Kryon. Characteristics and purpose of Aries

Aries - Aries. March 21 - April 20. First symbolizing active manifestation in the world. The symbol of the sign is the head of a ram. It is a symbol of offensive power, the desire for manifestation, for life, initiative and courage. Fire sign, cardinal, dry, mobile, choleric.

A typical representative of the Aries sign

Passionate and ardent person, fiery leader, honest and straightforward, open to everything and everyone, self-affirming, pioneer of action and new solutions, demonstrative and stagey character, lover of seizing the initiative, pioneer; a person who gives fiery energy, an inspirer; breaks through what others cannot, victim higher powers, new decisions or circumstances.

Advantage in character- speed of action, ability to command and control, tendency to subordinate everything that surrounds, desire for primacy of power and victory. Enthusiasm, enterprise, and the ability to ignite and ignite are inherent. Interest in renewal, thirst for championship.

Characteristic- cordiality, charity. Aries tends to lead (elevation at the expense of another). This is "ego", "posture". The sun also gives elevation, but at the expense of kindness and charity.

Negative features of severe solar damage: independence becomes excessive. Love of freedom goes against common sense, in contradiction with others (a person does “to others for evil”). Extreme frankness, they share details that are not expected from them. Irritability, bossiness.

Egocentrism, unbridled passions, rudeness and dictatorship, a tendency to forceful methods of solving problems, hot temper, ambition, unhealthy ambition, a tendency to sensationalism and exaggeration, wastefulness, rashness and haste, a tendency to go to extremes.

Weak side(vulnerability)- Aries is always in a state of ego defense. The world for Aries is an aggressive environment, and he reacts to it with aggression. This is the fear of not being noticed, of dissolving in society. Hence the mindset of having to constantly prove one’s strength.

According to Eastern philosophy Aries- this is a sacrifice. Its impulse is like the last flash before the end. Having won, he loses interest. He is only interested in the victim, in order to protect and show his strength.

The Sun is a sexy planet for women(those born from sunrise to sunset). Once in Aries, he does not acquire an increased sexual need, but only temperament.

Planets in the zodiac sign Aries

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Aries (rising sign)

Others see in you a strong individuality, a person who is confident, sometimes arrogant, even cocky and assertive. You always speak loudly, quickly, abruptly, take the initiative in a conversation and lead the company. Perhaps as a child you were a bully, restless, and walked around with bruises. Your energy needs some outlet. Characterized by excessive frankness and straightforwardness, say what you think, even when you are not asked. You view the world as an annex to yourself. With other people they are trusting and simple-minded. You quickly forget the insult, but under no circumstances should you be deceived: you will consider this a betrayal. I can’t stand pain, I’m terrified of dentists.

Patron planet Pluto

IN physical world Pluto corresponds - the creative force of the vacuum, creating particles from nothing, virtual particles, the smallest quantum of space, Pluto - the planet that gives energy to man.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Tuesday.
  • Numbers 0 and adding up to 10. For example, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100, 118
  • Substances- plutonium, plastic, durable steel, iron.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with bright scarlet, with fiery red, with steel or iron, plastic. Nanotechnology.

Pluto- this is the primary and invisible light, the hidden creator, the creative power of the Absolute, a powerful source of spiritual and transcendental power, the energy of Shambhala (responsible for Buddhism), lord, leader, commander, leader, idol and star.


  • Electronics industry, weapons industry, space communications, astronautics. New technologies and achievements, energy, special heating when using modern technology, super-powerful computers, microchips, digital cameras, everything related to image and video perception, worldwide global network(Internet).
  • Television, chi energy, laser, source of new opportunities, guide to the second wind (new forces). Military and sports sciences, space forces, politics, television industry.
  • Show business, responsible for crowds and large demonstrations, mass and carnival performances, pop culture, industry and metallurgy, underground mining, deep exploration, space exploration.
  • Oriental martial arts, boxing, various races, integral yoga.
  • International mafia and clans, groups, special forces, KGB, charismatic people, surgeons, hypnotists, plutocrats. Banking clans, internet money and instant deposits of large sums of money, the biggest winnings are wealth.

Manifestation of Pluto in the horoscope

Supreme planet - Pluto, takes a person beyond the limits of consciousness. It gives super consciousness and super powers.

Pluto function- Higher collective will.

Pluto quality- the principle of unity of will, the collective sweeps away the individual.

Finding Pluto in the sign of the Zodiac makes secret affairs and hidden processes obvious. He grants psychic magical abilities. Levitation, healing, telekinesis and teleportation.

Pluto in the houses of the horoscope gives a person strength and a desire for renewal. A person may manifest early hidden abilities. There is always the possibility of starting over in the sphere carved out by Pluto.

First - Ι house

Vita. Life. Horoscope. Sunrise.

Planets in the First House

The first house is identical to the sign of Aries and the planet Pluto.

First house in the horoscope predetermines success and life achievements, temperament and character, behavior and motivated impulses, penetrating power, external and physical data, consciousness and self-awareness, identifying hidden capabilities.

First house defines such personal qualities person like natural charm, the desire and conquest of popularity, independence, new beginnings, the ability for self-development and innate talents. It is responsible for a person’s physical and mental state, behavior pattern, willpower and energy potential, and life prospects.

