface thoroughly (sanding, filling cracks and holes with foam) and choosing a system of actions only from the following five.

Beading technology. We find the zero level of the room and mark its location along the perimeter, and also determine the lowest angle and put a point with an indentation of 2 cm. We file the rail: if it is too long, the processing angle is half the standard angle of the room; when the baguette is short, one edge of the base profile is removed at 45°, the other is hewn at 90°, the additional one - on the contrary, then the parts are glued together. The load-bearing part (marked at the factory) is attached to the lowest corner of the room, the rest are attached diagonally and on the sides to the zero projections. Harpoon (French) scheme. We fill the upper perimeter of the box with a holding bar made of hard plastic, aluminum, or insert it into special holes (if there is a plasterboard figure). One end of the fabric with hooks is inserted into the plate, the material is heated, and the other edge is fixed on the opposite side. The sides are also secured, do not forget to firmly snap the “harpoon” each time. Upon completion of the arrangement, the surface is reheated until the defects disappear. After cooling, place a decorative baguette. Harpoonless technique. The mounting base is installed as described above. Take a canvas that will be 10-15 cm narrower than the ceiling. The edge of the material is pressed against the fixing board. The panel warms up, having achieved the desired parameters. We press its ends with a second bar, slightly smaller in size. Studying the principle of snapping the hoop will help you thoroughly understand how to attach a stretch ceiling “Dutch style.” The final step is cutting construction knife protruding pieces. Cam and wedge versions. The main task: carefully fix the canvas in the holding plate with special fastenings. The spacer profiles are simply driven into the corresponding grooves. The cams are completely unclenched, the ends of the material are pushed between them using a spatula, then the spatula is removed, the spring of one of the devices is compressed, and the mechanism grabs the edges. Over time, the moving and stationary (volumetric and empty) parts are connected more tightly, which prevents loosening.

The fundamentals for implementing all technologies are the same. The elements are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws, dowels, “mollies” (for gypsum boards). Before fixing, the ceilings must be heated with a fan heater to +40°, the temperature of the canvas is brought to +60°. The film is first fixed on opposite sides, the fabric on the sides.

Installation of suspended ceilings is reliable and quick way change the interior of the apartment or country house. canvas made of polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) is very practical and easy to maintain, and it is also made from environmentally friendly pure material. Placed under tension or thermal insulation will reliably perform its functions.

If you are faced with the choice of whether to use suspended ceilings or plasterboard in repairs, then here is food for thought. During production, prepare for the fact that covering walls with wallpaper that is still in good condition, you will have to tear it off and then re-glue it.

The plate is attached to metal carcass, and then putty and sanded. This, as a rule, is accompanied by a large release of fine gypsum dust, which clogs small pores and patterns on the wallpaper. It is almost impossible to clean the walls after this even with a vacuum cleaner.

According to the technology, the period in a 4 x 4 m room takes 5-7 days, depending on the temperature and humidity conditions in the apartment. Installation of a stretch ceiling made of PVC or impregnated fabric in the same room is completed within 3-4 hours.

Do you notice the difference? Besides, there’s more to shoot good wallpaper not required. You don’t even have to take the furniture out of the room. When installing suspended ceilings, the distance from the existing ceiling can be only 3 cm. This will allow you to save space in your apartment. Almost any lighting fixtures can be installed on such ceilings: chandeliers, spotlights and Spotlights.

You are probably wondering how to make suspended ceilings yourself and without the involvement of expensive specialists. After reading this article, you will understand that it is not so difficult. It is enough to approach this issue thoughtfully and seriously, armed with knowledge and the necessary tools.

Theoretical digressions

Before we begin, a little theory. So, how is a suspended ceiling attached to the wall? suspended ceilings are mounted on a special wall profile called a baguette. There are metal and plastic baguettes, harpoon (for fastening PVC sheets) and glazing beads (for fastening fabric sheets).

To learn more about the technology, you can watch the video on installing a stretch ceiling presented on this page.

For example, an aluminum molding for harpoon-type suspended ceilings has a groove with a lock for the harpoon. Harpoon is a soft profile welded around the entire perimeter of the ceiling PVC sheets. Before tensioning, the fabric is heated to a temperature of + 60 degrees.

For this purpose it is used gas gun for suspended ceilings. After this, the harpoon is carefully driven into the baguette lock with a spatula according to a certain pattern, which you will see below.

Material calculation

To install a suspended ceiling, you need to know the exact area of ​​the ceiling of the room in which the work will be carried out. Measure the length and width of the room with a tape measure, sketch out a plan of the room on paper indicating the dimensions, and with the result, go to a company that specializes in installing suspended ceilings. There you can easily choose a canvas by color, order a pattern on it, and also purchase all the component materials (profiles and thermal rings for lamps). There you can also rent a heat gas gun.

The baguette is attached to the wall using dowels and screws. To fasten the lamps, straight U-shaped hangers and embedded parts made of plywood 10 mm thick are used. Decorative plug for installation in the gap between the wall and the ceiling. To glue the thermal rings of the lamps you will need special glue.


