How to cook porridge for an 8 month old child. How to cook rice porridge for babies

Proper feeding of a baby up to 1 year is one of the main tasks of a young mother, no matter what kind of feeding the baby grows up on - breast or formula. The child is growing, he is already 8 months old, and the dishes on his menu are becoming more and more diverse - in addition to cereals and purees, meat and fish are already being introduced into his diet. With such an abundance of products, mother can already experiment, prepare multi-ingredient dishes and delight her baby with new tastes.

The 8-month-old baby is already enthusiastically eating cereal porridge, pureed boiled fruits and vegetables. Its menu includes fermented milk products, egg yolk and meat. You can already supplement the menu of an 8-month-old child with low-fat fish and expand the list of vitamin components.

How to incorporate new foods for an 8 month old baby

  1. Before feeding your baby an unknown product, you need to get clarification from your doctor, as he monitors its development. Each organism has its own uniqueness.
  2. Before the planned adjustment children's menu the baby should be cheerful and healthy.
  3. Offer food unfamiliar to the baby, starting with 1 teaspoon - before serving the main course. It is better to introduce a new menu item no later than 2 p.m. in order to be able to monitor the response of the baby’s body throughout the day.
  4. Offer a dish with an ingredient unfamiliar to the baby for 7-10 days. Only after the child’s body has unconditionally gotten used to it, move on to other intended combinations of components.

Dishes for an 8-month-old baby - approximate daily diet

In this section we will give the most suitable foods for all meals during the day. With our meal list, you can easily plan your daily and weekly meals for your growing baby.

Keep in mind that the total amount of food per meal is approximately 200 g, and at lunchtime - a little more. If the list contains products unfamiliar to your child, then follow our instructions above.

First breakfast: 06.00

  • Breast milk

Second breakfast: 10.00

  • Cottage cheese – 40 g
  • Kefir for children – 100-150 ml
  • Vegetable puree – 40 g
  • Porridge with vegetables (in vegetable broth) – 40 g
  • Natural yogurt – 100-150 ml
  • Milk porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley) – 150 g
  • Fruit puree – 60 g

Lunch 14.00

  • Potato puree with butter – 150 g
  • Vegetable puree with water or vegetable broth – 150 g
  • Carrot and potato puree – 150 g
  • Mashed cabbage (cauliflower or broccoli) and zucchini – 150 g
  • Vegetable soup with potatoes and rice with 1 tsp. vegetable oil – 150 g
  • Egg yolk – a quarter (every day)
  • Puree from beef or veal, chicken, rabbit – 30 g
  • Puree from meat by-products (tongue, liver, kidneys) – 30 g
  • Fish puree – 30 g
  • Vegetable or fruit juice – 40 ml

Dinner: 18.00

  • Milk (oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, rice) porridge – 170 g
  • Milk porridge on semolina or rice with pumpkin – 170 g
  • Vegetable or fruit puree or juice – 20-30 ml

Dinner before bed: 22.00

  • Breast milk
  • Adapted milk formula – 180-200 ml

Principles of cooking for an 8-month-old baby

Dairy dishes

Milk porridges for children under 1 year of age are prepared only with adapted milk formulas. Cow's (goat's) milk is not absorbed by the child's fragile body, it can cause metabolic failure and force the child's kidneys to work in extreme mode.

The cereals are first boiled until fluffy, rubbed and liquefied with a dry mixture dissolved in water and boiled again for a couple of minutes. No salt or sugar is added.

Fermented milk products, such as kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese, must be adapted to the physiology of children under 1 year of age.

Vegetable and fruit purees

We choose tender vegetables without coarse fibers. It could be zucchini, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, petiole celery, broccoli and others.

You need to be even more careful with fruits, since many of them can provoke allergic manifestations.

Meat dishes

It is advisable to prepare puree and soufflé from meat, which are combined with puree from vegetable crops or vegetable broth. Meat used in dishes for an 8-month-old baby should be fresh and not fatty.

Prohibited: goose and duck meat, fatty pork.

