Jade for a woman's body. Taurus stone

Taurus is an unshakable rock. Strong character, perseverance and perseverance are his indispensable features. He does not like sudden changes in life, defending his inner world from any intrusion. That's why Taurus prefers the lungs love relationship, he enters into marriage only after making sure that his soul mate fully corresponds to his ideas about a life partner.

But representatives of this sign have their own weaknesses. Among Taurus there are many aesthetes who adore beautiful objects, even if these things amaze others with their impracticality. Men and women of this sign are particularly stylish in the selection of clothes and the smallest accessories that emphasize their taste preferences. Taurus are also exquisite gourmets who know how to appreciate a skillfully prepared dish.

  • The planets Venus and the Moon control the fate of Taurus
  • The element of this zodiac sign is Earth
  • Lucky colors – yellow, lemon, brown, green
  • Lucky metal – copper, cupronickel
  • Favorable numbers – 2, 4, 16

Choosing a stone by date of birth

All opaque semi-precious stones are suitable for Taurus:

I decade: April 21 – May 1

Those born in the first decade of the sign often face the fate of true “Golden Taurus”, because they are accompanied by Mercury, the god of trade, wealth and prosperity. They are lucky in business, they may receive an unexpected inheritance, and will simply swim in gold. Stones for Taurus born on this day spring period: tiger eye, agate. They are also favored by:

II decade: May 02 – 11

These days, Taurus is strongly influenced by the Moon; it is so strong and capricious at the beginning of May that astrologers call it “exalted.” For Taurus of the second decade, the horoscope recommends rock crystals, moonstone, and opals. Suitable stones Also:

  • greenish tint.

III decade: May 12 – 20

In the third decade, the planet Saturn dominates the destinies of Taurus. These are solid natures, often gloomy and uncommunicative, as they say - “people on their own minds.” Their stones are shining emeralds and diamonds. May Taurus loves to enjoy the beauty of their shimmering treasures alone, by candlelight, sorting through stones and squeezing them in their palms for a long time. Less valuable gems are also suitable for those born on these days:

  • all colors.

Main stone

Main stone of Taurus woman

This is, of course, turquoise. For the Earth sign, this living mineral brings love to life and stability, provided the stone is worn constantly. For those born in late April-early May, turquoise serves as a talisman. By appearance The fossil shows whether the owner was attacked from outside. The stone, taking the blow upon itself, may become covered with stains, in this case it is worth giving it a rest, holding it for several days. But if the color of turquoise changes, you should consult a doctor, as most likely this is a sign of some disease.

Taurus Gems

These include: sapphire, emerald, opal, malachite, lapis lazuli, diamond. All of them serve as amulets and amulets for Taurus.

Taurus Woman Stone


With this amulet, any doors will be open to you. Protects the owner from slander, betrayal and evil fate. If utensils are made from sapphire, the quality of any food contained in it noticeably improves. In addition, it is a talisman of love and fidelity.


One of the best defenders. Especially when it is a talisman based on your zodiac sign. And this is exactly the case of Taurus. For a spring sign, this rich green beryl is a talisman of good luck in all areas, including health, love and wealth. Like most minerals, it can harm an evil and vile person, and on the contrary, it will help and protect a merciful and kind owner.


Cacholong milky especially good for the fair half of the population. This stone of the Taurus woman protects the family, protects it, and brings peace and prosperity. Has a feminine origin. Stone of monks, purity of thoughts.


It is of great value for discovering talents in children. Then develops these abilities. A stone of wisdom and knowledge, it acts by purifying consciousness and enlightening thoughts. It is also a talisman of health.

Lapis lazuli

This beautiful mineral is suitable for people who communicate with a large number of people in their work. Gives eloquence and endows oratorical abilities. It helps fickle owners to spend their energy wisely and be more careful in performing various actions and more restrained in their statements.


It is capable of both helping and harming its owner if he received the stone illegally or is a person with low desires and evil thoughts. It is believed that this gem It works better when it is inherited or given as a gift from someone you trust, otherwise, owning a diamond will not turn out to be anything good for you. How strong a talisman is. Grants brave warriors fighting for good causes invincibility and courage.

