What is the best way to remove tiles from a wall: dismantling methods and tools. How to easily remove old tiles from bathroom walls How to remove tiles from a wall

Bathroom tiles are glued using cement-sand mixture or adhesive compositions based on cement. They provide reliable adhesion to the base surface. The finish is held so tightly that if it becomes necessary to dismantle it, it cannot be done without physical effort and tools.

Removing old tiles in the bathroom can be done in several ways. Some of them allow you to keep part of the tile intact and suitable for subsequent use, others are faster and easier to implement, but the material becomes unusable.

It is important to carry out dismantling work so as not to damage the plumbing and furniture in the bathroom. If possible, you should vacate the premises. Bathtub and sink should be wrapped soft cloth and cover with film. If the tiles will only be removed from the walls, you will need to protect the floor from heavy fragments. It can be hidden under a sheet of plywood, cardboard, or thick polyethylene.

If you remove the bathtub, it will be more convenient to remove the tiles, and the plumbing fixture itself will remain intact and unharmed.

You should also consider your own safety. You need to work in a respirator or gauze bandage. To protect against injury, you will need thick gloves, glasses, hard-toed shoes and clothing that covers the body as much as possible.

Important! Communications can pass under the tile finish. You should mark their location in advance and work especially carefully in these areas.

Depending on the chosen dismantling method, different tools will be required:

  • perforator;
  • renovator;
  • chisel or chisel;
  • hammer;
  • putty knife.

To keep as many masonry fragments intact as possible, you can paste over the edges of the tiles in several layers masking tape. This will significantly increase the dismantling time, but will save on the purchase of new tiles for renovating another room.

Chisel or spatula

This method is quite quiet and neat, but will take a lot of time. If the tiles need to be preserved, then first you need to unstitch the seams, this will allow you to divide the finish into separate fragments. How to do this depends on the composition of the grout mixture:

  • If it is cement based, you should use construction knife with a strong blade, a hacksaw or special tool with serrated blade. During work, it is important not to damage the edges of the tiles; it is better to run the tool along the center of the seam, cleaning the grout to the maximum depth.
  • Particularly strong epoxy grout will need to be softened first using construction hair dryer, then clean the composition with a sharp tool.

You can remove the grout to a shallow depth using a construction drill with a disk attachment or a renovator, then finish the job with a knife.

Advice! To avoid breathing dust while sawing seams, work in tandem with an assistant. Its task is to direct the vacuum cleaner towards a running power tool.

You need to start from the top row. The first tile will have to be broken with a hammer or cut diagonally. Next, the work is performed step by step with each fragment separately:

It is necessary to work with the free edges of the tiles. First you need to knock down the glue around the fragment so that it does not interfere with installing the chisel under the tile, and not on its edge. Then, in several areas of the free edge of the tile, place a chisel at an angle of 45 degrees and knock it out with a hammer. The vibration, which will be transmitted to the entire fragment, will gradually separate the tile from the base. Remove the remaining trim, moving in horizontal rows from top to bottom.

Instead of a chisel, you can use a narrow spatula. First you need to separate the tiles from the glue from the free sides: place the blade of the spatula at an angle on the glue and lightly tap it with a hammer. This creates small gaps between the tiles and the wall. Then insert a spatula with a wider blade under the fragment and gradually drive it with a hammer between the tile and the glue. The angle at which the tool is directed should be minimal; ideally, the blade is installed close to the wall. If the tile large sizes, the length of the spatula may not be enough, then you can use a thin metal strip, inserting it under light tiles hammer blows.

Sometimes removing tiles can be particularly difficult. For example, if it was placed on bare drywall. In this case, adhesion to the base will be very high and it will be impossible to knock down the tiles without damaging the partition. There is a chance to separate the finish from the drywall if it has been previously puttied. In this case, it is better to remove the tiles with a spatula.

If the safety of the tiles is not important, you can work with a chisel and hammer more actively and without opening the joints between the tiles.

Dismantling the floor in the bathroom is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference being that you can start from any area of ​​the finish.


The fastest way to deal with the old coating with your own hands is to use a hammer drill and an attachment in the form of a wide spatula. If the finishing is not valuable, then preliminary preparation no covering needed.

