Do-it-yourself bridges for a dacha - we decorate the landscape. Garden bridges (48 photos): materials and technical solutions Decorative bridge for the garden close the septic tank

We continue to be inspired by various creative ideas, which can transform our dacha, make it more attractive, cozy and individual. IN landscape design Special attention is given to accents, for example, decorative bridges can attract attention, this will be a bright accent.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

Even such a simple wooden bridge will significantly improve the perception of space at the dacha; it can even be thrown over a gravel path.

Decorative bridge with railings

A nice bridge spanning a dry stream. Solar-powered lamps are installed in the railing posts.

The idea of ​​a bridge over a pond

You can often come across the idea of ​​a bridge that is thrown across a pond in the narrowest place. This also logically divides the pond into two parts, and also gives you the opportunity to create additional interesting place, to which you can draw attention.

Wooden bridge with railings for a summer house

The idea of ​​a bridge with double railings, the upper part is single, and the bottom is decorated with vertical slats. To make the bridge last longer, it is recommended to treat it with protective impregnations.

A simple bridge from decking boards

A geometric pond requires an equally modern bridge. The idea is somewhat strict, it seems to me, but there are also such amateurs!

Decorative bridge with rope railings

If your landscape design is close to a rural country style, such a bridge may well become a decoration for your space. The railing posts are round, and the railings themselves are made of ropes.

Traditional style swing bridge

A beautiful idea of ​​a bridge spanning a pond, decorated with flowers in tubs. The idea of ​​a full-fledged country house composition, there is even a fountain!

Bridge over a stream at the dacha

If you have a stream flowing through your area, then you can make a similar bridge in a narrow place. The design is traditional, classic, with two crossbars. However, even if there is an elongated pond on the site, a bridge would be quite appropriate.

Bridge as a transition

This bridge serves the purpose of logically connecting the patio and the rest of the garden. The structure is made of terrace boards and will last a long time. Pay attention to the lighting, which in the evening illuminates the space under the bridge, highlighting the silhouettes of rounded stones.

Small decorative country bridge

Similar bridges are common in Japanese gardens. This is completely decorative design, the length can be only 30-50 cm. It can be placed on two stone slabs and use as decoration in a rocky flowerbed - rockery.

Humpbacked bridge for a summer residence

An element of the path in the form of a humpbacked bridge, under which a stream of pebbles “flows”. The path itself is made of stone slabs.

Long bridge with double railings

And this traditional bridge can be built even on a street area, in a village, on a stream. Beautiful and stylish! A real pedestrian bridge that can support several adults.

Bridge with square posts

As you can see, the design principle of country decorative bridges is approximately the same - this is a “humpbacked” platform base, three or more support posts, railings, either single or double.

Convex bridge for a summer house

And here is the idea of ​​a bridge, the railings of which repeat the convexity of the platform structure. An original, beautiful idea, I think.

Model of a functional bridge over a stream

Well last idea, modeled by the designer in the program. An idea for a real full-fledged bridge over a stream, either flowing through your territory, or to connect your site and the roadway, through a ditch.

The dacha bridge is designed to fulfill not only decorative role, being part flower arrangement, but also be an approach to the gazebo or decorative arch. It is also capable of performing the purely practical function of crossing a ditch or ravine. On large bodies of water, islands are sometimes made for viewing, to which a reliable and practical crossing is necessary. By the way, the bridge can also serve as an excellent platform from which it is convenient to admire the surrounding landscape.

Where to install a decorative garden bridge

If there is both a pond and a stream, then it will be much easier to build it across the stream - the bridge will be shorter and, moreover, it will be more practical and safe. If there is no water element in the garden or if the pond is very small to accommodate large forms, you can make a bridge on a dry stream, which is lined with pebbles and planted with “riparian” plants.

Regardless of the style of the garden, it should be taken into account that all its small elements and architectural forms, including garden bridges, must fit organically into the overall composition and be a reasonable part of the garden. There should be no bridges that lead “to nowhere”; it is necessary that the decorative bridge be an integral part of the garden paths. In this case, it will make an ordinary walk through your garden more memorable and interesting. In addition, it will connect different functional areas of the garden, or serve as a transition to a secluded corner, where for such an occasion a table and benches, a sun lounger or a hammock are installed. Of course, the material and shape of garden bridges must correspond to the architecture of the house, the style of other small architectural forms, and the material of the paths available in the garden.