Unfavorable 1st house: aggressive behavior pattern, inflated self-esteem, inability to correctly distribute one’s energy potential, dictatorship. Unaccommodation, insusceptibility to environment, inability to see, hear, understand others due to the intemperance of one’s character. Problems with the head, rude expression of good feelings, inferiority complex, rudeness, rudeness, pressure on others (unbridled hypnosis), powerful protective programs, difficult childhood, difficulty in self-expression, inferiority complex, pronounced character flaws, body problems.

The material used the concept

Events in predictive methods: aura (human), etheric body, initiator of action, higher education child, son-in-law's children, maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, cousin's career, querent's mind, place of residence of employer or government official, place of residence of paternal cousin, thoughts of querent, inheritance of employee or employee, or aunt ( paternal uncles, employer's or government official's father, great-great-grandchildren, life expectancy, nickname, nephew(s), long-distance travel of the child, paternal cousin's employer, child's religion, employer's mother-in-law, death of an employee or employee , death of a paternal aunt (uncle), neighbors of a pupil or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law of a government official, physical condition of the querent, physical body, surgery (operation) of an employee, employee, or aunt (paternal uncle).

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Aries

You are driven forward with intense energy and primal strength. Your determination helps you achieve any intention without wasting time. You are full of enthusiasm, a desire to excel in everything you do, and you have a wide range of social opportunities for success. You are independent and do not depend on public opinion and support, at least to the same extent as other people. Love originality and are not afraid to be alone. Do you prefer to be either a leader or a loner? It is much better for you to try and fail than not try at all. Having been inspired by an idea, you feel such impatience and excitement that you often boldly strive to implement it immediately, but at the same time, in an ill-considered, untested way. You will never admit defeat.

Your shortcomings: You have contempt for the weakness and passivity of other people, as well as their desire to imitate and follow others. You may not feel very comfortable in a team, and it is difficult to interact and collaborate with others. Characterized by excessive impatience, haste and impulsiveness. You lack patience and attentiveness.

Allegory for Aries

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed a seed in each of them human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"To you, Aries, I give my seed first, so that you may have the honor of planting it. Every seed you plant will multiply many times in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, for all you plant , will create more to be planted. You will be the first to saturate the soil of people's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea or explore it. Your life is an action, and the only action I attribute to you is - is to start making people aware of My Creation. Good work I give you a sense of Self-Dignity."

And Aries quietly retreated back to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Aries - Pluto - First house:

“I”, mine, about me, Ego, physical training, self-improvement, changing appearance, behavior style, physical appearance. Demonstration, thirst for championship, records, victory. The main owner of the horoscope and the patron of fate. Royal combination - cardinal and fiery interaction.

tell friends

Tags: Sun in Aries, Aries Astrology, 2015, zodiac sign, Aries stone, patron and talisman, keywords, Pluto in the horoscope, first house, allegory for Aries, function and quality

The higher a person’s self-awareness, the better he feels his zodiac channels within himself. These channels connect all of his subtle bodies with each other.

If the channels are weak, all a person’s affairs are doomed to collapse, since any action is a coordination of the efforts of several bodies. If the connections between them are not worked out, such coordination is impossible. The entire Zodiac is manifested in a person.


One of the ancient Greek treatises tells how a certain commander Liber made a campaign in Africa. He reached the desert with his army. There he found himself in greatest danger. While the soldiers were pondering what should be done, suddenly a man appeared to them. lonely wandering Aries. Seeing the soldiers, he took off running.

The warriors who noticed Aries, despite the fact that they themselves could barely move, exhausted by dust and heat, followed him until they reached a place where there was plenty of water. Refreshed, they reported this to Liber. He was glad that he had led the army to this region and erected a temple there to Jupiter-Ammon, honoring him statue with Aries horns.

Liber placed the image of Aries among the stars in such a way that with the presence of the Sun in this sign, all living things would regain strength in the spring. In addition, he wished for Aries to lead the twelve signs, because he was the conductor of his army.

Aries Channel.
The strong inclusion of Aries creates a sense of self-discovery in a person. It is as if the veils are falling from the soul and the truth appears before him, as a result of which enthusiasm appears. Weak inclusion can manifest itself as a slight reproach of conscience or a stirring sense of duty to oneself, or dissatisfaction with oneself.

Turning on the Aries channel is perceived as gain mental life, increasing the sharpness of worldview, interest in many aspects of life. Aries energy maintains stability in a person; but during crises these energies carry fatal passions. Each person copes with these energies as they develop.

Aries currents help pave the way for individuality. They evoke the main emotional experiences of a person: light, love, joy, as well as grief, despair, melancholy.

The Aries flow constantly adjusts the main life stories of a person, prompting him to change his character, worldview and values. If you carefully respond to Aries broadcasts, then no drastic changes will take you by surprise.

People with the Sun in Aries usually
active, militant and idealistic. Although they may not have ideals. For the whites, so for the whites, for the reds, so for the reds. Aries do not shy away from danger and are always ready to make sacrifices. The sacrificial ram sacrifices whoever it catches. For such a person, only his own will is significant: what I want, I give it to him.

