Line for the production of paper from waste paper. Reception and processing of waste paper

Recycling of waste paper reduces the need for deforestation for the production of various types of paper and cardboard.

After all, paper and cardboard are a compressed and dried mass consisting of wood pulp(a water-insoluble substance, the main component of the cell walls of land plants) and glue that connects the fibers into one.

When recycling waste paper, do the following:

  • remove glue, connecting cellulose fibers into one whole;
  • cleanse from pollution;
  • turn into pure mass, suitable for the production of paper and cardboard or any other application (ennobled).
  • old newspapers,
  • magazines,
  • paper bags,
  • cardboard boxes and so on.

They are first converted into pulp and then into finished products.

Recycling of waste paper into paper, cardboard and other products is carried out in several stages.

The number and purpose of these stages depends on:

  • type of waste paper;
  • further use of the purified mass.

Therefore, we can conditionally divide processing into two stages.

First stage

The first stage includes the following steps:

  • sorting;
  • grinding;
  • primary dissolution;
  • purification from impurities.

paper break into fragments 1–5 cm in size, suitable for further processing.

For this operation use mills and crushers, and not necessarily intended for waste paper. You can also use crushers for plastic or wood chips.

Attempt to carry out initial dissolution of waste paper mass without crushing feedstock will lead to excessive consumption of electricity, because large fragments are more difficult to turn into an aqueous solution.

This process is often excluded from the technological chain when processing small volumes of waste paper due to high expenses for the purchase of a mill. In this case, use more powerful pulpers with a vertically mounted rotor.

The stage described above makes it possible to obtain from waste paper a substance suitable for the production cardboard and egg packaging.

Second phase

To obtain raw materials for paper production, a second stage is required, which includes:

  • secondary dissolution;
  • thin cleaning;
  • additional processing.

Secondary dissolution and fine cleaning are carried out in the same way, regardless of the feedstock and the final product.

The differences in these operations begin during additional processing, when not only mechanical action is applied, but also chemical reagents.

The composition of the reagents and the processing technology depend on both the brand of waste paper and the purpose of the pulp.

After completing the second stage, a purified aqueous solution is obtained, from which various grades of paper are made.

Sometimes this aqueous solution is mixed with unrecycled cellulose. During this operation, raw materials suitable for manufacturing are made from any waste paper. quality paper.

Waste paper sorting

Recycling begins with sorting, during which waste paper is divided into conventional groups quality. Thanks to this division, only waste paper that corresponds to technological chain specific device or plant.

All paper differs in:

  • color;
  • length of cellulose fibers;
  • degree of contamination;
  • humidity.

Each grade of paper requires its own pulping and cleaning technology.

Operates on the territory of Russia GOST 10700-97, according to which all waste paper is divided into three main groups:

  1. Waste production white uncoated and unbleached sulfate paper, including non-waterproof paper bags.
  2. Printing products without binding (except for newspapers), as well as regular and corrugated cardboard and black or brown paper.
  3. Newspapers, paper and cardboard impregnated, colored paper (except black and brown), as well as paper and cardboard casting.

More accurate division of waste paper into stamps within groups, you can read GOST 10700-97 yourself by following this link

Waste paper sorted manually, however, attempts do not stop automation this process, for which new modern equipment and software are being developed. To mechanize this process, it is necessary to “teach” the computer to distinguish between groups and brands of paper by appearance, which is very difficult to do at the current level of development of microelectronics.

Primary defibration

The purpose of this operation is glue dissolution, connecting individual fibers into a coherent structure and release of fibers.

For this waste paper:

  • placed in pulpers;
  • poured water;
  • stir.

The pulper consists of:

  • stator;
  • rotor (drum or impeller);
  • baths;
  • electric motor.

Hydropulpers work on the principle of a washing machine - drum(on some models this role will be played by an impeller) creates a vortex that carries along water and waste paper. Pulpers differ in:

  • rotor location (there are vertical and horizontal);
  • productivity;
  • concentration of the finished solution.

Water fills the cellulose fibers, they swell, breaking the glue, and the paper turns into liquid waste paper(pulp) suitable for further processing.

Friction and shocks that occur when waste paper collides with the walls of the bath, improve dissolution material. During the initial dissolution, cellulose peels off from various films, which allows for further separate fibers from contaminants.

All this happens due to the fact that water destroys the adhesive bond between individual fibers, replacing it with water bridges, which have low strength and facilitate the movement of fibers relative to each other.

Cellulose fibers are composed of fibrils(long thin threads) forming lamellas(layers). During dissolution the following processes occur:

  • the connection between individual fibers is broken;
  • the fibers become shorter;
  • the connection between the lamellas is broken;
  • the slats become shorter;
  • Due to the destruction of the lamellas, the cellulose fibers become covered with a fringe of fibrils.

After filling the waste paper with water stir so that friction accelerates and makes processes occurring in water more efficient, leading to separation:

  • fibers;
  • glue;
  • various contaminants.

Swirl, created by a rotating drum, presses the soggy waste paper mass against the walls of the bath, providing the following effects:

  • stirring;
  • rubbing.

