How to make a lampshade frame for a table lamp. Lampshade frame for floor lamp made of wire

A floor lamp is a multifunctional lighting device. A properly selected floor lamp will make the room practical and individual. Unfortunately, floor lamps become outdated and wear out very quickly, so the question arises about discarding or its further reconstruction.

Making a lampshade is an interesting and educational activity that develops perseverance and attentiveness. An updated DIY floor lamp will definitely attract the attention of guests.

Floor lamp cap can be made from various materials and items:

  • textile;
  • threads, lace;
  • thick paper;
  • glass;
  • buttons.

The list goes on and on. Do not forget about the color scheme of the decor, since the saturation of lighting depends on it. The denser the base of the lampshade, the darker the lighting. These floor lamps are best used in a sleeping room. You can decorate not only the lamp, but also its base.

The main thing in creating a lampshade with your own hands

At the beginning of work you need choose the type of fabric. It can be linen, silk, cotton, denim and others. For a harmonious combination, it is advisable to choose color scheme to the interior of the room. Prepare all the materials that will be required for the work:

  • textile,
  • glue that can quickly bond,
  • stencil paper,
  • scissors,
  • pencil.

When everything is prepared and thought out lampshade option for frame, then you can start working. The most simplified method is to reupholster the surface of the old lampshade with new fabric. No special skills are required for this.

However, you can create a new one original lamp with your own hands. With subsequent attachment to the base of the old lampshade. Let's look at some of them.

Master class on making a lampshade with your own hands

Felt (butterflies)

We apply the paper pattern to the felt fabric. Using a pencil, draw smooth contours and cut them out. We find photos of butterflies on the Internet. We'll draw them or print them out and cut them out. Received Place stencils on fabric and highlight the outlines with a pencil.

It is advisable to make butterfly patterns of different sizes and draw them randomly on the fabric. Using scissors, cut out the butterflies along the marked boundaries. Main point– do not cut all the way through. For example, only the wings, which we then lift and press onto the outside of the future cap.

Apply glue to the frame of the lamp. Carefully glue the resulting piece. That's it, the lampshade with lovely butterflies is ready.


We transfer the paper pattern to the selected material, outline the boundaries. Spray the back of the fabric with an adhesive solution (you can regular glue apply with a brush). Then we slowly apply the prepared material onto the fabric of the old floor lamp, smoothing it in a circle, carefully pressing the edges. We cut off the excess fabric.

To give the lampshade a neat look, you need to trim the edges. We glue or sew ribbon, braid, fringe. If desired, you can decorate with buttons and appliqués.


An original solution for a new floor lamp is a do-it-yourself lampshade. Learning how to crochet is not difficult at all. You will need two balls of any yarn and a hook number 3.

Let the diameter of the lampshade be 26 cm. Let's put 52 loops on the hook in a chain, connecting them into a ring. AND We begin to connect the rows according to the scheme:

All the loops are assembled using a hook, the lampshade is ready. The knitted lampshade is quickly and easily attached to the base. We decorate with various elements.


Openwork differs from other types of lampshade in its visible lightness. You will still need glue, a base and, of course, openwork napkins.

We soak napkins with glue, after which, without waiting for it to dry, we paste over the lampshade. A round lampshade will look impressive. To do this, we inflate a regular balloon and cover it with openwork, leaving room for screwing in the light bulb. As soon as the napkins dry, pierce the ball with a needle. Carefully remove the remains. The result is a delicate, weightless lampshade.

A master class on crocheting napkins can be found on the Internet. Using different schemes and hooks, we get openwork napkins of various patterns and sizes.

Original, made of metal elements

Change appearance a floor lamp is not only possible known materials, but also with the help of various improvised means. In this case it is metal openers from tin cans. To make an original lampshade, you will need a large number of them (about 200).

We disconnect each element from the container. On the top row of the frame ring we place elements bent in half. The easiest way to do this is to use pliers. When the bent caps are on, we press their ends firmly with our fingers, making the row strong.

From the second row, wire cutters are used. Each cap has a slot on one side. Thus, using a cut, we string the caps (rings) of the top row onto it. Having dressed everything metal elements onto the top row, compress to compact the entire structure.

Next, we perform the same manipulations with each subsequent row. The more rows are made, the more clearly it will be visible. texture of the future floor lamp. The number of rows depends on the height of the lampshade frame.

The last row is the most difficult to work with. To create an even and aesthetic appearance, you will have to try. To do this, cut the caps in half. We will make a slot on the half and use it to fasten the lower elements of the row. We bend the other half slightly and attach it to the hoop of the lower part of the frame.

This lampshade resembles chain mail and looks original in any room.

From plastic containers

Looks very unusual lampshade made from a plastic bottle. Required:

  • plastic containers with a volume of 3–5 liters,
  • disposable spoons (plastic),
  • glue (hot melt),
  • lamp socket.

Ratio of volume (liter) to number of spoons:

  • 5 liters – 170 spoons;
  • 3 liters - 120 spoons.

The shape and size of the container affects the final version of the lampshade. And the brightness of the lighting depends on the color. The neck of the bottle must be wide enough to fit the light bulb socket.

To begin, carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle, having previously marked the outline. Using wire cutters, divide the plastic spoons into two parts. You will need an oval part.

Stages of work:

  1. We heat up the hot glue gun.
  2. We apply glue to our petals in four places.
  3. Glue it to the bottle, starting from the top. We glue the petals end to end in a circle.
  4. We attach the petals of subsequent rows so as to completely hide the space of the container.

After all the steps, we cut out a hole in the lid for the cartridge. The lampshade is ready. This lampshade will be interesting to assemble for both adults and children.

DIY decorative elements

A DIY lampshade you can decorate with various small elements:

  • bows;
  • checkboxes;
  • photos;
  • icons;
  • herbarium.

A classic lampshade decoration is hand-made roses. Roses are made from fabric. The material is cut into strips. The beginning of the strip is the starting point of the rose. We apply hot glue to it. Then we gradually wrap (collect) the remaining fabric around this point, gluing it at certain distances. More difficult option- stitching (if there is no glue). Using this simple method, you can make various compositions. The entire or part of the lampshade is decorated with created flowers. Look beautiful roses of several colors.

The answer to the question of how to make a lampshade for a floor lamp is simple - it requires a minimum of skills and a maximum of imagination. With the help of master classes you can implement various complex ideas.

An integral part of our design home interior are chandeliers and table lamps. Their most beautiful element is the lampshade, which ideally should match design solution premises. It’s just very difficult to choose a lamp with the lampshade we need. It’s better to save time on searching and spend it on making DIY lampshade. There are so many ways you can do this. Some needlewomen knit these elements for chandeliers and lamps using various techniques, others sew. Only for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills. In this article we have put together a selection of lampshades that you can make yourself from the most simple materials in a short period of time.

Before moving on to the design characteristics of each lampshade, we will first tell you how to make the bases for them. Any of the frames we present can be used to create a table lampshade and a chandelier.

Base for lampshade

The frame of any lampshade must, first of all, be stable and durable so that it can withstand any decoration that we will use for decoration. The best options for the manufacture of the frame will be:

Using the last option as an example, we will tell you how the base is created. So:

I would like to note that some lampshades are created without a base. For example, this applies to those products that are made using the origami technique or, by gluing durable objects, which by their design can create solid products, for example, these can be wooden or metal parts.

How to make a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands?

There are several original options here:

How to make a table lampshade with your own hands?

Make a lampshade for table lamp just as simple as for a chandelier. In our opinion, the most original ideas for making such lampshades include:

Many needlewomen cover frames with fabric from old things. For example, it could be denim or leather. Of course, when using such materials, you need to take into account that they practically do not transmit light, so they are not suitable for the lampshade of a lamp standing on a desktop, but they can be used as a night lamp.

In general, as you have already understood, the most difficult part of making lampshades is preparing the frames. Everything else is a matter of sleight of hand technique. Try your hand, and may you succeed in everything you undertake!

Unconditional harmony should reign in the interior of the room, therefore, when decorating it, it is necessary to take into account every detail, even if it seems trivial at first. Lighting fixtures always play an important role in design, and can often even become the central element. general design. However, it is not always possible to purchase the desired option- for the banal reason of the lack of the necessary design solution in the offered assortment.