For work you will need the following tools:

  • Laser or water level
  • Painting dyeing upholstery thread
  • Electric impact drill
  • Spatula for stretch ceiling
  • Hacksaw or grinder
  • Hammer
  • Gas heat gun
  • Clamps for ceiling sheet (2 pcs)
  • Tape measure, pencil and stationery knife
  • File or sandpaper

Work order

The sequence of work includes five main stages:

  1. Ceiling markings
  2. Installation of baguette

Now let's look at each point in detail.

Ceiling markings

To determine the horizontal plane of a stretch ceiling using a laser or water level, marks are placed on the walls around the perimeter of the room. The points are connected to each other with painter's upholstery thread.

If spotlights are built in, the level of the future ceiling is lowered by 10-12 cm. When installing a chandelier minimum height stretch ceiling can be 3 cm from the existing one.

Installation of baguette

Drill holes in the wall along the marked line in increments of 10-15 cm and hammer the dowels into them with a hammer. It is important to know! The joint of the baguette should not fall on the corner because the tension force is high and the harpoon of the canvas can jump out at the joint of the profiles located in the corner.

To do this, the baguette is cut with a hacksaw or a grinder, bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the cut edges are processed with a file, removing burrs. At the junction, the step of fastening with screws should be 2-4 cm. The baguette is attached to the wall with screws along the entire perimeter of the room.

Preparation of wiring and embedded parts for lamps

Before installing the canvas on the existing ceiling, embedded parts are installed in the right places. For attaching chandeliers on direct hangers to existing ceiling A plywood blank (according to the size of the chandelier) is secured with dowels. A hole is drilled in the center of the workpiece for the lighting wire.

For point mounting, the lamp body is attached to direct hangers. Important to remember! All lighting wiring must be laid in a corrugated polypropylene sleeve and secured with clamps to the ceiling.

Stretching the fabric and installing a decorative plug

Important to remember! It is recommended to remove indoor plants before warming up the room.

The canvas is hung on clamps to the baguette in two diagonally opposite corners.

When the heat gun has heated the air to the required temperature, you can begin to stretch the fabric. At a temperature of + 60 degrees, PVC film acquires elasticity, which allows it to be stretched like a balloon.

Using a spatula, they begin to drive the harpoon of the canvas into the groove of the baguette. In this case, the tensioning scheme looks like this: first of all, they tighten the corners - secondly, the middle along each wall - and finish by stretching the remaining sections.

Note! The room must be heated until the installation of the canvas is completed.

After the stretch ceiling structure is installed and the canvas is stretched, a plinth for suspended ceilings (decorative plug) is installed in the gap between the wall and the canvas. It is made of elastic and durable polymer that will hide the gap and small irregularities in the walls. To install it, it is pressed tightly into the gap between the wall and the ceiling.

Completing the installation of lamps

A few minutes after turning off the heat gun, the PVC film will cool down and tighten. You need to use your hand to feel for the location of the lamp or the embedded part with the wire. A plastic thermal ring is glued to this place.

After the glue has dried, the fabric is cut out inside the ring with a knife, the lighting wire is brought out through the hole and the lamp is mounted. The stretch ceiling is ready and now it will not only please your eyes, but will also protect the interior from flooding from above by careless neighbors.

A significant role in giving the living space beauty and comfort belongs to the materials used in the renovation process. finishing materials for the ceiling, of which there are thousands of types today.

They differ not only in the nature of the raw materials used for their production, but also in their functional properties, not to mention the price. Therefore, it is not surprising that the choice of materials for repairs sometimes turns into sophisticated torture. How much does it cost just to attach a stretch ceiling to the ceiling? most of He just doesn’t know people!

What is needed for this?

If you intend to carry out this operation yourself, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you definitely will not be able to get by with standard tools. So, you need to buy a special spatula and a heat gun, without which fastening the stretch ceiling to the ceiling is simply impossible.

However, not everything is so scary: a stepladder, a drill with a set of drills, dowels, a high-quality knife, and a knife are available in almost every home. In addition, we recommend preparing a vacuum cleaner, as well as sufficient quantity polyethylene film, which you will need to cover furniture.

Getting ready

In the case where the room is residential, it is better not to start attaching the stretch ceiling to the ceiling without prior preparation. To do this, you need to cover all the furniture with film (remember, we talked about it), protect the floor with wrapping paper or the same film, Special attention focusing on areas directly next to the walls.

We install the baguette

Any project begins with the installation of a durable and lightweight frame, which is attached along the perimeter of the walls of the room. In another way it is called a baguette.

To do this, you need to know whether the “native” ceiling has any irregularities. If you have hung wallpaper in a room, you may be aware of the difference in height between different ends premises. Having finally approved the most low point ceiling, we take this value as the level at which the baguette will be attached.

Its installation is carried out using dowels. Of course, this needs to be done as smoothly as possible, constantly checking the level indicators.