Aries has a pronounced contempt for shortcuts. He does not recognize the roundness of the Earth in principle - it is flat, like a plate. Aries wastes its strength very quickly. If it was not possible to break through the wall and everything flew out in an impulse, he lies in a faint. Although there is a door next to it with the sign “Welcome”. And this is his determination and recklessness.

The courage of Aries sometimes reaches the limitless. The reason is the absence of a mental monologue: I’m afraid, I’m not afraid. He's not afraid of anything. He has nothing to fear. Courage reaches the point of recklessness and, at times, lawlessness, which affects relationships with the outside world. On internal state- these are the healthiest people.

A developed Aries differs from an undeveloped one in that the first, as a general, inspires and leads his army into great battles, and the second is naive and rude like a soldier. A developed Aries replaces rudeness and wildness with wisdom and understanding, having powerful energy that is able to manage large constructive plans and projects.

Every person is an Aries in some area of ​​their life. It depends on the house ruled by Aries. Moreover, every beginning in our life corresponds to the Aries archetype, - be it the beginning of education, the beginning of a career, the beginning family life. Any beginning requires enthusiasm. volitional actions and initiative.

The period when the Sun is in the sign of Aries - from 20.03 to 20.04 is very useful for starting long-term projects. Nature itself endows man at this time with the strength and energy of the Creator.


Last time we talked about Aries, about what characteristics representatives of this sign have, how they manifest themselves in interaction with the outside world, and how you need to correctly, competently, effectively find an approach to a person who was born under this zodiac sign, whether he is yours husband (wife), friend, boss, subordinate, business partner or beloved “child”.

And today – a release especially for Aries! We will talk about what tasks (including karmic ones) they face, how they should develop, what psychological problems they have, as a result of which they face constant life's difficulties, and how they should be solved.

You and I already know that we all come into this world for a reason, “to drink beer.” Each of us must go through our own development programs. And they are individual for everyone. But even the zodiac sign a person was born under speaks volumes. Even each zodiac sign has its own programs, its own tasks, its own directions for personal development.

So, how and in what ways should Aries develop?

In general, Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the whole circle begins with it. Therefore, the highest program of this sign is to be a pioneer, energetic, courageous, capable of self-sacrifice, and igniting others. The karmic task of Aries is to lead the world, to discover, to start new things. High level The development of a person born under the sign of Aries is a knight, “a knight without fear and reproach,” who is not afraid of anything and does not hesitate. On a more everyday level, he is a fighter, ideally a fighter for a just cause. Aries should not be afraid of anything, he should be able to rise above danger and overcome it. His high mission is to save, preserve and preserve his life and the lives of other people.

Can you imagine what important, global tasks these people face?!!!

But here we begin to face the problems that haunt many representativesof this sign, and which bring them so many difficulties and troubles in life.

Because of this courage, activity, and determination inherent in Aries, they appear in the world as too impetuous and impulsive. They don’t see or hear anything or anyone except themselves (who else could be there when he has to go save the world?:). They are not ready to see or hear this world, they do not want to understand it. They are too focused on themselves, on their goal, on their movement forward. And therefore, whoever gets under his feet while Aries rushes forward does not matter to him.

And everything would be so simple if it weren’t so difficult. We all live in this world, and one way or another, whether we like it or not, we must somehow interact with each other, and our “I” is always forced to relate to “He”, “She”, “They” etc.

Therefore, Aries, perhaps more than any other sign of the zodiac, needs to LEARN to pay attention to the world around them, to hear, to see this world, to develop subtlety of perception, to learn to show respect for the people around them, to develop diplomacy. It is very important for Aries to understand that there is not only his goal, but also the huge world that surrounds him, and that in relation to this world, in relation to the harmony of the Universe, he, like everyone else, also has his own obligations.

Another problem that so often prevents Aries from living normally and happily is their energy. To be a pioneer, to be a knight, you need a lot of energy. And they have this energy. When there is a goal - “knee-deep sea”... But what is called, “this energy, but for peaceful purposes”... It is very important for Aries to learn how to correctly direct their energy, without wasting their energy, not to waste it on vanity and trifles, on those side affairs and programs that are not important to them. Because this energy is not infinite. A serious problem for Aries is the overestimation of their energy capabilities. They definitely need to learn to count their strength and rest on time. And after taking a break, you can start a new business or continue the old one with renewed vigor. It is important for them to be able to work in small portions, switching from one task to another in a timely manner. In this case, they will be able to maintain their energy and potential. Also, to restore strength, Aries simply needs a sufficiently long sleep, and natural sleep (it is better not to use sleeping pills). And walks in the fresh air are very useful.

