How to connect to the Internet on a computer. How to properly connect wired Internet to a laptop

Today we will deal with the question, how to set up internet on a computer or laptop. As a rule, the Internet is set up by an employee of the provider at the moment when you enter into an agreement with him for the provision of services - after all, correct access to the World Wide Web is an indicator of the completion of this service. However, later, when you reinstall Windows or purchase new computer Internet settings may go wrong, and here we will be faced with a dilemma - call technical support or do everything ourselves. In fact, this task is not at all difficult, so by reading this article to the end, you can save money more than once.

The most common type of connection is cable - they extend a wire into your apartment with a special LAN connector at the end, which is inserted into the network card in the PC case. However, depending on the provider, there are several types of network connections. How to properly set up the Internet and in what way the connection to the World Wide Web occurs should be indicated in the contract papers that were given to you when the employee initially set up the Internet. There are several of them - automatic IP, static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, with filtering by MAC address. Let's look at them in order.

Internet setup automatically

I called this type automatic, because if your provider connects you using this type, then you are lucky - you don’t have to configure anything at all. With it, the computer obtains an IP address on the network “by itself” - that is, we simply plug in an Ethernet cable and use the Internet. If it doesn’t work, then make sure that all configurations are reset - to do this, go to “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings”, right-click on “ Local Area Connection” and go to “Properties > Internet Protocol version TCP/IP v.4”. Here all values ​​should be set to “Automatic”, as in the picture

Connecting to the Internet on a computer with authorization

In this fairly common type, or rather types, because there are two of them, you will have to work a little and manually create a connection and enter your username and password to set up an Internet connection. If every time you access the Internet, you click on the desktop icon, a connection window opens in which you click on a button - this is your case.


PPPoE - connection to the provider’s servers occurs only using a login and password. If you suddenly reinstalled Windows, then to restore the ability to log out, do the following:

  1. Go to “Start > Control Panel”

  2. further in “Networks and Internet”

  3. and in the “Network and Sharing Center”

  4. Here somewhere on the page (in the left column for Windows 7 or in the main window in Windows 8 and 10) we see the menu item “Set up a connection or network” - click on it

  5. Here we select “Connect to the Internet” and click “Next”

  6. Select “High-speed (PPPoE)” and move on

  7. We enter the login and password issued by the provider - they are usually specified in the contract.

  8. After that, we return to the “Network Center” and find the “Change adapter settings” link in the menu - click on it.

  9. We find “High-speed connection” - now it is in the “Disabled” state.

  10. Double-click on it and a login window will open. Click the “Connect” button and rejoice! For convenience, this “High-speed connection” can be dragged with the mouse to the “Desktop”, creating an icon with a quick link.


L2TP is another type of Internet setup with authorization. To activate it, we do everything the same as in the previous method, up to and including step No. 4.

Connecting a laptop to the Internet with a static IP

Next type will not ask you to enter your login and password and click on the icons to connect each time, but it does require manual entry of IP address settings to connect to the provider’s equipment. For settings, we go through the chain “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings”, right-click on “Local Area Connection” and go to “Properties > Protocol” Internet version TCP/IP v.4".

And enter into the IP address and DNS server fields the values ​​provided by the provider.

Filtering by MAC address

And finally, the provider can apply filtering by MAC address to any of the above types. This means that you can connect to the Internet only on the computer that is registered with the provider. Insert the cable into another one and the Internet will disappear. This problem usually appears at the moment when you bought a new computer (or network card), brought it home, but the Internet does not work. To be honest, I don’t even understand why some of our “friends” do such garbage, but if this is the case, then you can only activate network access by calling the support service and saying that you bought a new PC.

That’s all for today - I’m sure that you now know exactly how to connect the Internet to your computer and can 100% do it yourself!

U computer users Sooner or later there may be a need to connect two or more computers to each other. You need to connect a friend’s laptop to your computer, or you had one computer at home and bought another, or you need to use your computer as a means to distribute the Internet to other PCs - there can be a lot of options. In this material I will tell you how to connect a computer to a computer using a connection via network cable, Wi-Fi and USB.

The easiest way to connect is to connect two computers via a network cable. Network cards are now built into almost all models of desktop computers and laptops, and if suddenly for some reason you don’t have one, then you can always purchase it at the nearest computer store or order it online.

