How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands. How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting: we cover the roof with corrugated sheeting with our own hands

Metal profiled sheet is quite popular among both professional builders both architects and individual developers. Corrugated sheets produced from thin sheet steel by cold rolling have a high bearing capacity and can easily withstand even very large wind and snow loads. At correct installation, covering the roof with corrugated sheets anti-corrosion coating very reliable - such a roof will last 20-25 years without any operating costs.

An important advantage of corrugated sheets is the ability to produce sheets of great length. With a roof slope length of up to 12 m, the roof can be covered with corrugated sheeting in one row without transverse joints. And any additional joint increases the likelihood of a leak. roofing.

Due to its light weight, covering a roof with corrugated sheeting is often used when replacing old, deteriorated roofing coverings, since there is no need to reinforce the existing rafter system for corrugated sheeting. Among other things, thanks to modern color decorative coatings, the metal profiled sheet looks very attractive.

The low weight of the corrugated sheet also allows you to cover the roof with corrugated sheets yourself without the involvement of builders. In addition, information on how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheets is publicly available, and the process itself does not require many years of experience, special education and skills.

Below we will focus on the main features of installing this roofing material, which you need to get acquainted with before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting.

Which corrugated sheet to choose for roofing?

Before we dwell on how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, let’s briefly look at the rules for choosing a profiled sheet for a roof. Today, both wall corrugated sheets of grade C, intended for the manufacture of sandwich panels, cladding of building facades and the construction of various fences, and special corrugated sheets for the installation of roofing coverings are widely used.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cover the roof with grade C corrugated sheeting, which is several times cheaper than load-bearing corrugated sheeting. This question, in general, can be answered positively. However, the height of the trapezoid or profile wave must be at least 20 mm. For steep roofs of small buildings, you can even use C10 corrugated sheeting, but you need to make a continuous sheathing underneath it.

However, the use of wall corrugated sheets, although economical, is not reliable enough. Since you are interested precisely in how to properly cover a roof with a profiled sheet, and not in the opportunity to save on the reliability and quality of the roof, I strongly recommend using a profiled roofing sheet. Especially if the building is being built in a region with high rainfall and high snow cover.

It differs from a wall one in that the width of the profile flange is greater than the width of its ridge. This facilitates the removal of water and snow from the roofing. In addition, roofing corrugated sheets often have additional stiffening ribs and a capillary groove along the edge of the sheet.

These design features increase the longitudinal rigidity of the profile and help remove moisture trapped between the roofing sheets.

Having chosen a profiled sheet, you can begin covering the roof with corrugated sheeting.

How to start covering a roof with corrugated sheeting?

To prevent accidental damage to the material, transportation and lifting of corrugated sheeting onto the roof must be carried out with maximum precautions. Indeed, in the event of deformation, it is almost impossible to return the original geometry to the profiled sheet. In addition, even the slightest damage to the protective coating can lead to premature corrosion of the corrugated sheeting and reduce the service life of the roofing covering.

If you purchased a profiled sheet in advance, remember that you can store it in its original packaging for no more than a month. At the same time, it must lie horizontally on pads with a height of at least 100 mm. If you plan to store corrugated sheets for more than a month, wooden slats are laid between the individual sheets.

Before covering the roof with a corrugated sheet, you need to create ventilation gaps under the surface of the roofing using counter-lattice bars. It is proper ventilation that prevents condensation from accumulating on the inner surface of the roofing. The size of the ventilation gap should be 40-50 mm. To protect the under-roof space from condensation drops, a waterproofing membrane is laid on the rafters, on top of which a counter-lattice is mounted.

Roof prepared for covering with corrugated sheeting: sheathing has been made, pediment and cornice strips have been installed

By strictly following the installation technology, two or three people can cover the roof with corrugated sheets with their own hands without special skills.

We begin the installation by installing a device for lifting corrugated sheets onto the roof. We lift the corrugated sheet from the ground to the roof along wooden joists, and only one sheet at a time.

The procedure for further work with corrugated sheeting largely depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. Although, in theory, profiled sheets can be used even for roofs with slopes of 2-3°, it is better that the roof slope exceeds 10-12°. In this case, we cover the roof with corrugated sheeting with an overlap of only one wave. If the installation of corrugated sheets on the roof slope is carried out in several rows, the overlap between the rows should be from 100 to 200 mm, also depending on the angle of inclination of the roof.

Fitting corrugated sheets before covering the roof

Before covering the roof of the house with corrugated sheets, you need to adjust the covering sheets. For cutting sheets of corrugated sheets, it is ideal to use electric metal shears, which are neat, smooth, without nicks and extra effort allow you to make the desired cut. However, since we cover the roof with corrugated sheets with our own hands, therefore, there is no specialized tool, you can use both a jigsaw and hand saw with fine teeth. To prevent edge corrosion, the edges of the cuts must be treated with anti-corrosion mastic.

To cut corrugated sheets, it is strictly forbidden to use high-speed power tools with abrasive wheels. Hot abrasive particles can seriously damage the polymer protective coating of a profiled sheet.

How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting - cutting profiled sheets

In order to cover the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, you also need to follow several simple rules that will help avoid injuries when performing work:

  • you need to work in soft shoes that will not damage the polymer coating and, at the same time, will not slip on its surface;
  • It is not recommended to work in windy weather due to the high windage of the corrugated sheets;
  • You should also not work in the rain, since the wet surface of the corrugated sheet is very slippery and it is very difficult to stay on it even with a slight slope of the roof;
  • Do not lift several sheets onto the roof at the same time, since if one of them slips, serious injury can occur.

