What skills should you include on your resume? Professional skills and personal qualities when writing a resume.

In every second resume, applicants write how creative and ambitious they are and how much they want to work only for the benefit of the company. Half of these skills are added for ballast, but among the standard skills there are some that are useful to everyone.


We already have a lot of copywriters, journalists and writers, so why do you need one if your work with texts has nothing to do with it? Hint: 36% of employers, according to the portal hh.ru, refuse an interview and do not even consider a resume if the cover letter was written with errors. That is, they won’t even invite you if they see that you described your “functionality.”

The inability to connect two words can become a wall on the path to promotion. A novice engineer can work only with hardware for several years. But the job of a manager, for example, is not so much in development as in management. This means you need to write letters, memos, assignments, reports... and devote all your energy to studying native language to keep a new position and salary.


Expressing thoughts verbally goes hand in hand with the previous rating point. Moreover, speaking skills help not only in work. If your job requires you to make presentations or conduct meetings, then - required condition work. And if you sit in silence in an office or laboratory, the ability to talk allows you to adapt to the workplace faster. Gloomy silent people are loved only by other gloomy silent people, and even then not very much.

To show that you can talk, you don't need to speak in poetry or constantly chat. The rules for good oral communication are different:

  • Smile.
  • The ability to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt.
  • Calling by name.
  • Simple and succinct answers to the questions asked.
  • Ability to present facts consistently and logically.

Actually, that's all. And don't try to make jokes if you've never tried yourself as a comedian before.


It seems that this is an innate character trait. It either exists or it doesn’t. But in fact, it can be pumped up.

You need it more than the employer, because without a healthy dose of confidence you can’t build a career. Agreeing with everyone and listening to other people's instructions is convenient for anyone except you. The truism that you need to believe in yourself to achieve something will always be true. However, there is a line between confidence and arrogance, so don't try to show off how cool you are right in the interview. Learn gradually, and in line for an interview, try to at least straighten your back.

7. Ability to manage time


This is one of the cornerstones of productivity. Even if you are not interested in this topic, you will still have to work - that is, produce a product of labor - so you need to allocate your time wisely.

According to statistics, an average of two and a half (!) hours are spent per day on social networks alone. On Lifehacker you can find so much material on this topic that reading the articles can be equated to a university course.

Of course, your performance and your bonus do not depend solely on how well you schedule. But you know better where to spend the time freed up as a result of competent planning.


In fact, this skill is almost impossible to find in the list of requirements for a job applicant, because few people see a direct relationship between communication in the professional community and work. But this may affect performance. For example, if you are involved in a field that is rapidly developing and want to keep up with progress, you need to constantly learn from others' experiences. And if you visit industry events, then you have a chance to find customers and partners there. In addition, knowledge of the community makes it possible to find and consult with experts.


Jokes about the confrontation between accountants and administrators are still popular, oddly enough. It is assumed that today everyone without exception has experience communicating with technology.

And if you come to the office, then on the very first day you need to figure out where the company stores electronic documents and in what messenger the departments communicate with each other. Yes, and contacting technical support with the wording “I didn’t do anything, it was all he himself,” pointing a finger at a frozen computer, is no longer respectable.

And the better your skills, the more opportunities you have for career growth. You don't have to become a geek, but you need the basics like air.


Many people can work strictly according to instructions, but truly tasty and profitable projects and positions go to those who can look at things from an unusual angle and quickly solve complex problems. This skill alone can be done, and if the ability to quickly find a way out is accompanied by other qualities, then there is no price for you.


No, no, no, not in the sense that everyone should look for clients and be masters of cold calling. You just need to know how to bargain. For example, when you are talking about a salary increase or determining the size of your future salary. Learn to sell your time and receive comfort as a reward. You need to be a good trader to reschedule a deadline, negotiate project changes proposed by the team, or negotiate remote work.


In the last few years, all recruiters seem to be obsessed with the ability to work in a team. They want to see team players even in professions where individual work is important.