Make the cable yourself. Since two types of crimping network cables (twisted pair) are now used, you will need “computer-to-computer” crimping, so-called “crossover”. Of course, you can crimp it yourself using special tools, but I would advise you to contact any computer company where they will do this for you in a couple of minutes at a cheap price. Don't forget to indicate that you need a crossover, and also indicate the required comfortable length of your cable.

When you have such a cable, one end of it must be connected to one computer into the network card connector, and the other end into the same connector of another computer. After connecting the computer to the computer, you need to go to the settings of these computers and configure the connection between them.

How to connect computer to computer via cable:

Checking PC to PC connection. The computers should now be visible to each other.

The main part of the work is done. Now you can play with each other computer games, your cars will see each other. But if you want to send files to each other, then you need to make some directory on your PCs common so that both your computers can write to or read the necessary files from there.

Let's share the folder. When you have determined which folder on your computer will be shared, right-click on it, select properties, go to the “Access” tab, click on sharing, and in the user column, click on the arrow on the right, select “Everyone”. Click on “Add” on the right, and then on “Sharing” at the bottom. Your folder will become accessible to another computer, the user from there will be able to download files and upload their own there.

By the way, the same mechanism applies both to a separate directory and to the entire logical drive, which can also be shared using the above technique.

Method 2. How to connect a computer to a computer using a homegroup

You can also connect our machines to each other by creating the so-called. "home group" We connect the laptop to the laptop using a network cable, indicate their IP and the desired subnet mask as described above.

  1. After specifying the parameters on both computers, go to the control panel, there select “Network and Internet”.
  2. Next, go to the Network and Access Control Center, and at the bottom left click on “Home Group”.
  3. In the window that appears, click “Create a home group” and click “Next”.
  4. Select groups of files for sharing (videos, pictures, etc.).
  5. Again click on “Next”, and in next window We get a password to access the group (you need to write it down).

Now any other computer can join our group if they know the password. To do this, you need to enter the “Home Group” component on another computer (the path is indicated above), and click “Join” there, following the wizard’s prompts. That's all.

Method 3. Connect computers using Wi-Fi

Typically, this connection option is used when connecting laptops to each other, which by default (unlike desktop PCs) are equipped with built-in Wi-Fi modules.

  1. To configure the computer-to-computer connection settings, go to control Panel.
  2. Then go to "Network and Internet", then click on the network control center, where on the left select “Change adapter settings”.
  3. Right-click on the icon "Wireless Network Connection", then click on "Properties".
  4. There we select the Internet protocol fourth version, double-click on it and check the boxes to automatically receive IP and DNS, then press "OK".

These operations must be performed on both computers. After this, we need to create a wireless network.

Click Start, type in the search bar, right-click on the command line icon that appears and select run as administrator in the menu that appears.

On the command line we type:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= key=458654452

You can use a different network name instead, and instead 458654452 – another password if desired.

The launch of our Wi-Fi network is carried out by the team netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Now we go to another computer, click on the wireless networks icon (at the bottom right of the screen), in the list of networks we see the network under the previously specified name, click on it and click “Connect”. The system will ask for a password, and after entering it you will be connected to the network with the first computer.

Method 4. How to connect a computer to a computer via a USB cable

I’ll say right away that connect one computer to another viaUSB-the cable will not work directly, since the USB cable itself is wired in such a way that there must be a master and a slave device. To create such a connection, you will need a special USB cable with a built-in chip, which are sold on various websites.

Typically, such a cord comes with a disk with drivers that ensure the operation of this device. If drivers are not included, they can be supplied automatically by the system itself. The cord may also include a file manager specially created to provide the functionality of this device. With its help, you can easily exchange files, just run it on both computers.

  1. After connecting and installing drivers, additional network adapters will appear in your network connections.
  2. Let's go to Network Sharing Center along the path described above, we find our virtual adapter that appears and, by right-clicking on it, select Properties.
  3. And then double click on Internet Protocol 4 versions, and set the address IP168.3.1 (standard subnet mask) on one computer, and (same mask) on the other.
  4. We confirm and exit, now in the network environment of each computer we will see another computer.


As you can see, there are simple methods for connecting a computer to a computer using power cord, wireless or USB connection. Usually, a crossover of a regular cord and a couple of settings is enough so that computers can see each other, and their users can enjoy joint gaming or sending various files to each other. If you find this difficult, just try to follow the above tips, you will definitely succeed.

