Name numerology: calculate for free and find out the meaning of your name online. Numerology: name number and birth number

The name code is perhaps one of the most important characteristics the influence of numbers on us. To calculate it, you must first convert the letters of the name into numbers, and then add them, reducing them to prime number.

1 A AND WITH Kommersant
2 B Y T Y
3 IN TO U b
4 G L F E
5 D M X YU
6 E N C I
8 AND P Sh
1 A J S
2 B K T
3 C L U
4 D M V
5 E N W
6 F O X
7 G P Y
8 H Q Z
9 I R

For example, let’s define the numeric code for the name “Margarita”:
M - 5
A - 1
R - 9
G - 4
A - 1
R - 9
I - 1
T - 2
A - 1

And we get the sum - 5 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 33.

Let's reduce the resulting number to a simple number: 33 = 3 + 3 = 6

So, we learned that the numerical code for the name “Margarita” is 6.

Exactly the same operations are carried out to determine the patronymic code, surname code and the sum of the first name, patronymic and surname.

Name code meaning

The first thing that is important and needs to be known when we talk about names is that most of us have two such names: full and diminutive. Vladimir, as a rule, is called Volodya or Vova by his loved ones, Sergei turns into Seryozha, and Dima can turn out to be either Dmitry or Vadim. A diminutive name brings chaos into our lives, acts as an obstacle to achieving maturity and is not a guide to destiny.

A full personal name connects us with the future. Its numerical code reveals our goal, our independence, our development, the ability to build our destiny according to our own scenario and correct it. Using your full name, we find a thread in the labyrinth of life.

The full name determines the destiny that a person creates. The name gives us the opportunity to become masters of our destiny. If we change our name, we actually change our future, our destiny.

Calculate numerological code:

Name numeric code values:

Let us now assume that everyone around us calls our Margarita by the diminutive name Rita.

We calculate the numeric code of this name:
R - 9
I - 1
T - 2
A - 1
9 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.

Let’s look at how a “person of four” differs from a “person of six” and draw conclusions about what has changed. Very little has changed in this case, and there is no contradiction here. If the diminutive name of Margarita turned out to be the royal name Margot, we would have a completely different picture:
M - 5
A - 1
R - 9
G - 4
0 - 7
5 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 7 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8.

Consequently, if everyone around us called our Margarita the name Margot, which is exotic for Russia, she would rather have her own business than work hard “for a good uncle,” and in any case would be much better financially secure than the girl who is called Margarita or Rita (here the characteristics of the full and diminutive names are much more similar).

In addition, Margot is a rare name for our country, and rare names They give you the opportunity to express yourself, but they don’t give you support, they force you to rely only on yourself. Therefore, the name could help Margot learn to perceive herself as unique phenomenon, value yourself, believe in your exceptional capabilities, provided that Margarita in childhood was more often praised than criticized, and was taught to think that she could do everything.

If our Margarita is shy from birth and not very confident in herself, then the diminutive name Margot will “finish off” her, since she will always attract the attention of others to her, for which she is not ready.

  • Threes feel comfortable next to threes, sixes and nines.
  • “Fours” find friends among “ones” and “twos” and just as easily find mutual language with "sevens" and "eights".
  • “Fives” look for their “twins,” that is, “fives,” and only with them do they share their innermost experiences. The uniqueness of the “fives” is that they manage to find an approach to any person, regardless of their secret number, and therefore many consider themselves their friends.
  • “Sixes” prefer “fives”, but can also accept “threes”, “sixes” and “nines” into the company.
  • “Sevens” are ready to bring only “twos” closer to them.
  • “Eights” prefer similar “Eights” and are great friends with “Fours.”
  • “Nines” put “their own,” that is, “nines,” in first place, and have nothing against communicating with “threes” and “sixes.”
  • Interesting situations arise when you and a work colleague addressed each other by first name and patronymic and got along great, and then switched to being on a first-name basis and started calling each other only by their first names - and suddenly, for no apparent reason, you became friends. In fact, everything is simple: the numerological numerical code of the combination of your names has changed, and this has caused a change in the relationship.

    On this page you can free calculate Name Number And Destiny Number and understand how numerology influences your life.

    Name Number

    Name Number indicates what a person is capable of. The Number of the Name reveals the forms of self-expression to which he resorts due to the development of his inclinations, skill, talents, knowledge, observation, etc. Being Number of Self-Expression, it indicates a person’s vocation - at least, the general orientation of the activity that he should be able to do best.

    Usually relatives and friends call a person simply by name. In some circles they call him by his last name. The full name is recorded in the passport. For numerology, what is important is the “public name” by which strangers know him. Most often, a public name is a first and last name. In Russia, this is the name and patronymic, which are important when establishing working relationships.

    You can calculate both the first name number and the full name number, including last and middle names. Name Number Women in this case can trace how it affected or will affect as a result of marriage and change of surname. Name number

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    - the sum of the numbers of your full birth name - is calculated according to the table: A is 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc. All numbers are added to a simple number (for example, if you get 48, add 4+8=12, then 1+2=3, i.e. your number is 3.) If the number 11 or 22 appears in the intermediate results, it is not add with other numbers.ABINGDEYoAND


    Destiny Number Destiny Number

    Destiny Number is obtained from the summation of all numbers of the date, month and year of birth. In the Western tradition it is called the life path number.

