How to write a letter to a friend sample. Letter in English to a friend

Nowadays, letters have become exotic. It rarely occurs to anyone to send paper envelope with a message and wait for a response. We write business messages, try to pack as much meaning into fewer words as possible, text SMS messages, send each other links and funny pictures. That is why men who at some point in their lives need to send a friend a message by email or regular mail often simply do not know how to write a letter to a friend, what should be contained in the text and how to start or end the message.

How to write a letter to a friend asking for help?

First determine the purpose of the message, it may also be a solution business issue, and the expression of a request, and a response to a message previously sent to you. This way the guy will determine the subject of the letter. It is worth remembering that even if your goal is to resolve a business issue, you should not start the text directly with a request or proposal. Still, don’t forget that you are friends. Therefore, try to ask at the beginning of the text how your friend is doing, what’s new in his life, and how his family and friends are feeling.

Next, be sure to tell us about your news; men are interested in reading that a friend got a new position or sold. You shouldn’t write too much about your wife, girlfriend or children; as a rule, such issues are not usually discussed between guys.

Only after this can you move on to the question or request that is the purpose of the message. Think over the text carefully; it should not be too insistent; the fact that you are friends is not a reason for a person to feel guilty if he has to refuse you. But don’t minimize the significance of this issue for yourself either. If a friend decides that your request is not that important, then the likelihood of refusal increases. The golden mean must be observed.

Equally important is how you finish such a letter to a friend. At the end, you should thank the person for spending his time reading the message, and also assure him that, regardless of the decision he makes, you will remain friends. This should be done; male friendship should not be destroyed because one friend could not help the other.

How should you write a letter to a friend living in another country?

If a friend lives in another country, then, first of all, he will be interested not in the details of your personal life, but in what is happening in the cultural life of a country foreign to him. Describe customs, lifestyle, and major news. Men, of course, love to talk about politics, but try to avoid this. These questions can cause disagreements, which means that instead of a cheerful letter to a friend, you will end up with a not entirely pleasant debate that can end in heated arguments.

Be sure to determine your style of communication with a foreign friend. Try not to violate the rules of etiquette that are accepted in another country. Read how to start and end a letter in the state, where your friend lives, also study the list of topics that are not customary to discuss there. For example, in England they don’t really like it when their loved ones are mentioned, but in Germany, asking about your wife and children, on the contrary, is a sign of good upbringing.

Also, you should not write the first letter to a foreign friend expressing any requests. It's just not polite. Such a message can destroy a friendly relationship. But it is quite possible to invite your virtual interlocutor to visit you, but here the guy himself must decide whether he wants to host a visitor. If you are not sure of this, then you should not express a desire to meet.

Constant correspondence and e-mails today have become everyday means communication with friends, but writing a letter is a more traditional, effective way that can bring a smile to your friend's face. If you're writing an email the old-fashioned way, the format of the letter still remains the same: the letter to a friend should include a greeting, questions for the friend, an update from your life, and an appropriate ending.

Indicate the date of writing in the letter. If you don't want to write the letter with your own hand, it is better to add the date on the left top corner letters. Many people keep letters they receive for years, and they would like to see the day and year they were written to help them remember the past. Enter the date, for example: "May 7, 2013", or use numbers to indicate the day, month and year.

Write a greeting. The beginning of a letter, regardless of written or electronic form, is called a greeting. Here you address the person you're writing to by name, such as "Dear Emily" or "Hi Skylar." Consider the nature of your relationship with the recipient, and choose an appropriate form of greeting.

If you tend to write in a semi-formal style, use "Dear/Darling" as a greeting. It sounds typical enough, but you should think twice about calling someone "darling" because it sounds quite sweet and shows that you care about the other person. Although there is no need to put any special meaning into the greeting, the address “dear” is only appropriate in a letter to your best friend or recent acquaintance.

To write a letter in a more informal style, use a greeting like: “Hello [name].” This greeting is suitable for a friend or relative, but cannot be used in a business letter - it is too informal.