In gardens designed in landscape style, with a reservoir having irregular shape, a garden decorative bridge is installed, as a rule, in the narrowest part of the pond. It divides the water surface into unequal parts. Also, a bridge can visually separate the main part of the reservoir from the shallows on which coastal and shallow-water plants are located. A place can be divided by a bridge active rest and a water garden.

Bridges are made exactly in the middle of the reservoir for a pond in a regular garden, where everything should be strictly symmetrical. And if a decorative gazebo with climbing flowers is installed on one of the banks, with a bridge leading to it, you will get a very impressive composition with a strict linear perspective. The gazebo is installed comfortable bench. In this case, you get several convenient viewing platforms at the same time: with a view of the pond with a bridge and a gazebo, with a view from the bridge itself of the water surface, and with a view from the gazebo of the main part of the garden. Naturally, the gazebo, the bridge, and the bench should be suitable in materials and style.

Which bridge to choose for the garden: wooden, forged, stone

Traditional Japanese gardens are most characterized by bridges that serve only a decorative role. Basically, these are short and curved bridges made of natural materials. However, in Japanese garden a functional bridge can also be made. You just need to not get carried away with too curved shapes, since the bridge on which people will walk must, first of all, be comfortable and safe.

In a country garden, a wooden straight bridge over a stream would be very appropriate. To emphasize the style, you need to build wide railings and wooden balusters.

A bridge in an avant-garde garden should be non-trivial; non-standard is definitely needed here color scheme and pronounced asymmetrical bridge shapes. In this case, a bridge “to nowhere” is also possible - a bridge that suddenly breaks off in the middle of a reservoir.

A casually made simple bridge, with a boardwalk and railings made of poles, is quite appropriate in a shady area of ​​the garden, which is stylized as a wild forest with coniferous plants, ferns and stone compositions. A couple of logs thrown across a small “forest stream” will also look natural here.

DIY garden bridge

You already know that you can just go and buy ready-made garden bridges, be they wooden, metal or stone. But if you want to do everything in your garden yourself or you have some interesting ideas decor, then you can make a bridge for the garden with your own hands. Here is a simple video tutorial for making a wooden bridge. You don’t have to do exactly this, you can take the idea and come up with your own bridge shape.

Ideas for garden bridges

Want more ideas? Here are 30 photos of beautiful decorative bridges for the garden. I hope you find something you like here.

Flat bridge made of boards

Decorative wooden bridge

Flat bridge

Garden bridge over water

Making a garden bridge

Bridge over the pond

DIY bridge

DIY Japanese bridge

Bridge over the ravine

Simple garden bridge

Garden bridge made of logs

Decorative bridge

Bridge as decoration

Red bridge in the garden

Decorative bridge

Bridge over a pond

Pond with a bridge

Stone bridge

garden path and bridge

DIY bridge

Homemade bridge in the garden

In order to make your site truly unique and different from others, landscape designers have come up with another great solution - decorative bridges. They can be laid not only through a stream or must be used when decorating garden ponds. Such bridges can be safely integrated into a plant composition, decorate a ditch, or hide any other disadvantage of the territory. Great importance has a range of materials - the bridge can be stone, wooden, forged, or a combination (in the photo), thanks to which you can make such a decor with your own hands without the expense of extra work designers, on the design and appropriate installation of such a product.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is great work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Before you start building a bridge at your dacha, you need to take into account a number of mandatory requirements, which must be presented to such a product during its operation.

  1. In addition, to make the bridge safer, it is necessary to provide it proper care, which includes painting and timely application of varnish, because this will protect the decor from pests and from the harmful influence of the external environment.
  2. Secondly, safety comes first. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions when installing such a bridge, and the frame must be so strong that it can easily support the weight of several people.
  3. Firstly, the structure must be strong and reliable, because this, above all, is the key to its durability and your safety. A bridge made of any material must be durable - be it stone, forged, or wood.
  4. And the main requirement is decorativeness, as the purpose of this product. First of all, it is worth remembering that such a bridge at your dacha should harmoniously fit into the style of the site (pictured).

If you decide to make this decor yourself, without interfering with the design landscape designers, then there is only one universal piece of advice - the bridge should be a crossing, not an obstacle. It is best to throw it over a stream, ditch, pond or lake. In addition, you need to choose a single material and texture, then the composition will look more complete and harmonious.


