Paint for radiators: which one is better to choose, how to remove the old one and whether it is possible to paint hot radiators. Is it possible to paint hot batteries and what paint to choose Paint for hot batteries

Many people renovate their apartment in winter, and the question often arises: is it possible to paint hot radiators?

Modern paints have a number positive qualities, which allow you to paint your radiator at any time.

Heating devices in an apartment play the role of not only a source of heat, but they are also part of the interior, which means they should always look good.

In this article you will learn how to paint heating radiators with your own hands.

Radiator paints and necessary tools

Many people believe that only front part heating radiators should be painted, but, unfortunately, this conclusion is erroneous.

Often, especially with Soviet batteries, rust spots begin to appear, and if they are not eliminated, the corrosion can spread further.

Helps get rid of unwanted corrosion good paint. To find out what paint to paint the heating with, you need to find out the characteristics of this product.

The purchased paint must be resistant to elevated temperature, because radiators get very hot in winter, and maintain a natural color for a long time.

For the right choice paint material, you need to know what types are available for sale.

Acrylic paint has a natural color over a long period and is famous for not having a strong odor.

This option is well suited for painting radiators in winter time, because you don’t really need to ventilate the apartment.

Alkyd paint has high temperature resistance and is therefore ideal for radiators. One of the disadvantages is the increased smell, so it is better to use it in the warm season, and not during the heating season.

There is another type of acrylic paint that is used in conjunction with a solvent. This material has good performance, firstly, the paint can be used without additional primer, and secondly, the coating is different good view and glossy surface.

Everyone knows Oil paint used to be a popular product, but with the development technological process faded into the background.

This is the main list of paints and varnishes for cast iron radiators, which can be purchased. For panel radiators You can use aerosol paints (preferably auto enamel).

It is no longer fashionable to have white batteries, so do not be afraid to experiment with colors, the main thing is that the coating fits into the design of the apartment.

In a children's room, you can decorate radiators brightly, especially panel radiators, on which you can reproduce the whole landscape.

So how to paint radiators and in what style is up to you.

But it should be remembered that in order for the coloring material to adhere well, you must have a special tool, such as:

  • sandpaper for pre-cleaning;
  • a sharp object or knife to remove old paint;
  • several types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • unnecessary rags for cleaning the room.

This entire set will be needed for high-quality work and will help transform old and ugly radiators into a luxurious piece of furniture.

Preparatory work and process of painting batteries

To understand how to paint a heating radiator, you need to know the principle of the work being performed.

Like all types of construction work, the painting process begins with the preparation of batteries. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate contaminated areas and check the product for corrosion areas.

Once the old paint and dirt have been removed, the heating radiator should be wiped with a damp cleaning cloth.

Swollen areas need to be cleaned sandpaper, and if rotten places are detected, they must be eliminated.

At the final stage, you should coat the radiator with a primer mixture, but you should only take into account the characteristics of the further material, because some types of paint and varnish products do not require a primer layer.

Several types of cleaning are used to clean heating devices from dirt and old paint. The first method is called chemical, and the second method (which involves using a special tool) is called mechanical.

To remove dirt chemically, solutions consisting of acids and solvents are used. You can prepare this mixture yourself or purchase it at the store.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sodium carbonate (soda ash), about one kilogram;
  • slaked lime, in the same proportion;
  • water, about five liters;
  • large capacity, more than ten liters.

The solution is prepared as follows. Soda is dissolved in hot water, the water temperature is about 60 degrees, after which lime is added in small doses. This is done to prevent strong foam.

The mechanical method involves the use of a special tool or ordinary sandpaper.

The process is long and dusty, but to speed it up you can use a special drill attachment or use a grinder.

In this case, it is necessary to follow safety rules and carry out such work carefully so as not to damage the radiator.

As for the painting process itself, no special skills are needed, the main thing is to know how to paint a heating device correctly.

Before starting work, you should arrange workplace, cover the floor with paper (or other material), protect the walls with a gasket (you can put a large sheet of cardboard), prepare the necessary tools.

Apply paint to radiators with a brush, preferably from top to bottom - this way there will be no drips. The layer should be thin and uniform. After the paint has dried, you need to apply a second coat.

The internal parts of the radiators must be painted first to avoid getting dirty in the process. Small parts and difficult places need to be painted using a sponge or roller.

That's the whole principle of painting radiators.

You can do the job efficiently and beautifully yourself, you just need to take into account all the nuances and follow the rules.