Fish dishes

If a baby receives breast milk, then it is better to introduce fish into his diet not at the age of 8 months, but later - at 9-10 months. Fish contains many unsaturated fatty acids, mineral compounds and vitamins and often causes allergic reactions on the skin.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then you can carefully give him a taste of fish soufflé or puree, starting with 1/3 teaspoon. Your baby can eat fish food no more than 2 times a week, 30 g each, mixing it with mashed potatoes or vegetables.

Preference should be given sea ​​fish with white meat: pollock, hake, cod. It is better to abstain from red salmon fish. From river fish carp and pike perch are suitable for dishes of an 8-month-old child.

You, as a mother of a growing baby, know more clearly than all other family members what your baby needs. You spend all your time with your baby, and there is an unbreakable bond between you. Your maternal intuition tells you the appropriate inclusion of any dish for an 8-month-old baby. May it never dry up in you!

In this article:

Porridge is a special type of dish made from various cereals and legumes. At first glance, it seems that preparing it is not so difficult, because it is based on cereals and the liquid in which it is boiled. But this impression is wrong, and a long time ago there were even specialists in this field - cooks.

However, every mother should be able to and know how to cook porridge for a child, even if she has such a profession, because porridge is the first dish in the baby’s life after breast milk.

Cereals: what are they?

You can find a wide variety of cereals on store shelves, but not all of them are suitable for feeding. small child. When choosing the first cereal for complementary feeding, you need to give preference to those that have the following properties:

  • Single-component, that is, there is only one grain in the composition. This is due to the fact that it will be easier to calculate an allergy to a specific component, unlike multigrain products.
  • Gluten-free, because in most cases gluten is poorly digested and often causes allergies and stomach diseases. These include oatmeal, semolina, millet and barley groats.
  • Dairy-free, since cow protein can cause allergies, and is a very difficult food for babies.

Knowing how to properly cook porridge for a child, choose the following three types of cereals to start complementary feeding:

  1. Buckwheat is the lowest allergen, so almost all children tolerate it well. It is easily digestible, but at the same time contains complex carbohydrates, which provide the child’s body with energy for a long time. In addition, buckwheat is one of the richest sources of iron, which is very important for the rapid growth of a child in the first year of life.
  2. Rice is very nutritious and rich in B vitamins. For children who have a tendency to loose stools, rice is the undoubted leader, because it “strengthens”.
  3. Corn is children's favorite porridge. It is nutritious and contains many useful microelements.

After the child grows up a little, you can introduce porridge from the following cereals into the diet::

  1. Oatmeal is a porridge for babies, rich in antioxidants and is the healthiest grain from the point of view of nutritionists. In addition, it has a slight laxative effect.
  2. Millet - good for of cardio-vascular system, but it is digested very slowly.
  3. Semolina is very high in calories, so it helps you gain weight. But in the first year of life it is better to give it up, and subsequently use it as a treat rather than a daily breakfast.

First porridge: when to start

Since your baby will have to cook porridge every day, you need to think about the timing of introducing it into the diet. Pediatricians recommend starting to feed porridge at six months. But you need to take into account some points:

  • If the child is in good health, then at 5 months they begin to give vegetable purees, and a month later - porridge.
  • If the child is underweight and often suffers from intestinal disorders, it is necessary to start introducing “adult” food with porridge.
  • For large and overweight children, the introduction of cereals can be delayed until 7-8 months.

In any case, each child needs to select an individual feeding regimen.

Features of feeding

When choosing what kind of porridge to cook for a child under one year old, do not forget that she needs to be fed according to a completely different scheme than for already grown-up babies:

  • Introduce complementary foods gradually - half a spoon in the morning, monitoring the reaction throughout the day. If there are no problems with stool and no allergic rashes appear, you can safely continue, increasing the dose every day. If, on the contrary, then it is worth postponing acquaintance with a certain cereal for more late time and do not give other cereals for at least a week.
  • When introducing new cereals, maintain a time interval of a week, waiting for the body to get used to the previous product.
  • There is no need to add sugar and salt to the porridge, because at an early age they will bring absolutely no benefit to the child’s body.
  • It is better to make the first porridges with breast milk or water.
  • To diversify porridge recipes for infants, after 7-8 months you can include fruits or vegetables in the dish.

