Which copywriting and rewriting exchange is best for beginning copywriters: review, recommendations and reviews. Review of the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges

In this article we will cover the topic copywriting exchanges and analyze 12 best exchanges content and copywriting. The following nuances will also be discussed in detail:

  1. What exactly are copywriter exchanges?
  2. What are the pros and cons of using such exchanges;
  3. As possible.


This project appeared around the same time as Advego. Here the customer is given the opportunity to buy ready-made texts or order an article (this can be not only copywriting, but also rewriting, translation into a foreign language, etc.).

You can communicate with the administration via chat; there is a similar chat for communicating with other copywriters or simply users of the exchange.

The main criteria by which your reputation will be assessed on this site is your portfolio. But reviews and ratings will also play an important role.

To start working with the project, complete a test task, which will become the first sign in this very portfolio. All customers will be able to see it.

Authors with a good reputation receive the most orders. Therefore, without it, do not count on a decent order and a permanent employer. Get ready for the fact that you will have to write texts practically for free until you create a high rating for yourself and gain experience. But remember that in addition to working with customers, you can put your own articles up for sale.

You can withdraw any amount, but it may take up to five business days.


On this site, prices for articles are higher, so you can earn more here. The author rating system is effective.

And although it has been operating since 2007, its popularity is only gaining momentum, since during the first few years it was closed project. To work on it, a copywriter first had to register and then pass a test task. After that, he faced a tough selection by moderators, so most of the novice copywriters were quickly eliminated. It is not surprising that the prices for copyright there were decent - on average 3 dollars for 1000 characters without spaces.

Now " iron curtain" collapsed. And prices remained almost as high.


Another very good content exchange. However, it has small disadvantages - there are few orders here, and the prices for content are low. But for beginners it’s just what you need, because there are no “white lists” here, only a special classification for copywriters according to skill level. As you reach a new level in this classification, you have the opportunity to receive more for the same work.

The minimum withdrawal is $7.


This project has many services, as well as impeccable support. In addition, it has its own program for checking text for uniqueness, affiliate program to attract customers and copywriters (profit distribution system based on the MLM principle).

You can withdraw money quickly, there are no restrictions on withdrawal. Adequate rating system, quality content, big number customers and orders.


For this text exchanges The quality of articles and user safety is a priority. Also of no small importance is the site’s friendliness to all visitors, be it customers or copywriters.

The service is very convenient and easy to use, the ordering system is well thought out, and the prices are average. The tasks for copywriters here are very diverse, there are more than a hundred topics, so you can realize your creative potential at 150%!

Payment is made not in currency, but in Russian rubles, the minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles.


The youngest copywriting exchange, which appeared in January 2015. When you register, you will immediately be assigned the status “ Newbie", and the cost of orders available to you is 5-50 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces. If you have experience in copywriting or are confident in your calling as a writer, take the test online. In it you have to answer 21 questions in just half an hour. If you succeed, you will be promoted up the career ladder - the rank " Experienced" Here earnings range from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.

In order to " rise to the rank" before " Professional"You just need to upload a scan of your passport, and then the restriction on the cost of your work is removed.

  1. Successfully completed assignments;
  2. Total time of presence on the site;
  3. Wallet replenishment.

There are no restrictions on withdrawal of money.


The exchange is not bad, but there are not too many orders here, so copywriters can sit without work for up to several days. Well suited for those who engage in copywriting as an additional income, and not their main job. Payment is made in rubles, the prices are quite good, on average - 36 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces.

Another advantage of this content store is the presence of the “Contact Authors” option on the main page.


This project is extremely popular today. Its “mother” was the article marketing system Miralinks. The choice of orders is very large, and the prices are above average.

Here the nature of the tasks is very diverse: writing articles, SEO texts, filling websites, writing selling and advertising texts, news, even abstracts and encyclopedias! You can choose an order on any topic and quickly get used to it thanks to a simple and user-friendly interface.


He is one of the youngest in the copywriting market. But, unlike other young copywriting exchanges, this one does not have strict principles of cooperation, and the average price for 1000 characters is $2.3. The commission is 5%, withdrawals occur within three business days, and the minimum withdrawal amount is $1.

Here you can always find a lot of orders on different topics, and the rating system is one of the most loyal among article exchanges.


It also appeared relatively recently - in the spring of 2011. But the selection of article authors here is strict. First of all, you need to complete a test task that determines your knowledge of Russian, plus a rewriting task. But if you pass all these tests, a worthy reward awaits you, because for 1000 characters you can receive an average of 3 dollars (copywriting, for rewriting - up to 1 dollar).

The only problem– a large commission (10%), which is taken from copywriters. Customers do not need to pay commissions.

Payment is made in dollars, which is also very pleasing, because the currency is now in trend. The minimum withdrawal amount is $5.

What is good about being a copywriter?

The profession of a copywriter is becoming increasingly in demand today. Copywriting exchanges will help you become a true professional in this profession of the future, where you will create a portfolio for yourself, find regular customers, and be able to constantly improve your writing skills. After working for 4-5 years on such sites, you will be able to enter the freelance market, where the pay is even higher.