And further…

The Taurus woman's stone must be able to control her, because this Earth sign often suffers from excess both in deeds and actions, as well as in food and statements. Taurus just doesn't know when to stop. In general, this is a rather peaceful and permanent sign. Stimulants such as amazonite and carnelian are suitable for maintaining mental strength, while rock crystal and moonstone will help develop the gift of foresight, intuition, and make you richer spiritual world spring constellation. Stones with high energy potential, too active, are not recommended for Taurus, since the sign already has a fairly high vitality.

Taurus is one of the reliable and thorough signs of the zodiac. This is the rock man. There were times when his symbol was depicted as a figure rooted to the waist in the ground, which partly characterizes the essence of Taurus. As a rule, people born under this sign are unshakable and conservative people, but if necessary, a representative of this constellation can be quite mobile.

At their core, Taurus are closer in spirit to peacemakers, but they cannot stand being forced to do anything or being pressured to make one decision or another. Since this sign is characterized by stubbornness, it is almost impossible to do this. Taurus will always defend their point of view until the end.

Astrologers consider typical representatives of this sign to be the most mercantile people in the world. They are looking for profit even where it cannot exist in principle. It is not without reason that many of them can be called “Golden Taurus”, since the ability to get rich is one of their trump cards.

For complete happiness, representatives of this sign love to surround themselves with exquisite, expensive things. True, besides beauty, everything they have must have a specific practical purpose.

The main negative qualities of typical Taurus are selfishness and greed, but in relation to others. Such people are ready to spend quite a bit on themselves and their loved ones. large sums. If best friend If he asks such a person for a loan, he will give him money, but he is not ready to give even his beloved girl some of his adored things. Moreover, you should not persuade him, as you can seriously and for a long time quarrel with him. In this case, no tricks will help - flattery, fawning or an offer of an adequate exchange. Taurus will not react to this, since for such a person his property is sacred.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus women?

To attract a loved one to her person, a girl born under the sign of Taurus, astrologers advise wearing turquoise jewelry. If a young lady hides a piece of this stone in the folds of her dress, she will not act lightly and will immediately recognize a lie.

Married ladies are advised to wear green turquoise. It will help you live in abundance and protect your family from quarrels and other troubles. In addition, this stone helps a woman become pregnant and bear fruit. healthy child.

Cacholong is also called pearl agate. It is recommended to be worn by representatives of the fair sex who are expecting a new addition to their family. With his support, the woman tolerates pregnancy well and gives birth to a healthy baby without any complications. In addition, cacholong promotes well-being in the family.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus men?

If you have hidden potential that you just can’t realize, then we advise you to wear black agate jewelry. This stone will help you achieve success in any business.

Thanks to Amazonite, the Taurus man becomes more decisive and prosperous in life. financially.

Onyx brown or orange color called sardonyx. This stone develops the gift of eloquence in a person, which contributes to rapprochement with beautiful ladies. Lonely individuals find their soulmate with the help of this stone.
Zircon helps to expose lies and prevents its owner from telling lies. In addition, it softens quarrels and protects against slander.

Stones talismans for Taurus

The emerald is considered to be the most effective talisman for Taurus. With its help you can preserve family happiness long years. It promotes conception and birth of offspring, and also helps to look into the future with optimism. Emeralds are the best protectors against evil spirits. If you wear jewelry with this stone at night, you can be sure that you will not have nightmares.

The most soulful stone for Taurus is sapphire. It has a pure blue color. But for scammers and dishonest people, this talisman will be useless, since it helps only truthful and worthy owners. He will protect such individuals from gossip about them and help in accepting right decisions.

Jasper is the best protector from negative energy. Taurus people who wear this stone take other people's problems to heart and help them cope with them. Thanks to jasper, even the most powerful energy vampire will not be able to harm a representative of this sign. In addition, it will protect its owner from diseases

As a daily protector, Taurus is recommended to wear jewelry made of agate - the most layered chalcedony different colors. If this stone is set with copper, then its owner will not be nervous and worry about minor and major failures. By wearing jewelry with agate for a long time, you can develop intuition and immediately recognize a lie. In addition, this stone promotes the development of eloquence and helps to persuade people to their side in a conversation.

