How to manage to do everything in life. Three factors for forming a healthy habit

Good afternoon, readers! And while some continue to take my blog by storm, changing the region of their location, not sparing their time, driving my site metrics into despondency with the same actions, I decided to write a post that is just relevant for many. So, from the title it is clear that we will talk about how to keep up with everything at work and at home, this will be a step-by-step instruction for those who want to be as productive as possible (the second part of A sort of superman of reality. Let's go.

If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

Where are you - the 25th hour of the day?

You need to treat time with respect

Morning. Alarm clock, five more minutes, ten more and five more, until with a scream or a quiet cry to myself - fuck, again I don’t have time, the person jumps out of bed. Automatically he runs to the kitchen, puts on the kettle, pours an unknown mass called “instant coffee” into a cup, at the same time somehow brushes his teeth and washes his face, just to come to his senses faster. After running, the endless routine begins - to wake everyone up, quickly get ready, somehow iron clothes, apply makeup that has been familiar for years, and have time to drop off the child at school or kindergarten. As a rule, the latter is accompanied by curses at the child, saying that, because of you, there will be a reprimand again, grief, not the child. In the evening everything is in the same spirit, on weekends according to the schedule - cleaning, cooking, homework, preparing for the new week and that's it - sleep, otherwise tomorrow it will all happen again. My post is about children.

There are, of course, “blocks” who do this kind of routine every day and nothing. No, it's okay when you know that this is a temporary race with a clear plan and a path to your better future. But for the most part, people simply do the same thing monotonously and sadly every day, because they simply do not see a way out how to live differently. Well, they were not born in golden swaddling clothes, which means eternal running and searching better life- this is their destiny. Then once a year they will save up for the sea to compensate for all the health that they spent over the previous 11 months, only if this compensation is available. By the way, about how to easily wake up in the morning and enjoy life,

Is this race worth the goal - to go to the sea once a year, to improve frayed nerves, to cure allergies for children that were caused by crap from the store, since there is simply no time to prepare normal food - healthy and wholesome. And also from the environment, because everyone, even those who are destined to be a good milkmaid, rush to the city to become these notorious city dwellers. So what, the environment, so what, a mortgage for life on a two-bedroom Khrushchev-era building of 40 square meters with a walk-through room, so what, allergies, so what, only one question is spinning in my head, how to keep up with everything at work and at home, where there are step-by-step instructions for life, but we Achieved...

Achieved what? Heaps of diseases, tics in the eye, alienation of children, because parents are never there morally or physically, complexes, debts, and so on. It was worth it? Maybe the priorities were chosen incorrectly in the first place.

Oh, I’m sitting there smart, thinking. I just know that 90 percent of people recognize their lives, I can list them further, but what is the use of this - the essence is clear, the problem is clear, it needs to be solved. Of course, if I had more time, one more hour in the day, or even two, or better yet, one more day in the day, then I would have managed everything.

Hell, this is a big misconception, as is the fact that if you don’t work like hell, then, in general, you won’t be able to do anything in this life. I often like to say that someone works every day for 12 hours, and someone works with their brains, but what one can do, maybe the other can too. When you work for someone, you improve their life, and in rare cases, your own. I really liked this topic book "Christmas Shoes" read it, this is not for the sake of words, I vouch for what I advise. So, let's think together about how to find the answer to the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home, where is there some kind of step-by-step instructions? And if you consider yourself a fool among smart people or, conversely, then talk about this topic.

Everything has its time

It's better to think more than to do empty things

I’ll say right away that next I’ll tell you my TOP tips that help me. Yes, nothing new, but judging by the number of questions that people from the outside and my acquaintances ask me about how I manage to do something, yes, and the children are always nearby and they don’t shake me, then the question is really relevant. I’ll say right away that I always think that I don’t have time to do anything. Hello there, we can leave. Well, don’t rush, for some people what I do is a lot, just as for me I have my own idols in this regard. Someone will say, I wasn’t surprised, but I didn’t come here to surprise you, it’s my own blog, I write what I think is necessary, what they ask about. Well, don't forget to read.

When you have something to strive for, when you know that you can do more, you have proven it to yourself more than once - this is very good. My problem is that sometimes I can’t find that optimal balance – I work really hard for several days, and then I slump for a couple of days and go into hibernation. As for me, everything that I want needs to be distributed more competently throughout the day, but it’s good that everything is imperfect, otherwise satiety with life would set in, and all sorts of bad thoughts would creep in. So, let's go, my points that I try to use and use in the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home. You can’t call it step-by-step instructions, but still live advice, and not dry text copied and pasted from other sites.

Achievement lifehacks

One day the time will come to stop and think

Internet and its possibilities

You know, I thought that in our time such advice is no longer relevant - well, a fool understands that everyone uses the Internet. But who and how? If you sit on social networks and see who gave birth to Lyuska, who bought Klavka a fur coat from those in the photo, then that’s one thing. And something completely different is using the power of the Internet to develop yourself and save time.

