Is it possible to glue polycarbonate? How to glue cellular and monolithic polycarbonate? How to glue polycarbonate to polycarbonate - detailed analysis of adhesives


Glue for polycarbonate is quite popular, and sometimes not replaceable. Let's look at what adhesive for polycarbonate is and what types of it exist.

As we already know, polycarbonate is a very durable type of plastic that has a wide range of qualities and is widely used in various industries - construction, industry, advertising and other areas. Polycarbonate structures are not only practical, but also lightweight, reliable, and beautiful.

In the production of polycarbonate products, it is necessary to resort to gluing individual components to obtain a single product. The aesthetics and beauty of structures and products can be achieved by using properly selected polycarbonate adhesive.

Properly selected adhesive ensures not only the strength of the product, but also preserves the properties of the material, resistance to mechanical and atmospheric external influences, and flawless appearance.

What adhesives are there for polycarbonate?

For polycarbonate, glue can be one-component or two-component.


This glue is easier to use and is used in simple products. Examples of one-component adhesives are Cosmofen, Acrifix 192, Vitralit 5634, Silicone mastic.

One-component adhesive is well used for gluing various types of plastic, rubber, metal and other materials. Therefore, when using this glue, polycarbonate can be glued with the listed materials. This glue has such qualities as very fast and strong gluing, resistance to temperature changes, moisture and precipitation. Does not contain solvents.


These types of glue are difficult to use and, accordingly, are used in fairly serious structures and products. Currently, the following are used for gluing polycarbonate: two-component adhesives: Altuglas, Acrifix 190, Acrifix 200.

Depending on the constituent components, there are a number of other types of polycarbonate adhesive: silicone, ethylene vinyl acetate, hot-curing adhesive, polyurethane and acrylic foam.


In big and complex structures having high strength, silicone-based polycarbonate adhesive is used. Silicone glue is very durable and does not spoil the appearance of the product at all. It is widely used in external structures as it is resistant to all weather conditions. No pre-priming is required before applying silicone adhesive. If the surface for applying glue is dirty, it must be degreased with isopropyl alcohol. To apply the glue, use a pouring tube, syringe or plastic bottle with an applicator. The disadvantage of silicone glue is the presence of only white, gray and black glue colors and the absence of transparent. This type of adhesive provides excellent bonding of polycarbonate to metal, glass and various other types of plastic.

For gluing small products that do not require high strength, hot-curing glue or ethylene vinyl acetate glue is used. These types of glue are applied to the product using a glue gun.


This adhesive is a two-component type of adhesive and has excellent adhesive strength and high transparency. This adhesive is very difficult to use and is used when it is necessary to obtain extremely high mechanical and optical functions of the structure. Polyurethane adhesive forms a strong elastic connection, has good resistance to UV radiation, and is excellent for gluing with various materials - plastic, reinforced plastic, aluminum, metals and wood. This type of glue is applied using a special gun - mechanical or pneumatic.

Adhesive for polycarbonate should never be solvent-based.

It is this kind of glue that is often the source of damage and solvent marks on products within a short time after gluing.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when choosing an adhesive for polycarbonate, all factors should be taken into account: exposure to moisture, ingress sun rays on the surface of the product, temperature changes, the need for transparency, and the like. The result of such actions will be correct selection glue, and this in turn will give strength, reliability and beauty of the structure.

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We have adhesive for polycarbonate


  • Igor

    I have a bumper from a BMW M5 with several cracks of 15 centimeters each, the marking on it is PC, manufacturer REHAU. From your article it seemed to me that silicone glue would work best. But can someone recommend something more specific or something else?

    August 24, 2013 at 01:08 pm
  • Eugene


    Yes, silicone glue sticks to anything, try peeling off the frozen sealant, it’s 10 times stronger rubber glue, and is also not afraid of vibrations. For example, aquarium sealant glues glass; it is also suitable for polycarbonate, but if you are gluing a bumper and need mechanical hardness of the joint, then of course such glue will not be suitable. And it’s unlikely that your bumper is made of polycarbonate. In addition, when gluing bumpers, normal, thinking people use fabric reinforcement along the adhesive seam and tear line, for example, fiberglass with epoxy, the result is very strong connection. On the back side of the bumper, lay out fiberglass for almost its entire length and fill it with liquid epoxy, then sand it for painting. And if you need to do a superficial restoration, then car painters do it. Before asking a question, you need to understand the essence of what interests you, strength or appearance?

