How to arrange a new site. How to arrange a beautiful summer cottage with your own hands

It’s good if, when purchasing a plot of land, it already has a good-quality house with all the amenities, the necessary outbuildings, a well-groomed vegetable garden with flower beds and a luxurious garden. Such a dacha does not need to be remodeled - just freshen it up a little by making repairs and planting new plants. However significant drawback A well-equipped dacha is its price, which is very hefty. Today, empty plots are often purchased either with minimum quantity completed work. And then the new owners are faced with the question - how to arrange their summer cottage? On the one hand, you can make all your fantasies come true. But, since there is a lot of work, some summer residents find it difficult where to start. In order not to miss anything and make your dacha comfortable, we suggest using our tips.

We draw a project - what and how it should be at the dacha

The first step is to carefully consider what is already on the site, what should be there and what you want. At the same time, all buildings and plantings should not only be located as conveniently as possible for the owners, but also in accordance with the standards. This will make them legal. In addition, save a good relationship with neighbors in the area.

So, in order to be able to live at the dacha, at least for the duration of the holidays, it is advisable to provide for it:

  1. House. You should immediately determine whether it will be summer or all-season. In the latter case, you need to think about how the building will be heated. This can be either a connection to the central gas pipeline or individual heating( , bake, electric heating). The dwelling must be located at least 3 m from the neighbor’s house and from the road.
  2. Outbuildings. Will be needed for storing things, tools, fuel (firewood, coal, pellets). In addition, you can keep a subsidiary farm there if you wish. They need to be located in one place, further from the recreation area. The habitats of birds and animals are at least 4 m from the border with neighbors.
  3. Parking for cars. It is convenient if it is on the northern side of the site, where there are no plantings, and not far from the entrance.
  4. Recreation area (gazebo, benches, children's playground). Can be placed in the shade, rationally using a place that is not suitable for growing most plants.
  5. Fencing. It is worth considering that your fence should not shade the neighbor’s property or interfere with its ventilation.
  6. Garden Garden. Break down on the south side.

It must also be remembered that compost pit should be located at least 8 m, and the outdoor toilet - 12 m from the neighbor’s house. Also, their installation must be coordinated with neighbors.

How to arrange a summer cottage: what and where to plant

For horticultural crops it is necessary to allocate the most sunny side summer cottage. Plants will not bear fruit in the shade. It is better to plant shrubs and trees with a spherical crown in a checkerboard pattern - this way they will provide less shade in total.

It is better to place a garden in the background. Ahead of him to break vegetable beds so that all plants have enough light. Decorative garden trees You can plant the perimeter of the site to protect it from the wind.

Tall trees should not be planted closer than 4 m to the border with neighbors, medium-sized trees should not be planted closer than 2 m, and shrubs should not be planted closer than 1 m.

If there is little free space on the plot, vegetables can be grown in vertical beds or on a trellis. It is also possible to plant under low trees garden plants in tree trunk circles, as well as between them.

It would be a good idea to dedicate the space under the walls of buildings to flower beds, planting them on background tall perennials, and compact annual flowers in front. And the part of the area not used for buildings or plantings should be sown with lawn or meadow grass.

Interesting landscape design ideas for a summer cottage - video

My suburban area– my own territory, in the arrangement of which I can fulfill any of my fantasies. This is one of those pleasant things that you want to start immediately. How to arrange a summer cottage, what the garden will be like, where the pond will be, everything depends on us and our desires.

Having received a summer cottage as personal property, we get the opportunity to discover the artist within ourselves, express our creativity, and make our long-time dreams come true. How to arrange a summer cottage will depend entirely on our desire and the skill of our hands.

But first we need to identify the circumstances that do not suit us. Maybe these are old trees, unnecessary buildings left over from former owners, large stones. Before you uproot and throw it all away, I advise you to decide what you actually want to get.

Make an action plan, outline specific goal. It is quite possible that when arranging a summer cottage, stones can be used to create alpine slide, and an old stump will make a very nice table. When the stage of clearing the site is left behind, I advise you to begin planning future buildings and plantings. Determine where the house will be located, and where the garden will be planted, plan the planting of the lawn, and the construction of a gazebo. Or maybe for privacy you will want to equip a pergola or a cozy green arch. Everything is in your hands, and all plans can be easily implemented.

Eight concrete steps for creating a garden plan.

Stage one. Let's all imagine together how and where each of those present sees themselves at the dacha.