However, teamwork, like other items on this list, is a chance to achieve career growth. Even if you don't strive for leadership positions, understanding the common goals of the team inspires intensive work.

Still from the film “Guest from the Future”

This is the main non-core skill that helps you live and work. Intelligence is your knowledge and your ability to work with information, emotional intellect- ability to apply your knowledge in real situations. Empathy helps to interact with others, and most importantly, it can also be developed.

In the Russian language there is still no strict distinction between the concepts of skill and ability. In the intellectual environment, it is generally accepted that skills are a lower category in relation to the concept of skills. But those who are faced with pedagogical practice, on the contrary, are of the opinion that a skill is an improved degree of ability to master certain actions.

What is the difference between a skill and a skill?

Like the content of the concepts themselves, this is a rather controversial issue. Some scientists believe that skills are the ability to carry out activities on professional level, and skills only provide the basis for the formation of skills. Other scientists set priorities differently: skill in their understanding is only the ability to carry out an operation that precedes skill - a more advanced stage of mastering a specific action.

There is another difference in meaning: a skill is something acquired as a result of labor, work on oneself, and skill in some cases is considered as the development of natural inclinations and abilities. Currently, the difference between ability and skill is blurred and does not have clear boundaries.

Formation of skills and abilities

A person’s skills and abilities can be in the process of formation (for example, when a girl does stretching in order to) or be formed (when the same girl has already mastered such an action and knows how to do the splits). The main thing here is the quality of the action, because you can also develop an erroneous skill by repeating an incorrectly performed action.

Thus, a formed skill or skill is an action that is performed in a specific way and with a certain quality.

Vital skills and abilities

Initially, practical skills that were considered vital were limited to a list of physical operations - walking, hands, etc. However, in our time, the basic skills and abilities that will be useful in life are much more extensive. Their list can safely include communication skills, ability to handle electronic equipment and much more, without which life in modern society if not impossible, then very difficult. However, social skills have always been considered significant.

Methods for developing skills and abilities

Abilities, skills, abilities, knowledge - all this can be acquired by a person in the process of educational and developmental activities. Now there is an opinion that teaching skills and abilities should be based on didactic principles, but taking into account individual features each specific discipline. The method by which a person acquires a skill is considered effective if it allows for a sufficient depth of knowledge acquisition.

If we consider the theory in which a skill is part of a skill, then the methodology for developing skills differs from the methodology for developing skills:

Thus, the formation of a skill is the bringing to automatism of one specific action, and the acquisition of a skill is the ability to analyze a situation and perform a sequence of actions, using any skill when necessary. For example, if a person has learned to start a car and change gears, this is a skill, but to feel confident on the road and to drive a car well in general is already a skill.

Professional skills for a resume are an integral part of the document, most often a separate block. Using them, the employer determines the applicant’s capabilities as an employee of the company. You need to choose them carefully in order to attract the recruiter with whom the further conversation will take place.

What is - Professional skills for resume

Professional qualities are a set of personal qualities and skills that a specialist acquired during. They help to improve in the future and benefit the organization.

Quite often, a resume contains qualities that are only conditionally professional. For example, a developed sense of humor. If a recruiter is looking for a person to fill a lawyer position, he will not rate this quality highly. But for a corporate event host, he can be considered professional.

Before delving into the definition of professional skills, we recommend that all job seekers, or those who are just about to find a new promising job, familiarize themselves with the online course: « New job: strategy, preparation, search.” In three days you will be taught how to present yourself in the best way possible.

What professional skills should I include on my resume?

Basic 3 rules for writing a resume

To describe professional knowledge and skills in a sales resume, simply follow three principles:

  • Conciseness. If you write little information, doubts will appear. If there are an excessive number of points, it will be difficult to read the resume. It is better to choose an average number of skills – 6-9;
  • Compliance with the requirements specific vacancy. It is necessary to position yourself at the “executive-manager” level, so that when viewing a resume, the recruiter immediately understands who he is dealing with;
  • Presentability. The information in your resume should sound strong and beautiful. You should write specifically. For example, sales experience (5 years in the wholesale department). If you have experience in personnel management, you need to indicate in the document how many people were in the team.