Thanks to this, it happens separation waste paper mass into factions, which makes it easier to clean. At this stage, waste paper is used to create pulp which is used for:

  • production low grade cardboard;
  • soft fillers(cheap analogue of foam chips);
  • egg packaging;
  • further purification and processing.

Cleaning from impurities

Some pulper models are equipped with different catchers, which are removed from the waste paper mass:

  • paper clips;
  • ropes;
  • films;
  • sand.

For better cleaning, install additional catchers, because they improve cleaning waste paper and reduce costs for electricity for post-treatment.

The lower part of the bath of any pulper is equipped with dirt collector, where large contaminants that have passed through the catchers during the initial dissolution process end up.

After the dirt collector and catcher, the suspension flows through pipes to vibrating sieve, which carries out additional cleaning.

Here are eliminated all large contaminants and foreign objects that were not removed in previous waste paper cleanings.

As an additional element that improves the cleaning of waste paper, it is used overflow box.

The liquid suspension easily flows through it, heavy contaminants settle to the bottom, then they are removed.

The resulting product is used for:

  • receiving quality cardboard;
  • production roofing materials;
  • further processing.

Secondary defibration

Secondary dissolution occurs on the same principle as primary, but in devices called:

  1. Turbo separators.
  2. Fiberizers.
  3. Enstippers.
  4. Pulsation mills.

The operating principle of the first three devices is the same, because it is a pulper with a special rotor shape. The form depends on:

  • device performance;
  • bath volume;
  • suspension concentrations;
  • depth of dissolution of waste paper into fibers.

They are used for preparation low and medium suspensions quality. The fourth device (pulsation mill) differs from the others in that the rotor and stator are made in the form disks of complex shape.

Due to the shape of the rotor, small water hammer, which are called pulsations. The distance between the discs is 0.2–2 millimeters, which is comparable to the size of the fibers.

The rotor not only creates swirl, but also provides suction suspension, after which water hammer (pulsation) and friction finally destroy adhesive bonds between cellulose fibers. Therefore, a pulsation mill is used to prepare high quality suspensions.

Each of these devices is equipped with dirt traps, so at the same time as fiberization, the suspension is cleaned of dirt.

In the process of secondary dissolution it is necessary not only destroy ties between individual pieces of cellulose fibers, but also do not allow dirt to grind and foreign inclusions so that they can be screened out with special equipment.

For production low quality cardboard or cellulose casting in one unit they carry out:

  • primary defibration;
  • cleaning;
  • additional clearance.

However, the use separate devices more effective, therefore this approach is used for production quality material.

Fine cleaning

Fine cleaning is carried out in various ways, complementary to each other, because some one method does not provide the necessary cleanliness waste paper mass.

Typically, fine cleaning takes place in the following sequence:

  • using a sorting device;
  • using a thermal dispersion device.

Cleaning with

Further cleaning can be done using various additional equipment, which we will discuss in detail below.

Sorting device

The pulp purified at the previous stage is fed to a sorting device, which:

  • additionally cleanses from heavy and solid contaminants;
  • divides the mass according to the size of the fibers.

Sorting device– this is a vibrating sieve with small cells, so it is too fine fibers and dirt pass through the holes in mud trap.

Very short fibers are not suitable for paper production, so they are either disposed of in accordance with standards accepted in Russia, or sent for additional processing.

For example, they are mixed with the pulp obtained as a result of primary dissolution. From this mass they make low quality cardboard, egg packaging or various building materials. The pulp that has passed through the sorting device is used to make medium quality paper and cardboard.

Thermal dispersion device

The next stage of cleaning is processing for thermal dispersion device, which removes from the pulp:

  • petroleum derivatives;
  • fats;
  • resins;
  • various films.

Thermal dispersion devices separate the pulp into water-soluble And water-insoluble components using heat. Then all water-insoluble components are filtered and collected in garbage receptacle.

In the process of processing the pulp again grind similar to what happens in a pulper or pulse mill. Therefore, for paper production High Quality the resulting product is filtered using vibrating screens or similar devices to separate fibers that are too short.

After the fine cleaning stage, the waste paper mass (pulp) is suitable for:

  • paper making average quality;
  • further processing.

All contaminants collected during the dissolution or purification process are allowed for further processing at the appropriate enterprises or disposed of in accordance with the standards accepted in Russia.

Additional processing

Waste paper mass get rid of dyes And increase paper-forming properties properties of the material.

If necessary, into waste paper add wood pulp to improve the quality of the final product.

Wood cellulose fibers are very long, making it successful bind short fibers obtained from waste paper.

To decolorize and bleach waste paper, use:

  • mechanical impact;
  • heat;
  • chemical reagents, the composition of which depends on the color and brand of raw materials, as well as on the type of finished product.

For the manufacture of quality paper nessesary to use pulp with certain characteristics, which include:

  • size and structure of cellulose fibers;
  • amount of additional impurities;
  • color;
  • microbiological composition;
  • chemical composition.

The size and structure of the fibers affect paper strength And glue consumption. The longer the fibers and the more fringes they have from fibrous tissues, the higher paper-forming properties of pulp, that is, those stronger will be the paper obtained from them.

Fibers less than 0.2 millimeters long not suitable for paper production, however, the dense fringe of fibrils allows them to be used for casting or cardboard production.

