What wallpaper is suitable for the bedroom. Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom: recommendations from designers, purchase nuances, photo gallery

You won’t believe it, but even with the help of bright and dark wallpaper for the walls you can achieve a similar effect, besides, in the bedroom interior it is important to take into account not only the harmonious appearance, but also the quality of the wall coverings, and purchasing such materials can take a lot of money. Therefore, decide which wallpaper is best to choose for the bedroom already at the stage of preparation for renovation in order to save time and money.

When choosing finishing materials, it is important to focus on several characteristics: durability, resistance to external influences, as well as compliance of color and design with the given direction.

We will tell you about the features of choosing wall coverings, and also introduce you to the correct approaches to finishing in the photo of wallpaper for a bedroom in an apartment.

How to decide on wallpaper

Because the The preservation of the original appearance of your interior will depend on the quality of materials, spend maximum time searching for high-performance wallpaper.

Experts will inform you about which wallpaper is best to glue in the bedroom, but do not forget about the specific conditions that are not typical for all rooms of this type.

So, what should be the wallpaper in the bedroom? The most high-quality coatings should include a number of useful properties:

Advice: The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom will also be affected by the place where it is hung in the interior. For example, in the area where indoor flowers are placed that will be periodically watered, it is better to glue materials that are resistant to moisture.

Following these basic characteristics will help you choose materials that will maintain their original appearance over time.

Let's figure out what wallpaper to put in the bedroom, taking into account the variety of materials presented in stores.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom

Having figured out how to choose the right wallpaper for the bedroom, you can begin to study the features of each of them. Most cheap option– paper materials: this type of wallpaper is most often hung in the bedroom, as it has varied design and are easily applied to the surface of the walls.

To feel as comfortable as possible, try gluing.

According to Eastern traditions, both light and light walls can be suitable for decorating walls in a bedroom, depending on the purpose of such decoration.

For example, red and pink colors will support feelings between lovers. And blue, golden, dark green, beige shades on the walls will promote relaxation.

Pay attention to the location of your bedroom too.. If this room is located on the south side, the walls should be bright and rich. It's better to decorate the bedroom.

Decorate your Western interior with wallpaper in brown or any other natural shade. In the north, it is better to use wallpaper in dark and cool tones.

Attention! Feng Shui encourages the use of natural elements in design. Therefore, pay attention to wallpaper in a natural color or composition, and also look for patterned wallpaper with elements based on flora and fauna.

We told you what wallpaper to put in the bedroom by color, and all that remains is to find out in what form it will look most advantageous.

We will decide on the design, gluing areas and options for combining materials.

Wall design options

To figure out how to decorate a bedroom with wallpaper, decide on a style that will be visible in all the details of the interior. Despite the fact that today the most popular are considered modern ideas wallpaper for the bedroom, even antique classic bedroom with the appropriate design it will be perceived no less cozy.

So let's talk about patterns on wallpaper for walls:

  • For the bedroom, wallpaper with large and smooth patterns, as well as plant elements, is suitable;
  • an ideal option for decorating a bedroom with wallpaper if you have settled on

    Now let's talk about how to beautifully hang wallpaper in the bedroom. We have already noted that most often, to create a dynamic and interesting interior, two types of wallpaper are used at once: the brighter one is glued behind the bed. The wallpaper above the bed in the bedroom can also be patterned.

    Bedroom decor with wallpaper can be done in another way. For example, if there are niches in the walls, you can create sophisticated accents in other areas of the room.

    An interesting idea for wallpapering in the bedroom is to create inserts of any shape. IN vintage interiors they prefer to create inserts in the form of panels with decorative moldings.

    In a modern bedroom, vertical fragments on the wall will look more harmonious.

    From options combined wallpapering in the bedroom, helping to transform the space, the most successful is horizontal. In this case, the lower part of the wall is decorated in a darker color or decorated with protective panels.

    When implementing these and other methods of wall decoration, you should know how to hang two types of wallpaper in the bedroom so that they do not look contradictory. To successfully implement your ideas, it is enough to use wallpaper harmonious colors, one style and one type of material, so that different thickness the fabric did not create unsuccessful seams.

    Advice: If you still haven’t decided how to beautifully wallpaper your bedroom, use realistic pictures. With your selection, you can create both a calming and invigorating atmosphere in your room.

    We told you about what wallpaper to choose for your bedroom, how to stick it in the interior and create a relaxing environment in your home. It remains to check this in practice: many have already managed to create stylish interiors with the help of our tips - join us too!