At this planning stage, there is no need to specify the number and varieties of fruit trees in the garden or the presence of corn in the future garden; we decide, so to speak, strategically.

Sketching in simple geometric shapes and sign the future elements of our site.

I would immediately like to warn and remind you of some important points regarding future friendly relations with your dacha neighbors:

  • You should not design a house closer than 3 meters from the neighboring territory, this is prohibited building codes, why constantly feel under attack;
  • It is better to coordinate the placement of a septic tank and compost container with your neighbor. This is, of course, possible, but it’s still worth warning;
  • Well, the planting of free-growing trees should be limited to a three-meter distance from the neighbor’s plot.

There are many options that you can imagine: from a factory for breeding “cultivated” earthworms, to your own forest where you can pick mushrooms.

Let's imagine that we settle on a compromise solution that suits most families.

In general terms, our dacha should have:

  • a residential building set back from the road at least 3 meters so that dust from the road does not disturb us;
  • utility rooms combined in one place away from your and your neighbor’s recreation areas;
  • parking lot on the north side of the house;
  • a productive vegetable garden and garden (our pride) with a public garden, while the trees in the garden are small, these elements of the dacha can be partially combined. Although such a combination is considered a mistake by many gardeners, in my opinion, on the tree trunks of sufficiently lightened trees, original round beds are obtained for greens, onions, and even cucumbers and beans. And we must remember that on one acre of garden we can grow six, maximum seven, free-growing fruit trees;
  • gazebo for barbecue and benches for relaxation.

Stage two. It's time to move on to specifics.

Compose full list plants that you and your family want to see in your dacha. Fruit trees, shrubs, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants, please don't miss anything.

I am sure that many points of your plan will change, something will be crossed out, and something will be added. The main thing is not to forget that replanting trees is always much worse than underplanting.

Extra trees will reach for the light, forgetting about the harvest, and they will still have to be cut down. And during their growth, they will greatly harm nearby growing trees.

Stage three. Think about the “geography” of your site.

For example, if you have wetlands and waterlogged areas on your site, and your list of desired plants includes moisture-loving plants, then this is an ideal case.

And, conversely, if you are a cherry lover, and the level groundwater is high, which means it is necessary to drain the cherry planting site using drainage grooves, and possibly make an embankment.

Stones, holes, bumps, stumps, if you are not going to turn them into elements designer flight your thoughts, with their help to bring beauty with your own hands, then it would be better to remove all this.

Stage four.

Under no circumstances should crops be planted in the shade. When in the shade, a tree must grow into constant direct sunlight to survive.

Therefore, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be planted where it is needed, and not poked anywhere.

To do this, let’s draw the shaded areas of our site:

  • take Blank sheet paper, imagine that we are on the site;
  • we indicate the cardinal directions and the approximate movement of the sun;
  • We schematically draw future buildings, large trees already growing, a fence and everything that can provide shade;
  • indicate the height of everything listed in the previous step;
  • paint over all shadow areas. We proceed from this rule: the width of the shadow is two times less than the height of the object that gives this shadow. Those places where, according to our calculations, there will be more than half a day of shade, are considered unsuitable for planting productive plants.

An area of ​​full shade can be planned only for paths, gazebos, benches for relaxation, perhaps for a flower garden with interesting design solutions.

Stage five.

Until now, our plan has been dominated by restrictions that do not allow us to realize our grandiose plans.

Don’t give up, we can place all the desired plants on our site if we know that:

  • all trees respond well to CROWN FORMATION. Therefore, we can easily give them any shape with our own hands - from 4 meters of normal height to dwarf sizes, with a width from a “flat wall” to 6 meters;
  • well, directly myself geometric shape the crown of a tree can be anything - creeping along the ground, in the form of different “balls” or a “wall” itself different heights;
  • Always place rows of fruit trees and shrubs from north to south (or vice versa). This arrangement will give a total of less shadow, so it will be possible to use row spacing;
  • Gooseberry and currant bushes, as well as trees with a “ball” shaped crown, are planted in a checkerboard pattern, as if in the corners of a triangle. This will give more rational use places and improve the lighting of your plants. recommends planting red currants and gooseberries in elevated, dry, well-lit areas, while black currants, on the contrary, feel good in damp, lower areas. Let the raspberries grow in isolated places on the site; they produce a lot of root shoots, and this way it will be easier to control their growth area.

Stage six. Let's plan a garden.

