Consultation for parents “how to help your child fall in love with the English language.” How to fall in love with English and why it is an important component of success in learning

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I think no one will be surprised to hear the statement “ English language helps in life." This is the language international relations, a way of communication between millions of people living in different countries. Knowledge of English can help in finding a job, significantly increasing your “worth” in the labor market. This, of course, does not count purely everyday use, for example, reading instructions, literature, texts from websites, translating them into Russian, into this moment, may not exist.

It is known that studying is not the most favorite hobby children. It is much more interesting to go for a walk, watch TV, surf the Internet or play computer games.
It is clear that the best way to help a child learn English is to enroll him in appropriate courses or place him in a specialized school.
But how can one instill a love for learning a language? How to avoid studying under pressure?
We need to turn studying into a hobby!

For the method that I would like to offer you, of course, you need a minimum of knowledge, which is usually acquired in school lessons. But you can start preparing for learning English from before school age!
The best way to do this is to watch simple American and English cartoons together, not burdened with a special plot, but WITHOUT translation. For example, the cartoons of the Tom and Jerry series and the like. In such cartoons, there are often inscriptions and simple phrases in English, which are immediately accompanied by actions, which are described in the voiced text. It’s good if you can translate some passages to your child, so he will perceive the information better.
In addition, children's video English courses, made in the form of game shows or cartoons, are excellent.
For example, "Mazi" or "Wizadorra". All this is necessary for the child to get used to English speech, and perhaps even begin to remember some words.
All information can be easily purchased or downloaded online.

In the presence of basic knowledge language, a child can be captivated.
There are many films and cartoons, the translation of which is done not with voice-over dubbing, but with the help of subtitles. This method is suitable for middle school-age children who can already read quickly.
The brain will automatically grasp English speech and compare it with the Russian translation, storing some words in memory.

Has your child been asking you for a gaming console for a long time, for example, a PlayStation or Nintendo, but you don’t buy him the object of his desires, because you think that games are of no use?
This is not true, or rather, not entirely true.
Computer games in English – great way Help your child fall in love with language. Games in which the text is not removed from the screen until a key is pressed are especially suitable for these purposes. Such games include the RPG and quest genres.
Before purchasing, consult with the seller, or look up information about the game on the Internet - and ask your child what is happening in the plot.

When a child reads a text and comes across an unfamiliar word, he may want to know what it means, where his favorite character is rushing now, and what he needs to do to move forward in the plot. And he will open the dictionary.
The main thing, of course, is not to buy localized games translated into Russian. Not counting games, with the preservation of the original audio track and support for subtitles - in this case there will be the same effect as the method described in the previous paragraph.
The pitfall of this method is the need to monitor the time that the child spends playing - this should in no case take up most his leisure time.
In this way, you can “kill two birds with one stone” - push your child to learn the language and rise in his eyes as a friend, buying him a gaming platform and being keenly interested in what is happening in his favorite game.

There are many ways to help your child fall in love with the English language. The point of the article is not to list them all, the main thing is to reveal the main idea: “do your homemade extra education the child is interesting to him.”
And how you do this, whether through games, books, films, music - it all depends only on your imagination and your child’s hobbies.

How to help your child fall in love with English

Many parents strive to help their children learn English from an early age. One of the main goals in teaching foreign languages ​​to preschoolers is to create a positive attitude toward foreign language speech. Exposure to a second language in early childhood is big advantage and helps children develop positive attitudes towards foreign languages. When children are exposed to a foreign language at an early age, they tend to view the language positively and learning another language becomes a comfortable activity for them. However, if the child resists, do not create a negative impression by forcing him to speak in a second language. Below are some tips on how to help your child fall in love with English:

    Slow down if necessary

Some parents think that great way help your child learn another language - speak only that language at home. A laudable idea, but the child usually gets upset and wants his parents to speak to him in his own language. native language. After all, the last thing you want for your child is the development of a negative attitude towards foreign languages ​​or the emergence of problems in communicating with mom and dad.

Nothing is more important than having a good relationship with your child. If he expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that you are trying to speak in English, it may be worth slowing down and switching to your native language. After all, you want your child to feel comfortable communicating with you.

    Show your child that you like English

One of the best ways get your child interested in something - let him watch how you enjoy this activity. Let him see you reading English books or newspapers, watch English films, listen to English music or talk to a friend in English. The child will follow your example.

If you want your child to become interested in English, show him that you are interested in him.

    Use simple ones English phrases, not requiring an answer

If a child is forced to respond in a difficult second language, he may become frustrated and easily frustrated. There is a lot of non-response language that can be used.