Aventurine also enhances luck. For people involved in business, this stone contributes to the birth and implementation of new profitable ideas.

What stones are contraindicated for Taurus?

The only stone that can bring a Taurus to his head various kinds troubles and problems is amber. Representatives of this sign need to stay away from him.

If Taurus does not heed this advice and begins to wear amber jewelry, then Negative consequences won't keep you waiting long. Moreover, the longer a person stays with this stone, the more problems he will have it.

When you finally decide to get rid of this dubious travel companion, under no circumstances throw the amber in the trash. This will immediately have a negative impact on your life. It is better to put the stone in a visible place and wish out loud for it to find a new owner whom it will love. Another way to get rid of amber is to give it as a gift to the person who will like it.

In addition to it, there are other stones undesirable for Taurus to wear - ruby, heliotrope, pyrite, amethyst and topaz.

Astrologers advise listening to your intuition when choosing a stone. Talismans that suit you will definitely evoke a feeling of warmth and peace in your soul.

Stones for Taurus by date of birth

The patron saint of Taurus born from April 21 to May 1 is the god of prosperity and money, Mercury. To attract good luck to themselves, representatives of this sign are better off wearing carnelian, tiger's eye, amethyst, amazonite, aventurine and agate. Jewelry made from them will also serve Taurus as an effective amulet.

The night luminary significantly influences the lives of people born under this constellation in the period from May 2 to May 11. Their amulets will be items made of coral, chalcedony, chrysoprase, opal, rock crystal and turquoise. If Taurus builds himself a pyramid from these stones, he will be able to strengthen the beneficial influence of the Moon on his life. Representatives of this constellation who wear rings with the above stones are happy in family life.

True Taurus aesthetes are born from May 12 to May 20. These people prefer to wear precious stones, which, in addition to beauty and respectability, protect them from various troubles and prevent the development of depressive states. These include aquamarines, sapphires, garnets, emeralds and diamonds.

Most well-known semi-precious stones have the exceptional property of protecting their wearer from magic and witchcraft, as well as from black negativity of a non-magical nature. Even if you don’t believe in damage and the destructive effects of otherworldly forces, having a stone with you as a talisman against envy and the evil eye will not hurt.

Protective stones according to zodiac signs - how can Taurus find their amulet?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a stone - a talisman suitable for Taurus, – its compatibility with the character and temperament of the person who will become the bearer of the talisman. How do you know if a natural mineral is right for you? If this is your stone, you will be drawn to it, you will want to buy it, to possess it. An elusive connection will arise between the natural mineral and you. Communication can happen instantly. It is in self-feelings that the answer to the question lies, what stone can become an amulet for Taurus.

Many natural stones protect and shelter their wearer from the evil eye, as well as different types negativity of a witchcraft nature. There is plenty of information about protective stones against the evil eye for everyone on the Internet; at any time you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics, features and magical properties of the stones. Moreover, each gem has additional unique properties, which should be taken into account when choosing.

Therefore, when you decide which stone amulet to give to a Taurus man, familiarize yourself with the natural properties of the stone. So, stones with strong energy usually find themselves in harmony with people:

  • strong,
  • strong-willed,
  • decisive,
  • having an active life position.

For a person with a melancholic temperament, such a stone will only bother him in vain, causing internal anxiety and discomfort.

However, it can also happen differently. Correctly selected amulets stones according to zodiac signs will balance the weak and strong traits character of its bearer, so that the weak and negative traits were not detected so acutely, or were transformed into new qualities that contributed to the improvement of the individual.

Representatives of all astrological signs have character weaknesses.

Accordingly, Taurus also has them. People of this horoscope sign can be:

  • mercantile,
  • vindictive
  • suspicious
  • are not always able to control their anger.

The protective talisman of Taurus, correctly and carefully selected according to the horoscope, in accordance with the problems that require solutions, will help its owner get out of difficult situations and influence his own natural characteristics.