You should choose wallpaper for your bedroom depending on its size and style in which it is made. Healthy sleep is a key process in a person’s life. Therefore, competent decoration of the bedroom, as a place for relaxation and sleep, has important both from a decorative and practical point of view. What you need to consider in order to choose not only attractive, but also functional, safe wallpaper for the bedroom that will contribute to comfortable rest and good sleep - read the article.

What determines the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper is the most common finishing material, which allows you to achieve both decorative effect, and practical (visual expansion of space, changing the proportions of the room).

Thanks to the right wallpaper, you can significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the bedroom and give it originality.

Which wallpaper is best to choose for decorating a bedroom depends on factors such as:

  1. Room location. For bedrooms with windows facing southeast, designers recommend choosing wallpaper in a cold color scheme: They will create the impression of freshness and coolness on hot summer days. For rooms on the north side, the best choice would be light wallpaper in warm shades: such canvases will visually make the room brighter and more comfortable (especially in winter time when daylight hours are shorter).
  2. Lighting in the room. If the bedroom has many sources of natural light, then the choice of wallpaper in terms of saturation is unlimited. As for bedrooms with exclusively artificial lighting (this happens when one large room is artificially divided into two), then you should choose light wallpaper, preferably with reflective particles or shiny patterns. Dark wallpaper, in this case, will create the impression of a gloomy and cold space.
  3. Bedroom dimensions. A universal color for wall decoration that can be used in bedrooms of any size is white. Dark wallpaper is not recommended for small bedrooms, but in large rooms designers advise using companion wallpaper, which will allow you to gracefully zone the space.
  4. The nature of the design. Good choice For classic bedrooms there will be liquid wallpaper, striped fabrics, latticework, and damask patterns. Stylish and beautiful in modern interiors Houndstooth wallpaper, canvases with geometric patterns, 3D effects, and textured elements will look great. When choosing wallpaper to match the design, you should also take into account the direction of the style.

Related article: Practice of using wallpaper for painting in the kitchen

At the same time, the color and texture of the wallpaper determines the furniture and textiles (curtains, bed linen) in the room. Thus, the choice of wallpaper for a bedroom with light-colored furniture is practically unlimited. But if the room has bright fittings of non-standard shapes or richly colored textiles, then the wallpaper should be neutral.

Psychological perception of color: which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

Most often, we choose wallpapers based on their appearance: texture, pattern. At the same time, the choice of shade of the canvas is influenced, in most cases, by our personal preferences. But, choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom has its own nuances related to the direct purpose of the room. So, wallpaper in the bedroom should contribute healthy sleep, rest after a working day, relaxation.

The ideal colors to promote restful and long sleep are blue and cyan.

To create a joyful mood at the beginning of the day, you can choose yellow wallpaper. Pink wallpaper will create a romantic atmosphere, lavender color, photo wallpaper in these colors. Green color and its shades will help remove nervous tension and relaxation.

At the same time, more delicate shades of purple and red are suitable for use together with other types of wallpaper. To pick up best combination For partner wallpapers, you can use the color wheel.

What wallpaper is better to glue in the bedroom: rules for gluing

Decorating the walls in the bedroom with wallpaper depends on many factors, including the personal preferences of the apartment owners, the practical purpose of the finishing material, and the features of the room.

If you have a sunny side and a large number of windows in the bedroom, then it is better to stick vinyl, light-resistant wallpaper on the walls: such canvases will not fade over time under sun rays.

Related article: Home textiles: choosing bedspreads and tablecloths

Both vinyl and non-woven wallpapers are perfect for the bedroom.

If your bedroom is combined with a nursery, you are prone to allergies or simply care about your health, then for finishing the room you should choose environmentally friendly, safe for humans and environment wallpaper. These include paper, vegetable, fabric, and cork coverings. The price range for such wallpaper is quite wide: paper wallpapers are considered the most affordable, fabric and vegetable wallpapers are considered the most expensive.

To ensure that safe wallpaper does not lose its properties, it must be glued with special, environmentally friendly compounds.

If you plan to carry out repeated renovations in a year or two (for example, when the baby grows up and the mother no longer needs to be near him all the time), then it makes sense to hang paintable wallpaper in the bedroom, for example, non-woven wallpaper. Such canvases can have different textures, which can easily withstand several color changes.

Small room: which wallpaper is best for the bedroom

Correctly selected wallpaper for the bedroom small size can not only make the room comfortable for sleeping and relaxing, but also visually enlarge a small space. So, light wallpaper is ideal for these purposes.