After laying out and adjusting the profiled sheet, they begin to attach it. Special attention should be paid to how to properly and securely fasten corrugated sheeting.

How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting?

It is impossible to fasten a profiled sheet with nails, since under the influence of wind loads such fasteners will gradually weaken. Subsequently, this will lead to deformation of the corrugated sheet and a violation of the roof’s tightness. Therefore, before covering the roof with corrugated sheets, you need to purchase special roofing screws.

Roofing screws usually have a hex head with a press washer. The tip in the form of a drill makes possible fastening corrugated sheets roofing screws not only to wood, but also to metal lathing, and without pre-drilling holes.

The hexagonal head allows you to tightly and reliably press the corrugated sheet onto the sheathing using a screwdriver or electric drill with adjustable rotation speed. Special meaning have sealing gaskets for roofing screws made of special neoprene rubber.

In order to press the corrugated sheet tightly to the sheathing, fastening is done through the lower wave of the profile. But it is precisely this way that all the water from rain and melting snow drains from the roofing. Therefore, when we cover the roof with corrugated sheets, it is very important to ensure the tightness of the corrugated sheet fastening points. The neoprene rubber of the protective gasket self-vulcanizes when the roofing screw is tightened, completely eliminating the possibility of moisture penetrating under the roof. Self-tapping screws are screwed through the upper wave only when installing the ridge.

Horizontally, the corrugated sheeting is attached to the sheathing through one wave. Vertically, self-tapping screws are installed through one sheathing board in a checkerboard pattern. On a gable overhang, fastening is made to each sheathing board. On the eaves overhang, self-tapping screws are screwed into each profile wave.

In each wave, corrugated sheeting is also attached in places of overlap between adjacent rows of covering. It is recommended to additionally fasten the coating sheets in places of longitudinal overlaps with special rivets.

When screwing self-tapping screws or drilling holes in the roofing, small metal shavings are formed. Before final tightening of the screws, it must be removed to avoid damage to the polymer protective coating. Additionally, these shavings may prevent the neoprene gasket from sealing tightly.

The roof is an important element of the building, from proper installation and high-quality coating, which determines the safety and durability of the entire structure. The building materials market offers a huge selection of products for roofing works, among which corrugated sheets occupy a leading position. The article will tell you how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting with your own hands. It is worth saying that the technology itself is simple if you know the features of this material and follow some installation rules.

Characteristics of corrugated sheets

During production a metal sheet goes through a special rental equipment, which creates a profile of varying heights from 8 mm to 75 mm. Due to the wavy, rectangular and trapezoidal profiles, additional rigidity is achieved. Thanks to this, the corrugated sheet easily withstands mechanical damage and high loads.

  • The galvanized coating makes this material reliable and durable. It is not afraid of chemically aggressive substances, corrosion, precipitation (weather conditions).
  • Corrugated sheeting is one of the few materials that is easy to install and convenient to transport.
  • Roofing work using profiled sheets is completed faster than with other materials. This significantly saves not only time, but also money.
  • During the production process, the corrugated sheet is coated with a colored polymer; this coating serves as an additional protective layer and gives an attractive appearance. This allows you to choose this roofing material of any color in accordance with general view buildings.

Roof angle

The laying of corrugated sheets depends on the slope of the roof, minimum slope is at least 12°. Upon completion of work, the working seams should be sealed using mastic or sealing tape.

  • tilt up to 15° - adjacent sheets are mounted with an overlap of 200 mm;
  • tilt up to 30° - the overlap in this case is 150-200 mm;
  • tilt more than 30° - permissible overlap is 100-150 mm.

Calculation of roofing material

Before calculating the amount of material required, you should measure the roof. Because, during the stages of project implementation, roof slopes may undergo changes.

  • To do this, you need to measure the slopes diagonally and compare these values, the discrepancy should not exceed 20 mm. It is also necessary to check the plane of the slopes; this measurement is performed with a level with a cord, where a deviation of no more than 5 mm is allowed for every 5 m. Otherwise, the sheets will not fit together.
  • The ideal option is if the length of the sheet corresponds to the length of the slope; to this parameter you need to add about 40 mm more for the overhang of the cornice. Next, the amount of corrugated sheeting is calculated, where the length of the cornice is measured and divided by the installation (taking into account the overlap) width of the sheet.
  • You can also calculate the number of sheets in another way: divide the length of the cornice by the useful (overlap) width of the sheet, and round the resulting value up.
  • If the roof has a complex configuration, then it should be visually divided into geometric shapes. Each form is calculated and the final results are summed up. It is important to take into account when calculating the material such additional elements like: windows, pipes, ends, ridges.

Roof structure made of corrugated sheets

The roofing structure, in addition to the covering itself, consists of a whole complex structural elements such as: heat -, hydro -, vapor barrier and ventilation. Each of them plays its role, providing correct work the entire roof. In order for the roof to last a long time and fulfill its direct function, it is necessary to ensure the correct arrangement of all layers of the pie.

Vapor barrier. Its task is to prevent moisture from penetrating into the insulation. Here special films are used, which are laid from the inside of the roof using a construction stapler along a horizontal line. Seams formed during installation are sealed with tape or butyl tape.

Insulation . The next layer consists of insulation, which serves as a compensator for air temperature differences, thus preventing the accumulation of moisture and condensation under the roof during operation of the building. Its thickness is selected depending on the region of residence; it is recommended to use insulation with a thickness of at least 200 mm. Laying tiles or roll material into the space between the rafters.

