Best name for a boy kitten. The coolest nicknames for cats

The appearance of a kitten in the house is always a happy event. A small playful bundle gives us a lot of positive emotions. It makes us kinder, more attentive and caring. And how much joy a four-legged animal brings to small children or lonely people! For them, the animal becomes not only a friend, but also a member of the family.

Cat or cat

According to statistics, people are more likely to adopt cats. They are calmer and more attached to people. And freedom-loving cats give all their tenderness and affection to their offspring. In addition, some owners sometimes do not know where to place the offspring, while others have neither the time nor the desire for this. Some people simply cannot sterilize a cat, that is, deprive it of its maternal instinct, out of pity. The feeling of paternity is not inherent in males. And the castrated cat will not even understand what happened in time. He will not feel inferior. On the contrary, having lost the constant sexual need, he will be more flexible.

What does a cat's name depend on?

What to name a kitten? This question plagues all owners who have a pet in their home. Names for male cats are not easy to choose. You can easily get lost in the huge number of nicknames. To avoid this, take a closer look at your animal and think carefully about the nickname.

First of all, boys are selected based on breed. If the baby has a birthmark and his ancestors are famous, then your choice is limited. The club the pet belongs to will dictate its terms. And you cannot change the name written on the kitten’s card. But this does not mean that you are obliged to call the tiny purr by a long and incomprehensible nickname. Shorten the name and make it more convenient for both yourself and the animal. For example, the Cherri Creek Buzz cat can simply be called Shrek, Cherie or Buzz.

The area you live in also influences your nickname. In the village, they mainly have outbred animals that catch mice and roam freely on the street. There they choose names for male cats that are simple and easy to pronounce: Vasya, Kuzya, Misha, Petya, Tima, Sema. In the city, on the contrary, the owners are trying to come up with a more original nickname: Shah, Neptune, Agate, Ruby.

Color also affects the name. Many people, without hesitation, name the animal according to the color of its fur. for red cats - Ryzhik, Peach, and for black cats - Chernysh, Ugolek. Few people know that the color of the coat determines the character and disposition of the animal, which must be taken into account when choosing a nickname.

What names do cats like?

Animals hear and perceive only the first few letters of their name. Therefore, names for male cats should be clear and concise. There is no point in calling your pet double words. All the same, he will respond only to the first part of the nickname.

It is advisable to come up with cat names for boys with hissing consonant sounds: “sch”, “sh”, “ch”. A good nickname should not only be easy to pronounce, but also memorable. Animals immediately begin to respond to the names Chuck, Chip, Chuk, Sorrel, Shock, Shurik. Cats really like nicknames with the letters “z”, “b”, “s”, “g”. That is why they respond so well to the familiar “kitty-kitty”. You can find a huge number of names with the letters “k” and “s”: Ice, Max, Dustin, Cosmos, Casper, Kex, Whiskas, Kiwis, Sim, Sam, Sema, Skat, etc.

When you give a kitten a nickname, do not forget that many of them, like human ones, have their own interpretation:

  • Agate - “good, kind.”
  • Agap - “beloved”.
  • Kleon - “to glorify.”
  • Kuzma - “gift, peace.”
  • Hasan - "beautiful".
  • Hayat - “life”.
  • Felix - "happy".
  • Leopold - "brave lion".

Take the meaning of the word seriously, because it can leave an imprint on the fate and behavior of the animal.

Funny names

Lately, cool names for cats have become fashionable. Some call the pet, as in an advertisement or cartoon: Wooddy, Goofy, Tom, Boris, Fixik, Chip, Dale, Olvis. These nicknames sound good and are liked by many.

Sometimes a kitten is given a name from the field of human activity: Driver, Turner, Miner or Cashier. Such nicknames are vague, animals do not understand them, and visiting guests are surprised by the owner’s crazy imagination.

For boys - Loaf, Raisin, Bearded Man, Belyash, Kapot, Zyuzya - are more suitable for outbred animals. For pets with a pedigree, they are humiliating.