In such cases, some homeowners have a desire to put their own efforts into interior design. And especially such a solution arises in those situations where beautiful bases remain from old chandeliers, floor lamps or table lamps. Therefore, this publication will consider the question of how to make a lampshade with your own hands for different types of lighting fixtures. Perhaps one of the proposed solutions will save some money from family budget and at the same time acquire an exclusive item of general decoration of the room, which will certainly become a source of personal pride for the master.

There are a number of advantages handmade lampshade for any type of lamps. And these circumstances should be taken into account when the question arises of whether to buy this element of interior decor or make it yourself.

  • There is an opportunity to end up with an exclusive model lighting fixture.
  • The master has a much wider choice of decorative design of the lighting fixture, corresponding to the general design direction of the interior.
  • Very significant savings are achieved.
  • For work, it is quite possible to use things that have accumulated in home pantries, which take up quite a lot of space, but it would be a pity to throw them away for one reason or another. So, in many houses there are lamps that are quite functional and interesting in their shape, but have long gone out of fashion. Any of them will be suitable for creating a new product.
  • You should never discount the “psychological component” - the opportunity to clearly demonstrate to everyone your own creative ambitions, and then to be deservedly proud of the manufactured product.
  • It is possible and even necessary to involve a child in the joint production of a lampshade - this is an excellent opportunity to instill in him the desire to create useful things with his own hands. In addition, time spent together and creative communication “as equals” will definitely benefit both parents and children.

We hope the arguments are quite convincing. Therefore, you can move closer to the practical part.

Safety of selected materials

The principle here is simple - a homemade lampshade should not pose a danger. We are, of course, primarily talking about fire safety, since any lighting device emits a certain amount of heat during operation.

In the production of lighting fixtures in industrial scale Technologists from responsible companies calculate the safe distance from the lamp to the lampshade material. This distance is determined depending on the power of the lamps that are recommended for installation in a particular lamp, and on the degree of heat resistance of the material used to create the lampshade.

  • IN homemade lamps Only certain types of lamps are used that do not reach high temperatures. Thus, incandescent lamps, in which lion's share consumed electricity is converted into banal heating, and often to very high temperatures. The fact that such energy consumption is extremely uneconomical is not so bad. But the “neighborhood” of the lampshade material with a source of strong heat is extremely unsafe!

Today, there is no shortage of other light sources in the assortment of stores - these are LED or compact fluorescent energy-saving models. Moreover, they all must have reliable bases made of ceramic or metal. The cost of such lamps is, of course, much higher than that of incandescent lamps, but the heating here does not reach critically high temperatures. Plus, add a long service life and a calm, even, but quite powerful luminous flux

  • Highly flammable materials - synthetic or cotton fabric, plastic threads, wooden parts, as well as paper or cardboard from which the lampshade can be made, must be at a distance of at least 50÷70 mm from the lamp.
  • Having made the lampshade and installed it on the lamp, it is recommended to observe the intensity of heating of its walls. If you feel heating of the material, which can be described as more than warm, then you should change the light bulb to a less powerful one (we mean power consumption, and not a conditional criterion for assessing the brightness of the glow).

What is very important to know about the characteristics of lamps and lighting devices?

Before choosing, manufacturing, and installing lighting fixtures, it is strongly recommended to obtain some theoretical knowledge in this matter. The various methods for calculating room illumination are described in great detail in a special publication on our portal.

Varieties of lampshades according to design principle and material of manufacture

A few words need to be said about the types of lampshades, those that can be made at home. They can be divided according to the principle of design and material of manufacture.

Frame and frameless structures

By design, such products can be divided into frame and frameless.

  • Frame lampshades have a rigid base on which one of the selected materials is fixed. Frames may have different shape- its choice depends on the preference and imagination of the master, as well as on the availability of the material necessary for production. The advantage of this type of lampshade is that the frame immediately determines the distance between the material exterior finishing and lamp, and then retains it throughout the entire life of the lamp. In addition, the product acquires rigidity, thanks to which its original shape is preserved.

  • Frameless lampshade. In this embodiment, the role of the frame is played by the material from which the product is made. In order for the lampshade to acquire the desired shape, a template is made as a temporary base, onto which the selected material is fixed with glue. The base is removed after the glue has completely dried.

When choosing this method, you must immediately calculate at what level inside the lampshade the light bulb will be located, taking into account that a certain distance must be maintained between it and the lampshade.

The advantage of this product is its light weight. The disadvantage is the fact that if the shape of the lampshade is accidentally deformed, its walls can get dangerously close to the lamp, which will lead to overheating of the material, which can lead to melting and fire. This is especially true for lampshades made for table lamps and floor lamps, the shape of which can be damaged by accidental mechanical impact.

What materials are used for the external decoration of the lampshade?

A very wide variety of materials are successfully used to make homemade lampshades. Some of them don’t even have to be purchased - they can be found in the household, and sometimes even lie under your feet, almost in the literal sense of the word.

IllustrationDescription of the material, its advantages and disadvantages
Textile. Only frame versions of lampshades are sheathed with it.
Not recommended for use synthetic materials, since they do not withstand heat well, they can shrink, melt and fade.
Cotton or linen are perfect for lining. It will be better if the fabric is treated with a special water-repellent impregnation, thanks to which the lampshade will also attract less dust.
Threads or yarn. This version of the material is most often used to create a frameless lampshade, but is sometimes used to cover the frame.
To form a lampshade from threads, different versions of them with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm are used.
Rope. Used for making rope different thicknesses. It covers the finished frame in different variations, and also assembles frameless lampshade models.
It is best to use twine made from natural materials - they are especially suitable for lamps made in eco-style.
Ribbons different widths Suitable for both forming weaving around a frame and for frameless versions of decorative lampshades.
Hand woven lace made of cotton threads is used for fastening to the frame and forming a frameless lampshade.
Instead of lace, you can use fragments cut from tulle with a suitable pattern.
Hand knitted fabrics , having different patterns can also become an excellent decoration for the lampshade frame.
They can be knitted specifically for a specific product, or you can use for this purpose ready-made items of clothing that have completely gone out of fashion or simply stopped being liked.
Wooden parts - branches, planks, slats, etc. are also often used to make lampshades.
Thin, peeled and specially treated branches are used to weave lampshades; thicker ones are installed as a palisade or cut into small pieces and randomly assembled into the chosen shape. Thin planks themselves are capable of forming a frame, while simultaneously performing a decorative function.
Some craftsmen prepare plywood parts with through threads, which, when the lamp is turned on, gives a beautiful shadow on the walls.
Plastic fittings , which are sold in sewing stores and used to decorate clothes, are also used to create lampshades or lampshades.
You can add beads or buttons to this category of materials different sizes and forms.
Origami is a technique for working with paper and cardboard, from which various decorative parts are made, including lampshades for lighting fixtures.
The advantage of such decorative items You can name the speed of production (if you have some experience, of course) and the ability to change them depending on your mood or the need to decorate the room for a specific holiday.
The disadvantage is the fragility of lampshades made of paper and cardboard.

In addition to the materials listed above, the most unexpected creative elements can be used to create homemade masterpieces - these are rings from metal cans, vases, ordinary kitchen graters, clock gears and much more. You just have to use your imagination...

Making a frame lampshade

How and from what can a frame be made?

If a frame version of the lampshade is chosen for manufacturing, then a logical question immediately arises - where to get it or from what and how to make the frame yourself. This stage of work can be called the first when creating a product.

If you plan to update the lampshade on an old floor lamp, chandelier or table lamp, in which the frame remains intact, then it can be used, decorated with new material. The old casing is removed from the base. Then the frame is carefully inspected, if necessary, cleaned of rust, and then painted.

If the lighting fixture is being created anew, or in the case where the frame is missing or has become unusable, you can purchase an old lampshade, for example, at a flea market, and perform the manipulations described above with it.

Well, if this option does not triple or is impossible, you will have to do it yourself.

Frame from a waste basket

One of those options that does not require you to make a lot of effort to create a frame is to buy a metal basket for office waste.

You can find metal and plastic baskets on sale, but for the lampshade it is recommended to choose the first option. If the size and shape of the product is suitable, then the problem with the frame will be solved. A neat hole is cut out in the bottom of the basket to install a lamp socket, which should be securely fastened to the mesh surface. By the way, the bottom of many baskets is a solid metal plate, which means it can be even easier to secure the cartridge.