Now it's time to draw conclusions. Why are they good? exchanges for copywriters? What disadvantages do they have? What projects are the best to work on?


  1. Copywriting exchanges are well suited for both beginner copywriters and pros, since almost all of the above projects have “ VIP level", where the payment is high ($3-8 for 1000 characters without spaces). So all that remains is to “reach” the required level of professionalism, and this takes time.
  2. The main disadvantages of content stores are the relatively low price for articles (compared to the freelance market) and the presence of a commission (usually from 3 to 10% and even higher).
  3. However, the big advantages are the ability to independently choose the topic, the customer, the place and work schedule (besides, the work is remote), “get your chops” and slowly become a professional. Payment on almost all sites is in dollars, so as its exchange rate increases, it is possible to earn more and more. Withdrawal of funds occurs quite quickly to various electronic wallets (webmoney, Yandex-money, Qiwi, perfect-money, etc.). Finally, on Etxt.ru and similar projects, after much “torment”, you can acquire regular customers, and then there will be a lot of work, and money too.
  4. Personally we recommend Advego, Etxt.ru And CopyLancer.ru based own experience work on these exchanges. True, on Etxt.ru you will have to spend at least six months just building up your rating, but this will pay off handsomely - it has the most regular customers and good prices for articles. You can get even greater rewards for copywriting at CopyLancer.ru, especially since payments are made in dollars (as on Advego). All these projects do not require large commissions or monthly fees for using the table, and the number of orders is huge. It is best to sell articles on all three of these exchanges at once.

Copywriting, rewriting and SEO copywriting exchanges are becoming more and more popular among freelancers every day. After all, life does not stand still, and working on the Internet today is a popular activity. People are not surprised if another acquaintance becomes a freelancer. If you want to switch to working on the Internet, you should take a closer look at several copywriting exchange sites - it’s easier to start with them for a person who wants to devote himself to intellectual work, rather than liking and reposting for pennies. Copywriting on the Internet is a popular area of ​​remote work.

8 of the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges

Work on the copywriting exchange should be carried out on 2-3 useful resources, so you should not attack sites one after another. Let's look at the best copywriting exchanges for making money.

Copywriting ExchangeEtxt with high pay for beginners

In 2019, the Etxt copywriting exchange is popular among copywriters. It and

It’s clear: a lot of orders accumulate here every day, and prices are not limited in any way - write 5 rubles per thousand characters or 200 rubles. The exchange has a clear interface, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time figuring it out, and if something remains unclear, you are encouraged to contact feedback – they promptly answer questions.

To start working on the site, it is advisable to take a literacy test; if you answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly, tasks will be available from 25 rubles per 1000 characters. To take on expensive assignments, you need to pass qualifying tests and get stars. This is also the best exchange for ordering articles.

Advego copywriting and rewriting exchange

Once upon a time, the Advego copywriting exchange led the top copywriting exchanges, but in 2019 it is no longer so popular. This was due to the fact that the prices for tasks do not increase. You can earn here both in rubles and dollars. You can also earn money by completing simple tasks, for example, subscribing on social networks, leaving comments, and so on. Just like on Etxt, you can sell articles. Therefore, the exchange criteria are almost the same; it is impossible to single out the one on which articles are sold faster.

Text rewriting and copywriting exchange

Most often people come to this site to check the text for uniqueness. Moreover, this a rewriting exchange that allows you to increase your earnings on copywriting and rewriting, there are many tasks, prices are not limited. To receive the task, it is necessary to prove the proposed benefits to the customer. The rating plays a role - it is awarded for completing tasks and filling out a profile, passing a resource knowledge test, adding materials to the portfolio and posting articles.

Well-known article exchange TextSale

This resource differs from those listed above in that there are no publicly available tasks.
To find customers, you need to pay an amount. The site is convenient for selling content. The Textsale exchange is suitable for those authors who prefer to write on their favorite topics, to be free-floating, and not to adapt to customer requirements. You can earn a lot here if you post a lot of articles. But it is better to use this Internet resource as an additional one and complete tasks on other sites.

TurboText is a convenient exchange for copywriters

To get started here on writing articles, authors pass a 15-point literacy test
questions, write a test article-essay of 1000 characters or more. After successful completion essays (rated 4 or 5) orders up to 60 rubles are available. After completing several orders (on average 30), the copywriter’s level increases, and the cost of orders also increases accordingly. There is also the opportunity to perform mini-tasks, these are the same comments, registrations, likes.

Freelance exchange ContentMonster

Registration takes place in several stages: phone confirmation, literacy test and
writing an essay on your favorite topic. In general, this takes about 40 minutes, in addition you need to wait for the administrator to check your essay.

Everything is the same as on previous exchanges - you submit an application, it is approved, you need to complete the task, and receive payment. There are 5 “steps” on the stock exchange career ladder", from beginner to master. The higher the level, the more tasks are available, and prices also increase.

CopyLancer - exchange for ordering content

Here you can either write your own articles for sale or
and fulfill orders. At first, the earnings will be small, since the rating is low and a certain amount will be spent on checking the text by the editor. But with due diligence, the transition to new level happens very quickly, and you can earn much more. The exchange is ideal for selling content.