If the bedroom is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpaper

In addition, to make the room visually more spacious, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose wallpaper with diagonal patterns and vertical stripes.
  2. Refuse dark models (even if it’s only one or two stripes of paired wallpaper): dark color visually “eats” at least 40% of the entire area of ​​the room.
  3. Avoid wallpaper with overly large elements: such wallpaper will look ridiculous because its size does not match the dimensions of the room and will visually reduce the area of ​​the bedroom.
  4. Avoid small prints around the entire perimeter of the room, otherwise such wallpaper will create the impression of a small, crowded space.
  5. Choose canvases with glitter, reflective particles, shiny patterns: they will diffuse the light and visually enlarge the room.

Returning home, a person wants to immerse himself in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. The bedroom is a place of relaxation. The atmosphere of your visit and your own feelings depend on its design. Therefore, you should carefully consider the interior. You also need to know which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom.

The main criteria by which wallpaper is selected is its quality characteristics, color range and style. There are such varieties:

Paper wallpaper is the most common wall decoration option. The advantages are safety and environmental friendliness. Often such wallpaper is covered with a layer of water-repellent coating and acquires a glossy effect. The key disadvantages of paper materials are their impracticality and short term services.

Non-woven wallpaper is usually purchased for painting. The advantages are the elasticity of the material, high strength. Such wallpaper does not suffer from mechanical damage. The coating can be used many times. The breathable layer prevents the release of harmful elements into the atmosphere. The wallpaper adheres perfectly to the surface.

Textile wallpaper is great for the bedroom. The material is not only beautiful, but durable and safe. The disadvantage is the inability to withstand mechanical stress. Textile wallpaper are quite expensive. You should not use this coating if you have pets in the house.

Liquid wallpaper is often used to decorate a bedroom. The coating is considered quite comfortable and practical. The material is breathable, beautiful, soundproof and does not deteriorate when exposed to the sun. Liquid wallpaper does not fade. If a section of the wall is damaged, this area can be easily replaced.

Vinyl wallpapers exist various types. The covering can be with a paper, non-woven or perforated base. The latter are more suitable for the bedroom. They are easy to glue; they require special care.

For lovers of originality, wallpaper based on natural materials is suitable. Bamboo and cork wallpaper can add style and comfort to the room. The key disadvantage of such coatings is negative impact moisture and mechanical factors.

In addition to choosing the material from which the wallpaper is made, it is important to decide on the color scheme. Classic option is a neutral palette. This will help you not to waste unnecessary emotions before falling asleep. Psychologists believe that discreet shades provide complete rest and quick fall asleep.

For a classic design, beige, sand and peach tones are suitable. They do not cause irritation, do not put pressure, and do not hurt the eyes. Their versatility and harmony allow them to be combined with any details, furniture and curtains. In addition to the general interior of the room, it is important to consider the psychological impact of each color. Shades of yellow can add harmony to the nervous system. This color is great for combination with blue, brown, gray. The blue shade is perfect for decoration men's bedroom.

Often used green color. It promotes relaxation and has a positive effect on nervous system, helps relieve muscle tension.

Red color in the bedroom

This color is worth taking a closer look at. When deciding to use a similar shade in the bedroom, it is worth remembering that it can excite all active human receptors and encourage active action. Therefore, you should not use it if you plan to have a quiet existence in this room. You can add a little red without making it dominant. Then you can spend both stormy and calm nights in the bedroom.

You can decorate only one wall in the room with red. It is better to choose the side that is near the headboard. Or use red fabric to decorate the headboard itself, making it soft and voluminous. All shades of this color can be used. The wall can be burgundy, ruby, etc. You can choose from cold and warm shades, depending on the atmosphere you want to achieve.

The white tone can slightly absorb the brightness and saturation of the red. Therefore, this combination looks attractive.

A simple solution to introducing red into the bedroom is to use various items interior of this shade. These could be curtains, lamps, bed linen and paintings. This design will suit oriental, Mexican style and romantic design.

The following tones are combined with a red tint:

  • Warm range of red with cold gray. Brightness and severity go well together in the bedroom;
  • A combination of pink, black and grey. You don't have to use all these colors on the wall. A closet can be black, and a pattern on the wallpaper can be pink;
  • Bright orange with dark wood and neutral gray. When a drop of yellow is added to red, the atmosphere in the bedroom can become very hot. You can avoid this by adding several neutral tones. Use orange for details, as bright elements;
  • If you want to create a Mexican style, use a combination of green, yellow and orange tones;
  • The bed linen is red. This could be the only one bright accent in the bedroom. Quite moderate and beautiful.

The color violet and its effect on the brain

The purple hue is not natural. It is based on red and blue. Therefore, it gives off a feeling of unnaturalness. The key association is luxury and wealth. It has a mysterious effect. The chakra of this shade is located not in the human body, but above his head. This is a closing aura that creates a connection with the cosmos.

The basis of purple is knowledge. This shade helps overcome blues and melancholy, and drive away a person’s fears. However, if you overdo it with this color, then a person faces a constant feeling of fatigue and depression.