Here are a few more useful tips from the professionals:

  • the painted radiator should not have drips - to do this, apply the paint in a thin layer and with smooth movements;
  • back heating device It is better to paint with a curved brush with a long handle;
  • if used to clean radiators chemical method, then it is necessary to use personal protective equipment;
  • after finishing painting works the room must be well ventilated. If the work is carried out in winter, then you should use paints without a strong odor;
  • pipes and hidden elements do not need to be painted, which will help preserve heat transfer;
  • To understand which paint is best to paint, you need to study all the characteristics of the product.

There is nothing complicated in this type of work, therefore, you can paint the heating system yourself.

You just need to listen to the advice of experts, and your radiator will be as good as new.

If you play with your imagination and change the color of the radiators, they will become even better than new ones.

New shades of the restored battery should be chosen based on the interior of the room: if it is a children's room, then it is better to choose bright hues, and the radiator in the bathroom should be done in a neutral color.

What paint to paint the radiators in the kitchen or in other rooms is up to you personally to decide.

It should be remembered that new bimetallic radiators very capricious, and to paint their surface you should contact a specialist (preferably a service station), in case self-repair It is necessary to use auto enamel in the form of an aerosol.

For panel radiators, both aerosols and regular paint can also be used, but you should take into account that it is necessary to paint the grille, and not just the panel itself.

Restoring radiators is a primitive job, so feel free to update the design of your heating devices and enjoy the results.

Preparatory activities for heating season begin with inspecting and checking the condition of batteries, pipes, taps and all coupling connections. If there are no problems and all elements of the battery fittings are in order, you can proceed to cleaning and, if necessary, painting the heating radiators. In the old days steel radiators and cast iron batteries were painted with whatever was in the store. Today, the range and choice of paint and varnish materials is simply huge, so deciding what paint to paint radiators with is not as easy as it might seem. But we know one thing for sure, it should be odorless paint.

How to choose the right coating for radiators

Any specialist involved in the repair of pipes and radiators, when asked what paint is best to paint heating radiators, will answer:

  • The paint coating must be thin and with maximum thermal conductivity of the paint layer in order to ensure good heat transfer to the room air;
  • The paint must provide protection to the metal surface;
  • The coating must withstand heating temperatures up to 150 o C for high-pressure radiators and 120-130 o C for ordinary steel or cast iron batteries.

For your information! Paint for cast iron radiators, in addition to all the above conditions, must have high fluidity and low viscosity.

Even after priming, the cast iron surface remains quite rough and porous, so for cast iron best choice There will be aerosol forms. The radiator is painted in several passes, each layer must be thoroughly dried and any stains removed. Generally, heat resistant battery spray paint has a very low odor, but paint installed radiators necessary only when open windows, in dry warm weather.

For ordinary steel and aluminum radiators For heating, the use of aerosols allows you to apply a thin layer to the most hidden places where it is difficult to reach with a brush or roller. In addition, a thin layer of enamel dries 2-3 times faster, which means that even if there is a slight odor, it will disappear in half an hour. The smell from a thick layer of enamel on an organic solvent will stay on the radiator for 5-6 hours, for oil or pentaphthalic paint - for several days.

Heat resistance and volatility of paint for heating appliances

First of all, it should be noted that odorless paint for heating radiators does not exist in nature. Any enamel has a slight but pronounced odor. Even paints for heating appliances, wall decoration for interior spaces based on acrylic polymers or simply water-based brands also have a smell.

Ask a store clerk or building materials salon for odorless paint for radiators, and he will give you whole list heat-resistant enamels with the inscription “odorless” on the label. Actually this is not true. If you take the most seemingly safe water-based paint and paint a heating radiator at a temperature of 30-45 o C, the smell will be quite unpleasant.

Imported, for example, Polish, Czech or German paints for interior work and heating radiators may have virtually no odor or have a slight pleasant aroma, for example, fresh ice cream or sawn wood. But this does not mean that such odorless radiator paint is absolutely safe and cannot affect your well-being.

The production technology allows us to skillfully mask the real smell of paint, therefore a special index of volatile content is used in imported paints and varnishes organic compounds, or in the abbreviated version - VOC. Instead of a vague concept of odor, VOC precisely defines the maximum content of volatile organic compounds that will have to be inhaled when painting a heating radiator. Even for safe, and practically odorless, acrylic enamel for heating elements, the standard allows no more than 130 g of organic volatile substances per liter of material.