And in general, when the goal is the main thing, for Aries it is not the best way(the pursuit of a goal is the lot of Capricorns). An Aries, going headlong towards its goal, risks breaking down, being broken, and simply not having enough energy to reach the end. Therefore, it is very important for such people to learn “not to cling to” any goal. In addition, it is important to learn to leave yourself an escape route. Of course, Aries is always carried forward, and he does not understand what it’s like to retreat. But we must remember that at any moment “the gate could close behind him,” and he would have nowhere to go. And then it might break. It is important to learn to leave yourself a place behind, to prepare the ground for retreat. It's like a support. Aries definitely need to learn to realize, to understand that not always and not everything in this life can be achieved (as one wants); sometimes a person must come to terms with something, put up with something, take something for granted. You need to learn to accept life as it is given. You need to learn patience and endurance. Also develop self-discipline and learn self-restraint. Aries simply need to form a spiritual, inner core within themselves, to find the right direction in their lives in the use of their energy.

Aries living at a low level is an unpleasant sight. This is “redneckness”, rudeness, rudeness, harshness, intolerance, unwillingness to hear and understand anything. This is the inability to retreat. This is a person who always rushes forward and at the same time often overestimates his capabilities. At a high level, Aries is power and fortitude. This man is spiritual. And this spirit allows a person to gain patience, endurance, understanding of the world, and understanding of himself.

Until Aries realizes himself and doesn’t know about his problems, he can mess up a lot of things. He can break himself, break the lives of other people, break a lot in the surrounding space of life. When such a person has already messed things up, has already created a lot of problems for himself, for the people around him, for his family and friends, he begins to develop complexes. And a complex Aries is a tragedy. In general, Aries must get rid of two extremes. One of them is excessive self-respect and disregard for others. The other is self-humiliation, complexes and gregariousness.

As a result of all of the above, it becomes clear why it is so important for Aries to form and develop an understanding of this life, an understanding of this world and an understanding of themselves.

Good luck to you, dear Aries, on this difficult path of personal development!

And in the next issues we will start talking about Taurus and what path of development they should take in this world.

See you again!

Every person is capable of almost anything, the main thing is to learn how to manage your energy and use your maximum potential. Our horoscope will tell you how to competently mobilize forces and use them to achieve your goals.

Our world consists of energy flows, and each of us is endowed with energy potential by nature, and the patron planets are able to double it. However, not everyone knows that any energy emanating from a person can be directed towards success and prosperity. Our horoscope will help with this: it will show what energetic properties each Zodiac Sign has, and will teach you to direct energy only in a positive direction.


According to the horoscope, Aries has the most unbridled energy. It is comparable to a Greek fire that cannot be extinguished. Energy rewards this Zodiac Sign with a tempered character and fortitude. The tirelessness of Aries, bestowed by the planets, can help develop such personal qualities as endurance, determination, and leadership. By nature, this Zodiac Sign has the ability to fight for their aspirations and achieve success in any, even critical, conditions.


The energetic characteristic of Taurus is calmness. In their decisions they are prudent, methodical, and step by step they approach their goal. However, their serenity often deprives them of the incentive to fight for results. Taurus are able to stop in one place, and no one around can prove to them that they are inactive. It is better to turn the stubbornness and inflexibility received from nature into the realization of your potential and help yourself develop willpower, rather than proving to everyone around you that you are working on your success.


Geminis are endowed with the most fickle energy. On the one hand, it helps them to be in the circle of events, gain unlimited amounts of knowledge, develop any talents, and benefit from communicating with people. On the other hand, restless energy deprives them of reliability. According to the horoscope, Geminis cannot stand boredom, they constantly strive to avoid everyday life, sometimes even radically change their type of activity and preferences. They lack perseverance, which can help cope with the superficiality and frivolity emanating from this Zodiac Sign.


Cancers have the most sensitive energy, which can help them achieve whatever they want, or take away from them everything they have achieved. According to the horoscope, representatives of this constellation have unlimited possibilities, deep inner world, creativity, emotionality. However, their energy is like water: it can give life or destroy everything around. Cancers need to rise above their emotions and direct their energy potential for their own good, and learn to manage it.

a lion

Compared to Aries, Leo's energy is more restrained, but they are still similar. The energy of this Zodiac Sign is aimed at personal growth. She helps to reveal your desires, purpose, talents. However, energy should be maintained, otherwise Leos stop striving and become depressed. To do this, you need to do what you love, discover your creative abilities, and not stand in one place. By gaining energy constancy, Leos will be able to achieve success in the shortest possible time.


The energetic feature of this Sign is aimed at achieving material well-being. According to the horoscope, Virgos have prudence and the ability to benefit. Energy helps them find the most useful activity for themselves and take a place in the sun. However, Virgos lack harmony with their inner world, and the desire to have all the money slows them down personal growth. You should allow yourself to rest and not strive so closely for material wealth, and devote more time to spiritual aspects.


The internal energy emanating from Libra is similar to the changeable entrepreneurial spirit of Gemini. But she is more peaceful and balanced, pushing this Zodiac Sign towards harmony with herself and others. Their vital energy is able to accumulate and maintain strength. Libra knows how to properly spend its reserves to achieve its goals. This Zodiac Sign, one might say, without special effort receives success and prosperity, and you can maintain this with the help of a talisman that matches your element.


The energetic feature of Scorpios is that they are able to survive any blows of fate. Their internal energy has no limits, it is almost inexhaustible. Finding themselves in difficult situations, this Zodiac Sign can feed their vitality in order to recover from severe emotional overload. Even with illnesses and physical injuries, Scorpios are helped by their energy capabilities. However, according to the horoscope, Scorpios often suffer from suppressed emotions that they hide deep within themselves. You need to get rid of this and give your feelings a way out, because all the energy potential is spent only on “licking wounds.”