    December 13, 2016 at 10:56 am

As you know, a single monolith of polycarbonate is not always used entirely. Sometimes you have to divide it into parts or, conversely, combine its parts. Below you will learn how and with what to glue polycarbonate and what glue to choose for cellular polycarbonate.

The quality of the product will depend on the glue chosen.

There are no polymerization adhesives for cellular polycarbonate. When gluing it, a bonding varnish or solvent-based glue is used. It is known that in a transparent material its optical properties are especially important, therefore the adhesives used should not spoil this, the disruption should be kept to a minimum. When using solvent-based adhesives, slight changes in transparency and increased brittleness of the joint must be taken into account. To avoid these effects, it is recommended to use a solvent-free step polymerization product. The visco-elastic properties of these adhesives correspond to the properties of cellular polycarbonate and will avoid brittleness of joints. As additional information It should be noted that step polymerization products are based on a polyurethane monomer. This type adhesives are environmentally friendly and highly transparent. The resulting seams are characterized by high resistance to atmospheric changes and strength.

Adhesive varnishes are used in cases where high resistance to atmospheric precipitation and chemical reagents, gluing polycarbonate with varnishes is not difficult.

Types of adhesive for polycarbonate

Glue for polycarbonate can be two-component or one-component. Easier to use single component. It is recommended to use it in the manufacture of simple products. It is also used when gluing polycarbonate with various types plastic, metal, rubber. This product has the following advantages: strong adhesion, quick connection, resistance to temperature changes, immunity to moisture and precipitation, and the absence of solvents.

Two-component adhesive is difficult to use. It is used in complex products and structures.

Depending on the composition of the components, there are other types of adhesive for polycarbonate: acrylic, polyurethane, foam, silicone, hot-curing adhesive, ethylene vinyl acetate.

The most used is silicone, as it does not spoil the appearance of the product, is very durable, and resistant to weather changes. No additional pre-priming is required before application.

If the surface is dirty, it is recommended to degrease it. For this they use isopropyl alcohol. The next step in gluing cellular polycarbonate is applying glue to the surfaces to be glued using a pouring tube, syringe or plastic bottle with an applicator. The disadvantage of silicone adhesive is that it does not provide a clear product. These adhesives can be white, black or shades of gray. This type of adhesive is used in loaded structures that must have high impact strength and resistance to atmospheric influences, namely for the construction of aquariums, gluing sheets to a frame or to a sheet in the dome of a roof light, sealing car windows, etc. The adhesion of cellular polycarbonate proves to be excellent. To apply it, it is convenient to use special filling tubes with a capacity of up to 300 cm³.

Among two-component ones, polyurethane is especially distinguished. It has great strength, high transparency, and is difficult to use. It is applied using a pneumatic or mechanical gun.

A polycarbonate greenhouse, like any other structure, requires regular maintenance and sometimes repairs. ABOUT proper care this article will tell you about the greenhouse, as well as techniques and repair methods.

To maximize the service life of a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is necessary not only to eliminate any malfunctions and damage that have occurred, but also to prevent their occurrence. With proper care of the greenhouse, most troubles can be avoided.

Preventative maintenance of a greenhouse includes:

  • the washing up;
  • visual inspection;
  • pulling of self-tapping screws;
  • updating the protective coating of the frame;
  • checking the strength of the structure;
  • strengthening the greenhouse for the winter.

If malfunctions occur, repair work is carried out:

  • full or partial replacement of polycarbonate;
  • sealing cracks and punctures;
  • purging internal cavities from water and dust;
  • frame repair;
  • foundation repair.

All work must be carried out in a timely manner - this way the damage will be minimal and you will avoid extra costs. Best time for scheduled maintenance of the greenhouse - spring or autumn, when there is a stable above-zero temperature outside, but there are no plants in the greenhouse. It is better to start repair work immediately, since most breakdowns entail further destruction of the greenhouse.

After the garden is harvested, the harvest is harvested, and pickles and preserves are lined up in dense rows on the pantry shelves, you want to enjoy the fruits of your labors. However, it’s too early to rest, because you need to.

