How to choose a good covering material against weeds, analysis of its installation technology. Weed covering material: types, how to use, specifics New modern weed covering

Have you ever seen in a forest or clearing, where Mother Nature herself is watching over the soil, even a piece of just bare earth? Of course not. Here is the root of all the problems of gardeners: by exposing the soil, uprooting even the slightest sprout, they allow it to dry out and overheat. The wise ones mulch, trying to create the same cover, and those who are afraid of introducing pest seeds and do not have so much time to mow the “necessary” grass for mulch, acquire modern covering material against weeds, thereby making their lives much easier. Already interested?

Why is covering material so good?

The first thing that is usually planted on mulching material for cover and because of which people decide to purchase it is strawberries. After all, it is much easier to grow it this way; you don’t have to replant it for 3 whole years and there are far fewer weeds. And positive reviews from grateful customers are especially encouraging - it’s time to put an end to “garden slavery.”

Interestingly, the soil under the film often remains looser than under the non-woven material. The fact is that in the latter, even the berry absorbs more moisture during the rainy season than from the ground. And strawberries on such a surface ripen much faster - much faster than ordinary ones. The berries are clean, not on the ground, dry and pleasing with a beautiful presentation. And the yield in the end is also higher.

Many people are surprised: how then to loosen the soil? The fact of the matter is that you only need to loosen “bare” soil, which is something you won’t find in nature. After all, this one gets weathered and becomes crusty, while nothing like that happens under the shelter - it perfectly retains moisture.

What is the best way to cover?

Get it special material You can do it at any gardening store or online – it’s not a problem. Many people are more interested in what better view take - thick or thin, film or non-woven, and what color. Let's just say: black film, oddly enough, lasts much longer than non-woven material, and the water in the soil underneath is better retained - and this means a reduction in the amount of watering. Therefore, you can use both covering and the thinnest black. It allows water to pass through and weeds do not grow.

But why is two-color film so popular? The thing is that white, silver and yellow from above does not allow the soil to overheat, and therefore these are more favorable conditions for earthworms, as well as for the roots. Advantages:

  • Fruits and berries do not touch the ground, and in the end they turn out perfectly clean.
  • Weeding is not needed, and the amount of watering is reduced significantly.
  • The crop ripens faster.
  • Farming is absolutely environmentally friendly.

And all thanks to the fact that the outer white layer reflects the light that falls on the plants, while the black inner layer suppresses the growth of pests. And at the same time, the material itself breathes well and even allows water to pass through, protecting the soil and plant roots from overheating and burns. Why water less? Because in this case, much less moisture evaporates from the soil.

How to carry out installation correctly?

According to the rules, in any material for covering plants you need to make a hole crosswise - and then plant it in it. But the experience of many summer residents shows that it is much more rational to cut out a small round hole. After all, the corners often cover the plant, but it is easier to fill the hole with soil later.

Correct Application:

  • Step 1. Level the soil in the beds.
  • Step 2. We spread the purchased film nearby on the ground and mark the location of future bushes or seedlings on it.
  • Step 3. Using a small saucer, cut out circles along its edges (or make cross-shaped cuts). The distance between the circles should be about 40-45 cm - or depending on the characteristics of growing your crop. Just don’t plant too close (remember Mittlider’s science), otherwise you will end up with a dense and poorly ventilated strip.
  • Step 4. Spread the roll on the beds and press it along the edges with pebbles.
  • Step 5. We lay a new plantation in the holes made. You can, however, not cut circles of holes in advance, but make cross-shaped holes right in the garden bed - this is something that is convenient for someone.

Even if just one weed grows, which is unlikely, it will be so weak that you can pull it out without effort. You can feed the plants in the same holes where strawberries or any other plant are planted.

And here detailed instructions How to get rid of weeds on a path in a greenhouse once and for all:

  • Step 1. Prepare necessary tools: board, manual cultivator, wheelbarrow, shovel and dustpan.
  • Step 2. We purchase any inexpensive non-woven material: spunbond, agrotext, agrospan or geotextile. It is advisable to take black - it is called “mulching”. It will let water and air through, but not light - and therefore you won’t see puddles on the path between the greenhouse beds, but you won’t see more weeds either.
  • Step 3. We collect the mulching substrate: crushed stone, shale, bark, expanded clay, decorative rock or just gravel.
  • Step 4. Remove upper layer soil from the path, using a board or plywood for convenience. It is important that the soil surface is strictly horizontal.
  • Step 5. We compact the path well and, if necessary, remove excess soil. The path should be neat.
  • Step 6. Cover with prepared covering film. Lay the joints overlapping so that seeds do not accidentally fall into the cracks. If you have beds in the greenhouse and not boxes, then leave a little allowance at the edges so that later gravel or something else does not mix with the soil.
  • Step 7. Fill in the mulching substrate so that its level is level with the ground or slightly lower.
  • Step 8. Level the crushed stones or stones and trim off the excess edges.

