Massage room in oriental style. Interiors of beauty salons

If you have ever been to a massage or spa, remember what associations you have:
- pleasant atmosphere, burning candles, calm music, the aroma of lavender oil filling the office, the rustle of fresh sheets….
- white bare walls, cold, silence, a creaking massage table, dirty sheets lying in the corner...?
For most people, the first option will evoke pleasant emotions and a desire to go for a massage, while the second will resemble an appointment at a local clinic. Now let's think about the conditions under which you receive your clients?
You say: “The situation is not important, the main thing is the golden hands of the massage therapist, experience and professionalism!” Yes, of course, this is not the most important thing, but still, this is one of the main factors that force customers to return to you next time.

Therefore, in this article we will discuss creating the perfect massage room.

Where to begin?

First and foremost, always remember that your account is one of your most valuable marketing tools. Therefore, this space should be as unique as you are. The design, layout, and overall feel of your office are critical to attracting and retaining your clients. Plus, you'll be spending many hours in this space, so take your time and do it wisely.

Develop a plan

When setting up your new massage parlor, don't run straight to the store with credit card, wait! When setting a goal or creating a new project, usually the first step is to develop an action plan. Therefore, first you need to understand what you are dealing with. For a massage parlor it is important not only beautiful decor, but also lighting, temperature (in different time day it can be different), humidity, noise level, etc. Take measurements of doors, walls, windows.
Please note the placement electrical outlets. Write down any obvious shortcomings so that you can compensate for them with your design choices. For example, will clients have a place to hang clothes or store personal items? If not, you will need to buy a wall, hooks or shelves. Or take flooring. After all, not all types are suitable for a massage room.
Linoleum or tile floors are much easier to keep clean than carpet, but they can be cold in the winter. A small rug will help here.

Prepare the ground

Think about what impression you want to make? The moment a client enters your office, he should feel the energy of the objects around you and feel a relaxing atmosphere. When choosing design elements, ask yourself what exactly you want your customers to feel: calm, relaxed, or energized?
Look for photos of beautiful massage rooms and spas, ask your friends what kind of environment makes them feel relaxed, positive, etc., take notes. On the other hand, think about your favorite design elements and how do they make you feel?
We need to use the 5 human senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. For example, dim lighting, flickering LED candles, a beautiful picture on the wall, or natural decorative elements such as wood, plants, or stone can soothe the eyes and mind. With each visit, these simple touches will become part of your clients' memories of exceptional service and amazing massages.


Go beyond the essentials and focus on what your customers need. Allocate your budget to things that are important to them. For example, why spend a whole lot of money on expensive wallpaper/wall paint if customers don't care most lying with their eyes closed for a while.
Customers are more likely to remember and appreciate items that are chosen for their comfort and concern. For example:
Mirror: Clients usually want to straighten their hair and clothes immediately after a massage. They will definitely appreciate a makeup mirror or a mirror in full height. Additionally, a well-placed mirror can make a room appear larger, and even allow you to check your body mechanics as you work.

Remember that a beautiful, practical, and most importantly attractive massage room for your clients is not only about attracting and retaining a client, but also about your face, as well as professionalism.

To be continued...

Massage can be called not just some actions and sessions, the main purpose of which is health improvement human body, A life philosophy individuals and entire nations. If you think about it, massage appeared a long time ago and on every continent, in every country, it has a lot of varieties and is in constant demand. There are countries where traditional massage is considered the same “ business card", such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome. Vivid examples such countries are Thailand and Japan. In general, exactly eastern countries, as well as their philosophy, carefully pass on traditional massage techniques from generation to generation.

Everyone probably knows that massage can be divided into a lot of subtypes, but the main areas are still considered to be relaxing techniques (relaxation massages) aimed at normalizing work nervous system and strengthening the strength of the body itself (immunostimulation), as well as classical medical techniques. In the latter case, we mean specifically “hospital” types of massage, main goal which is the improvement of the patient’s body.

Massage parlor in Rostov

To be fair, it should be noted that the most “commercial” is still the first type of massage - relaxation techniques, although it is also necessary to attend medical sessions as prescribed by the attending physician. The fact is that the modern rhythm of life “unsettles” almost every person: it makes you nervous, eat poorly, and live within a complex schedule. As a result, a lot of diseases develop, which, if not eliminated in time, can become chronic. Such troubles include drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia that does not go away. headache, mental disorder, absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate and make the right decisions in short periods of time.