First porridge: buy ready-made or cook it yourself?

Now many parents are tormented by doubts: whether to buy ready-made porridge or cook it themselves. Heinz, Nestle, Malyutka - this is not the entire list of manufacturers baby food in boxes. Pediatricians also have different opinions on this matter. Therefore, before making a choice in favor of one of them, you need to find out what advantages and disadvantages they have.

Advantages of cooked porridge:

  1. Whole grains are always healthier than processed grains, so porridge will bring more health benefits to the growing body.
  2. The child will develop chewing skills faster, since you can always vary the grind size.
  3. Homemade is much tastier than ready-made, because mom cooks it herself and there is no synthetic taste in it.

Disadvantages of homemade porridge:

  1. It takes a long time to cook - you need to not only boil it, but also grind it first, and not everyone wants to do this every day for the sake of one spoon.
  2. You need additional equipment - a coffee grinder or blender to grind the cereal.
  3. Not all grains contain a stable composition.
  4. If the preparation rules are not followed, the porridge may become useless, that is, no beneficial properties she will no longer possess.

Advantages of purchased ready-made porridge:

  1. Cooking quickly is a definite plus in the case of a small child: mom doesn’t always have free time for cooking, especially for the first time, the baby will only need a couple of spoons.
  2. Enriched with vitamins – additional complex
  3. Easy to use, so you don’t have to worry about how to cook porridge for a one-year-old child.

Disadvantages of boxed cereals:

  1. High price - not all families can afford it, because open packaging is good for two weeks. And since at the beginning you need very little of it, half the pack will end up in the trash.
  2. The dishonesty of some manufacturers and the possibility of counterfeiting, so you can stumble upon a low-quality product.
  3. In some cases, it contains synthetic additives, and you may also be allergic to them.

Most best option– combine both types of cereals, starting complementary foods with store-bought ones and gradually moving to cooked ones. The most important thing when choosing either ready-made porridge or whole grains is to pay attention to the manufacturer and expiration dates. And children are different: some enjoy eating homemade porridge, while others prefer store-bought ones.

Oat milk porridge recipe

If you prefer products homemade, then you need to know how to cook milk porridge for a child. To do this you will need:

  • oatmeal;
  • formula, goat's or cow's milk.

Cooking procedure:

  1. The grains need to be sorted, washed well and dried before cooking. For convenience, it is better to do these procedures in large quantities in advance so as not to do it every day. Typically, cereals are prepared in a ratio of 1 to 2, so for half a mug of porridge you need a glass of milk. For infant dosage is: 1 teaspoon of porridge per 100 ml of liquid. You can also cook the porridge in water, and add milk to the finished one.
  2. Grind in a coffee grinder, or if you don’t have one, then use a blender after cooking.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into heated milk (do not put it in boiling oatmeal), stir occasionally and simmer over low heat until cooked. It is better to choose a metal pan with a thick bottom, because milk does not burn in it; another best option is a multicooker.
  4. Add a little oil (4-5 g), but only if this is not the first porridge in complementary foods and the baby is not allergic to cow protein.

Now that you know how to cook oatmeal for a child, your child will never be left without tasty and healthy food. We wish your kids good health and Bon Appetit!

Useful video on how to cook porridge using the mixture

The menu of an eight-month-old baby can already be quite varied: it includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and even fish. You can make it healthy and at the same time very tasty if you cook it yourself. After reading our article, you will learn what recipes for dishes for an 8-month-old baby can be prepared quickly and tasty.

Children aged 8 months are fed five times a day, with three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner already consisting of complementary foods. We recommend that from now on you accustom your baby to the fact that children eat porridge for breakfast and soup for lunch. This allows you to quickly establish a regime and more easily adapt to kindergarten subsequently. In addition to porridge for breakfast, you can offer your baby fruit puree and cottage cheese, purchased or made yourself. We'll talk about it a little later.

