Calculator of stairs to the second floor in the country. Calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor: we carry out calculations using online calculators

Calculation of stairs using an online calculator

You need a staircase to the second or third floor, to a house or apartment, and I would like to estimate various options designs? Calculate comfortable staircase easy with our online calculator. The calculator will help you pre-determine the type of staircase and obtain initial data for the future project. It's quite easy to work with. You need to fill in the fields provided and the program will prepare a drawing and also evaluate the degree of convenience of the staircase with the given parameters.

To calculate the stairs you will need the following data:

  • Will it be an open staircase (metal support or bowstrings remain visible), closed version(for example, complete wood paneling steps and stringers), monostring (staircase on one central carrier to which the steps are attached). If space for a staircase is limited, a spiral staircase may be the solution.
  • Will it be a staircase with a turn of 90 (g-shaped) or 180 degrees (p-shaped), or a straight flight
  • What is the lift height
  • What is the length of the opening in the upper floor

You can see a staircase with different turning elements (landing or winder steps). The program will create a 3D model of the staircase and also generate useful tips to improve the comfort of stairs. By increasing and decreasing the number of steps in each march, you can choose the optimal ratio of data.

In the prepared project you will see all the details: the length of the string, the number of steps in each flight, the angle of inclination and rotation of the stairs, the location and number of turning elements, the length of the tread and the height of the steps. The data obtained will allow you to accurately formulate your requirements when ordering a staircase and receive information from our manager about the cost of manufacturing the structure.

A properly designed staircase fits perfectly into the interior and is as convenient as possible to use.

The staircase allows access to the upper floors of the building; it is also part of the interior. With its help you can give the room your own special style. You can do the calculation of the stairs to the second floor yourself if you know how.

Calculation of stairs, main points

Is it possible to do the calculations without help? qualified specialists? Can. In order to calculate the stairs to the second floor you need desire and basic knowledge school geometry. Although advice from professionals will not hurt. You can also use special computer programs for calculations.

What is important for calculation staircase design? The correct calculation of the stairs is carried out taking into account the layout and size of the rooms. This will affect the choice of location and type of staircase structure. Do not forget that for an interfloor staircase, not only the area on the ground floor is important, but also the ability to provide a convenient staircase opening on the upper level.

Staircase in plan two-story house.

At the first stage, the following points must be taken into account:

  • height from the first floor to the second (room height);
  • total area of ​​premises (first and second levels);
  • location of load-bearing and interior walls;
  • location of door and window openings.

This will allow you to determine the size of the area that can be allocated for the construction of the staircase, the size of the opening for access to the second floor and select the optimal model.

If the area for installing the stairs measures 160x160 cm or more, then it is better to choose a flight of stairs. If you have a more modest area, you will have to limit yourself screw design.

A spiral staircase can be placed in the corner of the room.

Straight stairs

A straight flight of stairs (flight) is the simplest option for installation and calculation. This form is very convenient for wooden structure. Straight flights have one drawback - their installation requires a significant area of ​​the room.

To make efficient use of space, the space under the stairs is often equipped for a closet, offices, and even restrooms.

Generally accepted norms and construction standards will help you draw up a project correctly and accurately perform calculations. For example, if the staircase has an inter-level platform, then its width should correspond to the width of the span. In this case, the minimum width of the flight is 0.7 m. One person can go up or down this staircase.

For comfortable movement of two people, as well as for convenient transportation of large items, such as furniture, to the second floor, household appliances, width flight of stairs should be larger - from 1.2 to 1.4 m.

Addiction bandwidth and the convenience of the stairs depending on the width of the flight.

The length of one straight section with steps should not be more than 3 m (the minimum size is approximately 1.5 m). The steps must be the same height and depth.

Turning stairs

In order to save space in the house, most stairs to the second floor have to be made with turning sections. The easiest way to rotate is to install a platform. There are U-shaped and L-shaped designs figurative forms, where the turn is realized using winder steps.

Important parameters of the stairs that need to be calculated:

  • inclination angle value;
  • dimensions of the area between marches;
  • step height;
  • depth of straight and winder (if provided) steps;
  • fencing parameters.

Angle of inclination of flight of stairs

The angle of inclination of the stairs is the angle between the flight of stairs and the horizontal (floor). It is he who is primarily responsible for the convenience of the staircase design. The angle of inclination should allow a person to easily go up/down the stairs.

Depending on the angle of inclination, the staircase is used for certain purposes.

Building codes and rules (SNiP) determine the optimal parameters of stairs: staircase structures with an inclination angle in the range of 30-45 degrees are considered the most convenient and safe. It is these slopes that are chosen for indoor and outdoor stationary stairs. If this angle is less than 20 degrees, install a ramp.