Go for a relaxing massage after a hard one working day or weeks - sometimes the most effective way get yourself in order. Moreover, there are techniques that charge you with energy, which is useful, for example, before performing important negotiations, and those that, on the contrary, relax and give you the opportunity to get a great night's sleep. Anyone can go to a massage parlor today, although many sessions are recommended only with the permission of a doctor.

Massage room design: photo

It is clear that for a pleasant pastime, every visitor to a massage parlor or private office wants to see an aesthetically designed room. The issue of design is especially acute today, when it is difficult to surprise a sophisticated client with anything.

Let's think about which one is better to choose massage room design.

Photo You may like or dislike numerous already completed projects on the Internet - this is where you should proceed in the design process. So, very often, salon owners order projects from those designers whose work seemed most interesting to them. Although, of course, you can always come to the interior studio and look through the portfolio or order something completely new just for yourself.

Regardless of where your office is located or will be located in the future ( massage parlor in Rostov or Moscow, Yekaterinburg or St. Petersburg), you should base the process of its registration on what services the master specializes in.

If this is an oriental salon, then it is necessary to “play up” the design in Japanese or chinese style, and perhaps in the style of outlandish islands with their bright colors and lush vegetation.

Sanitary requirements for massage rooms

If you intend to offer your visitors a classic European massage, then pay attention to classic English or French interiors, modern constructivism. Art Deco (Art Deco) style is perfect for mixing trends.

In the process of creating a project, as well as at the stages of its implementation, one should not forget about the ease of use and functionality of each piece of furniture, because massage rooms rarely have a spacious area - in most cases they are small “intimate” spaces. Make sure you have availability sufficient quantity places for storing fabric accessories, massage products and consumables.

Despite the fact that the appearance of a salon or a separate office is very important, do not forget about the rules of this type of activity. Nobody canceled the strict sanitary requirements to massage rooms : massage room treatment , its disinfection, thorough ventilation, etc.

  • Documentation
  • Room
  • Equipment and materials
  • Staff
  • Expenses and income

IN Lately people increasingly began to resort to professional services massage therapists to relieve stress and relax after a difficult work week. For entrepreneurs, such concern for health only benefits them, and many are beginning to think about how to open a massage parlor from scratch. This is an interesting business idea that will not require large initial investments and can bring good regular income in the future.


In order to open your own massage parlor, you must obtain a special license to provide therapeutic massage. After receiving the appropriate permission and opening a business, the entrepreneur will be able to hire personnel from any country in the world. The main thing is to correctly prepare all documents related to the registration and employment of foreign citizens. Please note that only a specialist with a secondary or higher medical education has the right to perform therapeutic massage.

Many women are interested: is it possible to open your own massage parlor without a license? Yes, this activity is possible if you do not want to do massage therapy. To organize cosmetic, anti-cellulite or Thai massage, a license is not required. Of course, it is quite difficult to obtain a special permit to open such a business, but without a license the choice of areas of activity will be much smaller.

To open a private massage parlor, in addition to a license, you will need the entire standard package of documentation. To properly register your activity, you will need to register it as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and also obtain permission from the SES and State Fire Inspectorate to use the premises (if you are not planning to open a business at home).

Please note that opening a massage business in private apartment, without registering an activity, will be considered by law as intentional tax evasion.


Where to start if you decide to open a massage parlor? After completing the documentation, you need to start searching good premises. The requirements for opening a massage room are: special requirements, compliance with which is necessary to obtain permission from the SES:

  • You can set up a massage room on the ground floor of a private house or in a separate room. Opening a room in the basement or other unsuitable places is prohibited.
  • One massage therapist should have at least 8 square meters of area. If you decide to open not just a massage room for 1 person, but large salon- try to equip a separate room for each specialist.
  • The covering on the walls must be washable. Once every 7 days, the rooms must be disinfected by special services, with which an agreement must be concluded.
  • In the room, in addition to the office itself, there should be a separate place for the administrator and a relaxation area for clients;
  • The premises must be equipped with a bathroom and shower room.

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The best places to open a profitable massage parlor are wealthy residential and central areas of the city. Moreover, in the first option, you need to organize a business close to residential buildings. It has been proven that people in most cases will prefer a massage room that is located near their home than a more popular or cheaper establishment. Not a bad option There will be a massage room opening in the hotel, but it won’t be possible without medical education and a license. But good publicity and you are guaranteed regular customers! Opening a massage business in the central region - good idea For small town(in the absence of strong competition.

