How to sew curtains for the living room with your own hands: lambrequin, patterns - photos and videos. How to sew simple Roman blinds

Curtains are last element, which gives the renovation a finished look. The entire interior will depend on their quality. That is why many housewives prefer not to buy ready-made ones, but to sew curtains themselves. But you should approach this difficult task responsibly. First you need decide on the fabric, which is suitable for the room and specific type windows It is very important not to make mistakes in the calculations and make the correct pattern. Helps you sew beautiful curtains detailed master class.

General rules for sewing curtains

It's best to start with the most simple and uncomplicated models, which will not require complex patterns and long hours for sewing machine. Even without additional decorations will look great in the kitchen. That is why it is necessary to consider in detail the main techniques used by craftswomen. This experience will allow you to tackle complex models later.

Choosing fabric for curtains

The material should be selected taking into account all the features premises. It is worth remembering that in the kitchen food is prepared regularly. And this means that probability of contamination very high. We recommend that you select fabric that washes well and does not absorb odors. Remember that brightly colored fabrics more susceptible to burnout and fading in the sun, so they are suitable for windows that face shady side Houses.

Try to choose curtains exactly curtain fabrics, since their standard width is 2.8 meters. This way, the width of the material becomes the height of your curtain, and there is no need to process the top and bottom edges. This is very convenient for beginning needlewomen, as it significantly reduces the amount of work.

Don't forget that textile must definitely pass preliminary preparation . Material needed wash and iron. After all, many fabrics shrink, which cannot be corrected after cutting. Ironing will also help avoid creases and folds, which can affect the accuracy of the pattern.

How to calculate the amount of fabric?

To produce correct calculations, need to think over the style of curtains and their length. Do you want the window to be framed? short curtains? Or do you prefer floor-to-ceiling models? There are also curtain options, "lying" on the floor. You need to measure the height from the cornice to the desired mark. This indicator usually does not affect the fabric consumption, since the width of the curtain fabric in most cases is greater than the required height of the curtain.

To calculate correctly amount of material needed measure the length of the cornice. Be careful: not the window itself, but the cornice. Also you need to select fold factor(usually indicated on the curtain tape). Let's say a coefficient of 2 is selected, in this case you need to multiply the length of the cornice by 2 and add 10 centimeters for the gates. If you plan to make two curtains (large window), then add not 10, but 20-25 centimeters.

Preparation of the workplace

Necessarily set up the machine for the type of fabric you are going to sew. To cut the curtains correctly, you will need a flat and flat surface(a table is best, but the floor will do). Will also be needed pins, threads, needles, scissors and special chalk for marking.

Ready-made curtain patterns


Prepare the material, spread it on the surface, secured with pins. Make sure that the fabric does not move. Transfer the pattern, taking into account the required dimensions. Cut along the lines indicated, then remove the pins.

How to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands?

If you want to transform the kitchen, changing just one interior detail - hang new curtains. But first of all suitable type curtains. Remember that various models have their advantages and disadvantages. Sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands right choice and decide on the model will help you photo:

How to sew a Roman blind?

IN sign All are detailed below required parameters, which will simplify the work of a novice craftswoman. Main difficulty, which everyone who wants to make their own faces - fold width. Optimal distance indicated on the plate as well pay attention to the diagram.

Lay out the fabric on the table and from the wrong side mark the fold lines, folds, place where rings are attached. Do not forget that the fold lines should be parallel to each other, and the folds themselves folds - identical in width. After that double hem method finish the edges of the fabric.

The top edge also needs to be carefully trim and process. Velcro is sewn to it, which will hold the curtain in place. But the bottom edge is turned up with a small margin. Special drawstring allows you to insert a weight so that the curtain hangs evenly and looks beautiful.

Any housewife can sew Roman blinds for the kitchen with her own hands. On the wrong side(where the fold lines were drawn) sew on the finishing border. Inside the resulting pockets pins are inserted(you can use special plastic rods, metal or wooden analogues). Do not forget that the pins will need to be pulled out before each wash, so the “pockets” should be closed, not sewn up.

Then according to the specified scheme mark all the places where they should be rings. We sew them on, and fix the curtain itself on wooden beam, which serves as a cornice. After this, cords are threaded through all the rings. Make sure that all folds turned out smooth and the same.