If the entire pulp consists of short fibers, then it diluted with wood pulp, increasing paper-forming properties. If necessary, pulp bleach or give the desired color, cleanse from odors and bacteria. This gives the pulp the necessary qualities and prepares it for the production of any goods.

Laminated cardboard recycling

Laminated cardboard— mass segment of paper waste. This is packaging Pure Pak and Tetra Pak, in which many types of products are sold - juices, milk, etc.

Comprehensive processing of laminated cardboard waste allows you to obtain the following:

  • high quality cellulose various varieties and colors;
  • secondary polyethylene;
  • polyaluminum.

Due to the technical difficulty of completely separating laminated board into its component parts Such processing is rarely done anywhere.

Recycling paper at home

You can recycle paper waste at home. But without special equipment, if only improvised means, the only thing that can be done is homemade paper. This method will be useful for designers and hand-makers.

Making paper at home:

  1. Unnecessary paper (not glossy or laminated) should be finely tear or cut.
  2. Add paper pulp into the blender, add water and grind to a pulp state.
  3. The resulting mass post onto a sieve or frame with gauze, level it and leave under pressure.

After drying out the paper is ready. Dense and rough, it can be useful for handmakers to create their masterpieces.

Equipment for recycling waste paper

Modern industry offers a large number of diverse technology for recycling waste paper, including:

  • individual installations for each operation;
  • combined installations for several operations (mini-plants);
  • factories, performing the entire technological chain.

Mini-mills are in demand in those places where the supply of waste paper does not exceed 3–5 tons per day, because in this case it makes no sense to invest in powerful, expensive equipment.

Individual installations for each stage are purchased when the average waste paper flow is expected – 10–50 tons per day, if stable supplies of waste paper occur in significantly larger volumes, then using a plant is preferable.

Below is table approximate prices for various equipment used for recycling waste paper, so that you can more clearly understand the scale of investment in this type of business.

Equipment for individual operations

Name and model
Description Performance Price
Paper making machine BDM-1092Mini-factory (combined installation) for producing toilet paper. To operate, it is necessary to connect a waste paper pulp preparation line - a shredder (crusher) and a pulper.1 ton per day1.5 million rubles
Crusher AMD-2000Breaks paper into small pieces to facilitate the operation of the pulper.50 kilograms per hour130 thousand rubles
Hydraulic pulper type GRV-02Converts waste paper into waste paper mass (pulp)10-30 tons per day500 thousand rubles
Sorting ZNSSorts pulp into ground pulp, unbroken paper and contaminants20-300 cubic meters in essence (depending on the model)up to 150,000 USD
Egg tray making machine model Pf-f3000Casts and presses egg molds from the prepared mass (pulp)3-5 thousand trays per hourup to 150,000 USD
Waste paper shredder (crusher) SX-100Shreds waste paper, straw and other materials, preparing them for further processing1 ton per hourup to 30 thousand USD

A paper making machine can be purchased. This site presents a wide range of pulpers and other equipment. You can also view these products on Aliexpress.

Full cycle plants

Name and model Description Performance Price
Plant for the production of paper napkins, toilet and tissue paperA full-cycle plant, with all the necessary equipment and support from the manufacturer’s specialists. Processes waste paper, straw, cake and other materials into paper napkins, toilet paper and tissue paper170-190 meters per minute or 4-6 tons per day150-200 thousand USD
Plant for the production of various paper products PFK-1575A full-cycle plant, with all the necessary equipment and support from the manufacturer’s specialists. Processes waste paper, straw, cake and other materials into various paper products (depending on the configuration and additional equipment)up to 11.5 tons per day50-90 thousand USD
Waste paper recycling plant SJZ-24-3Full cycle plant with equipment for the production of egg trays. If additional equipment is available, it is possible to produce other productsup to 50 tons per day230-450 thousand USD
Plant for the production of toilet paper from waste paperFull cycle plant with equipment for the production of toilet paper. If additional equipment is available, it is possible to produce other products100 meters per minute50-90 thousand USD

This and other equipment can also be purchased on Aliexpress.

What else is made from waste paper? Alternative processing methods

Except traditional processing into paper and cardboard from waste paper make the following materials:

  • organic insulation ( ecowool);
  • roofing materials;
  • insulating materials;
  • disposable pots for flowers;
  • packaging for eggs;
  • toilet paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • disposable dishes;
  • textile for clothes.

Primary stage processing, including the production and purification of pulp, for all these technologies is the same.

Attempts are being made dry destruction of bonds between cellulose fibers, but so far they are far from commercial application.

Decoration Materials from compressed cellulose fibers according to their characteristics similar popular fiberboard sheets, but cheaper their.

Ecowool made from waste paper, its characteristics are not much inferior to basalt and glass wool, harmless and again recyclable.

Very in demand shock-absorbing fillers pressed from cardboard, which are in no way inferior to foam chips, but much cheaper. Their production does not require complex equipment, and the machine for making such crumbs does not take up much space.

Industry prospects

Recycling waste paper into various materials is very in demand, so the industry is constantly develops.

Declining forests and the reduced availability of unprocessed wood pulp are driving the industry's explosive growth. In addition, recycling waste paper allows save trees that would need to be cut down to make paper.