  • I have been making all payments via the Internet for many years now - this saves you time and nerves in queues at banks, utility services, and the post office. I pay taxes, fines, as an experienced driver, payments, payment for hosting, traffic - everything via the Internet. I thought that everyone knew this, but I was amazed that many of my friends still stand in line the old fashioned way every month, and these are young people.
  • Purchases. Few people use it either - they don’t trust it or they just need to, so to speak, touch the thing, but you can’t do this in a picture on the Internet. I agree here 100% - I buy various little things online, I can buy toys, but! Before you go shopping for a camera, washing machine, freezer and so on, I go to the store’s website, choose, look at the price, parameters and all that remains for me is, so to speak, to get there and feel it, or whether I take it.
  • The Internet is work and learning. Here, in general, the field is unplowed; now you can do everything online, from training with a trainer to Internet business. If you want, you will find hundreds of opportunities where you don’t need to have any connections, education, or any super appearance.
  • Self-development. Actually, I don’t watch TV at all! I study online, learn new things, listen to audiobooks, trainings on the road and while doing household chores. I embroider - I have a course, I go to clean - an educational program, I cook - I listen to my favorite books. I radically overestimated the possibility of books online, since they are cheaper there and there is no risk of buying a bad edition so that it gathers dust on the shelves at home. Now I only have the best books.

This is not all that the Internet provides these days. But the point is clear that if such opportunities exist, then it would be stupid not to use them. Moreover, the same first point in our step-by-step instructions will help you save a lot of time, and you will already know how to manage everything at work and at home. Yes, and nervous system it will be much healthier, it’s worth remembering about the queues alone, and if you have children in your arms. In addition, with the help of mail you can solve not only minor issues, but also quite serious ones. In addition, I have been using the advice of online lawyers to solve some problems for a long time, I studied through the Internet, they made me a new blog template, before it was different, as well as its niche, after which a layout designer worked. Everything is online, since people are hundreds of kilometers away from me.

Steal time from sleep

Of course, someone will say - so, eternal lack of sleep, where to go next? Again, no need to think skeptically. You can always find time for everything - sleep, work, and self-development. I think everyone knows that if you go to bed before 12, then an hour will pass in two. That is, you went to bed at 10 pm and instead of two hours, your body rested as if you had already slept for 4 hours by midnight. If you want to find the time to answer the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home, then your step-by-step instructions should include this item - study everything about sleep.

You know that there is a phase of rapid and slow sleep. And remember those completely different feelings when you slept for literally 15 minutes and again as if after a day off and slept for several hours, but only woke up exhausted. It's important to know when to wake up. Yes, it’s not so easy to study the phases of sleep, choose perfect time. But you should always try rather than complain about your failures.

I will say for myself that I can never go to bed before midnight, I have always been a person of the night, that is, my time is 3-4 o’clock in the morning when I go to bed. And no, I don’t sleep until two o’clock in the afternoon, because I already said that I have children, they don’t go to kindergarten, they need my attention, food and games. I also have responsibilities to my dogs and cats, which also need to eat and be walked.

But at night it’s easier for me - firstly, the children sleep and it’s easier to work and study, and secondly, the night is special time, thirdly, I have much more productive thoughts. How then can we endure it? It’s just that I can lie down once during the day for literally half an hour, my children know this, as well as my husband. I usually say - now I’ll interrupt my sleep, otherwise my brain is tired))). That’s it, after that I have enough charge until 4–5 am when I get up in the morning. For example, today - at night I went to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, got up at five, since I need to take my husband to work, then I went several dozen kilometers on business, but was already at home at 9.30, by 12 I had already completed good cleaning, and now it’s lunchtime - I’m writing a post. When I get tired, I just rest for half an hour and that’s it. After all, you still need to cook and do other things.

Did you know!
that many well-known companies They practice staff rest; they even have special rooms with couches or armchairs. The employee rests for 20-30 minutes and is again at the peak of activity. Everyone chooses for themselves when it’s time for them to go and unload their brain.

High-quality technology and its capabilities

I don’t know if this advice will work for everyone, but it helps me a lot. I never spare money on quality gadgets, good household appliances. I change them not when they have become faulty due to the number of years of use, but because time does not stand still and new things help us to a large extent.

My example is banal - I had a vacuum cleaner, simple, old, but it worked. My husband said we need a new one, but still no, and this one is good. Until one day this “old man” simply turned on. The choice fell on a good washing unit, which made me realize how stupid I was. A washing vacuum cleaner and an electric broom have reduced my work and cleaning after weather conditions significantly. We still have a lot of animals, and this is the same cost, but my floor is always clean and fresh. The kids crumbled it, scattered it, quickly went over it with an electric broom and voila - clean.