That's all - now you will forever forget about the problems with the greenhouse path. Clean, tidy and long lasting.

By the way, enterprising summer residents have learned to build this interesting thing for attaching the film. So, from thick wire with a diameter of 0.3, we cut several pins 20 cm long and bend it in a vice. Lay out the cover and use the same pins to secure it around the edges. Pieces of wire will easily fit into it - even into the thickest non-woven fabric; now nothing will blow away or touch the material, and you no longer need to lay a bunch of stones or bricks. Very convenient and neat. And in the fall, when the film or non-woven needs to be removed, just take out the pins and hang them on the fence - it’s quick.

If the film is handled carefully, it can also be used on next year– planting seedlings in existing slots. They are often used in this way: in the spring we cover them with glassine to choke out all the weeds. Afterwards, we dig it up, and then cover it with film with a density of 70 or more and lay it in two layers.

How to avoid common mistakes?

And these mistakes can be very annoying. Sometimes you can lose up to a third of the harvest if you use them incorrectly. modern means. So, if you do not compress, for example, spunbond around strawberry bushes, all the mustaches will grow unevenly, and some will even take root directly under the film.

If you purchase a film that is too thin, you may not be able to suppress the pests at all - pay attention to the parameters of the shelters. Many also make the same mistake: they begin to pierce holes in the film before securing it well in the area. This will make it go astray later, and certainly not keep the cuts directly above the seedlings. Another point: it will be much easier for you to work with such mulch and care for plants if the width of the bed does not exceed two bushes - remember this. And purchase strawberry seedlings that are tall enough so that the rosette itself does not later go under the material. Also make sure that the strawberry tendrils do not stick to the film on the sheet - they will ruin it.

Another point that sometimes repels modern summer residents from such an acquisition is that ants sometimes appear under the covering material. Indeed, they love such a shelter - as well as ordinary mulch made from sawdust or wood chips. But practice shows that they do not interfere with the cultivation of luxurious crops, and, in principle, they live not only there!

And finally, pay attention to this fact: for central and northern regions black weed film is truly priceless. But in the southern heat, you must also put hay on top of the mulch - otherwise even strawberries will burn over the summer, and the film or non-woven film itself will fall apart. Such are the subtleties. Have you figured it out a little? Then feel free to purchase material and turn your private farming from hard work into a pleasant hobby!

With the onset of the gardening season, summer residents have to solve many problems. Moreover, a lot of time and effort have to be spent on weed control. However, today there is a solution that allows the summer resident to save himself from such tedious work. We are talking about a covering material made of non-woven fabric. Moreover, it interested many summer residents not only due to its efficiency and ease of use, but also environmental friendliness.

Covering material for weed control

Despite the fact that people became acquainted with modern covering materials only recently, every year more and more more owners dachas and vegetable gardens use them on their plots. They are attracted by the fact that with the help of these materials, which are easy to use, they can create favorable conditions for plant growth and development. And the most important thing here is that they protect perfectly horticultural crops from weeds and pests.

Today in stores for summer residents you can buy a large number of options for mulching cloths, however, the most popular among such solutions that allow you to fight weeds is black covering material based on agrofibre density 50-60 g/m2.

Operating principle

You can verify the ease of use of such canvases by familiarizing yourself with the principle of their operation.

  • a black cloth purchased in advance is stretched onto the surface of the beds with seedlings, and then cross-shaped cuts are made in it in the places from which the seedlings will grow;
  • the procedure for preparing the material may be slightly different: after the ground is covered with covering material, holes are made in it, into which seedlings are then planted directly or seeds are sown.


If a summer resident plans to use black mulch, then it is recommended to use the Mitlaider or Lyadov technique to organize the beds. Moreover, it is recommended to adhere to such a frequency of planting that the plants are provided with sufficient quantity air that can easily penetrate to them. Mulched beds require careful handling, because if you walk on them, this can cause the canvas to shift, as a result, weeds will begin to grow around the plants.