Include a personal greeting for someone with whom you have a personal relationship. For example: “My dear”, “My [name]” or “My best [name].

Make sure you include a comma at the end of the salutation. It is correct to start the main part of the letter on a new line.

Start with pleasant things. The first part of a friendly letter is usually warm and cheerful. This can set the tone for the entire letter, letting the recipient know what's coming next and making the letter sound more serious or businesslike. Write a greeting in a few lines, tell a joke or write about the weather. "How are you?" or "How are you doing?" - the most usual ways start the letter. Ask a question to make the letter feel like part of a longer conversation. If you want a response to a letter, fill it with questions.

You can use the first paragraph of the letter to ask the recipient more about their life. For example: I hope little Julia likes it kindergarten. I can’t believe she’s grown so much!”

A reference to the season can also be a topic for an open letter. Think about how to start small conversations that grow into deep conversations. For example: “I hope you are having a wonderful time. autumn time of the year. The trees in the area have become so beautiful. I still think the winter will be cold.”

Share news and details from your life. Now is the time for the main part of the letter and the purpose of writing it. Why did you start this correspondence? Do you want to reconnect with an old friend, express how much you miss him, or thank him for his help? Be honest, open and try to convey your thoughts clearly on paper.

Write about what is happening in your life. Regardless of the nature of the letter, your letter will be appreciated, but stories about your life will bring you and yours closer together. This way the letter will be more effective and open. Tell us what happened, what emotions you experienced, and what your plans are for the future.

Don't create a graphic picture of your life, otherwise the purpose of the friendly letter will be lost. Avoid the newspaper holiday template - your friend will immediately start reading the letter from the end if you list all your merits. You don't need to get caught up in your own problems, but be realistic when talking about yourself.

Choose topics that directly relate to your friend. What was your friend doing the last time you met him? Perhaps he was going through a tough time on the football team? Adapt by referencing familiar topics and ask questions to show your interest in your friend's business. You can discuss topics that interest you both. State your views on art, politics, recent events, or other areas of life that you would like to discuss with your friend.

You can suggest watching movies or reading books that you think your friend might like. Exchange of valuable information is always welcome in letters.

Close the discussion. Write the last paragraph, passing it on to a friend or loved one best regards. The last paragraph is usually lighter in emotional load, but it should be consistent with the overall atmosphere of the letter. Try to end your letter on a positive note so that your friend can relate to your sentiments.

Repeat the purpose of the letter again. For example, if you invited a friend to , write the following: “I hope you come!” If you just want to wish your friend a good time, write: “Happy Thanksgiving!” or something similar.

Inspire your friend to write back. If you want a response, write: “Hope for a quick response” or “Please write a reply!”

Write the ending. It should convey the mood of your letter depending on its tone: formal or informal. Like the greeting, the ending is determined by the nature of your relationship with the recipient. End the letter with your name. If you want to formally end the letter, write: “Sincerely,” “Sincerely,” or “Best wishes.”

If the letter is written in an informal tone, use phrases such as “Your...”, “Take care of yourself,” or “Bye.”

If the letter is personal, write “Love,” “Love you very much,” or “Miss you.”

Consider the postscript. Postscript, or PS, usually appears at the end of a friendly letter as a method additional information, which is not worth devoting a separate paragraph to in the main part. You can also add an interesting joke, or simply omit the postscript. Either way, make sure the postscript matches the tone of the letter and makes your recipient feel like you want to see them.



2.Talk about your life


Hello, Leshka! So, as promised, I am writing you a letter. How are you? What is your weather like? What's going on with your studies and what interesting things are happening at the new school? I just finished the quarter without C grades. And for this they gave me a dog. I named her Baby. She's funny and brings me slippers. Our first snow has fallen. Yesterday I even managed to catch a little cold while I was making a snowman.

Now Vanya is sitting at my desk with me instead of you. I'm so sorry you left. I hope your dad will be sent to work in our city again. I will wait for our meeting. Be sure to write to me. Waiting for an answer. Your friend Dimka.