How to properly dismantle tiles with a hammer drill:

  • Break one tile in the top row with a hammer.
  • Place the hammer drill blade under next tile in the same row at an angle of 45°.
  • Turn on the hammer drill and pry the fragment from bottom to top if it is a floor, and to the side or down if it is a wall.
  • Move along the wall only from top to bottom. If the finish is poorly maintained, the upper areas may collapse from strong vibration and cause injury.

Important! The hammer drill cannot be used if the tiles are glued to drywall. Rough dismantling is only suitable for solid substrates.

If the tile needs to be kept intact, the grout should be removed before dismantling. And when working with a hammer drill, use a wide attachment - a flat chisel. The device must operate in gating mode. The spatula should be placed on the glue without touching the edge of the tile. If the tile is large, the impact of vibration should be uniform: first in the center, then closer to the corners of the fragment. You cannot push the hammer drill blade deep, otherwise the tile will crack.

When working with a hammer drill, you can save the most tiles on the bathroom floor. To remove tiles from the walls carefully and with less loss, you will need the help of another person who will insure the dismantled fragments from falling.

Sometimes it is necessary to replace only one fragment of masonry, for example, if it has a defect. Also, communications can pass behind the tiles and if they are damaged, dismantling is not necessary. To carry out all the work with minimal damage, you need to remove one or more tiles without damaging adjacent ones.

  • Separate the tile to be removed from the rest of the tile. To do this, you need to clean the grout using any method indicated above, taking into account the hardness and composition of the mixture.
  • Tap the tile. If there are voids underneath, you can simply break the fragment with a hammer. If there are no voids, drill a hole in the center of the tile with a diamond crown (or use a drill to make several holes over the entire area) and knock down the finish with a hammer and chisel.
  • To put a new fragment in its original place, you will need to remove old glue. Removing the adhesive is necessary to ensure that the new tile is in the same plane as the undamaged areas.
  • Prepare the surface for installation new tiles: sweep away dust and prime.

If it is not possible to purchase replacement tiles with the same design and color, we recommend using decorative tiles with a pattern that matches the bathroom interior.

Removing glue residue

For new finishes it is necessary to prepare the base. After dismantling, glue fragments will remain on the walls and floor. They can be knocked down with a hammer drill with a shovel in impact mode. In this case, the tool nozzle should be located perpendicular to the wall surface. If you hold it at an angle, the nozzle will slip and the glue will not separate from the wall.

If you don’t have a power tool, you can use a chisel and a hammer to remove any remaining adhesive in the same way as when dismantling tiles. Then clean the wall of debris and dust and prime it.

Cleaning tiles for later use

There will definitely be pieces of adhesive and grout left on the dismantled tiles. To prepare the material for re-laying, they need to be cleaned. How difficult this task will be depends on the characteristics of the glue. Sometimes mixtures can be easily cleaned off with a scraper, emery stone or wire brush. If the composition comes off with difficulty, you can wet it with water and start working when it becomes more pliable.

In particular difficult cases when the glue is removed with great difficulty, old tile needs to be soaked in saline solution for a few hours. Then try to remove the composition with a scraper. But this is not always possible, then they use aggressive chemicals, for example, Prosept.

You can use a grinder:

How to dismantle tiles in a bathroom depends on many features: the characteristics of the base, the composition of the mixture that was used for laying the tiles and grouting, and the availability of tools. If you do all the work correctly, you can save up to 80% of the material intact.

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Tile products represent a classic finishing material for the shower room. Ceramic tiles have high performance characteristics. It is durable, reliable, has good strength, and is also environmentally friendly and fireproof. In addition, tiles are not afraid high humidity, dirt, dust, and also has a presentable appearance. Of course, like any other material, it has its weaknesses.

For example, after a certain time, ceramics wear out or various damage to its surface occurs. How to remove tiles from a wall? Replacing tiles is a matter of time and effort! However, in order to properly install it in the bathroom it is necessary to dismantle it. old surface, and do this without damaging the base or adjacent finish of the same wall. In any case, the issue of replacing tiles is relevant.

Assessment of the quality of old coating

Before dismantling the previous layer, you should familiarize yourself with the principle by which it is laid. If the installation of ceramics was carried out using glue, then cleaning the adhesive will not be labor-intensive. In principle, an ordinary hammer and chisel are suitable for this. In addition, if you really want old tiles can be saved, however, to do this you will need to act much more carefully.