    Usesimpleteams, suchHow: “Put on your shoes, “Let’s go”or“Give me the apple, please.”

    Praise, Toexample: “Good job!”, “Well done!”or“What a beautiful drawing!”

    Conductobservationsorindicateonthings: “It’s cold today”, “Look at the brown dog”or“This ice-cream is yummy.”

    Ask simple questions that can be answered with a gesture or a short answer, such as: “Whatshirtdoyouwanttowear? - showing two shirts to choose from; “Doyoulikespaghetti? or“Where are yours shoes?”

    Introduce your child to English

The presentation of the material is very important. Play English movies and songs that your child likes, but don't force him to speak immediately. Sometimes our expectations of young learners are simply unrealistic. The process of mastering a foreign language is the same as the process of mastering a native one. Almost all children go through a “period of silence” before they begin to produce foreign speech themselves. Often the “silent period” drags on.

The exciting presentation of the material will allow the child to generate speech at his own pace. Also read to children in English. Find some good books with interesting pictures and read them. Just be careful - do not replace books in your native language with books in English. For children's literacy development, it is very important that you regularly read in your native language.

    Focus on the Positive

Learning a second language should be a positive experience. Remember: this is not a race! Provided that you regularly introduce yourself to English in a fun way, everything will work out and you will definitely make progress. If you press, the child will resist. Focus on the positive. Praise for English, but do not overdo it, otherwise the child will think that speaking English is something extraordinary. After all, you want your child to have a positive attitude towards the English language, and not consider it something incomprehensible and frightening.

Based on materials from the portal “SuperSimpleLearning”, Japan

"I Class": how to instill in your child a love of learning English?

It’s no secret that within the walls of schools, children do not always have the opportunity to develop a love for the subjects taught - a large number of guys in class, noise, Bad mood teachers - any factor can turn English classes into a routine obligation. And if you missed any topic on initial stage- so hold on! New material topic after topic will accumulate like a snowball, and within a year English will turn into a hated line on the schedule. But you will have to come to these classes for several more years, and the result will be passing the Unified State Exam in your senior year. In parallel with English, I will be preparing for several more subjects, as well as entrance examinations to the university. It is very important to adhere simple recommendations to confidently and successfully pass this stage.

In order for this significant period to pass painlessly and calmly, it is very important to begin preparing for it several years in advance. It is precisely systematic, measured exercises in primary school will help to avoid stressful situations further down the road. But where to start?

At the age of 6-8 years, children have no idea about “high wages”, “prestigious work” and “communication with foreigners” and all the other factors that motivate us adults. Therefore, you need to start learning English in their children’s language. What is the most important thing for any child at this age? Of course it's a game! It is in the process of playing that a child can be captivated by any activity, be it cleaning, needlework, or even foreign languages. Today there are many educational and entertainment aids for children.

In order to learn words, you can use multi-colored cards with images of objects, use coloring books and puzzles, by solving which the children gradually memorize new vocabulary.

At this age, children really love listening to songs and singing along to the words - in this case, audio recordings are great. The cheerful motive and rhythm will force the child to repeat the words and at the same time unnoticeably remember them.

Special entertainment is cartoons. You can turn on your tablet anywhere and play an exciting video with memorable characters who speak English. Just pick up a collection of cartoons not in the usual Russian, but in English. You will see, this method will greatly help you immerse yourself in the English-speaking environment without traveling far abroad. Usually, in such educational and entertainment cartoons the plot is simple - it will not be difficult for a child to guess the meaning of certain words and remember them.

For older children, it is already necessary to select more in-depth materials - after all, knowledge of grammar is an integral part of learning a language.

Here cards and cartoons are not enough. For this level there are also methodological manuals and textbooks. There is no need to force your child to study from boring gray textbooks. Various publishers such as Cambridge or McMillan have long been publishing entire lines for primary school students. As a rule, the kit includes CDs, a textbook and workbooks with bright illustrations, exciting tasks, while doing which the child does not feel bored or forced, because. the manuals have been specially developed taking into account age characteristics and cover topics that interest children.

Thus, in addition to studying English vocabulary and grammar students broaden their horizons and learn to speak out about themselves, their family, hobbies and the world around them.

The next stage is preparation for the Unified State Exam. Here the picture is completely different - the requirements for future graduates are an order of magnitude higher and more serious. For successful passing the Unified State Exam training of all skills is necessary - Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening. It is important to select materials that will help you work on each aspect. But in addition to textbooks, a methodologically competent plan, regularity and systematicity are important.