Think about what kind of vegetable crop you want to harvest. More precisely, how much you need.

If you are not going to feed all your relatives up to the fifth generation, then perhaps round beds in tree trunk circles will suffice for you.

Later you can create similar round beds scattered throughout your garden. Optimal width for them it is approximately a meter.

It looks very nice. For this to be practical, you will need to set decorative borders 30 centimeters high, or higher, fill them with humus. Then you can cover it with mulch (grass, rags, husks, straw), then water and lightly weed no more than once a week.

Install trellises on the beds. For climbing vegetables, arrange “vegetable alleys” - connect the trellises just above your height with a roof, a kind of overlap. So you can create a cucumber or bean alley with your own hands.

It’s also a great idea to make a pyramid on round beds - you install a support in the center, to which you tie one and a half to two dozen ropes. You can also build an “umbrella” at the top.

On such structures, vegetables, in addition to looking beautiful, also bear fruit well.

Arrange your beds along the southern or eastern walls of the house or utility rooms. In such places, plants grow several times faster than in a simple garden bed. The main thing is to waterproof the walls, otherwise a beautiful wall decorated with your favorite vegetables will collapse over time.

The ideal garden bed will be one that will be visible from your kitchen window. Vegetables growing in such a bed seem to sense your constant presence and grow much more cheerfully.

Stage seven. All that remains is to think about how we will move around the territory of our site.

Think about what, from where and where you will have to transport and carry.

There is no need to plan rectangular patterns of movement around the dacha. Such paths will constantly catch you at their right angles.

Do not be afraid of triangular, semicircular, oblique areas and, accordingly, paths in your dacha.

If such geometry requires simplicity and ease of movement, feel free to arrange such garden paths.

The entire area that does not fall under the beds is your lawn. If you don’t want to worry too much about creating an English lawn, remember the main rule: constant mowing completely destroys all weeds. Only meadow grass, the brace is their favorite condition.

You will have to master working with a trimmer and consider that you have mastered the most competent ecological method of caring for the land at your dacha.

Stage eight (final).

A plan like “a dozen trees behind the house and five berry bushes near the garden” will yield absolutely nothing.

You need to plan the same way you do home renovations. You know exactly where the TV will be - there should be a socket and an antenna plug there.

It’s the same with the dacha project, everything should be literally: “When I sit on the terrace, I will see the Pepin saffron apple tree, behind it the Renet Krasnoznamenny apple tree, and to the left of it the Tolstobezhka pear tree.” In the garden I will put a trellis from north to south, from which cucumbers will stretch towards the house.”

Only an accurate representation of what and how we want will make it possible to avoid in the future unnecessary alterations, uprooting of trees and poor harvest of vegetables. Believe me, it’s much easier to think through everything once, rather than torment yourself every summer to no avail.

Elements of arrangement of a summer cottage

For decorative design dachas, you can plan a lawn. To do this, you need to level the area, dig up and remove all the weeds. Then add soil and sow herbs. And if your plans include creating an alpine slide, then you don’t need to level anything; on the contrary, it requires unevenness.

I would suggest creating a pond. This will be a beautiful arrangement of a summer cottage, decorated aquatic plants. It is not difficult to do it yourself. First you need to dig a hole and give the soil time to settle. Then plan the distribution of water from the water supply system. This matter is not difficult. Lay out the bottom of the pond with a special film so that it covers the walls, but not stretched. I advise you to take the film black, this will create the illusion of depth. It must be taken half a meter beyond the edges of the reservoir, sprinkled with sand, and then covered with decorative boulders. You can do it even simpler - buy plastic bath, or any other form, and dig it into the area level with the ground. Cover it decoratively with stones, sprinkle it with multi-colored pebbles, and plant water-loving plants and lawn grasses along the shore.

When thinking about how to arrange a summer cottage, you need to take care of lighting. This important point, especially after dark. Surely in the evening after working in the garden, you will want to sit on the terrace with a cup of tea. This is where inexpensive and beautiful flashlights come in handy. solar powered. They will create soft lighting in the gazebo and emphasize the whimsical line of the path in the dark. Or you can create such lanterns with your own hands, using unnecessary tin or glass jars by decorating them different colors, and cut out patterned holes in the tin. Forged lanterns on poles will look impressive, beautifully and mysteriously illuminating a romantic bench in the garden.