Waterproofing . The final stage is installation waterproofing membrane(wind protection). It acts as additional insulation and, thanks to its waterproof surface, protects the entire structure from condensation, thereby extending the service life of the roof.

The membrane is rolled out horizontally from the eaves to the ridge (from bottom to top). Positioning it in such a way that the joints of the rolls are on the rafters, it must be secured with an overlap of 150 mm.

The material for hydro- and thermal insulation is calculated in the same way as the number of profiled sheets.

  • sheets are lifted onto the roof using logs made of one or two boards of the required length;
  • It is not recommended to carry out work in windy weather, as there is a possibility of missing the sheet and damaging it;
  • during work, you should walk on the profiled sheets in soft shoes, stepping only into the deflections between the waves in the areas of the sheathing;
  • You can avoid the formation of corrosion on the material if you treat all cuts or other damage to the sheet with repair enamel;
  • when working with corrugated sheets, it is necessary to use thick protective gloves, since the edges of the sheets are quite sharp;
  • debris generated during installation should be swept away with a brush or washed with soapy water;
  • the protective film of the material must be removed immediately after installation;

  • It is forbidden to use an angle grinder ( grinding machine) to avoid the development of a corrosion process.

Required Tools

  • lever shears or electric shears for cutting sheets;
  • a screwdriver for fastening the material or a hammer if fastening will be done using nails;
  • construction stapler for fastening films and insulation;
  • drill and drill No. 5, if the corrugated sheet will be attached to a metal structure with a thickness of over 2.5 mm;
  • and such auxiliary tools such as: marker, knife, level, tape measure, sealant gun.

Material and additional elements for corrugated roofing

Profiled sheeting. To cover a light roof with a slight slope, you can use profiled sheets C35 or C44 of a sinusoidal or trapezoidal shape.

Their length ranges from 2 to 6 m, but some manufacturers offer production of sheets according to custom sizes from 0.5 to 12 m and above.

Arrangement pitched roof It is recommended to make it from CH35 grade corrugated sheet; this model is better suited for these purposes. Profiled sheet of grade N is used for equipment load-bearing structures. The height of its profile can range from 57 to 114 mm.

Self-tapping screws. This fastener with polymer coating, matched to the color of the sheet. Thus, it is as invisible as possible in the architectural ensemble. They are chosen depending on the material: wood and metal. Its drill tip allows for fastening to a metal structure whose thickness does not exceed 2 mm. When purchasing self-tapping screws, you need to check the presence of a sealing washer (neoprene rubber).

Seal. You can seal gaps, for example, between the ridge and the roofing, using a special sealant. It prevents debris and moisture from entering the under-roof space, thanks to the repetition of all bends of the profiled sheet.

The ridge is semicircular or rectangular. Performs both a functional (protects the joints between profiled sheets) and a decorative role. The ends of the semicircular ridge are covered with special plugs.

Wind bar. It prevents rain from falling on the walls of the building and gives the roof a finished look.

Depending on the complexity of the roof structure itself, the following additional elements will be needed:

  • Upper and lower valley strips. The bottom strip prevents rainwater from entering the roof space. Upper valley- serves as the final detail, giving a finished look to the roof.
  • External and internal corner. With their help, sheets are connected at external and internal corners.

How to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting

  • The lathing for laying corrugated sheets can be continuous or stepwise. The lower the roof slope, the smaller the pitch of the sheathing, for example, if the slope is less than 15°, then wooden or metal planks are mounted at a distance of 300-400 mm; if the roof slope is over 15°, the pitch can be 500-600 mm or more.

  • Installation of profile sheets always begins from the bottom up, and moisture (rain or formed from melting snow) will not get into the space between the sheets. Such wavy material is laid against the prevailing wind direction in the area. If the wind blows more often from the right side, then the installation of the corrugated sheet should be laid from left to right, and vice versa. The correct sequence to cover the roof with corrugated sheeting is shown in the photo.

  • If the length of the slope allows the use of a single sheet, then installation begins from the end of the roof. It must be aligned along the cornice, not forgetting the additional 40 mm (overhang of the cornice); alignment of the corrugated sheet along the edge of the end is not allowed.
  • The first roofing sheet is installed in place and secured with one self-tapping screw approximately in the center. The second one is laid with an overlap on the previous sheet and fastened in the same way. Having secured the required number of sheets along the entire length of the roof, they are aligned along the horizontal line of the eaves. Next, you need to connect the corrugated sheets together at the ridge at every second deflection of the wave.

Then the final fastening is performed:

  • Self-tapping screws are screwed in along a vertical line through the pitch of the sheathing;
  • horizontally - in every second deflection of the profile sheet;
  • It is advisable to strengthen the sheet at the end of the roof according to the pitch of the sheathing;
  • the upper edge of the sheet (at the ridge) and the lower edge (on the eaves) - in each deflection of the wave;
  • It is recommended to strengthen the joint between the sheets with hardware, both on the wave and on the deflection of the sheet.

  • Excess material is cut off using electric scissors or an electric saw. Similar manipulations are performed from the ends of the building and on the other side of the slope, if we are talking about a gable roof.
  • At the next stage, the end strip is installed and secured to the wave crest using the same screws. Its installation begins from below towards the ridge of the roof. When increasing the length of the planks, the overlap should be no less than 50 mm, the fastening step should be up to 1 m.
  • Finally, the ridge is fastened. It is recommended to lay a self-adhesive seal between it and the profiled sheet. Ridge strips are built up with an overlap of 100 mm, the fastening pitch is at least 300 mm.