Sometimes for the intended lampshade it is enough to carefully paint the mesh surfaces in desired color and decorate the top or bottom line with fabric, braid, etc. You can cover the frame completely with one of the above-mentioned materials. Design options are unlimited.

Wire frame

The most common material for making a frame is thick wire. If steel wire is used, then connections when assembling the frame can be made using spot welding. However, such technology is available to few, and, as a rule, most home craftsmen fasten individual parts together using the twisting method.

Steel wire has considerable rigidity and elasticity, and it is quite difficult to twist together parts with a thickness of, say, 3 mm. Therefore, some nodes are made using thinner wire, which secures the connections of the main frame elements.

If the twisting method is chosen for connection, aluminum wire is often used. It is not difficult to work with, but it is too plastic and easily deformed. When the frame is sheathed decorative cladding, it will, of course, acquire greater rigidity. But when making it, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the wire and act very carefully.

The advantages of aluminum wire include the same plasticity, since when creating a frame, adjustments can be easily made to it.

To carry out the work, you will need some tools that will probably be found in any home workshop:

— pliers for bending and straightening wire;

- round nose pliers will help bend the ends of the wire for further twisting;

- wire cutters;

- a hammer will also help to straighten individual areas;

— sandpaper for cleaning the surface of steel wire before painting;

- thin copper wire for winding connecting parts;

— soldering iron for connecting copper wire;

- enamel paint and thin brush;

— electrical tape for additional fixation of parts together;

- wide wooden block, on which it will be convenient to straighten the wire and perform soldering.

Work on the manufacture of the frame is carried out in the following order:

  • The shape of the future lampshade is selected and a drawing of the product is made taking into account its dimensions.
  • Next, if necessary, the prepared wire is straightened.
  • Then, according to the dimensions indicated on the drawing, pieces of wire are cut. Here it is necessary to take into account the overlap of the ends of the wire on each other when forming the upper and lower circles, by at least 150÷200 mm. For vertical elements that determine the height, the segments must have longer length than stated in the drawing, approximately 40 mm. This is necessary to secure them to the frame circumferences.

The frame traditional for a lampshade consists of two large circles - upper and lower, a small ring for holding the socket, 4÷6 vertical holders and 3÷4 horizontal jumpers that will hold the ring for the socket inside the structure.

Naturally, there are much more complex forms of lampshades. In any case, each of the options is made according to the drawing. However, when choosing an overly intricate design, do not forget that cutting and sewing a cover for it will also not be easy.

  • Cut wire steel pieces, if necessary, are cleaned of rust sandpaper.

  • Next, circles of the required diameter are made. The ends of the wire must be wrapped with copper wire, and it is better to solder the resulting clamp immediately. Another fixation option is insulating tape.
  • Then the frame posts are made, which will connect the upper and lower circles and thereby give the structure the outline of a truncated cone. At their ends, using pliers, peculiar loops are bent. With their help, these racks are put on first on the upper and then on the lower ring of the frame. The parts must be distributed around the circles so that there is an equal distance between them.
  • After this, the rings at the ends of the posts are clamped with pliers. You can finally fix the connections of the parts with copper wire and then solder it, or you can do it easier - wrap it with insulating tape.

  • If electrical tape is chosen for fixation, the parts are painted before they are assembled into a single structure. It should be rightly noted that the appearance of a frame fastened in this way is not highly aesthetic. Therefore, this option should be used only for lampshades, the decorative covering of which is a dense opaque material.

  • These manufacturing methods are by no means the only possible ones. For example, in combination with wire, you can use a metal strip 10÷12 mm wide. It is convenient in that you can drill holes in it, through which you can then fasten the parts together using screws and nuts, and also secure the cartridge to a threaded coupling.

By the way, the connecting nodes, if the frame is made of thick copper wire or even a tube, can be made simply by soldering - you just need a fairly powerful soldering iron. Yes, and aluminum can be soldered - however, this requires some experience and a certain set of chemicals.

Other frame material options

Perhaps other recommendations on the material for making the frame for the lampshade will be useful for someone. Moreover, all the examples of “raw materials” listed below can be found in almost every home or purchased “for pennies.”

IllustrationBrief description of the use of materials to create a frame for a lampshade
If you don't have steel or aluminum wire, you can use wire hangers to create the base.
The hangers must be untwisted into even segments, which are straightened using pliers. Then frame parts are formed from them.
They are connected to each other according to the principle described above, and fixed, for example, using electrical tape.
Making a frame from such wire requires less effort, but the base is less rigid and durable.
You can find it in hardware stores metal mesh, intended for reinforcing surfaces under plaster. They may have various sizes cells. For lampshade suitable option with cells 15×15 or 20×20 mm.
A frame is formed from a cut-out fragment of the mesh, and to join, the edges are overlapped by one or two cells and tied together with twisted wire.
However, from this material it is possible to make a frame only in the form of a cylinder or a truncated cone. If this form does not contradict the general design solution of the room and suits the master, then this option for creating a frame can be called the optimal solution.
You can also use a grille from an old fan to make a lampshade, especially since it has already been given a certain shape of a peculiar spherical segment.
If necessary, the frame can be made deeper by attaching an additional tier of wire of the same thickness to the bottom of the grille, or the edges of the lampshade can be lengthened with facing material.
Another option for frame material offered by some craftsmen is five-liter plastic bottles.
You can use them in their entirety, removing the bottom part, or cut the walls of the container into strips of the same width. Then the desired shape of the lampshade is created from the strips, and its lower side is fixed to a wire circle, which will give rigidity to the structure.
An obvious disadvantage of this material is its deformation when overheated, and also the fact that only a small lampshade can be made from a bottle.
The frame can also be made from an embroidery hoop, and different shapes and size.
It can be a lampshade of a traditional configuration, round or semicircular. This material is easy to work with and produces a lightweight and reliable structure.
When making a classic lampshade, hoops of different diameters are selected, the upper and lower circles are fastened together with wooden slats. To form the internal part of the structure intended for installing the cartridge, you can use aluminum wire.

Several options for decorating the lampshade frame

So, as mentioned above, for cladding the frame they can be used different materials. The most popular options will be presented in this section.

Covering the frame with fabric

In order to sew a traditional fabric lampshade in the shape of a truncated cone or cylinder, you will need a prepared frame, decorative fabric, white cotton or PVC film, threads, glue, scissors, an iron, a silicone hot glue gun, clothespins, and a pattern. The amount of decorative fabric will depend on how you plan to sheathe the frame, whether it will be stretched evenly or whether folds will be formed on it.

The work of decorating the frame is carried out as follows:

  • Making a pattern. In order not to spoil the prepared fabric, it is recommended that the first step is to make a paper pattern. Making it is not difficult at all. If the frame has a cylindrical shape, then its diameter and the height of the lampshade are measured. Everything is clear with the height, and the length is calculated using the formula for circumference:

L=π× D

L- frame circumference;

π - a constant that can be taken to be rounded equal to 3.14;

D- cylinder diameter.

As a result, the pattern will be an even strip of fabric. To its calculated length, 20 mm is added for the seam, and to the measured width - 40 mm for the bend on one side and the other.

If the frame has the shape of a truncated cone, then either the development parameters are calculated, or its graphical construction is carried out using a special algorithm. But often they do it much simpler. To do this you need to paint outer side Mark the top and bottom circles of the frame with a black marker and roll it over a sheet of paper.

Using the marks remaining on it, a pattern is drawn, to which extra millimeters are also added for the bend and seam. The pattern is cut out and applied to the frame, adjusted if necessary, that is, an additional segment is added to it or excess length is removed.

After the pattern is ready, it is transferred to the fabric, and also PVC film or lining fabric. Next, the marked parts must be cut out with scissors.

The rolling method is not always suitable. Sometimes you have to draw the development of a truncated cone yourself. If this becomes necessary, you can go to the appendix to this article. Mathematical and graphical methods are described in detail there, and calculators are placed for carrying out the necessary calculations.

  • PVC film and fabric are combined with each other, pinned and sewn. Another option for bonding materials is gluing using a very hot iron. Ironing is carried out from the fabric side; when heated, the film melts and sticks to the decorative layer.