The easiest way is to determine the heat resistance of the paint and varnish material. The label of a can of enamel for heating systems always indicates Maximum temperature radiator at which the coating can be applied, and the upper limit of battery heating. For central systems In heating, the temperature of the coolant rarely exceeds 100 o C, but in private houses, part of the pipes that drain hot water from the boiler heat exchanger can heat up to 120-130 o C.

Paint options for heating systems

The range of modern paints for heating systems is very large. In order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each paint separately, you will need specialized knowledge And a large number of free time. In a simplified form, all paints for radiators and heating pipes can be divided into four groups:

  • Alkyd paints and varnishes;
  • Acrylic heat-resistant coatings;
  • Painting materials based on silicone polymers.

For your information! Often, when selecting a suitable paint material, the question arises: is it possible to paint the battery? water-based paint.

If you have a similar question, is it possible to paint batteries? acrylic paint, ask a specialist, he will probably answer in the affirmative, but with the caveat that it can only be painted with a brand specially designed for heating systems. You cannot paint the metal of batteries or heating radiators with ordinary water-based paint, even if there is no smell. The composition of the water-emulsion mass includes salt emulsion stabilizers and surfactants that provoke metal corrosion. An attempt to paint the bare metal of batteries will inevitably lead to the formation of microbubbles with an oxidized surface, which also intensifies the already not very pleasant smell.

Acrylic paints and varnishes for radiators

The main difference between acrylic paint for radiators and conventional water-based paint is the presence of a special inhibitor that prevents instant rusting of pure metal in an aqueous environment.

Acrylic resins have low resistance to heat, so special color stabilizers are used for materials intended for use in heating systems. This acrylic paint has good hiding power, density, does not lose whiteness during the warranty period and, of course, is practically odorless. More precisely, there is a smell, but it is the smell of a flavoring agent. Such coatings are applied to the necessarily primed surface of the heating radiator using a brush or spray.

After drying, a very even layer with a semi-matte surface is formed on the pipes and radiators.

Alkyd materials

Alkyd enamels are used less for aluminum radiators and are more often used for steel and cast iron batteries. Alkyd paints and varnishes can withstand temperatures up to 150-170 o C, so they cover with similar paint metal pipes steam heating and systems in which high-boiling antifreeze or antifreeze is used instead of water. The smell of alkyd enamels is much richer and more toxic due to great content polar hydrocarbon solvents. Imported samples and the best domestic brands for heating systems may exhibit an odor only during the first hours of radiator heating.

The density and adhesion of alkyd varnishes is much higher than that of acrylic resins. Therefore, despite the smell, they are used to paint old cast iron and steel batteries, in which there is a possibility of fistulas and leaks at the connections.

Silicone and organosilicon paints

Paints and varnishes based on silicone or silicone are rarely used for painting water heating radiators. The silicone coating has a high temperature of decomposition and peeling of paint, and is not afraid of moisture and sudden temperature changes. This coating has a very weak but unpleasant odor, which is difficult to evaporate from the room. Unlike alkyd enamels, silicone, despite the smell, is safer. After drying, the smell does not appear even with very high heat.

The disadvantages of silicone paints for heating radiators include low thermal conductivity. Even a relatively thin layer creates significant thermal resistance, so metal micron powders of aluminum, nickel, oxidized copper and bronze can be added to the paint.

How to paint a heating radiator

How thinner layer paint, the better the heat transfer, therefore, before applying a fresh layer of paint, you need to find a way to remove old paint from heating batteries. This will increase heat transfer and improve the adhesion of the new layer to the metal or primer.

Traditionally, three methods are used to remove old coating:

The paint is fired using construction hair dryer. When heated, the old layer softens and is easily separated from the base metal. After firing, finishing scraping and brushing will be required.

Chemical methods are rarely used due to the high chemical activity of the reagent. Old paint is covered with a thickened gel-like mass phosphoric acid, and after half an hour the coating can be removed with a spatula. If it is not possible to remove the old coating, then you should remove at least the surface layer to a thickness of 0.1-0.5 mm with sandpaper.


In any case, the cleaned battery must be degreased and primed, only after which acrylic or alkyd enamel can be applied. The best option painting is considered complete disassembly body, but such methods are resorted to only when major renovation or replacing the heating system.

Heating radiators, cast iron and steel, require periodic painting, since the factory coating does not last very long, and in some cases is completely absent. In order to update heating appliances, you need to purchase good heat-resistant paint, suitable for painting cold and hot surfaces. Is there odorless paint for radiators and how to choose it correctly?