If you got it small space where everyone needs to save square meter area, an excellent solution would be to build a summer cottage with vertical beds. This is possible from the old one wooden barrel make a real strawberry tree by drilling holes 5 cm in diameter across the entire surface and planting bushes in them. Fill the barrel itself completely with earth. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Having put all the tips together, let’s look at how best to arrange a place for a country holiday for the whole family, called a dacha.

General principles for planning the design of a house and surrounding area

A dacha, as a place to relax, must necessarily include:

  • A house located at a distance of no closer than 3-5 meters from the road (protection from noise and dust);
  • A utility area with premises (sheds, cellars, etc.), located as far as possible from the living space so as not to disturb the beautiful landscape views;
  • Parking for a car on the north side of the house;
  • Garden areas, beds, flower beds, i.e. the main decorations of the territory and the source of the harvest;
  • Recreation areas with benches, ponds, etc. These are the most attractive areas country house. Actually, it was for their sake that everything was started, because a dacha is a place where we should feel good at any time of the year and where comfort and beauty reign.

Planning is the most important step

Having decided on the general steps, you need to draw up detailed plan designing the landscape of the territory and thinking about the style in which the site will be arranged - modern, classic, rustic, etc.

It is worth focusing on the design of a country house so that the landscape of the site and the interior of the house are in harmony and do not represent something contrasting. This is the only way to achieve harmony in the design of your dacha.

In order to save money, much of the site design can be done with your own hands. This applies to both planning and the actual implementation of work.

Decorating a dacha site with your own hands, photo.

What you can do to decorate your dacha yourself:

So, if you do all of the above yourself, the arrangement and design of your summer cottage will seem completely simple matter. Be patient and hardworking, and you will save a lot of nerves and money. Arrangement of a summer cottage: photo.

Choosing a style

Style is very important when arranging a suburban area, and not just a country house. Country house - the best place for the recreation of citizens, because it is usually located within the city and is easily accessible. Therefore, many people prefer dachas to foreign resorts and come there at any time of the year.

Dachas, which are made in the same style (meaning the style of the house and the plot), look cozy and very well-groomed. But choosing a specific style is not an easy matter; here you need to focus on personal preferences.

There are 2 main styles, on the basis of which a design plan for a summer cottage is built, even if it is done with your own hands, namely:

  • Regular. It is characterized by conservatism, classicism, strict lines, clear geometric proportions, and laconic design. However, as for decorating the site, here the imagination of the dacha owner is not limited by anything and it is allowed to create flower beds, plant trees and shrubs, and arrange herbaceous plants and so on;
  • Landscape. It involves the artificial construction of natural landscape elements - hills, reservoirs, ponds, etc. All details of arranging a site in this style, as a rule, have incorrect geometry, because imitate natural elements. This option for arranging a dacha site requires more investment of effort and material resources than a regular design, so making it completely with your own hands is problematic.

Harmony and comfort are the main wishes of all summer residents. Our ideas for a country house will be clearly embodied in competent landscaping. At the same time, saving effort, time and finances is important to us, because a relaxing holiday is the main activity on a country estate.

The strict format here gives way to original, sometimes fantastic ideas for landscape and interior design. Combination of fragments is encouraged ready-made options. And the country style dominates here in its diverse manifestations, which gives us freedom of choice.

Original home improvement

It is the thoughtful interior of the dacha that contributes to a comfortable, restorative holiday. Stylish and comfortable design is possible even for a hut with one room, and its external decoration is important both for durability and for creating a pleasant mood. Home improvement with your own hands is interesting, joyful and practical.

We'll paint the facade bright colors, and we’ll make the walls, windows, and door slightly contrasting. Solar yellow goes well with brown, blue, red, or green. From such color ideas our small house will sparkle like a cute field bouquet, and flowerpots on the windowsills will only emphasize the similarity.

Country flavor

In the photo - pastoral cozy design small house.

Advice! The interior space of a single room will necessarily require division into areas for relaxation, lunch, and sleep. A mobile and decorative screen with fresh indoor flowers, a transparent or heavy curtain will fashionably and unobtrusively divide the room.

The designers’ instructions state that the following elements will add valuable folk flavor to the architecture:

  • carved frames on the windows and entrance;
  • thematic pastoral paintings and photos;
  • souvenir crafts and attributes of peasant life;
  • wooden parts coated with varnish rather than paint.