Suitable talismans according to the horoscope - the magical power of protective stones

In addition to the properties that nature has endowed with a particular stone, astrology should also be taken into account. Most the right approach– choose talisman stones according to zodiac signs. First of all, pay attention to those stones that are recommended for you personal horoscope. And only then study the effects of minerals that suit your zodiac sign, so that you don’t accidentally get something you don’t need, which could interfere with your well-being.

Beware of attracting new love when you already have a person to whom you have given your heart. This promises great suffering, disaster and destruction. In your life, of course. Or, for example, in order not to become overly aggressive, or, on the contrary, melancholic and lethargic, think many times about what buy a stone according to the zodiac sign Taurus.

But with thoughtless and constant contact with a stone, anything can happen, because the influence of minerals is very strong and should not be underestimated. The practice of choosing talisman stones by date of birth and zodiac sign is based on this assumption.

Strong stones amulets against the evil eye for Taurus

What stones protect Taurus from the evil eye and other negativity, which talisman stone should you buy? There are several such stones, and here are the most common of them:

  • sapphire
  • malachite
  • turquoise
  • emerald
  • ruby

Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in more detail about each of the named gems. And also about how set up a stone that protects against damage of magical origin, as well as from. And I remind you that any correctly selected stone helps its wearer cope with problems and ordinary everyday difficulties, and also protects against harmful witchcraft.

Malachite stone - a children's amulet that protects against the evil eye

Malachite - this stone is suitable for children against the evil eye, and also as an amulet that attracts good luck and happy circumstances. In addition to protecting against the evil eye, malachite will protect children's health. This stone Small child Taurus can carry it with him all the time. However, it is not necessary for a child to wear jewelry with malachite; it is enough to place a product made of this stone in the room - a figurine, a vase, etc. Of course, an adult Taurus can also wear a stone as an amulet against the evil eye. It is especially recommended that people of creative professions, philosophers, scientists and travel lovers pay attention to this charming gem.

Malachite has long been considered a stone that can open the Ajna chakra or the Third Eye and grant it to its owner magical abilities. The wearer of jewelry with malachite becomes invisible to spell-casting enemies and energy vampires. Thus, the green stone protects a person from dangerous communication and unwanted surroundings. In other words, malachite is a wonderful anti-damage stone for Taurus.

The beneficial manifestations of malachite do not end there. It's not only stone amulet against the evil eye of Taurus, it brings its owner stable, cozy family happiness, mutual understanding and harmony in love, and with its power it will improve well-being and health in general.

Stones of amulets for the zodiac sign Taurus - the magical power of sapphire

Sapphire has unique magical properties and supports a person in his desire to know the world, and not only in the physical plane of existence, but to penetrate into it. This is a stone suitable for women Taurus, because one of his beneficial properties is the ability to protect its owner from violence. In addition, with such an amulet there is no fear of deception, the machinations of the unclean in thoughts and the hands of citizens.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Among the stones protecting Taurus from the evil eye and envy, sapphire takes pride of place. It brings its owner harmony with the world and with himself. And a talisman with a sapphire will become an ally to someone who is looking for love and is ready to create a strong marriage. And for those who are already married, sapphire will become the mystical guardian of the hearth. In searching for an answer to the question of what stones Taurus should wear against damage, pay attention to the fact that this mineral not only protects from negative witchcraft influences, sapphire has the property of clearing the mind of other people’s suggestions and restraining a person’s emotions.
Owners of amulets with sapphires are prone to positive thinking, peace and calm learning of simple worldly wisdom. This amazing talisman stone based on your date of birth helps to uplift your spirit, grants you power over others, gives you strength and helps you overcome fatigue.

What amulet stone will save you from the evil eye - magical turquoise

The magical properties of turquoise, of course, are not limitless, but very significant. First of all, it is a protective amulet, a strong talisman stone according to the Taurus horoscope. This is one of the protective stones known since ancient times. When making amulet protection for children - born and unborn, turquoise was and is used, believing in their energy and in the fight against evil forces.