Just for fun, you shouldn’t call your baby by the human name of your friend: Victor, Dmitry, Andrey, Anatoly, Evgeny. From a moral point of view, this is indecent. Although many abbreviated names have long come into use and are the norm.

What to name a ginger cat

Ginger cats are incredibly curious, energetic, smart and willful.

Of all their relatives, they are perhaps the most arrogant. Owners of red animals try to highlight their fiery color. Do you remember the nimble Garfield and the kind Leopold from the cartoons, the well-fed Maurice from the advertisements, and the cheerful Ryzhik from the computer game? Many people named their pets after these heroes. With your imagination, you can come up with nicknames that are no worse.

The ginger kitten can be called by any name associated with fire, the sun and the bright orange color: Sunny means “sunny”, Gold means “gold”, Aov means “fire”.

The biblical hero Adam, sculpted by God from red clay, the handsome red-haired Achilles, who bravely fought during the Trojan War - what is not a reason to name a cat by their names.

The cunning one can be given the nickname Fox or Fox (from English “fox”). A freedom-loving and independent pet can be called a Leo. It is better for a mongrel animal to come up with Russian cat names for boys: Citrus, Peach, Pepper, Solnysh, Radish, Chestnut. And give the animal with documents the nickname Carmine or Agate (names of red stones).

According to signs, red-haired purrs bring wealth and happiness to the house. Names such as Bucks, Dollar, Pound would be very appropriate. A pet with a symbolic nickname will definitely attract wealth and good luck to your home.

Name for a black cat

The idea that black cats bring bad luck is unfair. They are the most accommodating, affectionate and obedient, and quickly become attached to a person if they feel his love.

The most common nicknames were Chernysh, Ugolek and Bars. Although you can find more interesting names for black cats: Black, Schwartz, Duggan, Douglas.

To spite superstitions, the baby can be given the nickname Lucky, Ray or Lucky, which translates to “happy.”

Fans of riddles and secrets will appreciate names for black cats from mystical works: Woland, Behemoth, Wulf, Tartarus, Demon, Lucifer, Elvis, Demon. Or they will name him Pluto in honor of the god of the underworld.

Nicknames with humor are great for nimble guys: Pirate, Raven, Chumaz, Mowgli, Spy, Mazut, Gudron, Brown-haired, Negro, Mamba, Moor.

The names Marquis, Baron, Corby (“dark-haired”), Sander (from the French “ash”), Ashley (from the English “ash”), Broin (“raven”) can be nicknamed a fluffy cat.

Before making a final decision, say each nickname several times and watch the kitten’s reaction. Sometimes an animal immediately gives preference to a certain name and begins to respond, and this makes the choice easier for the owners.

Nicknames for snow-white and gray pets

Gray kittens are the most harmful and quarrelsome of their relatives. They are reserved and love solitude. A gray pet will not run up to caress its owner without a reason.

Russian cat names for boys are well suited for outbred animals: Smoke, Ash, Ghost, Gray, Granite, Chrome. Or you can simply call her Vaska. For some reason, this nickname is often given to gray individuals.

Wayward people with a pedigree need to choose more sonorous and beautiful names: Asher, Gray, Tom, Mouse, Bert, Frey, Cloud, Smoke.

They are considered the most painful. They often have hearing problems. When you bring such a pet into your home, check to see if it is deaf? Perhaps the baby doesn’t care what name you choose.

He has a difficult and bad character. Their mood changes quickly. Animals are very capricious and take offense at their owner, even if he just looked at them the wrong way. However, these four-legged animals love affection and demand it from their owner.

Pet names are often associated with something light, soft, and fluffy. The most traditional nicknames are Fluff and Snowball.

Many owners also prefer cool names for cats: Zephyr, Kefir, Pelmen, Varenik, Belok, Cotton, Tide, Ariel.