Sagittarius' energy is aimed at attracting attention. They can achieve a lot with the help of people, their ideas can ignite the masses and change the usual course of life. According to the horoscope, Sagittarius is characterized by curiosity, intelligence, and mastery of new things. Yes, and manage yours internal energy this Zodiac Sign can do things more consciously than Aries. However, Sagittarius lacks a hint: they need to indicate the type of activity, and then they will be able to make the most of their energy capabilities in achieving their goals.


The energy abilities of Capricorns are aimed at maintaining health. This Zodiac Sign is able to conserve his vitality and not waste energy until conditions become critical for his well-being. It is also surprising that Capricorns do not use their energy, and it can accumulate for years, and over time become favorable and creative. However, this Zodiac Sign should periodically turn to internal resources and spend them not only on maintaining their health, but also on acquiring various benefits.


The internal energy of Aquarius is expressed in freedom of actions, thoughts, and views. According to the horoscope, this is the only Sign that is suffocated by restrictions and rules. They try to free themselves from any dependencies and obligations. If Aquarians spend their energy correctly, they can reach unprecedented heights in science, creativity, and self-knowledge. Their courage, originality and creativity, gifted by nature, can elevate them in society. However, they cannot always direct their energy abilities in the right direction, which leads to an imbalance of power and unpredictable actions that lead to failure.


The energy coming from Pisces has the ability to transform into something beautiful - usually art. According to the horoscope, this Zodiac Sign has depth of feelings, thoughts and actions. They are incomprehensible and mysterious, but at the same time they remain an important component in society. The energetic abilities of Pisces reward them with the ability to transform emotional experiences into beautiful words, perfect pictures, mesmerizing music. However, many of them bury their talent and do not give freedom to their emotions, which leads to a decline in vitality.

Everyone has energy abilities. Each Zodiac Sign has their own, they cannot be divided into weak and strong, because they are individual and are expressed in different manifestations. The main thing is to know what to spend energy on in order to achieve success, to be able to

We greet you!

We are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations of the zodiac signs.

Today we want to tell you about the energy of the next constellation, called Aries. Just like the energy of Aquarius, this sign is manifesting itself quite strongly at the present time, both among people born under it, and among many others. The reason is that this constellation has always had a significant connection with the Earth, this connection is strong to this day.

What is the energy of Aries?

This energy is stunningly beautiful, gentle, amazing in its subtle manifestations. It differs from other signs of the zodiac in that it no longer serves for action, but for contemplation. Aries are by nature very curious and inquisitive, and perhaps this trait can be taken as the basis for their image.

People born under this sign come into this world not to achieve something, but to admire, admire and enjoy. Of course, if in order to achieve the desired state you need to accomplish something, then Aries will do everything necessary for this. For example, if in order to satisfy your curiosity you need to earn money trip around the world, then Aries will take any steps and overcome any obstacles. Likewise, if an Aries needs to retire to his own home for contemplation, then he will make considerable efforts to create such a personal space and arrange it.

Thus, the dreams of Aries can be very different, and people belonging to this sign can be both homebodies and true romantics who know no rest. But all such people have one thing in common - they consider their material dreams as a means to achieve the desired state. Perhaps this is exactly how every person thinks when wanting to acquire something, because behind the realization of his dream he sees the feelings that will rise in him at the moment of its implementation. However, Aries are distinguished by a particularly subtle and accurate sense of their desires, behind which they see not material things, but emotions. All their actions are aimed at feeling this world, and if an Aries wants to accomplish something global, then he wants to move from one space of sensations to another, which has not yet been explored by him and is therefore especially beautiful.

Aries can be compared to a traveler who moves through his life in order to taste its beauty and see the uniqueness of its manifestations. You can ask such people - why do they incarnate, what do they want to do in their lives? Perhaps many will not even understand this question, saying in response something like this: “Why achieve something? All people end up the same way anyway.” Aries live for impressions, but this does not mean that they waste their lives chasing thrills or spending their time idly. They come to Earth for the sake of very subtle states and devote their entire stay to feeling the energies that exist around them. Many young souls are embodied in the person of Aries, who have long heard about the diversity of earthly energies, and are ready to acquire a physical body in order to experience all possible variations of impressions.

The Earth is indeed very diverse in its vibrations, and on the surface of your planet many streams coming here from many worlds connect. Therefore, the Earth becomes a kind of portal in which beings who come here are able to touch the wonderful experiences that fill representatives of millions of other civilizations. Of course, one could sequentially incarnate in each of these worlds, gradually collecting a collection of emotional colors that open in each new life. But in order to go through all the many sensations, you will have to spend a lot of time, and perhaps an entire infinity will not be enough for this. Therefore, those beings who strive for a wealth of energies in their lives often incarnate on Earth, where all these colors are collected into a single and unforgettable bouquet.