I also replaced the machine, as I found very convenient modes for myself, including a 15-minute wash. Perfect option, when you're in a hurry, but in the summer it's a godsend. You were getting ready to go somewhere, and the child bang and fell right an hour before leaving. I threw the shorts on for 15 minutes, if you don’t want to change the look, everything dried in the air in the heat and there were no problems. The baby is dressed the way you wanted, you don’t yell at him and save your nerves. Explained corny, but understandable.

Also with gadgets, when you can’t open something on your phone or laptop, you’ll agree that it displays. My old laptop could open Word bitch... up to 40 minutes, Word is simple text editor, it’s an unaffordable luxury to waste time like that. It's worth paying extra for good technique and everything has been tested by experience.

My friends have already replaced more than one tablet for themselves and their child, and mine from the Apple brand has been plowing 24/7 for five years now. It has never crashed even once, despite the fact that it is a gadget for work, cartoons for children, my audiobooks, and just books, and joint training, and studying. The tablet plows simply 22 hours a day. Yes, once I had to pay four times more, but, as they say, buying up pays more.

I used to worry that maybe it was just extravagance until I found advice in many books on psychology - that it is better to have an empty room and nice sofa than filled with rubbish, and so on in everything. I think it was in Dominique Loro's book "The Art of Living Simply", which I love very much, but it’s not the only thing that says that there should always be quality of life.

Think about replacing what you can in your life, try, ask for your birthday, save up, but you yourself will understand that life will be completely different, you will get a lot of time. Now there are drying machines, cordless vacuum cleaners, electric brooms, steam generators that iron from all sides at once. By the way, I also want the latter for myself, but, damn it, my iron doesn’t seem to be anything. What I mean is that I’m not lecturing you here, saying that you’re so smart, you should grow and grow above yourself. I’m just sharing some experience that I’ve already had.

It’s hard for me to understand people that every day they look at someone’s photos, sitting here and there, thinking why someone hasn’t posted a photo for so long, who the child is from, where new car and stuff like that. This is existence on the sidelines of someone else's life. For what? Isn’t it interesting to have a hobby, spend time in nature, with your family, or learn a new skill?

Why do people spy on others, find out who, whom and when. The same goes for endless chatter on the phone. Oh, how many friends and relatives I have who spend the evening after work not with their family, but gossiping with others like them. At the same time, ask about what - I don’t have time. There is no time when I should read, when I should study, when I should cook something.

I’ll speak for myself - I don’t talk on the phone at all, except by important matters. It’s just that I never pick up the phone, for some I’m a pig, well, excuse me to listen to another thing - my husband is such a goat, the child got two again and all that, rather than doing something useful - it’s just an unequal battle. The first will always be the loser. The same goes for TV series and talk shows, my last TV series was a Brazilian one when I was a child. All.

There is no need to sit in online stores if you still never dare to order something or you simply don’t have the money and don’t plan to.

Important things should be done first

The same is not ideal, but I still try to do everything that is disgusting, necessary, and difficult first. Then you have the whole day free to do your favorite activities and at the same time you have great mood. Yes, you can say, what difference does it make when to do it, the main thing is to do it. But no, with such an opinion the quality of your life will always be low. If you spend the whole day doing what you want, but you know that work is still coming up and there is less and less time for it, then you automatically become nervous. Not only are you not resting or doing what you love to the fullest, but you also seem to be in a fog of thoughts. For example, a child asks to play with him, and you seem to be playing, but if you ask a day later, you won’t even remember what you did, because you were far away. This is very bad, because priceless minutes pass.

Quality of life is far from just a photo on social networks that you were at the seaside in the summer, it is a way of thinking in which you do not waste your time on unnecessary things, and wisely select the wheat from the chaff of your existence.

I wanted to write ten points, I realized that the article is very long, which means this will be the first part - the first 50% or my TOP 5 points in answer to the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home. Step-by-step instruction or not, everyone decides. Traditionally, I will write the second part every other day.

No one can convince me that I can’t do something (my photo)

“Keep up with everything” is a streamlined formulation, and no one will say exactly what it means; but almost everyone will agree that “doing everything” is good, and that we should strive for this. At the same time, we often don’t think about what “everything” is, what “need” means, and to whom exactly this phrase is addressed

“I want to do everything,” “It’s a pity that I don’t have time to do anything,” “Can time management help me do everything?” - you hear such words very often.

“Keep up with everything” is a streamlined formulation, and no one will say exactly what it means; but almost everyone will agree that “doing everything” is good, and we should strive for it. At the same time, we often don’t think about what “everything” is, what “need” means, and to whom exactly this phrase is addressed.

How to keep up with everything

In fact, to the question “Do you need to have time to do everything?” difficult to answer. And if you have to answer unequivocally, then it is better to answer “no” than “yes”.