Turquoise is a talisman stone for women by date of birth, which is perfect for women astrological sign Calf. This is a strong energy stone that can communicate with the owner at the subconscious level. Helps a person develop the gift of foresight. Taurus needs turquoise:

Turquoise has long symbolized sincere friendship and romantic love. This is wonderful stone amulet for women, and especially for the representative zodiac sign Calf. It is also a symbol of leadership. At work, this gem helps to become the first among colleagues, to rise in career ladder, will warn against risks, keep from mistakes and wrong decisions.

Stone - a talisman protecting against damage and the evil eye - precious emerald

If an emerald is worn on the left hand, it protects against witchcraft spells aimed at evil. This amulet stone gives Taurus protection from the evil eye, no matter how powerful the energy strike. It also gives its wearer self-confidence and helps them see the future. Along with diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire, emerald is one of the most expensive, regal gems.
This crystal has been given a special place among precious stones by its marvelous beauty, richness of color and transparency. This determines the high cost of the mineral. Emeralds are also admired. This stone is a strong talisman against the evil eye and damage, which is in perfect harmony with the energy of Taurus. Activating a stone for personal protection against the evil eye is simple. They do it themselves. Activation involves the process of purifying a mineral from extraneous energies and tuning into the host. It is recommended to charge your talisman immediately after purchase.

What stone can become a true amulet for Taurus - the magic of ruby

This gem has long been called the patron of earthly love and a symbol of passion. It's not only strong stone talisman against the evil eye and other magical negativity, this is a talisman against unhappy or unrequited love. This natural stone loves strong people, accustomed to making their way in life, people without fear or reproach. Ruby gives such a wearer additional strength, helps to make useful contacts, and avoid acute conflict situations.
Ruby is an undoubtedly magical gem. Perhaps the strongest a stone that protects Taurus from the evil eye and envy. But, in addition to this, it protects a person with the Taurus horoscope sign from failures, everyday disasters, and effectively relieves fatigue, tension and irritation. The ruby ​​has a feature that is worth knowing about for those zodiac signs for which the ruby ​​is suitable (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aries), and for those people who intend to wear this protective stone against the evil eye: this gem is unusually jealous, and the owner’s inattention can offend him .
In order to charge this royal stone, make it a magical barrier and protection against the evil eye, as well as from other people’s psychic and witchcraft influences, cleansing and activation rituals are performed with it. You can cleanse the stone with water, fire, and activate it with your breath. With constant contact, the stone assimilates with the energy of its wearer, and then the magic of the protective amulet is fully revealed.

To customize a protective stone from damage and other things and strengthen it magical properties, perform such a ritual. Place the ruby ​​jewelry on the table, light a candle, place it behind the stone and concentrate. When you get the feeling that depth has arisen in the mineral, dive mentally into this depth, discarding everything negative, and then slowly return back.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and always strives for beauty, harmony and love. A practical sign is interested in completely earthly things: money, valuables and other pleasures, and to satisfy these needs, you can call upon minerals that can enhance natural talents and expand opportunities.

Selecting a mineral for Taurus by date of birth is simple if you follow the advice of astrologers, who recommend taking into account some character traits, the influence of planets, the color of minerals, as well as the month of birth: April or May.

So, Taurus born from April 21 to April 30– are under the significant influence of Mercury. They are talented, strive for material wealth, are faithful and demand the same from their other half, love comfort and strive to surround themselves and loved ones with beautiful, but not cheap, objects. The most successful helpers in achieving his desires will be: carnelian, amethyst, agate, quartz, amazonite.

Those born in the second decade of Taurus from 01.05 to 10 May- These are smart, prudent and intelligent people. They love to be the center of attention, are very attractive, prefer to get the most out of life, are thoughtful, and you can listen to their advice. Difficulties often arise with the opposite sex due to the constant desire to search for ideals. The following can help you achieve your goals and find a reliable life partner: chalcedony, chrysoprase, onyx, jadeite, turquoise.