Fans of more elegant names will like Lotus, Ice, Rain, Iris, Albus, White, Winter, Lime, Yuki, Tetri, Angel. They all have to do with the color white.

Names for British breed cats

Today, cats of the British breed are very popular. Following fashion, many people pay money for a baby with documents, plush fur and funny ears. Experts advise families with small children to get this particular breed. Unlike others, they have virtually no allergens on their fur.

It is better to choose serious cat names for British boys. Pusik, Zhorik, Pokemon, Luntik are not suitable. These animals are real aristocrats. They are smart, independent and willful. Their names should always contain meaning and, preferably, be of foreign origin. For example, Michael, Harry, Johnny, James, Jackson, Kevin, Brooke, Charles, Steve, Wil.

You can choose nicknames reminiscent of the historical homeland of these animals: Lord, King (king), Mister, Duke (duke), Count (count), Rich (rich). And the names Leo and Richard will be associated with the country’s coat of arms and its founder.

Names for Scots

British and Scottish cat breeds are very similar in appearance and many people confuse them. If you look at them more closely, you can notice the difference. Some Scots have the tips of their ears down. They are smaller than British cats, their hair is not as thick, and they have a different character and habits. Animals of the Scottish breed are very active, love to play and get along well even with dogs in the apartment. They have absolutely no sense of aggression.

Cat names for Scottish boys should also be chosen without irony. There should be no meaningless, stupid nicknames.

Come up with, for example, a nickname derived from the name of their “home” country or its capital: Shotti, Land, Eddie. Remember the state kitten can be given the nickname Leva or Unique. Or name your pet any name you like. Choose - Alan, Boyd, William, Jack, Donald, Gordon, Clyde, Cameron, Nevin, Roy, Ross, Evan.

Keep in mind that you will say your cat’s name more than once during the day. Therefore, choose one that is easy for you to pronounce. The main thing is that the baby likes the name, and he begins to respond to it willingly.

Finally, you have a new mustachioed family member - you got a cat! It doesn’t matter how you got it - you bought a purebred pet, took it into “good hands” through an advertisement, or picked up a stray mongrel, the first thing you need to do is come up with a name for your four-legged friend - a nickname.

The main thing in the article

The importance of choosing the right name for a kitten

Take seriously the choice of a nickname for your pet, because your animal, like a person, is also a personality, which means you need to come up with a special name, suitable specifically for it. Your choice should please not only you, but also your pet: its name will be pronounced several times a day, and the animal will also need to react to it correctly.

An important point: the name for a cat should be concise, sound clear and not too drawn out. This way the animal will remember it faster, and it will be easier for the owner to pronounce it.

  • Still, if you really want to give your cat a long name or a name consisting of several syllables, do not be discouraged - there is a way out. Even the longest name can be shortened: Geraldine – Gera , For example.
  • There is a tendency to call cats by human names, but this is not a good idea. It will be awkward if a friend comes to visit you Sonya , and you will call your cat the same name. It’s another matter if these are ancient names, which are used quite rarely these days: Filimon, Agafya, Roxana.

What you should rely on when choosing a name for your pet:

  • Cat fur color. There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild here, and if the nickname Chernysh for a black kitten, for example, sounds rustic, name your pet Blackie , or use other foreign languages. Make associations, white cat - Snowball or Fluff, black - Ember etc.
  • Features of wool. Hairless cat - Shrek, or Tutankhamun, or the entire list of Egyptian pharaohs (suitable for the Sphinx breed). A smooth-haired cat can be called Bagheera, Panther , fluffy - Fatty , redhead - Carrot, Pumpkin or Russet . A nickname is suitable for a small kitten Lump, Buddy, Tramp. But remember - he won’t always remain small: a cat weighing 10 kg named Lump - it will be a very funny picture.
  • Pedigree of the cat. In this case, a name for her needs to be chosen that matches her origin. People from Britain can be honored with an English name, and those from Thailand can be given a Japanese name, while Persians can be honored with gentle-sounding names. Or simply - Baron, Marquis, Lord, Count.
  • Pet's character . If you have already managed to get to know the subtle disposition of your cat, or rather, if there is some peculiarity in it, then it will be easy to name it. Sloth can be called Sonya or Splyukhoy, naughty kitten - Hooligan, Prankster, Naughty.