Purple color in its predominant form will negatively affect a person’s sleep. This is exactly how its effect on the brain occurs. Sleep will be constantly interrupted and become shorter. This will negatively affect the person's condition. Therefore, it is recommended to use purple shade in the bedroom in moderation.

For a large room

If the bedroom is large in size, you should choose a pastel range of shades. Suitable and color Ivory. If you add more light to the room with the help of lamps, then you should use different patterns on the wallpaper. They can shimmer with bright colors. If you can’t use a large amount of light and the room is poorly lit, you should choose a peach, orange or gold color palette.

Choosing wallpaper depending on the bedroom design

To create a harmonious interior, you need to decorate the walls so that they match the design you prefer. It is worth choosing wallpaper that will match the shade and texture with other objects in the room. If the choice depends on the design of the room, then you should take into account the following recommendations:

    • Modern style. If you prefer Art Nouveau style, you should choose wallpaper with a smooth texture, without a pattern. Matte ones are suitable, adding coziness to the room. For a modern style, it is permissible to use coatings with neat patterns, graphics and abstraction. But only as an accent, and not completely all the walls;
    • Classic. The style combined the richness of the Renaissance and the monumentality of antiquity. Classic design helps create a royal bedroom. Wallpaper in warm white tones with ornaments in the form of gold or silver vegetation is suitable. The coating may have a relief in the form soft skin or plaster moldings;
    • Provence. Suitable for those who want to create the atmosphere of southern France in their bedroom. Choose a pastel range of shades. Milky, light gray, mint and others are suitable. There may be small flowers on the wallpaper. To avoid monotony in the room, you should alternate between patterned coverings and plain wallpaper. When choosing textiles, be sure to keep a balance;
    • Scandinavian style. If you decide to create an atmosphere of freshness in the bedroom from the northern part of Europe, then choose natural winter shades. White, light tones of green and gray, transparent blue, etc. are suitable. All shades of white and those close to it are suitable. Add a room cozy atmosphere Coatings with a texture reminiscent of linen bleached in the sun will help. Wallpaper that looks like untreated boards is suitable;
  • Japanese style. Bamboo wallpaper will fit perfectly into this interior. Canvases with hieroglyphs, cherry blossoms, fans and bamboo are also suitable. Japanese style allows the use of a wide range of shades, from straw color to bright pink and red tones;
  • Art Deco. For this interior, choose coverings that depict abstract patterns. Wallpaper can be rich, but choose calm shades. The most commonly used is gray in combination with different colors, burgundy, black and others. To visually increase the area of ​​the room, use optical illusion and holographic pictures.

Deciding on the choice of wallpaper pattern for the bedroom

If you do not want to use a single-color coating in the bedroom, then you should approach the choice of pattern carefully. You should avoid oversaturating the room with different patterns. If the coverings have a pattern, other pieces of furniture, including curtains, decorative pillows, must be plain, without any inclusions. The range of choice of wallpaper with designs is extensive. You can divide all the diversity into several groups:

    • Floral ornament. This print is suitable for rooms in country or Provence style. Wallpaper helps create a romantic atmosphere. But the bedroom will immediately take on the appearance of a woman’s room. Combinations with floral patterns of checkered or striped coverings will help add a little balance. If you carefully think through the entire interior, it will turn out to be solid and cozy;
    • Check and stripe. Checkered wallpaper goes well with a plain fabric. This will give the room a touch of English or Scottish style. Striped wallpaper is unique option. Various thickness, shades, direction. Thanks to this, the strip can fit almost any interior. It can be combined with coatings of other shades. The strip perfectly helps to adjust the room, hiding some of its imperfections. To visually make the ceilings in a room higher, use a vertical strip. An increase in the effect can be achieved by gluing such wallpaper overlapping. If you want to make your bedroom wider, you should choose horizontal stripes. Visually the room will become more spacious;
  • A pattern that repeats. This is an abstract ornament. And his choice should be approached carefully. If the bedroom is small, it is better not to use large ornaments. It won't look pretty. It will not be possible to achieve harmony, and when you are in a room, such a pattern will begin to put pressure on the person, reducing the small space even more.

The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom should be approached responsibly and carefully. The atmosphere of the room and how visually it will look depend on them. You should think about it in advance general interior premises. This will help narrow down your choice from the wide variety of options.
The color scheme in the bedroom depends on the style. It is worth using shades of red and purple carefully. The predominance of these tones in the bedroom will negatively affect sleep and general condition person. It is better to use them as accents in combination with other colors. It is important to think through the design on the canvas in advance, taking into account all the features of the room.