All these activities require special attention and time from parents. Which is often missing in short breaks between one’s own work, school and the child’s countless clubs. In this case, it is advisable to contact a professional tutor or training center. At the IKlass educational center, children can significantly improve their level of English, regardless of their grade in school. And if they have not yet studied English, they can easily plunge into this area, creating a good basis for making their studies at school bring only joy.

There are people who, since childhood, dream of learning a language, becoming a translator, working with foreigners, and traveling. These people shouldn’t be forced to study, but what should the rest of us do?

For example, all my life I couldn’t stand English.

This dislike began at the age of five, when my mother told me that she had enrolled me in English courses, which, by the way, due to my natural diligence, I regularly attended for 10 years. At school I was in a class with in-depth study English, at the age of ten I went to one of the children's educational programs to London - and still didn’t like the language. Nevertheless, after ten classes, I decided to enter a linguistic and humanities college to major in a specialty where the main subject was... that's right, English. Absolutely illogical. And I didn’t like it for two whole courses.


And then my friends, having found out where I was studying, offered to translate the film. After much doubt, I decided to try it. And suddenly, after sitting for a week, delving into all possible dictionaries and reference books, understanding the intricacies of meaning and selecting the most accurate words, I realized that the English language is interesting. A little later, I happened to attend the dubbing of the film “Cromwell,” in which the actors speak amazing, florid and slightly outdated English, and I realized that English is wonderful. But I finally fell in love with this language after reading the book “Chronicles of Narnia. Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, written by philologist and theologian Clive Lewis: many phrasal verbs, stable phrases, complex, filled introductory constructions sentences, which are like unraveling pearl beads, apt and rare adjectives and, of course, deep meaning, which still gets lost in translation in places...

Happily ever after

So sixteen tenses and complex grammatical structures, which my college teachers couldn’t drill into me, stopped frightening me. On the contrary, they evoke joyful excitement, like an athlete at the start line: I wish I could figure it out, find the correct explanation! Now I know for sure that the English language is not at all simple: there is a simplified and quick-to-learn “fast food” international version of it. And then there is journalistic English newspapers, magazines and news. When I first started reading the English-language press, it seemed to me that it was some other kind of English - the words and constructions used there were so different. It's the same with academic English, which is used in universities - a completely different set of words. style. And then there is the aforementioned literary English, old English, dialect English, slang...

To learn a language effectively, you need to love it. At least a little. Therefore, if you don’t even want to look at a textbook, read your favorite book in the original, watch your favorite movie in English, look for information about your hobby in English. Before you know it, you will want to quickly understand all the grammatical phrases and words, and your hand will reach for the textbook. Tested for myself =)

Nadzeya Ryndzevich,
blog curator

Here you can learn how to fall in love with the English language.

Sometimes we are forced to like something we don't quite like. Unfortunately, for some people the English language does not seem interesting at all, but at the same time there is a need to learn it. In this case, a person faces the question: how to fall in love with the English language? The question is quite reasonable, because with a negative attitude towards any matter it will not be possible to get a positive result.

Let's try to answer this difficult question.

Most effective method falling in love with the English language is associate it with a successful future, that is, equate love and knowledge of the English language as the catalyst for your success.

Imagine what opportunities will open up for you if you love and master the English language! Can't imagine? Okay, let's list it.

1. Access to high-quality literature of any genre.

There is not a single quality book that has not been translated into English. Unfortunately, not all interesting and useful books are translated into Russian. And it's not just about fiction. If you want to become a master of your craft and constantly improve, then you cannot do without reading books on your specialization. But they may not exist in Russian. Getting access to high-quality literature of any genre is a powerful argument for falling in love with English!

2. More business opportunities.

Any businessman does not want to stop there. Conquering new heights and becoming richer and more successful is the goal of a true entrepreneur. Knowledge of English will help you conduct business not only within the CIS countries, but also abroad. English is an international language, and with it you can win the hearts of investors both in the UK and the USA, as well as in India and Australia. Having the opportunity to expand your business is a powerful argument for falling in love with English!

3. Travel around the world.

Yes, with English it is much easier. It’s possible without English, but it’s boring and uninteresting. You can’t express your thoughts and you feel like you have no hands. Communicating with people from all over the world is a powerful argument for falling in love with English!

4. Talk to your children in two languages.

You don't like the English language and maybe it bothers you. And you hardly want a dislike of English to interfere with your children. Therefore, it is better to fall in love with the language, learn it and speak with children in both Russian and English from childhood. Wide range of possibilities your children with early years- a powerful argument to love English!

5. Watch news and movies

Often in English, news is presented more qualitatively and objectively. Films in English are almost always better to watch, as the meaning is often distorted during translation, and the translation itself can be extremely low-quality.

I hope we have convinced you! Love English!