How to run correctly for beginners. Proper long and short distance running

When running in the park or on a treadmill, it is important to observe not only running technique, but also proper breathing technique. This is an equally important component. So, how should you breathe correctly when running?

Breathing is everything

In general, proper breathing technique is extremely important in any sport, be it running or even weightlifting. The work of your heart greatly depends on it. Deviations from it can cause not only discomfort during your exercises, but also leave a bad imprint on your health in general. Meanwhile, proper breathing helps reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, increase oxygen access to all vital organs, and also increase the effectiveness of your sports activities.

Rule 1: Take deep breaths while warming up

Before running, trainers advise doing a warm-up, which will help prevent unwanted injuries, sprains and dislocations of joints during running, as well as prepare the muscles for training loads. It may include flexibility exercises, stretching, swing movements, squats, push-ups, circular movements, etc. While performing them, it is recommended to inhale at the moment when the position of the chest contributes to its expansion, and exhale - on the contrary, when It will be comfortable to squeeze. With push-ups and other strength exercises, you inhale at the moment of greatest relaxation, and exhale at the moment of greatest tension. Under no circumstances should you hold your breath, especially at the peak moment of the exercise. This may result in loss of consciousness.

Rule 2: Breathe in the same rhythm, adjust to your steps

As you well know, running is a cyclical sport in which the same action or movement is repeated many times. Therefore, the correct breathing rhythm does not play a role the most important role. If you are running slowly, try to inhale and exhale every three to four steps. In this case, your breathing will be even and measured. If you feel like you're running out of air, try changing the rhythm by inhaling and exhaling every two steps. In any case, it is extremely important to maintain the correct speed and rhythm.

Rule 3: Listen to your body while sprinting

If you run a sprint distance, then the need for oxygen increases many times, and it becomes very difficult to clearly control your breathing. Therefore, in this case, trainers do not give any special recommendations, saying that you need to breathe at the rhythm in which it is most convenient for you to do it.

Experts also note that when running, the emphasis should be on exhalation, since complete displacement of air from the lungs gives you the opportunity to truly breathe deeply. It is recommended to inhale approximately one-third of the volume of your lungs. This can be determined by the degree of expansion of the chest.

Rule 4: You can breathe through your mouth, but follow certain guidelines

So, we talked about the breathing rhythm. How exactly do we inhale and exhale the air we need so much? Through the mouth or through the nose? Or maybe we should combine both of these methods? Scientists have an answer to this important question for athletes.

During any sports exercises, it is strictly recommended to breathe through your nose. This statement is, if not at the level of an immutable postulate, then close to it. Why not with your mouth? The fact is that if you inhale street air through your mouth, then all the dirt that is in it, be it dust and other harmful substances, will certainly settle on your tonsils and the surface of the oral cavity, thereby penetrating into the bronchi and trachea. This is fraught with not the most pleasant consequences, such as contamination of the respiratory tract, which, in turn, can lead to various types of infectious and colds. The latter applies especially to winter period. In general, if anyone remembers physical education lessons, the teachers constantly said that you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This is a kind of classic that we have been accustomed to since childhood.

However, sometimes even such classic, time-tested options may not be entirely correct. Professional running coaches advise using a mixed breathing method - through the nose and mouth at the same time. The fact is that the volume of air inhaled through the nose will a priori be less than that the amount of oxygen we can absorb through our mouths. And by mixing both options, we can inhale more air, and it will be at least somewhat purified. The proportions should be approximately the following - 70% of oxygen passes through the mouth, and the remaining 30 through the nose.

Rule 5: Engage your abs as well as your lungs

In the process of breathing, you should definitely use not only your lungs, but also your abs. This rule applies not only to sports, and running in particular, but also to public speaking. But this is a separate conversation. The advantage of this method of breathing is a larger amount of inhaled air. You can train it at home. To do this, you need to find several (maybe 1-2) thick books. Lie on the floor with your back down, put these books on your abs and breathe in such a way that the oxygen you absorb gets into your stomach. This exercise will help you not only train proper breathing, but will also strengthen your abs.

As you know, running is an excellent exercise that affects all muscle groups without exception. So, if you decide to do it, we can only support your excellent endeavor and wish you success in it!

