How to beautifully paint a window from the street. Painting a wooden window: preparation, choice of paint, tips

Windows are an important part of any home, and they, like walls, floors, and ceilings, need periodic repairs. How to paint wooden windows, what tools and materials will be needed for this, what rules must be followed when working? After all high-quality painting will extend the service life, protect frames and housing from the penetration of insects and bacteria, and improve the microclimate in the house.

Coloring compounds

Wooden windows are regularly exposed to negative influences environment, be it rain, snow, wind, heat or frost. Therefore, they need constant care. The frame will become more resistant to negative factors if it is painted correctly. And for this you need reliable high-quality paint.

The outside of the window needs to be painted once every 1-2 years. Even the highest quality coloring composition will not last longer.

There are a number of requirements for window paint:

  • moisture resistance (moisture in the form of precipitation should not harm wooden structures, the liquid promotes the development of putrefactive processes and the formation of mold, which will significantly affect the health of the residents of the house or apartment);
  • elasticity (wood can shrink and swell, but the coloring composition must remain intact during these processes).

For structures located on shadow side, you may prefer dark colors.

When choosing paint, be guided by the type of wood from which the frame is made and the climatic conditions in your area.

Oil compositions are used to treat wooden structures in areas with mild climates. For weak wood species not resistant to external influences, in addition to coloring compounds, protective varnishes are used.

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It is best to paint old wooden windows with glossy enamel, distinguishing feature which is weather resistance. This paint can be used both inside and outside.

Painting technology

Despite the apparent simplicity of painting windows, in order to prevent your frames from peeling off in just a few months, you must adhere to a certain technology.


First you need to make visual inspection window. Put all closing mechanisms in order, ensure a tight fit of the spillways, and secure loose structural elements.

All cracked and peeling paint must be removed. If this is not done, then in such places, when repainting, the old coating will begin to swell and burst.

Cover the glass with masking tape around the perimeter of the frames, this way you will protect them from paint and you won’t have to carry out the tedious procedure of cleaning them; If you don’t have tape on hand, apply it to the glass soap solution and wait until it dries.

Removing old layers

Frames that have been painted several times must be completely cleaned of their previous coatings. To do this, you can use special paint removal compounds (they are sold in hardware stores). After application, you can scrape off the old layers using a spatula. Or use a hair dryer: it will heat up the paint, after which it can be removed with the same spatula.

Remove the coloring compound using blowtorch, but be extremely careful not to get burned.


It is necessary to carefully cover all the cracks with wood putty. After this, you can treat the surface of the frames with coarse and fine abrasive sandpaper.

If you skip this stage of work, you may end up with ugly paints after drying. rough surfaces: The fibers located on the frames will rise.


If as a result preparatory work If all the paint has been removed from the frames, or if you have decided to paint wooden windows for the first time, then after sanding the entire structure must be treated with a primer mixture. This will make the paint last longer.

Wooden window frames require periodic painting. In order to avoid repeating this process every year, you should treat it responsibly and prepare all construction materials and special tools in advance.

Repair wooden frames - the most labor-intensive process. They are influenced from the street sunlight and precipitation, and from the side of the rooms - increased temperature compared to the street, dry air or water condensation. In addition, insects often infest wooden windows and can develop. To avoid these troubles, strictly follow the order of wood processing.

Repair of wooden frames begins with their detailed inspection and preparation building materials and tools. To paint old wooden windows you will need following materials and tools: scraper, spatula, sandpaper, Grinder, roller, brushes, tape, window film, primer, white spirit, solvent and paint. Do not forget about the mandatory methods of protection against harmful volatile substances: mask, glasses, gloves and Panama hat.

To paint wooden windows from the inside of a room, alkyd paint is usually used. oil based, and from the street side - acrylic paint for exterior use. The choice of domestic or imported paint will depend on the cost of your repair and preferences.

Preparing wooden windows for painting

In order for wooden frames to last longer, it is necessary to choose the right time for painting. Ideal condition For repairs, a warm day without bright hot sun is considered, when the humidity is low and ultraviolet radiation does not destroy the structure of the paint. Wooden frames dry well at temperatures above 5C and relative humidity below 80%. You should not apply paint to a wet surface, because... Later, bubbles may appear on it, and you will have to repaint the frame. Paint peeling also occurs due to dampness or poor pre-cleaning.