How to calculate stage parameters

When calculating the staircase structure to the second floor, two values ​​are important: the height of the tread and the depth of the tread (the horizontal landing of the step). These parameters determine the degree of convenience and safety when moving (ascending/descending) stairs. It is important to determine them correctly, since these values ​​are involved in the design calculations.

It is convenient to climb stairs when there is no need to artificially increase or decrease the length of the step. The average step length when moving on a horizontal plane is 63-64 cm, and when climbing - 31.5-32 cm.

The step size of the average person.

Based on these data, the height of the riser is most often in the range from 12 to 20 cm (the optimal size is 14-17 cm). The optimal tread depth is determined from 25 to 30 cm. The maximum permissible step depth during the construction of stairs is 32 cm.

Often, in order to save space when installing staircase structures, models are used with one step overhanging the other. This type of steps gives the staircase a lighter and more beautiful look.

Calculation of the size of steps of a flight of stairs

Let's consider the option of calculating the main parameters for simple example. Optimal ratios heights and depths of steps used when designing stairs (cm): 19/27, 18/28, 17/29 and 16/30. The ideal option is 17/29 cm.

We use exactly this ratio to calculate such important design parameters as the angle of inclination, flight length, total steps.

The number of steps is easy to calculate: the height of the floor (for example, 270 cm) must be divided by the height of the step (17 cm): 270/17 = 15.9. We discard the fractional part and get the number of steps on the flight of stairs (15 pieces). If the number is fractional, then you can make the first or last step a little higher or a little lower than the rest.

To eliminate the difference, you can also install a special podium under the stairs.

We specify the height of the steps. To do this, divide the height of the room by the number of steps: 270/15 = 18 cm. Thus, the height of each step is 18 cm.

The depth is calculated taking into account the horizontal step width. For calculation, we select a step equal to 63 cm. From this value we subtract the double height of the step: 63-2x18 = 27 cm.

Calculate the area and angle of inclination

Now you can calculate how much space the stairs to the second floor will take up. It is necessary to determine the area of ​​projection of the flight of stairs onto the horizontal plane. It has the shape of a rectangle, one of whose sides is equal to the width of the steps (d), and the second (b) is the projection of the length of the flight onto the horizontal.

Formula for sparing a rectangle: S = b x d.

The length of the larger side of the rectangle (b) is obtained by multiplying the depth of the steps by their number: 27x15 = 405 cm. The smaller side of the rectangle (d) is equal to the width of the stairs and is selected independently. It is worth considering that the minimum size for one person to move is 70 cm, for two people the minimum is 100 cm.

For convenience, the staircase in the drawings should be presented in 3 projections.

Now you can start calculating the length flight of stairs. In this simple calculation, the well-known school formula(Pythagorean theorem). The length of the march is the hypotenuse right triangle(c), the legs of which are the height of the room (a) and the horizontal projection of the span (b):

c2 = a2 + b2 = 2702+4052

And the required length (hypotenuse) is equal to square root from the sum of the squares of the legs, i.e. c = 486.7 cm or 486 cm (we do not take into account the fractional part).

To determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, you will have to remember school course trigonometry: the sine of the desired angle is equal to the ratio of the height of the floor (a) to the length of the flight of stairs (c):

cos(α)=a/c, α = arcos(a/c)

Having performed calculations using these formulas, we determine the angle of inclination - 370.

Convenient service for calculating staircase structures


When developing a design for a staircase to the second floor, it is worth paying attention to the fence in order to install it correctly. The following dimensions are important for installation:

  • baluster height;
  • length and width of the railing.

The fences are important element. Their standard height(including handrails) should be from 90 to 100 cm. If there are children in the house, additional handrails should be provided (70-75 cm). The design and material of the fence can be anything.

For stair railing Not only reliability is important, but also convenience.

If you build a staircase according to all standards and rules, then it will be comfortable, durable, safe and will last for a long time.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy Cultures, specialty “Culturologist. Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to present. Editor: since 2016.

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The construction of a house with a second floor involves the creation of a staircase that connects the floors to each other. The simplest and most accessible for self-construction An option is a single-flight staircase. However, even in this case, you need to know how to calculate the steps of the staircase at the design stage so that it turns out not only safe, but also comfortable.

Required formulas

Calculation stair steps are produced based on such a parameter as the human step. Its average value ranges from 600 to 640 mm. How, based on this value, can you make a calculation (the height of the riser and the depth of the tread)?