For small bedrooms, a strip is suitable, visually giving more space, but from the ornament large size worth refusing.

Video: Examples of wallpaper for the bedroom.

Photo gallery: 30 photos of wallpaper options for the bedroom.

How you want, when you come home from work after a hard day at work, to plunge into an atmosphere of coziness, tranquility and comfort. Of course, all this can be found in the bedroom. To do this, you need the entire environment and interior to be conducive to relaxation. The smallest details are very important in such a design. What can we say about wallpaper? They play one of the most important roles in creating a harmonious interior.


There are many wallpaper options available these days. Therefore, it is very important to decide on the end result and personal preferences.

The most common types:

  • Paper
  • Vinyl
  • Non-woven
  • Textile
  • Fiberglass
  • Photo wallpaper
  • Liquid wallpaper

The simplest wallpaper option is paper. The cost is low, but the quality is not the same. top level. Their most significant advantage after price is the environmental material. They also have a rich color palette.

However, such wallpaper quickly fades when exposed to sunlight. Therefore the service life paper wallpaper small. If you like to change your interior design often and not spend a lot of money on it, then this option is the most suitable.

Vinyl wallpapers are made from a denser material than paper. However, they should be glued to leveled walls. And the gluing itself will not be the easiest process. Vinyl wallpaper is classified as synthetic. They do not allow air to pass through.

After gluing them to the wall, the room remains bad smell, which will finally disappear after a long period of time. Wallpaper can be made on paper or non-woven backing. The latter have a beautiful relief pattern and are easy to glue.

A more expensive option is non-woven wallpaper. Their distinctive property is their ability to stretch. This is due to the fact that they are made from soft material(cellulose fibers).

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to glue, since the glue is applied only to the walls. Also, due to their sufficient thickness, they are easily joined at the edges without forming bubbles. Main advantages: ability to pass air, environmental friendliness of the material, variety in colors. Some non-woven wallpapers are painted. Due to the dense material, it can be repainted up to fifteen times.

Textile type of wallpaper most often used to create a certain style. They can be produced either on a paper basis or on a non-woven basis. And here upper layer, which serves as decor, is much more diverse: silk, linen fabrics, cotton, synthetics. The choice and color range is varied.

An important feature of synthetic-based fabric wallpaper is that it has excellent soundproofing property. Fabric wallpaper look very rich and elegant. The negative points include the following: they accumulate dust, are not resistant to water, and are also high in price.

Fiberglass. These wallpapers are made from environmentally friendly pure material: molten glass drawn into threads or from quartz sand. This composition also includes soda and lime. There are many advantages of using such wallpaper: durable material, can be washed with water, breathable, easy to stick to the wall. The only obvious disadvantage is the high price.

Liquid wallpaper Perfect for hiding obvious unevenness in the wall. Apply with an ordinary spatula. Easily washed off.

Wallpaper color

It is important to pay attention to the color scheme. Both the interior itself and the feelings that the pasted wallpaper can evoke depend on this.

White wallpaper will look great in any interior. Pairs perfectly with other colors. The most common way to use white is in combination with black. White wallpaper evokes feelings of airiness, cleanliness and freshness. This color visually expands the room.

Don't think that White color exists as the only option. The variety of its shades from pearl to milky can diversify the entire design. White wallpaper is used in classic, Scandinavian or minimalist style.

Gray wallpaper color leads to many mixed feelings. On the one hand, it’s dull and dull, on the other, a calm background relaxes and helps you get a good night’s sleep. Gray wallpaper are able to highlight other bright interior details.

It is believed that green color and its shades perfect for the bedroom. This color has a beneficial effect on mental condition. For the bedroom, green wallpaper is best combined with blue, pink or yellow flowers. Green will also visually increase the area of ​​the room.

Beige color chosen by people who prefer a calm interior. This color can not only relax, but also promotes creative impulse. To prevent the walls from looking boring, they should be diluted with other colors.

Combine beautifully beige wallpaper with blacks. However, you should not give preference to dark shades that are repeated too often. This will make the room seem gloomy. A chic option will combine beige color with golden. Such an ensemble will attract attention, and will glow beautifully under the sun's rays.

Black wallpaper in the bedroom they will look elegant, luxurious and a little mystical. The main thing is to diversify such a room with additional elements. Designers do not recommend gluing black wallpaper to those who were afraid of the dark in childhood, or who are often depressed. Such a range will worsen the mood even more.

If everything is in order with this, then black wallpaper will contribute to normal sleep not only at night, but also during the daytime.

Brown color walls are most often appropriate in large bedrooms. Light furniture can diversify a dark atmosphere, as well as proper lighting, which should be bright.