Let's stretch!

But now the fun begins. First you need to carefully straighten the canvas, temporarily tucking its edges into the baguette. To do this, use a spatula. Then the canvas is temporarily secured with clips, which must be purchased in advance.

After that ceiling mount stretch ceiling is entering its most critical phase. It is necessary to secure the canvas at the corners as carefully as possible, avoiding the formation of wrinkles. If everything is done successfully, you can begin to attach the decorative strip, while cutting off the excess fabric.

Having finished with this complex and dreary task, you can begin heating the entire ceiling using a heat gun. Residual wrinkles will stretch out, the coating will become perfectly smooth.

Of course, there are other types of fastening suspended ceilings (including without the use of a heat gun), but they all require deep professional knowledge and considerable experience.

In the middle of the 20th century, quite a unusual look ceiling covering, called today a tension sheet. In our country, such ceilings are considered French, apparently because France is their largest producer.

It is impossible not to note the splendor, beauty, aesthetics, as well as the variety of shades and textures of this coating. Stretch ceilings have the ability to visually influence the geometry and dimensions of a room. Many owners who are starting renovations dream of decorating the shelves of their apartment in this way, and it is quite possible to do it yourself. The main thing is to understand how to attach a suspended ceiling and what this material is.

Stretch ceiling is a polyvinyl chloride fabric fixed in a profile or a knitted fabric made from polyester.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, stretch ceilings have significant advantages. We propose to evaluate these advantages using the example of comparison with suspended ceilings:

  • When installing suspended ceilings, a number of works are carried out to eliminate various defects:
  1. meticulous installation of slabs according to level;
  2. sealing cracks and seams;
  3. puttying of fastening places.

Despite such difficult preliminary preparation base, it will be extremely difficult to end up with a perfectly flat ceiling surface. But stretch ceilings really give great opportunity get a flat surface.

  • Fastening the ceiling sheet is less troublesome, unlike suspended ceiling. Let us remind you that when installing a suspended ceiling you have to:
  1. clear the room of furniture;
  2. spend a lot of time cutting, bending drywall, as well as subsequent putty and painting;
  3. wash the room, remove the abundance of dust and accumulated debris;

To attach a stretch ceiling, it will be enough to warm up the room, gently stretch it and then secure the canvas. Another advantage of suspended ceilings is their guaranteed long service life (about 10 years).

  • Moisture resistance is another advantage. Stretch ceilings are absolutely not afraid of moisture. If suddenly there is flooding by neighbors living above, the suspended ceiling will only bend under the weight of water, but will not break. After you pump out the water, your suspended ceiling will return to its original position.
  • Durability is another plus in the collection of suspended ceilings (100 kg per 1 m²).
  • Fire safety.
  • Excellent for rooms with low ceilings (they take up to five centimeters of room height).


  1. Any sharp object can cause damage quite easily.
  2. Expensive (price per 1 m² - from 200 rubles).
  3. The installation process is actually not as simple as it seems.
  4. Special equipment is required.
  5. You cannot install lamps of more than 50 W, as they will heat the canvas, and because of this it will lose its elasticity.

Let's consider the option of installing the ceiling of a room that does not have projections or ceiling communications. The film will be attached using a special profile-baguette.

  • At the first stage, armed with a hydraulic level, you need to determine the lower corner of the room, then make a two-centimeter indent from it and make a mark (these centimeters will be needed to attach the profile). In exactly the same way, you should measure and apply a zero level along all the walls of the room (along the perimeter).
  • Next, you need to measure the corners of the room, which is important for clear joining of the profile parts in the corners. For this purpose, a special folding protractor is used.
  • At the third stage it is necessary to prepare the profile rail. If the slats are longer than the width of the room, the edges of the slats must be filed at an angle, equal to half corner of the room (you can measure it with a folding protractor). If the rail turns out to be shorter than the width of the room, then one corner should be cut at an angle of 45°, and the other at an angle of 90°, in order to achieve a clear connection between the parts of the profile. Then the missing section of the profile is taken and filed in the same way, but the bevel is now made for the opposite corner. The sawn sections of the profile are glued with glue.

  • The prepared profile must be fixed to the wall using dowels according to the level you have previously marked (you can also use self-tapping screws).
  • To do this, the heat gun (fan heater) is turned on and the room being repaired is heated to a temperature of 40°.

  • Next, you need to unwind the film, heat it to approximately 60°, trying not to bring it close to the heat gun.
  • Having prepared the film, you can begin the process of stretching it.
  • You need to start attaching the canvas from the base angle (mark marked on the film). After securing the base corner, the canvas is fastened in the opposite corner (diagonally).

  • After securing all the corners, you need to secure the sides of the canvas (from the corners to the center).

We looked at the process of attaching film-based stretch ceilings. Installation of fabric ceilings should be done starting from the sides, followed by fastening the fabric in the corners of the room.


We bring to your attention a video about fixing a stretch ceiling.