If we admit that we don’t need to do “everything,” we will get a chance to significantly increase our efficiency., and this opinion seems paradoxical only at first glance.


“...I don't waste time feeling guilty
due to what I didn't do.
Some of my time will inevitably be spent on business,
beyond my control,
and I don't worry about it."

Alan Lakein, "The Art of Getting On Time"

“How does he manage to do everything?” - this is what they usually say about a person who achieves good results in many things at once.

From the outside, such a hero seems tireless. But in practice, like everyone else, he has periods when he doesn’t want to do anything. There are no people who do not need to “charge their batteries” with sleep and rest.

One of my colleagues was instructed by her supervisor: “If you don’t have enough time, you should do science through sleep.” This is truly deadly advice - it’s the same as advising to build family budget, relying on loans.

“At the expense of sleep” is a destructive practice, and it certainly does not lead to “getting it all done.” In the long term, overexertion only leads to breakdown. A closer look reveals that those who “get everything done” usually know how to rest well.

One of the founders of domestic time management, Alexander Aleksandrovich Lyubishchev, was a very productive scientist. He accomplished a lot - noticeably more than the “average” person and even the “average” scientist. And he achieved this by following five clear rules:

    Do not take urgent orders;

    Do not take mandatory assignments;

    Sleep at least 8-10 hours a day;

    At the first signs of fatigue, change your activity, switch to an easier task;

    Alternate difficult and tiring tasks with pleasant ones.

“Do more often not only what you “need to do,” but also what you love” - thanks to this approach, Lyubishchev managed to do so much.

It turns out that he was simply trying not to take on things that he didn’t want to do. He loved mathematics, entomology and philosophy - these are what he preferred to study. But he didn’t like administrative work - and at the first opportunity he left leadership positions.

One of the secrets of people who “get everything done” is very simple: they choose what to do.

They do not deceive themselves or others by trying to “force” results, and are most often busy with what inspires them, in which they see meaning.


By saying that we need to keep up with “everything,” we also lump important things into the pile., such as caring for the life and health of loved ones, and household little things; and other people's orders, and your dreams; both absurd whims and reasonable plans. “Everything” is an overflowing to-do list.

“...To have time to do everything is both unrealistic and completely unnecessary.
I concentrate my efforts on objects
which will bring me the most significant long-term benefits.”

One of the key ideas of time management is to highlight the most important thing from “everything”.- and focus your efforts on the main thing.

This approach is associated with prioritization techniques. It all comes down to doing the most important things first.

Dwight Eisenhower invented a planning technique in which all cases were assessed according to two parameters: urgency and importance. Anything that was neither urgent nor important should not have been on Eisenhower's to-do list at all. It is better not to do these things at all. If we do things that are not important and urgent, that do not bring serious improvements and do not prevent serious problems- life will be filled to the brim with empty chores and vanity. We will be busy, but we will not be productive. This is what happens when a squirrel is constantly busy running in a wheel.


Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto discovered that 80% of the nation's wealth is in the hands of 20% of families. Then it turned out that this empirical law manifests itself in many situations. Most serious crimes are committed by a small group of repeat offenders. Most new problems in an organization are solved by a small group of “innovators.”

And finally if you do 20% of the most important things, they will give 80% of the beneficial effect. And finishing the rest of the 80% of cases will improve the result by only 20%.

And we can quite “calculate” whether the case will be included in the “weighty” 20% or in the “empty” 80%.

For example, you are planning to write an article. Thinking through the outline of an article is clearly an important matter, which greatly influences the result. But you can refrain from wiping dust from the monitor and beautifully formatting the article.

You will wipe off the dust, the monitor will be clean, the article will look nice, and this will bring results to some extent. Right? Yes. But it’s better to just go ahead and write the text instead.

It is better to first do those 20% of things on which 80% of the outcome will depend. After this, it may turn out that this 80% result is quite enough.

From the point of view of the “Pareto principle”, the desire to “do everything” is an ineffective attempt to “work in areas”, instead of making targeted efforts in the most important matters.


“... I ask myself the question: “Will something terrible happen,
what if I don’t do this?”
If the answer is no, then I don’t do it.”
Alan Lakein "The Art of Keeping Up"

In a famous joke, a digger worker applies for a job and during the interview says that he is good at doing two things. Which ones exactly? “I may dig, or I may not dig.” We laugh at him - but in fact, the useful skill of “not digging” is not very common.

An enthusiastic surgeon persistently offers the patient an operation, not because there are serious indications for it, but because he is good at performing such operations.

The hairdresser persuaded the client to do a creative haircut and complex hair coloring - the result is impressive, but now the client needs to tinker with styling every morning and dye his hair roots every 3 weeks, although he does not like to do this.

A team of construction workers with manic persistence leveled the walls to within a fraction of a millimeter, including where the entire wall would be covered by a large shelving unit.