Modern touches

  • Eco-style and minimalism are also suitable for a small dacha. They will help us create magic: turn the house into a beautiful and worthy abode.
  • Only natural shades are characteristic color scheme these styles.
  • We will equip country houses from block containers with a transformable table and a chair-bed to expand the space.

Unusual furniture

Country furniture should contribute to a pleasant stay. Its comfort is successfully combined with ease of transportation or transformation to save space.

And coating with varnish or paint guarantees hygiene and ease of cleaning.

  • We will attach the tabletop using the Russian log house technique, and the benches to logs. This set is stable without nails - a hacksaw and an ax will make the joints strong.
  • High-quality walnut, oak, cherry, beech, birch, and linden wood will increase the service life of rustic furniture. Teak is the most resistant to frost, pine provides a healing effect, and aspen suppresses unhealthy energy.
  • Most suitable solid logs, twigs, fancy stumps and logs, and we use chipboard, plywood, fiberboard in details: for backs, seats.

  • Decorating such furniture with fabric, stones and metal inlay will provide it with originality and uniqueness.
  • Fastening parts with bolts, screws, nails guarantees reliability and stability. PVC and furniture glue will save you from squeaks.
  • Careful grinding and treatment with special moisture-repellent coatings will increase the durability of the country house set.

  • Old furniture - free material for parts stylish interior And original landscape . So, we’ll put flower pots on the chairs and convert the cabinets into decorative flower containers for the garden.
  • We will repair rare furniture and update its decor: we will inlay it, varnish it, or simply paint it.
  • Homemade will save family budget . A strong rope, an old chair and bearings - that's what we need. Wooden chair We will strengthen it with slats and paint it. Then we drill holes for the rope and tie it on a strong branch of a mighty tree.

Decoration of the cottage

IN original arrangement There is a special need for the most comfortable, but identical country houses made from block containers. Our imagination and efforts will give them a charming originality and characteristic personality. And the use of construction waste will make such artistic and architectural design absolutely cost-free.

We use stone

  • An exclusive table made of natural stone looks natural in his garden. We will independently select and place the stones into a rectangular cube (but easier - from brick). Then we will attach the side cassettes for flowers, line the walls with moss and install the tabletop.
  • Stones and boulders will make our flower beds unique.
  • Gravel will decorate garden alleys and the bottom of a miniature pond.
  • Oasis in oriental stylesmall garden stones with a flower garden and a pond will give us pleasant freshness even in the heat.

  • We will pave the paths with crushed stone, and the remote paths.

Fence design ideas

Shelves on the fence - practical idea on organizing usually unused space.

Many ideas for a country house and dacha amaze with their originality.

The main thing is that we will create these options ourselves.

  • All you need is a drill and large multi-colored transparent beads or pieces of glass.
  • IN wooden fence let's drill through holes and glue beads and glass into it.
  • They will sparkle in the sun with precious gems.

Unique bodies of water

  • Technological conditions are such that water is not absorbed at all, and its surface retains the illusion of natural surface.
  • First, we will model the reservoir, calculate its dimensions and determine its location on the site. And at the same time we’ll decide whether this will become a corner wildlife or a cultural recreation area.
  • We will remove a layer of soil along the contour, forming “banks” at the same time.

Advice! You should not dig a deep hole, because the more water, the more difficult it is to clean it. Therefore, even for wintering fish, a pit with a depth below the annual freezing point and a diameter of 2 m is sufficient.

  • The most spectacular ponds have terraces that smoothly descend to the bottom. Here they are, picturesquely holding algae and decor on their horizontal ledges.
  • The bottom of the pit is leveled with sand and covered with waterproofing - geotextiles, polyethylene, roofing felt or old linoleum.
  • Overlapping joints and leaving behind the edges of the walls of the reservoir is 1 m, which will ensure tightness.
  • Thick polyethylene is an excellent hydraulic barrier. When filled with water, it fits tightly along the embossed bottom and fits into the outlet left at the walls. Now only we will fix this release with stones.

Advice. Mandatory sizing with a sealant or thermal soldering of polyethylene seams with an iron through paper is a guarantee of high-quality waterproofing.

  • In a large reservoir, we lay the bottom as hard as possible plastic profile, which we buy at gardening markets. His robust construction lay it directly on the sand.
  • The unique decoration of the pond, its vegetation, paths and decorative highlights in the form of a fountain or mill will make our country oasis unique.
  • A variety of fountains powered by electricity are quite accessible to us. After all, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is real and inexpensive. A generator up to 30 kW is ideal for price and practicality.