Approach the choice of nickname with a sense of humor, come up with a mischievous and funny name. Cats have such a serious behavior that you just want to make fun of them. For example, Bun, Watermelon. There are plenty of funny names. Just don’t reward your younger friends with offensive or sarcastic nicknames, even as a joke. Cats are more than friends, they are family members and there is no need to insult them. Zamazura, Dirty, Scoundrel and similar nicknames will not work.

Do not despair if you have come up with a good name, at your discretion, for your pet, but he does not react to it in any way. After some time - a week, two weeks or more, you can try to rename the kitten. But you should not rename the animal more than once. Then it will not understand at all what they want from it.

The most common nicknames for cats

The most popular nicknames for cats

Nicknames for cats, depending on breed

There is a rather interesting formula for how to name a kitten with a pedigree. Here are two basic rules:

  1. The name of a kitten, whether it is a boy or a girl, must begin with the letter that is present in the name of its mother, a cat.

  2. The serial number of the letter of the cat's name is determined by the time it gave birth to offspring.

For example, if the cat's name is Flory and she brought the kittens for the second time, then their names should begin with "L" . This is not a whim at all, but a mandatory requirement in nurseries that breed purebred cats. This fact must be indicated in all documents - metrics confirming the pedigree; this makes it possible for the kitten to take part in various exhibitions and competitions in the future.

If the animal's name consists of several words or is complex in itself, you can come up with an easier, simplified version. In addition, experts who breed their own cats advise giving the kitten a short name, consisting of one or two syllables. For example, Archie or Richie.

After six months, the cat must respond to its name. If this is not the case, then there is a high probability that it is too difficult for him. However, do not mislead your pet by changing his name, and pronounce the one you originally gave him clearly and expressively. Praise him and call him to eat, saying his name.

Remember that with the help of a correctly chosen name, you can correct the existing inclinations of the animal, cultivating the desired behavior and character.

Nicknames for Scottish and British folds

Before you come up with names for British and Scottish kittens, you need to figure out what their differences are, because outwardly it is very difficult to distinguish which breed is which.

Choose a nickname for a Scottish Fold kitten by studying the meanings of Scottish names - it will be quite symbolic, you can also use Hebrew.

The following nicknames are suitable for a Scottish Fold boy:

The following nicknames are suitable for a Scottish Fold girl:

The following nicknames are suitable for a British fold boy:

The following nicknames are suitable for a British fold-eared girl:

Another British cat can be called this:

  • Holly
  • Cherry
  • Chelsea
  • Sheila
  • Chanel
  • Shanti
  • Yasmina.

Cat names in English

Recently, it has become popular to call cats by English names. Perhaps this is an imitation of the cultures of English-speaking countries, or perhaps a cat with a chic name Vanessa will be perceived more nobly than with a simple name - Murka. Here are the options for cat names in English; for ease of reading, they are written in Russian letters.

For girls:

For boys:

The best nicknames for black cats

There is something mysterious and even mystical about black cats. You can choose a lot of options for names for such a kitten, referring only to the color of the coat. In different languages ​​of the world, “black” will sound special, which means choosing a name will not be a problem. For example, here are the names:

What do you call a ginger cat?

A lot of people are literally obsessed with ginger kittens. And for good reason. They are considered carriers of a colossal amount of energy and strength, which they share with their owners. You can come up with both a funny and symbolic nickname for your fiery pet.

Even in Ancient Rus', keeping a ginger cat in the house was considered a good omen - according to the ancestors, it should bring prosperity, prosperity and happiness to the family.