  1. Such canvases are made using the latest technologies, which eliminates the formation of rot and mold underneath them. At the same time they create optimal conditions to ensure that plants are supplied with all the substances necessary for their normal growth.
  2. When using black mulch in hot southern regions, it is recommended to lay hay on top of it, since on very hot days the plants can easily burn and the canvas will lose its performance properties.
  3. One of the significant advantages of black covering material is its high strength.
  4. The color of such canvases protects against sunlight, at the same time, heat, moisture and air pass through the material well.
  5. The film covers the weeds, preventing them from reaching sunlight, and this inevitably leads to the depletion and death of young grass sprouts.

Usage white, transparent or colored covering material allows you to create the most favorable conditions for plants, providing them required amount light, air and moisture. Therefore, having such a shelter at your disposal, you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort to get a rich and healthy harvest.

Such canvases protect the earth from weathering and prevent moisture from quickly evaporating. This, in turn, relieves the owner of the need to carry out such tedious operations as weeding and loosening the soil. It seems quite convenient to water and add liquids. mineral fertilizers for plants that grow under such covering material: water and fertilizing can be poured directly on top of the canvas.

In addition to this, with the help of such a shelter you can provide the beds with a well-groomed and neat appearance. It is equally important that non-woven materials do not harm the soil and plants, as they are completely environmentally friendly.

Types of covering material

IN last years used by summer residents not only polyethylene film and others traditional materials, with the help of which mulching and covering of beds is carried out. There are more and more people wanting to purchase material such as spunbond.

It is worth saying that this word characterizes not only the material based on molten polymer, but also the technology for its production. Sign High Quality spunbond is the presence of ultraviolet stabilizers, thanks to which the fabric is able to provide protection from negative influence sun rays.

Using this material you can special effort fight weeds and at the same time provide plants with favorable conditions for growth and development. And it is no coincidence that this material provides many color solutions, since they all correspond to a specific field of application and have their price.

  • white - such canvases are used to cover beds and flower beds;
  • black - with the help of this material, plants are protected from weeds and mulched.

You can stretch spunbond on the beds after the seedlings or seeds are in the ground. After the canvas is unrolled on the bed and stretched, it must be secured at the edges. Moreover, there are two possible installation options: the usual one, which involves fastening along the edges, and using a frame.

The covering material should remain on the bed until the plant will not go through the entire growing season. Black mulch should remain on the ground until the crop is harvested.

Covering sheets, as well as mulch, can serve the summer resident for quite a long time: if you believe the promises of manufacturers, they can successfully cope with their tasks for 12 years.

Thus, by choosing a black covering material, the owner becomes the owner of a highly durable cover that can perfectly protect plants from aggressive environments and at the same time not harm them due to the absence of toxins and allergens.


One of the conditions, compliance with which guarantees receipt good harvest, is weed control. As a rule, this work takes a lot of effort and time from summer residents. However, with the help modern materials you can solve this problem with minimal effort. To do this, it is enough to use a special covering material. Once in the garden, it perfectly suppresses the growth of weeds and at the same time creates best conditions For good growth and development of horticultural crops.

The key to obtaining a bountiful harvest is regular weeding of the site. If you ignore this important procedure, harmful herbs will reduce the productivity of cultivated plants. Covering material against weeds will help the farmer maintain order in the garden, garden and flower beds. For the product to work, you need to understand the rules for its use.

Weed control agrofibre is a durable and lightweight raw material made from polymers. Fabric with breathable properties perfectly allows oxygen to pass through, protects plantings from frost and inhibits the proliferation of harmful plants and fungi. The wear-resistant composition can withstand active use for 7 years.

If you lay a dense covering material on the site, the soil under the layer will not be washed away with precipitation. The product does not enter chemical reactions with fertilizers and poisons, so it retains its original qualities for a long time.

Slugs and snails do not like to live under mulch films.

Weed control helps growers maintain a well-groomed and attractive lawn. The protective non-woven strip does not harm crops and does not disturb the composition of the soil. Moisture does not evaporate for a long time, which is important for a weekend home. Blocking the entry of ultraviolet radiation will get rid of excess vegetation and protect against frequent weeding.

Types of covering material

Agricultural weed cloth is available on the market in several popular varieties. Products differ in density, color and manufacturing method. The characteristics of non-woven material are selected individually to suit the needs of the farmer.


A covering fabric made of polypropylene fibers is created using special equipment. Durable and wear-resistant coating is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature changes. Raw materials are used as open ground, and in greenhouses. Weed spunbond with a density of 50 g/m2 inhibits the growth of harmful vegetation and protects against frost. In regions with cold climates, an option from 60 to 80 g is suitable.

