Is it possible to paint wallpaper with water-dispersion paint? How to paint wallpaper for painting on a wall with your own hands

When completing a renovation, where wallpaper for painting has been correctly pasted onto a well-prepared surface, it is important to bring the walls and ceiling to perfection. The overall impression of the design of a residential or office space. But it is important not only to know what paint the wallpaper is used for painting, but also to complete this stage in compliance with all the subtleties of the technology.

How does the base for painting differ from conventional roll materials?

The modern market offers a huge selection finishing materials for exterior and interior decoration. The color and design of the rolls has not been decisive for a long time, since it can be varied by adding any pigment to the coloring base. Paintable wallpaper is the easiest way to transform an interior, thanks to repeated repainting of the same surface.

Many people are interested in how many times to paint wallpaper before painting? It is difficult to give an answer without seeing the covered surface. Fiberglass wallpaper is the most durable - it can be repainted up to 20 times without losing its texture. This especially applies to large patterns and convex relief. Paper wallpapers for painting are not used for more than 4-5 colors; they are generally not intended for repeated color changes. But the main difference between paintable wallpaper is that it is designed specifically for repeated painting of the surface.

Sometimes they try to paint dense vinyl wallpapers, glued to the surface with the addition of PVA glue. However, this is a risky undertaking, even if it turns out well. Such experiments are only possible when there is an urgent need to paint over some defects or children’s drawings on the wallpaper. If it doesn't work out well, you'll have to remove the wallpaper and do a full renovation. But there is no such risk if you immediately refuse regular wallpaper in favor roll materials for painting. Although their cost is higher than ordinary paper wallpaper, there is no need to change the base during the next renovation.

Paintable wallpaper has a more noble appearance, but given its durability, you should immediately decide for yourself which texture you like best:

  • smooth;
  • with a small pattern;
  • with a large pattern;
  • with an effective structure.

Advice: If you don’t know which wallpaper to choose for painting, how to glue and paint, you shouldn’t give it up. Paper rolls will soon lose their relevance, because they will be replaced by more practical ones - for repeated coloring.

The base has different specifications, it is classified depending on the base material and the volumetric surface for painting the walls:

  • fiberglass;
  • interlining;
  • vinyl;
  • thick impregnated paper;
  • linkrusta (volumetric relief is applied with a special mixture based on wood flour, chalk and wax).

A roll base for painting will last at least 15 - 20 years, especially with careful care. It is advisable to make the first tone as light as possible, since the wallpaper is slightly translucent even after applying the coloring composition. The wallpaper itself is light - colorless, white or translucent, but there is a colored base. It is better to choose a shade of paint that is a shade darker than the base.

It is not recommended to wash regular wallpaper. If you are wondering whether it is possible to paint wallpaper without painting, then experts advise doing this carefully, only rolls with protective coating. The advantage of a paintable base is that it can be washed and repainted, which is especially important in a child’s room and on surfaces that often get dirty. Not just any paint is suitable for this, but only a special base for painting wallpaper. Non-woven fabric cannot be painted with heavy paint or aggressive solvents - it will ruin the three-dimensional design.

Attention: Wallpaper for painting can also be made multi-colored; to do this, the vinyl rolls are impregnated from the inside with one color, and after pasting the three-dimensional pattern is painted over with a sponge. But it is better not to experiment with this method on walls without prior experience.

How to calculate paint consumption for wallpaper?

In order to paint wallpaper without fear that there may not be enough paint, the correct consumption is important, which is calculated based on:

  • total area of ​​the surface to be painted;
  • paint consumption per 1 sq.m.;
  • the ability of the base to absorb paint.

The area to be painted is the sum of all the perimeters of the walls plus the ceiling, if it is also planned to be painted. The perimeter is the length multiplied by the width, the resulting value is the area of ​​​​the surfaces to be painted. But from these indicators the sizes of window and doorways, before painting the wallpaper for painting, add a little reserve in case of an unforeseen event - overuse, paint is strongly absorbed, etc.

Paint consumption per 1 sq.m. indicated in the manufacturer's instructions or on the packaging. The same type of paint will differ depending on different manufacturers according to consistency (density), accordingly, it will be absorbed and consumed differently. Standard consumption does not exceed 180 g/sq.m in 1 layer and up to 250 g/sq.m. in 2 layers. Moreover, each material absorbs paint in its own way - paper and non-woven fabric absorb it much more than fiberglass or vinyl.

Look at the units of measurement, as they also indicate 1 kg/sq.m. and 1 ml/sq.m. The standard density of wallpaper paint weighs about 1.5 kg, that is, one and a half rads heavier than 1 liter of water. If the wallpaper is already pasted, but the paint has not yet been purchased, there is no need to rush with this - you can not paint the wallpaper for painting for a while, nothing will happen to it. But painting is also an additional protection of the surface from contamination.