What to cook for an 8 month old baby for lunch: recipes may vary depending on the ingredients. Most often it is vegetable soup with meat or vegetables with a steam cutlet, well mashed. For those babies who were introduced to complementary feeding from 4 to 5 months, meat can be gradually replaced with fish once or twice a week. At the same time, choose low-fat ocean varieties with white meat (cod, hake, pollock). For dinner, you can also offer stewed vegetables, porridge or cottage cheese, depending on what the baby ate before.

Of course, feeding a baby at 8 months can consist exclusively of jarred purees, the range of which is now very large. But many mothers strive to cook on their own, because this way they can be responsible for the quality of the dishes. In addition, some little picky children refuse children’s canned food, but they eat mother’s porridge and purees with pleasure. In the following chapters we will talk about specific recipes for soups, porridges and making homemade cottage cheese.

What kind of porridge can a baby of 8 months eat?

Recipes for purees and porridges for an 8-month-old baby form the practical basis of his diet. In this chapter we will talk about delicious and healthy cereals. At this age, children can eat both dairy-free and milk porridges prepared with mother’s milk or formula. If you are using cow's milk, cook the porridge using a 1:4 ratio, that is, one part milk and four parts water. It is worth noting that pediatricians do not recommend introducing cow's milk into the diet before one year of age due to the high likelihood of allergies.

An eight-month-old toddler can be offered corn, rice and buckwheat porridge in the absence of contraindications. If you have already introduced all these dishes into your diet, expand the range with oatmeal or barley. Now let’s figure out how to cook porridge for an eight-month-old baby. Choose finely ground grains (corn, buckwheat), and grind the remaining grains in a coffee grinder until they become flour. Any porridge should be cooked in water with the addition of a minimal amount of sugar, or better yet without sugar at all, until completely cooked.

Before turning off, add a little adapted formula or expressed breast milk (20 - 30 ml), as well as butter (3 - 5 g) to the porridge. At this age, porridge should be liquid, so take cereal at the rate of 5 g of cereal per 100 ml of water. Gradually it can be made a little thicker. To diversify porridge recipes, a baby at this age can add fruit puree (apple, pear, pumpkin, prunes and even carrot) to the dish. This way you don't have to add sugar, and ready dish Even the little picky eats with appetite.

For those parents who are interested in how to cook semolina for an 8 month old child, we will give little advice. You have the right to listen to him or do your own thing.

Despite the fact that at the end of the last century, children were fed semolina almost from birth, now the approach has changed dramatically. Pediatricians do not recommend semolina porridge for children under one year of age at all due to the high content of gluten and phytin (a substance that prevents calcium from being absorbed).

Soup for an 8 month old baby: recipes

Soup is a desirable dish in a baby's diet starting at eight or nine months of age. It improves digestive processes, serves as a source of energy and useful substances. Therefore, you can give it to your baby for lunch every day. The main thing is to know the features of preparing this dish. First important point- what kind of soups can a child of 8 months eat? These are vegetable soups with the addition of meat. In this case, the meat should be cooked separately from the first course and added to it already prepared. Meat and fish broths are contraindicated for children under the age of one and a half years.

Let's talk about general recommendations pediatricians. It is advisable to cook vegetable soup for an eight-month-old baby before eating and beat thoroughly with a blender. You can add cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, onions, broccoli and a little butter before serving. At the same time, there should be salt in the soup minimal amount, and you need to add it a few minutes before removing it from the stove. It is not recommended to cook such soups for too long, as the vitamins are destroyed. Cooked and blended turkey, rabbit, veal or beef meat is added to the finished dish, depending on what kind of meat is already in your diet. Meat can be replaced with fish.

Here are some recipes for unusual delicious dishes:

  • How to cook soup for an 8 month old baby with pumpkin. For the pumpkin puree soup you will need pumpkin, onions, carrots and vegetable broth. Boil the vegetables in water until fully cooked, remove them from the water and blend with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Add broth to achieve desired consistency. Add a little oil to the finished dish and serve.
  • Vegetable soup with veal. For this dish you will need veal, zucchini and broccoli. Boil vegetables in water, boil meat separately. Grind them in a blender to the required consistency.
  • Zucchini puree soup. Prepare zucchini, rice, butter and expressed milk or formula. Boil the zucchini and some rice until tender, rub through a sieve, add milk and butter. Delicious soup is ready.