For the kitty you can come up with a creative and funny name - Carrot, Pumpkin, Apricot, Ray, Melon, Mango, Fanta, Cinnamon, Zlatka and many others.

For the cat: Caesar, Citrus, Amber, Leo, Whiscar. Or resort to mythology: Aurora (goddess of the dawn), Hector, Barbarossa (“red”), etc.

Unusual names for white cats

Naturally, when choosing a name for a white kitten, the emphasis will be on the “purity” of the color of such a pet. Besides the banal: Fluff or Snowball , there are still quite a lot of interesting and memorable nicknames. Here are some of them:

The most beautiful options for nicknames for spotted and tabby kittens

Talking about tabby cat, childhood memories of a cat immediately arise Matroskin . But you can rephrase this name a little and it will work out Matraskin, Mattress or Telnyashkin, Telnyash, Matrosych, Poloskin. In addition, the name for a “tiger” boy is perfect TIgridze, Tigrich, Snake or Arbuzik. Suitable for girls: Zebra, Vest, T-shirt, Lynx.

Spotted pet you can call Peas, Kopeyka, Tiger Cub, Burenka. If there is a spot around the eye, then it can be called Pirate, Puma. If there is a speck in the shape of a heart, then such a cat can be called Valentine, Favorite.

Funny and cool nicknames for kittens

A funny nickname for a kitten will emphasize the good sense of humor of its owner and will bring positive emotions throughout the day.

The meaning of a cat's nickname

It has been verified that cats remember and respond better to nicknames that contain the letters “s”, “sh”, “ch”. For example, Sima, Shusha, Chita. And it is much better to choose a short name than a long one. Call the cat with the chosen name several times, changing the intonation. If you arouse interest in the animal, it means you liked the name and chose it correctly.

What should you not call cats?

  • It happens that a beloved animal passes away, and in order to dull the pain of the loss a little, another tailed friend is brought into the house. Often a new family member is called the same as the deceased, but this should not be done. The kitten can take on all the negativity from the life of the previous pet, but this is of no use. Keep the memory of the departed kitten in your heart, and give the new one a new life with a new name.
  • Do not call our little brothers abusive names. Of course, the owner is a gentleman, but it is unlikely that an invented obscene name will highlight your good human qualities.
  • Cats are rightfully considered the guardians of the home from negative energy. For this reason, do not call them by names associated with evil spirits - Lucifer, Witch.

Don't follow fashion, follow your heart. First of all, you should like the nickname; you don’t need to get used to a name that is unpleasant to your soul. Give your pet a name that will truly suit him and be in harmony with the appearance and character traits of your furry friend.

Cats are, for the most part, beautiful and graceful creatures. When a pet appears in the house, you want to give it an appropriate nickname, emphasizing its special qualities and independence.

Studying the existing beautiful names for boys and girls cats, it is difficult to immediately decide on the best choice. However, nothing prevents you from using your imagination and coming up with a beautiful nickname yourself, based on any principles.

How to choose a beautiful nickname for your pet

It is believed that the name for a cat of any breed must contain hissing sounds, such as “k”, “s”, “sh”. But this only helps the kitten get used to it faster. It’s good if the nickname is short, consisting of 2–3 syllables.

If you still choose a long one, you can come up with an abbreviation to make it easier for your pet to remember it.

Of course, not everyone names a cat according to the rules. And at the same time, over time, the animal still adapts and begins to respond.

You can choose a beautiful nickname for a kitten based on different criteria:

  • in accordance with the external characteristics of the cat;
  • by his character;
  • by food preferences;
  • according to the personal interests of the owner;
  • by behavior and any other factors.

The peculiarity of a particular cat may be a loud voice, an interesting color, for example, like a tiger or a leopard, a very calm or, conversely, overly energetic disposition, etc.

Any of these differences from other pets can serve as an excellent criterion when choosing.