  • Various configurations ready-made models, steps for descent, variations in color and other design are constantly being improved. The owner himself can install it in a couple of hours.
  • We’ll just dig in the purchased frame and plant it with flowers.
  • A bench, sun lounger, hammock and sun awning will turn this wonderful oasis into a special place to relax even on a hot day.

Fairytale decor

Arrangement of the dacha also involves decorating each section of the yard.

For example, we will build a table and chairs from stumps that have not yet been uprooted. You just need to level their surface and attach the painted plywood seats and tabletop.

Children are delighted with the painted flat plywood figures - cartoon characters who have settled in the garden and on the playground. Their price is just a cost acrylic paints, and we have been able to cut with a jigsaw since school.


  • The sports area usually has your favorite gymnastic equipment, a tennis table and a place for mini football, volleyball and others. popular games with a ball.
  • A gymnastics complex usually consists of horizontal bars, rings, and a Swedish wall.
  • A canopy is appropriate here: it will protect from unexpected summer rain and the scorching sun - it should not blind us.
  • It's nice to relax on the benches after warming up.
  • Electric lighting will extend the time of sports hobbies.


Comfort and beauty coexist harmoniously in a country estate, no matter what its size and topography. Right here surrounding nature generously shares healing energy. But only thanks to our imagination, bold aspiration and our hands country house will become comfortable and inimitable.

Only home-made interior and landscape details, independently assembled furniture carry the individuality of its owner, his creative energy. And the material is all around us: large driftwood, dry branches, stones left over from construction, pebbles, sand.

The creative process itself will tell you that even extra stones will become a masterpiece of design in our dacha. We will also get new ideas for stylish and comfortable furnishings by watching the video in this article.


With the beginning of spring, the summer season opens. For some, a dacha means greenhouses, beds and seedlings, while others care more about family vacations fresh air, dreams of meeting friends and aromatic barbecue. Depending on the preferences of the owner, the dacha should be equipped.

Many people today resort to the services of professionals landscape design, but it’s much more fun to implement ideas for a summer house with your own hands. How this can be done, which one to prefer, how to combine the interior of a country house with this - this is discussed in our article.

Layout of a summer cottage

When starting work on the design of a dacha, first of all, it is necessary to draw a plan of the dacha plot with all the objects located on it. It is very important to put everything on paper, even small buildings like a doghouse. This is the only way to accurately calculate the free space in your dacha and see what is best installed and where.

When the plan is sketched out, the diagram shows a country house, outbuildings, paths, vegetable garden area, you can move on to the creative stage. This step involves supplementing the existing plan with future structures. It can be:

  • alcove;
  • grill, oven or barbecue;
  • dinner Zone;
  • playground;
  • place for a hammock, garden swing, tent;
  • all kinds of fences, fences, awnings;
  • flower beds, flower beds, lawns;
  • vegetable garden, place for fruit and ornamental trees.

Advice! Summer cottage design large area must be equipped with an artificial pond. Water gives not only aesthetic pleasure; near the reservoir in the country there will always be coolness and freshness, which is especially important in the summer heat.

The exact dimensions of future buildings must be plotted on the diagram of the dacha plot. The area of ​​the dacha free of buildings needs to be landscaped - flowerbeds should be laid out, lawns and recreation areas should be taken care of.

At the stage of implementing ideas for a summer residence, one should not forget about communications. These seemingly insignificant little things can ruin the entire final result. Therefore, the water supply, sewerage, and electrical supply systems must be drawn on a ready-made plan of the summer cottage.

Arrangement of a summer cottage with your own hands

Developing interior design country yard yourself, you can save a lot of money. Moreover, this applies not only to the expensive services of a professional designer. You can equip your dacha with improvised means, using the materials that remained after construction, old furniture, unnecessary rubbish and even garbage.

Gather interesting ideas For a dacha with your own hands, you can use the Internet, but it’s not at all difficult to use your imagination and come up with something of your own. And they will point you on the right path beautiful photos successful summer cottage designs from this article.

Gazebo, barbecue or barbecue in the country

What would a country holiday be without an evening meal in the fresh air! If the area of ​​your summer cottage allows it, you should definitely take care of building a gazebo or at least a canopy. The room can be quite small, a few square meters is quite enough.

A table, benches, chairs or armchairs are installed inside the dacha gazebo - this is quite enough for a minimum set. For more spacious gazebos, combination with a barbecue or Russian stove is suitable.