As for the design, it all depends on your preferences and taste. The main rule is that the colors of the walls and furniture in the office should be calm shades. Remember that people go for massage more to get good relaxation. Bright colors will not allow you to completely relax and unwind. For inspiration, we invite you to look at the photo of the interior of the massage room:

Equipment and materials

In order to open a massage room, you will need to purchase special and additional equipment:

  1. Massage table, couch.
  2. Storage lockers cosmetics.
  3. Sofa and coffee table for the relaxation area.
  4. Desk for administrator.
  5. Phone and computer.

For a recreation area, it is advisable to buy a flat-screen TV on the wall, and coffee table lay out business cards and a couple of fashion magazines. Of course, in addition to the above equipment, before opening it will be necessary to purchase various cosmetics and therapeutic products for massage, specialized literature, towels, hygiene items, etc.


Experts advise not to open a massage parlor with a large number of massage therapists. More often than not, such a solution turns out to be completely unprofitable. Two good professionals quite enough. If you have an impressive initial capital, it is profitable to open several small establishments in different parts of the city. In order for the massage business to flourish, it is necessary to hire only highly qualified massage therapists. It is advisable that the masters have at least an average medical education and experience in several massage techniques. Also big advantage There will be training in special courses and certificates.

In addition to massage therapists, you will need to hire two administrators, a cleaner and an accountant. By the way, the last two do not have to be hired. Cleaning companies and the provision of outsourcing services are becoming increasingly popular.

Expenses and income

To open a small massage parlor, an entrepreneur will have to invest 250,000 - 500,000 rubles in the business. This amount includes expenses for registration, renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment and consumables. Every month to pay the rent, Consumables And wages personnel will need to allocate about 100,000 rubles. It should be noted that massage therapists most often work on a percentage system, i.e. they receive about 40-50% from each order.

The calculation of profit depends on the success of the business. Experts assure that if you can open a successful massage parlor, then within 6-12 months net profit will be 50,000 - 100,000 rubles per month. Business profitability is 30%.

Download massage parlor business plan you can from our partners!

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with useful information about the massage business in this video:

We told you about how to open a massage parlor from scratch. This business can be a real boon for a competent entrepreneur who intends to organize a profitable and profitable business. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances and draw up a detailed business plan. This will help to realistically assess all the risks and opportunities of the chosen field of activity.

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DESIGN BUREAU "KVANTUM" develops unique interiors public and residential premises on a turnkey basis.

Over our history, we have developed about 280 projects, more than 150 of them have been implemented or are at the implementation stage.

We work all over Russia!

Interior design studio in Moscow

Do you want to arrange a residential or public interior space in modern style? Then the best interior design studio is ready to help you with this! To evaluate our work, you can look at the work in the portfolio, choosing the most suitable interior design in terms of style and cost.

Our company offers a number of services:

  • Initial visit of the designer;
  • Dimensional plan, design of furnishings and equipment;
  • Interior visualization;
  • Design of the premises with the necessary drawings, as well as visualization;
  • Author's design supervision. The cost depends on the number of trips required.
  • Visit of a specialist to stores to select materials, decorative elements, as well as the situation.

As you can see, design services include the development of a complete design project. This means that our room design company provides the creation of interior visualization, selection of color combinations, furnishings, decorative elements, and creation of drawings for finishing workers. IN Additional services author's supervision is included to monitor the process of carrying out repair work. Detailed information The price for the company's design services you are interested in can be found in the prices section.

Design services provide a unique opportunity to professionally resolve issues related to the competent creation of an interior in favor of comfort, maximum comfort, as well as aesthetics. The services of an interior design studio can be very diverse, and the cost depends on the scale and complexity of the work, the area of ​​the room, and the preferred style.

Interior design company services in Moscow

From the variety of organizations offering design services today, our company can become best choice. Indeed, in addition to reasonable prices, experienced specialists will take care of the correct design of the space and, if necessary, carry out a range of repair work. The designer will correctly determine color combination space, successful style solutions, and also advise on the choice of finishing materials. It will give the room comfort and softness through textiles, creativity and completeness of appearance original accessories, art objects.

The specialists of the design studio in Moscow know everything about the range, quality of materials, innovative technologies, designs. And also - they are real psychologists, offering what you dreamed of seeing in your home or office, but could not find the words to describe. Thanks to cooperation with our design studio, you will save nerves and, undoubtedly, precious time, because you will not have to look for a unique interior concept, necessary materials, conduct dialogues with suppliers. All these responsibilities fall on the shoulders of our design studio.

If the traditional layout of the room is quite banal and boring in your opinion, then it’s time to develop a modern and exclusive design, a company in Moscow is ready to help with this. As a result of cooperation, you will receive excellent functional and fashionable interior. If you find it earlier good company Interior design was considered a problem, but today it is quite possible if you prefer to cooperate with a design studio in Moscow. We are pleased to offer you the services of true masters who have proven in practice that design can bring brightness of colors into your life and work, making it more comfortable and better.