Prices for cellular polycarbonate

cellular polycarbonate

Scheduled repairs and maintenance of the greenhouse

Planned work is carried out annually, at the beginning and end of the summer season. The list of works may vary and depend on the condition of the greenhouse. Sometimes during scheduled repairs they are discovered hidden defects, in this case they are also eliminated.

Cleaning the greenhouse

Preventative maintenance traditionally begins with wet cleaning. Washing is important not only for - after removing dirt, defects in the frame coating may appear that require repair. In addition, cracks and cloudiness are better visible on washed polycarbonate, and it is easier to assess the degree of its transparency.

The greenhouse is washed inside and outside with a medium-pressure hose, and if available heavy pollution– using a soft sponge or cloth made of nonwoven fabric and not aggressive detergents. Thoroughly wash the polycarbonate itself, the joints between it and the frame, and the places where the elements are attached. After washing, open the doors to the greenhouse and dry it well.

Note! It is better to wash the greenhouse in calm weather - in a strong wind, dust will quickly settle on the wet surface.

Inspection of foundation, frame and covering

The inspection begins after the greenhouse has completely dried in good daylight and pay attention to:

  • clouding and yellowing of polycarbonate;
  • cracks, punctures, dents in the coating;
  • strength;
  • water and dirt in internal cavities;
  • pockets of peeling paint on the frame;
  • traces of corrosion on metal parts;
  • pockets of mold and mildew on wood;
  • softening of wood areas;
  • overall stability of the greenhouse;
  • cracks in the foundation.

All these damages require repair and sometimes replacement. structural elements greenhouses. The urgency of implementation depends on the type of fault and time of detection. Thus, pockets of corrosion or rotting of the frame can be left until spring - in cold weather these processes proceed quite slowly. It is also best to replace polycarbonate in case of clouding in the spring.

Cracks in the foundation and instability of the greenhouse must be eliminated before the onset of frost and snowfall. Water that gets into the cracks will freeze and expand, causing them to enlarge and possibly destroy the foundation. If there is general instability or softening of the frame wood under the weight of snow, the greenhouse may collapse.

Even properly fastened self-tapping screws weaken over time, and the mobility of polycarbonate increases. This may cause it to deform during strong winds. Pull the screws through with a screwdriver, simultaneously removing any dirt and dust that has gotten under them.

The degree of tightening should be such that the polycarbonate is firmly held in place, but does not bend under the washer. If the self-tapping screw rotates and does not hold well, it is replaced with fasteners with longer or diameter.

Renewal of protective coating

Greenhouses made of polycarbonate can be either on a metal or wooden frame. These materials must be covered with a protective coating - in conditions of high humidity, the metal rusts and the wood rots.

For metal, nitro enamels are used over a layer of primer; for wood, paint or an antiseptic is used. Over time, the coating layer may be damaged, especially often in the areas where elements adjoin and fasten. There is another weak point on the metal frame - welds. Corrosion is possible on them even under a layer of paint.

Prices for nitro enamel

nitro enamel

Coating restoration sequence

Step 1. The polycarbonate at the work site is temporarily removed or insulated with film, cardboard, and glued to it with tape. Clean areas with poor coating condition with a spatula, sandpaper or with a sander to the base.

Step 2. Metal is treated with an anti-corrosion compound, wood with an antiseptic. Dry the frame for the time indicated on the packaging of the product.

Step 3. A layer of protective coating is applied, similar to how the greenhouse frame is painted. For metal, weather-resistant enamels, including hammer enamels, are used. For wood - enamel for exterior use or latex-based impregnation.

Table 1. Protective coatings for metal and wood.

Name, photoShort description

Antiseptic "Senezh Bio"

An environmentally friendly antiseptic for wood, it penetrates deeply into its structure and creates effective protection from mold, fungi, insects. Can be used in greenhouses and other premises in direct contact with people and animals. Apply in 2-4 layers. Cannot be applied over enamels and paints; stripping to fresh wood is required.

A product based on orthophosphoric acid not only removes rust from the surface of the metal, but also penetrates into its upper layers, stopping the corrosion process. Most products do not require rinsing with water after application; chemical reaction and dry, you can immediately apply protective enamel

Performs both protective and decorative functions. Prevents rotting, darkening of wood, damage by fungi and insects. Penetrates into the wood structure and does not peel off, making re-application easier. Features a wide color scheme natural shades

Hammer primer-enamel for metal surfaces. Can be applied directly over rust after mechanical cleaning sandpaper. Converts rust into permanent compounds, adheres well to metal, and is weather resistant. Apply in 2-3 layers with an interval of 4 hours.