It is generally accepted that pink color Suitable for girls only. But this is far from true. When properly combined with other interior items such as furniture, curtains, paintings, and so on, you can get a very harmonious design for the newlyweds’ bedroom.

If the bedroom is made for a girl, then this color with its many shades will transform the room beyond recognition. It is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern.

Red color itself is very dangerous. Excessive saturation can cause fatigue or aggression. It is best to combine red wallpaper with white or beige. Also, with this color of the walls, you should choose furniture in light shades.

Yellow evokes a feeling of joy and goodwill. Easily invigorates after a night's sleep. When combined with beige or white, you can get a very interesting interior. It’s not for nothing that this color is used in hospitals. After all, it can relax and set the mood for the whole day.

Pattern and texture

The drawing directly affects our perception of the interior as a whole. Most often, wallpapers with the following patterns are chosen:

  • Floral ornament. Suitable for creating an atmosphere of romance. Most often, such wallpaper is used in vintage or English style. To prevent such an interior from seeming feminine, you can combine the pattern with other patterns, such as stripes or a simple check.
  • More suitable for men's bedroom wallpaper with a pattern in the form of a checkered or striped pattern. Designers recommend gluing this type of wallpaper on the side of the bed.
  • Geometric patterns, animals and plants would be appropriate for wallpaper in a classic or art deco style.
  • Best suited for bedroom embossed texture. As a rule, it imitates such noble fabrics as velvet and corduroy. With such wallpaper, the bedroom is filled with home comfort and is conducive to relaxation.

Combined wallpaper

It has become fashionable to combine wallpaper in the interior. This technique is used for several reasons:

  • Helps to highlight zones in the room. If the bedroom is also used for workplace, then wallpaper can perfectly divide the space into zones.
  • Hides some imperfections. Not everyone is lucky with the right layout. Sometimes elements such as protrusions of heating risers or niches can spoil the mood when staying in such a room. Combining wallpaper will help emphasize other areas of the bedroom. Or, on the contrary, you can make imperfections the highlight of the room, highlighting them with a bright accent in the form of wallpaper.
  • The main emphasis is placed. When there is a need to highlight one of the walls, this technique is most successful. You can use photo wallpapers, the variety of which is now very large.

Combination of wallpaper with other interior items

Every attribute in the room plays a role in the correct and complete perception of the interior. Therefore, many try to choose the most advantageous combination of curtains and wallpaper. In order not to make a mistake, you must adhere to some selection rules.

Curtains to match the wallpaper. The most optimal and common option. But you should not choose completely one color. This way the curtains will merge with the walls. It is enough to choose a tone lighter or darker to make the bedroom seem cozy.

If the wallpaper has a catchy pattern, then the curtains should be selected in neutral tones. It is not recommended to hang braid or lambrequin on curtains. With this choice, the emphasis will be on the walls.

When the wallpaper has a monochromatic, calm color, you need to hang bright and catchy curtains. This way you can avoid despondency in the bedroom interior. Just keep in mind that this technique will be appropriate with the right combination of wallpaper and curtain colors.

The most convenient option is white curtains. Pairs perfectly with any wallpaper different styles interior The only obvious drawback will be that such curtains need to be washed very often.

Some people believe that the bedspread and wallpaper should match. However, this is not the case. To diversify the interior, many designers advise choosing patterned bedspreads with plain walls.

It is necessary to decide what the main emphasis will be on. If on a bed, then it is better to choose a brightly colored bedspread. If the bed fades into the background, then it is better to choose a bedspread in the same shades as the wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper in bedroom design

With the advent of photo wallpaper, it has become much easier to highlight a wall in a room. Such wallpaper can be on any theme and in any shade. This could also be your own photo. It is customary to glue photo wallpaper to only one wall.

In addition, no unnecessary items such as cabinets and tall chests of drawers should be placed near the designated wall. Otherwise you will end up with a very awkward interior.

Today, photo wallpapers can depict any image: cities, nature, landscapes, plants, animals, people and so on. It all depends on your personal mood and preference. Photo wallpapers are easy to glue and can also be washed if dirty.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

Those who have a small bedroom should not be upset. You can quite harmoniously and tastefully make a modern and cozy interior. In addition, there will be much less consumable materials, which will allow you to choose higher quality and more expensive wallpaper.

Designers have always advised and continue to do so by gluing light-colored wallpaper in small rooms. This will visually increase the space and improve the lighting. It is better to avoid any bold or flashy designs. The most suitable option for such a bedroom would be non-woven or liquid wallpaper.