Now you have a unique opportunity to order interior design services, the cost of which will not scare you away. You don't have to worry: the designers will make every effort to create creative interior, according to your preferences. Many years of experience, presence of taste and style, creative thinking will in the best possible way work on arranging your original space.

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Aquarius, cosmetology, Smolensk (2)

Today modern man wants to look beautiful, well-groomed, because often it is by appearance that the first assessment is made, the first impression is formed, a person belongs to a certain social class. This happens on a subconscious level, but you already try to stick to the existing style and not change it throughout your life.

Massage parlors, the design of which should be thought through to the smallest detail, help keep your body in good shape, and, accordingly, your appearance in good condition. Not everyone wants to see in front of them a small, nondescript basement or a cramped dark room with a couch in the middle, and the impression of the craftsmen working in such a place will remain twofold.

Designer consultation

The same thing will happen if massage salon design will resemble a luxurious palace or respectable chambers of the Turkish Sultan. We are even afraid to come here, let alone find out the cost of services.

It’s a completely different matter if the client finds himself in front of an ordinary building, inside of which there is an atmosphere of bliss, peace, and relaxation. When you see a place like this, you just want to exclaim: “This is it! Here I am not afraid to change my appearance! I’m ready to come back here again and again!” So, what is the ideal massage parlor?

What is important to consider when developing the design of a massage room?

Thinking through massage parlor design, it is important to consider every little detail, from the type and color of the walls to appearance couches. The color of the ceiling can be anything - from classic white to light blue, reminiscent of a clear sky.

Design of the beauty salon “Beauty room”, Moscow

Concerning flooring, then it can be soft or hard in the form of a fluffy carpet or hard laminate. The owner of the room can plan unusual architectural delights, where not a corner turns into a corner, but a soft transition from one wall to another is realized. Sometimes there will be no walls at all, but there will be a single space, captivating with its lightness, dimensionality, giving integrity and harmony with the surrounding world.

This project massage studio design can only be created by those who can embody any style - classic, hi-tech, modern. You should first draw a sketch of the room in order to see in reality the fairy tale that you came up with in your head spontaneously or over a long time. A professional designer can turn any fantasy into reality, and a sketch of the room will allow you to experience everything for yourself. The owner will be able to understand whether the visitor wants to stay here or would prefer to move on.

Down with the standards - they have long since sunk into oblivion, now massage parlors are presented with completely different requirements, as well as for. Here you can no longer find rows of simple massage couches, fabric screens. Now their place is taken by modern massage rooms with an atmosphere of calm, bliss, and relaxation. Often, in addition to a comfortable massage table, the main place is occupied by a stylish massage chair, and the master works in a separate office, completely isolated from extraneous sounds. Any noise can interrupt the client’s complete relaxation, which means that the latter will not be able to fully experience the full result. There are models of chairs that combine additional functions with recreational ones - for example, music that imitates the singing of birds or the murmur of a stream.

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    02. 2015
  • Beauty spa design - treatment room with massage table and a massage chair. Massage chair in the interior of a beauty salon. massage and beauty salon

    " data-pinterest-text = "Design of a beauty spa - treatment room with a massage table and a massage chair. Massage chair in the interior of a beauty salon. massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Design of a beauty spa - treatment room with a massage table and a massage chair. Massage chair in the interior of a beauty salon. massage and beauty parlor">

    massage and beauty salon
    Beauty spa design - treatment room with massage table and massage chair. Massage chair in the interior of a beauty salon.

    02. 2015
  • Spa design with photo wallpaper and soft sand tones in the interior. Design project for a beauty salon, hairdresser and spa. massage and beauty salon

    Interior design of a beauty salon and hairdressing salon in Kazan. Design project for a beauty salon, interior of a hairdressing salon and manicure studio in Kazan.

    " data-pinterest-text = "Spa salon design with photo wallpaper and soft sand tones in the interior. Design project for a beauty salon, hairdresser and spa. massage and beauty parlor" data-tweet-text="Spa salon design with photo wallpaper and soft sand tones in the interior. Design project for a beauty salon, hairdresser and spa. massage and beauty parlor">

    massage and beauty salon
    Spa design with photo wallpaper and soft sand tones in the interior. Design project for a beauty salon, hairdresser and spa.