How to choose the right paint and prepare for painting?

When choosing and purchasing wallpaper paints, take into account various factors, including base material and functionality of the room.

Each type of base requires its own type of paint:

  • for paper rolls - water-based;
  • for painting non-woven fabric - water-dispersion;
  • for fiberglass - acrylic or latex;
  • Linkrusta is a liquid oil, acrylic and wax paste.

1. For washable surfaces (bathroom and kitchen), acrylic and latex paints are preferable. They form a film and “breathe” less well, but are not afraid of exposure to steam and gentle cleaning.

2. B open spaces and on sunlight use latex paints that do not fade under direct rays.

3. Each paint has its own light reflectance coefficient:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • satin;
  • semi-matte.

4. Satin paint with a moderate sheen is an excellent choice for the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, it is the most durable.

5. Matt paint It hides defects in the ceiling and walls well and copes well with excess lighting.

6. Glossy paint shines and increases lighting when it is insufficient. Sometimes a sponge dipped in this paint is used to paint over the relief on a matte background - for a jacquard effect.

7. The easiest paint to apply is water-based paint, the most durable and versatile to use is acrylic. But you cannot use any type of paint on wet wallpaper; it must dry for 2-3 days.

8. Before painting the wallpaper for painting, it is worth testing the color intensity on a control sample; if the shade is too pale, add pigment (color). The pigment concentration in each package must be the same, with the exception of special “gradient” coloring.

9. First of all, paint the ceiling, then the open walls, then the secondary walls, behind the furniture. All pieces of furniture must be removed, the floor must be covered with newspapers, and other open surfaces must be covered with film and masking tape.

10. The paint can dries quickly, so it is not recommended to open it to look in advance. Immediately before application, the package is opened, diluted, poured into a special cuvette and painted with a paint roller.

11. Water-based paint has White color, but the pigment comes in any shade, but when diluted it looks lighter than after drying on the wall.

How to choose a roller and other painting tools?

A paint roller is the most convenient tool for painting, since even a beginner can dip it into a ditch with ready-made paint and roll it over the surface of the walls. But there are different types of tools, for example:

  • with long pile;
  • velor roller;
  • with short pile.
  • foam roller;
  • fur roller

Each of them gives its own effect when stained. With a nozzle with a short pile it is easy to roll only the relief pattern, while a long one will deeply color the entire texture. The foam surface produces uncolored bubbles if you lightly touch the walls without relief. Rinse the replacement attachments on the roller well and check that any lint that may remain on the surface does not creep in.

Paint brushes are used in hard to reach places where it is impossible to achieve perfect painting with a roller - corners, cracks, gaps, places behind pipes and radiators.

Paint is poured into a special cuvette so that the roller is wetted evenly and without excess. But it is better to stir the paint in a separate container, such as a plastic bucket, and then add it to the cuvette. Be sure to maintain the proportion of water and dye, for example, 10% of the volume. Diluted paint is better absorbed by the roller and is applied more evenly.

Tip: If you have difficulties choosing a tool, or don’t know which roller to use to paint the wallpaper, check with a consultant at a building materials store.

Features of painting non-woven wallpaper

Rolled non-woven wallpaper (wallpaper) is an excellent base for painted ceilings and walls, so there are no difficulties with how to paint non-woven wallpaper for painting. The smooth lower side is glued to the walls, and the upper embossed side is painted. This base imitates more expensive surfaces and looks great on the wall without painting.

If you plan to clean painted wallpaper, experts recommend using only paint with protective composition latex based. It is best to paint the wallpaper in 2 layers with a roller with a fur attachment, and for difficult places use a brush. It is not recommended to roll the roller over one place for a long time and saturate the wallpaper to excess.

Features of painting paper wallpaper

Dense two-layer paper wallpaper with special impregnation - the cheapest base for painting, they look good on the ceiling. Due to the fact that paper is afraid of water, the question arises - how to properly paint wallpaper for painting? Any specialized paint is suitable, but you also shouldn’t soak it to excess - one even coat is quite enough.

A second coat is possible if the first one is applied with streaks or bald spots. It is extremely undesirable to leave glue on paper wallpaper, which could appear between the seams of the panels - this reduces the quality of the work.

Features of painting glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is the most durable layer for painting, since it consists of fiberglass based quartz sand. Popular textures are “herringbone”, “path”, “cobweb”, etc. Suitable for repeated repainting, the most durable base that hides all defects. The paint is not absorbed, but it sinks deep between the fibers of the wallpaper. Fiberglass wallpaper is the same glass wool, which is unpleasant for the skin, so it is imperative to work in protective clothing.