Running is a universal aerobic exercise that allows you to maintain health and excellent physical fitness. To make it enjoyable and maximum benefit, it is necessary to master not only correct positioning body during training, but also breathing technique. Breathing is a purely individual process, but despite this, there are still universal methods, with the help of which you can squeeze out all its capabilities from the body at minimal cost.

Running exercises are a cyclic continuous load, during which the body's need for oxygen increases many times over. By letting the breathing process take its course, you risk stopping your workout prematurely due to deterioration of coordination and severe shortness of breath. The reason for this is insufficient ventilation of the lungs. This is why it is important while running most Direct your attention to your breathing and make sure that it is free and consistent with the movement of your legs.

Breathing while warming up

It is recommended to start any workout, including running, with a warm-up. It prepares the body for the upcoming load, which prevents unwanted injuries. In order for the warm-up to increase the effectiveness of cardio training and not take up a lot of strength, you need to start breathing correctly already at this stage.

The main rule to follow during warm-up is the following: it is important to inhale when starting the exercise, and exhale at the end. For example, we sat down and inhaled, stood up straight and exhaled. Do not hold your breath under any circumstances. Not sufficient quantity oxygen can increase blood pressure and lead to loss of consciousness.

Breathing while running

After finishing the warm-up, you can move on to the main workout. At this stage, all novice runners have a question about how best to inhale air - through the nose or mouth? Since childhood, we have been taught to breathe exclusively through our nose. This theory is partly correct. Oxygen entering through the nasal cavities is better absorbed by the lungs. However, the patency of the nasal cavities is small. For Everyday life this amount is quite sufficient, but with increasing physical activity The need for oxygen increases and the nose can no longer cope alone. Therefore, the amount of oxygen must be increased with the help of the mouth. To avoid hypothermia of the respiratory tract, use a little trick: hold your tongue as if pronouncing the sound “l”. Thanks to this, the air will warm up a little before entering the larynx. This means that the probability of occurrence infectious diseases will decrease significantly.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that breathing rate directly depends on running intensity. In other words, the higher the running pace, the larger number breaths need to be taken. When running at an average pace, you should breathe so that the exhalation is 2 times longer than the inhalation and there are from 2 to 4 steps between them. When sprinting and acceleration, it is recommended to adhere to next rule: Exhale slightly more than inhale. This will make room for more oxygen to come in. At the same time, while breathing, you should try to use the abdominal muscles, and not top part breasts This breathing is called lower. It is unlikely that you will be able to breathe this way the first time. Therefore, first you need to practice at home: lie on the floor and place your right hand on your chest area and your left hand on your lower abdomen. Breathe and pay close attention to right hand remained motionless, and the left one rose. During runtime this exercise the chest should remain in the same position, and the stomach should fall smoothly and evenly as you exhale.

It is worth noting that breathing technique used for long distance running, is somewhat different from the jogging technique. First, when running long distances, you need to breathe deeply, but often to supply the body's cells with oxygen and increase endurance. And secondly, it is necessary to combine upper and lower breathing. Professional athletes often use a breathing pattern called “2 on 2” during races. The essence of this scheme is to take 2 steps while inhaling and 2 steps while exhaling. By following the described technique, the runner will be full of strength and energy until the finish line.

When running, it is important to force yourself to breathe correctly from the very beginning of the distance. Beginning runners often neglect this principle. As a result, at the end of the journey they are unable to utter a word. Breathing should be uniform while running, even when it seems that you still have a lot of strength.

When training, do not forget to control the optimal load. In order to check it, you need to say a short sentence. If you can do this without shortness of breath, you are running at the right pace and will get the most out of your workout.

Breathing during a cool down

The cool-down is an integral part of the workout, which is just as important as the warm-up. Therefore, at the end of your run, you should not rush to take a horizontal position. You need to devote at least 10 minutes to recovery exercises. They will help to gradually reduce the heart rate, avoid dizziness, loss of consciousness, and also reduce muscle pain.

The cool-down includes walking or running at a slow pace and stretching exercises for the major muscle groups. On final stage during training, breathing should be measured and deep.

What to do if you have a stitch in your side

Tingling in the side during a run is a common phenomenon, most often caused by a lack of oxygen and congestion of blood in organs such as the liver and spleen.