Names for kittens based on external characteristics

When a purebred cat appears in the house, it often already has a passport, which contains a long, boring name. If you wish, you can come up with a beautiful or cool nickname based on it. In any case, what is the best name for the kitten is decided by the owner himself.

Rare and beautiful names for white male cats:

  • Whitey;
  • Cloud;
  • Sun;
  • Lotus;
  • Ivory;
  • Blizzard;
  • Casper;
  • Cotton;
  • Frosty;
  • Edelweiss.

Rare names for black cats:

  • Blake;
  • Deimos;
  • Inferno;
  • Morpheus;
  • Knight;
  • Raven;
  • Tartarus;
  • Dusk;
  • Balthazar;
  • Lord.

Suitable nicknames for a red-haired pet:

  • Apollo;
  • Brian;
  • Burgundy;
  • Vincent;
  • Helios;
  • Goldie;
  • Lyon;
  • Mars;
  • Grow;
  • Radisson;
  • Fire;
  • Phoenix;
  • Amber.

Most of the nicknames listed are of foreign (particularly British) origin. And such words usually sound more beautiful and attract attention.

Choosing a name for a cat based on its character

It is not necessary to give your cat a nickname the first time you meet him. After waiting a few days, you can get to know your pet better, determine its character and habits. Then choosing a beautiful nickname will be a little easier, perhaps it will come to the owner’s mind.

Russian nicknames for active pets:

  • Ataman;
  • Baron;
  • Brawler;
  • Turn;
  • Thunder;
  • Daemon;
  • Pirate;
  • Tyrant;

Beautiful nicknames for boys cats with a calm character:

  • Boss;
  • Marquis;
  • Mister;
  • Modest;
  • Prince;
  • Sultan;
  • Tikhon;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Dandy.

In addition to temperament, there are many criteria for choosing a suitable original nickname. These could be addictions to certain foods, favorite toys, interesting habits, and more. For example, if a cat likes to listen to music, you can call him a music lover or by the name of some artist. For a lazy cat, you can choose the nickname Lazy or Dream. Any feature can be a reason to get creative.

However, when choosing according to temperament, sometimes it will be interesting to come up with a name in reverse.

If you call a cat that is too quiet and calm Buran, this may make him a little more active. And to a robber who destroys everything around him, the nickname Marquis will give him solidity and calm his lively temper a little. It is not without reason that they say that a name makes significant changes in character, and not only in people, but also in animals.

Nicknames for celebrities

The names and nicknames of many famous people (especially foreign ones) are pleasant to the ear and can be suitable as nicknames, including for cats. If the pet owner has an idol, then this is a good reason to become a little closer to him by naming the pet the same.

Nicknames for cats based on the names of popular people:

  • Arnold;
  • Benjamin;
  • Bismarck;
  • Voltaire;
  • Newton;
  • Magellan;
  • King;
  • Roosevelt;
  • Picasso;
  • Einstein;
  • Churchill;
  • Gandhi;
  • Sigmund;
  • Nietzsche.

This list can be continued endlessly. But the choice of the most beautiful nickname for his cat can only be made by his owner, based on his preferences and, possibly, on the external or internal similarity of the pet (indirectly, of course) with the chosen person.

Names of famous cats

Interesting and The corresponding character can give the pet a beautiful nickname from a cartoon, fairy tale or other work. Appearance can also play a role here if the kitten looks like one of the famous felines.

Beautiful names of famous cats:

  • Garfield;
  • Basilio;
  • Boniface;
  • Leopold;
  • Simba;
  • Felix;
  • Gribo;
  • Jonesy;
  • Sylvester;
  • Shere Khan.

In addition to literary heroes, there is a tendency to name cats the same as the names of celebrity pets. Apparently, their imagination is usually well developed, and rare beautiful nicknames are given more easily than to “mere mortals.”