Taurus born in May from 11 to 21- these are the most ambitious of the entire sign. They are stingy with emotions, all decisions are made with their heads, are not influenced by feelings, they strive for material wealth and moving up the career ladder, to achieve their goals they will easily compromise and give in if necessary. They are demanding of their family members, which often leads to quarrels and misunderstandings. Natural minerals can compensate and balance sensuality and rationality, reduce severity and increase financial well-being: emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, beryl, topah, tourmaline.

Stones depending on year of birth

The main features and characteristics of Taurus are significantly influenced by the year of birth. When choosing a mineral, taking into account all the aspects that shape the character and temperament of this earth sign, you can choose perfect option an amulet or amulet that can have a significant impact on fate and strengthen positive traits, which is what the practical zodiac sign Taurus so needs.

According to the horoscope, after carefully studying it, you can accurately determine which stones are suitable for Taurus, taking into account the year he was born:

  • The Rat does not like to sit at home and strives to enjoy constant movement, which can bring difficulties and problems into its life, however, the Rat must be ready to overcome the hardships and hardships that arise on its way, and for this it is advisable for it to use jewelry with sapphire. It will help you relax, achieve spiritual harmony and understand the meaning of life, which the Rat constantly needs;
  • For a bull who likes to show off his wealth, it is better to choose jewelry with emeralds, agates, corals, in a gold frame;
  • Tigers will easily understand a difficult situation, they will firmly go through life if they are accompanied by carnelian, several garnet bracelets and its related stone - tiger's eye;
  • The cat will feel more comfortable if there is an amulet, keychains or figured figurines made of turquoise or ruby ​​in the interior or with it;
  • Green peridot, chalcedony, and iridescent opals will help the dragon, who is self-confident, reliable and fair, to protect himself from the hostility of others, envy and other adversities;
  • Snake, a very refined nature, subject to significant mood swings, and restore vitality and jasper, malachite, hematite can add positive emotions;
  • The horse is active and vulnerable, and at the same time practical and decisive, and needs protection from negative impact To improve your health and financial well-being, you simply must always have with you: aquamarine, amethyst or garnet;
  • Find the goat inner confidence, agate, moonstone, onyx will help you sort out conflicting feelings and aspirations;
  • Taurus Monkey will tune in to monotonous work, will allocate time correctly if he decorates himself with the most beautiful opal or multi-colored agates;
  • A Rooster with varied hobbies will be able to concentrate on what is important and pamper himself with products with topaz and ruby;
  • Those born in the year of Dogs will protect and help improve their health, restore creative strength and energy Jewelry with opal or moonstone;
  • The pig should periodically hold it in their hands, warming the topaz with its warmth, which will give it peace and develop intuition. And for success in business and increasing income, the Pig must have onyx with him and periodically look at it for several minutes a day without taking his eyes off it. Only when choosing, you should pay attention that the color of the mineral is not bright red. For Pig it is better to have more muted shades. Onyx will be an excellent companion, bringing not only significant income.

Sign stones, talismans and amulets

Natural tenacity, extraordinary intelligence, determination and ingenuity of Taurus are bestowed upon them by nature and their patron planets. But despite a large number of positive characteristics It can be difficult for them to direct their energy in the right direction and minerals can help them achieve better results. Wearing them will strengthen one’s strength and add internal and external sociability and attractiveness.

Having a reliable amulet with you at all times, Taurus will conquer the desired heights and achieve high position in society, will receive the desired wealth and fulfill your deepest desires. And talisman stones, made in the shape of an animal or plant that protects and protects the practical nature from contradictions, will enhance this effect and accelerate the result to which he strives.

  • Rose quartz is considered a suitable mineral for solving these problems. This Taurus stone bestows peace, heals spiritual wounds and provides an additional source of internal energy. It will help establish a harmonious relationship with your partner.
  • A coral talisman for a woman will enhance imagination and subtlety of perception, add wisdom, relieve tension and protect from temptation.
  • Onyx amulets will strengthen the will and spirit, focus on victory, sharpen the intellect, help reveal the hidden motives of the enemy, and protect against unnecessary worries.
  • Turquoise will bring happiness in marriage, help avoid quarrels, and peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Framed in silver will give a certain degree of recklessness and protect in the most risky and extreme undertakings.
  • One of the most powerful talismans of the sign for Taurus is a precious stone - an emerald framed in gold, it will balance passions, get rid of painful thoughts, improve mood, maximize creativity, get rid of stinginess, give hope, healthy optimism and faith in better life. Green color mineral has a beneficial effect if you look at it long time without looking up.