Since you are going to make a garden bridge with your own hands, you need to deal with possible materials, which are suitable for the design of this structure. The modern range of gardening decorative services most often offers products made of wood, stone, and forged ones.

Wooden garden bridge

The wooden bridge is a classic and an all-time hit (pictured above). Such popularity came to him for the reason that they can be of completely different prices, the most various forms and design, all according to your wishes.

  1. In addition, wood products are easy to process and can be given the most incredible shapes.
  2. Even if you have basic skills carpentry, then you can easily bring your idea to life.

But even if you are new to this business, you will also be able to build the desired decoration, the main thing is to follow the basic rules of wood processing and safety precautions.

Garden bridge made of stone

The stone bridge has external solidity and presentability (pictured). In addition, we can safely say that this is an almost eternal product if constructed correctly.

  1. The main disadvantage is that you need to pay a significant amount of attention during its installation.
  2. A stone bridge is a heavy product, and when placing it in the required place it will be difficult to do without the help of special equipment.
  3. In addition, a stone bridge can be classified as one of the most expensive structures, since the material itself is not cheap, the processing process is quite complex, and the decor can be reliably installed with your own hands similar type almost impossible.

Decorative stone bridge with forged elements

Wonderful stone will do a bridge if it is necessary to make a way across a stream, because it has much best characteristics regarding strength and better resistance to water erosion and high humidity.

Wrought iron garden bridge

A garden bridge with wrought iron elements is also one of the most popular, frequently used types (pictured above).

Its peculiarity is its wide adaptation to absolutely any design at your dacha.

The only thing worth remembering is that you should never spare money on specialists who create forged products.

DIY decorative bridge for the garden

The main function of a decorative bridge is to create a convenient and aesthetic passage across a stream, lake or ditch. But, if you are not planning a similar ecosystem on your site, you can resort to a technique called a “dry stream”.

In this case, a wooden or stone bridge will look great if it is laid across a flower bed or any other plant composition.

Forged bridge

  1. Before construction, it is necessary to clean as much as possible the place where you plan to place this decor.
  2. It is advisable to completely level the area.
  3. If you are going to install a stone bridge, it is important to consider the type of soil so that it does not subsequently sag.
  4. Once the site is prepared, you can begin pouring the foundation yourself. Thanks to this, the structure becomes more durable.
  5. After this, you need to choose the material and make the base for your bridge.
  6. It will be very easy to do this with your own hands by holding two parallel wooden beams at the base.
  7. Then the base is installed across the stream onto the foundation and the flooring is prepared.
  8. It is best to use boards for flooring, because they are the easiest to process.
  9. In addition, if your wallet allows it, you can choose a more refined material for these purposes.
  10. After the flooring is completed, you can begin decorating the product, which can also be easily done with your own hands.

Decoration includes painting, varnishing, planting the plants you like, lighting, and finishing the handrails.

DIY decorative bridge at the dacha

It’s quite nice to create comfort in your summer cottage. Here there is an opportunity to create and create places for mental and physical relaxation. All the flower beds and various decor on a summer cottage will definitely lift a person’s spirits and contribute to further creativity. When the area is decorated independently, it is doubly pleasant. One of the great opportunities to create personality in the garden is to build a bridge.

Today, the functions of bridges have become different, even changed dramatically. This is not only a connecting element of the banks, but also a division of the site into zones, a decorative addition. Thus, before choosing the style and type of bridge, you need to think about what it will serve in the dacha, which zones will be connected. This is important because it determines the location of the bridge.

One of the reasons for creating a bridge: a building is needed in the garden for decoration. The style of the bridge depends on its beginning and ending.

Please note that if the bridge is located over a pond, then there is a need for a gazebo. This adds completeness to the garden.

When the owner decided that he would build the bridge himself, he best material- this is a tree. A wooden bridge suits any style of site. If certain parts of a wooden bridge become damaged, they can be more easily replaced or repaired. A metal or concrete bridge generally needs to be rebuilt or left as is.

Tools for work.

  • Drill, file, screws, nails.
  • Screwdrivers, hammer, saw, sandpaper, plane, boards.
  • Ruler, protractor, pencil, paint brush, varnish

Every building must have a foundation. The base is boards. At the base, the length depends on how long the bridge will be. The base should be 50 cm longer than the bridge itself.