Two-layer covering material is used as mulch and protection from negative weather conditions. The light layer neutralizes excessive exposure to the sun and prevents the plantings from overheating. The lower tier suppresses the development of weeds. Reinforced models with increased strength can be used to create paths in the garden.

The thinner the raw material, the better the breathability.

White fiber with a density of 17 to 40 g/m2 transmits light, supports optimal microclimate, therefore suitable only for arranging greenhouses. Spunbond is not afraid of temperature fluctuations ranging from +100 to -50 °C. Weed control products do not react with chemicals and does not release toxins.


Non-woven covering material is made from polyester fibers. Using thermal bonding, the threads are woven into fabric. The resulting fabric is very strong and allows air to pass through well. Weed control geotextiles are popular due to:

  • low cost;
  • durability;
  • clear installation;
  • versatility.


The products of the Russian company Ayask are almost no different from spunbond in terms of quality and areas of use. Ultraviolet stabilizers protect agrofabric from sunlight. Inexpensive covering material is used for cultivation garden strawberries, strawberries and berry plants. Wear-resistant agrospan can be left for the winter, but top scores it shows in the fight against harmful herbs.


The well-known Russian brand offers several types of popular raw materials. The yellow version is used to kill insects on nightshade crops. The use of black geotextile against weeds makes it easier to care for strawberries: throughout the season heat does not burn the berries, and the soil dirt after watering does not stain the crop.

The perforated surface makes the farmer’s work easier and eliminates the need to manually cut holes for plants. The covering material from the roll does not deform due to temperature changes and suppresses the formation of pathogenic bacteria. It is rolled out on the site and seedlings are placed in the holes.


Fabric with high air permeability is used to control weeds. Crops do not suffer in the heat and do not freeze in cold weather. Agril protects the soil from crusting and erosion. If you install it correctly on the site, the plants will give early harvest. The transparent type has a density of 17 and 40 g/m2, transmits sunlight and is used in greenhouses.

The characteristics of the black covering material are 50 g/m2, so it is suitable for controlling weeds on the site. If you mulch strawberries and vegetables with a cloth, the biological processes in the soil are not interrupted. Oxygen enters the root system, and the humidity level is not disturbed.


Soft corrugated film is available for sale in several colors. Agrofibre transforms Sun rays, leaving only those plants necessary for development, especially in cloudy weather. Reflective properties are suitable for covering cucumbers and strawberries, eliminate dangerous overheating and freezing, and accelerate the ripening of the crop. When equipping greenhouses, a summer resident can combine Lumitex with polyethylene.


German agrotextiles are produced in two types - spun and non-woven. The first option is used for greenhouses and row spacing, the second can be mulched. The structure of the canvas resembles a thin cobweb. The fabric is breathable, so condensation never forms underneath it. Produced in different options density – from 17 to 60 g/m2.

Black film

Inexpensive covering material is used for mulching beds, and reinforced material is used for landscape design. The product does not allow air to pass through well, so condensation may cause fungi and rot to appear under the layer. The dark upper tier gets very hot from the sun, which is contraindicated for seedlings. Black weed film helps suppress the development of harmful plants. To minimize the negative properties, you need to sprinkle straw on top of the structure.

Operating principle

It is necessary to cover the beds and flower beds with covering material. The fibers do not allow sunlight to pass through, which weeds need to thrive. The grasses try to make their way to the sun, become exhausted and die. A canvas is laid over the surface of the ground, and cuts are made in the places where plants are planted.

Modern options eliminate root rot and the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Mulching beds with covering material is useful procedure, which will make it easier to grow vegetables, berries and flowers. A popular weed killer has advantages over manual loosening:

  1. Defence from negative environment. Young plants do not suffer from a lack of moisture or nutrition, and do not die from excessive solar activity. The top soil layer is not compacted and is not destroyed by precipitation or irrigation.
  2. Optimal conditions for development. A natural microclimate is created under the film, encouraging crops to grow. Pathogenic bacteria do not take root.
  3. Easy to care for. The protection does not interfere with irrigation or the application of liquid fertilizers.
  4. Versatility. Covering material can be placed on a garden bed, covering the surfaces of a greenhouse, or laying out a garden path.
  5. Wear resistance. Agrofibre has a dense structure, so it retains its original appearance and quality for a long time. Manufacturers claim that the products can withstand from 7 to 12 seasons of active use.

If you install the weed cover incorrectly or violate the operating rules, you can harm the crops: condensation will begin to accumulate under the film, which, in the absence of light and air, will lead to the emergence of fungi and the death of the plantings.