Despite the need for large investments, waste paper recycling is very profitable business, because the raw materials are very cheap, and paper and cardboard are used demand. The low price allows you to effectively compete with paper made from wood, because there are no costs for cutting down forests, delivering logs, storing them and processing them into chips.

The profit of an enterprise is affected by access to the following resources:

  • cheap electricity;
  • cheap water;
  • cheap reset waste water;
  • inexpensive storage area garbage and waste.

Recycling waste paper into paper is very profitable business, which is constantly evolving. New technologies are emerging that improve the process and increase the number of waste paper recycling cycles. Appear new materials, for which it is required recycled cellulose.

The industry is developing successfully, covering large and small cities, because demand for paper products only increases, and the raw materials are very cheap.

After all, many people still throw newspapers and magazines into the bin, but they can get even a small amount for waste paper, but payment.

In the near future, new technologies will appear that will make it possible to seriously increase the number of cycles recycling waste paper, which will reduce the number of trees cut down and improve the environment.

The introduction of separate waste collection in the near future is essential will increase the volume waste paper and cardboard that can be recycled.

This will ensure increase in quantity supplied raw materials, which means it will increase the output of finished paper. The development of technology will increase the number of paper recycling cycles, because even very short fibers can be used, if you mix primary cellulose with them.

The video briefly and interestingly describes the process of recycling waste paper, as well as why it is so important for the environment:

In contact with

Recycling waste today is not only a profitable activity, but also very honorable, since it preserves the environment. And it is from this that the main advantage of such business projects arises - their subsidization by the state. Separately, recycling of waste paper as a business can be highlighted here. There are a lot of positive aspects - availability of raw materials, simple technology, several options for business development. The main difficulty that awaits all entrepreneurs is finding interested clients. To avoid downtime, it is necessary to search for buyers of processed products at the business planning stage.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Before opening a mini waste paper recycling plant in Russia, it is important to figure out which path to take. And this, in turn, will depend on the size of the start-up capital and how saturated the market is in a particular region. So what options for organizing a business are generally possible here?

Option one: collection of waste paper, its pressing and further sale

This scenario for the development of a mini-workshop is perfect for those businessmen who cannot boast of having large investments. To bring your plans to life, you will not need to rent large premises, hire qualified personnel, or purchase expensive equipment.

The business plan for recycling waste paper in this case implies the following technology:

  • collection of raw materials,
  • pressing waste paper,
  • delivery of waste paper to clients.

The compressed waste paper is then delivered to pulp and paper or construction plants.

Waste paper press machine

To launch a mini-workshop here, you will need to buy a waste paper press and a truck for collecting raw materials and delivering processed waste paper to customers. The cost of a pressing machine is low - about 300,000 rubles. The purchase of your own vehicle will result in a much more serious sum. The only possible saving option here is to buy a used car. Then you can start your own business if you have no more than 500,000 rubles. And, in order to calculate the possible profit, you can operate with the following data - enterprises accept compressed waste paper at a price of 1500-3000 rubles/t.

Thanks to simple technology and low costs, it is even possible to recycle waste paper at home - in an empty garage or suburban area.

Option two: partial recycling of waste paper

To launch a processing shop, you will need to buy a machine for processing waste paper and producing pulp from it. In this case, the profit from the business will be significantly greater. But you should also prepare for larger expenses.

Pulp as the main raw material is actively used by factories in the production of paper and paper products. And this component is more expensive on the market than just compressed waste paper.

Is there a pulp and paper mill nearby? Then pulp production is the best option for an entrepreneur.

In short, the technology for processing waste paper into pulp is as follows:

  • soaking waste paper,
  • bleaching and disinfection of waste paper,
  • whipping the mass into foam.

The resulting foam is pulp. And in order to automate the process, you will need to equip the workshop with a production line consisting of the following types of machines:

  • storage tanks (with and without agitators),
  • equipment for bleaching and disinfection,
  • pumps,
  • foaming agent

Today there are already fully equipped mini-lines on sale, costing from 500,000 rubles. (depending on power and degree of automation). But the starting investment will include not only the price of equipment, but also the purchase of transport for delivering pulp to clients. Profit from the sale of semi-finished products can be calculated based on the following data - enterprises pay 25,000-40,000 rubles for 1 ton of pulp.

Option three: full cycle of waste paper recycling

This type of business will require significant investments. But the income from the enterprise will satisfy even the most demanding needs.

And what can waste paper be recycled into?

  • In cardboard.
  • B and napkins.
  • In ecowool and cellulose.

The technological scheme of production, depending on the specific type of final product, will vary.

Line for recycling waste paper into toilet paper

Organizing a workshop, even if it is of small capacity, is not easy. And the first thing to take care of is finding a suitable premises. The fact is that the production of paper from waste paper must comply with all established standards and safety rules. In this case, areas that are separate from residential buildings are suitable.

It is quite natural that processing waste paper into paper and other products will require special technological equipment in the workshop. Here it is hardly possible to talk about the specific cost of machines and devices, since these figures depend on the type of products received and the planned capacity of the workshop.