If in the bathroom old tiles are placed on cement mortar, which has much best characteristics than glue, its removal will require much more effort. Dismantling ceramic products will require special equipment, as well as some skill. To remove the previous surface you will need a hammer drill, and general process will take a lot of time, and it will not be possible to save the old tiles.

Preparatory stage

Removing outdated ceramics from a wall or ceiling always results in the formation of dirt, dust, and construction debris. In order to avoid, or rather, reduce the damage caused negative consequences repair work it is best to cover the surrounding area plastic film. Plumbing fixtures should be wrapped in soft cloth, and old rags should also be hung on other fragile items to soften the fall of tile fragments.

Need to know! At this stage, work should be carried out in special clothing with long sleeves, as well as safety glasses and a respirator.

Dismantling one or more products

There are situations when old tiles are only partially damaged, i.e. one or more ceramic products require replacement. In this case, there is no point in starting full-scale work. It is enough to replace the tiles with a new tiled element or its equivalent in the bathroom. First of all, this is due to the fact that dismantling work will require an unreasonably large amount of effort or time.

Thus, the stages of work:

It is important to know! To remove tile fragments, you need to attach the cutter to a drill and cut the ceramic product diagonally. Then finish the whole job with a chisel and hammer.

How to save tiles?

How to remove tiles from a wall and save them? In order to preserve the tiles you need to try a little. You will have to carefully remove the cement mortar on our own. In addition, you need to understand that a lot of effort will be wasted, since this is a fairly simple and time-consuming procedure. However, it will allow you to keep many ceramic products safe and sound. Steps:

  1. Using a spray bottle, a regular cloth or sponge along with warm water the grout joints are wetted.
  2. Removal and processing always starts from the top row.
  3. Carefully remove the tile seams using an ordinary spatula.
  4. We insert the chisel end-to-end between the top and bottom tiles and pry up the edge of the tile.
  5. We separate the ceramics from the surface; if difficulties arise, you need to lightly tap the tool with a hammer.
  6. Next, the adhesive or cement mortar is removed. In this case, special compounds are used or you can use a regular scraper.

Dismantling without saving

In order to remove ceramic tiles in the bathroom without saving them, strong arguments are needed. It is often more important to dismantle the waffle than to take care of its integrity. The use of specialized tools in the form of a hammer drill will greatly facilitate this task, while significantly reducing time. To work manually, you will need a hammer and chisel, however, this is a rather labor-intensive process.

Video instruction

The first stage of bathroom renovation, if you decide to take a thorough approach to this issue, is the process of replacing the tiles. To do this, it is important to remove the old coating. How to remove old tiles from bathroom walls, precautions during work, safety precautions, little secrets, let's take a closer look.

Preparatory stage

There are several methods for removing bathroom tiles. Before you begin any of these methods, you need to prepare everything necessary tools a person removing tiles. If work will be carried out on the walls, you will need a stepladder.

To dismantle the tiles, prepare the following devices:

  • Polyethylene film;
  • Old blankets or rugs;
  • Glasses for protection;
  • Gloves;
  • Respirator;
  • Spatula with a wide, pointed blade;
  • Hammer;
  • Hammer;
  • Bit;
  • Chisel;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Chisel;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Anti-fungal mixture.

It is very important to protect not only the plumbing, but also the floor before carrying out work. All furniture, mirrors, and equipment must be removed. The floors are covered with film. The window needs to be curtained. Cover all plumbing fixtures so they will remain unharmed.

Selecting the removal method

To choose the best way removing tiles you need to understand two things important points: what composition is it based on, is it planned to be used again. In case of fastening with a cement composition, saving the tiles is almost impossible.

The methods of carrying out the work depend on the speed with which they need to be completed, the quality of the masonry, and the surface on which to work.

In some cases, it is enough to remove the grout, treat the surface with a compound, and carefully remove it. In others, it’s impossible to do without dust, noise, and effort.

How to remove tiles without damaging them

If there is a need to preserve the material, it is important to know how to carefully remove the tiles without damaging them. This process is different for a long time execution. The price for such work is quite high, so doing it yourself is much more economical. It is possible to save a significant percentage of the material if it is attached to a composition not made of cement. All work must be done in stages:

  • The seams should be wetted with warm water. You can impregnate the seams with a special solution;
  • The grout is carefully removed;
  • To make the process easier, soak the glue in soapy water;
  • Gently tap the tiles with a chisel and remove them with a spatula;
  • The remaining glue is soaked and removed.