Today there are almost no people left in the world who do not use the capabilities of the Internet. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to independently connect the Internet to a personal computer is growing every day. A PC that is not connected to the World Wide Web turns into an ordinary typewriter with calculator functions, i.e., most of the advantages of owning such a computer are simply lost. Below is a guide on how to connect your computer to the internet, as well as step-by-step instruction, how to set up the Internet without resorting to the services of specialists.

Preparatory activities

To connect to the Internet, first of all you should select the optimal Internet source for the user’s specific conditions: direct connection (connect the Internet to the computer via cable), Wi-Fi router, SIM card mobile operator, satellite communications, automatic telephone exchange. Then, if necessary, sign an agreement with the communication service provider, which is called the “Provider”.

It will provide its subscriber with the necessary means, for example, a modem or router, cable. If it is a cellular operator, then a special USB modem that is inserted into the USB port of the computer.

Direct wire connection

The method has a number of significant advantages, but it is not without major disadvantages, which can be decisive when the user chooses a connection method. It is very easy to implement and requires the least cost. However, the Internet provider must run the wire directly to the computer, which is not always possible or convenient. The cable must be connected to the PC’s network card.

After this, you need to configure the Internet on your computer. The parameters entered vary depending on the communication service provider and the connection technology itself. The essence of the procedure is to create a connection with authorization. The following is an example step-by-step actions on a PC with the Windows 8 operating system. In other operating systems supported by Microsoft, the procedure is similar.

The following sequential steps must be followed:

For Windows XP, a similar algorithm of actions can be briefly presented in the form of the following chain:

  1. Start;
  2. Network connections;
  3. Create a new connection;
  4. New connection wizard;
  5. Connect to the Internet;
  6. Establish a connection manually;
  7. High speed connection;
  8. Entering parameters from your Internet provider.

For Windows 7:

  1. Start;
  2. Control Panel;
  3. Network and Internet;
  4. Network and Sharing Center;
  5. Setting up a new connection or network;
  6. Internet connection;
  7. High speed;
  8. Enter parameters from your communication service provider.

Using a router connected by cable to the Internet

It's more convenient option for home or office, since it allows you to connect more than one PC to global network, but several at the same time, thereby creating a local network. Today, it is rare for anyone to have only one computer in their apartment or office.

Insert the cable from your provider into the WAN port of the router. Connect computers through LAN connectors using patch cords. Enter the provider parameters through the web interface launched in the computer browser by entering the address written in the router's instruction manual (usually

Via WiFi router

When using a wireless router, the steps will be similar to the previous instructions, but you will also need to configure WiFi. If your computer does not have a Wi-Fi adapter, you will need to purchase and install it.

Using Windows 8 as an example, to connect a computer via Wi-Fi, you need to do the following:

According to statistics, almost every user of modern computer systems at least once in my life I was faced with the question of how to set up the Internet on a computer. It’s not surprising, because in Lately The World Wide Web has gained incredible popularity and has become accessible to absolutely everyone who has a computer, laptop or mobile gadget. Despite full automation process, not everyone knows how to set up an Internet connection.

Basics of connecting to networks and the Internet

The first rule: you need to clearly understand that in some cases you will have to use not automatic connection, but manual mode. In addition, two main conditions must be met here: the presence of a provider and appropriate equipment (network cards, ADSL modems, routers, routers, etc.)

But now we will talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer with a wired connection, since private virtual networks (VPN) in most cases are used by computers, laptops or mobile devices are detected automatically and require a maximum login and password to log in (provided, of course, that the same router is already configured).

What is the TCP/IP protocol?

In operating rooms Windows systems connection to networks and the Internet is carried out using the TCP/IP protocol system, which is responsible for the correct transmission and reception of data. In fact, this is not even one, but several protocols. This group includes connections via UDP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP, TELNET, etc.

If we talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer, without going into technical details, we can note that the set of TCP/IP protocols is associated with a kind of bridge between computers located on a network with unified system authentication and transmission of byte data streams, separated at the beginning and combined at the end of the route. In this case, it does not matter what operating systems are installed on the terminals connected to each other. This is what makes the TCP/IP system not only the most popular tool for connecting to networks and the Internet, but also simply a universal tool.

Network cards and their properties

One of the main conditions is the presence of a network card in the computer terminal, into which the cable is connected. Today, fiber optic lines are most widespread.