Suitable for metal and wooden frames, creates a durable protective layer. Non-toxic, does not have a pungent odor. Dries in 6-8 hours, apply in 2 layers with an interval of 24 hours. Has a wide range of colors. Durability up to 8 years. Requires pre-treatment with an antiseptic or rust converter.

Step 4. Dry the paint and remove protective film from polycarbonate or fix it in place. Ventilate the greenhouse until the smell disappears. After this, the greenhouse is ready for use.

Note! Polycarbonate is not resistant to some types of solvents, so all cleaning and painting products must be used very carefully!

Checking the strength and stability of the structure

The strength of the structure is checked physical method- resting alternately on the ends of the greenhouse, they try to swing it into different sides. If the greenhouse moves easily, it is necessary to tighten the bolts of the frame and secure it to the foundation.

The greenhouse is also checked for level. With strong deviation vertical planes, the greenhouse may collapse under the weight of snow. In this case, the greenhouse is straightened and additional wire ties or wooden plank diagonally along the walls.

Note! In a properly installed greenhouse, both diagonals of each wall should be equal.

Mandatory measure for northern regions with a big snow load, especially when installing a greenhouse on summer cottage when regular monitoring of the condition is not possible. The vaults of arched greenhouses are usually strengthened - they are most prone to deformation under the weight of snow.

To strengthen it, T-shaped supports are placed under the ridge of the greenhouse. wooden beams or thick board. For the greenhouse standard sizes 3x4 m or 3x6 m, three supports are enough - at the ends of the greenhouse and in the center. For longer structures, their number must be increased.

Note! Do not drive the posts too tightly between the ground and the frame! When freezing, the soil may swell, the stand will rise and bend the greenhouse upward.

Repair of greenhouse elements

Repairs are usually considered urgent work; if they are not done on time, the damage increases and the operation of the greenhouse becomes impossible. If defects are corrected in a timely manner, repair costs can be significantly reduced.

Full or partial replacement of polycarbonate

Partial replacement is performed when individual sections of polycarbonate are damaged. They are cut out with a sharp knife along the lines of the frame, the sections are isolated with a special tape. A part is cut out from a new piece of polycarbonate according to the size of the damaged area removed and connected to the existing sheets using.

Complete replacement polycarbonate may be needed in several cases:

  • in case of clouding and yellowing of sheets, due to improper installation or operation, as well as poor-quality material;
  • with large area faults and cracks;
  • in case of multiple minor damage, for example from heavy hail.

When completely replacing, the polycarbonate sheets are removed and new ones are attached in their place. conventional technology. In this case, it is better to fasten it through existing holes in the frame using self-tapping screws. larger diameter. If this is not possible, all holes in the metal frame are sealed with sealant. Otherwise, moisture will get into them and corrosion will begin.

Note! Yellowing of polycarbonate is possible if it is mounted incorrectly - with the UV protective layer facing down. If the transparency of the sheets has decreased slightly, it is permissible to remove the polycarbonate and fix it correctly. This will stop further clouding.

Sealing cracks and punctures

Cracks and small punctures in polycarbonate can be repaired with transparent silicone sealant. To do this, water and dust are removed from the cavities, the edges are cleared of burrs, and sealant is carefully introduced into each hole using a mounting gun.

It is necessary to fill all damaged polycarbonate honeycombs with sealant to create sealed chambers. You should not smear excess sealant over the surface of the sheet; it is better to wait until it dries and carefully cut it off with a sharp knife.

Large longitudinal cracks can be glued together with a special sealing tape on both sides or secured using a special connecting profile. Transverse cracks are connected in a similar way, having previously sealed the internal cavities.

Blowing out internal cavities from water and dust

When the internal honeycombs of polycarbonate are filled with condensate and dust, transparency decreases by 20-50%, which leads to a decrease in illumination in the greenhouse. This happens when installed incorrectly without using sealing tape and.

To clean internal cavities use compressed air- for example, from car compressor. The sheets are removed or the fastenings at the bottom of the arch are removed, and a stream of air is directed into each cavity until it is completely blown out.

After cleaning, the ends of the polycarbonate are glued and an end profile is installed on them. Then the sheets are mounted in place.