There are formulas that relate the height and depth of a step to specific numerical parameters characteristic of a human step. Here are the most significant ratios:

  1. Y + 2H = S;
  2. Y + H = 460 mm;
  3. Y – H = 120 mm.

Designations: Y – step depth, H – step height, S – average human step (600–640 mm). The first formula is the main one. The second is a simplified version of the first, it is also called the safety formula. Using the third formula will help make the stairs more comfortable. All these ratios were obtained back in the 18th century, but they are still considered standard to this day. If your dimensions match the standard ones, then the staircase will be comfortable and safe.

In addition to formulas that allow you to correctly calculate the size of steps, there are recommended parameters. For example, the area of ​​the step should be such that a person, when walking up the stairs, rests on his entire foot or at least most of it. The depth of the tread determines this area. Minimum value depth – 25 cm. This is especially important for descent. On the other hand, if the depth of the steps is too deep, a person, going up to the second floor or going down, will certainly lose his step. The area of ​​the step, of course, will be sufficient for placing your feet, but walking from floor to floor when the steps are wider than 40 cm is no longer comfortable. Thus, the depth is selected from the range of 25–40 cm. The optimal value is 30 cm.

You can do it differently - take the shoes of those people who will use the stairs and increase their size by a couple of centimeters. The resulting values ​​will become a guideline for choosing the tread depth. If the depth is too small, which happens, for example, due to the large angle of inclination of the stairs, then protrusions (overlaps) are used. The width of the tread section overhanging the underlying step should not exceed 5 cm.

When the tread depth is selected, the calculation can be made according to the formulas described above. But there are also recommended values. The height is selected from the range of 12–22 cm. It is not advisable to make the steps high if children and elderly people will use the stairs. Steps that are too low are also not recommended, since you will have to step often and shallowly, which is inconvenient. The optimal height is 15 cm.

Important! The steps must be the same height. When going down to the bottom floor in the dark, it is very easy to trip when the actual height of the step differs from the expected one, as we rely on muscle memory.

Choosing the width of the march

One of the parameters of the steps is their width. It is more correct to call it the width of the march. The ability to comfortably move up the stairs depends on this value. The width of the march should not be less than 70 cm.

If the stairs will be used by several people at the same time, the structure should not only be stronger, but also wider. When one person goes up to the second floor and another goes down to the first, they need to separate without experiencing any inconvenience. To ensure the ability to walk on the stairs towards each other, the width of the flight must be at least 120 cm.

The length of the steps can be longer when it is necessary to increase the so-called capacity of the stairs. IN apartment buildings And public buildings, where it participates in movements from floor to floor a large number of people, the flights of stairs reach a width of one and a half meters, or even more. In private buildings, the width of the flight of stairs leading to the upper floor often coincides with the width of the doorway to which it adjoins.

What can the parameters of the steps depend on?

  • number of steps;
  • height of the stairs;
  • tilt angle.

To determine the number of steps, the interfloor distance is divided by the height of one step. Everything is simple, but the problem is that the resulting value may not be an integer. The solution is to make the lower frieze step non-standard. Its area will not change, but its height will be less than that of the others - it is equal to the product of the remainder and the original height of the steps.

Another option is to spread the “extra” over all the steps, increasing their height. The calculation is simple - the remainder is multiplied by the height of the step, the resulting product is divided by the number of steps and this quotient is added to the original height of each step. Obviously, the change will be insignificant if there are many steps.

Graphical method

A method using graphical constructions makes it possible to obtain the parameters of the steps (height and depth), taking as a basis their number (of steps). For this purpose, a coordinate system is constructed on horizontal axis which displays the values ​​of a person’s average step, and on the vertical – half of this value.

Important! With this calculation, you need to choose a suitable scale, otherwise the drawing will require too much big square.

If the average human step is taken to be 620 mm, and the scale is chosen to be 1:10, then segments of 66 mm are plotted on the horizontal axis, and 31 mm on the vertical axis. The number of segments on each axis must be equal to the number of steps.

Having axes with marks, draw lines connecting the first mark on the horizontal axis with the first mark on the vertical, the second – with the second, the third – with the third, etc. Having received a series of parallel inclined lines, a straight line is drawn from the center of coordinates, indicating the steepness of the stairs. Now, from each point of intersection of a straight line with inclined lines, two segments are drawn:

  • the first - to the left, parallel to the horizontal axis;
  • the second - upward, parallel to the vertical axis.

As a result, the boundaries of the steps should be outlined. Their width and height are determined by simply measuring the resulting lines on the graph. The final dimensions are obtained taking into account scaling (for example, multiplying by 10 if the scale was 1:10).