It is considered optimal to purchase talismans and amulets yourself. You should not trust minerals given or inherited. They can be used, but only as decoration, and in no case during difficult moments in life. It is believed that if you take a stone received from your ancestors as an amulet, this will mean trying on their fate, such an owner will wear the mistakes of others. Those given as gifts cannot always provide the necessary support, since the hidden thoughts of the donor and what he put into his gift are unknown.

Stones for women

The powerful energy of a natural mineral can influence the life and destiny of Taurus, the most earthly sign of the zodiac, and charming representatives should be careful in choosing jewelry. This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the jewelry or figurine you like; it is simply necessary to use Taurus stones depending on what desire currently prevails most. Stones suitable for Taurus women are varied and different in their strengths and the influence it has.

  • A product with sapphire, in the form of earrings, bracelets, necklaces and other cute trinkets that feminine and charming natures love to adorn themselves with, is ideal for Taurus women.
  • Precious stones for Taurus, such as garnet stone, chalcedony, chrysoprase, opal, onyx, carnelian, are also better to have in the form of jewelry; they can be worn every day or dressed for an occasion, to solve a certain life problem.
  • Semi-precious stones, such as topaz, agate, amethyst, prevent early aging, whiten the skin, promise longevity and good spirits, protect against diseases, charge with optimism, reconcile quarrels, and protect from damage.
  • Pregnant women, mothers and young girls need to have a turquoise amulet for Taurus. This stone, protecting against the evil eye, will give a woman softness, patience, strengthen maternal instincts, help improve health and quickly restore strength for daily worries.
  • For a Taurus woman, an emerald in a gold frame is indispensable - it is one of the most powerful minerals, it brings new impressions, as a symbol of wealth - it strengthens financial position and gives a sense of stability and constancy, which is so necessary for Taurus.

Correctly selected stones according to your zodiac sign will protect you and become excellent life companions. And what stone is most suitable for a Taurus woman at this stage of life will be helped by her innate intuition and passion for beauty.

Stones for men

It's not difficult to find a man for Taurus the right stone, it all depends on what qualities require adjustment. For example, a gold ring with agate, the color of which is preferable to black, will help increase attractiveness, achieve success in business and advance up the career ladder.

Of the precious minerals, it is better to opt for emerald. It will not only protect its owner from financial ruin and add new opportunities for increasing income, improve relationships with partners, bring good luck and fortune in all endeavors, strengthen intuition and add romanticism to the practical guy in family relationships. Talismans made of cacholong and onyx will help a man strengthen his influence on subordinates and people around him, and develop leadership qualities.

Other gems are also suitable: turquoise, aquamarine, bull's eye. They will bring a lot of bright impressions, love into life, cure the most serious illnesses, and relieve excessive emotionality. Which stone suits Taurus men more than others must be determined by him himself. To do this, just take a close look and choose the one that will give you unprecedented strength and you will not be able to take your eyes off.

Video on the topic: Stones of the sign Taurus

Stones that are contraindicated by the sign

Despite the variety of stones that can become a talisman and amulet, there are those that are extremely undesirable to purchase and wear. These mainly include fire minerals such as amber. It is capable of stimulating aggression and inciting often unreasonable conflicts, both in the family and at work. Disappointment, problems and disagreements are hidden in this stone. The degree of harm that it is capable of causing does not weaken even after time.

Minerals water element: Pearls and corals will bring health problems into the life of Taurus, so they should not be used as jewelry. It doesn’t matter what they are framed with. Their color negatively affects peace of mind and provokes aggression.


Many stones are suitable for Taurus, but to choose one that will complement and help in difficult times, give strength for new achievements, relieve stress and get rid of depression, you can hold it in your hands and it will respond with pleasant warmth. And if the decoration is chosen with love and pleases the eye, the strength of the mineral will increase many times over.