  • The next step is to secure the fabric first to the top and then to the bottom circumference of the frame using clothespins or office clips. When fastening, it is important to ensure that the fold of the fabric is uniform. The fabric should be well stretched over the frame.
  • When the fabric is fitted, marks are made on it along the vertical seam line and along the upper and lower folds. Next, after removing the fabric from the frame, sew a vertical seam using a sewing machine.
  • Then the stitched cover is put on the frame and aligned with the upper and lower marks.

  • The fabric is bent through the wire of the upper circle, melted silicone or superglue is applied to the bend with a gun, after which it is temporarily fixed with clothespins or clamps. Then, the same process is carried out along the line of the lower circle. The glued fabric is left until completely dry.

  • The final stage of work may be gluing a satin ribbon along the upper and lower edges of the lampshade in the color of the fabric, or the same material - to complement the unfinished design.

The glued strip must be immediately fixed with clamps or clothespins. After the glue is guaranteed to harden, the temporary fixation is removed.

  • The finished lampshade is placed on a table lamp or other lighting fixture.

The method of attaching the lampshade depends on the characteristics of the lighting fixture. These can be special clamping flanges on outside lamp sockets, threaded bushing and more. Any House master can easily deal with this issue.

Covering the frame with tape

This option is available for anyone, even a novice craftsman, since decorating with ribbon is very simple.

To finish the created frame in this case, the following materials will be required:

  • Tape of the required color, 15÷20 mm wide. Its quantity will depend on the size parameters of the frame and the intended density of its braid.
  • To make the product decorative, a border can be used that is well suited in design and color to the main cladding material.
  • Superglue or silicone hot glue gun (gun).
  • Clothespins or stationery clips for temporary fixation of the tape while the glue dries.

Decoration work is carried out in the following order:

  • The edge of the tape is attached to the upper circumference of the frame using glue and additionally secured with a clothespin.
  • When the glue has dried, they carefully begin to wrap the tape around the walls of the frame, winding it through the upper and lower wire circles. When performing this process, the frame circumferences are pre-lubricated with a small amount of glue (usually small area, for several turns) and secure the tape with clamps. It is also necessary to take into account that the tape is wound onto the walls so that in the upper part it is more closely aligned with the previously laid one, and at the bottom its strips diverge somewhat, but no gaps are created between them.
  • When winding the last turn, the edge of the tape is coated with glue and hidden behind the previous strip.
  • After the glue has dried, a border is glued along the bottom edge, and, if desired, along the top edge. Its ends are fixed with an overlap, which is additionally coated with glue.

Decorating the frame with coarse rope

Another interesting option for decorating a metal frame is to braid it with thin twine and coarse rope. There are quite a few ways to decorate a lampshade with this material, and in the example below only one of them will be presented.

To create this lampshade model you will need:

  • Frame with frequently spaced side guides.
  • Thin twine.
  • Twisted rope made from twine.
  • Scissors.
  • A silicone hot glue gun and several sticks of such glue.

The manufacture of this lampshade is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The first step is to secure the end of the thin twine with a loop in the upper part of the frame, the upper circle.

  • Next, each of the metal guides is braided with twine as tightly as possible, using one of the units of the “macrame” technique. In the illustration, one of these simple tying knots is highlighted separately.

  • When a piece of twine ends, it and the end of a new piece should be secured to a metal stand or circle using silicone hot melt adhesive. Then this area is covered with weaving to make it invisible.

  • The vertical guides are braided to the level where the horizontal twisted ropes will pass. In order not to miss the height of their passage, it is best to mark the passage points of the horizontal pattern on the metal parts of the frame using a corrector.
  • In the designated places, the horizontal rope on the frame posts is firmly fixed with twine.

  • Such a lampshade can be attached to the ceiling either with the wide side up (shown in the illustration below) or in a suspended position, with the open part of the hemisphere down.

  • Additionally, the lampshade can be decorated with beads or glass garlands, placed on top of the frame of “butterflies” or attached with artificial flowers.

As you can see, nothing complicated even for a novice master. True, the work may seem tedious, but there is no need to rush, maximum accuracy - and everything will work out.

Making a frameless lampshade

This section will look at three options for frameless lampshades, which are even more affordable than products that require a rigid frame.

There is, however, a fundamental caveat. In order to set the desired shape of the lampshade, a frame (more precisely, a template) will still be required, but it will be temporary. Such a template, which determines the configuration of the product, most often acts as balloon IR, inflatable rubber or plastic beach ball.

To make a lampshade in a similar way, various materials are used, but the principle of performing the work remains the same. Of course, each case has its own nuances, which will be discussed below.

Lampshade made of knitted napkins

IN this option You will need several knitted napkins of the same color or several shades that combine well with each other.

A tightly inflated balloon is used as a temporary template. For ease of use, so that the template remains motionless when gluing decorative materials, the ball is placed on a suitable open container, for example, on a pan or bowl of the required diameter.

In addition, prepare a bowl for diluting the glue. In this case, transparent casein glue is sometimes used, which is often used for wallpapering. However, PVA is considered more durable in its qualities, and it is more often used for the manufacture of frameless lampshades.

  • So, now you need to soak each of the napkins with glue and place them in a certain order on the ball template. The elements are completely immersed in the glue until completely saturated, and then wrung out, straightened and laid on a temporary frame. It is taken into account that in the upper part of the future lampshade there should be a hole for mounting a light bulb socket. However, it can be carefully cut out later, after the resulting three-dimensional figure has completely dried. And after cutting, it is best to frame this hole with a plastic ring, placing it on glue and basting it with thread.
  • The top one is glued first, and then the side napkins. All of them are laid overlapping each other, approximately 100÷150 mm, so that after drying these fabric parts are securely glued together.
  • Now all that remains is to wait until the glue has completely dried, since the lampshade should acquire a certain rigidity due to it.
  • When the glue dries, the ball is punctured and deflated, and the lampshade continues to retain its shape.

  • Next, a lamp socket with the power cord already connected is installed in the hole. In the lampshade window, this unit is tightened from the outside and inside by special flanges that move along the threads on the outer surface of the socket. This connection will give additional rigidity to the upper part of the lampshade.

"Lace" clothesline lampshade

This lampshade option, made from clothesline, can be used for any type of lamp. Moreover, it can be hung in the form of a classic lampshade or, as in the example discussed below, it can be fixed with the wide side to the ceiling.

To create this lampshade model you will need to prepare:

Inflatable beach ball. The advantage of such a base is that upon completion of the work, you can simply bleed the air out of it, keeping it intact, and subsequently continue to use it for its intended purpose. Another option is a glass shade, the shape of which will be used to make a decorative lampshade.


White regular thread and needle for sewing.

Glue intended for design work using the decoupage technique “Mod Podge”. This glue is quite expensive, so it will be easier to make it yourself. To do this, ordinary PVA glue is diluted with clean warm water in a ratio of 2:1, and for greater strength and, if necessary, to give a glossy effect, approximately one tablespoon of colorless water-soluble varnish is added for every 150 ml of glue.

Water-soluble paint - preferably in aerosol form.

Clear or white regular and masking tape.

A wooden plank with an even milled groove inside or with sides nailed on both sides - for forming a figured “snake” from a rope. A plastic cable channel of the required width may also be suitable for this purpose.

  • The first step in creating this product is making blanks - a pattern is formed from rope.

For this purpose, the rope is generously lubricated with glue and laid in the form of a “snake” in the channel of the prepared slats. It is important to ensure that the relief is laid at the same pitch, that is, it is even.

Here you need to pay attention to the fixation of the rope pattern. In the illustrations, the threads that fix the bends of the rope in the required position are barely visible. In order to complete this process you will need regular white thread and a needle. The bends are sewn together without tightening them in such a way that the fastening threads mainly pass inside the rope and are visible only in some places. Fastening is carried out along the upper and lower edges of the “snake” workpiece.

The workpiece will be ready when the glue is completely dry.

  • The next step is to prepare the ball to form a lampshade on it. To prevent the rope from sticking to the plastic surface of the ball, after inflating it should be covered with masking tape.

  • The dried rope blank must be carefully placed on the ball. The installation is carried out in a spiral, starting from the top, not forgetting to leave (form) a hole for the cartridge or for another fastener, depending on the characteristics of the lighting device. When laying a rope “snake”, it is advisable to attach each next turn with threads to the previous one - using the same technique that was used when forming the “snakes”.