Black canvases get very hot, so in hot climates it is imperative to protect gardening and vegetable gardens with mowed grass, wood chips or newspapers. The UV stabilizer layer is destroyed after 2 months of use.

What to look for when purchasing material

High-quality weed cover fabric is the key to the health and safety of cultivated plants. Experienced farmers do not recommend purchasing agrofibre without branded packaging. Often the user thinks that the film is called spunbond, lutrasil or lumitex. Under the guise of being dear trademark hiding a cheap fake that does not correspond to the declared properties.

The method of using raw materials depends on its characteristics. If the fabric has a density in the range of 17-30 g/m2, then the option is convenient for protection from the cold. Thickness 42 and 60 is suitable for both compact greenhouses and large greenhouses. Products with indicators of 60 and above suppress the development of weeds, protect crops from drought, low temperatures. The mark on the label “UV” indicates the presence of an ultraviolet stabilizer.

How to lay black weed film?

In order for agrofibre to help against harmful plants, you need to use it correctly. The covering cloth is placed in the spring on dry, debris-free soil. The black film must be spread over the entire surface of the protected area and secured around the entire perimeter with boards or stones.

The seedlings are planted in special slots made with a knife in the shape of the letter X. If the holes are large and the agricultural fabric is light, then the weeds will continue to develop. For winter, the material is removed from the bed, washed and disinfected with fungicides.

How to water covered plants?

High-quality covering fabric allows water to pass through perfectly. Irrigation follows a standard scheme; the top layer is not removed before the procedure. To prevent the plants from rotting, check the humidity level in the cross-shaped hole before the event. Liquid fertilizers are carefully poured under the root.

Farmers often equip their plots with a drip irrigation system.

Storage Features

In order for the weed covering material to serve for the 7-12 years stated by the manufacturer, the raw materials must be stored correctly. For the winter, the canvas is removed from the bed, the remaining soil is washed off and treated with a fungicide solution. The agrofabric is dried on a clothesline and rolled into a roll without bending the surface. The product can be placed at the bottom of a special box.

Approximate prices for covering material

The cost of weed control products depends on the brand, density and width of the roll. Goods Russian manufacturers much cheaper than their Western European counterparts. Black agrotex costs 55 rubles per meter, and green spunbond costs 40. The thicker the film, the more expensive it is. Thin transparent covering material is estimated at 15 rubles. / m, and with characteristics of 60 g / m2 - 47.

When purchasing weed control raw materials from an open package without a label, it is easy to get a fake. Verified trade organizations will provide a certificate.

If you buy products in bulk, you can save up to 20%. Rolls range from 150 to 300 m. Agrofibre is produced in width (in m):

Weed covering material is great way ease the physical effort of caring for the area. In order for crops to grow without problems, you need to choose and install the black film correctly. Agrofibre allows oxygen to pass through well, suppresses the development of harmful grasses and protects the soil from erosion. Vegetables and berries protected from a negative environment ripen faster.

In the summer season, when agricultural plants begin the active phase of vegetation, weeds also actively grow. As a result, there is rapid depletion of the soil and a lack of moisture in it, which is why cultivated plants cannot grow and develop normally. Unlike traditional way which involves only weeding the area, different types covering material against weeds are more effective, the main thing is to know the subtleties of application.

Application and principle of operation

The use of black covering material against weeds attracts vegetable growing lovers with its ease of use:

  1. The canvas is stretched over the entire surface of the bed with seedlings.
  2. Make cross-shaped cuts in the places where the young plants are located.

Alternatively, you can use covering material in another way:

  1. Cover the area designated for planting with a cloth.
  2. Make holes appropriate for the seedlings.
  3. Plant seedlings or sow seeds in them.

When using black material to control weeds, it is best to organize the site according to Mitlaider, Lyadov. It is very important to place the plantings correctly so that the plants do not experience oxygen starvation. You need to move carefully along mulched beds, otherwise the canvas may shift, which will allow weeds to sprout.

The covering material is made according to the latest technologies and leaves no chance for pathogenic microorganisms to develop putrefactive processes and form mold. The main advantage of such a canvas is the creation favorable conditions for the full growth of agricultural crops.

If you use black mulch in regions with a hot climate, it is recommended to lay cut grass on top. Otherwise, the plantings may die due to overheating, and the material itself may lose its performance characteristics. At correct use This high-strength structure makes it possible to increase productivity and reduce the labor intensity of the process of growing vegetable and berry crops.