Preparing a window for painting

Let's take a closer look at how to paint wooden frames in frame house. The first thing you need to do is remove the old layer of paint. For this work, use a scraper and coarse sandpaper. If you have problems closing the frame, use grinder for the surface. Operate the machine carefully so as not to damage wooden base frames

Remover for removing old paint

Currently, special liquids for removing the old layer of paint have appeared on the construction markets, such as Tikkurila, Shostka, Svema, etc. This significantly speeds up the process of preparing wooden frames for repair. This mixture is applied to the frames, and when the paint wrinkles and turns into a cheesy substance, it is scraped off with a spatula and the surface is treated with coarse sandpaper.

It is better to remove wooden window sashes and all fittings before painting so that the window looks neater after painting. If it is not possible to remove the handles or locks, simply cover them with masking tape.

We also carefully and accurately prepare all window glass. It is necessary to cover all the glass with newspapers, securing them with tape on the sides, retreating 2 mm from each edge, so that the paint gets into the narrow cracks and does not allow moisture and water to accumulate in the future. Throw away the old glazing beads, paint the new ones separately from the frames and nail the finished ones with nails.

The process of puttying and priming wooden windows

Carefully inspect the wooden frame. Pre-treat all parts and elements that may rust over time and ruin your repair specifically for iron (nail caps, metal hinges, etc.).

Antiseptic is important detail preparatory work before painting frames. This processing will prevent wood rotting, the development and formation of fungus, and will not allow insects to settle in your. will allow your frame to last longer.

After treating the frame with an antiseptic, we inspect the surface of the window. All cracks, undulations or potholes must be filled. But do it gradually, because it's too thick layer may fall off along with a layer of paint, and you will have to start the repair again.

After applying the first layer of putty, you need to clean the surface with sandpaper. After a few hours, when the second layer has dried well, we once again smooth the entire surface of the frame with sandpaper. The process must be repeated until the surface of the wooden frame is perfectly smooth.

The next stage is the primer. This process will provide reliable and high-quality coating wood paint. Modern primer mixtures are also... When applied it forms a protective transparent film, which is necessary to preserve the natural grain of the wood. In addition, primer mixtures protect well from mold, dampness and fungi, and do not allow rotting processes to develop on the surface. outside frames, even with increased humidity.

Window primer

The primer consists of the following elements: oil, resin, glue, and various pigments. The recipe for each primer mixture is significantly different, but what all wood primers have in common is their ability to preserve the natural structure of wood. Therefore, a metal primer for wooden parts do not use.

Before priming the surface, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease it with white spirit. It is better to prime with a brush rather than a roller. If the putty did not dry very well or you missed an area when priming the surface, a dark spot may form in this area after painting.

Painting a wooden window in several layers

After the above treatment, the window is smooth and even. Before painting, you need to thoroughly clean the room, clear the space near the wooden window from dust so that it cannot get on the freshly painted frame.

When renovating, many people are faced with the question of what color to paint the windows? As a rule, water-acrylate or alkyd enamels are chosen for painting wooden frames. Their main advantages are high moisture resistance, elasticity and resistance to fading from sun rays. In our country, with sudden temperature changes, changeable weather, and precipitation, Dulux, Remmers, and Caparol will hold up well on window frames. This option is quite expensive. Domestic window paints are comparatively cheaper.

On average, repairing and painting a window will cost from 500 to 10,000 rubles.

Examples of alkyd enamels from Russian manufacturers
  • The paint must be thoroughly mixed in a jar, strained on a special metal sieve into a bath.
  • The first layer of paint is more watery than the subsequent ones, because its purpose is to impregnate all the unevenness of the wood.
  • To dilute, use thinner or white spirit, see paint composition.
  • After the first application, the paint must dry. And only after that you can start painting the second layer.

As a rule, windows are painted in three layers, although sometimes two layers will be enough.