How to sew a curtain with eyelets?

At first glance at such curtains it seems that at home it is impossible to create such beauty. But installing grommets is not like that difficult process. However, it is worth considering features of work and calculate the fabric so that smooth folds are obtained.

Important. The number of eyelets must be even. This is the only way you can get beautiful and uniform waves.

If you want to achieve big and large folds, then the distance between the eyelets should reach 22 centimeters, for soft waves 15 centimeters is enough. Most often used "golden mean" between the recommended values ​​- 18 centimeters.

It is worth paying attention to fabric density. The denser it is and, accordingly, heavier, the higher the likelihood of sagging. Therefore, for very heavy fabrics it is recommended to do small step. But also with lightweight materials may have problems. To organza or tulle keep their shape, you need to position the eyelets as much as possible closer to the top edge, making a turn of 5-6 centimeters.

It is necessary to carefully process the side edges and the lower part using the double fold method. After this, you can proceed to the most difficult stage - installation of eyelets. Lay the future curtain flat smooth surface And mark those places where they should be installed rings. The fabric needs to be fixed using pins so that it does not move out in the process, does not become warped and thereby spoil all the work.

Best to use special tools , but you can get by with regular scissors. Cut the fabric, which is inside the circle. After this you can install rings. They are two types: snap-on and press-fit. In the first case, you only need to press in the right places, and in the second, squeeze both sides of the ring.

How to sew curtains with a lambrequin?

Luxurious curtains with massive decorative elements will look too pretentious in the kitchen. But even for this room you can sew curtains with a lambrequin. Only in this case it is better to use as much as possible simple patterns and diagrams.

This Master Class dedicated to the most familiar lambrequin that fits organically into any kitchen. To create it you will need:

  • cornice of the required length,
  • textile,
  • decorative cord,
  • furniture stapler.

Calculate the length of the cornice very simply, it should exceed the size of the window opening by 10-15 centimeters on each side. Fabric is also considered with a reserve for “tails”: cornice length + 10-15 centimeters on each side. Fabric width depends on how wide the lambrequin should be. If the final result should not exceed 50 centimeters, then we recommend taking fabric 70 centimeters wide.

The cornice is attached above the window, 10 centimeters above the frame. Then the fabric is attached to it. You need to start from the center: attach to the middle of the cornice center of lambrequin by using furniture stapler. Next fabric fixed along the entire length, only the edges remain free. They need to be assembled beautifully using decorative cord(50 centimeters per side). You can tie a beautiful bow or leave the cord hanging. If you want to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands, the patterns will help you decide on the desired lambrequin.

How to sew curtains for the kitchen?

Exists common misconception that curtains and curtains are the same thing, which is called in different words. Also, many people confuse curtains with curtains. In fact, curtains do have a lot in common with curtains, but can be made exclusively from transparent materials, transmitting light. Therefore, they are ideal for kitchens whose windows face the shady side of the house.

It's enough to sew it Just. You will need fabric and curtain tape. Pay attention to the coefficient indicated on the tape. Curtains are rarely made with large folds, so 1/1.5 will be quite enough. It means that you need to take 1.5 times more fabric than the length of the cornice. For example, the length of the cornice is 100 centimeters, then 150 centimeters of material will be required. Don’t forget about the hems, so we add another 20 centimeters. Curtains are usually made in one piece. Next, you just need to process the edges and sew on the curtain tape.

How to sew Austrian curtains?

Then you need to do the most important work - sew curtain tape. If the width of the fabric is small, then the braid is sewn in the center and along the edges. It is worth remembering that the top part of the curtain should remain flat, so the braid needs to be sewn only to the middle of the curtain.

Then it's your turn formation of folds. Carefully tighten the cords to create lush and beautiful scallops. If you are not going to straighten the curtains, then the cords can be tied together and the tails carefully trimmed. If you want to periodically change the window decoration, then carefully hide the ends of the cords so that they do not peek out.

Master class: how to sew beautiful curtains for the kitchen at home - video

To better understand the technique of sewing curtains, let’s turn to the work of professionals. The master will tell how to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands video.