If unpleasant colic appears, you need to gradually reduce the pace. Try to breathe slowly, evenly and deeply - the lungs should be completely filled with oxygen. Inhale through the nasal cavities and exhale through the mouth.

If the pain in your side continues, stop and lean forward slightly. You can also perform an exercise that stretches compressed muscles: stretching left hand up, lean to the right. Hold this position for 20 seconds. Do the same in the other direction.

By following the breathing recommendations described, you will greatly facilitate the running process and significantly increase its efficiency. And this will have a positive effect on health: the cardiovascular system will be strengthened, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and other vital organs, on the work of which our youth and beauty depend, will improve.

    Cardio exercise is one of the important elements training for any CrossFit athlete. It is very important to follow all the subtleties when performing exercises related to working the heart muscle. The most important element can be considered proper breathing while running. What features need to be taken into account while running? How to breathe: nose or mouth? And what to do if your side hurts from running?

    Why is it important to monitor your breathing?

    Breathing is an important component of any exercise, not just running. After all, without oxygen, muscles switch to anaerobic glycolysis mode, which significantly reduces their endurance and reduces the effectiveness of exercise. Breath:

  1. Provides the entire body with oxygen.
  2. Provides normal work brain, which is responsible for coordination.
  3. Reduces the stress factor of running, which reduces the catabolic factor.
  4. Helps with fat burning because... Complete fats can only be oxidized when large quantities oxygen.
  5. Helps get rid of excess in the liver, and increase the overall duration of the run.
  6. Helps control the pulse: the deeper and more uniform the breathing, the smaller it is. Shallow, rapid breathing through the mouth, on the contrary, helps to accelerate your heart muscle.

That is why it is important to monitor your breathing technique not only while running, but even while performing basic exercises.

Nose or mouth?

The classic technique of moderate-intensity running involves breathing through the nose. The breathing technique is extremely simple:

  1. Let's exhale one step at a time.
  2. Inhale as you lift your legs.

If you breathe slowly and evenly (into full lungs), then:

  1. Inhale every other step.
  2. Exhale every second leg lift.

It is important to make a clarification here. When breathing deeply through the nose, pain may appear in the left or right side. In this case, you need to either reduce the intensity of running, or change the pace of inhalation/exhalation. In such a way that each breath falls on the other leg (if your left side hurts, breathe when you touch the floor with your right foot, and vice versa).

The pain itself is not something critical, and only means the accumulation of excess blood in the liver/spleen, which under pressure (from the lowering of the diaphragm when inhaling) causes pain. Mouth breathing while running is not recommended for the following reasons:

  1. Oxygen passing through oral cavity, dries out the mucous system, which causes discomfort with a general loss of fluid.
  2. When you inhale deeply through your mouth, the pressure from the lowering diaphragm is much higher, which can lead to more severe side pain.

How to breathe?

In fact correct execution breathing while running technically varies depending on the type of running. So, different running techniques are used for performance and health. For example, when running maximum speed, you need to breathe as best you can, but when working in the moderate cardio zone, you need to adhere to strict technique, which will increase your running efficiency and help you get rid of excess fat.

Let's take a closer look at how to breathe correctly while running in different cases.


How to breathe?