    Destiny Number For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the path number will be 3+(0+4)+(1+9+7+8)=32=3+2=5. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the numbers 11, 22, 33, then they should not be reduced to a single sum, since they are special numbers. Destiny Number shows what your nature is and what abilities you have to directly fulfill your destiny. The Soul Number is under the influence of the Destiny Number. The interaction can be either harmonious or disharmonious. means a life lesson that a person needs to learn; this is the true goal of his current incarnation, the experiences through which he needs to go, as well as the way to seek harmony in relation to other people, phenomena and circumstances. If exceeds the Heart Number, then the lesson will be difficult. This ratio of two numbers implies that a person’s ideals are below the spiritual level intended for him life lesson Hearts, a person is quite idealistic enough to rise above everyday experiences and not be very sensitive to them.

    Calculate Number of Name or Full Name

    Calculate Date of Birth

    Your name: Birthday:
    Your last name: Birth month (date):
    Your middle name: Year of birth (4 digits):
    When all fields are filled in, it will be automatically calculated. Name Number And Destiny Number. Meaning your his numbers you can find out by clicking on your result or using the links below.

    When Destiny Number coincides with Name Number, we can assume that a person is endowed with innate abilities that will allow him to easily learn the lesson of life - in other words, his life path will be fairly even. If the vibration of the Destiny Number is lower in frequency than the Name Number, this indicates that the path of life will run through life circumstances and areas of communication that are limited in social and financial opportunities. On the other hand, if the Destiny Number more numbers

    Destiny Number Name, then circumstances will change in such a way that a person will certainly be able to achieve success in the field where his talents will lead him - of course, if his ideals are lofty and his will is strong enough. The vibrations of the Destiny Number have a kind of attractive force, that is, they attract other people and life circumstances to a person in accordance with the spiritual level of these vibrations and the qualities with which they are associated. more important than And Name Number Soul Number

    Destiny Number. The soul can desire anything, but fate gives only what a person really deserves. It is associated with a person’s past karmas (deeds) and comes into full force after 35 years. It allows us little freedom of action, but it gives us great freedom to reap the fruits of our own actions. Name Number not subject to any external influences. If it's bad, you can't fix it, but you can change the name to

    To partially mitigate the effect of the Number of Destiny, prepare an appropriate talisman and engage in charity work. Then the person will still have to go through what fate has destined for him, but this path will be easier for him.

    Soul Number is the date of birth. According to the Soul Number, you can determine how a person feels in society, whether he needs a partner, what his needs, ambitions and desires are. The calculation uses the same technology of reducing the sum of numbers to a single number.

    (if the number 11 is rolled, it remains that way). In the Vedic tradition, if a person is born 2 hours before sunrise, the previous date is taken into account. more important than The planetary influence on the human soul can be easily understood if you know

    . This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35-40. After 35 years, another number comes into play, which is called the Destiny Number.

    The Soul Number, however, does not lose its importance. Heart Number In order to calculate

    Heart Number , you need to mark the vowels of the name with the corresponding numbers, then reduce them to one number and add them (remember that the numbers 11 and 22 do not add and are written separately). The total amount represents the Heart Number. The Heart Number is an esoteric, subjective and internal number that indicates the vibrations of the innermost Self, individuality, and the “superconscious” mind of the practical psychologist. It expresses ideals, goals, aspirations, spiritual impulses and impulses aimed at

    the most important problems

    being. These are the aspirations and dynamic vibrations of the soul, its ideas about life, its spiritual need to express itself in action and form, and in its own way, in a way that is characteristic of it. Personality Number

    being. These are the aspirations and dynamic vibrations of the soul, its ideas about life, its spiritual need to express itself in action and form, and in its own way, in a way that is characteristic of it. Personality Number is obtained by adding the numbers that correspond to the consonants of the name, after which this sum is reduced to a single digit. symbolizes exoteric, objective vibration. It indicates the external manifestations of individuality - how a person looks in the eyes of others. This is a clear expression of a person’s mental activity - his thoughts, feelings, desires, will and


    . It indicates the activity of the conscious and subconscious mind, the manifestation of individuality, or character, in the behavior and habits of a person. Number Gift of Fate

    Number Gift of Fate is obtained from the last two numbers of the year of birth. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the gift number will be (7+8)=15=1+5=6. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the number 11, then it should not be reduced to a single sum, since it is a special number.

    Number Gift of Fate

    Destiny Number added to Full Name Number is yours Transition Number. This number can be influenced by changing your name, through education, initiation into spiritual practices, marriage, etc.

    If the number of your full name is 2 and the number of your date of birth is 7, then your Transition Number- 9 (2+7). There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the number 11, then it should not be reduced to a single sum, since it is a special number.

    The meaning of numbers in numerology

    The main rule of numerology is: all numbers are good. Each number has different energetic aspects that manifest in people as strong and weak, attractive and disgusting qualities.