Your baby eats a lot of “adult” foods and behaves accordingly. He is very active and curious, and is ready to try any of his mother's culinary delights. What should be an approximate menu for a child at 8 months? What products may already appear in it? And what might a baby’s diet for a week look like?

The baby enjoys eating porridge, of which there are at least five on his menu. These are buckwheat, rice and corn. You can also offer oatmeal and barley, but millet porridge is not yet given to a child of 8 months, as it is quite rough for his intestines. To make the porridge tastier, use the following recipes.

  • Barley porridge - 3 tablespoons of cereal, 0.5 cups of water, the same amount of milk, a spoon butter. Pour the cereal into boiling water with milk, boil until soft.
  • Buckwheat porridge - 3 tablespoons of cereal, a glass of water, a spoon of butter. Pour the cereal into cold water, cook over low heat.
  • Rice porridge - 3 tablespoons of cereal, a glass of water, a spoon of butter. Pour the cereal into boiling water, add melted butter, cook until tender.

The porridge will turn out perfectly tasty if you first grind the cereal into powder (a coffee grinder will help with this), and the cereal itself will be fresh, not stale. These recipes are suitable for a baby's menu at 8 months of age. breastfeeding and artificial.

New products

Every mother strives to diversify her child’s diet at 8 months. Its menu may include the following new products:

What to cook for your baby

The menu in our review will fully answer the question of how to feed a baby at 8 months. It can include one-component dishes, that is, prepared from one product. Or you can have multi-component ones, that is, combined ones. What a weekly menu for a child of 8 months might look like is presented in the tables below.




On the remaining days of the week, you can repeat the menu from the previous ones or prepare other dishes.

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Nutrition for infants should be balanced and healthy. After all, a small organism grows and at the same time requires constant enrichment of the diet. At 8 months, babies are already allowed many foods, including meat, fruits, vegetables, kefir, and cottage cheese. In addition to these products, bottle-fed babies can already enjoy fish. It should not be forgotten that introduction to new elements of the diet should be done carefully, starting with minimal portions and gradually increasing the dose. What foods can and should be given to an eight-month-old baby, how to create an approximate diet for a week? More on this later.

Nutrition of a child at 8 months - what new foods should be introduced into the diet

At eight months, the baby continues to be fed breast milk or formula. It is advisable to keep these products in the diet for at least 1 year twice a day - in the morning and at night.