General skills

The employer will definitely appreciate your ability to establish contact with counterparties in writing and orally, achievements in the field of service, organization of work processes, public speaking experience and other abilities. But in any field, employees are valued with high motivation for results, initiative, energy in solving problems, competent speech, speed when making decisions, responsibility. This is what will help

Directions to career growth You will be advised by a consultation with Career Vector specialists. Experts will guide and support your actions to achieve new levels.

Applicants often indicate that the candidate must have:

  • Technical skills;
  • Leadership qualities;
  • Marketing skills;
  • Experience in organizing and managing processes.

The modern labor market requires new knowledge modern technologies. To get a sought-after internet profession, additional training is often required.

Special Skills

There are special skills that professionals have. The list is general and not suitable for every specialty.

Professional skills in a resume are as follows:

  • (specific language and level);
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Skills business communication(written and oral);
  • Efficiency in searching for information;
  • Planning;
  • Procurement experience;
  • Sales analysis;
  • Negotiation experience;
  • Experience in handling objections;
  • Care in preparing reports;
  • Willingness to work in a team;
  • Independence in decision making;
  • Ability to use methods of persuasion;
  • Experience with programs (1C, Word, Excel);
  • Ability to operate office equipment;
  • Experience telephone sales(“cold”, “hot” calls);
  • Collection and preparation of statistical data;
  • Direct sales experience;
  • Working with commercial proposals;
  • Merchandising experience;
  • Motivation and training of employees.

Each profession requires certain abilities. It is imperative to indicate them in the appropriate section of the resume. Among the listed skills, you can find those suitable for a specific specialty.

To determine your professional abilities, take the “Career Guidance” test

The optimal number of skills in a resume is 6-9

Examples of skill descriptions

It is important to understand that the list of professional skills in a resume must be consistent with the requirements for a specific position. For example, accuracy can hardly be called mandatory professional quality top manager. But for the secretary it will be a tangible advantage. Therefore, when writing a resume, you should consider how relevant the skill is to your profession.

You can see standards and examples of the most successful resumes in the book by Vladimir Yakub. A certified specialist and MBA teacher, one of the best headhunters in Russia shares his experience and examples in his book “A winning resume. 1:0 in your favor!” Buy a book, sell yourself and have a successful career!

An example of a description of the professional skills of a sales consultant

The position of sales consultant attracts many. But not everyone stays in this role for long. The profession is not suitable for hot-tempered and conflict-ridden people. Sanguine and phlegmatic people usually achieve great results in it.

Key skills for a sales consultant resume:

  • Ability to interest buyers;
  • Ability to handle objections and prevent conflicts;
  • Knowledge about products in a particular store (clothing, equipment);
  • Individual approach to the buyer, determining his needs and assistance in making a choice.

An example of a description of an accountant's professional skills

Let's consider what qualities an accountant needs for a resume:

  • Punctuality;
  • Organization;
  • Performance;
  • Accuracy.

Skills that need to be indicated in the document:

  • Preparation of primary documents;
  • Working with large amounts of information;
  • Knowledge of the Civil Code, Labor Code and Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Knowledge of rules and experience in accounting and tax accounting.

An example of a description of a driver's professional skills

Key skills for a resume could be:

  • Driving experience (15 years);
  • Knowledge of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • Careful driving style;
  • Polite communication with clients;
  • License category C, driving experience without accidents – 7 years.

An example of a lawyer's professional skills description

Professional skills and abilities in a lawyer’s resume:

  • Knowledge of the Consultant Plus and 1C programs;
  • Knowledge of contract, labor and commercial law;
  • Experience in using the services “My Arbitrator”, “Card Index of Arbitration Cases”;
  • Competent preparation of procedural and legal documentation.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a manager (director)

Skills for a resume for a management position:

  • Creation from “0” of effective activities of the commercial service (marketing, sales department)
  • Experience in personnel management of up to 1 thousand people (motivation, training, selection and dismissal);
  • Market research (analysis of the organization’s competitiveness and customer requests);
  • Forecast and implementation of sales plan.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a secretary

Basic skills for a secretary:

  • Possession English language(level);
  • Knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • Experience using MS Office programs;
  • Proficiency in office equipment.