Probably many of you will not understand such creatures who come here just for the sake of staying. However, Aries strive to make their existence not just diverse, they make it very exciting, joyful and happy. If such possibilities manifest themselves in any human life, then it will certainly acquire extraordinary value. Therefore, the energy of Aries is truly universal, and there is no one among you who would not want to feel it. It is about the pursuit of wonderful experiences, which are often felt during travel, holidays or meetings with loved ones. However, this same energy can come to people during desired achievements, and therefore Aries can strive for significant goals in order to experience the euphoria that arises when they are achieved.

Such people can devote themselves to any activity, and outwardly they can manifest themselves in very different ways. But all of them are united by their main feature - the emotions that they see behind everything that exists in their lives are important to them. However, their sensuality is often expressed in the desire to hide, to isolate themselves from those energies that they do not like. After all, there are many vibrations on the surface of the Earth, and not all of them are pleasant, and Aries come to this world in order to enjoy precisely high vibrations. Therefore, many people of this sign devote a significant part of their lives to creating their personal space, wanting to surround themselves with what is valuable to them. For example, Aries can implement this by building country house, creating a family and maintaining harmonious relationships with your loved ones and friends. With all his actions, Aries strives to attract the desired vibrations into his life, and he takes those that prevent him from enjoying reality beyond the invisible border of his existence and tries not to pay attention to these irritating factors. In many cases, Aries actually succeed in this, because they devote their attention only to what they like, the rest can also exist in their life, but will practically not occupy them.

“But how do Aries know what they like and what they don’t?” - you ask - “After all, many of them came to this world quite recently and do not yet know its manifestations, and how can they instantly navigate it?”

Indeed, this is so, and many representatives of this sign came for the sake of free travel, and not to exist in restrictions. Personal space can be useful for Aries only if in their emotional explorations they have found the desired vibrations and then want to deepen and refine them. In this case, their desire to abstract themselves will be quite appropriate, thereby they will get away from the many unnecessary vibrations that previously filled their lives. At the same time, at first, diversity is of great value for Aries; he strives to experience as much as possible different faces own life. And as a rule, the first part of the life of such people is often very active, when they strive to try as much as possible, to test themselves in completely different areas and see your own response from these impressions. But then many of these people reach the next stage, they seem to want to close themselves off and become loners, and many of their friends, who strived with them for maximum openness and diversity, do not understand them. Even the representative of this sign himself may be afraid of such a drastic change in his life, when much of what surrounds him ceases to amaze him, and he becomes immersed in his own feelings and thoughts.

However, this second stage, when Aries directs his feelings deep into himself and becomes more of an introvert, is quite natural. Such changes most often mean that Aries has found himself and he needs to be alone in order to better feel the unique vibration that he wants to become. At the beginning of his life, he looked for such special manifestations outside himself, and therefore sought to be as open and active as possible in order to experience as many different sensations as possible. But now the deep part of his being responded to something happening around him and was inspired by the desire to embody these energies, making them much subtler and more beautiful.

Aries is driven by the desire for beauty, and observing the manifestations of the world around him, he sees behind them something more, which can be called intimate charm and inner perfection. As he walks through the various events of his life, he is looking for that kind of deep energy that can endlessly fascinate him, and to which he wants to devote his future. When he finally encounters such an event, some deep part of his being awakens and is inspired by the opportunity to realize itself. This becomes the new meaning of Aries’ life, and his whole life takes on greater direction and integrity. Such a person consciously narrows his interests to a single energy, and not even because other manifestations interfere with him, they simply lose their former relevance.

Thus, in the life of an Aries, two extremes are combined, one of which is associated with amazing openness and extroversion, while the other, on the contrary, is associated with immersion within oneself and manifests itself in introversion. It happens that in his youth, Aries is at the first stage and strives for the greatest variety, and devotes the subsequent part of his life to creating personal space. However, most often the stage of openness and immersion alternates between each other, and this is a more natural form of manifestation of Aries energy. Due to this alternation, Aries manages to embody many vibrations throughout his life with which he falls in love with his whole being and is able to decorate them with his sensations, making them even more beautiful than those he encountered at first.

You will probably be interested in what determines the choice of an Aries when he wants to devote a significant part of his life to one energy or another?

We would like to note that Aries often make such a choice even before birth, and when they incarnate physically, such people already know quite accurately which vibrations are the most precious to them. At first glance, the emotional journeys they make can be considered a waste of time, because initially Aries already have a sense of the energy they want to embody. However, this stage of openness and free exploration of the world around them is necessary for Aries; it allows them to realize themselves and wake up, remember the value of their existence. Meeting with various manifestations In life, Aries always compare what they see and feel with their inner essence and notice how truly valuable it is to them. Perhaps in most cases such a deep analysis occurs unconsciously, but at the subconscious level, every Aries carries it out very carefully. This is another feature of the representatives of this sign - thoroughness and scrupulousness, thanks to which they achieve the desired result. By this we mean primarily not external, but internal result associated with successful self-discovery.