Frame repair

Damage to the frame is possible due to severe corrosion or rotting, as well as under the influence of the weight of snow. In case of severe deformation, it is easier to disassemble the greenhouse and, having purchased new elements instead of damaged ones, reassemble it. If the deformation of the frame is insignificant, it can be repaired.

Bent parts metal frame removed, straightened, clamped in a vice, and then installed in place. In this case, touch-up paint may be necessary - if the metal is deformed protective covering usually cracks and peels. In case of severe corrosion, the damaged area is replaced or an additional stiffener is welded above and below the damaged area.

A wooden frame is repaired by replacing damaged parts or reinforcing them with a block, board or metal strip. After fixing, be sure to treat with an antiseptic.

Note! To avoid similar damage in the future, weak spots greenhouses are strengthened with the help of additional supports or jibs, and areas of corrosion are regularly treated with protective agents.

Foundation repair

Cracks found in the foundation are repaired cement mortar. To do this, take 1 part of Portland cement brand M400, 4 parts of sand, mix with water to form a thick solution. The edges of the cracks are cleaned until solid foundation, moisten with water and seal with solution. For small cracks You can use epoxy glue.

Extensive foundation damage can be repaired as follows.

Step 1. The fastening of the greenhouse to the foundation is unscrewed or weakened. The greenhouse is raised and placed on wooden blocks so as to provide access to the surface of the foundation. Weak and crumbling places in the foundation are removed, lateral surface clean from dirt using a wire brush.

Step 2. Formwork is made from boards or panels around the foundation at a distance of 5-7 cm. The height of the formwork should be slightly higher than the upper plane of the foundation.

Step 3. The space between the formwork and the foundation is filled with M250 concrete, being careful not to fill the mounting holes. The concrete is punched to remove air bubbles.

Step 4. Drying of concrete (as well as gaining operational strength) occurs within 3-4 weeks, but the formwork can be removed and a greenhouse can be placed on it in 2-3 days. By this time, the initial setting of the concrete will occur.

Note! The foundation of the greenhouse can be made of timber. When it rots, the damaged beams are replaced with new ones, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic or waste oil.

Video - How to avoid problems when operating a greenhouse

Timely maintenance and repair of the greenhouse will extend its service life by 2-3 times, while the time and money spent on repairing damage will be minimal. At good care They will serve you for at least 15 years, delighting you with an excellent harvest.

Roofs of canopies, canopies, greenhouses and other polycarbonate structures can have a complex appearance, requiring the connection of several parts. If you need to connect two polycarbonate sheets, it is better to use special profiles, and gluing is suitable for attaching small elements. How to choose the right adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate, what characteristics to consider to achieve a good result and what to look for when purchasing?

  • purpose;
  • operating principle;
  • composition;
  • complexity of the process of use;
  • degree of transparency;
  • hardening time;
  • viscosity

For the right choice it is necessary to take into account many parameters to ensure reliable connection and give the product an impeccable appearance.

Modern views glues of domestic and foreign production, presented at Russian market, have a different basis. Widely used substances:

  • polyurethane;
  • acrylate, methyl methacrylate, cyanoacrylate;
  • Si – acetic acid;
  • ethylene vinyl acetate;
  • polyamide.

The chemical composition largely determines the properties of the glue, its purpose, and application features.

Two-component adhesive requires connection

For simple designs that do not experience significant mechanical loads and strong atmospheric influences during operation, an easy-to-use one-component adhesive is suitable for complex cases have to choose two-component composition.

Hot-melt adhesive requires melting before use, and some varieties require special surface treatment before gluing. However, there are compositions that experts strongly do not recommend using for polycarbonate.

What adhesives cannot be used

Glue based on solvents and alkalis is very active; when gluing plastic, it partially destroys its structure. Consequences of use are darkening of the material, cracks, bubbles that may appear some time after gluing. Some adhesives contain solvents, so their use can be harmful to molded plastic, causing it to crack during use.

Alkaline compounds cannot be used

A homemade composition made from a mixture of solvent and polycarbonate will hold the surfaces together, but the rough seam may not withstand mechanical loads. Glue with dichloroethane solvent is prohibited for widespread use - this substance is extremely harmful to human health, has carcinogenic properties, this composition is used exclusively for production purposes.