  • Design of a beauty salon, hairdresser, massage, pedicure and manicure massage and beauty parlor

    "data-pinterest-text="Design of a beauty salon, hairdresser, massage, pedicure and manicure massage and beauty parlor" data-tweet-text="Design of a beauty salon, hairdresser, massage, pedicure and manicure massage and beauty parlor">

    massage and beauty salon
    Design of a beauty salon, hairdresser, massage, pedicure and manicure

    02. 2015
  • Design cosmetology salon with photo printing on the ceiling Amstrong. Design of beauty salons in Samara massage and beauty salon

    " data-pinterest-text = "Design of a cosmetology room with photo printing on the ceiling Amstrong. Design of beauty salons in Samara, massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Design of a cosmetology salon with photo printing on the ceiling Amstrong. Design of beauty salons in Samara massage and beauty salon">

    massage and beauty salon
    Design of a beauty salon with photo printing on the ceiling Amstrong. Design of beauty salons in Samara

    10. 2014
  • Design of a cosmetology room with a custom-made screen. Design of a beauty salon in Yekaterinburg, massage and beauty salon

    " data-pinterest-text = "Design of a cosmetology room with a custom-made screen. Design of a beauty salon in Yekaterinburg, massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Design of a cosmetology salon with a custom-made screen. Design of a beauty salon in Yekaterinburg, massage and beauty salon">

    massage and beauty salon
    Design of a cosmetology room with a custom-made screen. Beauty salon design in Yekaterinburg

    10. 2014
  • Interior design for cosmetology with light green accents. Beauty salon design in Nizhny Novgorod massage and beauty salon

    " data-pinterest-text = "Interior design of cosmetology with accents of soft light green color. Design of a beauty salon in Nizhny Novgorod, massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Interior design of cosmetology with accents of soft light green color. Design of a beauty salon in Nizhny Novgorod, massage and beauty salon"> massage and beauty salon
    Cosmetology interior design

    10. 2014
  • Design of a cosmetology room with MDF panels. Interior designers of beauty salons Novosibirsk. Hair salon design Novosibirsk. massage and beauty salon

    Interior design of hairdressing salons photos. Hair salon interior design - ideas and tips. Designs and projects of beauty salons photos. Design projects of economy hairdressing salons with photos. Design project for a beauty salon or hairdresser - photo gallery. Design project for a beauty salon, hair salon or manicure studio interior - photo gallery of ideas and projects. Beauty salon interior photo. Development of interior design for a beauty salon. Interior of a massage room photo. Interior of a massage room - ideas and photos of projects. Hair salon interior photo.

    " data-pinterest-text = "Design of a cosmetology room with MDF panels. Interior designers of beauty salons Novosibirsk. Hair salon design Novosibirsk. massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Design of a cosmetology salon with MDF panels. Interior designers of beauty salons Novosibirsk. Hair salon design Novosibirsk. massage and beauty parlor">

    massage and beauty salon

    10. 2014
  • Interior design of a beauty salon, niches for cosmetics made of plasterboard. Interior design of a beauty salon St. Petersburg massage and beauty salon

    Hair salon interior design - ideas and tips. Designs and projects of beauty salons photos. Design projects of economy hairdressing salons with photos. Design project for a beauty salon or hairdresser - photo gallery. Design project for a beauty salon, hair salon or manicure studio interior - photo gallery of ideas and projects. Beauty salon interior photo. Development of interior design for a beauty salon. Interior of a massage room photo. Interior of a massage room - ideas and photos of projects. Interior of a hairdressing salon photo - beauty salon in St. Petersburg

    "data-pinterest-text="Interior design of a beauty salon, niches for cosmetics made of plasterboard. Interior design of a beauty salon St. Petersburg massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Interior design of a beauty salon, niches for cosmetics made of plasterboard. Interior design of a beauty salon St. Petersburg massage and beauty salon">

    massage and beauty salon

    10. 2014
  • Design of a cosmetology salon in Moscow. Design of hairdressing and beauty salons Moscow. massage and beauty salon

    Designs and projects of beauty salons photos. Design projects of economy hairdressing salons with photos. Design project for a beauty salon or hairdresser - photo gallery. Design project for a beauty salon, hair salon or manicure studio interior - photo gallery of ideas and projects. Beauty salon interior photo. Development of interior design for a beauty salon. Interior of a massage room photo. Interior of a massage room - ideas and photos of projects. Hair salon interior photo.

    " data-pinterest-text = "Design of a cosmetology salon in Moscow. Design of hairdressing and beauty salons Moscow. massage and beauty salon" data-tweet-text="Design of a cosmetology salon in Moscow. Design of hairdressing and beauty salons Moscow. massage and beauty parlor">