Online calculator

The most in a simple way calculating the parameters of stairs is an online calculator. No special knowledge or skills are required here. In addition, online calculators allow you to calculate the parameters of not only simple single-flight staircases to the second floor, but also spiral staircases, as well as staircases with winder steps. The calculation can be made with different initial data. In one case, to receive required sizes The floor height and room area are entered into the program. In another case, calculations are made based on the height of the steps and the angle of inclination of the structure. Online calculator for stairs and others construction work

Online calculators that calculate the parameters of stairs are developed, as a rule, in compliance with the standards specified in GOST. Using such programs can benefit not only beginners, but also professionals.

Alexander Bykov. Author.
Copywriter: construction, renovation.
Education: Ternopil Academy National economy specialty "Organizational Management". Experience in copywriting: From 2014 to present.

Comments 0

The stairs in the house are not easy decorative design. It serves for a convenient and safe ascent to the second floor, attic or upper tier of the room. Here we will try to answer the questions how to calculate stairs. It is with this procedure that its production begins.

Type of stairs: features of choice

The choice of staircase type depends entirely on the design features of the building - ceiling height, room size, etc. Taking into account all the circumstances, choose a spiral, one-, two- or three-flight staircase. Examples of such designs can be seen at the following photos

We will not consider the question of how to calculate a spiral staircase, since this type of construction is too complex for an inexperienced craftsman.

The vast majority of homeowners choose marching stairs, which are much more practical and easier to manufacture than their screw “brothers”. Easiest calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor, if she has one march. However, such a solution is not always possible (for example, due to lack of space), so in such cases they usually use rotating two- or three-flight structures that can fit into a limited space.

Rotations of flights by 90 or 180 degrees provide landings. In each specific case, the answers to the question how to calculate stairs, will be different, but the calculation method is common to all marching structures. They may differ in set and varieties structural elements Therefore, for someone who decides to independently make a staircase in a house, its drawings and calculations are the primary and most important task.

Basic parameters of the staircase that provide comfort for the user

First on the list of answers to the question, how to calculate stairs, will be a reminder of the existence of basic parameters that ensure comfortable and safe use by her

Among them:

  • ​ angle of inclination, or slope;
  • width or pitch of steps;
  • width of marches;
  • height of risers;
  • dimensions of the opening for the stairs.

These parameters have numerical values. The optimal ranges of their values ​​are determined taking into account the anthropometric data of a person. They are not obligatory for a private developer, but without them you will not succeed. It's better to add another step than to constantly trip on a high riser.

Staircase details and calculation of their parameters

Stairs in the house are high-risk areas, so their construction should be treated with the utmost responsibility. Let's start with an illustration of what parts may be included in the staircase structure:

This drawing will illustrate, how to calculate stairs and not miss important technical parameters. For its production, exclusively high-grade coniferous and deciduous wood is used - pine, oak, larch and others.

Calculations of structural elements are a mandatory stage in the preparation of working drawings or sketches, according to which all parts are subsequently manufactured and assembled into a single whole. " Short course» rules for how to calculate stairs, you can view and listen to this video:

The main parameters of the stairs are the following numerical expression:

  • the optimal slope of the stairs, or ascent angle, is 35–40°;
  • the distance from the edge of the opening to the step below it should be at least 2 m, unless taller people live in the house;
  • width of steps – 25–30 cm;
  • riser height – 15–20 cm;
  • march width – 100–140 cm;
  • the distance between the balusters is 10–20 cm.

In order to correctly calculate the stairs to the second floor, we suggest that you adhere to the following recommendations. Firstly, the figures given are not absolute dogma and allow for slight deviations. Secondly, the dimensions you calculated should be checked for compliance with the proportions. Otherwise it will suffer appearance stairs.

To check the width and proportionality of steps, two types of dependence are used: 2a + b = 64 cm and a + b = 47 cm, where a is the height and b is the width of the step. The step of the stairs is checked by the first formula, but at the same time digital value equality should fall in the range of 60–65 cm. This corresponds to the average length of a normal adult step.

Next drawing

contains basic information about how to calculate stairs and what measurements you need to take. First you need to measure the vertical distance between the floor surfaces of the first and second floors. Then, using the optimal range of slope values, determine where to attach the lower ends of the support beams. The length of the stairs is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

If a single-flight design takes up too much space, choose the option with two flights and a 180° turn. Thus, the staircase will take almost twice as long less space, but will cause you more trouble. At the same time, the total length of the structure remains unchanged. The number of steps is determined by dividing the total height of the staircase by the height of the risers in the recommended range. The resulting result is rounded to a whole number.