To understand how to set up the Internet on Windows, you first need to determine the characteristics of the network card itself. The connection speed will depend on its main characteristics and parameters. The simplest example: a leased line supports a connection with a data transfer speed of about 100 Mbit/s, but the card does not. In this case, you won’t have to rely on the speed advertised by the provider. It is clear that the network card will not be able to transmit or receive more than its nominal value.

To view all its characteristics, you need to enter the “Control Panel” and select the “Device Manager” section, find the network card installed in the system and right-click the “Properties” option. All indicators will be visible in the “General” tab field.

Internet connection methods

The most common methods of connecting to the Internet are leased lines, using DSL broadband lines, connecting via local networks, connection via satellite communication, use of TV network channels and dial-up access. The latter, however, has already outlived its usefulness.

In any case, the question of how to set up an Internet connection for each connection option has two standard solutions.

Automatic Internet connection

Provided that Account already provided by your provider, you need to connect the network cable to the connector of the network card, designated LAN (if necessary, then to the connector of the modem or router).

In the "Control Panel" you need to select the "Network Connections" item (for Windows 7 "Network and Sharing Center"), use the "Create a new connection" command ("Set up a new connection or network" for Windows 7), then go to the "Internet Connection" section. Then all that remains is to follow the instructions of the “Master”. At the end of the process (after rebooting the computer terminal), you can work.

Connecting to wired Internet manually

As for how to set up the Internet on a computer manually, you first need to perform the steps described above, and then use the data provided by the provider.

With automatic setup, you won't have to enter data manually. As a rule, on the TCP/IP properties tab, the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, preferred and alternate DNS server parameters fields will be inactive, since two commands are specified in the settings: “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS address” server automatically." This, naturally, saves the user from manually entering addresses. If you dig deeper, then on the “Advanced” tab you won’t have to specify the addresses of WINS servers, proxy servers (if any are used), and even configure an alternative configuration.

However, it often happens that receiving automatic addresses is either impossible or does not work. This is where the main problems begin.

As a rule, all values ​​specified in the protocol properties tab are unified. So, for example, the IP address is assigned the value, the subnet mask -, the default gateway and DNS server - In some options, when creating a connection, the address parameters of the gateway and DNS server match the current IP address ( By the way, in most cases there is no need to register WINS or proxy server addresses.

How to set up the Internet? Windows XP

To set up an Internet connection in Windows XP, you need to use standard method: in the “Control Panel” use the “Network Connections” command and the “Properties” tab, find the line “TCP/IP protocol settings”, and then give preference to one of the proposed options automatic receipt addresses or specifying them manually, having previously gone to the “Properties” tab (for PCP/IP).

How to set up the Internet? Windows 7

Creating an Internet connection in Windows 7 is not fundamentally different. The only difference is that some components have a different name, and TCP/IPv4 (fourth version) is used as the protocol.

To set up the connection, use the “Control Panel”, click on the line (or icon) “Network and Sharing Center”, and then use the option “Set up a new connection or network”. Then all that remains is to select the required connection type. After the connection is activated, you can again view all the data and, if necessary, change it using the “Network connection/Properties/Network/Protocol version 4 (PCP/IPv4)” tab, where all addresses will be shown. If they are provided automatically by the provider, the fields to be filled in will be inactive.

Other ways to connect to the Internet

In principle, there is another option for setting up a computer via the Internet. True, for the average user this procedure may seem quite complicated, especially since in this case you need to have a remote connection to the computer terminal on which you are supposed to configure access to the network or the World Wide Web.

For this you can use the built-in standard means all versions of Windows operating systems, located in the “Start” menu, “Programs” section. There is a “Standards” folder in which the “Remote Desktop Connection” command is located (for Windows 7). In other versions operating systems names may change. To create remote access, you can use software packages and applications from other manufacturers and developers, but, as practice shows, the easiest way to create a connection manually is on local computer with immediate access.

How to set up Internet at home? The answer to this question depends on the type of channel offered by your provider. Therefore, next we will look at three ways to configure a connection to the global network:

  • direct option using a leased line;
  • ADSL connection using a router;
  • wireless connection.