Due to the color, such canvases effectively protect plantings from sunlight, and at the same time allow moisture, heat and air to pass through. If you cover weeds with a film, access to sunlight is blocked, which contributes to the death of the grass. In addition, this method of protection allows you to retain moisture in the soil and free gardeners from exhausting activities such as weeding and loosening the site. Water and apply liquid mineral mixtures it also becomes more convenient. And what’s also pleasing is that it’s attractive appearance beds and absolute safety for agricultural crops and soil.

Types of covering material

On the market, non-woven weed cover fabric is presented under different names: spandbond, agrotextiles, agrofibre. The coating differs in both color and density.

Black agrofibre

This version of mulch against weeds has a lot of positive qualities:

  1. When using it, the use of herbicides is not required, which protects the area from the harmful effects of chemicals.
  2. Non-woven material effectively allows moisture to pass through.
  3. It saves the summer resident from many problems, including manual labor to remove weeds.
  4. Preserves the purity of fruits and berries.
  5. Accelerates the ripening period of the crop by maintaining optimal warmth, which cannot be said about open beds.

More recently, black film was used to control weeds in the garden, which was popular due to its high darkening qualities; weeds did not survive under it. But its only drawback was the accumulating condensation in the absence of air and light, creating a favorable environment for the development of fungal infections. Moreover, it was only enough for one year. A good alternative is reinforced film, which is also ideal for organizing garden paths. Black agrofibre is suitable for covering beds and flower beds.

Two-color canvas

This type of weed control material has the same performance characteristics as the previous version, but with greater functionality. One side of the canvas is white, and the other is black. The dark side of the material is laid towards the ground, and the white side outwards to reflect the sun's rays. Thanks to the heat and light that penetrate through the canvas to the underground part of the plantings, uniform and fast maturation fruits, because root system does not overheat.

Terms of use

In order for the mulching material to last longer and more efficiently, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technology.

How to Lay Black Weed Cloth

The installation principle is quite simple and understandable. It is necessary to arrange beds for planting vegetable and berry crops only when the soil warms up - from 10 degrees. First you should remove all weeds and debris, especially paying attention to the presence of sharp objects such as dry branches, stones, glass. The gardener’s task is to spread the covering non-woven material as tightly as possible to the soil surface. Otherwise, in places with air gap weeds will grow.

To cover large area canvas, you will need to first mark the boundaries of the area allocated for planting agricultural plants, and then deal with its covering.


The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Mark even rows on the laid out covering sheet using a rope.
  2. Mark the locations for future holes using regular chalk.
  3. If the bed is a meter wide, then it is better to use a two-row scheme for planting seedlings: 60-80 x 25-40 cm.
  4. Using a sharp knife, make small cross-shaped cuts. If the holes are too large, weeds will grow in this area.
  5. Having dug holes in the soil, water them and plant seedlings.

Errors in use

When choosing a non-woven covering material for weed control, you should take into account its physical and mechanical characteristics, which will allow you to avoid the following mistakes in the future:

  1. Incorrectly chosen density of the canvas can provoke the lack of the desired result. If you use material with a lower density, weeds can easily damage it.
  2. Incorrectly arranged garden beds. There should be no foreign objects on the surface of the ground that is planned for planting seedlings, otherwise the canvas may be damaged. In addition, it is important to ensure that there are no air “bubbles” and that the edges are tightly pressed down with bricks.
  3. Poor quality fabric care. If the coating is used for several seasons, it must be disinfected and washed.

Planting strawberries on agrofibre

Mostly none special requirements and disembarkation rules berry culture no for non-woven covering; the principle of planting strawberries on covering material is the same as in open areas. It is effective to plant plantations both in the spring and summer seasons, as well as in the fall. It is better to make beds for strawberries in cloudy weather or in cool evening hours.

For better adaptation, young plants with open type It is recommended to soak the root system in a solution of a root formation stimulator (Zircon, Kornevin, humate, Heteroauxin). If the roots are too long, then they are shortened to 5-10 cm. During the planting process, the edges of the tissue cut are moved apart and the seedlings are placed in already prepared holes, sprinkled with earth at the end. The main condition is that the heart must be above ground level. Watering after planting should be done directly into the holes. In hot weather, it is advisable to darken the plantings with agro-fabric.

Covering material against weeds is a unique non-woven covering, which makes it possible to facilitate the gardener’s work and grow bountiful harvest. White agrofibre is best used for covering small greenhouses and greenhouses, and black agrofibre is best used for killing weeds.