Essay Letter to a Friend Grade 5



2.Waiting for an appointment


Hello, Savely! How are you? Are you healthy? What with your weather? It's autumn here, it's raining. I want to come straight to you, to the south, on such rainy days. You have probably already become a good swimmer, because there is a sea next to your house. But I still haven’t learned, although my mother even signed me up for the pool.

I can't wait for the New Year when you come to visit us. I have already prepared for the meeting, I bought a lot board games that you love. Your parrot is behaving well and has started saying two new words: “Savva” and “Yes.” When we sit down for breakfast, he always shouts: “Savva, Savva! Eat!". Mom gives a beggar a cracker. I can't tell you everything that happens here. You will find out everything during a personal meeting. By the way, dad promised that we might come to visit you during spring break. I think this is a great idea. Show me the beach and the basketball court. Let's play there with your new friends.

It seems that he wrote everything briefly about his life. I'm waiting for a reply letter. Your friend Mikhail.

Essay Letter to a Friend Grade 8



2.About myself


Marinochka, hello! How are you, girlfriend, what are you doing now? We'll have to take the OGE very soon, there's nothing left. We won't have time to turn around, 9th grade. I still have to choose two additional exams - I can’t decide. I miss you very much. Do you remember how we walked in the park? And our favorite swing... I rarely go there now. Even school has become somewhat gray, all lessons are quiet and monotonous without you.

In geometry, I completely neglected my studies; before, at least you pulled me up, explained to me how to solve problems. But I will definitely fix everything, I will try to cover all the bad marks, because this is my father’s condition for my trip to you. I spend a lot of time in the cultural center. I attend courses German language and also started dancing. I like it and time flies by. Kitten Vaska has grown up and is no longer as cute as before. The truth always sits in my arms in the evenings and purrs its song. This weekend we will go to hockey with our parents. We are now passionate fans, it was my dad and mom who enlightened us. I never thought it was so interesting and exciting game- so many emotions.

I think I told you everything about myself. How are you, Marina? She began to write to me very rarely. Probably, going to a tutor and to art school takes up all the time. What about playing the guitar, you’ve been wanting to learn this instrument for a long time. Has everything worked out or not yet? Write to me in detail about yourself. I’m interested in everything: about school, about teachers, about parents, about your hairless cat (how did you get such a scary one). I'm waiting for your answer, I miss you. Your friend Alina.

Greetings, my dear friend! It's been six months since we last saw you, and there haven't been any letters from you for a long time! So many new and interesting events happened while you moved and started going to another school. How I would like to tell you about everything in person, but I will try to express all my emotions and feelings in the printed word.

New neighbors moved into our house, in the fifth entrance; they have three children in their family. The boy, by the way, his name is also Ivan, will study in a parallel class. And two twin girls, Anya and Katya, will go to first grade in September. Vanya and I became friends, he is a good guy, he understands robotics, and at his old school he attended a computer science club. I am sure that you would definitely become friends with him too. By the way, our class teacher, Anna Nikolaevna, is going on maternity leave from the beginning of the school year, and a chemistry teacher will replace her.

Recently, a new playground was installed in our yard, exactly what we dreamed of: many slides and carousels, there are special fitness equipment, equipped a football field and a basketball court. It has become even more fun and pleasant to walk in the yard. Every weekend, “the whole yard”, according to tradition, plays “Cossacks-robbers”. I can't wait for next Saturday to fight with the "robbers" from the neighboring yard.

Tomorrow Ivan and I are going to go fishing out of town. Do you remember how we went there with you too: we swam, sunbathed on the hot sand, hid in the reeds from the girls, and once we caught as many as five kilograms of crucian carp. It was a lot of fun. If your parents would let you visit me for a couple of days, we would definitely go to this beautiful pond again. Next time I write you a letter, I will be sure to include a few photos from our fishing trip in the envelope.

I forgot to write to you that I finished this school year with only B marks, so my parents promised to buy me a new phone. And at the swimming section I managed to pass the standards for the second youth category. I think in order to improve my results, next year“I’ll sign up” for another athletics club.