  • Vegetables. Infant at this age he already eats many vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. At 8 months, the baby can safely introduce green peas and beans. First, legumes are served as a puree, then mixed with vegetables, meat, fish, or added to soup. Onions are also introduced into the baby's diet. It is added to puree soup and served in combination with other vegetables. Maximum amount vegetables per day for a child of eight months – 180 gr.
  • Porridge. Porridge must be present on the child’s menu. It is recommended, in addition to the usual buckwheat, corn, and rice, to introduce your child to oatmeal. Prepare healthy dish You need it in water, with the addition of breast milk or formula. After getting acquainted with a new type of porridge, cereal-based dishes can be diversified by adding fruits and vegetables. The best option are considered to be porridges intended for baby food. Everything has already been added there necessary elements For normal operation baby's body. The optimal dose per day for the specified age is 180 g.
  • Fermented milk products. At this age, the baby already eats kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt. These products do not replace full feeding, but are given as a supplement to food. It is allowed to flavor them with fruits and dried fruits. Fermented milk products should be free of artificial additives and low in fat. More suitable option for feeding the child is kefir and yogurt, prepared independently using a starter or purchased at a dairy kitchen. They will enrich the baby’s intestines with beneficial bacteria and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. The norm for consuming cottage cheese per day is 50 grams, kefir, yogurt – 200 ml.
  • Fruits and dried fruits. Fruits are the main source of vitamins and microelements that will strengthen the baby’s immune functions and resist the development of vitamin deficiency. A child at this age already eats apples and pears, so you can additionally please him with peaches, bananas, cherries, blueberries and currants. If the baby has no problems with stool, then introduce him to prunes, raisins, dried apricots, and melon pulp. You can diversify your consumption of fruits a little by mixing them with yogurt, cookies or cottage cheese. Amount per day – 80 gr.
  • Meat. Meat is rich in all the microelements necessary for a growing body - animal protein, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium. The main novelty on the menu for a breastfed baby is meat. Children who were content with milk formulas begin to get acquainted with this product 1 month earlier. The introduction begins with low-fat varieties - rabbit, veal, turkey. Since not all babies at this age can chew food fully, it is better to give the product in the form of puree or pate. When the stage of familiarization with meat has been completed, and no undesirable reactions are observed, you can begin adding the product to vegetable purees, cooking soups in meat broth, and preparing soufflés. Consumption rate per day is 50 grams.
  • Fish. While breast-fed babies have just begun to get acquainted with meat, the menu of artificially-fed babies already includes fish products. It is better to introduce the baby to white sea fish - hake, cod, pollock. After trying these varieties, after 2-3 weeks you can offer your baby salmon, carp and pike perch. Fish at this age should be given 2 times a week. The product should be served in the form of puree or soufflé. After some time, you can diversify the dish with vegetables. Fish is rich in B vitamins, amino acids, polyunsaturated fats, minerals. This is very important for a growing organism. The optimal dose is 5-30 g.
  • Beverages. The baby’s diet must already include vegetables and fruit juices(80 ml). At this age, it is better to dilute them half with water. Introducing juices should happen only after the baby has tried fruit purees, and if no reactions occur, then you can safely make him happy. Be sure to drink boiled or filtered water. In addition to juices and water, you can include decoctions based on raisins, prunes, and dried apricots in your baby’s diet. It is also allowed to cook compotes from dried fruits (without adding sugar).

What else can be introduced into a baby’s diet?

  1. A baby at this age can eat wheat bread (5 grams per day).
  2. Gnaw and suck crackers (5 g).
  3. You can already add cookies to cottage cheese and fruit puree (5 grams per day).
  4. Porridge can be flavored with butter - no more than 4 grams.
  5. You can add vegetable oil (maximum 5 ml) to soups and vegetable purees.
  6. Chicken yolk is also necessary for babies at this age. The optimal dose at 8 months is half a week.

Features of the daily diet, taking into account the type of feeding

Feeding timeBreastfedArtificially fed
6.00 Breast milkFormula milk
10.00 Dairy-free porridge, single-ingredient or made from several grains. Can be flavored with butter. Fruit puree.Milk porridge with added butter, fruit puree.
14.00 Vegetable soup with vegetable oil, meat pate (soufflé, meat puree), bread, fruit-based juice.Vegetable puree with the addition of meat or fish with vegetable oil, bread, half an yolk, fruit-based juice.
18.00 Kefir, or yogurt and cottage cheese with cookies, porridge.Kefir or yogurt with added fruits, dried fruits, cottage cheese with cookies (crackers), porridge.
22.00 Breast milkFormula milk

If we talk about the recommendations of the famous doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky, he advises slightly changing the sequence of dishes. The pediatrician recommends giving the baby cottage cheese and fermented milk products for second breakfast, and a hearty porridge for dinner.

Sample menu for each day of the week

At this age, the baby is already content with a variety of dishes. As for the differences in the menu of a bottle-fed baby and a breastfed baby, it is practically no different from the “infant” one. The only thing to add is fish dishes. You can serve them on Tuesday and Saturday for lunch instead of meat.

As usual, every day of the week begins (first breakfast) and ends (meal before bed after dinner) with mother's milk or an adapted milk formula. All other meals are described in more detail in the table.