Special compounds for softening the glue make the task very easy. They will also help clean the tiles from any remaining adhesive. If the masonry was done with high quality, using cement compounds, the work becomes much more complicated.

Using metal hooks

In some cases, the tile does not hold tightly. You can use hooks made of steel wire. First, remove the grout. The first step is to remove a few pieces; dismantling the rest will be easier.

Place a hook under the tile and pull. A characteristic sound will be heard.

This method is perfect if there are significant voids under the tiles. You can check this by tapping on the surface. If there is air between the material and the wall, a characteristic sound will be heard.

You can beat off bathroom tiles using the old proven method, a hammer and chisel. This method is suitable for concrete, brick walls. First, the grout is removed. Place the chisel under the tile and hit it with a hammer. You can use a chisel or screwdriver. The work can be carried out either carefully for safety or quickly, but the material will be damaged.


If you need to dismantle it as quickly as possible and there is no need to save material, you can use a hammer drill. This method will please all residents with noise from neighbors, dust, and dirt. But the whole process will take just a few minutes.

All you need to do is install the device at the joints of the tiles and turn it on.

It is important that you need to wear thick clothing, safety glasses, and gloves when working with tiles. The fragments that fly when chipped can damage the eyes and body. It would be a good idea to use a respirator. Dust, dirt, glue is not best helpers respiratory tract.

Dismantling nuances

Before starting work, it is important to prepare all the necessary tools: chisel, hammer, perforator, chisel, grinder, drill, drill bits, construction items. The list will depend on the selected method.

Adhesive removers, water, soap solution. The method of carrying out the work depends on the selected surface.

Off the wall

You can quickly remove tiles from the wall using a hammer drill. The method will differ in speed, but it will not be possible to preserve the material intact. The nozzles can be directed at an angle.

The same process can be carried out manually using hooks. Before starting work, it is important to clear the seams.

You need to start removing tiles from the top rows, gradually going down.

From the floor

The method for removing tiles from the floor will depend on the material they are attached to.

If the tiles are laid on cement, get ready for large accumulations of dust, destruction, and damage to the material. The optimal work plan would look like this:

  • The first tile is cut with a chisel and hammer;
  • The rest of the coating is removed with a hammer drill;
  • Remains and unevenness should be brought into proper shape using a hammer and chisel.

It is a little easier to cope with the task of dismantling the material laid on the glue.

The first step is to clear the grout. The seams are moistened with water. In a few hours you can start working.

You can carry out the process using a hammer and chisel. Steel wire hooks will do. The fastest process will be to work with a hammer drill.

After removal, it is important to tidy up the surfaces of walls and floors, getting rid of uneven surfaces.

If the walls are made of plasterboard

If the walls are made of plasterboard, dismantling is more difficult. Surface adhesion occurs. You can do this in three ways:

  • Gently prying with a chisel;
  • Dissolve the glue using special compounds;
  • Remove along with the sheet.

Most often, there is a need to replace the plasterboard sheet, since it is difficult to maintain its appearance and clean it properly.

Replacing multiple items

In some situations, only a few elements need to be replaced. With this method, it is important not only to remove the material, but also not to damage adjacent elements. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Remove grout from the desired surface. Using a grinder, cut along the seams and make several holes;
  • Use chisel, hammer;
  • Break off into pieces.

Whatever method of work you choose, it is important to approach it with extreme care and carefully protect all surfaces and plumbing around it. Properly followed technology will not only allow you to cope with the task perfectly, but also save the family budget.

The bathroom is decorated ceramic tiles, because it is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The facing material is easily washed off from traces of toothpaste and shower gel. But one day the apartment owners decide to update the decor of the bathroom and start with the walls. And then we have to look for the answer to the question of how quickly and with minimal material costs remove ceramic tiles.

Preparing the premises

Dismantling the facing material is a difficult and dusty job. Pieces of tiles fall onto the floor and surrounding objects and can damage the toilet or sink. The bathroom is carefully prepared for renovation:

  • take out the washing machine;
  • remove cabinets and mirrors;
  • cover the windows with oilcloth or old rags;
  • carefully dismantle the plumbing.

If it was not possible to remove the toilet or sink, cover it with an old blanket. Wrap a protective blanket around the product, and fasten the corners with clothespins or tape. The fabric and layer of cotton wool soften the blows, so the plumbing will remain unharmed.