Sewing curtains for the kitchen with your own hands is not an easy task, but any housewife can cope with it. All you need is choose the right model, calculate the size of the window and decide on the fabric. If you want to give your kitchen luxurious look , then you can turn to Austrian curtains, and create a simple and cozy home curtains will help.

The magical place that gathers all the guests in the house must be perfectly decorated. The living room is the face of a house or apartment. And the curtains in it are a powerful decorative tool. Do not neglect the choice of this element; curtains can tell a lot about the owners and create a favorable atmosphere.

You don’t have to buy curtains; you can sew them yourself. For this not the easiest task, you need to decide on the type of curtains and fabric, choose desired color, prepare the material and then just sew. For different designs The interior will have its own decorations on the windows.

The type of fabric is selected based on:

  • Living room volumes;
  • Degrees of illumination;
  • Interior style.

For modest-sized rooms, choose lightweight fabrics. If the room doesn’t get a lot of light or you don’t need to hide behind thick curtains from the eyes of neighbors, then just organza or tulle is enough.

For thick curtains, jacquard, linen, velor, silk, satin, and velvet are used. , will depend on your experience in cutting and sewing. Not all materials from this list are suitable for beginners to sew on their own.

  • The length of the cornice (plus 6 centimeters for bending the sides);
  • The height from the floor to the cornice (adding 10 centimeters for hemming if the curtains are long).

Tip: If you want drapery on your curtains, take three or two times the width.

Believe me, everything is much simpler than it seems!

Photos of curtains with unique design made by hand

From beads
From scarves
Cross-to-cross fastening

Rainbow made of threads
With lambrequins
With buttons

Popular models and product designs

Several of the most popular types curtains for the living room:

  • Straight (with or without decoration);
  • Thread curtains;
  • "Bishop's Sleeves";
  • French curtains;
  • Austrian curtains.

Straight curtains look great in Country or Provence styles. In itself, it would be unnecessary to complement luxurious interiors with lush or flashy curtains. Delicate or thematic motifs will be perfectly highlighted and emphasized by a straight curtain. It doesn’t have to be just hanging fabric; it can be complemented with lace, fringe, tassels, elegant tiebacks, and simple lambrequins.

With the advent of the popular high-tech style, interiors are gaining popularity filament curtains. Light and unobtrusive, they can highlight the main idea, or they can become bright color accent. IN simple design Filament curtains also help to bring beauty to a room.

Tip: For decoration, try using threads of different lengths and textures, you will get an interesting design move.

The last three models, created with your own hands, will fit perfectly into luxurious and expensive-looking rooms. Rigid lambrequins with straight curtains also fall into this category of curtains. These same types of curtains look great in a classic living room.

Photos of the indicated types of curtains for the hall, which you can sew with your own hands

Straight French Austrian Yarn Bishop Sleeves

Some important advice For needlewomen we will divide them into sections.

Working with material:

  • Silk and satin are the most difficult materials for needlework, especially in large quantities, do not use them if you are sewing for the first time.

Product color:

  • The warmer and lighter tone curtains, the wider the room will appear;
  • Cool shades of blue (lavender, violet, blue) will help add depth.

Materials and interior design:

  • Suitable for classic curtains: silk, velvet, etc.;
  • Linen is suitable for ethnic and eco-style;
  • Provence is perfectly complemented by cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics with imitation of rough textures, weaving, and natural fabrics with floral patterns;
  • In high-tech, in addition to thread curtains, light materials (organza, brocade, veil) are hung.

Directly sewing curtains:

  • If in the process you will stitch two fabrics with an ornament, then you need to purchase fabric with a margin in order to evenly match the pattern;
  • To make it easier to work with the fabric, you need to wet it, dry it and iron it.

Stylish curtains in classic color scheme in the living room interior


Option for sewing a classic curtain:

  1. Hem the sides. We bend the fabric on the sides twice - the first time by 1 cm, the second by 2 cm. Sew.
  2. Hem the bottom. In the same way, but with turns of 3 and 5 centimeters.
  3. You need to bend the top 3 centimeters and iron it with an iron.
  4. We attach the braid to the ironed seam with pins, stepping back from the top edge by a centimeter. The length of the curtain tape is 5-6 centimeters greater than the width of the curtains.
  5. The edge of the braid on the wrong side must be pulled through, pulled out and tied. One seam allowance is folded inward, the second is not. It will mean the front side.
  6. Sew the braid along the top and bottom edges. The edges that have been folded are also sewn on. Only the laces are left on the front edge.
  7. We tighten the laces and form a gather on the curtains.