It is worth noting that the second and third layers of paint should be thicker to avoid subsequent drips. If they do appear, they must be urgently removed using a rag and solvent. If this is not done on time, later you will have to re-clean and paint the entire surface of the frame.

When painting, do not dip the entire brush into the paint, only half of it; leave the excess paint in the tray, gently brushing the brush along the edge. Start painting with outside window. It is important to have several types of brushes: small ones for more hard to reach places, larger for smoother surfaces. The width of the brush varies from 3cm to 5cm. A flat brush is suitable for painting frames.

The paint will adhere perfectly along the wood grain. Paint the corners with light, short brush strokes.

Another important note- Remove tape and newsprint from glass before the paint is completely dry. If this is not done in time, the paint layer may be damaged.

We install the previously removed fittings after the wooden frame has completely dried.

Painting window frames is a surface restoration that allows you to improve appearance windows and protect the tree from destruction. Gradually the layers of paint wear off and you have to repaint. To make restorations less frequently, you need to select suitable material and paint the windows correctly.

Professional craftsmen know which paint is best to paint wooden windows, but amateurs don’t always choose the right material and encounter problems during or after completion. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to choose a product that has the following properties:

  • moisture resistance so that precipitation does not spoil the finish coating or affect its technical characteristics;
  • the ability to protect wood from fungus and mold;
  • elasticity for easy application;
  • vapor permeable so that air can circulate freely.

Such characteristics increase the operational period of the restoration and eliminate the need to paint the windows annually.

Classification of material, depending on purpose

Depending on the purpose, several types of material are distinguished.

For indoor use

Such paints are used only indoors, so the materials are not used for painting window frames. The products are suitable for painting window sills.

For outdoor use

Paints for external use form a durable film on the surface after drying, which protects the building base from precipitation, temperature changes and the harmful effects of sunlight. The materials are used for painting window frames. Products are not used for window sills.

Universal remedy

Types of material

There are several types of wood paint that are recommended for painting windows.

Nitrocellulose compounds

These paints are made from nitrocellulose. The material is easy to apply, has an attractive appearance and protects the wood from negative impact environment. The main shade is white. Since this is the traditional color of window frames, this material is used for painting more often than others. The disadvantage of the product is that it contains acetone, which is why the paint has a pungent odor and causes intoxication of the body. For this reason, the material cannot be used without individual funds protection.

Alkyd products

The compositions are recommended for use indoors and outdoors. The materials do not change characteristics under the influence of precipitation and sunlight. Protect the surface from temperature changes. The paints can withstand air temperatures from -50 to +60 0 C. The product must be washed after hardening. The material can withstand processing detergent without losing visual appeal. The disadvantage is the high price.

Acrylic materials

The products are made on the basis acrylic resins. Suitable for all types of surfaces, including wood. Paints have moisture resistance, vapor permeability and protective properties. The shelf life of the coating is five years. These paints are preferred by most professionals and amateurs who carry out restoration with their own hands.

Polyurethane paints

Such compositions have increased strength. Materials increase the service life of wood. The coating does not need frequent updating. Restoration is carried out every seven years.


Such materials form a transparent coating on the surface. Thanks to this, the wood texture is not masked by shades. At the same time, the varnish protects the building base from aggressive biological environment, that is, mold and mildew, moisture and sunlight. This coating has a long service life, which allows restoration to be carried out every few years.

Paints for different types of wood

  • larch - the material itself is able to withstand the influence of moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, therefore, to restore frames made of this wood, paints with simple characteristics are used;
  • pine - the frame of this material quickly absorbs moisture, which creates a favorable environment for the formation of mold and mildew, therefore for painting it is recommended to use only moisture-resistant products with protective properties against the formation of an unfavorable bacterial environment;
  • oak - this material is not afraid of moisture, but is susceptible to pests, so for painting it is recommended to use a material with protective properties, and treat the base before applying the product special means preventing the action of pests.

Required Tools

Materials and tools for painting:

  • dye;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • glazing beads;
  • solvent;
  • a tool or means for dismantling the old coating;
  • masking tape;
  • primer application tool;
  • sandpaper with fine and coarse grains - P 60 or P 80, P 100 or P 120;
  • rags for removing dust from the construction base;
  • putty knife;
  • scraper;
  • containers for dispensing primer and paint;
  • iron mesh with small cells;
  • White Spirit;
  • nails, screwdriver, hammer, chisel.