Place a layer on the floor polyethylene film, cover with newspapers on top. The paper prevents slipping and protects against household injuries. Construction tape is applied to the baseboards. Carefully fasten the joints of the film so that dirt and dust do not settle on the floor.

Complete removal

Dismantle tiles It’s easier if you don’t have to worry about its safety. First, remove the grout from the walls:

  • The sponge is moistened in soapy water or a special solution.
  • Soak the seams with liquid and wait until they soften.
  • Clean off loose grout with a spatula, kitchen knife or a chisel.

The tiles are carefully tapped with a wooden stick or handle to find areas with voids. It’s good if there are pieces that have independently fallen behind concrete base. The dismantling of the tiled covering begins with them. You will need a stepladder, a spatula with a wide pointed blade and a hammer. Tools can be replaced with an ax or drill.

Start from the top row. A spatula or ax blade is inserted into the gap between the ceiling and a piece of tile at an angle of 45–60 degrees. The handle or wide base is struck with a hammer. Do this carefully so as not to damage the wall. When the blade enters two-thirds into the cement mortar or glue, press the ax or spatula with your hands, separating facing material from a brick or concrete base. One or more pieces fall off. It will be easier to dismantle the rest.

The ceramic coating, attached to the wall using tile or mounting adhesive, is pre-soaked. The seams are processed with a grinder or scrapers. After removing the grout, direct a jet onto the facing material hot water. After 30 minutes, when the base has softened, the first tile is chipped with a chisel and hammer.

Leftovers ceramic coating put in thick plastic bags. The damaged tile is separated from the whole one. The latter can be used to decorate a cottage or garage. After each cleaned wall, it is recommended to sweep away construction garbage so as not to trample it into the floor and spread it throughout the apartment.

Dismantling of old tiles is carried out during the day so as not to disturb the neighbors. Carefully remove the tile that covers water pipes And electrical wiring. A chisel can damage communications, causing a short circuit or a flood.

When removing tiles, you must take the following precautions:

  1. Do not stand under tiles that are to be removed. A piece of facing material may suddenly separate from the wall and fall on your head.
  2. Wear a suit with long sleeves, pants made of rough fabric and boots with non-slip soles.
  3. Protect your eyes from dust and tile fragments with glasses.
  4. Use a respirator or a damp gauze bandage to prevent dirt particles from entering the respiratory tract.
  5. It is advisable to wear a helmet or hat on your head, which will soften the blow if a piece of ceramic tile falls on the worker.

Partial removal

Take off small area facing material that has cracks or chips, a drill and chisel will help. A regular ruler and pencil will come in handy. The work is divided into several stages:

  1. Two diagonals are drawn on the tile, which extend from adjacent corners and intersect in the center.
  2. The straight lines are divided into several small segments and bold dots are placed. The center is marked in a similar way.
  3. Soak and remove the old grout.
  4. Then use a drill to make holes in the marked areas of the tile.
  5. Place a chisel in the center and hit it several times with a hammer.
  6. The facing material splits into 4–8 parts.
  7. The pieces are pryed off with a tool with a thin sharp blade and removed from the wall.
  8. The concrete base is cleaned, plastered and new tiles are glued on.

The ceramic covering, which is attached to the wall using construction adhesive, is struck several times with a rubber hammer. The tool creates vibrations, due to which the tiles independently separate from the concrete base. All that remains is to pry it with a chisel and carefully remove it. Do not hit the fragile material too hard to prevent cracks from appearing. You don't have to use a drill, and the tiles will remain intact. To avoid damaging areas that cannot be dismantled, it is recommended to wrap the chisel in a rag.

Working with drywall

The walls in some apartments and houses are insulated plasterboard boards, on top of which they stick ceramic cladding. This base has to be removed along with the tiles. It will be possible to remove the tiles without damaging the sheets if the insulation was covered with a layer of plaster before the repair. In such cases, clean off the grout with a kitchen knife. If it was not possible to remove the material, use a grinder to make cuts along the seam line. Cement mortar or construction adhesive is soaked with soapy water. The tile is pryed with a chisel and removed.

It’s easier to crush it with a chisel or hammer drill, and then clean off the remains with a spatula. The facing material is torn off the wall along with the layer of plaster. Before gluing new tiles plasterboard sheets primed and treated with special leveling compounds.

If the tiles were glued directly to the insulation, it will not be possible to save the base. The facing layer is removed along with the plasterboard panels.