Miratext - a site for buying/selling high quality content

If we consider new copywriting exchanges, we should mention Miratext. Get there more difficult of all the sites listed above, but the fee for the tasks justifies all the difficulties. This is where the best authors are. First you need to pass a literacy test, then a test on knowledge of the rules of the exchange, and the third point is writing an article on a given topic. After being admitted to orders, a copywriter can take orders from 40 rubles per 1000 characters. At first, editors will charge 7 rubles per 1000 characters for checking texts. There are not many tasks on the stock exchange, but the pay is decent.

These resources are the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges in 2019. Each of them deserves attention.

Review of copywriting exchanges

As for me, I prefer Etxt and Turbotext, despite the negative reviews about the latter. The rating of the best copywriting exchanges in 2019 also guarantees stable earnings on Etxt. There is only one conclusion - this is a convenient service with a diverse set of orders, you can find a task to your liking. The Turbotext exchange is interesting because there is no need to wait for the application to be approved - choose any task and complete it. There is a tender - offer a price for completing the task. Miratext was not liked by the fact that there were too few tasks, and if lucrative orders came across, then another copywriter could quickly take him to work. If you make money by writing articles on free topics for sale, then it is better to consider two exchanges - Etxt, Textsale or Advego. Without exaggeration, these are the best article exchanges.

A comparison of exchanges showed that each of them has distinctive features, attractive and repulsive sides, and only the copywriter can choose which site to work on. If you are interested in a copywriting exchange, reviews on the sites will help you decide whether it’s worth working with and will tell you the pros and cons.
The projects described above are the best content exchanges. There are less popular article exchanges. For example, ContentMonster and CopyLancer. There are significantly fewer orders here than on Advego or Etxt, but you can do it if you want.

Today, there are many ways to make money on the Internet that are great for schoolchildren, students, housewives, etc. Copywriting exchanges for beginners have become very popular, where earnings are generated by writing unique content for different sites. Beginning authors can gain the necessary experience and, over time, hone their skills, becoming truly in-demand and highly paid copywriters.

What is a copywriting exchange

A copyright exchange for beginners and others means specialized resources where you can look for direct customers and sell ready-made copyright texts. There are a lot of such resources on the Internet, but not all of them are effective. Choosing the optimal platform will be the first step in your copywriting career. A few months of active work will help you earn good start-up capital, which you can later invest, for example, in paid training courses in a field that interests you.

How does it work

The copywriting exchange for beginners is an excellent starting point, daily work which will help improve skills and improve work. The fact is that low customer ratings will negatively affect your rating, as a result of which tasks with the lowest pay will be available to you. Such remote work requires a serious and thorough approach, but the main thing is that you can learn how to earn a stable income without leaving home. Article exchange for beginners - general operating principles:

  • Register, but keep in mind that some exchanges require you to pass a test.
  • Select a list of topics that are easiest for you to work with.
  • If you have several finished articles, then place them as a portfolio.
  • It is better to take tasks one at a time in order to complete them efficiently and on time. In this case, you can count on an increase in your rating.
  • Be as active as possible, because... Constant activity will help open access to more expensive tasks.
  • Some copywriting exchanges have article stores for beginners, which can also be a good source of income.
  • Depending on the service, they withdraw money once a week or a month (at the end or at the beginning).
  • In the future, do not be afraid to take on assignments on new topics.

Open type

A text exchange of this type differs from others in that it is open to everyone. There are no requirements or restrictions here, so a novice copywriter can start earning money immediately after registration. The only feature is the presence of all kinds of pro-accounts, which you can do without. Well-known open-type platforms include ETXT, Textsale, Advego, Neotext. The last option can hardly be called popular, because... This resource has several times fewer users than the other three.

Half open

A rewriting exchange for beginners and copywriting of this type differs from other types in that to start working, the author will definitely need to pass several test tasks. In most cases, this is a test for good knowledge of the Russian language - questions can be taken from the Unified State Exam. Some resources offer to take a test in accordance with the chosen topic, as on - by the way, this exchange offers high prices. After passing the test, you need to make a copyright and wait for it to be evaluated. This category of sites includes Turbotext and Contentmonster.

Closed exchanges

Such copywriting sites for beginners are practically inaccessible unless you are a former professional journalist. Before you get the right to start earning money from them, you need to prove that you are really worthy of it. The applicant needs to create a competent resume, provide a full set of works for a portfolio and write an essay on a specific topic. Many people believe that copywriting exchanges closed type(TextBroker, CopyLancer) is a way to earn huge money. In reality, this is not the case; there is no huge difference in the funds paid with other exchanges.

Copywriting exchanges for beginners

On the Internet there is a large number of both already known and newly developing exchanges. With some you can make good money by taking on work offered by customers, while with others, ready-made texts sell well. In any case, writing thematic and advertising texts, comments, posts for social networks will help you make good money, the main thing is to choose the right resource.

The main boom in the content field began about 10 years ago, when the development of the web industry was in full swing, and the importance of unique content began to constantly grow. At that time there were no unique guarantors in transactions between performers and customers. As a result, online services appeared, opening the way for thousands of people who want to start earning money remotely without leaving home. As payment for this opportunity, they began to take part of their earnings in the form of a commission.