Important! If the design of a summer cottage involves the construction of a fireplace, you need to take care of the smoke exhaust system.

It would be a good idea to find out the wind rose in a given area in advance in order to provide for the removal of smoke in the direction opposite to the recreation area and residential building.

The interior interior of a country gazebo must comply general style dachas As a rule, everything is arranged in a rustic or colonial style. The outside of the gazebo is decorated with climbing flowers, hanging planters or flowerpots located at the entrance.

Dining area in the country house

It happens that there is no room for a gazebo at the dacha. Or the owners rarely visit their country plot, coming only in the summer, on weekends. In this case, a portable dining area would be appropriate for the dacha.

To set it up you need a table and chairs. Here, a lot depends on the preferences of the owners of the dacha: some use expensive rattan furniture, while for others plastic accessories are enough.

In the photo you can see the design of a summer cottage equipped with a massive wooden furniture. Such items require processing, and winter period country furniture must be brought indoors.

You should think about shading in advance dining area. It can be positioned behind country house, in natural shade. Another option is to use a fabric or polyethylene awning. Naturally, hedges and canopies made of vines and climbing plants look much more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. For them it is necessary to provide metal arch or a support in the form of a wooden pergola.

Attention! In addition to the scorching sun, drafts and wind are considered the “enemy” of the dining area.

It's good if the table is installed on closed space summer cottage plot. You can also provide a semi-decorative fence in the form of a low fence covered with flowers.

Recreation area and children's playground at the dacha

After a hearty lunch in the fresh air, it would be nice to relax. For holidays in the country, it is necessary to equip appropriate place. As a rule, adults like to just lie down or recline comfortably in a chair. Therefore, hammocks suspended between trees are suitable for them, Garden swing, sun loungers by the pool and comfortable chairs in the garden.

The main requirement for a recreation area is that it should be cool and quiet. It’s good if the gaze of a vacationing summer resident is fixed on the beauty of the garden or flower beds, and not on the wall of the neighbor’s dacha.

For families with small children, a children's playground is a must at their dacha. This way, adults will be able to fully relax, and children will not be bored at the dacha. The playground for children is also located in the shade; partial shade is also suitable.

Equipment for a country playground largely depends on the capabilities of the owner and the area free plot. This could be a swing, slides, sandbox, mini-pool. Or you may have to settle on a house located in a tree, for example.

When building a children's playground at the dacha, do not forget about safety measures:

  • limit access to water;
  • provide sand bedding near slides and swings;
  • eliminate sharp corners and edges;
  • do not plant poisonous or dangerous plants and flowers.

If possible, it is worth considering leisure activities for adults: this could be a homemade bowling alley for a summer cottage (photo of the structure below), an outdoor cinema, or a large swimming pool.

Flower beds, flower beds, ponds on a summer cottage

Smooth lawn grass, of course, looks aesthetically pleasing and neat. But, nevertheless, at the dacha it is better to dilute the lawn with bright flowers, fruit trees, bushes.

If the owners rarely visit their country house, in landscaping they should give preference to perennial flowers, trees and shrubs. Such crops do not require constant care; with the onset of spring, it is enough to tidy up the greenery by shaping the branches using garden shears.

The connecting link between the elements of the summer cottage are paths and paths. They can be paved with stone, tiles, clinker bricks, or covered with crushed stone or pebbles.

Below are photos of ideas for a summer house, realized with your own hands. Here as a covering for country houses garden paths wood is used, which looks original and in the spirit of a country style.

Country house design

The interior and exterior of a residential building play an important role in arranging a dacha.

The building, inside and out, should be conducive to relaxation and rest, reminding of unity with nature. Therefore, when choosing a style for a country house, it is better to prefer something “rustic”, such as country, Provence, or ethno.

A good example of a country house inside the photo:

Do not forget that the design of a country house should also be functional. As a rule, the area of ​​domestic dachas is small, so the space here needs to be used wisely.

If the country house will be used only in the summer, and in the yard there is a gazebo with a barbecue or fireplace, it is quite possible to do without a kitchen. It is better to use the free space in the dacha to arrange an additional guest bedroom or a spacious billiard room.

Examples of the interior of a country house are presented in the photo below.


If you decide to transform the interior of your dacha yourself, you should not limit yourself to existing ideas. Of course, a lot of useful information can be gleaned from already completed projects, but it is quite possible to come up with a lot on your own.