Nicknames of celebrity cats:

  • Barry (John Travolta);
  • Vinny (Whoopi Goldberg);
  • Sox (Bill Clinton);
  • Alistair (Dita Von Teese);
  • Lewis (Nicolas Cage);
  • Gucci (Alexey Chumakov);
  • Philosopher (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan);
  • Georges (Anastasia Volochkova);
  • Schumacher (Victoria Bonya);
  • Kasper (Irina Dubtsova).

You can always choose something interesting and memorable for your furry pet.

And it doesn't have to be an already existing name. The lists may prompt the owner to come up with an even brighter and more beautiful option.

Nicknames based on the owner's interests

By associating a cat's name with a topic close to the owner, you can emphasize your affection for him and add new character traits. The choice can fall on any hobby or hobby if it helps you choose a rare and beautiful name.

Examples of nicknames based on interests:

  • Ancient Greek characters: Spartacus, Prometheus, Hercules, Hercules.
  • Names of planets: Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.
  • Sports: Champion, Chelsea, Finish, Basket, Messi.
  • Automotive: Mercedes, Volkswagen, Lexus, Ford, Dodge, Turbo.
  • Geographical: Zanzibar, Sydney, Baikal, Tibet, Amur.
  • Names from films: Terminator, Tutankhamun, Gandalf, Frodo, Dexter.

Of course, the list can be extended, but there are many such categories, and everyone has their own hobbies. You can build on this by coming up with a completely new, unusual nickname for your pet.

Just beautiful names

It is important to name the kitten correctly, and at the same time sonorously and effectively. There are many rare and beautiful names that may suit a kitten. Here are the most interesting ones:

  • August;
  • Adonis;
  • Allegro;
  • Amaris;
  • Archibald;
  • Diamond;
  • Boomerang;
  • Bourbon;
  • Daniel;
  • Jared;
  • Jingo;
  • Jardon;
  • Emperor;
  • Inferno;
  • Caligula;
  • Crystal;
  • Lancelot;
  • Lucius;
  • Mirage;
  • Morpheus;
  • Onyx;
  • Othello;
  • Pacifist;
  • Sapphire;
  • Scorpio;
  • Tabasco;
  • Centaurus.

Having chosen a long name for a kitten, it is better to immediately figure out how to shorten it. After all, he is unlikely to be able to remember a complex combination of letters. It is believed that cats are able to distinguish only the first syllable, therefore, the shorter the name and the more sibilants it contains, the faster the pet will learn to distinguish it from other words.

The list on this page includes top 10 most popular of 6018 names for boys cats and kittens for each letter of the Russian alphabet.

If you have already decided on the first letter of your pet's name.

Select the desired letter from the list below and see the 10 most popular nicknames.

If you want to give your cat a rare name, follow the link to the full list of names for the selected letter. This list will be sorted in descending order of popularity, with any rare names at the bottom of the list.

If you are interested in the popularity of an already invented name for the selected letter, sort the list alphabetically and find the name you need. The number next to the name reflects the popularity rating of the name according to users of our site.

If you want to find a noble, interesting, beautiful, affectionate, cute, unusual, cool, simple or respectable name for your cat.

Select from the menu " Nicknames for cats» desired type of name and follow the link. Names are assigned to one type or another based on the opinions of users of our site. You can also express your opinion about any nickname.

If you are looking for a specific name for a cat of a certain breed, color or character.

Select the necessary data about your cat from the appropriate menu. Many of the names on these lists are collected from the pedigrees of our cattery's kittens and their parents, as well as from kitten advertisements on our website. These are the names of real-life kittens of such breeds and with such names, colors and characters.

In addition, this data is obtained from surveys of users of our website. You can also add your cat's name to the list by completing this survey. The start poll button is located at the bottom of the list of names on each section page.

When a small kitten appears in the house, all family members have an interesting task - to come up with a name for the pet. As you know, animals are our little brothers, which means that a new little younger brother (or sister) cannot do without a name. A nickname is as important for cats as a name is for a person; the fate of an animal can depend on the proper selection of a name.