Fiberglass requires primer before painting, but be sure to read the instructions. Acrylic or latex paint are excellent choices for this base. Usually applied in 2 layers, but the second is possible only after the first has dried.

Features of painting vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper on a paper or non-woven backing provides a rich, multi-layered texture. The choice of paint is strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Before painting, a primer and acrylic paint for wallpaper are required, which is applied with a long-nap roller and paint brush. After slight drying, a second layer is immediately applied, including a decorative one for a relief surface. Use minimal amount paints.

Watch how to paint wallpaper for painting - video at the end of the article.

Most often, when painting wallpaper, the following questions arise:

  • How to paint wallpaper for painting?

This factor depends on the type of wallpaper. So, water-dispersion paint is suitable for paper wallpaper, water-based emulsion for non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, and acrylic paint and latex paint compositions for glass wallpaper.

This not an easy process. Furniture and objects should be protected first protective film to avoid contamination. To avoid damaging your skin, you should wear gloves, glasses and closed clothing. Uneven walls you need to level it with a primer or putty (in this case, the paint will need to be applied in three layers). It is necessary to stir the paint carefully. You need to start painting from the window, from the light source. It is easier to paint from the corners with a brush, then with a roller. Roller stripes must be vertical, while brush stripes must overlap each other (apply vertically and horizontally). The solution is washed off the walls clean water.

  • Is it possible to paste wallpaper on a painted wall?

If we are talking about gluing wallpaper on a painted wall, then, first of all, we need to talk about risk. The consequence may be peeling of the wallpaper, the appearance of bubbles and unevenness. But you can try. For the best effect, it is recommended to prime the walls. You can paste any wallpaper onto a painted surface, except vinyl. You can also try treating the painted surface sandpaper so that the wallpaper sticks better.

  • Is it possible to paint wallpaper?

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper can be painted. It is not advisable to paint paper wallpaper.

  • How to paint wallpaper on the ceiling?

If glass wallpaper is glued to the ceiling, then any paint will do, but for non-woven wallpaper, only water-dispersion paint is suitable. It is also not recommended to paint the ceiling of residential premises oil paint. Before painting the ceiling, it is necessary to turn off the power to the electrical wiring to avoid short circuits and accidents. Ensure there are no drafts, cover the floors and protect the furniture. You need to use safety glasses, a hat and working tools: roller, brushes, ladder, paint tray. The corners are painted with a brush, and the rest of the surface with a roller.

  • How to paint wallpaper for a second time?

Wallpaper can be repainted for painting more than 5 times (up to 15, depending on the manufacturer and type of wallpaper). You can repaint it in any color, regardless of the previous one. When repainting a darker color to a lighter color, you must first paint it with pure white paint, and then apply the desired color.

Painting features

All types of wallpaper for painting require compliance certain rules and knowledge of secrets for best results. In this case, first take into account the composition of the surface, since it is better to paint glass wallpaper with latex, and non-woven bases are better with water-based paint. You should always do a test: first on a separate piece of canvas, then on a section of canvas that will be covered by furniture.

It should be noted that the paint is diluted only to create the first primer layer (add 10% of the total volume of water). However, this is not done for glass wallpaper, since it is better to paint glass wallpaper in two dense layers. In this case, an interval of at least 12 hours is maintained. That is why they can be applied maximum amount layers compared to other materials.

In total, any type of wallpaper can withstand 5-10 new layers for painting. Then they may begin to come off the wall, and in order not to wait for this, you should remove them if you need to paint the surface again. Then the wallpaper is purchased anew and pasted on the walls according to standard rules. They can be painted only after complete drying, which lasts about 12 hours.

Final coating

After the base coating has dried, it’s time to embody creative impulses. Patterns or designs can be applied to the walls and ceiling. In addition, the surface can be coated with colorless varnish. This is especially true in children's and bathrooms, as well as in the kitchen. This coating is less susceptible to contamination. At the same time, it can be washed with a regular damp sponge.

The algorithm of work is the same as when painting with paint. The choice between glossy and matte varnish depends only on personal preference. However, it is worth considering that even matte varnish will add a slight shine to the surface.