  • After the shape of the lampshade is fully formed, that is, the rope “snakes” are laid and tied with threads into a single structure, it must be generously coated with glue and then left until completely dry.

  • Next comes the dyeing process. It is carried out on both sides after removing the finished product from the ball, from which the air is first released. For painting, paint of any shade can be used - white, gold or silver. If desired, the lampshade can be decorated in the “amber” style.
  • After the paint has dried, the lampshade-shade is installed on ceiling lamp using a special decorative retainer or again using socket flanges - depending on the model of the lighting fixture. When installing, it is important not to press the lampshade too hard against the base, otherwise it may become deformed.

Lampshade made of thick threads or yarn

The simplest, and therefore most often used, option is to make a lampshade from thick threads, yarn or thin rope. This material should not be too heavy.

To make this version of the lampshade, you will need the following materials:

A balloon or beach ball of the appropriate size.

Sufficient amount of thread (string).

PVA glue.

Paint the required color if, after manufacturing, the lampshade is planned to be tinted in the chosen shade.

Work on the creation of this product takes place in the following order:

  • PVA glue is poured into a suitable container - this can be an ordinary bowl or a plastic container. However, with this approach, the entire working surface of the table will soon be stained with glue. Therefore, it is recommended to use a simple device that is easy to make yourself. This is a deep plastic container with a lid into which a ball (spool) of yarn or twine is placed. Then glue is poured there, which should cover the threads completely.

A hole is made in the lid of the container through which the end of the thread is passed. During the manufacturing process, all that remains is to carefully pull the glue-treated material out of the container. At the same time, there will be no unnecessary overspending - the excess glue will be squeezed out when exiting through the hole.

  • The end of the rope is secured to the rubber surface of the ball or ball using a piece of tape. Next, the rope is wound chaotically around the base, but usually do not forget to leave a window for attaching the lampshade to the lamp. It is precisely along the border of this hole that the packing density, one way or another, turns out to be maximum, which, in principle, is what is required.

On the rest of the spherical surface, the density of the threads is determined by the master himself. It should be remembered that the denser the wound rope layer is, the less light it will transmit from the lamp.

  • Having completed work on the future lampshade, it is left until the glue has completely dried.

  • When the glue has completely dried, you need to release the air from the ball and then remove the shell from the lampshade.
  • Next, the lampshade can be painted using spray paint or left in its original form.

  • The final stage is installing the lampshade into the lighting fixture.

During installation, of course, a certain amount of care is required, since despite the quite satisfactory rigidity of the resulting sphere, it can still be dented by carelessly applied force.

* * * * * * *

In the publication reviewed, only a few simple lampshade options are presented, from which you can choose the one that is suitable both in design and method. self-made. If readers have their own ideas, including those that have already been implemented, write to us, send photo or video reports, and they will definitely be published.

For example, a master shares his ability to make a lampshade using the origami technique:

Video: Original paper lampshade using origami technique

APPENDIX: How to draw the development of a truncated cone?

Method one - graphical construction

Let's say right away that this method has a certain error, which, in principle, you can come to terms with and, if desired, try to reduce it to a minimum. It will become clearer later.

So, you need to draw a development for a truncated cone.

What data is usually known?

The diameters of both circles are large ( D1) and small ( D2).

Height N.

If the frame of a truncated cone already exists (as was the case in some of the examples of creating lampshades discussed above), then it is not difficult to measure the length of the side generatrix L. If there is no sample, it’s okay, this parameter will be determined during construction.

  • So, first of all, the lateral projection of the figure is drawn. It is not necessary to make such a projection in full size - it is quite possible to use a convenient scale. This is not yet a development, but simply an auxiliary drawing, necessary only for taking dimensions.

The lateral projection of a truncated cone is isosceles trapezoid with a lower base equal to the diameter D1, upper base equal to the diameter D2, and a height equal to N. On top diagram such a trapezoid is shown on the right side of the drawing.

  • After the trapezoid is accurately drawn, its sides must be extended with thin auxiliary lines to the point of their intersection WITH.
  • From this point the distance to one of them is measured far corners trapezoid ( Rb) and to the near corner ( Rs). Letters R It was not used by chance: these quantities are nothing more than the radii of the arcs, which, during further construction, will limit the development of the truncated cone. It is clear that the length of the generatrix L equal to the difference Rb –Rs.

Naturally, if the auxiliary drawing was made with scaling, then it is necessary to bring the measured values ​​to real ones.

Now you can move on to full-scale construction of the scan. That is, the drawing will already be executed in actual sizes, 1: 1.

  • The development of a truncated cone is a sector of a ring formed by two circles, the radius of which is already known to us. It remains to decide on those two radial lines that will limit the angular length of this sector.

Proceed as follows:

From the point of the selected center, draw two circles with radii Rb And Rs(you can, of course, not complete circles, but only arcs, 140÷150 degrees. Although, sometimes much more is required). Thus, the width of the ring is given - it immediately turns out to be equal to the length of the side generatrix L.

A radial line is drawn from the center to the outer arc (from one of the edges of the drawing). It immediately sets one of the sector boundaries. (In the drawing it is shown as a dotted line from the center horizontally to the left).

Rv =π × D1/n

n– an arbitrary number, but the larger it is, the smaller the error in construction will be. The explanation is simple - in fact, the length of the lower circumference of the cone is divided by n arcs equal in length. But it is problematic to plot the length of the arc in the drawing, so the chords that subtend these arcs will be plotted. And the shorter the arc, the less its length differs from the length of the chord.

In the example shown in the drawing, the number n=6. But it is possible (and recommended) to take more of it, for example, 10÷12.

The calculated radius is set on the compass Rv, and an arc is drawn (the drawing shows a complete circle, just for demonstration, but this is unnecessary) so that it intersects with the outer arc of the already outlined ring. The intersection point will give the center for the next arc (circle). In general, it is necessary to repeat this construction n once.

After drawing the last ( n according to the count) of the arc, a radial line is drawn from the center through the point of its intersection with the outer arc of the ring. It just becomes the missing boundary of the scan (in the drawing it is also shown with dotted lines - from the center to the right upwards).

That's it, the construction of the development is completed - it is highlighted in pink in the drawing.

Do not forget that this is a “clean” development, that is, without allowances or valves for assembling a truncated cone or for attaching the cut fabric to the frame. So, if necessary, the necessary widening in the required directions is also provided.

Method two - mathematical calculation of sweep parameters

Error in graphical construction, and even with a large number n– small. But for those who love perfect accuracy, we can offer the construction of a drawing based on the results of geometric calculations.

So, it is necessary to determine the development parameters for a truncated cone with the radius of the lower circle R1, top – R2, and height N. (Please note: we are not talking about diameters, but about radii - it’s just easier to count).

And to draw a development, the radii of the external arc are required - Rb, radius of the inner arc – Rs and the magnitude of the central angle f, limiting the sector of the resulting ring.

We won’t give any formulas – they are included in online calculation calculators.

Calculators for calculating truncated cone scan parameters

Step 1 - determining the length of the generatrixL

This value may sometimes already be known. But if not, it’s easy to calculate

Lamps are not just a source of artificial lighting in the interior, but also important element decor, without which the composition looks incomplete. You can create bright accents by making a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands, because it is not at all necessary to spend huge amounts of money on the purchase designer models. Read about the nuances of work in our article!

Where to begin?

When creating a lampshade with your own hands, keep in mind that using a regular incandescent lamp is not the best idea. It is better to opt for energy-saving light bulbs that do not heat up so much and, accordingly, do not heat nearby parts, thereby ensuring safety. In addition, they are quite economical, which allows you to save money on electricity, and are also durable.

When choosing a material for a lampshade, focus on both aesthetic properties and technical characteristics. Firstly, these must be environmentally friendly, preferably natural, bases that will not distribute unsafe substances with minimal heating.

Secondly, the lampshade should not collect a lot of dust: some surfaces, like fabric ones, are more prone to this than others. Choose an option that is easy to clean and can be easily wiped with a damp cloth. This does not apply to paper, but due to the cheapness and simplicity of the material, such a chandelier can always be replaced if necessary.

Thirdly, the chandelier should illuminate the room well without darkening it. However, for some interiors, dim lighting is more suitable: in a nursery, bedroom or living room for an intimate atmosphere. In such cases, you can show your imagination by making a lampshade that creates light patterns in the room. You, as the author, can implement any of your decisions - and this is probably the main advantage of homemade lampshades.