Installation of complex roof structures

Complex designs often have internal corners(valleys), ventilation or chimneys, parapets, and so on are located on the roofs. The resulting joints must be carefully sealed, since through such places moisture can enter the under-roof space.

Endy. At these points, continuous sheathing is required on both sides of the valley. The lower (bottom) strip is attached at the edges with self-tapping screws or nails; when lengthening it, an overlap of 200 mm is required. A bend (flanging) is made from the upper end of the plank at the roof ridge.

The top strip is installed on top of the corrugated sheet, serving rather a decorative role, covering the joint between the edges. It is also advisable to install it using sealing materials that protect the installation joints from possible leaks.

Pipe. The sheathing around the pipe must be continuous, where the abutment strip (apron) is attached to the chimney using dowels (200 mm pitch), and to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.

Installation of the lower apron can be done by first cutting a groove into the brick pipe, with mandatory sealing of this joint. A roofing covering with a sealant is mounted on top of it. The top strip is installed without grooves, after the installation of the coating around the pipe is completed. Installation of both longitudinal and transverse junctions of pitched surfaces to the wall is carried out in the same way.

Many manufacturers are ready to make additional elements non-standard forms, therefore, difficulties associated with the installation of roofing materials on complex roofs will not arise.

More clearly how to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting is demonstrated in the video presented.

Cover the roof with corrugated sheeting, cost of work

  • installation of corrugated sheeting will cost approximately 200 rubles per m²;
  • performing step lathing - 120 rubles per m²;
  • installation of the ridge, wind and cornice strips, abutment strips - 100 rubles per linear meter;
  • bypassing the pipe costs 2,000 rubles per element.

The roof made of profiled sheets fits harmoniously into modern architecture. Affordable cost and easy installation make this material popular among consumers. The roof made of corrugated sheets has high strength and has aesthetic qualities.

It is quite easy to build a high-quality and durable roof from corrugated sheets yourself. It is only important to know what materials you need to take, how to properly attach the sheets to the sheathing and how to protect the internal under-roof space from dampness.

And we will pay special attention to additional elements that need to be bypassed in full compliance with technology. So, do your own corrugated roofing - step by step!

Preparing material: avoiding first mistakes

Once you have produced accurate calculations your roof, you can order profiled sheets. But, if you purchased corrugated sheeting, but for some reason its installation will have to be postponed (for example, prolonged rains), then store the sheets without removing the original packaging, on a flat surface and indoors. Additionally, beams must be placed under the sheets in increments of 50 cm.

Shift and move such roofing material carefully, holding the edges along the length and especially avoiding creases and deflections of the sheets. You also need to move the sheets carefully, because... modern polymer coating is especially sensitive to mechanical damage.

How to cut this material with abrasives cutting tools: Splinters from the wheel will scratch, and significant heat will occur at the cut site. But, if you had to work this way, then immediately cover all the damage with repair paint.

Fortunately, the technology for constructing a roof made from modern corrugated sheets will allow all work to be carried out in the warm season, from April to September, and you will not have to store the sheets for a long time.

Installation of corrugated sheeting: step-by-step master classes

Let's first deal with the in construction terms so that you don’t have to search the Internet for the meaning of each new word:

You will be surprised, but the same (at first glance) material needs to be laid in different ways. It's all about the manufacturers - everyone gives their own recommendations for installation, and they are really important. Because corrugated sheets from different companies are demanding in terms of their conditions, even if the differences are small. Therefore, carefully study the instructions supplied with the roofing material and do not completely trust hired workers who “have eaten the dog on such roofs” and are trying to do everything their own way.

Here is a simple example of how the installation of corrugated sheeting with a thickness of less than 0.7 cm and more durable differs:

And when working with such material, a wooden scaffold is no longer needed:

Imagine that a hired team will trample their feet on thin corrugated sheeting, because before that they “installed exactly the same roof for your neighbor” and “nothing was bent”? And now it will bend, and how, to which the would-be workers will declare that “that’s how it was.”

But, speaking in general, then main indicator high-quality installation roofing is tightness. After all, the roof serves precisely this purpose, so that everyone is protected from moisture and cold. internal structures. And even an inconspicuous gap can become a serious problem: dampness, smudges, quickly deteriorating materials and fungus. That is why we will now analyze in detail all the subtle points.

A little about safety

The technology of metal roofing itself is not so complicated, but it is important not to damage the roofing covering during its installation. After all, although this material looks durable and tough, you still need to be careful when working with it:

  1. Walk on the finished metal profile flooring in soft shoes.
  2. Try to step only on the concave waves of the sheets and preferably directly on the screws.
  3. So, you can only step on your toes on the roof.
  4. Always place your foot parallel to the slope.
  5. There should only be one leg in one notch.

Construction of sheathing for corrugated sheets

The lathing for roof installation is either continuous, if the slope is small, or sparse, in increments of up to 5 meters. But with what step the roof sheathing is needed depends on how thick the corrugated sheets are:

Waterproofing and windproofing

Next we think about how to do it right roofing pie roofs. Waterproofing materials modern market produces many of the most different types and properties. We even have a whole separate article about this. But in general, focus on the following program of action:

  • Step 1. So, secure the selected waterproofing material to the rafters. To do this, take the most ordinary construction stapler, but before installation, be sure to check whether you are laying the film or membrane on the wrong side. Glue the panels together with special tape.
  • Step 2. After this, we punch slats along the rafters (take a thickness of at least 2 cm) and thus form the ventilation gap necessary for ventilation.
  • Step 3. Now we lay the roofing material along this top sheathing.