The best copywriting and rewriting exchanges for making money

While looking for a job, you can start freelancing at any time. Create a resume, a competent portfolio, fill it with quality content for evaluation, and then choose a suitable copywriting exchange for beginners. To get started, read reviews of popular services to ultimately make optimal choice:

  1. Bytext.ru is a fast-growing platform that is great for beginners. For 1 thousand characters you can get from 50 rubles, but first you need to pass a grammar test and pass tests in accordance with the selected topics. Passing a kind of exam is compensated by high pay and stable work.
  2. Advego is one of the very first copywriting exchanges on the RuNet, whose traffic reaches 30 thousand users daily. The largest number of customers and authors are registered on this resource. Payment is made in USD. with withdrawal only to WebMoney wallets. Withdrawals are available after your account has accumulated at least 5 USD. The minimum prices are in the range of 0.2-0.4 USD. for 1 thousand characters.
  3. ETXT is the second most popular copywriting resource for beginners. The number of registered users exceeds half a million. The minimum remuneration for the work done is only 5 rubles per 1 thousand characters. For each successful transaction, a commission of 5% is deducted to the administration. The exchange is loyal to authors and often holds various professional development conferences. The higher the rating, the more expensive orders you can receive.
  4. Textsale is another old-timer in the field of trading unique content. This option is rarely to the taste of beginners, but it is highly valued by experienced copywriters. Reasonable prices attract more and more users there, but a considerable part of them are quickly disappointed by the Textsale exchange, which is an excellent platform for selling ready-made content. The minimum cost of articles is 20 rubles per 1 thousand characters. For sale finished works 10% of the transaction value will be written off in favor of the administration.
  5. Text.ru. – one of the most famous exchanges, because many copywriters use its service to check uniqueness. There is a status system on the site - the higher it is, the more customers will trust you. Commission for completed tasks is charged to the performers.
  6. Turbotext. This content platform is a resource with ideal conditions for customers. Strict requirements are imposed on copywriters, but expensive orders await everyone who passes a whole series of tests. The resource is aimed mainly at professional and experienced authors. The minimum payment for beginners on the Turbotext exchange is from 22 rubles, and for professionals – from 179 rubles per 1 thousand characters. A commission of 20% is taken only from performers. You can order a withdrawal of funds if you have at least 200 rubles in your wallet.
  7. ContentMonster – this content factory also has strict requirements for copywriters. Not every user passes the verification, because... authors must pass a 2-level test in the Russian language. If you do not submit the assignment on time, your account will be blocked for a week. The average cost for 1 thousand characters is 40-60 rubles.
  8. CopyLancer is a platform that has relatively little competition among freelancers and adequate working conditions. For 1 thousand characters on average you can get from 40 to 60 rubles. Working with CopyLancer is as follows: you submit an application to complete the selected order and specify its price yourself. The first works will be checked by proofreaders. You will have to pay 10 rubles for verification.
  9. Miratext is a closed platform for professional copywriters. Everyone who has passed the rigorous selection process will be given tasks starting from 40 rubles per 1 thousand characters. In addition, the first works will definitely be carefully checked by editors. This service is not free - for verification you will have to pay 7 rubles for every 1 thousand characters.
  10. Neotext is far from the most popular platform, but more or less well-known. A newcomer may face a lack of work and difficulties in withdrawing money, but this exchange has its own contingent. The cost of orders directly depends on the rating of the performers. At the same time, the service is characterized by relatively low competition and higher order prices compared to other sites.


Distinctive feature This site offers good pay for copywriters - from 50 rubles per 1 thousand characters, which is an order of magnitude higher than many other similar content factories. At the same time, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the entire list of rules in order to complete the texts without modifications. In the future, the payment amount, depending on the rating, may increase to 70 rubles per 1 thousand characters. After registering on Bytext.ru, authors must pass several tests, after which they can receive the first task. Payments are made regularly once a week to a WebMoney wallet.


Many content exchanges for beginners are completely open, one of them is Advego. The resource is a real giant in the field of copywriting on the RuNet. True, for beginners this results in strong competition, which can push people to dump prices in an effort to get at least some order. The site offers both work with the customer and an article store where you can post your own materials for sale.

With Advego, you don’t have to wait for the customer to make a choice in your favor. You simply submit an application, click take order and proceed directly to its implementation. For a beginner, this platform is the place where you can test your copywriting skills and learn how to communicate with customers. The first withdrawal can be made after 5 USD have accumulated in the wallet. – You will have to wait about two days for the funds to arrive. In general, Advego is suitable for those authors in the field of copywriting who want to hone their skills before reaching a new, better level.


On this site, customers offer relatively low payment for writing articles, but performers can earn ratings and receive positive reviews for their work. This approach will help you get higher paying tasks. All authors on Etxt try to increase their rating in the process of work, because... customers often pay attention to it. 1 point equals 10 rubles earned. Performers whose rating does not exceed 299 rubles cannot receive tasks with a cost higher than 25 rubles per 1 thousand characters.