  • Before starting work, remove all oversized items from the room. Cover large furniture with film or old sheets.
  • The floor should also be covered with film or newspapers.
  • Cover with masking tape areas of the walls that do not need to be painted (baseboards, sockets, switches).
  • Wet the roller with paint generously and evenly. However, it should not drip.
  • The ideal wallpaper color for painting is white or light shades.
  • Use a spray bottle for absolutely even painting.
  • Non-woven wallpaper can be painted on both sides. Using snow-white putty will emphasize the depth of color.
  • Matte paint will help hide blemishes on the walls and traces of old wallpaper.
  • Painting a surface that is not completely dry after wallpapering is strictly prohibited.
  • Using a brush and roller wears out the base, reducing the number of possible repaintings by 6-8 times. To achieve 10-fold repainting without loss of quality, you need to use a spray gun.
  • You should not leave wallpaper uncoated. The paint provides them with resistance to damage and durability.

Two sides of the coin

Although this method of interior renovation has earned many compliments, there are two sides to every coin. Before making a decision, you should weigh the pros and cons.


  • They allow you to realize any idea. If suitable color will not be on sale, you can use the tinting service and create the desired one manually.
  • The painted surface can be easily cleaned of dirt using wet cleaning.
  • Any defects that appear (stains, children's drawings) can be easily removed with a brush. You don't have to re-glue a piece of wallpaper, or even an entire wall.
  • Painting wallpaper is easier than re-painting it. Non-woven wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times.
  • It’s easier to work with arches, corners and other non-standard shapes.


  • For a high-quality result, you need to prepare the walls.
  • The ideal effect can only be achieved with the right choice of paint and tools.
  • Most paints absorb dust.
  • Paints protect against minor mechanical damage. But a serious blow will cause visible damage to them.

Original ideas for painting wallpaper

Using paintable wallpaper provides unlimited space for experimentation. You can use one of the following techniques:

  • By applying horizontal or vertical stripes of paint to the walls, you can visually adjust the parameters of the room. To do this, draw the stripes using a regular pencil and ruler, and then cover them with masking tape. Don't be afraid to step into it during the process! The edges of the stripes will still be smooth if you let them dry completely.
  • Before gluing the wallpaper, you can paint the surface of the walls itself in a bright color. Then you will get a noble muted matte shade.
  • Paint over the evenly textured wallpaper, and then wipe it over the wet surface with a soft cloth. It will remove paint from the protruding parts, thus emphasizing the pattern.
  • New ideas for painting wallpaper can be highlighted from photos of finished interiors.

Nowadays, a fairly popular way to decorate walls in houses and apartments is to paint wallpaper. The advantages of this method of wall decoration include:

  • exclusivity;
  • the ability to hide small surface defects;
  • simple painting methods;
  • economical, since you can repaint the wallpaper many times;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high wear resistance.

Painted wallpaper does not fade from exposure sun rays, like ordinary analogues. They are resistant to physical damage. The painted relief surface looks especially elegant.

Pasting and painting wallpaper with your own hands is not very difficult. Almost everyone can learn this finishing technology. But first you need to decide what kind of wallpaper and what paint to use.

Nowadays, building materials stores offer a huge range of wallpapers. different types, there are special non-woven wallpapers that can be painted; they are most often purchased for upcoming renovations. It is necessary to choose rolls that are plain, or preferably white, so that there is no color distortion when painting them. After you wallpaper the walls, you need to let them dry for a couple of days. It is better to paint non-woven wallpaper with a hard brush, it will allow you to paint it better relief surface. Before starting work, you need to cover all surfaces in the room with polyethylene, then you will not have to spend a lot of time removing paint from them.

What to paint: choosing “wallpaper” paint

Now you need to decide what paint to paint the wallpaper with. The wear resistance of the finish, its appearance and the durability of the repair depend on what colorful materials you use.

Painting of wallpaper is carried out only with dyes based on water based. Can be used for work acrylic paints, which do not contain solvents or other harmful components, as well as water-based paints.

When using water-based emulsion, you can choose any shade of color if you wish. But before you start painting finished walls, you need to practice doing this on a small area, and only after making sure that you can do it well, and the color and properties of the paint meet your requirements, can you start working.

Many experts recommend using latex dispersion paint. It's safe, environmentally friendly material. But when using it, you must remember that after the packaging is depressurized, its contents dry out in a few hours; it must be immediately diluted with water and applied to the surface. A wall covered with this paint will dry no sooner than in three days.

Before use, latex paint is diluted with water. A liter of diluted paint is required for six meters of area. In most cases, it is not necessary to prime the wallpaper before painting, the main thing is that it is clean and dry.

How to paint: technology

In the production of non-woven wallpaper, cellulose processed using special technologies is used. The canvas itself consists of two layers. They are glued to the wall surface with an inner layer consisting of non-woven fabric. The outer layer of this finishing material is made of polyvinyl foam. Non-woven wallpaper is available in two types: those that do not require painting and those that can be painted.