Here's what it all looks like in real life:

We select high-quality screws

The consumption of self-tapping screws when attaching corrugated sheets is usually about 6 pieces per 1 square meter. Suitable screws are 4.8 by 28-35 mm, as for wood, and for additional elements - 4.8 by 50 or 60 mm. As a tool, purchase a screwdriver with a special attachment or a cordless electric drill from the same manufacturers of roofing materials.

Special self-tapping screws for fastening corrugated sheets are indispensable, because... This is the only way to ensure:

  • Fully waterproof roof.
  • High connection strength.
  • Minimal risk of injury to the coating during fastening, which means no corrosion in the future.

The highest quality and most reliable self-tapping screws for corrugated sheets are sold by the same suppliers that deal with sheets. If possible, use screws made of carbon or of stainless steel with zinc coating is perfect option. But when purchasing, still carefully inspect all sealing washers.

How to properly attach corrugated sheets?

You can tell that you have secured the screw correctly by the metal washer - about 1 mm of the rubber gasket will protrude from it.

Screws must be screwed into the roofing material strictly perpendicularly, directly into the deflection of the vertical wave near the corrugated sheeting. Although there is a lot of controversy about this in the construction community, and each method has its own advantages. Thus, the self-tapping screw in the lower wave creates more reliable fastening, and at the top rainwater has much less chance of getting into the under-roof space.

At the eave and ridge, you need to drive screws into the camber through the wave, and in the middle of the sheet into each sheathing board. In total you will need about 5-8 pieces per square meter.

What tools will be needed for installation?

Note that the construction of the roof itself from corrugated sheets is really within the power of even a person with little knowledge of construction. Of course, there are roofing materials that only experienced professionals can install correctly. But in the case of modern corrugated sheeting, we can reassure you: you can handle it yourself!

Fortunately, there is nothing complicated here. Thanks to the long length of the sheets, the roof slopes overlap without additional transverse joints, and the material itself can be easily cut and adjusted in shape. You will need a minimum of tools for this task:

So, corrugated sheeting can be laid on slopes of almost any inclination angle; it is only important to correctly calculate the amount of transverse overlap:

  • 150-200 mm for roofs with 15-30°.
  • 200 mm for a slope of 14°.
  • 100-150° at large angles.

For fastening you will need self-tapping screws with special sealing washers:

In what order should the sheets be laid?

Many roofers install corrugated sheets this way: starting from the bottom row, first lay 4-5 sheets, and each of them is fixed with only one screw in the center. After this, the sheets are connected to each other with 4.8x19 mm self-tapping screws, which are installed in increments of 500 mm. Now they check how aligned the sheets are with the roof overhang, and finally fix the roofing material. Here's the scheme:

But, if you are working on the roof for the first time, to avoid distortion, attach the corrugated sheets according to the same pattern, but in this order:

  • Step 1. Install the first sheet on the sheathing, and fasten it with one screw at the very ridge.
  • Step 2. We lay the second sheet so that the lower edges of both sheets below form one perfectly straight line.
  • Step 3. We fix the overlap along the top of the wave under the very first transverse fold.
  • Step 4. We evaluate by eye how correctly the sheets are joined. Uneven? Then lift one sheet from the other, tilt it slightly from bottom to top, and again join fold by fold. Secure everything with self-tapping screws along the top of the waves.
  • Step 5. So work with 3-4 sheets, carefully align them with the cornice and then install the remaining sheets.

The corrugated sheeting must be mounted to the base of the roof so that the edge offset is 40 mm from the eaves. This is necessary in order to leave a gap of optimal size on the ridge and the ventilation of the roof is not impaired. By the way, if profiled sheets have a drainage groove, then each subsequent one should overlap the groove of the previous one.

Remember: when laying, you cannot step on the ridge of the sheets - they will bend. In general, for such work, installers wear soft shoes. That's all the subtleties!

Working with additional elements

Now let’s move on to our numerous additional elements. All of them are usually made standard length: for a roof with a polymer coating – 2 meters, for a galvanized roof – 2.5 meters. They complete the roofing work itself. The seal, which is traditionally placed between the roofing material and additional elements, allows them to fit more tightly to the sheets, further preventing moisture from entering under the roof and allowing it to “breathe.”

But for the design of skates, cornices and others complex structures you need to purchase additional special elements that are offered by the same manufacturer whose roofing material you purchased:

The additional elements must be fastened with the same 4.8 roofing screws as the base material. The only difference is that the metal roof is fastened with self-tapping screws 28-35 mm long, and the elements are fastened with self-tapping screws 50-60 mm long.

Valley and valley overlay

Now let’s look at such a mysterious name as “endova”. The valley and valley overlay are additional elements that duplicate each other, which are mounted at the internal convergence points of two differently directed slopes. The valley must be secured under the corrugated sheet.

Therefore, if the roof has a complex shape, with internal surface joints, then take a valley and a valley overlay as an additional element. This way you will give your roof a more neat and aesthetic appearance, additionally protecting complex transitions from moisture getting inside.