Construction of non-load-bearing lightweight structures

Bonding parts of lightweight structures - indoor finishing elements, stands for displaying goods in shopping centers, which are not required during operation special requirements, usually carried out one-component glue. For this purpose, either heat guns with special adhesive rods are used, or ready-made compositions With different bases.

Joining parts with hot-curing glue

For fast connection It is convenient to use a heat gun with glue sticks for sheets of monolithic polycarbonate. The process boils down to melting the rods and dosed application of hot liquid glue. This adhesive reliably attaches monolithic polycarbonate to metal, rubber, glass and other materials.

Pistols have a wide price range - the most affordable are Chinese models, devices famous brands are much more expensive and different high quality. So, for example, the BOSCH GKP 200 CE pistol has two heating elements, electronic temperature stabilization, high performance. Professional modern models are equipped with a glue sprayer, which allows you to quickly and economically glue large surfaces of materials.

Consumables for the operation of the heat gun - special rods purchased for specific model. For household pistols, rods with a diameter of 7 and 11 mm are made; for industrial purposes, thicker rods are used - up to 43 mm. Short rods, 5 cm long, are sold complete with the gun; rods designed for longer use – 20 cm or more in length – can be purchased separately.

The most commonly used rods are ethylene vinyl acetate, designated EVA; the material is translucent, elastic, and non-hygroscopic. Manufacturers produce painted in various colors rods and unpainted - matte and translucent. All compositions glue well to almost any materials when they are pre-cleaned and degreased; good results are also obtained for cast polycarbonate.

Better reliability The seam is produced by polyamide, its designation is RA; this adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate is characterized by greater rigidity, strength and melting point than ethylene vinyl acetate.

Polyamide is used only in pistols that have a “hot mode” - its melting point is 150 ° C, almost twice as high as that of ethylene vinyl acetate. The disadvantage of polyamide is the gradual decrease in strength under conditions high humidity.

Working with cold-curing glue

Small structures can be glued without special tools using glue that does not require heating before use. Modern one-component compositions are able to ensure the strength of seams to various influences while maintaining the elegant appearance of the product. The most popular and high-quality products, according to experts, are the products of the German companies Weiss (COSMO series) and RöhmGmbH (ACRIFIX series).

Cosmofen products have gained popularity due to traditional German quality. Wide the lineup allows you to select an adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate with the desired parameters - white or transparent composition, instant and long-term curing, with varying degrees of viscosity. All types of products have general properties:

  • provide high reliability of the seam;
  • withstand a wide temperature range;
  • do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • maintain quality under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

A very popular one-component composition based on methyl methacrylate ACRIFIX 192, which does not contain a solvent. This glue does not contain dichloroethane and provides high performance characteristics. ACRIFIX 116,117,118 adhesive also does not contain dichloroethane, but is solvent-based. The adhesion strength of such a composition is less than that of a polymerizing composition; its use may have an impact on the properties of polycarbonate. Negative consequences.

How to glue polycarbonate with other materials and polycarbonate

If it is necessary to connect flat polycarbonate surfaces to other materials, it is recommended to use double-sided adhesive tape. Sample type 4830, produced by 3M, provides excellent adhesion due to acrylic foam adhesive. Thorough cleaning of materials and degreasing of surfaces before gluing the tape is necessary.

The question of how to glue polycarbonate to polycarbonate is not a separate issue for small products made of monolithic plastic - you can use one-component glue. Best result when working with a hot-melt gun, it produces polyamide-based adhesive; the reputation of world-famous manufacturing companies guarantees a reliable connection and impeccable appearance of gluing with cold-curing compounds.

Bonding of structures with high operational load

For gluing structural parts that require high strength during operation, silicone adhesive or a composition with polyurethane base. To use two-component polyurethane glue, special equipment is required - a gun with replaceable cartridges. This adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate is worth buying in cases where it is necessary to ensure not only resistance to loads, but also the optical transparency of the seams.

Silicone adhesive is very effective, firmly holding the joints of sheets and parts made of monolithic polycarbonate even under significant loads. The sales leader in the segment of silicone compounds is Q3-7098 adhesive from DowCorning Ltd (England), the Chinese-made product Silliconemastic gives good results. Gluing does not require preliminary priming; the disadvantage of glue is poor light transmission.