Owners of purebred cats have partially limited options in choosing a name, because when purchasing an animal his passport is issued, which indicates his nickname, reflecting the name of the club or nursery, the names of the parents or other factors. Calling an animal at home with such a long name is problematic, so it is shortened to shorter derivative forms. The pet itself will not remember the original form of the name, and the owner will very quickly get tired of calling the animal in this way.

When choosing a nickname for a pet or pet, it is necessary to select a word consisting of two or three syllables, so that it is easier for the cat to remember it, and containing hissing sounds, in particular - sounds "s" and "k". Cats react very sensitively to them; it is no coincidence that all of them, regardless of nicknames, respond to “kitty-kitty.” In general, felines respond best to a name consisting of two or three syllables. Experts say that cats generally perceive only the first three sounds; they do not distinguish the rest and practically do not understand them. If these sounds include hissing consonants, the animal will quickly remember its name and learn to respond to it.

The meaning of a cat's name will entirely depend on the owner's imagination.

How names are chosen for cats

Most often names for cats and cats are selected as follows:

There are frequent cases when owners call cats or cats in honor of political figures, sports, movie, pop stars or other famous people. For example, cats can be called Chernomyrdin, Obama, Barack, Messi. Cats are called Madonna, J.Lo, Monroe, Mata Hari and other similar names.

They often come up with very unusual names for cats and cats; in such cases, the meaning of the nickname is clear only to the owners of the animal - Sorcha, Musha, Shusha, Mumunya, Nola, etc.

There are often cases when names for female cats are derived from the names of male cats. This happens when the owners believe that they have a male kitten and give it an appropriate nickname, but after a while it turns out that it is a female kitten. These include options Pushok - Pushka, Simak - Simka, Bely - Belka and the like.

Cats and cats can call by human names: Vaska, Vanka, Marusya, Lizka, Alexandra, Valeria, Yana, Yulia, Alina, etc. Names can be both domestic and foreign: Angelica, Vanessa, Leila, Veronica, Arabella, Angelina, Vanessa, Virginia, Justina, Juliet, Ginger, Jessica, Isabella, Maryana, Mirabelle, etc.

There are beautiful names for cats and cats, formed from purring cat sounds: Purr, Murzik, Murchena, Murka, Murzilka, Murlyasha, Murcheta, Muranya, Murkisya, Purrsya, Mura, Murashka, Meowka, Murlin Murlo, Mur-Murochka, Murmyshka, Myavochka etc.

Human imagination is limitless, as a result of which representatives of the cat family can be awarded funny and funny nicknames. Such options are known as Belyash, Servelat, Dog, Zaliposha, Barbatsutsa, Bormotukha, Mitten, Pendosa, Clothespin, Star Dust, Washer, Saucepan, Meat Grinder, Chekushka, Coconut, Bazooka, Pipette, Accident, Sandal, Chunga-Changa and the like.

It happens that animals get nicknames in honor of gods or heroes from ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and other mythologies. These are Hector, Hercules, Athena, Zeus, Hera, Gilgamesh, Valkyrie, Nefertiti, Nymph, Shulamith, Aphrodite.

When choosing a name for your pet or pet you can focus on the breed.

If you want to give your cat a nickname with meaning, then for this purpose Japanese words work well. So, if an animal was born in the spring, you can name it Haruko, which means “spring child” or Haru - “spring”. A cat born in autumn can be called Akiko - “autumn child”. A white cat can be called Yuki (“snow”), and a black cat can be called Miyako (“night child”). You can also name the animal Takara (“treasure”), Aiko (“beloved”), Shinju (“pearl”), Masuru (“victory”), or choose another nice-sounding Japanese word with a good meaning.

Thus, the choice of a name for a cat depends entirely on the desire and imagination of the owner. You can trust other owners and take an existing beautiful or funny name, or you can independently come up with a unique name that only your animal will have.