Writing a resume online

There are dozens and hundreds of candidates vying for one position, so it’s important to stand out. At this stage, it is impossible to attract attention to yourself with personal charm. Therefore, in order to write your professional skills in a non-standard and correct way, you should use original services for writing a resume online:

  • Zerply. This social network received high praise among developers and designers, as it will be possible to publish a portfolio there;
  • CVmaker. The service is suitable for creating a standard, but stylish resume. It provides six free templates designed in a classic style.
  • Each has its own skills, which must be taken into account. After compiling your resume, you should imagine yourself as a manager who needs an employee for your position. Changes should be made until you are satisfied with the result. You don't need to make a very long list, otherwise your resume will be put aside.

Scientists have not yet agreed on what comes first: skills are formed on the basis of skills or, conversely, skills on the basis of skills. While theoretical scientists argue, we will try to understand how a skill differs from an ability in practice. And for those who are involved in raising children and training specialists in any field of activity, it is important to know how to quickly and correctly develop their life and work skills and abilities.

Skills are...

The phrase “skillful worker” is pronounced respectfully in relation to someone who quickly and correctly performs their work and shows ingenuity in solving production problems that arise. Such an employee is prepared theoretically and practically to perform certain actions and has a creative attitude to work.

What is the difference between a skill and a skill? Skill requires:

  • a conscious attitude to planning your actions to achieve results;
  • knowledge about the properties, qualities of the object of labor and methods of working with it;
  • skills in working with tools and auxiliary materials.

That is, a skill is a way of performing some action that is based both on firmly formed skills and on specific knowledge about the object of work, its properties, possible ways work with him. Skills are the basis for the formation of skills.

What are skills

Then what is the difference between a skill and a skill, which is more durable?

A skill is a method of performing certain actions that has been brought to automaticity. Skill and skill differ from each other in that the second is stereotypical and does not require special theoretical training or creativity.

The algorithm for performing a specific operation does not change, mental and physical actions are coordinated and do not require additional thinking or preliminary planning.

For example, teaching a child independent actions spoon, the mother fixes his attention on the sequence and rules of actions with it (in which hand and how to hold it, how to correctly scoop food, bring it to the mouth). As the skill develops, the instructions become less and less, the child learns the actions and automatically begins to perform them correctly in any environment.

Motor skill and skill differ from each other in the degree of their comprehension and controllability by a person. Skill also presupposes its creative development and improvement.

Types of skills and abilities

The definition of the type of skill is related to human activity. Of the four types of skills (sensory, motor, intellectual, communication), communication skills undergo the greatest and most frequent changes, since the rules public life are rapidly changing by the people themselves in accordance with socio-historical changes in the country and in the world.

Mixed skills combine several types: working on a computer requires a combination of intellectual skills (reading and writing text) and motor skills (typing). General education ones stand out in particular.

At first they are developed in the process of teaching a subject, but then they are used in many areas of activity. In everyday life, for example, we freely use computational actions developed in mathematics lessons.

A number of skills are used in narrow areas of activity (specialized skills): in medicine, in scientific work.

Skills can be:

  • simple physical, that is, such simple human actions as dressing, cleaning the house;
  • complex, associated, for example, with interaction with other people to achieve certain goals - the ability to promote propaganda, write articles;
  • systemic - the ability to distinguish between moods, psychological states people, react to them, feel their own physical and mental states.

List of skills and abilities required to modern man, extensive It differs from those that were necessary, for example, for Pushkin’s contemporaries.

Why form them?

A careful analysis of any type of activity shows that it represents the sum different types skills and abilities - the absence of one of them does not allow a person to get the desired result. This entails a deterioration in the quality of life and mental discomfort.