Wallpaper with a uniform structure is usually painted only from the front surface using a brush, roller or spray. However, those who like to experiment can paint non-woven fabric and more. in an original way. With this method, paint is applied to the underside of the canvas immediately before gluing. Due to its hygroscopicity, the non-woven layer will be saturated with color through and through and the paint will appear on the front side. In addition, the base material of the roll itself is easily dyed, it is impossible to erase the paint from it, but water-based dye is easily erased from the polymer layer.

Idea: If the wallpaper is not monochromatic and you want to achieve an original contrasting pattern on it, you can only paint inner layer, then in places on the wallpaper where the top layer of polymer is missing, the painted non-woven backing will be visible.

Advice: non-woven wallpaper will look more aesthetically pleasing if you first apply one layer of paint, and add another layer of a different shade on top of it.

How to paint wallpaper is up to everyone to decide for themselves; all the methods are not particularly difficult, and anyone can master them, even those who do not have professional skills in this matter.

Types of wallpaper for painting and their features

For painting, you can use not only non-woven wallpaper, but also paper and fiberglass. Different types of rolls intended for dyeing have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Paper wallpaper with a relief texture is impregnated with water-repellent compounds, allowing it to be painted several times. This is an environmentally friendly and affordable material that is easy to glue and looks impressive both on the ceiling and on the walls. A disadvantage of paintable paper wallpapers is their sensitivity to mechanical damage. In addition, they cannot be washed.
  • Non-woven ones are easy to glue, hide uneven surfaces of the walls well, they can be repainted several times, and they can also be cleaned with a damp cloth. Moreover, their cost is relatively low.
  • Fiberglass - different high strength and durability. They are made from quartz threads. With this material it is possible to imitate different textures.

Painted wallpaper absorbs sound well, creates comfort in the room, and protects walls from damage. The surface relief of wallpaper for painting can be chaotic or monotonous with a regular tone pattern. The chaotic pattern gives the wall a deliberately careless look. With a monotonous pattern, the wall surface looks strict and formal. But you can always choose a middle ground. There are monotonous drawings that don’t look boring. You can also choose wallpaper with a chaotic pattern, which will not be perceived as provocative.

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    Vadim said:

    I bought non-woven wallpaper for painting and applied it. The pattern looked like burlap. I bought wallpaper paint. Painted it. And I'm stuck! It is painted without problems, the paint is good, opaque, but... No matter how you paint with a roller, the paint applies unevenly—in some places it is thicker, in others it is thinner. When you look at the wall directly, everything is wonderful. And when along the wall, everything is bad - in some places the paint shines, but in others it doesn’t. And the wall seems spotted. This is all due to the texture of the wallpaper. I've already put three!!! layer, but it was as perfect as the moon. I spent a lot of money on paint and tinting and a lot of time on painting. So it's not that simple. Before getting involved in this matter, first think carefully and see how others have done it.

    Rimma said:

    We already had experience in gluing non-woven wallpaper, but there was no need to paint it. When we decided to renovate the bedroom, we also chose non-woven ones: take everything off easily. But we decided to paint it. We painted it, no problem, but no one told us that we had to choose a special paint. Now I have the marks of a child’s greasy hands on my walls. perhaps mine too. And nothing can wash it off. The oil was absorbed into the wallpaper specifically. A friend’s husband, a builder, said that it was necessary to take some kind of special equipment. paint, which is more expensive, but is washable and stain resistant. who would have said it before...

    Tamara said:

    We bought an apartment with wallpaper already pasted. I didn’t like their color in the hallway - dirty blue, there was no time to re-glue them, so we decided to paint them. I don’t know what kind of wallpaper, but in my opinion, non-woven, and obviously not suitable for painting) We painted it with a roller, water-based emulsion + color, at first the wallpaper swollen from the paint and it blistered, but then it dried out and the hallway was transformed! Dirty Blue colour turned into beige, now I like everything. I just had to apply 2 layers of paint, if one layer - old color won't paint over.

Apartment renovation always involves difficult choice materials for finishing the room. One of the most popular ways to diversify the appearance of walls is to wallpaper them. Meet different kinds wallpaper, and vinyl is considered one of the most popular among them. The building materials market presents various options their colors and structures, but if you still can’t find the right ones, the best way out- paint the wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpapers and their varieties

Vinyl wallpaper is a material made of two layers - bottom and top. Depending on what they are made of, vinyl coverings are classified:

  • bottom layer or base. It's thicker. There are non-woven and paper-based wallpapers;
  • top layer or decorative.

There are several types appearance vinyl wallpaper. They are suitable for various rooms. For example, for the kitchen and bathroom, denser and moisture-resistant varieties are made, consisting of several layers of polyvinyl chloride, and some options are made using hot stamping technology, applying different textures. There are:

  • foamed vinyl;
  • flat vinyl;
  • silk-screen printing;
  • polyplen;
  • hard vinyl.