Warm-up runBreathe exclusively through your nose. You can ignore the step.If you breathe through your nose, your chest area will work, not your diaphragm. This will reduce the load on the liver and spleen, and therefore avoid pain.
Moderate intensity running (aerobic zone)It is recommended to breathe in a full breath. You can ignore the step.When working in the aerobic zone, it is important to provide the muscles with oxygen so that internal glycogen reserves do not begin to be burned, and the body receives energy from sugar located in the liver, and not in the muscles. At this stage, you can no longer breathe through the chest, but through the diaphragm.
Running in the cardio zoneIt is preferable to breathe through your nose. Inhale per step.When running in the cardio zone, you need to watch your step and breathe shallowly. Both of these factors reduce the shock load on the liver and spleen, allowing you to maintain intensity for longer. And avoid pain. In addition, if possible, inhalation should be directed not to the diaphragm, but to the chest. This creates additional stress on the abdominal muscles, which increases the efficiency of running, although it reduces its effectiveness.
Running in the fat burning zoneYou can breathe through both your mouth and nose. In a full breath. Inhale for the step, exhale for the rise.When working in the fat-burning zone, it is important to monitor not only your pulse, but also the sufficient amount of oxygen. If you don't have enough air when working with a full chest, try shallow, fast breathing.
High Intensity RunningIt is preferable to breathe through your mouth halfway.When running intensely, it is important to breathe half a breath in order to reduce pressure on the internal organs, this reduces pain. Due to the high intensity, breathing through the mouth will provide a sufficient amount of oxygen for the work of all muscles, which will allow them to work in an aerobic mode.
Interval runningIt is preferable to breathe through the nose, at half the diaphragm.Similar to high intensity running.
  1. Breathe rhythmically. Remember that for every breath your heart speeds up, and if you breathe raggedly and not rhythmically, then you artificially create an “arrhythmia,” which increases the load not only on the heart, but on all organs.
  2. If you feel pain in your side, while running, while inhaling, squeeze the painful area tightly, and release it as you exhale. After 2-3 cycles the pain should stop.
  3. If your heart begins to tingle while running, reduce the intensity and switch to diaphragm deep breathing mouth.

To summarize

Having mastered the correct technique of breathing through your nose while running, you will not only improve your well-being (your side will stop hurting from running), but also improve your performance, and also speed up the fat burning process.

The main thing to remember is that if you are running at the maximum speed allowed (during a competition or a difficult WOD against the clock), breathing is important, however, if you are short of air, it is better to switch to shallow breathing. Your main task is to provide the body with enough oxygen. Only regular training in the aerobic zone will help develop your lungs and heart muscles, which will allow you to run longer, faster and without disturbances in breathing technique.

When playing sports, you need to control not only your body, but also your breathing, because a lot depends on it. Correct intake has a beneficial effect on the body, significantly reducing the load on the cardiovascular system and increasing the oxygen supply to all organs. As a result, such proper operation all body systems, the effect of the training process significantly increases. Improper breathing reduces training time and forces the body to work to the limit, robbing a person of his last strength.

Of course, breathing is individual for everyone, so when running, this is a rather relative concept. But still, the basic principles must be followed in order to make the most of the capabilities of your body.

Breathing while warming up

You can’t start running without warming up, because you can easily get injured by loading unheated muscles and tendons. Before jogging, be sure to perform special flexibility exercises. The warm-up usually begins with bending to the sides and back and forth, circular rotations with the arms and feet, followed by squats, pelvic rotations, lunges and Correct breathing here it consists of exhaling while compressing the chest, and inhaling while opening it.

In almost all flexibility exercises, the inhalation is done at the moment the torso is straightened and when it leans slightly forward. Exhale at the end of the exercise.

In strength exercises, exhalation is done with effort. For example, when doing push-ups, you inhale when your arms bend and go down, and inhale at the most difficult moment - when you lift your body up on your arms. The most important thing here is that dizziness is possible, even due to oxygen starvation of the brain.

Proper breathing when running

It is very important to constantly monitor the correctness and depth of your breathing while running, because the need of body tissues for oxygen increases several tens of times. Correct breathing technique when running is the key to a successful workout and excellent health. Irrhythmic or too rapid breathing will only interfere with the control of your body and will negatively affect the coordination of movements, while at the same time not covering the body’s need for sufficient oxygen supply.

While jogging, you should try to breathe evenly and measuredly, emphasizing your exhalation. When running slowly, inhale and exhale every three to four steps. If you can’t breathe like this, then you can reduce the number of steps to two or three. You will quickly learn to keep the right rhythm if you listen to yourself.

When running fast, it is impossible to control your breathing, no matter how hard you try. At this time the body needs great amount oxygen, which is why breathing automatically increases greatly in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen needed by the organs.

So we examined the concept of “proper breathing when running.” When playing any sport, you must remember that you need to breathe through your nose, especially if you are training outside. When breathing through the nose, the air is well cleaned of microparticles, dust, and also heats up. If you breathe through your mouth while running, then all harmful substances enter directly into the bronchi and settle on the tonsils, the respiratory tract becomes overcooled, and this increases the risk of colds and infectious diseases.

In addition to special breathing and its techniques, there are also various exercises for developing the diaphragm and effectively controlling your own breathing. A variety of products developed in our time allow you to make maximum use of all the capabilities of the body. Be sure to pay attention to your breathing during training and try to control it.