A way to make thread curtains with your own hands:

  1. We take the rail and required amount decorative threads.
  2. If the threads are attached directly to the cornice, then each thread should be twice the length. The thread is folded in half, thrown over the cornice and secured with a loop.
  3. If the threads are attached to rings or hooks, then you need to add a few centimeters to the length of the single thread to attach to the ring.
  4. We fasten the threads every 2-5 millimeters.
  5. To prevent the thread from moving along the rail, you can secure it with glue.

Below are useful patterns.

We live in an era of enormous variety of products on offer and unaffordable prices. First of all, this concerns the interior: decorative design home is not a matter of life and death, so very often it has to be postponed until better times. But beautiful and functional interior– deposit comfortable rest, and without have a nice rest no good work either. One solution to this problem is to decorate the apartment yourself. In particular, do-it-yourself curtains for the hall.

What types of curtains are there?

The abundance of offers on the market allows you to choose the most suitable for your home. suitable model and consider how it works. Almost any design of fabric curtains can be reproduced with your own hands. This is not a long and not too expensive task (compared to finished products).

Structurally, curtains are:

1. Classic. Two straight vertical panels, sliding along the cornice to the sides. Often equipped with lambrequins.

2. Combined. The same classic, only the set is made of different fabrics: the curtains and lambrequin are dense material, the curtains are thin. Possible combined options from curtains different designs: curtains with Roman blinds, roller blinds with curtains, etc.

3. Roman: straight fabric is gathered into even horizontal folds when lifted using guide laces.

Curtain ideas for the hall:

4. Austrian: the same principle of lifting with vertical laces, but the material is draped. The result is not folds, but gathers that form a soft wave along the bottom of the product.

5. French ones are similar to Austrian ones, but they are gathered not only at the bottom, but along the entire length.

6. Roller blinds. The straight web is wound onto a drum placed in place of the cornice.

7. Japanese. Straight panels with a fixing strip at the bottom of the product. They do not drape, they slide to the sides like doors.

8. Cafe curtains. They slide out like a classic, but short, designed only for the lower half of the window.

9. Thread (rope) curtains. They do not consist of solid fabrics, but of many directly hanging threads, ribbons, and ropes.

10. Blinds: fabric, wood, aluminum, bamboo, plastic. Vertical or horizontal, from different materials and with different widths lamella

Design may vary. In addition to the symmetrical fabrics that make up all the curtains mentioned above, there can also be asymmetrical products. In addition to straight ones, they are rounded. Curtains in several rows or tiers. Dense and transparent. Lace. With lambrequins various shapes. With the most decorations different types: tiebacks, clips, loops, eyelets, braid, flounces, tassels, lurex, hand and machine embroidery, bugles, rhinestones and so on.

When starting to sew curtains with your own hands, you can choose different colors and drawings: monochrome canvases, colored, discreet or bright shades, with contrasting color combinations. With a geometric or floral pattern, with a plot pattern, with photo printing.

For the manufacture of curtains, any woven and wicker material is used, as well as plastic, leather, wood, etc.

Advice: for the sake of stylistic unity, it makes sense to purchase fabric with a reserve and immediately make another interior element from it. In the bedroom, the ensemble may consist of curtains and bedspreads, in the living room - of curtains and a tablecloth, in the kitchen - of curtains, dish towels, and potholders.

You need to choose a design and fabric taking into account general design premises. If the room does not have its own style, you can start creating it by making curtains. Decide what is closer to you: strict classics, lush baroque style, fluid modernity, urban high-tech? The design of your product will depend on this. How to make curtains with your own hands:

How to make classic curtains

The easiest way to make classic curtains for the hall: two straight canvases either to the floor or (in a shortened version) to the window sill. All that is required is to calculate the material, cut out straight blanks (or stitch if the width is insufficient), and process the edges.