Wallpaper for a teenager's bedroom

When choosing wallpaper for a teenager’s room, you should focus not only on the environmental friendliness of the material, but also on color scheme. Excessively flashy and bright wallpaper will not contribute to healthy sleep and comfortable rest. Wallpaper with a pattern would look appropriate in such a room. Children always look at the patterns on the walls with curiosity.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also take into account the character of the teenager. If he is temperamental, then it is best to give preference to cold, but not dark shades. If the child is more phlegmatic by nature, then feel free to put up wallpaper warm colors. If a teenager is lazy enough, then it is recommended to choose moderately bright wallpaper.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom plays an important role; how comfortable it will be to stay and sleep in it will depend on the color and pattern. Khrushchev buildings, dormitories and old-style apartments rarely boast spacious rooms; simple wall decoration techniques will help “stretch” a narrow bedroom and adjust the low height, while maintaining its comfort and unique style.

Rules for choosing wallpaper to visually enlarge a room

There are a number of ways to visual increase rooms. In order to choose any of the options, you need to decide which of the parameters of the bedroom you are not satisfied with and would like to increase. However general rules remain unchanged and will help expand the boundaries of not only the bedroom, but also any other room.

  • Wallpaper with vertical or horizontal stripes visually stretches and expands the space of a small bedroom,
  • the lighter the tone of the finish, the more spacious the small room seems; white and blue colors cope especially well with this task,
  • Photo wallpaper with a perspective will visually increase the area of ​​a small bedroom, for example a road receding into the distance,
  • V small room without windows, photo wallpaper with a picture of an open window and artificial daylight will help get rid of the feeling of enclosed space,
  • in a small bedroom located on the north side, it is better to use warm-colored wallpaper for decoration; they make up for the lack of sunlight.

What wallpaper color is better to choose?

Everyone knows the rule light colors make a small bedroom feel more spacious. However, this does not mean that the walls in the room should be exclusively white. Delicate shades will become the best solution to create a comfortable design. Colors such as beige, sky blue, light grey, cream or sand will refresh the interior or make it warmer without sacrificing precious square footage.

Which shade to choose depends on the location of the room, more precisely on which side the windows face and how bright the lighting is in the room. Also, a small bedroom does not mean the absence of bright colors and large patterns, accent wall or a fragment of it will add color to the bedroom interior.

For a dark bedroom

The lack of light in a small bedroom can be compensated with the help of artificial lighting, mirrors and the right color wallpaper The finishing should be in a light palette, and the priority colors are warm shades, sand, light yellow, beige, light green. These colors will fill a small room with warm colors and will be associated with the sun's rays.

For a bright bedroom

A light bedroom has more possibilities; you can use bright elements in it, but it is better to choose the main tone that is also light, but cold. Blue, gray, white, mint. These shades will refresh the bedroom by maintaining the balance of light.

What design or pattern should I choose to increase space?

The design of a small bedroom will be equally successful with plain wallpaper and patterned coverings, the main thing is to choose it correctly.

  • If the decoration of a small bedroom will be completely done with one type of wallpaper, then it is better to choose a small pattern,
  • Three-dimensional images should be used to decorate only one of the walls of a small room,
  • for a small room with high ceiling good option will become horizontal stripes or patterns, they will “pull apart” the walls,
  • you need to take into account the future design of the room; if you plan to fill the interior with bright details and textiles, then you should choose plain wallpaper.

Large drawing or ornament

You can decorate one of the walls of a small bedroom with three-dimensional images and ornaments. This could be the head of the bed, the wall behind the TV, or a randomly selected area. It is better to decorate the rest of the bedroom with light, plain wallpaper or with a small, nondescript pattern.

This method helps to focus attention on one of the walls, making it voluminous. In a very small room, a large pattern may occupy only a small part of the wall, however, it will still be noticeable. The image should match the style of the room and reflect its mood.

Flowers and plants

Plant and flower themes look good in a delicate and romantic interior.

The photo shows a compact bedroom with a classic design. The soft blue tone of wallpaper and textiles in combination with white refreshes a small space and makes it more spacious.

For a small room, bright designs with rich shades are not prohibited; such wallpaper can be combined with other, more in calm ways finishes, such as bleached brick, plaster or plain wallpaper.

The photo shows a small women's bedroom in the new classic style. Wallpaper with a beautiful floral print is pasted in such a way that it divides the room into several zones.

Flowers and plants in a light palette can occupy an impressive part of the walls, without concealing the space of a small bedroom.


Textured wallpaper enlarges a small space due to its irregularities.

In the photo, shiny gold details on the wall create the illusion of a three-dimensional surface and make a small room larger due to its reflective properties.

The light falling on the relief forms a “play of shadows,” thereby adding volume to a small room. Textured wallpaper goes well with other images and finishing methods.


Stripes help with visual adjustments small space, depending on their direction, the room appears higher or wider.