Despite the fact that inside Aries from the very beginning they know their favorite feelings that they want to embody, they still strive to experience this world as widely as possible. Firstly, they need this to awaken the most subtle and deep part of themselves, which, during education and social distortions, could hide inside a person, wanting to preserve its essence. While studying the world around us, this part of Aries continues to observe and gives signs to the person, and when it sees the desired correspondence, it begins to appear again. In other cases, this most sensitive part of Aries takes care of itself and does not want to waste time on something that does not correspond to its essence. Secondly, such an open existence allows Aries to see the physical manifestations of their deepest feelings and find tools for their further embodiment. After all, earlier, when a creature was in completely different material worlds or lived at the level of energies, it had no idea about the form in which its favorite energies were embodied on Earth. Therefore, first, in order to realize what they want, Aries need to learn the features of life on the surface of the Earth, and only then will they be able to show their deepest feelings in their actions. And finally, the third reason for such an open and active stage is that Aries wants not only to recognize their favorite energy, but also to make it even richer and more beautiful, to help it manifest its true beauty outwardly. In this Aries can be helped by many other sensual colors, which, when combined with his main quality, will make him much more expressive and brighter. Therefore, during his travels, Aries remains partial to everything that exists, because he feels that any detail of this world can serve him well when he, having felt his main quality, wishes to manifest it.

How do such emotional searches manifest themselves in the life of Aries, giving way to confident steps towards realizing the desired state?

This can be realized in any area of ​​their life, and everything is built on the hobbies of such people. In general, such people are very enthusiastic and even passionate; they can give a lot in order to touch the desired energy. Some are eager to travel for this, some find every free moment to communicate with friends, others strive for their lovers or favorite activities. In those moments when Aries is looking for himself and has not yet decided, he can be impulsive and even flighty in his actions, easily moving from one hobby to another. At the same time, in order to feel some kind of energy and test himself in it, he can plunge into it headlong, rapidly changing the foundations of his own life. Such people may suddenly fall in love or devote themselves completely to some activity in which they feel new experiences, and for the sake of complete immersion they may ignore much of what they previously loved. Then, having felt themselves in the new space, they can also easily leave it if they find an even more seductive replacement for it. In this case, a former love or occupation can be put aside, and Aries will embark on a new journey, which is tempting precisely because it is new and unknown.

Many can blame Aries for such frivolity when they leave everything they have acquired and mastered, being distracted by new interests. However, such sudden switches are necessary for Aries; they allow them to quickly exit programs that have arisen in already mastered areas and devote themselves to an area where there are no established habits yet. They want to collect the cream of fresh sensations, when perceptions are still pure from stereotypes and the energy of the surrounding world come to a person undistorted, in its best manifestation. This allows Aries to tune in most subtly to the feeling of the activity or person to which he devotes himself, and to see his inner beauty. If Aries recognizes himself in such a manifestation of the surrounding world, then he gives himself over to this energy with glee and prepares for next stage– sensual immersion in it in order to reveal its beauty and richness. If, among the events of his life, Aries does not see the energies he desires, then, having collected the necessary experience, he moves on, without clinging to the old. The ease of switching allows such people not to get stuck in already mastered spaces and to continue their search without hindrance until they are confirmed in their choice.

In this case, they direct all their accumulated life experience towards creating personal space, caring for it and strengthening it. The previously unseen qualities of zealous owners and family men awaken in them, and reliability and stability can be read in all their actions. Those people who previously scolded Aries for their fickleness are now surprised at such changes in their character. However, this change is more than natural, because Aries has already found his inner foundation on which he wants to rely, and the other facets of this world fade into the background. He now associates all his passions with one hobby, in which the desired energy is most fully expressed, or with a loved one, in whom he recognizes those qualities that turned out to be especially close to him.

It is in this part of his life that Aries creates his own personal space, and directs all attention to strengthening and strengthening it. If this space is connected with relationships with a loved one, then he strives to make them more reliable and harmonious, and if with some kind of activity, then he wants to achieve even greater quality and perfection in what he does. With each step, Aries, like a sophisticated sculptor, cuts off everything unnecessary from its space, allowing its deepest essence to manifest itself in it. At such moments, Aries is very sensitive to any external interference and tries to prevent it. For example, if someone encroaches on his personal relationships and tries to dictate his interests, then Aries will defend his inner freedom. This can even be realized in a feeling of jealousy, in a desire to prove one’s rightness or a sense of ownership, and although such manifestations of an Aries may be inharmonious, deep down he strives to protect his space from distortion. Then, after Aries is convinced that there are no external factors will not restrict his inner freedom, he begins to gradually enrich his personal space, helping the desired energy to be expressed in all its beauty. During such a period, the romantic relationships of Aries can flare up new bright colors, at the same time, such relationships become even deeper and more reliable, because in them Aries begins to show their true perfection. Thus, he helps to manifest not only himself, but also his loved one, and all his close people entering his personal space. If the conversation concerns some kind of activity, then Aries begins to act in it in a very diverse and creative way, while remaining true to his unique style, verified at the previous stage.

This phase of the manifestation of personal space, following the stage of its strengthening, is the most desirable for Aries, because during it he not only gets the opportunity to realize his favorite state, but also enrich it, revealing it to the world in a form in which it has never before been seen. existed on Earth. In fact, it was for the sake of this stage that Aries incarnated on this planet. Such people are not born only for the sake of emotional journeys available in moments of maximum openness, because such an existence does not create anything truly new. They strive to enrich their own experiences so that the energies existing on Earth become more beautiful and perfect, cleared of distortions and appear to the world in their original form.