The cheapest lines (from 300,000 rubles) are for the production of napkins. A mini-line for the production of toilet paper and roll napkins will cost a businessman no less than 1,000,000 rubles. The most expensive industrial complexes are lines for the production of cardboard containers (from RUB 3,000,000).

Once a specific direction has been chosen, you can already buy equipment for processing waste paper and producing paper products. The starting investment also needs to include auxiliary machines - loaders, rams, and a delivery vehicle. But all costs will pay off very quickly if there are established sales channels. Practice shows that in large populated areas, a business of this type can be characterized by a profitability of 50-60%. The profit margin from a paper mill will depend on the specific production volumes.

Where to get raw materials?

The main task that will face an entrepreneur who decides to organize a mini-workshop in this area is the supply of raw materials. According to analysts, hundreds of tons of waste paper are sent to landfills every month. This means there should be no problems with the availability of used paper in the workshop.

Every modern waste paper recycling line can “eat” any paper raw material. And yet, before starting the process, all collected waste paper undergoes careful sorting. All raw materials, according to GOST 10700-97, can be divided into 3 classes:

  • “A” – high quality raw materials from white writing paper and paper bags.
  • “B” - average quality raw materials from various printing products (exceptions - newspapers, cardboard).
  • “B” – low quality raw materials from newspapers and impregnated cardboard.

Practice shows that in large cities it is quite possible to collect up to 15 tons of used paper per week.

Reception of waste paper can be carried out in the following ways:

  • special containers,
  • collection from enterprises,
  • purchasing from companies.

Each of the listed methods, in any case, will require certain costs. After all, even in order to pick up waste paper for free from the territory of a particular organization, you cannot avoid spending on freight transport and gasoline. It’s the same with containers – you’ll also have to spend money on buying them. In our country, the culture of garbage collection is not yet very developed, but similar bins, where everyone can throw out paper waste, can often be seen in large cities.

Literally all enterprises used to give away waste paper to anyone who wanted it for free - as long as the mountains of garbage were taken away. But with the development of the processing business sector, it is not uncommon for paper raw materials to be sold rather than given away for free.

But from which enterprises can waste paper be removed? Large supermarkets (grocery and selling household appliances) are considered the most “papery” places. But here the entrepreneur will have to stand in line - for sure, every large store is already collaborating with someone.

To ensure that the collection and processing of waste paper does not cause difficulties, and there is no downtime on the production line, it is worth arranging prefabricated containers and concluding contracts for the collection of waste paper in advance.

In Russia, although they are trying to switch to electronic document management, the lion's share of documents are still printed in traditional paper form. In addition, paper is used everywhere: newspapers, notebooks, packaging, various magazines, and outdoor advertising. Wood is used to make paper: dozens of hectares of it are cut down, which undoubtedly causes a blow to the country’s ecology. If you want to earn money and help nature, then consider the option waste paper recycling as a business - This is a promising, profitable and “white” production that has excellent prospects.


To save one tree, it is enough to recycle 100 kilograms of waste paper. At first glance it seems that this is a lot, but in fact it is not: Russian companies, universities and authorities produce tons of waste paper every day. By recycling it, you can produce new paper, protecting trees and saving resources.

Waste paper volumes are constantly growing

You should know that there are three types of waste paper. The division is based on quality:

  1. Higher, or A-category. It includes classic white paper: office documents, notebooks, books, etc.
  2. Average, or B-category. This includes various printing materials (magazines) and unpainted cardboard (including packaging).
  3. Lowest, or B-category. This includes everything else: newspapers, colored cardboard, etc.

The cost and value of waste paper varies depending on the category. It's easiest to recycle blank grade A paper, but that doesn't mean you have to stop accepting other types of paper. All of it is recycled and allows us to produce high-quality recyclable materials.

Work options

Before starting your business, you need to decide on the direction of activity and the possible level of investment. There are three options for working (we'll talk about them below). To choose the right one, you need to assess your capabilities, conduct a market analysis and draw up a competent business plan for recycling of paper and cardboard. After that, consider the possible prospects and choose which work scheme suits you best.

Collection and pressing

The first option we are considering is considered the simplest: it is suitable for beginner businessmen. It will require minimal investment and in the future can develop into full-fledged production. The work flow is as follows:

  1. Raw materials are collected from the population and companies.
  2. The paper is being compressed.
  3. The material is delivered to customers: to paper mills or construction plants.

Such production can be organized even in a garage or small workshop with an area of ​​30–40 m2. All you need is a small truck (Gazelle) for transportation and a press. The cost of the press is about 300 thousand rubles, a used car will cost another 200 thousand. In total, you will need approximately 500 thousand rubles to get started. You can save 100 thousand rubles if you purchase a used press, but you need to understand the equipment so as not to buy a worn-out unit.

Waste paper comes in different classes

Partial recycling

The second option will require more effort and investment from the entrepreneur. We are already talking about production here, so a garage will not work. You will need a small production room with a volume of 100 m2, a three-phase power line and a special machine that processes waste paper into pulp. It is also sold to customers who manufacture paper products. For comparison: 1 ton of pressed paper costs about 2 thousand rubles in bulk, and 1 ton of pulp costs approximately 30–40 thousand rubles.The production scheme looks like this:

  1. The waste paper is sorted and soaked in a vat.
  2. It is disinfected and bleached.
  3. The raw materials are whipped until foamy and packaged.