Lack of development of motor skills deprives a person of freedom of movement and action, communication, and causes unnecessary expenditure of effort, time and material resources.

Mental activity is impossible without observing and remembering information, comparison, analysis, without managing one’s own attention and state. It is closely related to the development of sensory skills in perceiving information auditorily, visually, and tactlessly. Sensitivity to odors is essential for chemists, cooks, doctors, and many other professionals.

Communication skills are considered particularly important and are formed on the basis of knowledge of the rules of behavior in different situations, allow a person to take a worthy place in society, to become its full member.

How skills and abilities are formed

Any field of activity requires a person to have specific algorithms of action: what is the difference between a skill and a dancer’s ability to move correctly in accordance with the dance pattern and the sound of the music, without thinking about the movements. The driver has the ability to correctly react to road conditions and drive a car specific type; from the teacher - skills in working with literature, with a group of children of a certain age, with parents, the ability to correctly navigate unforeseen communicative situations.

The formation of a skill should be carried out on the basis of repeated consolidation in memory of the sequence and method of action, bringing the action itself to automatism.

That is, exercise is a method of developing a skill that guarantees the quality of the action (work) performed and leads to the formation of the ability to realize the goal and choose the desired sequence necessary actions to achieve it.

An important issue is taking into account the individual abilities of the student. The quality and speed of mental and motor thoughts influence the timing and quality of the formation of skills.

Thus, methods and techniques for human learning conscious attitude to the labor process, preliminary planning, thinking through options for proposed actions and anticipating their final results are the basis for the formation of his skills and abilities.

We often come across terms such as “knowledge”, “ability”, “skills”.

Thus, a formed skill or skill is an action that is performed in a specific way and with a certain quality.

At the same time, skills are improved as the skill is mastered. SKILLS - the ability to quickly, accurately and consciously perform certain actions based on acquired knowledge and acquired skills. SKILLS are methods of performing an action mastered by a person, provided by a set of acquired knowledge and skills. Speaking skills - Speaking skills are important for almost all areas of human activity.

Knowledge, skills, abilities, what's the difference?

Any learning process is aimed at assimilation of some information, which will ultimately become a skill, skill or knowledge. Skills are a more complex concept that refers to joint use knowledge and skills to implement a specific task. Skills are also acquired over time and involve application theoretical knowledge in practice with already developed skills. Thus, if you practice a certain action to the level of skill, you can perform the action mechanically, and at the same time work on acquiring new knowledge, which will then turn into skills and abilities.

How do these four concepts relate to each other: knowledge, abilities, skills and habits? Thus, skills honed in practice began to turn (compile) into skills. In a sense, knowledge is also skills, also skills. Only these skills relate to verbal and general mental activity of a person. Knowledge, skills and abilities are all manifestations purposeful activities, purposeful actions, constructive understanding of reality.

Difference between ability and skill

Carrying out any work, even simple work, requires skill and dexterity.

Skill is a method provided by the totality of acquired knowledge and skills. We see that skill includes skills, and having a skill only makes it easier to acquire new skills. There are three areas of application when teaching, so in terms they are nearby. Knowledge, abilities, skills. Knowledge - information about processes and more, skills - the ability to perform practical operations, skill - dexterity, mastery, automatism in these operations.

There is a difference between the terms “skill” and “skill” in the game. The skill begins to work immediately after learning it and gradually becomes more and more effective. It really doesn’t improve what I understand by all sorts of “brotherhood”, “light bulb”, etc., or will it improve? Useless crap. Because how does this happen regularly, in both directions.” (c) An ordinary player about the “Deer Messenger”.

In the absence of abilities and the presence of knowledge, abilities and skills, a person will not be able to acquire new knowledge, abilities or skills. Although knowledge, abilities and skills are part of a person’s developed abilities, abilities are not necessarily combined with certain knowledge, abilities or skills. Although the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for the successful performance of some activity are included in the structure of abilities, the abilities themselves obviously cannot be reduced to them.