It is possible to paint only wallpaper made of foam vinyl and non-woven backing, since they absorb paint and do not deform under the influence of the water contained in it. Currently, manufacturers indicate whether painting is possible, and also produce separate lines “for painting” in white or other light shades with varied terrain. When choosing a wall covering, it is worth considering its relief: The more complex and small the pattern depicted on the wallpaper, the more difficult it is to paint it. A voluminous ornament will require more paint and layers.

If this is your first time painting the walls yourself, it is better to give preference to wallpaper with a small and simple pattern.

What to paint with?

Along with a huge selection of wallpaper, there are many types of paint, and having decided on the first, you need to pay no less attention to the second. Basic rule: paint should not contain chemically active or toxic substances. Organic-based paints are not suitable for painting: oil-based, alkyd, enamel. Glue and silicate options are also not the best option not only for vinyl wallpaper, but also for wall coverings in the house in general.

Water-based paints work well, they are easy to apply, and you can buy ready-made in a certain color or give desired shade independently using special dyes. With its help, the surface can be made matte, glossy (semi-gloss) and satin. Matte finish looks great in large rooms, and glossy will help visually expand small and dark rooms. The satin surface is suitable for any room size. Water based paints there are:

  • water-imulsion. This coating is antistatic and has many other advantages, but is not intended for wet cleaning: if you wipe the wall with a wet cloth, the paint will remain on it;
  • dispersive. Water-based paint made from synthetic polymers (scrap or petroleum). After applying the mixture to the wall, the water evaporates and the solid particles form a smooth and impermeable surface;

  • acrylic. This paint dries quickly, does not mix when applying several shades, and can withstand washing, including the use of cleaning agents;
  • latex. They are expensive, but they allow you to create an even, glossy finish with a long service life. The paint can be used on walls covered with old wallpaper.

Water-based paint should be used to paint walls in the bedroom, nursery or living room, acrylic and latex paint in any room, dispersion paint is ideal for the kitchen or bathroom. Before purchasing paint, calculate its required volume depending on the type of wallpaper, area of ​​the room and the desired shade. If the paint is not tinted immediately, then it is worth purchasing a color scheme. Its quantity depends on the brightness of the color that is needed. After mixing the paint and dye, apply the composition to small area wallpaper or on the wall and wait until it dries completely to determine the final color.

Usually the paint is sold quite thick, and it is difficult to apply it to the walls. It is enough to dilute it with ordinary clean water to a consistency reminiscent of sour cream. You can also repaint old walls with any type of paint. In order for it to lay flat and not peel off, you must first treat the existing coating, remove dust and dirt, and fill in imperfections.

In some cases, additional priming may be required.

How to paint?

  • before wallpapering. In this case, the paint is applied to the wallpaper strips before gluing them to the wall. It is necessary to cut the panel of the required length from the roll, apply paint and after drying (after about an hour) begin gluing;
  • If the wallpaper has already been glued, then you should wait until the glue has completely dried (the drying time is usually indicated in the instructions for it), and only then paint it.

Prepare everything in advance necessary tools. You can apply paint using a brush, roller, spray gun or spray gun. When choosing a roller, pay attention to the height of the pile: the deeper and stronger the relief of the pattern on the wallpaper, the longer the pile should be. It will be inconvenient to apply using a foam coat, as it will spoil the texture and will not allow you to apply an even layer of paint. In addition, you need a paint tray, a soft cloth, masking tape.

It is better to cover the floors with film or paper, newspapers, and for your own protection you need to wear gloves, a hat and goggles.

If the wallpaper that is being painted is on the ceiling, then for convenience it is worth purchasing a telescope extension for the roller. It is best to paint walls using a sprayer - this way the color will be even and uniform. If you don’t have a sprayer, use a roller to paint the walls, and a small brush to work the corners and joints. The procedure for painting vinyl wallpaper is as follows:

  • Use masking tape to seal all the joints between the wall covering and the doors, floors and baseboards;
  • cover the floor and existing furniture in the room;
  • remove existing dust or dirt from surfaces using a slightly damp cloth or vacuum cleaner;
  • stir the paint in the can and pour a large number of into the tray;
  • The ceiling is painted first, then the walls;
  • It is better to paint the shelves parallel to the incident light, so the strokes will not be visible;
  • walls are painted from bottom to top;
  • when applying several layers of paint, you must wait for each of them to dry completely before applying a new one;
  • The final color and gloss will fully appear 3 days after dyeing.