For production you will need several specialized tanks with mixers, pumps, disinfection and bleaching devices, as well as a foaming agent. You can buy equipment separately, but we recommend purchasing ready-made lines. Their price starts from 600 thousand rubles, and the manufacturer carries out commissioning work independently. In addition to the line, you will need transport to transport raw materials.

Full cycle

The full cycle is considered the most difficult option: novice entrepreneurs may not be able to handle it due to the large amount of initial investment. In fact, this is a full-fledged production that allows the production of cellulose, ecowool, napkins, toilet paper and cardboard. You will need a room with an area of ​​100 m2, connected to a three-phase network, sewerage and water supply. The workshop must be separate, so it is better to choose options on the outskirts of the city or in industrial areas so as not to irritate neighbors and others.

It is impossible to name the exact amount of investment in the full production cycle: it all depends on what volumes you expect to produce, what exactly you will produce, etc. For example, a cardboard production line costs about 3–5 million rubles, a line for the production of towels and toilet paper - 1.5 million, napkins - 0.5 million. In general, you need to count on about 2 million rubles for the classic production of napkins and toilet paper. At the same time, profitability waste paper recycling plant will be about 60%.

Where to get raw materials

The first step is to decide exactly how much raw material you need per day. If you press paper and transport it to processors, you will need about a ton per day. If you are planning production, then you need to count on 10 or more tons per day. We recommend that you act as follows: accept waste paper at your site, as well as enter into agreements with acceptance centers already operating in your locality. They collect about 300–500 kilograms of waste paper per day in small cities and more than a ton in large cities, so you should have enough raw materials.

Finished paper rolls

What's the best way to take it? Give priority to regular office paper, notebooks, envelopes, newspapers and magazines. You can also work with advertising brochures and regular cardboard, but printing will require additional costs. It is recommended to sort the collected raw materials to improve the quality of the final product. If you organize mass acceptance of envelopes, you will need to remove the oilcloth window from them.

Recycling rules

Let's look at the process of processing raw materials so that you understand what you have to face. The collected waste paper is sorted by type of paper. Then it is poured into tanks and filled with water. The paper swells, after which the stirrers are turned on. As a result, it breaks down into fibers and rolls into cellulose lumps. Next, using a vibrating sieve and rubbing, the pieces are crushed and cleaned of foreign inclusions (metal staples, paper clips, etc.). Then the raw materials are cleaned of all excess: fat, dust, paint, glue, etc.

Next, the water is pumped out of the tanks: the pulp remains in them. It is the basis for the manufacture of various products. The pulp is fed into a specialized apparatus consisting of two mesh drums. The cellulose is fixed on the mesh, after which it is leveled and dried. The resulting paper is fed into a sintering unit, where it is dried and becomes full-fledged paper.

Attention:The waste paper recycling cycle can be repeated 7 times. After this, cellulose loses its properties and does not turn into paper.

Production of toilet paper and napkins

Let's consider the option when waste paper is not just pressed and handed over, but full-fledged production is launched. The simplest production is the production of napkins, toilet paper and paper towels. For this you will need(it will produce pulp) and a line for the production of the necessary products. The total costs for such a workshop will be approximately 2–3 million rubles. Approximately 9 thousand rolls are produced from a ton of waste paper (the daily standard for a small line). The average profit from the sale of this product, taking into account all costs (including taxes and salaries) will be 120–140 thousand rubles per month, that is, all investments made will pay off in approximately 18–20 months. By expanding the range or working in two shifts, you will reduce the payback period to 10–12 months, but in this case you need to ensure constant sales of finished products so that they do not accumulate in warehouses.

Cardboard production

Cardboard is used as a packaging material: boxes, pizza packaging and other things necessary for business are made from it. It brings good profits, but serious investments will be needed in its production. In fact, making cardboard is practically no different from making toilet paper, except that a different line is used. But the equipment for it is more expensive.

Production fully pays for itself in 2 years

The total cost of opening a small workshop will be about 7–8 million rubles. You will also need a workshop that meets the production conditions: the presence of water supply and sewerage, a good ventilation system, heating, and a three-phase power line. The minimum area for a workshop is 100 m2, another 100–200 meters will be needed for a warehouse, the recommended total area for production is 400 m2 (provided that this is a small production and not a full-fledged plant). The raw materials used are mixed cardboard, corrugated cardboard and cellulose. As of 2019, the cost of a ton of such raw materials is 5 thousand rubles for cardboard and 20 thousand rubles for cellulose. It is also possible to add ordinary waste paper, but it should not be more than 15 percent of the total mass. To give cardboard the necessary qualities, starch, aluminum sulfate and rosin glue are added to the raw material.

Let's make a small calculation of the profitability of production based on a small workshop. The total level of investment in production will be 8 million rubles. Net profit per month, minus taxes, salaries and funds for the purchase of raw materials, is about 500 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the line will fully pay for itself in 16 months, after which it will begin to generate stable profits. Of course, you are unlikely to immediately reach maximum production capacity, but in general, with the right approach, all costs made can still be recouped in two years.