Selecting a lampshade to match the interior style

The chandelier can become bright accent in the interior or as an inconspicuous but important addition. With any choice, the lampshade should harmoniously match the style of the room.

Unfortunately, not every product can be created with your own hands. For example, classics are characterized by elegant crystal, glass or hardware, which you can’t make yourself. But there are other options.


A laconic and laconic composition of minimalism can easily be disrupted due to one extra detail, which will be especially noticeable in such an interior. Regardless of the type of room, simple geometric shapes, the absence of hanging elements, as well as a uniform color scheme that is included in the overall palette of the space will look appropriate here.

Metal ones work well frame structures, which slightly darken the light, or paper shades without decorative details.


This is where you can really go wild, in a loft interior, in which homemade products made from unusual materials will look organic. It’s not scary if the appearance of chandeliers reveals their non-manufacturing origin, because many details of this style highlight their imperfections as their main advantage.

For lampshades it is even possible to use familiar objects: transparent jars, metal utensils, frames made of thread or wire. If the ceiling height allows, then excellent option will become long hanging chandelier with a minimalist cap.

Scandinavian style

Despite its northern origin, this style of interior design looks very cozy and modern. Minimalistic in nature Scandinavian style prefers natural materials, as well as light, mostly white, colors.

There are many options for chandelier design - the style does not greatly limit the shape. But not everything can be created independently. Ball-shaped ones are suitable, air models from thread or paper.


Coming to us from distant French villages, Provence prefers the simple, cozy aesthetics of natural materials, floral patterns, and light shades. This is approximately what a lampshade for a chandelier should be like.

Products made of fabric or lace look appropriate round shape. With a small level of skill, you can decorate a glass dome with decoupage, thereby saving money - after all, despite its simplicity, authentic Provence involves significant costs in the arrangement.

Paper lamps

Despite the fact that paper is not considered the most reliable basis for lampshades, but the ease of working with it and its noticeable low cost made this material very attractive among handicrafts. In addition, with its help you can update your interior at least every month, creating new crafts.

Origami lampshades

Who wasn’t interested in origami as a child, designing little animals or complex modular paper products? Now you can use your skills for more practical purposes. However, even people who have encountered this activity for the first time can also easily master it and make origami lampshades for a chandelier with their own hands.

These are laconic designs of different geometric shapes that will fit perfectly into modern interior. It is not recommended to use very strong paper, as it does not transmit light well.

Figured products

However, lovers of more varied decor can create lampshades of a wide variety of shapes from paper. For example, surround the lamp with paper houses, butterflies or envelopes.

The appearance of such a lampshade also depends on the surface - plain, patterned, newspaper, and so on. By combining these materials, completely different effects can be achieved.

Chinese lanterns

If you have paper lanterns at home, do not rush to use them as an independent lamp, because this is an excellent basis for other experiments.

You can paste it over with anything you like, but to avoid homemade look— we suggest decorating the ball with small paper flakes or long “feathers” that will gracefully hang down to the bottom.

Lampshades made of threads

Various threads and ropes are an excellent base for a lampshade, which is suitable for creating an intimate atmosphere due to the darkening effect.

Graceful cocoon

A round lampshade made from randomly twisted threads looks very simple and at the same time stylish. In order for such material to hold the desired shape, it is fixed with glue on a balloon, which is delicately removed after finishing the work.

Although the field for creativity here is small, you can always experiment with colors, weaving in several shades.

Knitted lampshade

This solution made from threads looks less chaotic. The main conditions for making it are the ability to knit or the presence of a grandmother who will kindly knit a napkin for you. The finished product must be placed on any base - metal carcass, transparent container, Chinese ball. Similarly with the first option, you can attach the lampshade to the balloon using glue.

Bottle lamps

Stylish chandeliers for different types of rooms can even be created from bottles. This includes both glass and plastic containers.

Glass bottles or jars

The principle of working with such a base is simple: choose the most beautiful one and hide the lamp in it. Elongated bottles or small jars can be used. It is necessary to make sure that the glass transmits the amount of light required for the room, and if there is not enough light, several sources can be used.

If the chandelier plays more of a decorative function, the bottle can be covered with acrylic paint or painting.

Plastic lampshades

Plastic bottles should not be used untouched. But it’s quite possible to make cheap parts from them for a homemade lampshade.

Luxurious (as far as this word is generally applicable to plastic) look chandeliers from the bottom of ordinary bottles, which are shaped like a flower. They are fastened together with wire for better fixation, creating a variety of compositions.

Another option is a 10-liter eggplant covered with plastic spoons, which are lined up in several rows, like scales. The design will transmit muted but uniform light, which will further decorate the product.

Lampshades made of metal elements

Enough unusual solutions Metal products are also offered for chandeliers. Fortunately, you don’t need to make them yourself, so you don’t need any special skills in working with metal. But a spectacular appearance is guaranteed in any case.

Kitchen appliances

Don't rush to throw away old spoons and forks - you will need them to create original design. By placing a dozen fixtures around the lamp, you will get an excellent shade for a kitchen chandelier that fits perfectly with the theme.

The same effect can be achieved by using, for example, a grater. In general, you can experiment with any devices, especially if your interior is decorated in a loft style. Just make sure that the metal parts do not get too hot.

Gear dome

If you want to add a little steampunk into your life, make a chandelier shade out of gears. You can get them by dismantling an old bicycle or buy them at a flea market. But the result is definitely worth the effort!

We looked at the features of making lampshades for chandeliers with our own hands and the most popular solutions from various materials. But interesting options, of course, much more - as evidenced by our selection of photographs. Enjoy watching!

If you have long been wondering how to decorate your apartment or house without significant costs funds and time, we propose to transform light sources, namely make a lampshade for floor lamp with your own hands. You probably know that something beautiful and unusual in a store can be very expensive, but you don't have to spend a lot of money to make something amazing. We will use the most ordinary materials, which you will definitely find on your farm. Any lampshade begins with a frame; if you have a ready-made one, all you have to do is decorate it; if not, don’t worry, we can easily make the base ourselves.

1. We make the frame

Any of the elements that we will later use as decor must be attached to something. In order to quickly cope with this task we will need: thick wire, pliers, cardboard. Any the frame consists at least two rings connected by spacers. Decide on the desired shape and size of the future lampshade.

Let's consider the simplest type of frame - conical. The lower ring will have a diameter of 30 cm, and the upper one - 20 cm. To to know wire length, which needs to be cut, you need to multiply the desired diameter by the number “pi” (3.14), that is, 30 * 3.14 = 94.2 cm. The ends of the wire must be connected and bent using pliers. The height of the spacers will determine the height of the lampshade itself. For the reliability of the design, we recommend making at least 4 transverse fasteners, which will be attached to the rings at an equal distance. It should roughly look like this:

If you are preparing a frame for a future fabric lampshade, then you need to wrap it with thick cardboard so that the fabric has something to attach to. To do this, do pattern. Wrap the frame in newspaper, mark the line where the newspaper makes a full turn, and leave a centimeter of margin for gluing, and a line for the top and bottom. Cut off the excess and transfer the resulting sketch onto cardboard. You can attach it to the frame using a hot-melt gun with glue, do not forget to coat the joint well, and remove excess glue with a piece of cloth. Your frame is ready, you can start decorating.

2. Paper or cardboard lampshade

Paper is the most simple And cheap material, which can be easily transformed, has many colors and different densities. The frame wrapped in cardboard can already be used as a lampshade if you decorate it a little. It may not be whole, but have holes V butterfly shape, flowers, circles, hearts, diamonds and other shapes, which can then be hung from the edge of the lampshade using a thin fishing line. Using cardboard different color you can create smooth transitions or contrasting composition. Such a lamp will look great in, because when it emits light, small shadows in the form of carved figures will appear on the walls and ceiling.
You can decorate the cardboard frame with corrugated paper or molds For baking cupcakes. Open one mold wider, drop a little in the center and place a second, more closed mold inside. You can connect three or more shapes in this way. You will end up with air outlets that need to be placed as close to each other as possible. In the end you will get very gentle and light lampshade, from which a soft, subdued light will emanate. Paper figures glued to thin strips and secured to wire frame rings are also suitable as materials. For a more aesthetic look, use paper different colors, which will form a smooth transition from darker shades below to lighter shades above. Remember that paper is not durable material, but it’s easy to replace if you get bored with the appearance of the lamp and come up with something new.