All these people are pros. And they were not necessarily motivated by financial considerations when they “did so much.” It’s just that not all people who are good at “digging” are also good at “not digging.”

It doesn't have to be work related. For example, at some point I realized that I didn’t want to waste time ironing towels after washing and drying. And I don't iron. And no one died from it.


Write a list of things to do and tasks that you do out of habit, but you don’t have to do them. Where could you “not dig”? It is important to look at such things soberly.

A single cleaning session or one courtesy visit to relatives is not so important, but such things have a cumulative effect. Cozy home And a good relationship in the family - this is something that greatly influences general feeling happiness.

Therefore, spending time and effort on cleaning is a completely rational behavior. But if you work until you faint at a job you don’t like in order to buy a car no worse than your colleagues at the same job, then in this situation there is clearly not enough common sense.


A squirrel running in a wheel is far from the worst option for “extra chores.” A chicken running without a head looks much sadder.

Physiological fact: if you cut off a chicken's head, the poor bird's body will still be able to run for some time. A person who has “lost his head” can also energetically run somewhere and “try to do a lot.”

Difficulties in the family? Repairs are underway. Then a divorce finds the family in a freshly renovated apartment.
Are you facing layoffs at work? Let's take on a difficult and almost hopeless project - this way you can take your mind off unpleasant thoughts and the search for a new job.

Have serious health concerns? It's time to start working overtime. There will be no time left for doctors, and the risk of learning a terrible diagnosis will be less.

Broke up with your loved one? We work tirelessly during the day and hang out at night - so insomnia and sadness are invisible, and there will be no time to cry.

In all these situations, a person thinks that he “has a lot to do” simply because he does not have the mental strength to stop his running and see the situation as it is. This behavior is called "activism".

It is important to understand: “activism” helps to survive in a difficult situation, but in itself does not change anything for the better. It’s just a “painkiller” that we numb ourselves with so as not to think about more important things.

This temporary “pain relief” should be abandoned when you have the strength to do so. If you experienced some event that destroyed your usual life, and immediately after that you began to try to occupy yourself with something, then at some point you still need to stop, stop “doing everything” and start restoring yourself.


All this leads to a simple idea. In the question “Do you need to have time to do everything?” the most dangerous word is the word “must”. Instead of just one option (should we or should we not?) there may be dozens.

It would be good to ask yourself, in addition to “is it necessary?”, other questions:

    Do I want to do this?

    Did I choose to do this?

    Is this good for me? Is this useful for the overall result, for the business? How useful?

    Can I do this? Am I being forced to do something that I still can’t do?

    Do I like doing this? Do I love this, or is this thing painful for me?

    Do I feel like I have to do this? Why is this valuable to me?

    Isn't it absurd what I'm about to do? Does this make any sense?

    Am I living someone else's life when I do this? Was this forced on me? How come I agreed?

    Is what I'm about to do the most important thing on my to-do list? (If not, isn’t it time to stop doing nonsense and do the main thing?)

    If I put things off all the time, what do I not want to face, what do I avoid?

The answers to these questions may not be so clear-cut; not everything can be reduced to “should or shouldn’t.” One thing is for sure - You and I have not only responsibilities, but also rights.

For example, the right to make a mistake, the right to not be able to do something, and also the right to say “no” in response to requests and even instructions if we definitely cannot fulfill them.

In the end, “doing everything” is a myth; in fact, people cannot fully do this. Perhaps, in the cinema...published.

© Maria Dolinova

Any questions left - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet


To understand how to learn to manage everything, you need to know what exactly needs to be done during the day. To do this you will need to organize your household, and also plan your time carefully. The day should follow a well-established pattern, then you will understand how to keep up with everything at home and at work.

If you can plan out a week or even a month, that’s great, you’ll be less nervous and save more time.

Planning the day:

  • write down all the obligatory time-bound tasks in a column;
  • arrange the execution time;
  • place small temporary gaps;
  • add important tasks that are not time-sensitive;
  • mentally “live” this day;
  • make the necessary adjustments.
You shouldn’t write down those things that you do every day automatically - it’s enough to mention them in your daily schedule and set aside time for them. For example, you need an hour and a half for a morning shower, exercise and breakfast - are you unlikely to forget to brush your teeth? Feel free to put an hour and a half into your schedule, and call it “morning routine.”

The working process

To understand how to keep up with everything and not get tired, carefully plan your workload. You need to plan your day so that you can do the things that you can do. I advise every person to try to group tasks according to workload and live like this for several days.

Then compose new plan, alternate complex and energy-consuming tasks with easy and easy ones, and also live for several days. After this, it will become clear which mode is right for you.