Will help diversify the look of the room various techniques painting walls. Keep in mind that not all of them are available for execution, but some can be used without the help of a specialist.

  • Dyeing with rubbing. Allows you to make the convex parts of vinyl wallpaper lighter. After applying a layer of paint, go over the entire canvas with a soft cloth, removing the top layer of paint. This process is labor-intensive, it requires the participation of two people: one applies the paint, the second uses the fabric.
  • Selective drawing. First, the desired number of layers of paint is applied to all the walls, then using a brush and paint of a different (often darker) shade, the pattern on the wallpaper is highlighted. This is a long process that is suitable for wallpaper with an unusual and beautiful relief.
  • Color base. The method involves decorating the wallpaper before gluing. Paint is applied to the wallpaper with inside, after it has completely dried, glue them to the walls. It turns out very impressive.

  • Several colors. If the interior is dominated by several shades, then the walls can be painted with one of them. Masking tape is used to separate the colors. The method is suitable for wallpapers with small or, conversely, enough large relief, because in places where the tape does not come into contact with the base, the paint will spread and you won’t get straight lines. The same method is suitable if two types of wallpaper are selected or those that simulate the presence of a dividing plinth on the wall.
  • Using textured roller . In stores you can find rollers with ornaments carved on them. This method is very light, it allows you to extra effort apply a beautiful design to the wallpaper. The main rule of work is clarity of action, because the stripes must be even.
  • Using a sponge or a wad of paper. They are used when applying the last layer. Dip the tool in the paint and lightly touch the wall. There will be a textured imprint on it. The method allows you to get a beautiful and unusual look, but it requires a lot of time.

You can update the interior of your apartment and spend a minimum of effort by painting the room new fashionable color. To understand whether painting will harm your wallpaper, you need to figure out what types there are and which ones you have installed.

It’s better not to touch paper ones!

Paper wallpaper is the most inexpensive and traditional look wall covering. They come in single-layer and double-layer (duplex). The duplex looks quite durable, and sometimes has an interesting relief texture. However, don't be fooled! Ordinary paper products, even two-layer ones, may not survive a color change.

What about vinyl and non-woven?

Vinyl wallpaper, although it mostly has a paper base, is more durable and moisture-resistant than paper. There are three types of such materials: foamed vinyl, kitchen vinyl (the name speaks for itself, they can also be used for finishing bathrooms) and flat vinyl, which is also called silk-screen printing, or satin.

Non-woven options come in two types: on a non-woven base with top layer made of foamed vinyl, and completely made of non-woven fabric. Rolls of this material are very durable and resistant to mechanical stress.

So, is it possible to paint vinyl and non-woven wallpaper? Of course you can!

  • As for vinyl wallpaper, it is advisable to paint foamed vinyl first. This means that the strength of the material will allow you to apply paint to them anyway. But will silk-screen printing become more beautiful after this?
  • Non-woven fabric, due to its strength, can be repainted in different colors from five to ten times.

If renovations are just planned...

If you are just planning a renovation, then you don’t need to think about which wallpapers you can and cannot paint, and whether your already covered walls are suitable for painting. The consultant in the store will tell you which wallpaper and which paint is best to paint in order to do everything correctly and get a good result.

As a rule, the assortment of specialized stores includes big choice special finishing materials for painting. They can be either paper (only much denser than duplex), or vinyl, or non-woven. The main difference between such wallpapers and decorative ones is their high density and the use of special technologies for their production.

How to paint correctly?

If you choose paintable vinyl, you will have several options for using it. When painting the walls directly, the result will be a canvas of uniform color. At the same time, if the wallpaper is painted for the first time, it is better to paint it in two layers.

When using the method of applying paint from the inside out (about it, as well as about other nuances of wallpaper and painting work), the pattern will “protrude” on the surface. In this case, the walls should be pasted over only after all the rolls have completely dried. There is another solution - to apply paint, which will then appear directly on the wall, but this naturally requires more preparation, but has its advantages.

Video: do-it-yourself technology

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    Yuri said:

    We were surprised by those who DIDN'T succeed in painting paper wallpaper! This is the simplest option, we paint with water-based paint, corners and other narrow places with a brush, the main part is covered with a roller. I painted, everything is fine. Before painting, if there are loose fragments, then they need to be connected to good glue. What's your problem?
    You don’t need to paint vinyl with water-based paints, you can try acrylic ones.