Methods for dismantling old coating

Paint cannot be applied to the old coating, so it is recommended to dismantle it. You can do this in several ways:

  • Heat treatment. The essence of the method is to expose the building foundation to a stream of hot air from an industrial hair dryer or blowtorch. After this manipulation, the coating will swell and can be easily removed with a spatula. Disadvantage: you need to remove the glass from the frame, because high temperature it will burst.
  • Grinding. To remove paint, use any surface cleaning tool. The frame is processed with this device, and the coating is dismantled.
  • Special substance. Construction stores sell paint stripper. The product is applied to the surface and left for the time indicated on the packaging. Under the influence of the substance, the paint swells and is removed with a spatula.

Preparing the surface for finishing

Preparing a frame for painting involves more than just removing the old coating. To ensure high-quality painting, remove all the fittings and cover the glass located next to the frame with masking tape. If some parts could not be removed, cover them with tape as well. This will protect the surfaces from paint.

Remove old glazing beads. Prime the new materials, paint them and secure them to the frame with nails.

Window painting

Instructions for painting windows:

  • Sand the surface with coarse sandpaper P 60 or P 80;
  • treat the frame antiseptic to protect the tree from insects, mold and mildew;
  • Apply a layer of primer and wait until the composition dries;
  • if you use colored paints for painting, then apply a layer of putty, and if varnish, then treat the base with a wood-like color;
  • sand the surface with fine-grain sandpaper P 100 or P 120;
  • apply primer and wait until dry;
  • stir the paint and pass it through a metal mesh;
  • mix the material with solvent to obtain a medium-thick consistency;
  • apply a thin layer of paint and take a break to dry;
  • re-treat the surface with the product as well thin layer and also suspend work;
  • the third layer is the finishing coat, so make a thicker consistency of paint for it;
  • If smudges appear on the surface, remove them with a cloth soaked in solvent.

The video in this article clearly demonstrates how to properly paint wooden windows.


Has your old wooden window become unusable: the wood has dried out, the paint has peeled off? Don't rush to change it to a new one. Repairs, as well as painting and repainting wooden windows will be much more economical if you do them yourself.

Determining the degree of window destruction

Open the window and inspect the wood where the paint has peeled off. If its density already resembles foam plastic or is even softer, it’s not worth the candle, and it’s better to replace the window. If there are cracks or fungus, but the frame is quite solid , then after restoration the wooden window will last for a long time. Check the geometry of the window and sashes. Aren't they squinting too much?

If the sashes are skewed and when opening they touch the window sill , for repairs you will need wooden wedges and steel corners. Close the window sash tightly. Adjust its position with wedges. In the loose corners of the frame, install metal corners. Secure them with screws. The sashes should now sit firmly in the frame.

The glass itself also requires careful inspection. Old and cracked out! Prepare money for something new. We clean and lubricate the fittings, and replace any rusty ones.

Dismantling the old coating

The glass is pulled out and cleaned of old putty.

To restore old windows yourself, you need to carefully remove the frame from the window frame. Then remove the flaps. Just don’t pull them out with the meat, but gently tap them on the loops with a chisel. The glass also needs to be removed. And remove the old putty from them with a chisel or an aggressive solvent if you plan to put them back in.

Preparing and painting the window frame

This is a rather tedious and dusty process. But such repairs of old wooden windows will bear fruit. After it, the window will be little different from the new one.

Removing old paint

There are two ways to remove old paint from wooden frames: using a hair dryer or liquid remover.

Method No. 1

A hair dryer softens the old paint and makes it easy to remove with a spatula.

Take construction hair dryer in one hand, in the other - a spatula. Blow hot air over the paint. As soon as it starts to bubble and peel off, start scraping it off with a spatula. To avoid overheating and damage to the tool, work intermittently. The advantage of this method is that the paint is removed in one go.

Method No. 2

You will need aggressive wash . It is quite dangerous and not only for old paint. Therefore, wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when working with it. Apply the wash with a brush without skipping. It's better to use too much; an even layer is not required. Your task is to ensure that the solution gets generously onto all painted areas.