The bridge at the dacha has a rounded shape, because straight bridges are not considered decorative. To round the bridge, you can make steps that rise from both sides to the middle. A rounded base will be obtained by attaching boards to this base, which form a semicircle.

The wood is pre-processed: boards that need to be sanded are processed using a planer sandpaper. This is done in order to achieve smoothness of the wood. Wooden Construction Materials needs to be protected. They are treated with products that prevent the wood from rotting or being affected by bugs.

A bridge is installed on a flat surface: the boards are laid parallel, and the steps of the bridge are fixed to them. To make the look beautiful and neat, the boards should not be wide. Boards are used in the form of railings; generally, the railings are even. But if necessary, they are made curved.

A pond bridge is a great decoration for your pond, garden or cottage. It not only transforms the area beyond recognition, but also carries out a special functional load. Among possible options use - the basis for planting plants that bloom wildly or climb. If properly designed, a bridge on a pond with your own hands has every chance of becoming a support for installing lighting and containers with flowers.

In a word, the element is useful, functional and very necessary. But how to build a bridge without outside help, is this real? Of course - and our article will teach you how to build a beautiful bridge or even a pier yourself.

Bridges in landscape design

Bridges are a variety of structures that allow you to overcome some kind of obstacle. For example, a small river or ravine. Some experts are inclined to think that a decorative bridge with your own hands can only be built in big garden. However, this is not the case, and a solution can be found for a plot of almost any size. This is a logical continuation of the path, allowing you to both cross something uncomfortable or watery, and add a little intrigue to your walk.

Miniature bridge in the garden

It is customary to build a bridge across a pond with your own hands across narrow and wide streams. With their help, the island in the center of the pond is connected to the shore. Any homemade pier allows you to “force” the water space and constantly wet places. In landscape design, such a design always looks stylish. It fits organically into the garden space, but only when proper organization. It is believed that what smaller area, the simpler the bridge in the garden should be.

Bridges of various sizes can be located in the garden

Successful accommodation options, basic rules

Most suitable place for installing a bridge on personal plot counts:

  • A small lake or stream, an artificially created pond.
  • Natural ravines and ditches.
  • Separately designed flower beds and flower beds
  • Paths, paths.

When placing constructed buildings above a body of water, it is necessary to observe a number of simple rules. We will introduce you to the most important of them.

The crossing over the pond should be installed in the narrowest place. The smaller the structure, the stronger it will be. Yes, and it looks nicer. Bridges with a dry stream are characterized by such qualities as miniature and compactness. The material used is always combined with the coating and is a continuation of the path.

Bridge over a dry stream

When choosing a place to install a small architectural form, it is worth considering the style of the garden plot. For example, slightly simplified, rough wooden structures more suitable for country style. Also, without any frills or decorations, they can complement a park area stylized as a forest.

When garden plot has different differences in ground height, the installation of a forged bridge is recommended. Regardless of which material is chosen, the structure must support a minimum weight of 200 kg.

Garden bridges: popular design options

Absolutely any material is suitable for construction. Of course, we are used to seeing decorative bridges on a pond made of wood and concrete. However, it can be stone or even metal. Their combination will look especially elegant. For example, the combination natural stone average size along with treated wood.

Combining materials when building a bridge

If we talk about the classification of such products, it is very, very arbitrary. It all depends on the design features:

  • A classic direct option for a pond in the country. A universal structure that will harmoniously fit into absolutely any landscape. It can be forged, wooden, concrete, with beautiful balusters, painted in contrasting colors, and so on. Not every specialist can make a forged bridge at the dacha with their own hands. But you can always buy in the store already finished model or order it from a specialist.
  • Curved structures. They are also called “humpbacks”. Most often they complement beautiful landscapes in the form of a hedge or flower bed. A pier made of stone will remind you of the Middle Ages, a forged bridge with floral ligature will remind you of the greatness of St. Petersburg. Yes, yes, it was the St. Petersburg architects who came up with it at the beginning of the 19th century. According to construction requirements, the bend of the bridge should not be more than 20 degrees.
  • Zigzag shaped designs. They came to us from Japan, they are built exactly the same as “yatsuhashi”. A special feature is the absence of fences, the location of the decking is rather low above the ground. Perfect option to create decorations for the “dry stream” and decorate the Japanese garden.
  • Suspension bridge. An extreme option, but this is precisely its attractiveness. Such bridges are practically not built with your own hands, because they are quite technically complex and require especially durable material. The flooring is supported by metal cables and chains.
  • Step by step design. Consists of several flat stones that are carefully placed at the bottom of a shallow stream. Stones with uneven edges look delightful among the thickets, and concrete plates with smooth edges - in an elegant garden.
  • Stepped structure. Another popular option, consisting of two platforms. Make it high enough and you will be able to survey your territories.