How to keep up with everything at work? Create a schedule and stop wasting time on those who don’t value it. You should plan your day and organize your work process so that you do things one after another - this should be natural. If you fuss, nothing will come of it. Think over your schedule, do things comprehensively. I do something like this:

  • One day a week I do planning, efficiency calculations, setting new tasks and assessing productivity for certain projects. During this day, I need to make a list of tasks for each project I am dealing with, and if I need the help of colleagues, then some of the powers and responsibilities need to be delegated to them.
  • I devote one day to each project, so I can get more done and not be distracted.
  • Among my tasks there is one cross-cutting one - in particular, texts. I have a text day in my work week - I write letters, write chapters for my book, fill out the waiting list on the blog (posts will appear on their own throughout the week), write everything I need for both projects.
How to keep up with everything at work:
  1. Assess your own productivity and maximize it.
  2. Plan your time (you can use the 45/15 system - you work for 45 minutes, rest for 15 minutes or radically change your activity);
  3. If you are nervous, then there simply won’t be enough resources for everything.
  4. Do each task to completion before taking on another.
  5. Keep records of completed tasks.
  6. Be always and everywhere on time (according to your schedule).
  7. Take breaks during the day (a cup of coffee, Fresh air, gymnastics in the relaxation room - choose something that helps you both relax and invigorate).

Several life hacks

How can you manage to live and work if there are only 24 hours in a day? Something will have to be given up. It is impossible to do everything. Even the most talented person will not be able to plan the amount of time that is enough for certain number tasks.


  1. Do what you are really interested in - feel free to give up what you don’t like, life is short, don’t waste it on boring activities.
  2. Keep a record of those things that you like and that you want to try when you have time - life is changing rapidly, and if just recently you had no time to knit, then, for example, on sick leave, you can easily devote time to this.
  3. Be a good conversationalist, but don’t let anyone waste your time (I think everyone understands - we all have those at work who love to whine and take up our time? Learn to refuse them!).
  4. During the day, mark what you have accomplished, and be able to stop in time - for example, after I turn off my work computer, I no longer think about work, I don’t do it, my life begins differently.
  5. How to get more done and be less tired: a good idea throughout the day would be a glass of water and breathing exercises, they will help you stay in good shape.
  6. How to get more done when you don't have enough time? Plan the actual amount of work for the remaining time, and delegate the rest. It is also important to calm down - if you are nervous, nothing will work out.
  7. How to get more done in the same time: you can take advantage of the good practice of American lawyers and plan every six minutes of your life. Six minutes is enough for one small task (just what we can concentrate on).
This will shed a little light on how to manage to live and work. Try to do what you want and like - you will be surprised how easy it is.


Try working systems. This is what saves me. First, take up Japanese cleaning and declutter your own home. It is easiest to be a good housewife where there is nothing superfluous. Optimize your household, throw away what you don’t need, buy what you need, and be happy.

Within a day or two, you can declutter a Khrushchev building; an apartment with an improved layout will take no more than a week. Housekeeping after this procedure will require no more than one day every ten days, and it will become much easier to manage.

To do household chores twice as fast, buy yourself good household appliances. Several cleaning robots can make life a lot easier - a vacuum cleaner and floor polisher, as well as a garbage collection robot and a small electronic window cleaning baby will keep your home clean.

Get several vacuum cleaners. Remember the basic truth of how to be a good housewife - if you feed the well-fed, they will never be hungry, and if you clean clean, it will never become dirty. A good housewife also knows that a happy home is where it is calm and cozy, and not where everything sparkles and the woman looks like a scrubber.

To become a good housewife, enlist the support of other family members. Remember - it takes no more than a day a week to clean your house. If you divide this time among all family members, it will be several hours. If you divide several hours into seven days, you get twenty minutes a day (of course, I think roughly, but you can come up with your own numbers).

Each family member should spend twenty minutes a day on household chores. It's not that much, right? If you learn to run a household together, it will be wonderful. In the eyes of your loved ones, you will be a good housewife - after all, you managed to organize this process.

I told you how to get more done when you don’t have enough time - I have this process streamlined. I have eliminated boring activities from my life (either completely abandoned them or take help from someone), I have a plan for every day, and I do not allow anyone to waste my precious time. I think you will succeed!

16 586 2 An old American joke about when a man asks a street musician how he can get to Carnegie Hall, and he replies: “Rehearse, dear, just rehearse” accurately conveys the fact that if you don’t work, you won’t get anything for nothing. This also applies professional qualities and personal. To develop a skill, you cannot do without practice. Fortunately, our consciousness, like our muscles, acquires strength and dexterity as a result of exercise, which means we can master any behavior and form any habit if we decide that it is important to us, necessary and appropriate. So, how can you keep up with everything? modern woman, what useful habits need to be formed, we will talk about this in today’s article.

Three factors for forming a healthy habit

To get used to concentrating on the main thing, you need firmness, discipline and perseverance. All three qualities can be developed.

Firstly, accept firm decision develop the habit of bringing any task to the end.

Secondly, force yourself exercise in a disciplined manner, repeat the techniques you are going to master over and over again until you bring them to automaticity.