3. Fabric lampshade

Depends on what you want luminous flux. Thicker and darker fabrics will give a muted, soft light. The chosen one is also important material color. Green and blue shades will create cool lighting, while red, yellow, and orange will create warm lighting. When the fabric is selected, it is necessary make a pattern. You can use the same piece of newspaper as in step 1. To make the fabric cover look more neat, sew it on a machine, then turn it inside out and put it on the frame. You can simply carefully hem the edges of the pattern, iron it and glue it to the frame with glue. In both cases, don't forget to leave stock on seams.
The cover does not have to be made from a single piece; it can be multi-colored rags or a combination of plain and colored fabric. If desired, you can draw or embroider on fabric beautiful patterns or big flowers. A hand-embroidered lampshade will definitely surprise your guests. You can glue a beautiful fringe with beads along the edge or wrap it with ribbon and tie a small bow. This way you can hide minor imperfections. To make such an item look more harmonious in the room, coordinate its color with other items. For example, with or pillows on the sofa.

4. Threads, yarn, twine

These materials will be useful to us for making lampshade-ball. Make one like this DIY lampshade Even those who are sure that needlework and crafts are not at all their element can do it. As basics we will use a balloon or an old rubber ball. We will also need PVA glue, a deep bowl and a wide brush. The essence of the method consists of winding threads around an inflated balloon. The color, thickness and number of threads used are purely individual. If you want to get a more textured and dense shade that will let in little light, use twine and wind until you cover almost the entire surface of the ball.

Before you start wrapping, lubricate the surface of the ball with rich hand cream or oil. You will thank yourself for this when you remove it from its dried-out lampshade. Pre-soak the selected threads in glue, adding a little water to it. Let them lie down and soak up this solution. This must be done so that the layers of wound threads not only adhere to the ball, but also stick together. Inflate the balloon to the desired size, draw on it with a marker border up and down. The upper bound will serve place for cartridge With . There should be no threads in these places. Start wrapping from the top edge. First, carefully lay out several turns of thread at the level of the mark. You should end up with a small circle, then bring the thread to the bottom border and do the same. If you don't want to, you can do without the bottom hole. Now that you see your limits, you can wind in different directions, creating as many intersections as possible and pulling the thread a little.
Each layer lubricate with glue using a brush. When you reach the desired density, cut the thread and hide its edge under the circle of the upper border. Leave your creation in a warm place until completely dry. Just don't put it near it under any circumstances. The flow of hot air will cause the ball to deflate faster than all the layers dry, and you will get a lampshade of any shape, but definitely not round. Once dry, puncture the ball. By the way, using threads of several colors you can achieve very interesting combinations. A composition several of these lampshades of different sizes will look very harmonious.

5. Braid, ribbons, lace

This is very romantic and the delicate appearance of the lampshade, which will look great in a young girl’s room. In order to make it, a wire frame will be enough. Cover it with fabric and glue beautiful lace on top, or place lace ribbons directly on wire rings. Textile you need to choose either contrasting color, or to match the lace. This will look more impressive. The lace may not be located along the entire perimeter, but only along the edge, this will be even more interesting. Tulle and all kinds of ruffles and bows are suitable as additional decoration.
The most interesting thing about such lampshades is openwork shadows, which they will discard. Can be used as base material colorful ribbons or a beautiful braid. To do this, fasten the edge of the first tape to the lower ring and pull it to the upper one, make one turn around it and follow it back to the lower ring. Continue in this manner until you have filled all the empty space. To avoid gaps, overlap the previous tape by at least 1/3 of its width. Carefully glue the edge of the last tape on the inside, and to hide the imperfections, make a turn along the upper and lower edges of the lampshade with a wider tape. Such a bright lampshade will resemble a rainbow and glow different colors.
If you have knitted lace napkins, and you don’t know where to put them, you can do with them the same way as in point 4. Soak it in glue, place it on the ball and let it dry. They will take the shape of a sphere and will look completely different.

6. Lamp made of beads and artificial flowers

A very beautiful creation that requires painstaking and perseverance. You will need many colors, beads or large beads, fishing line, a needle and thread and glue. It is most convenient to place flowers on a frame with cardboard. It used to be very fashionable to decorate the walls with bouquets of artificial flowers, so you probably have them collecting dust somewhere in your boxes. And in just a few hours, or even earlier, you will look at them completely differently. Separate the buds and some petals from the stems. You can even remove the plastic holders, but then you need to secure the petals with threads so that they do not fall apart. This way the parts will fit most tightly to the cardboard and stick easily. Arrange flowers and petals on the frame, filling the entire space. It's good if there is several varieties colors. You can make it beautiful flower arrangement on a lampshade made of plain fabric.
Imagine that you are making a bouquet, and you yourself will understand how best to act. Along the edge of the lampshade, you can add a fringe of several beads on a fishing line, or glue them in different places on the petals. You can glue a few butterflies or a dragonfly, in general, whatever you consider necessary. And large beads strung on a nylon thread can be used as the main material. As in the example with ribbons, it is necessary to fill the entire perimeter of the frame with beads, fixing the thread alternately on the upper and lower ring.

7. Knitted lampshade

Very unusual and the most comfortable look of our product. If you have the skills to knit various patterns yourself, then this is simply wonderful. Remember that knitting take a lot of time, so if you want to present such an item as a gift, then start preparing in advance. There are many sets with the required number of threads and pattern patterns, just choose the appropriate size. If you haven't had time to master this skill, don't be upset. They will come to your aid old knitted sweaters and children's ones that are already small for your child. Depending on the size and shape of the lampshade, you can even use sweater sleeves.
The top and bottom will have to be sheathed to prevent them from unraveling. Place the selected part on the lampshade, you can tie it with a ribbon on top and decorate it decorative elements, or you can just sew it. If wrap yarn in the color of the lampshade and cord power supply, which will be in sight, the result will be a rather nice and complete composition. Will fit as thick knitting, made with knitting needles, and a more delicate version with gaps, made crochet To secure this option, use glue. Apply it pointwise to the surface of the wire rings and press. Do not neglect fabric or cardboard frames. With their help, the shape of the ceiling will be better conveyed. Complete the composition with small knitted pompoms or large beads tied with thread. Surely all your friends will be surprised to see similar element interior

8. Lamp made from old hangers

Broken wooden hangers, or those that are long overdue for renewal can be found in every home. Finally, you can not just throw them away, but find a more worthy use. By the way, these may not necessarily be hangers. Old ones will do too broken slats. They are quite thin and have an arched shape. Before assembling such a lampshade, immediately think about its color. If you are a fan of all things natural, simply run sandpaper over the wooden surface to remove minor defects and then open it. If you want to make the composition multi-colored, use spray paints. Now it's time to think about how we will arrange the elements on the frame. Most simple option looks like that:

The figure shows that there were deleted metal hooks, and the hangers themselves are sawn in half and simply glued to the cartridge. You can do it this way, or you can work a little harder and get a more interesting result. We will need . Remove hooks, paint hangers and drill a hole at one end. Insert the wire into the resulting hole, tapping it required amount hangers. Now fasten the edges of the wire, and insert the cartridge with the wire into the space that is formed after fastening. Place the hangers evenly with their backs facing each other and secure them in the middle with a metal tie. You will be surprised. Making a similar lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands is not difficult and does not take long.

9. Plastic bottles, spoons

There are definitely different colors in every home. So that no one even thinks that this is a product made of this material, we suggest that you work hard and cut bottles for small details in the form of leaves, flowers, butterflies or any other shapes. We used leaf shapes. Draw a few templates different sizes, trace their outlines and start cutting out. When you finish cutting the required number of elements, give them natural look. Using the blunt nose of small scissors, squeeze out the veins on each leaf. Pin on the frame parts can be done in two ways. Either glue a wire to each element and wrap them to the frame at different levels, or glue them to a cardboard frame with glue. We advise you to give preference to the longer, but also more beautiful, first method. So the lampshade will come out more translucent, and all the details will be noticeable due to placement on different heights.
If it's too much for you for a long time And tiring simply cut off the tops of the bottles, leaving 10 cm at the top, cut them into thin strips, bend them outward and secure with glue. Ready flowers glue to the frame.
No bottles were found, but there are a couple of sets plastic spoons after the picnic, they will also have a use. Let's do it pineapple lamp. For the frame we need a plastic 5-liter bottle. Carefully cut off the bottom and degrease the walls. Now let's prepare the spoons. You need to separate the handle, leaving about 1 cm. When you have cut all the spoons, start gluing them from the bottom row. Each subsequent row should overlap the previous one by about half a spoon. Try to cover the entire frame in this way, right up to the neck, so that you get neat edges that will be hidden under the cartridge. Your lampshade is ready!