Day of the weekEatingWhat can you offer your baby?
MondayBreakfast No. 2Buckwheat porridge with prunes (120 g), cottage cheese (40-50 g).
DinnerCauliflower and zucchini puree (150 g), rabbit meat pate (40 g), a slice of bread (5 g), half egg yolk, Apple juice(40 g).
DinnerCorn porridge (60 g), yogurt with peach puree (150 g), cookies (5 g).
TuesdayBreakfast No. 2Dairy-free oatmeal (100 g), applesauce (60 g), yogurt (40 g).
DinnerVegetable soup made from carrots, onions, zucchini, potatoes with the addition of turkey (150 g) and vegetable oil, pear juice (50 g).
DinnerRice porridge with pumpkin (80), kefir (80), cottage cheese (40).
WednesdayBreakfast No. 2Corn porridge (120 g), prune puree (30 g).
DinnerVegetable puree with veal (200 g), juice from black currant(40 g).
DinnerOatmeal porridge (60 g), cottage cheese with pear (50 g), kefir (100 g), baked apple.
ThursdayBreakfast No. 2Buckwheat porridge with pear (120 g), apple and plum puree (50 g).
DinnerPumpkin and potato soup (150 g), fish puree with vegetables (40 g), infants - turkey soufflé (40 g), peach puree (40 g), bread.
DinnerRice porridge (60 g), yogurt with pear (100 g), compote (60 g).
FridayBreakfast No. 2Corn porridge with pumpkin (120 g), cottage cheese with the addition of prunes, cookies (50 g), pear puree (50 g).
DinnerMeatball soup (170 g), banana (30 g), apple juice (60 g).
DinnerCorn porridge (60 g), kefir (150 g), pear juice (40 g).
SaturdayBreakfast No. 2Oatmeal porridge (120 g), plum puree (40 g), cottage cheese (50 g), apple juice (40 g).
DinnerRabbit souffle (40 g), vegetable puree from carrots, peas, pumpkin (150 g), bread, compote (40 g).
DinnerRice porridge (60 g), kefir (120 g), apple and pear puree (40 g), crackers.
SundayBreakfast No. 2Rice porridge with pumpkin (120 g), cottage cheese (50 g), plum puree (40 g), cherry juice (40 g).
DinnerCauliflower, peas, carrot puree (150 g), rabbit pate (40 g), bread, dried fruit compote (40 g).
DinnerBuckwheat porridge (60 g), yogurt with peach (150 g), apple juice (40 g).

A child’s diet at this age can be very varied. The same foods offered to the baby should not be repeated throughout the day. Be sure to include meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and fruits in your baby’s menu every day. This will provide the body with everything nutrients and vitamins.

Here are some tips that will be useful for mothers when planning a menu.

  1. For breakfast you can serve not only porridge, cottage cheese, fruit puree, but also meat, fish, and yolk. Drinks allowed include fruit drinks, fruit juices, compotes, and jelly.
  2. Lunch must necessarily combine vegetable dishes, meat and fish. After this, you can please your baby with dessert in the form of fruit and berry puree, baked fruits, juices, mousses, soufflés.
  3. Your baby should consume maximum protein before lunch.
  4. For an afternoon snack, the baby must eat fermented milk products with the addition of fruits, dried fruits, and cookies.
  5. Dinner is based on the principle of breakfast.
  6. The child must drink after all the food.

To make your task easier, you should take care of drawing up a weekly menu for your baby in advance. You need to plan your diet taking into account all the products recommended at this age and your daily needs.

Video about feeding a baby at 8 months

Features of creating a daily feeding regimen and menu for children with allergies

We don’t think it should be pointed out that a child with allergies should eat only hypoallergenic formulas. Under no circumstances should you give such a baby cow's milk. According to generally accepted standards, complementary foods are introduced to children with allergies 1 month later.

If the child is 8 months old, the following allergenic foods should not be included in the diet:

  • chicken eggs;
  • whole milk products;
  • fish;
  • citrus;

You should be careful when introducing crumbs of orange-red vegetables, fruits and berries (carrots, red apples, cherries, etc.) into the menu. The basis of nutrition should be lean meats, fermented milk products prepared at home or purchased at a dairy kitchen, and vegetables. Porridge (gluten-free) should be cooked only with water. Meat is allowed to be introduced only at 9-10 months, and fish - closer to a year. As for fruits, the child should first be introduced to green apple, and then gradually introduce pears, plums, bananas into the diet, yellow currants. Eggs are completely eliminated until 1 year of age or replaced with quail eggs.