How cardboard is made

Although the production technology is not very different from making napkins, it still needs to be considered in more detail. The finished raw materials are also poured into tanks and soaked, after which they are brought to a homogeneous mass with stirrers. The resulting mixture then enters the pulper, where the purification process takes place. Next, the raw material enters the turbo separator, where all accumulated debris is removed from it.

The finished and purified mixture is fed to a specialized mill, where it is ground into small particles. They fall into a sieve, where unnecessary, too small and too large pieces of cellulose are sifted out. The filtered mixture enters a container and is mixed with starch and rosin glue, after which it is ground again and diluted to the required concentration. Aluminum sulfate is added to it and sheets of the required shape are formed. Then, using a press, the raw materials are compressed and cut to specified sizes. If necessary, the material is dried and sent to the warehouse.

Let's look at approximate figures for production costs. To make 1000 kilograms of packaging cardboard you need 1050–1100 kilograms of waste paper. The production process will require the consumption of 17 cubic meters of water and 600–650 kW of electricity. The cost per square meter of finished products is approximately 20–25 rubles, the cost price is 10 rubles. If you make corrugated cardboard, then a meter of it costs 30–35 rubles, the cost price is 12 rubles.

The BUMVTOR company has been engaged in the removal and recycling of paper and other waste paper in Moscow for many years. During this time, we have established ourselves as reliable partners and responsible performers. Using innovative technologies, we recycle any recyclable materials without any harm to nature!

Recycling is a cost-effective process for recovering paper. Moreover, cellulose can be recycled up to 4-5 times, which significantly reduces deforestation. It is known that 1 ton of waste paper saves about 4 m3 of wood, and the bulk (up to 75%) of raw materials is used to make cardboard and toilet paper.

Industrial production has a significant impact on the environment, since technological processes release many highly toxic substances, but recycling waste paper requires much less chemical bleaches and energy. Almost all paper waste can be given a “second life,” but it is the recycling of office paper that allows you to obtain high-quality products.

In total, waste paper is divided into three groups:

High quality writing paper.

Medium – cardboard and all printing (except newspapers).

The lowest - newspapers and impregnated cardboard.

The following types of recyclable materials are well recyclable:

  • booklets,
  • office paper for copiers,
  • brochures,
  • regular envelopes,
  • writing paper.

Recycling of waste paper requires additional steps:

  • envelopes with plastic windows (they should be removed first);
  • note paper (additional equipment for removing glue is required);
  • shredded paper, which may jam the mechanism.

Cost of services

Company transport

Our prices for waste paper recycling in Moscow may vary and depend on several conditions:

  • Brand, grade and type of raw materials.
  • Volumes – one-time or under contract. For large volumes of supplied paper, special terms of cooperation are possible.
  • Packaging (pressed or loose).
  • Humidity and degree of contamination.
  • Delivery method.
  • Form of payment (cash or bank transfer).

Stages of waste paper recycling

The paper recycling process at our enterprise is carried out in stages:

1. Sorting. Allowing you to obtain raw materials of the highest quality, mixing them with primary ones from lower categories (with glue, film and dirt).

2. Dissolution. During which waste paper is rotated in special pulpers to form a liquid fibrous suspension.

3. Purification of impurities in the mixer.When recycling waste paper, heavy foreign particles (sand, paper clips) settle in a dirt collector, and lighter ones are passed through a coarse sieve to remove undissolved old cellulose.

4. Fine cleaning.Through a fine and slow sieve, the mass is re-dissolved with the help of foam and air. This removes all the smallest particles of glue - the most harmful substance that destroys equipment.

The word “waste paper” becomes known to everyone almost from the moment of the first step through the school threshold. In the last century in our country, this word generally had a high degree of importance; the issue of saving natural resources was included in the compulsory extracurricular program of any student. The older generation was encouraged to collect unnecessary paper by the opportunity to purchase rare printed publications, issued in exchange for a certain amount of recyclable paper.

With the passage of time, the issue of recycling paper waste has not lost its relevance. No matter how far progress has advanced in the field of high technology, no matter how often a person now uses electronic gadgets to penetrate the world of information, no matter how quickly the bureaucratic apparatus switches to electronic options for relationships with consumers of services, one thing remains unchanged: there is no more paper less.

If you ask yourself where it comes from and why there is so much of it, you will quickly find an answer. It lies in the fact that if humanity becomes completely free from paper, it will not be in the next 10–20–30 years. As long as the official document flow at the legislative level obliges the storage of information on paper, it will be so. The second question is much more difficult and more important: where to put the waste?

What is paper waste?

This is any paper product that has become unusable. Unfitness in this case is determined more morally than physically. Any newspaper, brochure, magazine or etc. has an extremely limited shelf life. First of all, it is informational; at present, its other use is unlikely. There is paper waste and other types - this is industrial waste.

Paper production waste is only worth mentioning, since 99% of it does not end up in the outside world as garbage. Any production line is equipped with equipment for collecting and recycling waste raw materials directly at the enterprise, that is, in this case it is the usual “cycle of raw materials in nature.”