Paint thinner is very dangerous, so wear gloves

After a few minutes, you will see that the paint begins to swell and soften to a cheesy state. Now is the time to remove it before it hardens. Repeat this process as necessary until the frame is completely clean. The undoubted advantage is that buying a liquid remover is much cheaper than a hair dryer.

Degrease the surface

It's simple but very important stage window repair. Grease on the wood will prevent paint and primer from sticking. And all this will be reflected in the quality of painting. Therefore, we clean the surface with a solvent, such as White Spirit. As a last resort, gasoline, but not acetone or alcohol - they are mixed with water.

Level the frame with putty

Rotten areas in the frame must be removed with a plane. And cover the resulting potholes and cracks with acrylic wood putty and a rubber spatula.

Putty for smoothing out holes in the frame/window sill is made from fine sawdust and PVA glue. Just mix them until the consistency of thick sour cream. It will turn out no worse than store-bought.

Attention! If the pieces of rotten wood are quite large and putty alone is not enough, you will need patches made of dry material. Cut wood wedges to size and place them on glue.

Sanding the surface

Before painting window frames, they must be sanded. To do this, you need to go over them with sandpaper.

The frame is rubbed with sandpaper so that the paint adheres better later.

Very convenient for sanding wooden block, wrapped in sandpaper. The surface should become uniformly rough. This way the paint will adhere better to it. Remember that sanding produces a lot of fine dust. Pros wear a respirator and safety glasses.

Prime the frame

By removing the old paint, you will open up the pores of the wood. They need to be covered with a primer. It will penetrate deep into the wood, creating a film on it that will prevent the wood from rotting. In addition, a primer is needed for better adhesion of the paint to the surface.

For priming you will needoil (linseed oil) or acrylic primer for wood . You don't have to buy an expensive one at all. A cheap primer will also work, but it will need to be applied in several layers. You can prime with a small brush or a spray bottle. Wait until the primer is completely dry before painting.

We paint

For painting windows yourself It is better to use acrylic, oil or alkyd enamel paint . Alkyd is more expensive, but dries faster and has almost no odor. Acrylic comes in second place. The brush should be flat. It is also called flutz.

The window frame is painted in 2-3 layers

In hardware stores you can find special paint for frames and window sills. The consistency is similar to jelly and does not leave streaks. It also has self-leveling properties. This means there will be no brush marks on this paint. Start painting from the top of the frame. Apply paint in a thin layer to avoid smudges. At the same time, do not allow omissions. Effective coloring requires 2-3 layers. When applying each subsequent layer, wait until the previous one dries.

Paint smudges can be avoided using a foam swab instead of a brush. It's a tampon, not a roller. The foam rubber for it should not be too old, but not new either. A bath sponge that has already been used is just the thing! Such a swab will absorb excess paint, do not let it drip off in sloppy drops.

Inserting glass

To prevent the glass from falling out, it is secured with this glazing bead

We apply construction silicone to the edges of the glass. After this we insert the glass into the frame. Use a spatula to remove excess silicone. To ensure that the glass stands securely in the frame and does not rattle, we will need wooden window beads. These are such triangular thin strips.

We apply glazing bead to the junction of the frame and glass. We secure it with small nails, driving them vertically into the frame. Optimal distance there is 25-30 cm between them. All that remains is to screw on the fittings.

Read about legal approval of new glazing on the balcony (what if it comes to this?), fines and other nuances.

Returning the frame to the window box

Install the frame in window box. If there are gaps, you can seal them with a special rubber self-adhesive seal. Cut the strip of seal along the right size, peel off protective film and place tightly around the perimeter of the frame.

When installing or replacing a window, the issue of finishing the slopes and bringing them into full order. Plaster or drywall alone is not enough here, since the surface needs additional coating. Below we will tell you how to paint the slopes on the windows and get a decent result.

Choosing paint for slopes

In theory, paint for window slopes can be used in any desired color, but the classic one is mostly used. white version. The most suitable look becomes acrylic water-based paint or an oil-based analogue containing drying oil in the composition.