Design and ideas

Curtains for the hall, made by yourself, can always be decorated as you wish. How to decorate curtains with your own hands:

1. Lambrequin. It can also be made from a straight strip, or it can be made wavy, beveled, jagged, or with fringe.

2. Loops. If you don’t want to make a lambrequin, you can sew wide decorative loops to the top of the product. This style will look good on a round cornice.

3. Eyelets. They are sold in haberdashery stores. It is advisable to match the color of the cornice. Along with the eyelets, you should buy eyelet tape. It is glued to the top cut of the fabric using an iron. Next, places for the rings are marked on it, holes are cut out, eyelets are placed on both sides and snapped into place.

DIY curtain design:

4. Tiebacks, clamps, clamps. Strips of fabric, ribbons, cords, magnets, artificial flowers, brushes, bunches of bugles, etc. are suitable for this purpose. Tiebacks can be purchased or made independently in accordance with the chosen style. If you can’t come up with your own style, you can go through the catalogs of online stores and choose what you like best.

5. Finishing: tassels, fringe, flounces.

Ideas for DIY curtains can always be supplemented by looking at these photos of the best design solutions.

Making Roman blinds

Don't know how to make Roman blinds yourself? This instruction will help:

1. A rectangular canvas is cut out, the size of which covers the window opening. Length – the height of the window to the window sill plus allowances for processing the top and bottom. Width – slightly wider than the window, with allowances for finishing the seams.

2. Process the side edges using a machine.

Video “Do it yourself curtains”:

3. Mark the fabric horizontally: draw lines from the inside at an equal distance from each other. The step between adjacent ones is two fold widths. Optimal width the folds are twenty centimeters, which means the lines need to be drawn every forty centimeters. You can make it wider or narrower, as desired.

4. Sew ribbon pockets along the marking lines.

5. Insert thin wooden or plastic slats into the pockets to firmly secure the folds.

6. Sew a pocket at the bottom and insert a weight bar into it (a metal rod will do).

7. At the top of the product, Velcro is sewn (the fabric is wrapped around a round cornice or a wooden batten replacing it and secured with Velcro).

8. Draw three or four lines vertically for lifting cords (the number of cords depends on the width of the window).

9. Sew several rings along the lines for each cord.

10. Fix the cord at the bottom of the product and thread it through the rings.

11. Several hooks are placed on the cornice (one for the cord).

12. The upper rings are put on the laces. Cords are threaded horizontally through the upper rings so that all three or four (or more) pieces come out in one direction.

13. A hook is placed on the wall to secure the lifting mechanism.

14. Hang the curtain on the curtain rod, fix the cords with a hook on the wall in the desired position.

Making French and Austrian curtains with your own hands is even easier. After all, sewing them does not require horizontal stiffeners.

Roman blinds are usually not additionally decorated. When making Austrian or Roman curtains, tassels, garters made of silk ribbons, etc. are quite appropriate.

Japanese blinds

Much more material will be required than for Roman blinds, but the labor costs are much less.

1. Cut out several vertical canvases from the floor to the cornice. The optimal width is 60 centimeters; cornices for Japanese curtains.

2. Process the side edges.

3. Sew a pocket at the bottom of each panel for a weight strip.

4. Sew Velcro onto the top edge (face to face). Fold to the wrong side and stitch to the wrong side.

5. Insert weight strips.

6. Hang the curtains on the cornice.

DIY curtains for the hall are ready. All that's left to do is hang it. If the instructions seem complicated, then custom-made shiors for the hall are an excellent choice.

Curtains in the simple version They are one or two panels of fabric that completely cover the surface of the window. Making them yourself is not difficult. And if you already have some experience in needlework, then it’s quite possible to create more interesting ones. modern options, for example - Roman blinds for the hall.

Preliminary stage

Like any design work, making curtains and drapes requires creating a sketch. In the picture, or better yet in the drawing, you need to reproduce appearance future curtain composition, and then begin preliminary work.

  • Measuring - the parameters of the future curtain are measured depending on its type. If it is assumed that the curtain should cover only the window area, then the height and width of the window opening is determined - which, however, is more typical for the kitchen. If the curtain should cover the window in the hall and part of the wall on the sides, then the width of the opening is measured along with the established tolerance. The height depends on the mounting method: on the ceiling or on the wall, respectively. The length of the panel is measured as the distance between the cornice and the floor. The photo shows the moment of measuring the window in the hall.