Support beams can be made in the form of a bowstring or stringer. On multi-flight stairs you can use combinations of them. For staircases on bowstrings, the steps are placed between the support beams in grooves, on corners or support bars. On stringers they are attached on top of the beam. If you are sure that you could calculate the stairs correctly, then it’s time to move on to manufacturing its parts and subsequent installation.

Manufacturing of staircase parts

The initial procedure of this stage will be the drawing up of a design drawing with reference to the location of its installation, which will allow for complete detailing of the project. Your knowledge about how to calculate stairs, should be implemented in the manufacture of its parts, and this will require actions such as:

  • purchase of lumber. The use of wood with defects is unacceptable;
  • preparing tools such as saws, chisels, chisels, planes, jointers, etc. (although it will be difficult without a combined woodworking machine);
  • purchasing self-tapping screws, wood glue, corners and other fastening materials.

The best choice for stairs is hardwood: oak, larch, beech, ash. The production of parts requires perfect sizing and careful finishing. For example, steps are made for a specific method of fastening them.

In this case, the choice of support beams in favor of a bowstring or stringer is decisive.

When the entire set of parts is ready, a rough (test) assembly of the staircase is carried out.

This procedure is almost always performed even by professionals, and for those who are concerned with questions for the first time, how to calculate stairs and install it, this stage is required. Rough assembly is guaranteed to identify all errors, the elimination of which during final installation is extremely difficult, and often impossible.

Assembly order wooden stairs

We have already seen that the question how to calculate the stairs correctly, is very multifaceted and involves a large number of recommendations for every aspect of this process. If everything is done according to the rules, then assembling the stairs on site should not give you any problems. The type of support beams also affects the order of assembly. Installation of stairs on stringers begins with their installation. A short overview of this process is presented in this video

Flights of stairs on strings are assembled on the floor and then installed in finished form in place. This is due to the peculiarities of fastening steps and risers, which are clearly visible in the following video


This operation cannot be performed on pre-installed support beams. A common disadvantage of such video tutorials is the long duration of the videos. In this regard, manuals on the topic, how to calculate stairs, are clearly winning.

After assembling and installing the marching structures and platforms, they proceed to installing balusters and railings that form the staircase fencing, which ensures the safety of users. All connections of parts are made with the simultaneous use of hardware and glue. This ensures the durability of the connections and protects the wood from premature wear. If possible, it is recommended to use wooden dowels as much as possible instead of self-tapping screws.

At this point we will put an ellipsis in the answers to the question of how calculate a wooden staircase, manufacture and install it. The topic is too voluminous to cover all the nuances in one article. Fortunately, nowadays there is the Internet, where you can find answers to any questions, including highly specialized ones. And if you manage to build a wooden staircase at home with your own hands, share your experience with others.

Nowadays, you can buy almost everything that is needed for construction, including a staircase, both as a whole and individual parts for its assembly. But making it yourself according to your own drawings is much more pleasant. In addition, no one will have such a design.


When deciding to make a staircase at home to the second or more floor, you need to think through everything carefully. A staircase is a rather complicated structure, as it seems at first glance. For its construction, SNiP and GOST standards are provided. Taking them into account, you will be confident in the safety and reliability of this design.

Therefore, before proceeding to the calculations, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the standards:

  • Slope is the angle of inclination of a flight of stairs. In residential buildings it should be from 30 to 40 degrees.
  • The number of steps will depend on the size of the span and the number of flights. There should be a minimum of 3, a maximum of 16 in a two-flight design, and 18 in a single-flight design.
  • In a two-flight model, the size of the platform must be no less than the width of the flights leading to it.
  • The tread width is the length from the beginning of the step to the riser. Acceptable range from 26 to 31 cm.
  • Riser height is the height between steps. The standard is 17 cm, but is allowed within 14-17 cm.
  • The step is the sum of the height of 1 riser and the width of 2 treads.
  • The width of this product is the length of the entire step - according to the standard, at least 80 cm.
  • Options staircase must have such an area that two people can separate in it and open the door freely.


Stairs for a private house, cottage and multi-level apartment are divided into types according to design features:

  • Marching is divided into single-marching, double-marching and multi-marching. There are also options with a platform, straight and with winder steps, rotated 90, 180 and 360 degrees. Winders are steps that have the shape of a trapezoid.
  • Screw or spiral. The steps of this configuration are twisted along the axis.
  • Combined is a combination of the previous two in different versions.

The type of staircase in your home should be chosen depending on the area of ​​the room where it will be located, its layout, functional features, financial capabilities and your imagination.

A straight single-flight staircase is considered a simpler and easier to manufacture option. Its manufacture does not require complex calculations, its installation is simple, and this design is more reliable and comfortable. But she has significant drawback: It requires a lot of space to install.