Aprons for pipes

The most critical stage of the roof is the removal of pipes. Such pipes consist of two conventional parts - the lower one, which runs along the roof profile, and the upper one, the pipe itself. And, if the through passage of the pipe is on the lower part of the roof, it makes sense to install a snow block above the passage.

For sewer ventilation system An uninsulated pipe about 10 cm in diameter, without a head, is passed through the roof. And for radon they take the same pipe, but with a head. Remember that these pipes cannot be connected to ordinary ventilation pipes, because... for those, insulated elements with a diameter of 125 mm are already used.

The pipe itself can be installed both before the installation of the roof begins and after completion. If you chose the second option, then you will need to cut a hole in the finished roof for the pipe and temporarily cover it with some material. During finishing works pipe cuttings will need to be made from galvanized steel aprons or more modern materials according to the Vakaflex type.

Here's a good tutorial on how to do it:

Dormer window

Now we are working with dormer window. So, we cut the corrugated sheet into two parts at the lower end of the groove, put bottom sheet, then the bottom gutter strip, and only then the top roofing sheet.

Snow holder

The snow holder is mounted in places where there is a risk of snow rolling down. For corrugated sheeting, this is usually the second line at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eaves. For installation, use 4.8x50 self-tapping screws through 1-2 waves of the profile.

External and internal corner

If the slope changes its direction, then additional finishing elements such as internal and outside corner and transition. Their main task is to create maximum tightness and give the joint of sheets an aesthetic appearance.


An abutment is an additional element that serves as a rim for a chimney or to protect the junction of the roof and the wall:

Cornice, end and joint strips

And here are your instructions:

  1. Installation end strips start from the side of the roof overhang, heading towards the ridge.
  2. Just cut off the excess part of the end strip.
  3. Secure the plank to the end board and the corrugated sheets in the ridge with screws in increments of up to 1 meter. If you did everything correctly, the end strip will cover at least one wave of the roofing profile.
  4. Attach the end strip with wood screws 4.8x60 or 4.8x50, directly to wooden base. Leave the step from 30 to 50 cm and make sure that the end strip completely covers the end of the outer wave of corrugated board.

Now we proceed to the installation of the joint connecting strip. Its length is 2 m, and the overlap of the planks cannot be less than 1 meter. The joint strip is taken 2 meters long, and the two strips are attached to each other with an overlap of at least 1 meter. The additional element should be attached to the wall in a groove, or hide everything under the wall sheathing.

The main purpose of the eaves strip is to protect the under-roof space from precipitation, especially in rain with strong winds. And the lower the roof slope, the more necessary this additional element is. But fasten cornice strip needed earlier than corrugated sheets. Overlap – 100 mm.

Ridge installation

After all the roofing material has been laid, we attach the ridge. We line the junction of the ridge and the roof with a sealant in advance. Ridge elements for trapezoidal roofing sheets are usually smooth. It is advisable to place ventilated seals between them and the profiled sheets, and for small corrugations - special ridge seals.

We fasten the ridge with self-tapping screws on both sides at a distance of 2-3 waves. It is important that the ridge itself covers all the first screws that hold the sheets of roofing material. The ridge strips must overlap each other with an overlap of at least 1 meter, and we fasten the elements to the roofing sheets with self-drilling screws in increments of up to 3 meters.

An important point: the smaller the angle of inclination of the roof, the wider the ridge itself should be. Yes, the most standard sizes– 140x140 mm or 200x200 mm.

But today it is more fashionable and rational to order a figured skate, which comes in two parameters: 110x30x110 mm and 145x50x145 mm. There are also special types of ridge for complex roofing, when multidirectional slopes come together.

Maintenance of corrugated roofing

Snow on a roof made of corrugated sheets lingers quite a bit, and therefore there is no need to clean it. But, if you need to carry out certain repairs, then arm yourself with small plastic shovels that will not leave scratches.

Caring for a roof made of corrugated sheets is quite simple: the rain itself will wash away all the dirt and dust, and you only have to clean the gutters once a year and drainage systems from clogged fallen leaves.

If for some reason more serious cleaning is necessary, then use plain water and a hose with pressure up to 50 bar. Detergents You can only use those designed for painted surfaces, and White Spirit will help you deal with stubborn stains.

As you can see, nothing complicated!

It is possible to cover a roof with high-quality corrugated sheets even in the absence of professional construction skills. It is only important to follow the work technology and try to avoid common mistakes that can affect the result.

Selection of corrugated sheets

The advantages of this material are obvious:

  • light weight: covering the roof with corrugated sheets does not require strengthening the existing rafter system, building structures and foundation;
  • reasonable ratio of cost and durability of the material: with proper installation, the roof can last more than 15 years;
  • aesthetics: corrugated sheeting with a polymer colored coating allows you to create an attractive-looking roof;
  • practicality: simple galvanized sheets are an inexpensive solution for industrial buildings and outbuildings.

It is extremely important to select a material with the necessary strength characteristics. In addition, it must be taken into account that corrugated sheeting with a capillary groove should be used as a roofing material, which facilitates the effective drainage of rainwater when installing overlapping sheets. It is not recommended to save on material - in a cheap profiled sheet made of low-quality steel, the capillary groove is easily deformed under load and becomes useless. Such a roof cannot be cleared of snow without damage. winter period or repair if necessary.