  • Working with fabric – most modern materials practically do not shrink, as they contain a large number of synthetic fibers. But when it comes to cotton, linen, viscose and silk, it is recommended to take preventive measures. The fabric intended for sewing is wetted and then dried during the ironing process.
  • Size correction - the degree of change depends on the style of the future product. In some cases, it is necessary to sew the blanks, leaving allowance for hemming the edges of the material; in some, such as in the version of curtains with a grommet, you will need to take into account the fabric tolerance for the rings.

How to sew curtains with eyelets

Ring curtains are one of the most affordable and at the same time, beautiful ways window decoration in the hall. Vertical, even folds visually raise the ceiling and enlarge the window, while the curtain fabric itself looks very advantageous. To sew this option with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to complete the master class - the technique is quite accessible. However, the amount of material must be calculated carefully.

To form curtains on rings, you need twice as much fabric as required by the width of the cornice - otherwise even straight folds will not form.

There should be an even number of eyelets on each panel, the distance between them should be 15–20 cm, and the side ones should be 5–7 cm away from the edge.

The side hem is about 2–3 cm, the bottom hem can vary from 2 to 20 cm.

The hem of the upper edge, depending on the material, will be 2–3 cm. However, when cutting the fabric, you should add the height of the shelf for eyelets to the length of the fabric, that is, the diameter of the ring is 1.5 cm larger than the diameter of the rod, plus 2–3 cm fabrics.

For the top of the curtains, you need to select a duplicating material so that the rings do not burden the fabric.

  1. The material is cut out according to preliminary calculations. When cutting out panels of fabric with a pattern, you need to ensure that the pattern is respected when combining the curtains. The photo shows the cutting of material for curtains in the hall.
  2. The workpiece is bent. If the bottom edge of the fabric is finished, it does not need to be folded.
  3. A sealing material is sewn or glued onto the upper part of the fabric, then the places for the eyelets are marked with chalk, and the holes themselves are marked - according to internal diameter rings. The holes are cut out.
  4. The rings are inserted and snapped into place. It is recommended to iron the curtain again and then hang it on the curtain rod in the hall.

How to sew a Roman blind

This option has become popular along with minimalist and Mediterranean styles, since in both cases lush curtains are not assumed, but preference is given to blinds. Roman blinds are a stylish, elegant option and are more suitable for decorating a window in a living room.

Sewing them with your own hands is a more difficult task and will take time. You can use any base material – both thin and thick fabric. You will also need a lining, plastic rings, nylon cord, wooden pins and a thin strip.

  1. Measuring is carried out along the internal slopes of the window sash.
  2. The pattern is drawn - for this, on a sheet of paper, the length and width corresponding to the obtained dimensions, fold lines are marked - from 20 to 40 cm. From the bottom edge, the line should be at a distance of at least 10 cm, and from the top - at least 5 cm. In the photo The pattern drawing is shown.
  3. Two blanks are cut out from the main and lining fabric, folded facing each other and cleaved.
  4. The blanks are sewn together, and the resulting product is turned inside out. Then it is stitched again along the front side.
  5. The width of the pocket for the weight strip is set off from the bottom edge, marked and fixed to the wrong side, then stitched.
  6. On the wrong side of the product, lines for folds are marked, according to the pattern. A braid or tape about 2-2.5 cm wide is attached along the lines on both sides so that a wooden pin can be threaded through the braid. The operation is repeated for each line.
  7. The top edge is folded 2 cm to the wrong side. A soft tape is placed on top so that one of its edges coincides with the edge of the curtain, and the second covers the edge of the fold. The tape is sewn on both sides.
  8. Fits in the placket pocket wooden slats, in the drawstring there are thin wooden pins. At least three rings are sewn onto the braid of each drawstring.
  9. The curtain is attached to the cornice. Three nylon cords are passed vertically through plastic rings - from bottom to top, and then the ends of all cords are brought out to the right or left side into one of the metal rings of the cornice, and tied.

The video shows a master class on making Roman blinds for the hall.