In addition, their deep inner essence is capable of not only purifying some facet of earthly existence, but making it much richer, and most likely Aries devoted many past incarnations to improving in the desired quality and recognizing its unique advantages. Such a study could be carried out both on Earth and in other worlds, and most likely such a creature, striving to demonstrate its uniqueness, alternated earthly incarnations with other, “foreign” ones, in order to try itself in different guises. Thus, the future Aries carried out the first stage of collecting the desired experience, diversifying it as much as possible and conducting it at the global level. And finally, when he managed to feel his essence in its entirety, he prepared for his key incarnation on Earth.

In such an exceptional life, Aries managed to live again almost everything that had previously been the path to achieving the desired state, and at the level of feelings, remember everything that was necessary to create personal space. Then, having collected together the experience of past incarnations and manifested it in the peculiarities of earthly existence, he began to manifest his essence. In such a key life everything that is of extraordinary value of such a being and is associated with the appearance of new energy, which has never before been known in all of Creation. Such a being was precisely this unique energy, but it was not manifested and burned with only one dream - to realize itself most fully, and only for this purpose it traveled around different worlds. Now on Earth, having collected everything together missing links, this person can bloom like a magical and unprecedented flower, revealing to the world around him his unsurpassed beauty and perfection.

As you can see, Aries is not just a traveler who wants to remain free and strives for maximum variety. Behind all his actions there is a clear airiness and a very strong intention, because for the sake of such an incarnation he has already come a long way.

In their depths, Aries are very conscious and concentrated on their essence, and therefore they will never miss the energy that they need for their realization. Such people are very strong emotionally, because behind them is the energy of many of their incarnations during which they were looking for themselves, and came to this life only to embody their condition in reality. Therefore, behind their frivolity and swiftness in changing hobbies, there is one single and very strong intention - to find all the missing keys in order to realize what they want in their own space.

Although Aries are very empathetic, open and even meek people, they prove to be extremely focused and purposeful when it comes to embodying their deepest quality. This combination of opposites leads to the fact that they can instantly transform at different moments in life, gaining readiness to act. When they are finally convinced of their essence, they can do desperate things in order to realize their old dream, which they have carried through many lives. Feeling that they are now living a key life, Aries are ready to act quickly, and if something stands in their way, they will try with all their might to get around the obstacle. Possessing considerable emotional strength, such people can achieve unimaginable results in order to realize their dreams. But if the obstacles existing in their lives turn out to be too strong, then Aries can injure themselves and those around them with their desperate actions. Wanting to realize their essence at any cost, Aries do not calculate their strength and often spend it uneconomically, which can lead to a lack of inspiration and disappointment.

In the next chapter we will talk about how the unique quality of Aries, associated with the desire to express its unique essence, can be manifested harmoniously.

Thus, Aries energy is a person’s desire to express his unique essence. This energy inspires him to go through everything necessary steps, starting from collecting a variety of experiences, then moving on to creating personal space, and finally to enriching the desired state. This energy has always been strong both on the surface of the Earth and in its depths, it has inspired many beings to realize their main feature, for which they incarnated.

Often the path to embodying the desired state lasted several earthly lives, or even meandered from one world to another, and during such a journey a person collected the missing experience in order to then go back to Earth. Then such people, feeling ready to make the final and most beautiful step, were incarnated under the sign of Aries in order to receive a particularly strong impulse from the energy that inspired them to go forward. In such a life, they brought their unique vibrations into the Earth’s field, cleared some of the earth’s energies from distortions, embodying them in their personal space, and helped them manifest themselves in a much more diverse and rich way.

Their journey did not end there, and having taken such a key step, they moved on to the next, inspired by the opportunity to embody a new, unique energy. Most Aries have not one such deep goal, but a whole set, and at the beginning of life they choose what to devote themselves to. It happens that if there is no result in the manifestation of some of his favorite energies, he can switch to another part of his essence, feeling that it can be realized.

It may also be that such a switch will occur by itself after the successful implementation of one of the energies, when the freed attention wishes to be realized in a new hobby. At the same time, Aries do not forget about the already created personal space, which continues to support them, but devote a significant part of their attention to new aspirations. For example, having created a strong family and felt the fullness of impressions, Aries can move on, finding his passion in some other hobby. This is how it begins new cycle the existence of Aries, which in no way detracts from the beauty of the sensations available in the already created space, but only increases this abundance. By creating another space, Aries will be able to embody another of his favorite energies, and when it manifests, he will help these two spaces connect with each other. Then these two manifestations of human life will begin to support each other and enrich themselves, while maintaining their individuality. Therefore, any passionate hobbies an Aries has at different periods of life are in fact very conscious, and usually do not lead to a derogation of the condition, but only to its strengthening.

We wish all Aries to always remain true to their sincere aspirations and find best options for their implementation.

In the next chapter we will talk about how to help the energy of Aries manifest itself most harmoniously in the lives of people born under this sign. And how this energy can support all other people who want to realize the unique traits of their nature.

See you soon,

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations of the zodiac signs.