Galvanized sheet is the most cheap option roof, but it cannot be called attractive. Corrugated sheeting with a protective and decorative polymer coating is in high demand. It is important to determine the requirements for the strength and wear resistance of this coating. If you plan to use a profiled sheet for installation on a roof with a large slope angle, then you can use a material coated with polyester, since snow rolls off such a roof under its own weight and the risk of damage to the coating during cleaning is reduced. For roofs with a smaller angle of inclination, it is recommended to purchase corrugated sheeting with a much stronger outer layer from pural or PVDTF (polyvinyl difluoride), but in this case covering the roof with corrugated sheeting will cost more.

How to avoid material damage during transportation

Corrugated sheets made from steel sheets using cold profiling as a roofing covering have the necessary strength and the ability to withstand high snow and wind loads. But the sheets, individually, are highly susceptible to mechanical damage.

Transportation and lifting of material to the installation site should be carried out taking certain precautions to prevent accidental damage to the corrugated sheeting.

Before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, the material should be delivered to the site. In this case, it is necessary to comply certain rules transportation. Deformation of the roofing material during loading and unloading or transportation will lead to the need to replace it and, as a result, to an increase in the cost of the roof. To do reliable coverage roofs, you should use a profiled sheet with a thickness of 0.5 mm, made of high-quality steel.

Basic rules of transportation:

  1. Such material is transported in stacks placed on a strong, solid base, e.g. wooden joists, and the length of the lag must exceed the width of the sheet.
  2. When preparing for transportation, the cargo placed in the machine must be securely secured with slings to avoid friction of the sheets with each other and with adjacent objects - this can lead to damage to the protective coating.
  3. Recommended driving speed vehicle when transporting corrugated sheets, the speed is no more than 80 kilometers per hour.

If loading of corrugated sheets at the place of purchase is usually carried out by professionals using special equipment, then unloading at the site is often carried out on our own manually. To properly cover the roof with corrugated sheets, you should carefully move the sheets one at a time. It is advisable for two people to carry each sheet.

It is strictly forbidden to bend the corrugated sheets or drag the sheets! It is almost impossible to return a deformed sheet to its original geometry, and it becomes unsuitable for installation. Damage to the protective and decorative layer leads to the rapid onset of the corrosion process during the operation of the roof covering.

Lifting corrugated sheeting onto the roof should also be done correctly. The technology of work is as follows:

  • Do not lift the material in windy weather - this can lead to damage;
  • It is recommended to stretch logs from the ground to the roof, along which to lift the sheets;
  • You can lift corrugated sheets only one sheet at a time.

Considering how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, it can be noted that two people can carry out the work quickly and efficiently. At the same time, lifting the material onto the roof is much more convenient and easier to do with three people. The technology for installing the coating can be found in the thematic video.

How to avoid damage to the material during installation?

How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting? If you have to install a roof, it is enough large area, that is, in the process of attaching sheets you will have to walk on already laid material, first of all you should take care of your shoes. You need to wear shoes with soft soles that will not slip on the metal and will not damage its protective polymer layer. You can only step on the roofing material in those places where the sheet lies on the sheathing.

If we are covering the roof with corrugated sheets, then we must choose the right tool to perform installation work. Laying this roofing material does not require the use of complex expensive equipment. It is enough to have:

  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors capable of cutting steel up to 0.6 mm thick;
  • a hacksaw for metal with fine teeth;
  • electric scissors or jigsaw.
It is not recommended to use electric or gas welding when installing corrugated sheets, since in this case there is a high probability of damage to the protective coating of the sheets.

To avoid corrosion at the cutting sites of corrugated sheets, it is advisable to immediately treat the ends of the material with an anti-corrosion primer.

Features of fastening corrugated sheets

In the question of how to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, special attention is paid to fasteners. To securely attach the sheets to the sheathing, it is best to use galvanized self-tapping screws with a drill at the end. The size of the fastening elements is 4.8×35 mm. Each self-tapping screw must be equipped with a special neoprene gasket that protects the fastening site from moisture. Self-tapping screws must be screwed into the wave in its lower part adjacent to the sheathing. When attaching the skate, a self-tapping screw is screwed through the top of the wave. Manufacturers of corrugated sheeting often offer self-tapping screws with caps painted in the color of the selected roofing material, which increases the aesthetics of the finished roof.

A home is a cozy nest where you are always welcome, fed and warmed. To do this, it must be built and then protected from wind and precipitation. You need a reliable and inexpensive roof, and doing it yourself will be even better because you can be confident in the quality and compliance with the technology. There are many materials for roofing work, but metal profile is the most popular of them. It's budget and reliable material, which looks nice and neat. In addition, it is easy to install and does not require special qualifications. Let's find out how to cover the roof with corrugated sheeting and do this work with your own hands.

In this article

Types of roofing and material calculation

To understand how to cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands, you need to find out what types of roofs there are and design it yourself. We choose the type of roofing according to our needs. The consumption of material, the direction of flow of water and melted snow, as well as strength depend on this. The design of the roof depends on the direction of the slopes, and it is divided into the following types:

  • three-gable roof;
  • hipped roof;
  • gable roof;
  • combined roofs.

When designing a rafter system and before covering it with corrugated sheets, you need to take into account the low weight of the entire structure, so you don’t need too powerful beams.

The slope angle of the slopes should be 12 degrees or more. The greater the slope, the less the load on the rafters and sheathing, as well as the less consumption of timber and corrugated board. If at angles of 12-15 degrees the distance between the sheathing elements is 400 mm, then for a slope above 15 degrees a distance between the bars of 600 mm or more is required.