Third, persevere until the habit takes root and becomes part of your personality.

Sit down, relax and imagine yourself from the outside, as if through the lens of a video camera. Imagine yourself in the future. Who you are? Where are you located and what do you do? What do you need to do in the present to bring this picture closer or change? Think about what qualities you have and what you need to improve. Any improvement in life begins with self-improvement. You have an unlimited ability to learn and develop new habits and skills. And having learned to immediately take on important work and to bring it to the end, you will have to step up the gas - because now both your career and your whole life will rush along the fast track (Get out of your comfort zone. B. Tracy).

After conducting a study, psychologists at Stanford University came to the conclusion that work productivity (both professional and household) decreases if the work week lasts more than 50 hours. In other words, if you work 70 hours a week, this shows only one thing: you manage to get exactly the same amount of work as more successful and successful people. organized people make it past 50.

But how to organize your time to get everything done? This question is asked by many women who are in a hurry to succeed in their careers and at home. We analyzed a number psychological research and identified the following key habits that are observed in successful people.

1. Learn to plan your household chores

If you are not preparing presentations, annual reports, but you are busy around the house, this does not mean that you are not working. It often happens that household chores take up all of our free time. To avoid this, do not relax ahead of time, learn to approach the implementation homework as serious and focused as if you were going to business meeting. Learn to plan your household chores the same way you plan work time. Don't spend all your free time on the weekend cleaning the house, set aside a certain amount of time for it and try to fit it in. Bring actions to automaticity, even if they are boring and unpleasant. Complete them first so that you can devote the remaining time to your favorite things.

Don't forget about your loved ones. Dedicate the weekend to spending this time with them (talk with your child, go to the park with him, and with your husband to a restaurant or movie). This is necessary not only for them, but also for you.

2. Learn to plan your work day

Successful people They make a plan for themselves and strictly follow it, not allowing deviations. For example, execute next job for 2 hours, then a short break and a new push. You must make every effort to complete the plan, otherwise you will burn out at work. Having developed the habit of doing work this way, you will never allow yourself to spend an extra minute scrolling through your news feed on the social network.

3. Know how to reflect on your work

In the hustle and bustle of work, you may not have time to take a bird's eye view of what is happening. Assess and analyze the most important global trends that affect not only you personally, but also your company and your entire industry. Spend a few hours in the evening after work or on a weekend. This will help you reflect on your actions, perhaps even change tactics or set new priorities.

4. Take care of your physical health. Find a creative hobby

If you don't feel well, you are unlikely to want to conquer the peaks. People who are keen on running or swimming will confirm the fact that while playing sports they come up with solutions to previously unresolved issues. This is true. Even 10 minutes of physical activity is enough to trigger the body’s mechanisms for producing gamma-aminobutyric acid, an important neurotransmitter, the action of which reduces stress, which means it allows us to look at things from a different angle. Find the one physical activity, which will be pleasant for you, and make it a mandatory part of the weekend.

Creativity, whether it's the guitar, gardening or painting, allows you to disconnect from the everyday hustle and bustle. Even if you do not become famous as an artist, you will return to work rested, full of strength and energy.

5. Make big and small plans

Make plans for the day and for life. Make professional plans and plans personal growth. Make realistic plans. Write them down and correct your actions. Let your plans for the day include such simple items as having lunch, taking a shower, doing...

When making plans for the future, don't settle for less than you want. Successful people always know what they want. They set the bar and don't lower it. And even the prospect of lack of money does not stop them on the path to their intended goal. The threat of poverty, on the contrary, becomes a motivation for them to quickly realize their ideal.

Make plans for the work week and next weekend. This will also help you avoid unnecessary overload, stress and get a lot more done during your working days. The prospect of something exciting awaiting you on the weekend (a trip out of town, to the lake, a romantic dinner, skiing, ice skating, a costume party or even karaoke) will help you stay on your toes all week. Many studies show that the anticipation of pleasure is no less important than receiving it. And if on Monday you know that something unusual and pleasant awaits you on Saturday, the week will fly by faster, current affairs will be completed faster.

6. Prioritize

Focus on quality, not quantity. Don't waste a lot of time on small things. Do the important and most difficult things first. This way you won't feel burdened, which will make you feel happier and more satisfied.

7. Monitor your sleep patterns. Do something nice in the morning

Strictly follow your regime. Get up and go to bed at the same time. To wake up fresh and rested, the brain needs to go through certain stages of sleep. If your routine goes astray, you will feel lethargic, tired and irritable. In this state, you will definitely not have the desire to work.

Find something to do in the morning that will make you wake up faster. Start the day with your favorite activity and then you will get into the work process faster. This could be a creative hobby or physical activity.