You can remove several pieces of tile glued to the insulation with a hacksaw. The grout around the area to be dismantled is cleaned with a tool with a thin blade and a sharp tip. Cut out a piece of drywall along with the facing material and, prying it with a chisel, remove it.

The hole that was formed after dismantling the tiles is filled with bars or a profile. Attach a new piece of drywall to the base. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws and chamfer the insulation.

Important: If the tile to be removed is located above the bathtub, cover the plumbing with a shield made of boards or chipboard. Suitable a metal sheet. You can cover it with an old blanket or blanket to protect it from damage.

You can dismantle the tiles yourself if you have the necessary tools at hand. The person removing the facing material will need a chisel and drill, as well as protective clothing, a respirator and goggles. After all, you need to protect not only your plumbing equipment, but also your own health.

Video: how to remove old tiles from a wall

The tiles must be removed either before starting repairs or for surface restoration purposes. It would seem that breaking is not building. However, not everyone knows how to remove tiles from a wall correctly, without damaging the same wall, and, if necessary, leaving the tile intact. After all, sometimes jewelry work is required, especially when it comes to expensive building materials. Next, we will consider all the main methods for removing tiles from both walls and floors.

  1. Bit
  2. Drill with 6 mm drill bit
  3. Hammer
  4. Putty knife
  5. Rotary hammer with chisel attachment
  6. Protective glasses
  7. Mask or gauze bandage
  8. Grout scraper

How to remove tiles from walls?

In many ways, the choice of a specific dismantling method will depend on what material is used to attach the tile to the wall, and what result you want to get in the end.

Features of dismantling depending on the material

  1. If the tile was installed with cement mortar, and even by competent, responsible craftsmen, then you are unlikely to be able to remove it without breaking it. You'll have to arm yourself with a hammer drill with a chisel attachment and get ready to work hard.
  2. If the tile is stuck to the wall or floor with adhesive, then there is a high chance that you will be able to remove it without splitting.

Let's consider several basic options for dismantling tiles, depending on the results you want to get in the end:

1. You only need to remove a few cracked tiles without affecting the rest. A careful approach will be required: after all, with one careless movement you can damage the entire adjacent tile, and you will have to remove it too. Sequencing:

  • using a special scraper, clean the seams around the tiles that require replacement;
  • to weaken the tile being removed (if it was laid on cement mortar and is held very firmly on the wall), you can drill holes in it using an electric drill with a drill bit;
  • carefully pry up the ceramic piece with a chisel and start tapping the tool with a hammer, trying to break off the entire fragment; do this very carefully so as not to damage the wall;
  • When the tiles can be separated from the wall, begin removing the adhesive.

Pry up the tile carefully

2. You want to remove all the tiles without breaking them for later use. This is only possible if it was applied with glue or placed poorly. Sequencing:

  • clean the tile joints;
  • take a chisel with a thin blade or a spatula, carefully move it under the tile, then begin to carefully tap with a hammer;
  • the most crucial moment comes when 2/3 of the tile is knocked off - you need to try to keep the far corners intact.

Important! The tiles are knocked down from top to bottom

3.You need to remove all the tiles, but their safety is not required. Sequencing:

  • arm yourself with glasses to protect your eyes from an abundance of dust, and cover surrounding objects and the floor with polyethylene; It is also advisable to use a respirator or gauze bandage;
  • take a hammer drill with a chisel attachment: place it at an angle to the tile, separate it from the wall;
  • then use a chisel and hammer to remove any remaining mortar from the wall.

How to remove tiles from the floor?

This can be done in two ways:

1. Chop 1 tile, and then use a chisel to pry off the rest using a hammer. You can also use a hammer drill.

2. The second method is designed for cases when the tiles need to be preserved. What do we have to do:

  • take a chisel with the thinnest blade, a hammer, a spray bottle with water;
  • moisten the area around the tile with water, wait a while, then moisten again and remove the grout with a scraper;
  • place a chisel on the tile and start tapping along the entire perimeter of the tile;
  • if you feel that the sound in a certain place has become dull, it means that the tile is starting to come off, it must be carefully removed;
  • clean the solution.

Using the simple methods described above, you can remove tiles from the walls and floor surfaces. Qualification and skill are required only when it is important to preserve the tiles; in other cases, only strength and technology are required to most effectively get rid of the outdated coating.