Acrylic paint is most often used for painting slopes. white

When choosing what to paint the slopes on the windows with, keep in mind the recommendations of craftsmen who do not recommend using:

  • bitumen enamel;
  • bitumen-vinyl;
  • bitumen-epoxy.

If you purchased oil version without drying oil, you can correct the defect by diluting the paint with this substance yourself. The approach is not forbidden, but take into account the advice of professionals who advocate purchasing already prepared material where all proportions are met. Painting the slopes will consist of two stages, one of which involves applying a primer layer on next stage you need to apply coloring mixtures.

Before painting the slopes, a primer mixture is applied to them.

Do not forget that acrylic materials They dry much faster than oil-based ones and do not emit strong odors. Another important difference is the matte surface of acrylic as opposed to glossy oil paint . When applied to a surface, oil compositions form a film, whereas acrylic paints are considered "breathable". Both types of paint mixtures can be used with equal success for both internal and external painting of slopes. Having considered the options and decided what to paint the slopes with, you can safely move on to preparing the tools.

Required set of tools

Before you start processing slopes, make sure you have the right tools.

These tools are required for painting slopes

In our work we will need:

  • large and small brushes;
  • paint container;
  • cruvette and roller;
  • masking tape;
  • ladder;
  • construction knife;
  • primer and a clean rag;
  • fine abrasive mesh;
  • liquid acrylic;
  • construction pistol.

Painting drywall trim

Painting plasterboard slopes will require preparatory work that will help achieve best result. The best option the paint will become water-based, since it adheres well to the surface, and after drying it allows you to wash the internal slopes without damaging the coating.

Preparing the slopes

Once you have finished the slopes with plasterboard, the next step is to putty all the empty holes, joints and corners. Before sealing, the areas for fastening with self-tapping screws need to be slightly widened so that the putty lays more evenly. This can be done with a Phillips screwdriver, running along the hole and expanding it by approximately 3-5 mm over the entire diameter. Allow the applied mixture to dry for several hours, then sand the surface using an abrasive mesh, carefully going over the areas of the window. The mesh will help get rid of all the unevenness and clean the prepared surface well.

An abrasive mesh is used to clean out uneven surfaces.

A few words about how to properly paint slopes so that there is no small cracks. Follow simple rules:

Do not replace acrylic with silicone materials as they do not paint as easily as acrylic.. Allow the window to dry thoroughly for 12 hours, then prime the entire area. It dries quickly enough and there is just enough time to cover it with masking tape. window frame. Try to apply the tape evenly and without errors so that the painted areas can look attractive.

Let's start painting

Pour the paint into a convenient container and stir thoroughly. It is advisable not to save on the cost of painting material, since expensive paint will require fewer layers. Similar water-based options with low cost will lead to high financial costs.

  • First, with a small brush you need to carefully paint the corners and other places that are inaccessible to a large brush.
  • Once you've finished with the corners, you can apply paint over the entire work surface using a large brush or roller.

If you decide to use a roller for painting, give preference to velor products with fine pile, then the paint will apply in even layers and with less consumption.

Using a velor roller the paint will go on smoother.

Try not to go over the same place many times, painting the entire surface evenly. Poorly painted areas can be covered with a second coat, but only after the first one has completely dried. Otherwise, roughness and unevenness may appear on the surface.

Painting the plaster finish

Before painting slopes on windows with a plastered surface, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which will contribute to high-quality painting.

Preparing the slopes

First you need to remove the residue using a painting knife. polyurethane foam, level all protruding areas and cover with two layers of putty. After complete drying, we pass over the surface with an abrasive mesh, smoothing minor defects and unevenness. The subsequent stages of preparation are similar to the previous option:

Let's start painting

First, we go through all the corners and hard-to-reach areas with a small brush, after which we work with a large brush or roller. Slopes need to be painted double layer, waiting for the first one to dry. Do not try to dry the paint with a hairdryer or other devices, as the material is more likely to deteriorate in the future.. Strictly monitor the room temperature, avoiding drafts and high humidity.

Upon completion of work, immediately clear the windows. masking tape. If you do this after the paint has dried, pieces of material from the slopes may come off along with the strips of tape.