The photo shows a small bedroom in sky blue. The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a zigzag pattern. The horizontal direction makes the room wider.

In order to “stretch out” a small bedroom with low ceilings, wallpaper with a vertical pattern is suitable; even light stripes will change the perception.

The same technique is used for narrow walls V rectangular room The wider the strip, the stronger the visual effect will be.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small bedroom

Photo wallpaper can be a salvation for a small room. Visual techniques can significantly change the perception of space. The most effective technique is photo wallpaper with a perspective picture, that is, the image moves away into the distance, thereby creating the illusion of another space that opens up to the eye.

Small in the photo modern bedroom. Photo wallpaper in rich green color is illuminated LED strip. This technique visually deepens the wall, moving it away.

Volumetric objects, such as a highway, city view or bridge, due to the contrast of scale, make a small bedroom appear larger. And a blurry image, such as a foggy landscape, acts on the subconscious, painting a picture beyond it.

3D Wallpaper

The realistic three-dimensional image fascinates with its scale. The space of a small room becomes more voluminous, as if removing a wall.

The photo shows a small bedroom in a modern style. The decoration and filling are done in warm colors, which makes the room bright and cozy.

The drawing can correspond to different styles; for the classical direction it can be an image of voluminous columns or flowers, for the modern style will suit abstraction or a view of the metropolis, and for Provence, lavender fields and a view from the window of the French village.

The photo shows a small bedroom with a minimalist design and decorated with 3D wallpaper. Elongated arched figures make the room visually higher.

Wallpaper design by style


To decorate a small bedroom in a modern style, you can choose wallpaper with geometric patterns, stripes, wallpaper with photo printing or with an imitation of some material, for example brickwork or wood panels.

You can also use different colors of plain wallpaper; contrasting stripes create volume. Suitable for use in high-tech and minimalist interiors functional furniture, beds with built-in wardrobes, spacious chests of drawers and compact lamps.

The photo shows a minimalist small bedroom with colorful decoration on one of the walls, the colors are bright, but not flashy. The mirror insert increases the space due to its reflective properties.


Romantic Provence is most often made in light colors. Wallpaper with imitation plaster, painted brickwork, or a small floral pattern will look good.

Using photo wallpaper, you can highlight the area above the head of the bed, thereby decorating it and marking the central point in a small room. In a Provence interior, light pastel colors, mint, pink, white, light purple, blue and peach will look harmonious.


For classic style In a small bedroom, you should choose calm and restrained colors. Floral patterns, monograms, plaster effect or stripes will look harmonious.

The color of the patterns should not stand out from the overall tone; the pattern can be complemented with shiny details, such as a gold or silver border.


The stylish loft design is filled with a variety of textures. Even in a small room, wood, brick and concrete can be combined.

A small room is not a reason to refuse a variety of contents. Using a light palette or a contrast of dark and light, you can combine bleached brick and an unevenly plastered wall, cold concrete and wooden panels even in a small bedroom. Wallpaper that imitates these effects significantly saves space.

Scandinavian style

Minimalistic and laconic interior, not overloaded with unnecessary details. Finishing and filling are done in light colors. Wallpaper can have either realistic images of forests, alpine mountains or wooden panels, or a fine pattern.

The photo shows a small bedroom in a Scandinavian style. The finishing and filling are made in pastel colors.

How to combine wallpapers for visual expansion?

Contrasting colors and textures can make a small room feel bigger. Finishing one of the walls bright wallpaper, visually attracts her.

Using plain wallpaper in two different colors, you can create volume in a small room, creating the illusion of a play of light and depth of space.

The photo shows a small bedroom with several types of wall decoration. The decoration of the room is consistent with one color palette, which makes it as spacious as possible.

Wallpaper companions also help to focus attention on one of the walls in a small room.

Features of choosing wallpaper for low ceilings in the bedroom

The best way to make a small room taller is to decorate it with wallpaper with vertical patterns.

These can be stripes, floral or floral patterns, located in the direction from the floor to the ceiling, photo wallpaper with a picture tending upward, or wallpaper with a gradient effect from dark to light.

Wallpaper design ideas for narrow bedrooms

For small, narrow bedrooms, the same techniques apply, only they work in reverse. Patterns and images should not be positioned vertically, but horizontally, thereby expanding the wall.

Wide stripes can frame one or more walls; wallpaper with an abstract image, a clear horizon line or corner wallpaper will help to visually enlarge a small, narrow bedroom.

Photo gallery

A small bedroom can also be stylish and comfortable. A competent combination of finishing, furniture and decor forms cozy room, in which you want to be, and the variety of choices allows you to choose the ideal option for yourself. Below are photo examples of small bedrooms decorated with wallpaper.