In this review we will look at:

  • disadvantages of painting batteries with conventional oil paints;
  • types of suitable paints;
  • types of paints for certain batteries;
  • method of painting radiators.

After reading the presented material, you can quickly refresh the batteries in your house or apartment, bringing them into divine shape.

Types of paints

What paint should I use for radiators? You are very lucky if you have at your disposal modern radiators with powder coating - it lasts for decades without peeling and almost without changing its color. Aluminum, bimetallic and steel radiators are coated with this paint. various designs. To give it extra strength, the paint is subjected to procedures to make it stronger and more durable. Multi-stage painting has the longest service life.

Painting the batteries is necessary not only to give the radiator a neat appearance, but also to protect it from the environment.

If there are ordinary cast iron accordion batteries or old steel batteries in the house, then they need to be periodically tinted. The paint quickly turns yellow and begins to crumble, exposing the metal and creating all the conditions for the formation of corrosion centers. That's why paintwork needs updating. It may also be needed when carrying out repairs - suddenly you decide to paint the batteries in different colors and adapt them to your interior design?

What paint should I use to paint radiators? There are many types of paints:

  • water-dispersed – do not emit an unpleasant odor and dry quickly;
  • acrylic – they smell like solvents and give a gloss;
  • alkyd – resistant, durable, long drying;
  • oil paints are not the best option for painting batteries;
  • heat-resistant silverware – great option for painting heating appliances;
  • silicone-aluminum - excellent in all respects, but very expensive;
  • car enamels from spray cans are a reasonable heat-resistant option.

The water-dispersion composition for radiators is completely safe, as it dissolves in water.

Water-based paints are good because they do not have a strong solvent smell, since their base is ordinary water. They are fast drying and good for painting radiators. Some varieties have marks indicating the possibility of painting heating devices.

You don't like matte radiators and you want them to shine? Then we recommend that you turn your attention to modern acrylic enamels. They provide excellent gloss and have a long service life. Their disadvantage is the smell of solvent, so the premises will need to be ventilated after painting.

They have the greatest resistance alkyd paints. They are resistant to temperature loads, resist abrasion well, and do not change their color for a long time. Some of them can withstand heating up to +150 degrees without turning yellow for many years. Despite the obvious advantages, such paints have one glaring drawback - strong smell solvent. It manifests itself not only at the painting stage, but also when starting the heating system.

Some consumers note that after drying, the unpleasant odor disappears, but appears already when heating is started for the first time, disappearing after 1-2 days. During these periods, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the rooms in which painted batteries are located.

Oil paints are not very suitable for radiators, so Lately they are practically not used. They have a strong solvent smell, take a very long time to dry and stick, and the dyes used in them turn yellow over time. In addition, after a year or two, such painting will begin to peel off and fall off, exposing the metal of the heating devices. We do not recommend using this paint for painting heating radiators.

Radiators painted silver look very attractive, but the main thing here is that the surface of the battery is smooth, without bumps or depressions, otherwise the impression will be blurred.

Heat-resistant silver – great choice for painting batteries silver. It contains heat-resistant varnish and powdered aluminum. Benefits of silver:

  • withstands heating up to +200 degrees;
  • does not change color;
  • It hardly peels off or falls off.

The disadvantage is that the smell is quite strong, so after painting the batteries, the rooms need to be ventilated.

Silicone-aluminum paints have the greatest resistance to high temperatures. They fit well on any surface, forming a durable and reliable connection. The surface is smooth and flexible, the paint does not peel off even after several years of use. The price for such superior performance comes at a price - you have to pay for the benefits and durability.

Car enamels are also suitable for painting heating radiators. They are resistant to temperatures up to +80-100 degrees and form a shiny, glossy surface that does not change color under the influence of temperature loads.

How to choose paint depending on battery material

If you can’t decide on the color or composition, consult the salesperson in the store, he will probably give you good advice.

When choosing paints for heating radiators, you need to take into account the materials used to make the heating devices. Almost any paint is suitable for painting cast iron and steel batteries. If you need to ensure good adhesion to metal, heating devices are pre-treated with a primer– it will protect them from corrosion and ensure good adhesion.

To paint aluminum radiators, we recommend using alkyd and silicone-aluminum paints - they adhere well to any surface. In the case of the former, we recommend applying a primer first, which will ensure more reliable adhesion to aluminum surfaces.