The popularity of Etxt is due to the fact that beginners can actually get orders on this site. Prepare in advance for the fact that while you have a low rating, orders will have to be completed for 8-12 rubles per 1 thousand characters. First you will have to work for the rating, and then it will work for you. You can withdraw funds only if you have at least 250 rubles in your personal account. The transfer can take from three to five business days.


The copywriting exchange for beginners Tekst.ru is a great opportunity to start earning money by writing unique texts. The service has its own article checking, which can be used even by an unregistered user. Each author is assigned a certain status, for example, a newcomer is considered a “school student.” You can raise your status by perfectly completing assigned tasks and showing good activity on the stock exchange. You can increase your rating quickly, but there is a lot of competition on the service. By purchasing a PRO account you can increase your rating by 30%.


ContentMonster, a copywriting exchange for beginners, is something of a debutant. To start making money on it, you will need to complete several tasks, for example, complete a rewrite original material. The site has divisions into MZ and MR accounts – i.e. dollar and ruble. To withdraw, you must have 5 dollars or 250 rubles in your account. There is plenty of work on ContentMonster. Sometimes customers themselves can offer tasks to authors on their white sheets. The website has text editor to count characters. Grades are given on a 10-point scale.

Advantages of working with bytext.ru for beginners

The main advantage of this content factory is the high initial payment for copyright, which is significantly higher than on many other similar resources. If on Bytext.ru this value ranges from 50 rubles for every 1 thousand characters of unique text, then on other freelance platforms it can range from 15-20 rubles. Another big plus is that the site is open, but you have to pass some kind of exam. There is always enough work on the site, there are a lot of topics, so you won’t have any problems choosing the right direction. So, the main advantages are:

  • training;
  • rating payment system;
  • Full time job;
  • various topics.


At first glance, it may seem that the requirements for submitting an article are too serious, but this helps beginners become more experienced and qualified copywriters in a short time. In the future, many other texts on third-party resources will be much easier for them to complete. The first few papers will be a little difficult to submit, but as you go on, it will take you less and less time to complete them. If you can submit quality articles over a long period of time, then you will have the opportunity to become an editor with a good salary.

Rating payment system

An excellent incentive to further improve your skills and improve the quality of copywriting is the rating payment system. The more texts you submit, and the higher their grade, the more money you will receive for every thousand characters. In this case, the number of characters that you have passed over the last 15 days is taken into account. The maximum payment you can achieve on Bytext.ru is 70 rubles per 1 thousand characters. This is better than many other sites, and on this resource you can take voluminous texts for work.

Full time job

One of the main advantages of Bytext.ru, which favorably distinguishes this copywriting platform from many others, is constant and stable work - your earnings will depend entirely on you. This text exchange can provide you with a large number of tasks, so you don’t have to constantly look for customers. By copywriting several materials, you will become familiar with the approximate structure of the texts, after which your business will go faster. In general, the copywriting exchange for beginners Bytext.ru will not leave you without work.

Various topics

In addition to everything described above, it should be added that the named copywriting exchange for beginners is suitable for all beginning copywriters. This is due to the large selection of topics, among which you can easily find something suitable. You won't have to write complex technical or financial texts if you are better versed in repairs or, for example, in the field of cooking. The proposed list of topics is very wide:

  • animals;
  • repair;
  • construction;
  • home and life;
  • medicine;
  • relationship;
  • finance, etc.


The number of registered copywriters on the Etxt exchange has exceeded 1 million, and customers have exceeded 500 thousand. These statistics indicate the great popularity and demand of the profession.

Therefore today we Let's figure out what copywriting is and on which exchanges you can find reliable and regular customers.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting – writing articles, selling texts and custom books.

Most of the orders go to articles for websites. Therefore, to start earning money, you should focus on this direction.

How it works?

We find an employer, receive a task, write an article on it and submit it for verification.

The work can either be accepted or asked to be corrected. As soon as all requirements are met, the task will be paid.

What is the difference between copywriting and rewriting?

Copywriting is an independent search for information. The author reads books, articles, communicates with knowledgeable people or based on rich personal experience.

How to find a reliable customer?

To be sure that the customer will not abandon you after delivery of the work, we recommend working through copywriting exchanges.

They guarantee the integrity of the transaction: the system automatically blocks the approximate amount of the order, and support will always help resolve a controversial situation.

TOP 8 reliable copywriting exchanges

#1. Etxt

There are more than 1 million customers on the Etxt exchange - this is the most popular freelance platform on the Runet.

How to start?

To start working on Etxt, you need to pass a literacy test. It consists of 10 questions at the 8th-9th grade high school level.

If you answer 7 or more questions, then get access to orders with a cost of 25 rubles per 1000 characters. We do not advise those who fail the exam to be upset: you can retake it in a week.

Rating system

  • copywriting
  • rewriting
  • SEO copywriting (regular copywriting with keywords)
  • translation.

To get “stars” (one, two or three), you need to write articles on a given topic. You can choose yourself. Two weeks are given to create the material; the test will be checked by a moderator for another two to three days. If you pass successfully, “stars” will appear on your profile.