This method will work if your provider has offered you a cable connection over an Ethernet channel. After entering these lines into the house, you should do the following:

  1. Connect your computer or laptop to the channel by inserting an RJ-45 plug into the LAN port of the network card.

  2. Click on the button in the lower left corner of the Start screen and go to the control menu.

  3. On the menu page, find the “Network and Internet” section.

  4. On the next page, open the access settings management section.

  5. On the Center page, open the tab with settings for the connection process.

  6. On the “Creations” page, select a section with the expected name, confirming your choice with the “Next” button.

  7. On the next page, select the connection type “High-speed (with PPPoE)”.

  8. Next, you just need to enter the login and network access password received from your provider, after which you can click on the “Connect” button.

  9. For controlled activation of the connection, you will have to return to the “Networks and Internet” section (item 3 of this list) and go to the “Change adapter settings” tab.

  10. On the page that opens, you need to double-click on the “High-speed connection” icon and wait for the connection to the provider’s modem.

On a note! For user convenience, you can create a shortcut to the “Broad Speed ​​Connection” icon and move it to your desktop. To do this, right-click on the icon and select the “Create shortcut” section.

This method of setting up an Internet connection is good for its simplicity and the ability to control the process of connecting to the global network. In addition, in the case of direct connection, the user does not purchase additional equipment.

Important! However, the user will have to activate the “High Speed ​​Connection” shortcut every time they turn on the computer or laptop. That is, you will not have the Internet on its own. To do this you need a special device -

We will discuss the process of setting up a connection using a router below.

Video - How to set up wired Internet on Windows 10

How to connect to an ADSL channel

In this case, the user can connect to the global network using a telephone line without paying for the channel to be introduced into the house (if it is connected to the city network). To work with an ADSL channel, you need a special device - a modem, and to organize round-the-clock access to the network you need a router with a built-in ADSL modem.

A router (router, switch, hub, hub) is a network device that provides continuous exchange of data packets within the network. The router allows you to connect several users (or devices) to the provider’s channel, and it is the router that “distributes” the Internet, so the user can turn on his computer and access the network using a browser, without manipulating shortcuts and bookmarks.

Setting up an Internet connection using an ADSL router requires the following steps:

  1. Install a special device on the telephone line - a splitter, which ensures the connection of both the ADSL router and the telephone to such a channel.

  2. Extend the line from the “Modem” port of the splitter to the “ADSL” connector of the modem using a two-core cable with RJ-11 sockets.

  3. Connect the router's LAN port to the corresponding connector on your desktop computer or laptop using a cable with RJ-45 sockets.

  4. Turn on the computer and router. Wait until the ADSL indicator on the network device panel lights up (after a series of short blinks).

  5. Click on the “Start” button, select the “Command Prompt” section and enter the ipconfig command in it.

  6. In the window, find a line indicating the IP address of the main gateway (router address).

  7. Open any browser and enter the IP address of the default gateway in the address bar (in most cases this is

  8. An access window to the router’s administrative panel will open, to activate which you must enter the administrator’s login and password (they are written in the instructions that can be found in the box).

  9. In the menu that opens after entering your login and password, you need to find the “WAN” section and click on the “Add” button.

  10. On the open page you need to select the connection type (traditionally PPPoE) and enter the username and password received from your provider.

  11. At the end, you need to find the option to save settings (Configuration Saving) in the router menu and exit the mode with saving changes.

After the steps have been taken, the router will be responsible for connecting to the Internet, which can operate 24/7, providing access to the network at the user’s first request. Moreover, in addition to the ADSL router, there are also Ethernet devices on sale that will work when connected to a leased line.

However, the configuration algorithm described above assumes the organization of only a wired connection. To run a wireless network, you need a router that supports Wi-Fi technology.

Video - How to set up an Internet connection (PPPoE) for Windows 10

How to set up a wireless Internet connection

To organize a home wireless network, we will need an ADSL or Ethernet router (the first connects to the telephone line, the second to a dedicated channel) with a Wi-Fi module on board.

Wi-Fi is a technology for wirelessly exchanging data packets between a router connected to the provider’s channel and a client (laptop, computer, phone, tablet).

The process of initial (WAN) configuration of these devices is described above in the text, so below we will only consider activating the Wi-Fi channel and building a wireless network based on it. To do this you need to do the following:

After this, you will be able to use the router not only for wired, but also for wireless connection to the network. Thanks to this you can save on mobile internet and organize workplace anywhere in the living space.

Video - How to connect and configure Wi-Fi on a Windows 10 laptop