How to paint heating radiators

We already know what type of paint we should use to paint our heating radiators - all that remains is to figure out exactly how the painting is done. To do this, you need to prepare brushes, primer (if necessary) and sandpaper. How to remove paint from radiators? You will have to work a little with sandpaper or a special brush for electric drill. We recommend choosing the latter option as it is faster.

Before painting the radiator, be sure to strip it of the old coating and use a primer for better adhesion of the primer to the surface.

Before applying paint to batteries, they must be completely cleaned with sandpaper or a brush, then treat with a degreasing compound - this will ensure more reliable adhesion of the primer to the surface. If necessary, treat the batteries with a primer and let them dry. After this, we begin to apply the paint - it is applied from top to bottom to avoid drips. If you want to receive smooth surface, use a paint sprayer (be careful, careless handling of this tool leads to the formation of smudges).

The main task of a heating battery is to warm up the room using the energy of coolants that circulate in the system. If the radiator cannot cope with this task, then it is worthless, but if everything is OK, then you want more - so that the battery looks beautiful and the painting does not spoil your nerves. Hence the goal is to select for the radiator suitable paint, which will not create problems during application and the central heater will please the eye.

From the time of Tsar Gorokh to this day, it has been customary to paint radiators with enamel or alkyd. Why is acrylic paint left out and is it possible to paint a battery with it and not be disappointed? Let's figure it out.

Differences between acrylic and enamel

What is the difference between acrylic and enamel?

  • - Used in acrylic paint water base and acrylic pigment,
  • — The enamel contains an organic solvent and pigment.

In the first case, the water evaporates, in the second the solvent and only pigment and additives remain on the surface, for example, Teflon ® surface protector in latex Snezhka Nature.

When the solvent evaporates there is a persistent unpleasant odor, but when water evaporates there is no odor. There is also a difference in the film on the surface after drying - with enamel it is thicker and denser. That's it, there are no more significant differences.

Acrylic for radiator

Now the question is whether acrylic can be used for batteries. Why yes and in what cases no. You can, but not just any acrylic. If you paint the radiator with ordinary acrylic paint, the effect will be temporary - acrylic will not allow you to wash the battery and it will soon lose its appearance. Special paints are sold for radiators, for example, “Snowball for radiators”. It has a glossy shine, is applied with a brush and dries within 2 hours. This option is official, but boring. The choice of colors for special paints for batteries is small - from white to beige, we, like Lenin, will go the other way.

A week ago we painted the walls with Snezhka Nature and after work we ended up with half a can of latex composition left over. acrylic base. Why not use it for the radiator? What it says for:

  1. — Interesting color for a radiator,
  2. - Combination with the tone of the walls,
  3. — The latex additive will allow the battery to be washed (without fanaticism),
  4. — There is no smell when painting.

After finishing painting the walls, the work clothes were thrown into the washing machine; it did not wash off the frozen latex, which means that the Sniezka Nature film is resistant. We will need this for the radiator.

What's the theory against acrylic? Battery temperature? Hardly, shorter service life? Judging by the clothes from washing machine, It's not a problem.

We paint with acrylic

Before painting, the battery is washed and the flaking old paint is removed - this is a classic of the genre. After this, mix the paint and apply it directly to the surface with a brush. warm battery. Don’t make any omissions, but you don’t need any smudges either. You will have to apply 3-4 layers, but this is not a problem - the paint dried in about 15 minutes. Rubber gloves are not needed, but wash your hands immediately after work - then a mat and a washcloth will be used - after drying, the latex holds tightly.

As a result, we repainted 3 radiators with 1 liter of Sniezka Nature in one evening. There were no problems - the batteries look beautiful, the composition holds well, wiping with a damp cloth does not give any color.

Hence the conclusion - do not live by old stereotypes, seek and find, knock and it will be opened to you.

Heating radiators are an inconspicuous element of our home and fit harmoniously into its interior if they are new, shining with fresh paint. But if the batteries are already old, the paint on them is faded and swollen, then in this state they are striking and are unlikely to decorate the house. The problem can be resolved by replacing the batteries. But this is expensive and not always justified, so there is another option - to repaint the batteries. For this purpose, special paint for heating radiators is used. Its purpose is to protect the surface of the batteries from corrosion, giving them the desired color, as well as a decent appearance. And if previously pipelines were painted only in White color, then currently they are painted in the color that best suits the design of the room. Our article will discuss what paint to choose for heating radiators and how to paint them correctly.