8. Learn to abstract yourself

When you have mapped out your path and set your priorities, it is very important not to give in negative opinion those around you. Trust your instincts. This is your life and only you build it yourself. No one else can live it for you. And if someone thinks that “it would be better to go get a job,” instead of “opening your own business in such an unstable time,” nod positively and do it your way. If those around you are trying to sow some doubt about what you are doing, abstract yourself. Confident people know what to do and when to do it. It is useless to convince others, they have their own way, you have yours.

How to manage everything? Time planning - 10 tips and personal experience

As part of one of the favorite exercises that time management gurus conduct in their trainings, it is proposed to intuitively (that is, without mathematical calculations) estimate the number of hours that you have left for the rest of your life. The result of this exercise turns out to be very sobering: the vast majority of people exaggerate this figure, sometimes by 10-25% - which indicates how much we overestimate the resources we have and how ineptly we plan our time. However, according to the same experts, once you start applying simple time management techniques, your life will change beyond recognition.

1. Decide on your desires and goals

Before you learn specific time management tools, it's important to understand how you spend your time. most valuable resource. Why exactly do you spend your weekends at the office, why do you study English, why do you need training in the gym, is it really something you’ve been mastering for years? This advice seems incredibly simple, but in practice it can be formulated own desires, turn them into intentions and put specific goals it can be difficult - often we seem to live by inertia, without thinking about what we really want, as a result we fill our lives with work on imposed, random desires and - which is not surprising - we do not work too hard to fulfill them. Psychologists recommend the practice of visualization: to understand exactly what you want, close your eyes and imagine yourself only five to seven years from now. Try to feel your state of happiness and satisfaction with life... then ask yourself: what are you doing? What is your job? What do you do in your free time? Where do you live? How do you look? The answers to these questions are your goals; Having formulated them, you can move on to planning your time.

2. Plan carefully

Time management is impossible without planning - as a rule, failure to meet deadlines and missed deadlines are not due to laziness or lack of motivation, but to lack of planning. Trying to learn two at the same time foreign languages, complete a super important project at work and lose 10 kilos, we try to embrace the immensity - and in the end we don’t have time, we get tired, miss deadlines and give up half of the things halfway. To avoid disappointment in achieving your goals, prioritize and set realistic deadlines for each task: there are, sadly, only 24 hours in a day.

3. Get enough sleep

Advice as old as time, but no less relevant: the reason chronic fatigue, lateness and inability to plan often lies in a banal lack of sleep. So a mandatory step towards time management should be an iron rule: 8 hours of sleep a day for a month - this will be enough to introduce good rest into a habit. Close your laptop in time, put aside conversations on social networks, turn off your phone and TV and give your body the opportunity to get a good night's sleep - it will thank you with quick reactions, good memory and a clear mind.

4. Prioritize

This advice is especially relevant in a situation where one force majeure is replaced by another, and the to-do list seems endless. In such cases, a matrix can be useful, distributing all tasks depending on urgency and importance: draw a square and divide it into four parts; The first sector is intended for important and urgent tasks - they should be tackled first. Things that are “urgent, but not important” are completed in second place; for things that are “important, but not urgent,” it is worth allocating a certain period of time regularly, and “things that are not urgent and not important” can be safely postponed.

5. Learn to “eat frogs for breakfast” and “eat an elephant in parts”

As a rule, we are forced to put things off until later (or, as it is fashionable to say now, to procrastinate) because tasks are either unpleasant or too large-scale: we are simply scared or too lazy to take on them - that’s why we put it off for weeks phone call important, but such a difficult client, we do not dare to start working on a large project and shift from place to place documents that have been requiring our attention for a month now. The famous expert in time management, Gleb Arkhangelsky, in his book recommends treating unpleasant tasks as “frogs” that definitely need to be “eaten for breakfast” - that is, deal with them first: this will relieve you of the constant feeling of anxiety about unfinished work . As for large matters, Arkhangelsky advises treating them like elephants that should be “eaten piece by piece,” including a large or at least tiny “piece of the elephant” into your schedule every day.

6. Don't be afraid to ask for help

Or, in business parlance, delegate more often. It is known that perfectionists most often suffer from the inability to plan time and chronic time pressure, who believe that no one is able to do the job better than themselves, and therefore are always overloaded, tired and unable to achieve anything. Think about what of your household chores can be delegated to other family members and what tasks you can involve subordinates in (if you have them): your husband should take on washing the dishes, and one of your employees should take on drawing up contracts, as you have here There will also be an extra couple of hours in the day.

7. Eliminate time wasters

Or at least set a limit for them. As an experiment, record in your diary every day the number of minutes spent mindlessly reading posts on social networks, discussing gossip with uninteresting people, or watching not very meaningful TV shows. The result may surprise you: as a rule, we underestimate the power of our habits and do not notice how ruthless time sinks deprive us of valuable minutes and even hours. The best way take control of them - set strict limits (for example, no more than 30 minutes on social networks daily).