  • If you successfully completed an order worth 500 rubles, you will receive 50 points
  • If you didn’t meet the deadline or the customer rejected the material, then for an order worth 500 rubles you will receive -500 points.

The rules are strict, but they motivate copywriters to do quality work the first time. If you think that the customer is wrong, write to arbitration - Etxt moderators will sort out the situation.


The Etxt interface is convenient and unobtrusive, but outdated - it has not fundamentally changed since 2008, when the exchange just started operating. It’s easy to find information (all options are in the left menu), all the most important things (money in the account, orders in progress) are at the top of the screen.

There are orders in different price categories on Etxt. Many assignments for beginners are published; experienced authors can also find an assignment to their liking. There is a withdrawal system for individual entrepreneurs; if you do not register officially, use Webmoney, Qiwi or Yandex.Money (the latter is the most reliable option).


Etxt is the largest copywriting exchange on the RuNet and one of those where we recommend registering.

#2. Advego

Advego (ADVEGO) is one of oldest sites for copywriters and customers of articles on the Runet. Advego started working in the mid-2000s.

How to start?

Anyone can get an article submitted for work: the main thing is to prove to the customer that you are the one who will submit the best material.

Tell us about your experience in the field that the article will be about, or attach your portfolio.

  • successfully completed orders
  • completed profile
  • passed the test on knowledge of Advego rules
  • completed portfolio.


Advego is supported by name and reputation, but in recent years this exchange has been losing competition. Copywriters and customers are leaving for other sites. Serious drawback: withdrawal system: sometimes authors wait two to three weeks for their funds.

The Text.Ru platform is better known for its service for checking texts for uniqueness.

This is one of the few platforms on the RuNet where you can get a free assessment of plagiarism in material without downloading applications to your computer.

But Text.Ru is also an article exchange. There are two of them: the copywriting exchange and the rewriting exchange operate separately. Here it is difficult to find job offers for 5-10 rubles/kilosign, of which there are so many on Etxt. But there are generally fewer orders on Text.Ru than on competitors’ sites. It’s not so convenient to sort them by cost: the entire order feed is displayed, where expensive work side by side with cheap ones.

How to start?

  • schoolboy
  • enrollee
  • bachelor
  • master
  • graduate student
  • candidate
  • doctor.

The higher the rank of the author, the more favorably the customers treat him. Copywriters with a “schoolboy” rating cannot fulfill orders: they can only publish articles in the store. If customers actively sort out materials, the author’s rating will increase and he will have access to orders.


Text.Ru is not the best copywriting exchange for beginners: you cannot fulfill orders right away, and you may not be able to buy articles from the store. But if you have at least a little experience in writing articles, then register on Text.Ru: the average prices here are higher than on other content exchanges.

#4. TextSale

TextSale is another copyright exchange that we will talk about.

How to start?

To start working on TextSale, you need to pay. This is how the exchange verifies that the contractor is really determined to work and will not let the customer down.

There are fewer tasks from clients on TextSale than on Etxt, Advego or Text.Ru, so the authors use this platform as a content store. If you want to write as you see fit, and not adapt to customer requirements, then TextSale is a good choice. You can use the platform from time to time and if you want to write something “for the soul.”

#5. TurboText

TurboText is a copywriting exchange that carefully checks authors before accepting an order.

How to start?

To get an account on TurboText, go through a comprehensive two-stage test: answer questions on spelling, punctuation, style (there are 15 of them) and write an essay of up to 1000 characters.

If the moderator considers that you have passed the test successfully, then you will have access to orders in price category up to 60 rubles per 1000 characters.

Take a few articles at this price and see if you can write articles that customers will like on TurboText. There is no need to wait for approval - take any order you like and start fulfilling it. If you get good reviews, your rating will rise and more expensive jobs will open up.


TurboText prices are higher than other popular ones text exchanges. But there are few orders here, and access to them still needs to be obtained. Therefore, we recommend using an account on TurboText in addition to other copywriting platforms.

ContentMonster also tests authors for professional suitability. Nobody asks for a diploma from the Faculty of Philology, but you will have to answer the questions of the literacy test. There are also creative task: Write an essay (you choose the topic yourself), which will be checked by a moderator.

As soon as you register on ContentMonster, you immediately receive Newbie status. The rating increases if you deliver orders without modifications, on time and with good feedback from customers. The pinnacle of a career on ContentMonster is the “Master” status: users with such an account can count on orders starting from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.

CopyLancer is another good platform to create an article store. Write for your own pleasure and put your materials up for sale, and customers will buy them.

If you want to fulfill orders, then get ready to start from the bottom. The first articles are necessarily checked by editors, who charge 7-10 rubles per 1000 characters - sometimes this can be more than half the cost of the order.

For authors who write high-quality articles, editing is canceled and prices are increased. Behind a short time(2-3 months) income increases 3-4 times. The number of clients is also growing: if you pass verification on CopyLancer, you will get access to thousands of customers with good prices.

MiraText is the newest platform for selling articles in our review. The project started in 2015.

The MiraText website tests copywriters in three stages:

  • tests knowledge of spelling/punctuation/stylistics rules
  • tests knowledge of exchange rules
  • tests creative skills (gives a task to write an article on a certain topic).