Rules for choosing the right paint

The final result depends on the correct choice of paint. Here you should take into account the requirements for paint for batteries and heating pipes. This:

  • high heat resistance (at least 100°C);
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • no toxicity.

Paints specifically designed for painting heating radiators are of the following types:

  1. Acrylic enamels. They are produced using organic solvents, so their drying is accompanied by the release of a characteristic solvent odor. But the result is a pleasant glossy shine that lasts for many years.
  2. Alkyd enamels. The surface painted with this paint is resistant to high temperatures and abrasion. This paint is available in a fairly wide range color scheme, it is possible to choose any color you like, so it is very popular among consumers. Another disadvantage is the unpleasant odor, which persists for several days after painting, but when high temperatures may resume.
  3. Water-dispersion paints. This choice is considered optimal, since these compositions do not have a specific odor and dry much faster. You just need to pay attention that the packaging is marked: for painting heating radiators and pipelines.

There is also oil paint, but recently it has been little used for this purpose; this option has become obsolete. Which paint is best for radiators? Each of them has its pros and cons, so the choice ultimately remains with the consumer.

Paint for heating radiators must be heat-resistant, abrasion-resistant and free of harmful substances

Preparing batteries for processing

To achieve high-quality painting batteries must be properly prepared for painting. Preparatory work Before painting they take longer than the painting itself.

Preparing batteries for painting is carried out in the following order:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface before painting: remove the old layer of paint, and clean the places where rust has appeared to a metallic shine. Dust and dirt are wiped off with a wet cloth, and old paint is removed using a spatula and special wash-off solutions.
  2. The washing solution is applied to the surface of the battery and covered with a film to soften it. After this, the paint is easily removed with a spatula, grinder or wire brush, put on the drill. In this case, it is advisable to wear construction gloves on your hands and protect Airways respirator or gauze bandage.
  3. Next, the surface of the battery is sanded with sandpaper, then degreased with white spirit or any slightly alkaline solution.
  4. An anti-corrosion primer is applied to a well-cleaned surface, which will not only protect it from corrosion, but also increase the adhesion of the paint to the surface of the battery. An alkyd-based primer is best for this.

It is imperative to choose a primer that has anti-corrosion properties (this is usually indicated on the can), otherwise after a while rust will appear again. The paint will adhere perfectly to a well-prepared surface.

In order for the battery to be painted with high quality, it is necessary to carefully prepare its surface - wipe off the old paint, remove rust, wash off dust and dirt

Modern construction stores offer big choice paints that already contain a primer and a rust converter. They are convenient because they are applied to heating batteries without preliminary preparation basics.

Painting process technology

Now let's look at how to paint a radiator to achieve good result. This must be done with the heating turned off, otherwise in some areas the paint will dry too quickly, lay down in an uneven layer, and smudges will form that look unsightly. Of course, there is a special paint on sale that is intended for use on hot radiators, but it can also go unevenly if the heating is not turned off.

Currently, heating radiators are painted in colors that best suit the overall design room interior

If there is no other way out and you have to paint the heating device during the heating period, then you need to at least turn off the supply hot water yourself or make this request to the housing office employees. In this case, the temperature at the radiator will drop significantly.

So, if you have already decided which paint is best to paint radiators, you can proceed directly to the painting process:

  1. First of all, you need to take care to protect the floor from contamination with paint stains. To do this, lay unnecessary paper or fabric under the batteries.
  2. Choose small brushes with soft bristles, one straight and the other curved, to paint hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Apply paint first to the top of the battery and move towards the bottom. Paint the battery on all sides: first the internal ceilings, then the external ones, to avoid staining hands and clothes. After the 1st layer of paint has dried, apply the second. You need to remember the rule that two thin layers of paint are better than one thick one. After all, only in the first case will a uniform and smooth paint coating be guaranteed.

The radiator can also be painted with a spray gun or from a spray can.

Painting a heating radiator with heat-resistant paint from a spray can is convenient and quick, while the paint lays down in a thin, uniform layer

When using a spray gun, it is recommended to remove the battery so that you can paint all hard-to-reach areas. Painting using a can filled with heat-resistant paint is done very quickly and efficiently. Usually detailed instructions Information about painting surfaces with a spray can is given on its packaging. The basic rule: perform zigzag movements from top to bottom at approximately a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted.

Before painting heating radiators, it is important to study the technology of this process, because following it will ensure an attractive appearance heating device and its reliability.