To maintain normal general condition a person needs to do physical exercise, or better yet, start jogging.

It’s not enough to just run, you need to take into account the rules, technique and behavior during training, the result depends on this. In the first place is correct, rhythmic breathing. During training, the runner will not only strengthen muscle mass, but also supply your body with sufficient oxygen.

Proper breathing when running: main points

is a respiratory process during human life using different frequencies of inhalation and exhalation, as well as control of their intensity. For every occupation there is different equipment breathing.

Key points to consider when running:

  • Define – breathe through the nose or mouth;
  • Select frequency;
  • Learn to breathe from the first moments of jogging.

Breathe through your nose or mouth?

As a rule, people do jogging outdoors. Therefore, you need to breathe through your nose to avoid dust, germs and harmful substances. Also, during inhalation through the nose, the air has time to heat up to optimal temperature and do not injure the respiratory tract.

By breathing only through the mouth, a person is exposed to various viral diseases: sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis. Breathing through your nose is effective when running at a measured, not very intense pace. When jogging faster, a mixed breathing process is used - through the nose and mouth at the same time.

If it is difficult to breathe only through your nose, you should open your mouth slightly, but do not inhale with it. This will allow more air to enter the body. This trick is used in easy time runny nose

Breathing rate

Respiration rate is affected by running speed:

  • At slow or moderate speed you need to breathe so that you exhale every fourth step of the run. Thanks to this calculation and control, rhythm is developed in the first minutes of jogging, the load on the heart is reduced and the blood vessels receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  • When running fast it is very difficult to control the pace and frequency of breathing. Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth is the basic principle, and you need to exhale every second step. Each person selects the frequency during intense movement individually, depending on the body’s oxygen needs, as well as the condition of the lungs.

Before you start running, you need to exercise your lungs to avoid pressure surges when running. There is breathing exercises for this.

Start breathing from the first meters

You should start breathing from the first meters of movement. If you establish the respiratory process from the very start, the moment of lack of oxygen will come much later.

When inhaling, you need to draw air into your lungs by a third at the beginning of the distance, and increase the amount little by little later. Exhale as forcefully as possible to clear the airways as much as possible before the next inhalation.

If you ignore breathing during the first meters of running, after a third of the distance you will begin to experience pain in your side, and your ability to reach the end will be reduced.

Occurs due to insufficient ventilation in the lower part of the diaphragm. The reason is unrhythmic and weak breathing.

Breathing during warm-up

Any workout begins with a warm-up. Running is no exception. It is very important to know how to breathe correctly when warming up.

The most effective exercises before jogging: stretching, lunges, bending, arm swings and squats:

  • With a light warm-up inhalation is needed when the chest expands, and exhalation when it contracts.
  • If your warm-up includes flexibility exercises– inhalation should be done when the torso is bent or tilted forward. Exhale when completing the maneuver.
  • During a strength warm-up certain breathing technique. Inhalation - at the initial muscle tension, exhalation - at maximum.

You need to breathe rhythmically, deeply. Then the effect of the warm-up will be maximized. The body will be supplied with oxygen, the muscles will warm up sufficiently.

Types of breathing when running

When running, some types of breathing are used.

There are three of them:

  • Inhale and exhale through the nose;
  • Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth;
  • Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth.

Each of these methods includes both benefits and negative aspects.

Inhale and exhale through the nose


  • During breathing, the air is purified through the hair in the nose. This protects the body from germs and dirty dust.
  • Moisturizing – prevents the nasopharynx from drying out and does not cause irritation.
  • Heating the air does not cause hypothermia of the upper respiratory tract.


  • Poor air passage through the nostrils during intense running. Result: lack of oxygen in the body, fatigue and increased heart rate.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth


  • Heating, purifying and humidifying the air.
  • When you exhale, the body is freed from unnecessary gases.
  • The correct breathing technique is developed and the rhythm is maintained.


  • Poor oxygen saturation of the body. With intensive use, pressure surges are possible.

It is advisable to use it for light jogging in both cold and warm seasons.

Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth


  • Free and rapid saturation of the body with oxygen.
  • Getting rid of excess gases.
  • High ventilation.