    Iva said:

    I painted vinyl wallpaper on a paper base. The very structure of the wallpaper was like wrinkled (crumpled) leather. Painted with water- dispersion paint(I painted whatever was at hand). The paint took a long time to dry because... The base is a poorly absorbent surface of vinyl wallpaper, so I had to add wallpaper glue to the paint. In the end, it still turned out ugly (not uniformly painted, the paint gets stuck in the folds and runs off). I washed it away, sold the apartment and moved to another))

Paintable wallpaper is great way for creating unique interior in a relatively short period of time. But in pursuit of beauty, you should remember that ordinary paint is not suitable for this type of work, because, as is known, it releases substances into the air that we breathe that are harmful to health.

Therefore, when planning to make a renovation, you should first determine what paint to paint the wallpaper with.

Choosing paint

The coloring matter should be selected taking into account a number of properties, the main ones of which are protective and decorative functions. For each surface there is a special one, which is characterized by a special chemical composition.

When deciding what paint to paint the wallpaper, you need to consider the following functions:

  1. Resistance to mechanical stress, which will affect the durability of the coating.
  2. Resistant to household chemicals.
  3. Environmental friendliness.
  4. Fast drying.
  5. Resistant to sunlight.
  6. Covering power, which is the ability to qualitatively cover another color.

Taking into account the above characteristics, we can conclude that best choice For such work, water-dispersion paint is used.

It is great for interiors, and there are several obvious reasons for this:

  1. Absolute safety and environmental friendliness. It can even be used in children's rooms, since it does not contain or release any harmful compounds into the air.
  2. Very fast drying process. Within an hour, your walls will be completely ready for further use.
  3. Water-dispersed compositions do not emit any odor. Thus, neither during the repair process nor after its completion, you will not experience discomfort from an unpleasant odor.

There are several varieties of such paints:

  1. Acrylic is the most universal option, perfect for all types of surfaces, including wallpaper. The surface does not fade even with constant exposure to the sun and is easy to clean. However this type has the highest price, so before you think about using it, calculate how much such repairs will cost you.
  2. Adhesive - afraid of moisture, so it doesn’t wash very well.
  3. Latex - most often used for working with glass wallpaper and textured surfaces. Very water resistant, which is why most experts consider it the most a good option for painting wallpaper.

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, be sure to read the product label.
An excellent choice for wallpaper is a water-dispersion composition, which is marked with the letters VD.

Choosing paint to determine the texture of the coating

Acrylic paints are:

  1. Glossy. Quite rarely used for decoration living rooms. They are an excellent choice for dark rooms.
  2. Semi-gloss. Such coatings are very easy to clean and reflect light well. Ideal choice for children's room, bathroom, kitchen. The compositions are applied exclusively to smooth surface. Otherwise, all defects and shortcomings of the coating will be emphasized.
  3. Matte. Great choice for large, bright rooms and halls.
  4. Semi-matte. Used in bedrooms, adding a little sparkle to the interior.
  5. Satin. They are distinguished by their smooth structure and wear resistance, and therefore are suitable for any premises.

How to apply paint to wallpaper

The instructions for applying paint yourself are quite simple, so you do not need a lot of experience or any skills.

Work is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Finishing can only be done a day after wallpapering the walls..
  2. Before starting work, make sure the surface is clean and dry. Only in this case will the layer be smooth and beautiful.
  3. If the room is covered with embossed wallpaper, the paint should be applied in two stages: first apply the first layer, and after it has completely dried, apply the second.
  4. All work with water-based paint should be carried out using medium-length bristles.. This will ensure even distribution coloring matter over the entire surface, leaving no clots or streaks.

It is not advisable to use a foam roller, since it will not allow you to apply an even and smooth layer.

What wallpaper can be painted

Today you can buy several types of wallpaper for painting. If desired, you can even paint colored wallpaper, but to do this, the paint must have sufficient hiding power to mask the previous color.

Let's consider which wallpapers can be safely used for painting, and which ones are still not advisable:

  1. Paper. If we are talking about wallpaper specifically designed for painting, then you have nothing to fear. Such rolls usually have a relief pattern and consist of several layers. Moreover, the first of them is necessarily coated with a special water-repellent composition, so the layer lays down very well. In addition, they are environmentally friendly and completely safe for human health, and their cost is generally not high.

The only drawback of such wallpaper is that over time, scuffs can form on it.

  1. Vinyl - are dense and elastic, they do not fade and are easy to wash. Experts do not recommend using them in rooms where air exchange is difficult, since the walls need to breathe.

  1. Liquid - create an ideal surface: smooth and even. A significant disadvantage is the fear of dampness. They can only be painted with a special composition. If, for example, you use a spray can, then such wallpaper will simply absorb the color, so you may need a large amount of paint.


Wanting to make their interior original, many “come” to the option of painting wallpaper. This decision can be very successful if you approach the matter responsibly. Show your imagination by combining, for example, several compatible colors. To learn more, watch the video in this article.