If we go back to the recent past, we can remember that our state attached great importance to the problem of collecting waste paper. This was (and is) due to several reasons:

  • Possibility of repeated recycling - paper, like no other type of raw material, can be recycled almost constantly. Modern technologies allow this.
  • Large volume - the share of paper waste among the total global volume of solid waste fluctuates in the range of 20–25%. Moreover, this number for cities is 33%. For the private sector, the total share of waste paper (of the total amount of solid waste) is 25%, for commercial organizations it reaches 60%. It is easy to imagine the amount of transport, the load on electrical equipment and the atmosphere in the event of complete disposal of such volumes of unnecessary paper. It is much more economical to make it serve twice, thrice and four times.
  • Preservation of nature - a ton of waste equals about 5 cubic meters of wood. On a national scale (especially one like ours), the number of trees saved from cutting down will look more than impressive.

More about volumes

If a quarter of the total amount of waste may not be enough to impress the imagination, it is worth citing a few numbers.

In 2014, more than 1.5 million tons of waste paper were collected in Russia. Of these, 25% were recycled (data from a study by the marketing company ResearchTechart).

If we look at global statistics, the situation will look like this:

As can be seen from the table, the Asian region actively uses, while European and American countries are limited partial processing.

Percentages would be incomplete without specific numbers. With the annual generation of about 1 billion tons of all solid waste, the share of paper waste is 250 million tons.

To predict the situation for the near future, it will be important to know that over the past 20 years, the increase in the amount of paper waste has been 70%.

How and where is waste paper recycled?

The waste paper market in Russia is poorly developed compared to foreign countries. Now analysts have identified the main problems and ways to solve secondary raw materials in our country.

Without the periodic release of archives from papers that have lost all value, archival departments would be doomed to an endless expansion of the areas of their holdings.

You can start your own business by organizing a waste paper collection point, which does not require large investments.

Have you accumulated a bunch of unnecessary papers and don't know what to do with it? Have you heard about waste paper collection points, but don’t know what you need to hand it over? Knowing about the entry points and criteria will help you successfully earn a small amount of money.

The vast majority of types of paper and cardboard can be recycled and used to make new paper.

The main problem of the modern world is the huge amount of waste, including cellulose waste. By properly storing waste paper, you can reduce storage space and speed up recycling.

The process of making paper from recycled materials can help in organizing your business, in addition, you will save trees from cutting down

Ecowool is the most environmentally friendly insulation; its characteristics provide for effective use in many areas of industry and construction.

Environmental factor

As waste increases, the burden on nature increases. In the case of paper products, the situation must be considered from several angles.

Damage due to environmental pollution

Unprocessed waste is located in open spaces (landfills), where it is essentially left to its own devices. This load falls on the ground. A filtrate is produced that penetrates into the deep layers of the soil. To a lesser extent than other solid waste, it also releases harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Damage resulting from the destruction of nature

Paper production requires wood. Unlike other natural gifts, wood is, albeit slowly, a renewable resource.

But rising paper consumption is quashing efforts to grow new trees to replace those cut down.

The decrease in this segment of the plant world calls into question the very existence of everything that inhabits the Earth, since there is nowhere else to get oxygen.

Damage due to depletion of other resources

It takes much more energy, money, and fuel to produce paper from wood than to produce a comparable volume through processing. There is a reduction in harmful emissions into the atmosphere (we see almost weekly in the news how pulp and paper mills operate around the world), and non-renewable reserves of oil, gas and coal are saved.

Classification of waste paper

Understanding the benefits begins with the classification of types of waste paper:

  • A – high quality. Within the group, waste paper is graded MS-1 – MS-4. This is any white paper other than newspaper, as well as paper bags and twine.
  • B – average quality. Stamps from MS-5 to MS-7 represent waste of any cardboard (including printed cardboard), books, magazines and other printed products.
  • B – low quality. The MS-8 – MS-13 marking includes all other waste paper, dark-colored cardboard (due to the high level of impurities) and products with partial paper content.

Benefits from recycling waste paper

Low cost of the resulting products

The cost of new paper consists not only of the costs of paying specialists, production facilities and transport. Logging companies are also involved in the paper production process; the raw material, when it reaches the processing process in production, will rise in price at least twice.

Recyclable materials, bypassing the long journey from the procurement site to the machine, are many times cheaper, they are compact and already sorted.

Reducing costs for waste removal and disposal

Currently, almost 90% of any large enterprises with high turnover have solved this problem to their benefit. Mini paper presses have become widespread, and the only problem for companies is where to store waste paper.

Agreements with paper recycling enterprises make it possible not only to hand over paper waste for money, but also to receive discounts in exchange for products made from this waste paper, such as packaging material.

Social status of the organization

Implementing a policy of saving natural resources and protecting the environment, the company complies with Russian legislation as part of meeting the requirements Federal Law No. 89-FZ dated June 24, 1998 (as amended on July 28, 2012) “On Environmental Protection.”

Compliance with the provisions of this law is mandatory for all organizations, which enterprise managers often prefer not to know about, but which is primarily the subject of close attention of inspection and control services.

Caring for nature begins with understanding the need to take care of human waste. Things that are unnecessary at first glance can serve you well more than once, even if in a different capacity. Only by following this rule will we see that the numbers indicating the amount of paper waste will become lower.