If a copywriter successfully passes the test, then he receives orders of 40 rubles per 1000 characters or more. At first you will have to pay 7 rubles for every 1000 characters for editorial checking, but then it will be disabled. Over time, more expensive orders will appear - up to 100 rubles per kilo.


We talked about the best copywriting exchanges for making money. Three sites are the most popular among copywriters: Text.Ru, Advego and Etxt. They are actively used by customers: this is where the largest number of clients are ready to hire copywriters for long-term projects.

We recommend using several copywriting exchanges at once. An author who is registered on at least three exchanges rarely sits without work and is in contact with many customers. If you want to stay on one exchange, then try to write on different topics to increase the number of clients.

Finally - little advice: If you display your articles in stores on several platforms at once, then after selling the material, remove it from all exchanges. Otherwise, the customer may notice that you are selling his article a second time, and then demand compensation.

Where does an aspiring author without work experience come in? That's right, to the copywriting exchange! No matter how much they criticize exchanges, they are almost the only option for beginners. No one will hire you for a well-paid position if you only know about online texts by hearsay. Exchanges do not require a CV or portfolio. Can work there a schoolchild, a pensioner, and a housewife on maternity leave.

If you are just starting your journey in copywriting, we advise you not to rush headlong into big business, but first work on similar resources. They will give a good start. You will find out what topics are relevant, get your hands on, learn communicate with customers and get used to deadlines. In the future, it’s up to you to decide how to build a career, but for now it’s enough to choose a suitable exchange, register an account on it, start writing the text and enjoy your first successes.

How much income can you expect?

Profit remotely always depends only on your efforts. Exchanges are no exception. The harder you work, the higher the pay. Each exchange is based on a rating system: at first the participant earns little, and then his income gradually becomes more and more. The main thing is to be active and conscientiously follow the TK.

The problem with exchanges is that they have price ceiling. If an independent author increases the cost at his own discretion and over time can receive fabulous royalties, then on an average exchange it is unrealistic to earn more than 200-300 rubles per 1000 characters. In this case, you need to start with 20-35 rubles for the same volume and work towards an increase over many months. Not everyone has enough patience.

Good news: You can really speed up your growth if you choose a suitable site. It is no secret to experienced copywriters that some exchanges encourage the author's potential, while others try in every possible way to please customers and support financial stagnation. Therefore, you need to find a place that matches your level and will bring at least minimal benefits.

TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges

To make it easier for you to navigate, we decided to compile the TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges in descending order. Let's see which one is worth training your custom writing skills on.

10. TextSale.

Judging by the first impression, this exchange has significantly more disadvantages than advantages. After reading reviews about it, we made several conclusions.

A big problem TextSale is a supermarket system without an alternative. A novice author cannot choose an order. In exchange, he is asked to write an article on any topic, post it publicly and wait for it to be bought. This is convenient for clients, but makes the work of performers more difficult. There is no guarantee that an article will not get lost among others, of which there can be hundreds a day. It turns out that people are working in vain.

Advertising your services doesn’t help either. On TextSale you can get space for an ad on the main page for 50 rubles per day, but many people use it. Therefore, your sign will most likely not be noticed.

From this comes the biggest disadvantage of TextSale - dumping. Here it just goes off scale. If you have several good articles, don’t even try to sell them right away at a decent price. You will have to artificially reduce the price so that at least someone will pay attention to them. And if you find a customer who is ready to cooperate with you, bypassing the exchange commission, you may be banned.

But TextSale also has its advantages. It is popular, you can try your hand at it and it does not require any special skills. For very “green” beginners - great, for more or less experienced guys - it’s already undignified.

9. Advego.

Many people started with the famous Advego, and it still evokes pleasant nostalgia in most copywriters, but objectively the exchange is not ideal. It is similar in many ways to TextSale. They were created approximately at the same time and they have almost identical advantages and disadvantages. There is nothing new to say, except that Advego has good results, as well as great loyalty to personal work with customers. But if a client suddenly complains, you will instantly be banned.

8. Etxt.

The Etxt exchange combines a content store and free orders. It seems to be nicer than its predecessors, but its weak link is its prices. Sometimes there are offers 5 rubles per 1000 characters. Another drawback is the rigid rating system, which receives a lot of attention. Customers from there will always prefer a person with a large number of “stars” under their nickname to a nameless newcomer.

But Etxt also has its strengths. Copywriters who worked there say that the administration treats the performers favorably. Although the “customer is always right” principle applies to all low-cost exchanges, Etxt moderators will not turn a blind eye to obvious injustice. Another clear plus is the user-friendly interface. It seems like a small thing, but if you are going to work on the site every day, it is important that its design does not become an eyesore.

Is it possible to earn a lot on Etxt? Hardly. Consider this resource as a launching pad and use it for experience. Over time, you will want to find a more profitable location.

7. Copylancer.

There are conflicting opinions about Copilancer. Most complaints come down to modest prices and harsh administration requirements. The first one immediately catches your eye. Prices for orders for low and high levels not much different. Relatively speaking, the cost of text for beginners is 30 rubles per thousand characters, for old-timers – 60. Does it make sense to strive to get to the top?