How to use corrugated sheeting and how to cover a roof? You can lay the sheets with an overlap in one wave, and top sheet put on the bottom with an overlap of 180-200 mm. For ease of work when attaching the sheathing, it is necessary to make a template equal to the distance between the bars. Covering the roof with corrugated sheeting means that everything wooden elements must be treated with fire retardant and bioprotective compounds.

The most important stage of work is taking measurements and calculating the material. It is necessary to measure the slopes diagonally, and these values ​​should not diverge by more than 20 mm. It is also important to measure the plane of the slopes; this measurement is done with a level using a cord; here, for every 5 m, the possible deviation is no more than 5 mm, otherwise the sheets will not fit together. Then the amount of metal profile is calculated, where the length of the cornice is measured and divided by the width of the sheet, taking into account the overlap of one wave.

When calculating the amount of corrugated sheeting from the slope to the ridge, you need to take into account the overlap of sheets of 180-200 mm. Complex roof It will be useful to break them down into geometric shapes and calculate them separately and then sum them up. Separately, it is necessary to take into account windows, pipes, ridges and ends. It is important to take into account the overhang from the slope, which should be at least 50 mm.

Roof structure

In difficult weather conditions in Russia, the problem of how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting must be solved taking into account insulation and vapor barrier. Standard technology involves insulation mineral wool interrafter space and vapor barrier. Then it is necessary to lay a hydrobarrier, which is a membrane film. It is laid directly on the rafters and allows the previous layers to remain dry.

After laying the waterproofing layer, a counter-lattice is installed, which runs along the rafters and over the waterproofing with 25x40 mm bars. Next, the sheathing is filled in increments depending on the angle of inclination of the roof. We splice the sheathing slats only on the rafters. In places where pipes exit, on valleys, on ridges and eaves overhangs, we make a continuous sheathing or install additional bars.

Next, the profiled sheet is laid in compliance with all the rules that will be described later. Thus, before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to make certain preparatory work, which are as follows:

  • installation of a vapor barrier layer to prevent moisture from entering the insulation layer;
  • laying a thermal insulation layer to compensate for temperature differences in both hot and cold weather;
  • installation of a waterproofing membrane, which is used as additional insulation, a waterproof surface and protects against condensation, thereby ensuring a long service life of the roof;
  • installation of counter battens and sheathing necessary for roof ventilation and increasing strength properties.

Tools and auxiliary materials

In order to properly cover the roof with corrugated sheeting with your own hands, you need to develop your own approach to this process. A properly chosen tool will be of great help and will improve the quality, as well as increase the speed of installation. Let's figure out what tool is needed and why.

When performing roofing work, you will need a not very complex set of tools, namely:

  • measuring set, which includes a tape measure, level and cord;
  • a set for cutting and marking, including a knife, pencil or marker;
  • punched and electric metal shears;
  • construction stapler and sealant gun;
  • electric drill;
  • cordless screwdriver with bat;
  • rubber hammer;
  • soft brush.

Metal profiles with a polymer coating are not resistant to high temperatures, therefore, it is not recommended to use welding and a grinder during installation. To ensure a long service life of the roof, the cut areas during cutting must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. It must be taken into account that working on the roof is a traumatic process. When cutting and assembling the coating, it is very important to follow safety precautions and work only with protective gloves or mittens.

Profiled sheets are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket, which does not allow moisture to penetrate through the fastening hole. They can be electrolytically galvanized or coated powder paint. It is advisable to select self-tapping screws of the same color as the covering sheets, since this way they are less noticeable. Auxiliary materials also include special polyurethane foam seals with an applied adhesive. They are made with perforations to ensure better ventilation of the under-roof space.

Installation of corrugated sheets

When lifting the sheets to the installation site, it is important to use wooden joists to avoid damaging the inner surface of the deck and to avoid further corrosion. A huge risk of roof damage occurs when large areas are covered. At this time, you need to move only in soft shoes and with caution. It is also not worth carrying out work in windy weather, since you can not only damage the sheet, but also harm the health of others. You can use a soft brush to remove debris.

We have reviewed preparatory stage lifting corrugated sheeting, but how to cover the roof? There are several ways that we should summarize and suggest best option. When the slope is in the shape of a trapezoid or triangle, it is recommended to first lay the sheet in the center of the cornice, and then lay the sheets on both sides. We must not forget that the overhang should be at least 50 -70 mm. Otherwise, if the coating consists of several rows, you just need to follow the order of installation.

Careful placement of the first sheet leads to correct styling everyone else, so he needs to pay special attention. The first sheet of metal profile must be aligned with the end of the roof and the eaves, checked with a level for horizontalness and secured with a self-tapping screw at the top of the profile. After this, fasten one end into each sheathing beam and into each wave along the cornice. The following sheets are attached through the wave in a checkerboard pattern. The sheets of the top row are placed on the bottom ones with an overlap of 180-200 mm. We attach a horizontal overlap to each wave, and the same along all edges of the roof. It is advisable to make the front overhang equal to 50-70 mm.

With this method of correctly covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you get a neat and reliable roof. An important element final installation is the operation of attaching ridge elements and end strips, as well as snow retainers. When attaching the ridge, you need to maintain a pitch of 300-500 mm and screw the screws into the upper bend of the sheet, with an overlap of the planks of 50-100 mm. Wind elements need to be covered in the same way. We must not forget about self-adhesive seals and sealing of joints between the roof and auxiliary elements.

Option for installing a cornice overhang

Thus, it was described here how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting. Do this work yourself, receiving not only significant savings, but also high moral satisfaction from a well-made roof. May it serve you for many years.