If you do not have enough space, reducing its size is unacceptable, this will lead to a decrease in the comfort and safety of the product. A two-flight or more staircase would be a way out of this situation. By dividing one march into two or several, changing the direction of the marches to the opposite or perpendicular, you will significantly save the space used for it. You can use the corner of the room to install it and place it against the wall, which will be more practical. Ideal option It will happen if you initially, at the design stage of the building, provide a special place - a staircase.

A straight staircase, consisting of several flights, differs by changing the direction of movement. For example, the spans are separated by a transition in the form of a horizontal platform, or they can be connected by a curved segment that changes direction with the help of winder steps. A staircase with a section of winder steps makes the interior of the room more attractive. Thanks to the reversal, the product gains in size. Such a structure, of course, is more difficult to design, calculate, and assemble; it is less safe and comfortable to use than a staircase with a transition platform.

A spiral staircase can be placed in a minimal area, and it will look very elegant. This design is not convenient enough to use and has enough low level safety, and large items cannot be lifted on it. It is much more difficult to manufacture and install, and requires more accurate calculations. Manufacture complex structural parts without additional equipment and knowledge will be quite difficult for a non-professional.

Combined designs represent numerous variants of the two previous types and can have a very complex configuration. It will be difficult to calculate and make them yourself without proper education and experience.


For straight and spiral staircases, the frame is made of both metal and wood.

The frame for such stairs is divided into three types:

  • on stringers - the frame is made of 1 or 2 beams on which steps are placed;
  • on the string there are two support beams on which the steps are attached;
  • on Bolts (translated from German language– pin) – the steps are attached directly to the wall.

Where to place it?

Choosing the simplest option - a straight single-flight staircase - is most often not allowed by the size of the room. We have to choose more complex options.

To find the best way out From this situation, let's turn to the advice of professionals:

  • so that the staircase does not interfere in the living room, it is better to place it in a place that is less often used, so that you can freely approach it;
  • at self-production better to give preference landings than the winder steps;
  • calculate first simple options and provide for the possibility of lifting large items along the structure and the possibility of use by everyone living in the house;
  • choose the closed option if you plan to use the free space under the stairs, as open option makes it lighter and the room looks more spacious;
  • in a house built of wood, you can make a staircase out of metal no earlier than a year and a half after complete shrinkage, otherwise the metal will deform;
  • there should be an opening between floors; V concrete slab it's difficult to do.

What does the size depend on?

In order for the staircase design to have sufficient strength, be interesting, comfortable and, of course, safe to use, three main parameters must be taken into account when making calculations: its height, length, width.

The height of the stairs is the distance between the floors of the first and second floors(namely the floor, not the ceiling of the second floor). If the ladder is yours top part is installed on the ceiling of the second floor, then for more convenient operation an opening is made in the ceiling of the second floor. The height of the staircase is calculated very simply: the height from the first step to the ceiling is 10 cm greater than the height of the tallest family member. The recommended opening height is two meters; it must be maintained throughout the entire structure. This is clearly shown in the picture.

The staircase is placed in the habitable room if the rooms on both floors are heated. Otherwise, place it in a special room or from the street.

The length of the product will depend on the design features of the staircase. For a regular march, this is the entire length of the march. If the staircase consists of several flights and platforms, then this is the sum of all their lengths. For spiral staircases and staircases with winder steps, the average length is calculated, and a measurement is taken at a distance of 50 cm from the edge of the flight.

For different zones comfort, there are different staircase width standards:

  • increased comfort zone – 150 cm;
  • comfort zone – 100-120 cm;
  • staircase located near the wall - 80-100 cm;
  • for auxiliaries less than 80 cm is allowed;
  • due to the fact that stairs with winder steps narrow towards the center, a width of at least 110 cm is allowed;
  • for a spiral staircase, the comfortable zone is considered to be 140 cm, the minimum size is 110 cm.

The angle of inclination or steepness of the stairs determines the comfort of using this product. A steep staircase takes up less space in the room, while a flat staircase is comfortable to use. The diagram shows the dependence of comfortable movement on the stairs on the angle of inclination and the place of its use. In a living room, a tilt angle of 20-45 degrees is allowed, but the more comfortable zone in the picture is painted green(24-37 degrees).

It will be comfortable to move along stairs with a slope of 45 degrees only with your back facing forward.

In houses, as a rule, they make combined types stairs IN this option To determine the angle of fastening of the railing on the stairs, you need to draw a line parallel to the base of the stairs (stringer or bowstring). The railings are laid along this line.