A free order cannot be taken into work immediately. You need to leave a request, and the client will decide whether to transfer it to you or not. Leave requests for 10 texts - there may either be no response, or 9 out of 10. This, in essence, chains the copywriter to the chair and forces him constantly monitor the site so as not to suddenly end up in arrears.

However, Copilancer also has serious advantages. One of them is arbitration. If for some reason the customer does not like your work, you can complain to the administration and they will judge you. They say that the moderators of “Copilancer” are adequate people.

6. TurboText.

Far from the worst option for beginners. One might even say optimal. You definitely won’t be left out of business: there are consistently several dozen free orders on the exchange. The topics are varied and interesting: law, design, cooking, construction, beauty and health, description of goods. Thanks to TurboText, you can collect a solid portfolio and decide on the direction of further work.

To get on TurboText, you need to write a simple test task on the proposed topic. Often these topics involve philosophical questions, such as: “Do you believe in life after death?” The test is graded on a five-point scale. If you pass it with an A, all the possibilities of the exchange will open up to you. No - you will be content with cheaper orders and microtasks.

For beginners, there are orders for 60 and even 80 rubles per 1000 characters. Darkens everything 20% commission, but characters are counted with spaces. So, this flaw is slightly compensated.

5. Text.ru.

But this exchange already has more pros than cons. And it’s not just about a convenient service for checking texts. Text.ru supports mutually beneficial cooperation between customers and performers. Prices per thousand characters are not extortionate. They depend on the rating, which is gained in multiple ways: well-executed orders, participation in competitions, answers to quizzes, etc. People who worked there say that you can earn 20,000 rubles a month by working 3-4 hours per month. day. Not bad!

To successfully stay on Text.ru, you need monitor the rating. If you pay a fine, you may be deducted 2000 points and you will again return to cheap orders.

4. Monika.

The first thing that attracts attention is tasteful interface. It doesn’t look like “hello from the 2000s”, the options are clear, all the most important things are highlighted in bright colors. It is clear that the designers did their best.

“Monica” invites the new participant to choose one topic with which he will work for the next couple of months. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, you can improve well in a complex topic (say, IT or medicine), on the other hand, there is no variety. If you don’t want to get hung up on one thing, it’s better to combine “Monica” with another exchange or individual orders.

It is also important that “Monica” rejects careless workers. This means that you will have few competitors. No bloody struggle for a single order and a minimum of dumping.

And now we come to the top three...

3. Miratext.

The glorious Miratext exchange receives bronze. If you have no work experience but are a really good writer, this is the place for you. Always welcome there good employees and are ready to appreciate their efforts.

On Miratext you need pass a mandatory exam, consisting of a test and a written assignment. When you submit it, you will notice that the technical specifications on the exchange are mostly adequate, without “sheet” requirements. Customers accommodate copywriters halfway, without forcing the latter to spend several hours adjusting “nausea” or “wateriness.”

This is not to say that the exchange is ideal in all respects. If you are planning a big career, sooner or later you will feel cramped within Miratext. But as a first step it is more than suitable.

2. Smart Copywriting.

The second place in our TOP 10 rightfully deserves the Smart Copywriting exchange. It lives up to its name: it welcomes smart people who know how to work effectively and sell their services.

Smart Copywriting is not like an exchange in the traditional sense. It's more of a site that hosts vacancies for copywriters. Many offers are designed for long-term cooperation (for example, write 50 texts for an online store). Under most of them there is a negotiated price. This is very good for independent authors who know the value of their work.

The only small negative is the rating system where seats are purchased. This may influence the decision of the customer, who will prefer mediocrity with a high position to a talented newcomer. But, fortunately, people often come to the stock exchange who look at real skills, and not at numbers.

1. TextBroker.

And the first in our ranking is the famous copywriting bureau TextBroker. It is, at a minimum, head and shoulders above all other exchanges. TextBroker is not just a temporary shelter, but a full-time job with good pay. Many authors stay there for several years, while simultaneously completing individual orders and working for other studios.

To get into TextBroker, you need to have a good background. At a minimum you should have some strong lyrics. When registering, the administrator will ask you for examples of articles or the name of an account on some other exchange. There is no need to take a test - you will be accepted (or not accepted) immediately after the test.

When joining TextBroker, remember that this is not a place for everyone. There are no need for dummy accounts. Inactive users are banned, as are those who overstay their orders. Therefore, you will have to periodically appear at the office, even if you are busy with other orders.

However, the difficulties are worth it. The old-timers there not only earn from 300 to 700 rubles per 1000 characters, but also receive powerful support. TextBroker administrators know literally every participant by sight. If a copywriter succeeds in a particular topic, they help him find other paying clients. Become a valuable personnel and you will forget what unemployment is.


Each exchange is good and bad in its own way. When choosing, try to focus on own strength, and not on other people's value judgments. Don't be discouraged if you fail to pass the test for a closed copywriting community. Perhaps you need to improve your skills on a simpler resource. And, of course, value yourself. If you see that you are being treated unfairly, find another place to work.