10. Don't throw away tetrapacks

Yes, you were not mistaken, we will create real miracles, practically, from waste. Not all types of packaging are suitable for us, but only those that have a mirror surface inside. This type The lampshade will perfectly complement the interior, in which the emphasis is on various geometric shapes or where strict rectilinear shapes predominate. You will need a lot of tetrapacks for this venture, so you will have to save up the source material for some time. The packaging should be carefully cut into one solid piece. Now we cut it into strips measuring 130x21 mm, divide it into six equal parts and fold triangles from these strips.
Now comes the most difficult part - the individual elements must somehow be connected into complex figures. We cut the fastening tapes measuring 75x19 mm, fold them into four parts, unfold them back and use them to fasten two triangles. Next, according to the same scheme, you need to collect 108 hexagons and 12 pentagons. Don’t be alarmed, when you get the hang of it, everything will work out by itself. You can get by with regular glue, this will make things much easier and faster. When all the elements are ready, you can assemble them into a sphere or a regular cylindrical lampshade. In the latter case, pentagons will not be needed. Just glue all the parts together. In the case of a sphere, you will have to tinker. You can inflate the ball and use it as a support when gluing elements, and then burst it and take it out through the hole. Now you can be proud of the work you've done. You definitely won’t see such a lampshade in any store, and when you turn on the lamp, the play of shadows will captivate your whole family.

11. Newspaper tubes

IN Lately became very popular weaving products from newspaper tubes. Skillful housewives make baskets for storing various items, sew covers for them, decorate, paint and even sell them online. We thought that in this way it would be quite possible to do beautiful lampshade for a chandelier that will look great in or. We don't even need a frame, but we will need a lot of newspapers.

If you use pages glossy magazines, then the tubes will come out much stronger. It is necessary to cut a large number of paper strips, then twist the tubes. It's much easier to do using knitting knitting needle The ends must be coated with PVA glue and then allowed to dry thoroughly. Try to do so length the tubes were at least 20 cm long. We will need about 100 pieces to make a medium-sized lampshade. Take three tubes and cross them together, you will get a six-pointed snowflake.
This is the beginning of our ceiling. To make it more convenient to work, place something heavy on top of the intersection so as not to displace the workpiece. Place the next tube on top of one of the rays peeking out from under the weight. The lower element must be wrapped over the attached one so that it rests on the adjacent vine. Repeat this step with all the twigs sticking out. You will be weaving in a spiral pattern. When you have completely walked around two circles, you need to expand the diameter. To do this, instead of one twig, use two twigs folded parallel to each other. Continue weaving until you reach required size. Cut off the excess tails with scissors, secure the edges with clothespins and treat the entire surface with glue.
Once the frame is dry with spray paint, give what he wants color and after drying, fix everything with varnish. On top you will have a cross that can be carefully cut off, thereby freeing up space for the cartridge. Instead of weaving, you can secure the tubes with glue, forming a sphere or other geometric shape.

12. New life for old cans

In order to make a stylish and unusual lampshade that will perfectly complement the interior with its soft, cozy light, you can use ordinary cans different sizes. It is necessary to remove all labels, remove any remaining glue from the surface, wash and dry well. Next we will use a small one and make holes on the walls. Draw desired with a marker pattern, Pour water into a jar and place in the freezer until completely frozen. This is done so that at the time of making holes, the jar was not deformed. The second option to preserve the shape is to stuff it tightly with paper. All that remains is to carefully make holes and dip the finished product in hot water to remove ice. You will get small cute lampshades, from which it is recommended to create compositions. The surface can be left unchanged, or it can be painted or wrapped in thin paper.

Suitable for us glass jars, especially if they have non-standard shape and color. However, you can give them any color, it’s very simple. Prepare sockets and light bulbs in advance. To place them inside, carefully make holes in the lids using an opening knife. You may need to replace the lamp in the future, so give preference twisting banks. The hole should be equal to the diameter of the cartridge, no more. Insert the threaded part into the hole in the lid, and then screw in the light bulb. Now let's get started registration the lampshades themselves. Wash and dry the jars thoroughly. Now you can paint them, paint them, cover them with beads or flowers, wrap them with colored threads or lace, in general, whatever you want. Secure the surface painted or covered with small parts with clear varnish and screw on the lids. Your lampshades are ready.

13. Nautical lampshade

There are people who cannot live without the sea and try in every possible way to display their love for it in the interior of their apartment. Some people bring photo frames made of seashells, others hang pictures of the sea coast, and others cannot return from vacation without a bag of shells, which they then cannot find a use for. If you recognize yourself in this phrase, then especially for you we have prepared a small master class on making shell lampshade, as well as beautiful sea pebbles and everything you couldn’t pass by. For this we need frame, wrapped in thick cardboard, glue and your seafood gifts. Think about it in advance color lampshade. If you want to leave natural shades, then simply cover all the elements with transparent varnish; if you want to add a few different shades, then use, and then varnish. You can paint the finished lampshade, but the paint and varnish will flow into the joints between the parts and will not come out very neatly. Now, using a heat gun, cover all or part of the surface of the frame with shells, aging leave as possible less gaps. Small pebbles can be glued in places on top of the first layer, this will add volume to the finished product. Such a cute piece of furniture, with a very characteristic mood, will always remind you of pleasant moments spent on the seaside.

14. Forest handsome

Very unusual and spectacular lampshade, which will appeal to nature lovers. Fits well in interior in style eco. Its name speaks for itself, and you were not mistaken if you thought that we would use as material what we brought from the forest. More precisely, we are interested wood twigs different thickness and weird shape. Twigs that are too thin are not suitable; they will break during the fastening process. Length branches should correspond to the desired height of the lampshade. Collect material from stock, because during the manufacturing process, not all sticks will definitely suit you. The most interesting thing this type of lampshade can boast of is shadows, which will be reflected on the ceiling and walls. They will create the feeling that you are in a real forest.
The branches must be washed well under hot water and dried by placing them on paper and providing access to oxygen. You need a little dry sticks ennoble. You can use a knife to cut off what you think are unnecessary knots or thin parts. Cover all elements on all sides with spray paint or just varnish. The gnarlier the branches, the more interesting the lampshade will be. We will need a regular wire frame without cardboard. We will attach the parts to it using thin wire or glue it with a heat gun, whichever is more convenient for you. Not a conical one will work well, but cylindrical shape grounds. Fill in the gaps very carefully and leave as few empty spaces as possible. You can add gaps in small pieces. After complete drying, the extraordinary lampshade is ready for use. Creating a similar lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands will be fun with your children.

15. Space lamp

Many in childhood dreamed of becoming astronauts and raved about distant galaxies. If your child now sleeps and sees himself in this role, we suggest decorating his children's room to match his dreams. Stationery stores sell planet models, which we will need. We will make multi-level lampshades in the form space system .To do this, we will need sockets with lamps and several models of different planets. The layout must be carefully divide into two parts. Before doing this, draw a circle on top, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the cartridge. Then you need to remove this area as well. In its place, place the lamp socket and glue the layout back together. These steps must be done for all layouts. If you haven't found a planet, you can make do globes different sizes. You can use halves, which is much more convenient, because it will be easier for you to replace the light bulb. It’s good to make a lampshade from the halves table lamps. You can use old ones world maps, wrapping them around the frame on top of white, thick cardboard. The spirit of travel will always be present in your home and inspire you to new achievements.

When making any of the above types of lampshades, remember that all materials are fire hazardous. Especially when they are exposed to frequent heat from incandescent lamps. Therefore, place all the details on distance of at least 15 cm from the center of the lampshade, that is, the minimum diameter of your product must be at least 30 cm. Following this simple rule, you will protect yourself and your home from unnecessary troubles.