The number of steps is not provided for by the standards; it is calculated based on the height of the structure and the riser. A two-flight staircase should have the same number of steps in the flights, but in practice this rarely happens. True, in apartment buildings the regulations provide from 9 to 11 steps.

Riser height is the distance between two steps. The most convenient parameter is considered to be 15 cm.

If the required height cannot be divided by an equal number, you can get out of the situation by changing the distance of the tread at the beginning and/or end of the march.

The step on the stairs is the width of the step that can be comfortably stepped on by the entire foot. The minimum permissible width is 10 cm if this ladder is rarely used, but it is unsafe to use such a design. The optimal size is 23 cm, equal to shoe size 35, so when calculating the width of the step, take into account the foot size of family members. It is possible to make the step wider by moving the step, but not more than 5 cm.

If the width of the step is more than 65 cm, there is a danger of tripping. When calculating the width, keep in mind the gap from baluster to baluster - 10 but not more than 15 cm is allowed, otherwise the use of the structure will be dangerous. When installing balusters, do not forget about aesthetics.

The length of the step will depend on the configuration of the staircase. If the main element of the structure is two strings, then the distance between them will be the length of the step. When using one or two stringers in a design, you determine the length of the step yourself. Below are the recommended dimensions of the steps, which depend on the angle of inclination and type of structure. These calculations will be useful for making a drawing of the stairs.

The parameters of the parts are interrelated and to calculate them you only need to know the basics of geometry.

Calculating parameters

The first example will show how to correctly calculate the length of an interfloor staircase and the width of the opening.

This option is the simplest, however, to make it, you need a large area in the room. You will see this in the proposed drawing.

Let's start by calculating the length of the stairs and the number of steps. We take the height of the room (in the proposed version 3000 mm), plus the width of the ceiling between the rooms (in this version 200 mm). It turns out 3200 mm, divide by 160 mm (the height of the riser recommended by the standards) in the end the number of steps is 20 pieces.

If we consider the width of the steps to be 300 mm and multiply them by 20, then the length of the structure will be 6000 mm. You can reduce the size of the product if you move the steps out by 50 mm, this will reduce the width of the steps to 250 mm. Then 250 mm needs to be multiplied by the number of steps (we have 20), we get the length of the structure 5000 mm, so we will reduce the area occupied by the stairs by 1 m2.

Now let's start calculating the opening width for this design. The height of the room (we have 3000 mm) minus the recommended clearance of 1900 mm = 1100 mm. We divide the resulting number by the height of the step - this is 1100 mm: 160 mm = 6.875, round the value. As a result, there are 7 steps, and the ceiling will be located above them.

The 13 remaining steps from 20 will be located in a free space, otherwise movement will not be very convenient. If the width of the step is 300mm, the width of the opening is 3900mm (300mm multiplied by 13 steps).

If the room does not allow you to allocate an area of ​​5-6 m2 for the stairs, change the width of the steps and/or the height of the riser. Consider creating a design with a twist. Can be used in the product steps " duck step" Making such structures with your own hands is, of course, more difficult, and it won’t be easy to calculate them yourself.

An approximate sketch of a staircase made of metal on one stringer.

In the second example, we will tell you how you can calculate the angle of inclination of a staircase and the parameters of its steps.

It is much more difficult to make calculations in this option, but it is possible to use methods such as:

  • line lifting method;
  • computer calculation;
  • Danish method;
  • sweep method;
  • method of proportions.

To use the first four methods for calculations, you must have at least basic knowledge of design. But the fifth method is accessible to a non-professional and will help you quite easily calculate a straight flight, a spiral staircase, and a staircase with winder steps. What these types have in common is that the steps taper towards the center.

The name of the proportion method speaks for itself. It is based on space distributed evenly in the area where stairs with winder steps turn both 90 and 180 degrees.

The calculation is made as follows:

  • In a horizontal projection we make a sketch of the product itself.
  • Let's place a line in the middle indicating the average length of the march.
  • Let us denote the segment indicating the middle part of the rotation of the product itself and the location point of the longest step.
  • On the center line we indicate the width of the steps and calculate their number from the turning line.
  • Determine the end point of the same step. There will be two such places - at the beginning and at the end of the product. We designate them as points. It happens that the staircase begins and ends with winder steps.
  • In the place where the step has the smallest width (about 1 of the stringers, strings or screw pipes) we will set aside 50 mm from the turning line. As a result, 50 mm plus 50 mm - we get 100 mm. This will be the smallest permitted step width.
  • Now we need to connect all the points showing the width of the steps, extend them to reverse side– 2 stringers, bowstrings or railings at the spiral staircase.
  • Let's mark the remaining steps. They correspond to a proportion of 1: 2: 3. This means that 1 mm in the narrow part of the product will be equal to 2 mm in the middle part and 3 mm at the widest turning point.