Video review of decorative bridges

Wooden bridge: construction and materials

Why wood and not stone or concrete? When the question arises, how to make a bridge on a pond summer cottage,the most comfortable material it is wood that is used for work. Firstly, the structure is easy to assemble and install, and secondly, its parts can be fastened with self-tapping screws or even nails. That is, there is no need to mix the solution, buy cement, and so on.

Wooden bridge in a Japanese garden

A classic set of tools and materials for bridge construction looks like this:

  • Pegs or piles. They will be installed in the ground under the frame.
  • Waterproof partition.
  • To install the railings, stock up on poles with a section of 75 x 75 mm.
  • Also, to create a bend in the railing, take wooden planks assembled in layers.
  • For transverse fastening of the span they will use wooden planks 40 mm thick. The span is secured with body bolts.
  • Self-tapping screws, ropes and nails.
  • Flooring boards. Should have a thickness of 20-30 mm.
  • We also use corrugated boards for flooring; we use familiar materials (pebbles, gravel or stones) as a base.

DIY wooden bridge (video)

Wooden bridge - assembly of the structure and its installation

  • Long boards are used as guides. After treating with an antiseptic and painting, you will need to bend them. To do this, the edges of the parts are cut off, they are soaked and bent according to the template. This is done until the wood is completely dry. If you plan to build a straight pier, antiseptic and painting will be enough.
  • By the way, when a small bridge is built, they can be used as guides PVC pipes. They bend perfectly, and for additional strength they can be reinforced with thick metal rods. The latter are simply inserted inside.
  • How to make flooring correctly? To do this, you need to nail transverse boards or bars to the already prepared logs.
  • During and after rain, the deck will become slippery. However, corrugated boards that are nailed on top can help you out.
  • We figured out how to make a bridge across a pond with our own hands from wood. It remains to figure out how to install it correctly. For these purposes, two embankments of gravel or stone are constructed. The assembled product will be mounted on them. When self-built piers are used only for decoration, the work can be considered complete.
  • It’s another matter if the bridge leading to the lake will be regularly used for crossing. You can’t do without a strong, reliable fixation. As a fixing element we use piles, which are driven in on both sides of each guide (that is, 4 pieces). The length of each pile is about 80 cm.

Railings can be used as decoration. This element is not necessary if the structure is practically adjacent to the ground or adorns a “dry” stream. When there are small children in the family, and the bridge itself is quite high, it is impossible to do without installing railings. They are strong and tall (up to 80 cm), have a lattice or frequently spaced slats.

Wooden bridge with railings

It is worth understanding that the presence of such additional element, like a railing, makes the bridge much more attractive. Parts made of wood can be decorated with carvings or painted to match the surrounding buildings.

Choose conifers so that the product lasts as long as possible. For example, larch or pine. The final touch will be the application of varnish and antiseptic.

Is it easy to make a concrete bridge at the dacha?

A reinforced concrete structure takes more time and effort than a wooden one. All elements are prepared in the following forms:

  • To create the form, boards and wooden blocks. The outlines must exactly follow the contours of the part. By the way, the lines don't have to be straight.
  • To perform reinforcement, metal rods are used. They are placed inside the mold and bent in the desired direction.
  • Pouring concrete. As for the width of the layer, it should be at least 10 centimeters. You will need to wait 2-3 days until it dries completely. Then the blanks are removed from the molds and mounted in the right place.
  • Cladding of the structure. Materials such as paving stones, clinker bricks, a natural stone or its analogue, as well as mosaic. A path made using the same cladding material will look especially good.
  • Don't forget that concrete can expand over time, primarily due to sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to drive in bridge supports only on one side.

Concrete bridge

Thus, using available materials, acquired knowledge and skills from various sources, you will be able to build a decorative bridge for the garden with your own hands in just a few days. We recommend starting with a simple and unpretentious design. If in the future you think about a more sophisticated model, you can also make it yourself.