I hope that you will definitely answer this letter and tell me about what is new and interesting happening in your life. I shake your hand tightly and look forward to our meeting!

Letter 2

Hello my dear friend. I know that I haven’t written to you for a long time, I haven’t asked how you are doing. But to be honest, I had absolutely no time!

I tried to write to you many times. But every time there were some things that needed to be done urgently. However, I am still waiting for you to visit! We have just returned from a holiday in the UK. I would like to show you photographs and give you small gifts in person.

You can't imagine how great it was! We visited everywhere: England, Scotland, Wales and even Iceland. I don't even know where I liked it better. Probably still in Wales. We came across an interesting guide who was able to show us almost all the sights in a short time. Can you imagine, we even met some Welsh people and tried their cuisine. The guide did not forget to show us the endless fields and hills of Wales.

We were lucky that we got there in early spring. All the hills were bright green, striking the imagination with their freshness. Even the air here was somehow special. The sky, unlike England, was clear. I didn't notice a single cloud as we traveled through Wales. And the area here was really beautiful. I especially liked the lake in the heart of the mountains. It was so clean that I could see every pebble at the bottom. Unfortunately, we were not able to swim. It was still too cold. But we admired it to our heart's content. We even walked up the mountain a short distance and looked at the grotto. Of course, there were no rock paintings there. But it was still quite beautiful. The guide even showed us the famous Wuthering Heights, which was the setting for Emily Brontë's novel. My mom was delighted, it was her favorite book. And I liked watching the stars in the field at night. In Wales they were particularly striking. I lay on the grass and just looked at the sky. Still, the nature here is incredibly beautiful.

In general, I also liked Iceland. We took a dip in the hot spring at the Blue Lagoon. She's really blue! I didn’t even believe my eyes at first. There are also very small ponies in Iceland. They are so funny!

Well, it’s time for me to go, my mother says that I need to sort out my things. I hope you will come soon and we will have fun together!

Your friend, Sasha.

Essay Letter to a Friend

I'm glad to write to you, my friend!

You know, from these essays, from these exercises where you need to write a letter to a friend, answering questions and asking your own, you get so tired! They are so annoying! Here we write one letter in English every lesson - preparing for the exam. And they also ask for questions at home... So, I say, it’s so annoying that at least don’t write to anyone. It’s better to call... And in general, why should a letter have such a straightforward structure? It is clear that the essay contains an introduction, arguments (pros and cons), conclusions, if some issue is controversial. But a letter is not an official document, although there are some! Why, when I write to you, should I adhere to some kind of introduction... Maintain the length! No, here, as the heart feels... That is, as the hand goes. All sorts of diagrams are needed only for writing when there is nothing special to write about. Or, on the contrary, there are too many thoughts, you can drown in them... You can drown another person. And if everything is fine with the “author”, then the diagrams only get in the way. They seem to kill creativity, live communication...

By the way, it used to be more interesting to compose by hand, but now, if you type, it’s not quite the same. Of course, your mistakes will be corrected and all that, but it’s not this or that.

I remember as a child when we wrote letters to each other from pictures - we drew them straight. There wasn't much information in these letters, but what a mood! Paints. I even drew the envelope once. I was afraid that the post office would not accept this letter. But everything is fine. Back then, in my opinion, we didn’t know the letters properly yet... Do you remember how funny it was? I drew a comic about going to the zoo, and you made a caricature of your brother!

Well, now I have to ask you about the news. But I'm not going to! Why? Yes, you already know that I am very interested in your life... And write like that! Since you are a friend, then there is no need for extra politeness. How are your parents, by the way? Hello to them!

To fill the paper, I also need to say a few words about the weather. Our weather is different. Either rain or sun! Either sun or rain. Nothing special, according to the season.

It’s interesting that this exercise made me remember how we used to write letters to each other. Or drew them. Nowadays everything is done via the Internet... But there is also something in the letters, such a special spirit. And my thoughts somehow come into order. And if you write by hand!..

All the best. On the call!

2, 3, 5, 7, 8 grade

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