All staircase blanks are made according to the dimensions of the sketch according to scale.

Schematic drawing of a design with winder steps.

This picture shows a staircase with winder steps with a 90-degree turn; it is also called a quarter turn.

A staircase with winder steps and a 180-degree turn can be calculated in the same way; it is called a half-turn staircase.

This method can also be used to calculate the structure on the bolts. The only difference will be in the fastening method for which a bowstring can be used. But this method will not be very accurate, but if you make the stairs yourself, it will work.

There is another type of staircase - the “duck step”. Its advantage is that it saves space, but its construction is quite complicated, and it is not very convenient to use. This design is used for slope angles greater than 45 degrees. The peculiarity of this configuration is that you can step on the step with only one foot. It is difficult to use such a staircase often, but the design of the frame of this type is the same as that of a marching staircase. The only difference is in the shape of the steps. According to the standard, their number should be odd, and the first one, as a rule, is done on the right. The tread is also made on the right if the hosts, as an exception, have a leading leg other than the left.

Spiral staircase not only saves space in the room, but is also an effective detail in an interior designed in the loft, hi-tech, and minimalist styles. To calculate the diameter of this structure, you need to increase the width of the march by 2 times and add to it the diameter of the base. To calculate the lifting radius, reduce the width of the march by 2 and increase by the radius of the support.

The required dimensions for this configuration are calculated based on the diameter of the support pipes and the width of the product. For convenience, the staircase is made at least 80 cm wide so that two people can walk along it. The height and number of steps in this configuration must be calculated so that a tall person can move along it. Consequently, the number of steps in a coil must be equal to the length of the line of movement divided by the width of the step.

To calculate the height of the riser, we take the height of a person as 1.8 m, add 0.2 m (average tread depth) and divide by the number of steps in one turn. We divide the height of the entire structure by this number and get the number of steps.

The photo shows the frame of a spiral staircase.

They will help you not to rack your brains over calculation formulas. special programs. With their help, you can make a 3D model, make a drawing, indicating all the data.

The most commonly used programs are:

  • "Compass";
  • "SolidWorks";
  • Consultec Staircon.

Even if you used computer calculation, the method of proportions and you have drawings of the design you need, it is recommended to make a sketch with all required sizes not only your design, but also the room in which the staircase will be located. Include in the sketch all the details located next to the proposed structure, for example, a window, window sill, etc. The dimensions of these parts may not allow you to change the appearance or size of the structure if necessary. After all computer programs may issue a conclusion: the design according to the parameters you have chosen is not comfortable to use.

There is also a formula for calculating the comfort of stairs. She will allow you to find out by making a calculation based on the average step length.

The average human step ranges from 600 to 660 cm, with an average of 630 mm. If we denote the height of the step by the letter H, and the depth by the letter S, then we get the formula 2H+S - this will be the formula for the comfort of this design. We have already talked about a comfortable slope. If the depth of the stairs causes discomfort, this can be corrected by reducing the protrusion of the steps.

This table shows the dependence of the parameters of the steps (width and height) and the slope angle of the march:

This diagram and table No. 2 show the change in the number of steps and span parameters:

Railings and fencing structures

Railings and fences for this product, as a rule, have a dual function. They should primarily serve for the safety of using this structure by the whole family. secondly, it is a decor that decorates not only this product, but also fits into the interior of the room. In this regard, the fencing in this design must be taken no less seriously than the product itself.

To make railings and fencing you need to know:

  • height of balusters;
  • length and width of the railing.

It is also necessary to adhere to existing standards when creating a fence. The permissible height of the fence, taking into account the railings, can be from 90 to 100 cm. For safe use children (if they use this design) will have to provide additional railings at a height of 70 to 75 cm.

When choosing a material for fencing and railings, it is necessary to take into account the strength and safety of these materials. An example would be a wooden staircase with beautiful wooden railings and railings. This figure shows all the details with optimal sizes and even shapes.

Fencing and railings can be made from any material available to you, for example:

  • made of metal;
  • made of wood;
  • from glass;
  • made of polyurethane;
  • made of acrylic;
  • combinations of the above materials.

When choosing material, consider design features products, in particular, weight, size and types of fasteners for both the steps themselves and the entire flights. The choice of metal fencing will depend only on your financial capabilities. Forged parts or fences using copper or brass will cost several times more of stainless steel and aluminum. Steel is used more often in fencing due to its affordable cost.