Among transparent compositions, the most popular are:

  • one-component polyurethane glue KOSMOPUR K1;
  • two-component adhesives ACRIFIX 190 and COSMOPLAST 460;
  • compositions HE 17017, HE 1908 from the Chinese manufacturer EngineeringChemicalLtd.

Effective adhesive compositions provide transparency of connecting seams, chemical and impact resistance, excellent adhesion.

There are adhesives that are especially reliable under significant loads and are very difficult to use. For example, ACRIFIX 5R 0194 adhesive is a five-component, viscous polymer adhesive made on the basis of methyl methacrylate. This way you can glue thick sheets of polycarbonate to each other, the seams are transparent and almost invisible.

The connecting profile is more reliable than glue

For gluing large-scale structures, you also need special tools, with the help of which the connection can be made efficiently - thoroughly, beautifully, economically. If you are not confident in your ability to carry out the work correctly and do not want to have difficulty choosing materials, entrust your problems to professionals who know what polycarbonate adhesive to buy, taking into account the tasks and features of the building.

Polycarbonate is often used in the construction of canopies, greenhouses, canopies and other structures. For large-scale projects, all kinds of fasteners are used, but in small buildings it is easier to get by with gluing. From this article you will learn how to choose adhesive for polycarbonate.


The industry produces several types of glue suitable for construction. Different adhesive mixtures differ from each other in a number of characteristics:

  • ease of use;
Adhesive for fastening polycarbonate is most often characterized by ease of use
  • viscosity;
  • operating principle;
  • hardening speed and bonding strength;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • waterproof.

They do not produce a specific adhesive used exclusively for polycarbonate. Builders use compounds aimed at bonding plastic and other polymers. Such compositions contain:

  • polyamide;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylate and its varieties;
  • acetic acid;
  • ethylene vinyl acetate;
  • silicone

Silicone glue is considered the most popular among its analogues

The adhesive may contain one or more components. Single-component ones are used in the construction of lightweight structures that will not experience severe mechanical loads. In more difficult situations multicomponent ones are used.

Not all adhesives are suitable for working with polycarbonate. For example, you should avoid compositions that contain dichloroethane, alkali and other solvents - aggressive “chemistry” harms the polymer surfaces being bonded, changing the structure, color, or simply does not provide the required strength of the connection.

Let's give brief description most popular compositions:

Step-by-step gluing instructions

To obtain a strong and reliable adhesion of materials, both surfaces to be joined are cleaned of dirt and degreased using isopropyl alcohol.

To apply glue, heat guns and other devices are used - tubes, syringes, etc. Before starting work, you need to decide how best to fasten the structures.

There are two options:

  1. Overlapping. Used when high reliability and strength are required.
  2. Butt. It is used for structures that will not experience heavy loads, as well as in situations where the appearance of the building is important.

Polycarbonate is glued to polycarbonate using any one-component composition. But if you need to connect polycarbonate with another material, for example, metal, a tape is used that has two adhesive sides, each of which has its own composition applied.

Double-sided acrylic tape can carry transparent and colored composition. With its help, it is possible to bond polycarbonate to plastic, wood, glass or metal.

Double-sided acrylic tape will help secure the polycarbonate to various materials

Features of hot-setting adhesive

When gluing polycarbonate elements, hot-curing polyamide adhesive performed well. To work, you have to use a hot-melt gun with glue sticks, which differ for different models pistols.

The process is as follows:

  • the rods heat up and begin to melt;
  • the molten mass in the required doses is applied to the surface to be treated (clean and degreased).

The result is a strong bond that can withstand strong physical exercise. Polyamide requires heating at 150 °C. Disadvantage: in conditions of high humidity, strength deteriorates over time.

Gluing polycarbonate sheets using a heat gun will make the building very durable

Pros and cons of cold hardening glue

Light structures are held together with glue, which does not need to be heated before work. This gluing has a neat appearance, the seam is highly durable. The industry produces different versions of glue for cellular and monolithic polycarbonates. You can choose either a transparent composition or a white one. The main disadvantage of use is the difficulty of applying the composition, for which you have to use various devices.

If the future structure will experience increased operational load, when installing polycarbonate sheets, more serious mechanical fasteners are used: self-tapping screws and thermal washers. But in such situations, glue also has a place. It is used as a composition for sealing joints, this is especially in demand when working with porous cellular polycarbonate. By sealing the joint areas with glue, it is possible to reduce the risk of penetration of moisture and dirt.