    Practice shows that some numbers are good as Soul Numbers, but bad as Destiny Numbers, while for others it’s the other way around. To get accurate information about a person, one number is not enough. Most numerologists claim that it is absolutely necessary to know all your Numbers - all your vibrations.

    As in Western numerology, in the Vedic system of numerology the Name Number is obtained by adding the numerical values ​​of the letters of the full name.
    In most cases, people are known by their first and last names. The numbers obtained for each of these two components of the full name are also important, but the name that is used formally and documented, i.e. full name (full name), priority. Thus, we have three significant numbers:
    - name number,
    - number of surname,
    - full name number (full name).
    The influence of these three numbers manifests itself under three different circumstances. The influence of the number of a name appears whenever that name is used, i.e. a person is called only by his first name, without patronymic and surname. The influence of the surname number manifests itself when a person is called by his surname. And the influence of the number of the full name manifests itself in all other cases. In general, the full name that is used in society, in a passport, on a birth certificate and is the name that symbolizes the numerological Number of the Name.
    Each name contains certain number vibrations so important that it affects the mind and personality of the person who wears it. A name is a way of expression, it is a channel that can be called a channel of life. It enables human activity to manifest itself and leads to success or failure. Any given name contains certain vibrations, such as:
    1) The family name, that is, the surname, carries hereditary traits.
    2) The first name, known as the active name, dominates the person's career.
    3) Passive name, father's or husband's name - appears when only initials are written.
    4) The name of fate is the full name given at birth.
    While the Name Number has a fairly strong influence on personal life, it does not affect more important than And Destiny Number. The Name Number plays a key role in social life person. This is the reason why after the wedding the husband's surname is added to the bride's name. It is believed that adding the family name to the bride's name will create harmony with the husband and the woman will share in the achievements of the entire family's name. But although adding a family name (husband's last name) can indeed achieve a little harmony, such an addition often changes the woman's Name Number to a hostile number, creating problems for her in life. social relations and work. Often a woman’s individual merits are leveled and she falls into mental slavery. Therefore, before carrying out any operations with your full name, you should think everything over carefully, and be sure to consult with a numerologist (especially if your life was wonderful with your old name). Do not give in to pressure from relatives: think about what is more important - to please your dogmatic mother-in-law or to ensure good luck and happiness for yourself in the future. long years. If your husband continues to insist that you take his last name, you should think about whether he has fallen under the influence of demonic entities whispering to him the right way get a new victim. For true love and happy family life, if it is prepared for a couple, it does not matter at all whether the wife takes her husband’s surname or not. The forced addition of someone else's name changes the woman's personality and completely changes the encoding of her bioenergetic matrix.
    Before adding or dropping words or letters from a name, it is necessary to check the future estimated Number of the Name. In some cases, adding may bring good luck, and in others it may not. The number of the name plays a very important role important role in such professions as writer, poet, architect, politician, because the influence of the Name Number of these people (and not the numbers of Fate and Soul) continues to affect even after their death.
    The first letter of the full name is higher value than all the other letters in the name. According to the Indian system, the first letter of the name is associated with the rashi (zodiac sign) or nakshatra (constellation). There are also differences between people who have an even and odd Name Number.
    People with Name Number odd- shy, calm, reserved, with hidden creative potential who needs liberation. Some consider such people strange, others - mysterious: both are explained by shyness. Nevertheless, they persistently achieve their goal.
    People with even Number of the Name - bohemian type, mysterious, gifted to the point of genius, capable of penetrating the meaning of ancient treatises and philosophical works. Possible abilities to study astral forces and control them. In this case, you are equally likely to fall under the influence of both dark and light forces. Often these people are endowed with the flair and talent of a playwright. Actors by nature, they successfully use these abilities. In adulthood, they tend to commercialize their activities. This is the type of people with a mathematical mind and aptitude for the exact sciences. They overcome and create difficulties for themselves with the same ease. It is often difficult for others to understand such people, but they respect them for their mental abilities. Sometimes they can become the founders of new areas of alternative medicine.
    A person's name gives off certain vibrations. It is necessary that the vibrations of the birthday (Soul Number) and the vibrations of the name be in harmony. To achieve a harmonious correspondence with the Soul Number or Destiny Number, the Name Number can be changed. Harmony between the Name Number and the Soul Number creates a good environment for friendships and social relationships. The one whose Name and Destiny Numbers are in harmony will be remembered after death. The Name Number creates vibrations by which a person is distinguished from others during his life. In some religions, it is customary to change a person's name upon death in order to evil spirits could not harm the dying person, and so that he could survive.
    People who come to see a numerologist often complain about certain delays that are observed in their lives, about the failure to achieve any results. Having examined their cases, the numerologist usually finds that the vibrations emitted by the date of birth (Soul Number) and their names are not in harmony with each other; thus, the total vibrations of their personality lose their strength. In this case, it is necessary to make changes in the name so that its vibrations correspond to the vibrations of the birthday. It turns out that simply replacing the letters in the name itself already leads to the desired results.
    In this section, using the form below, you can calculate your Name Number and compare it with the Soul Number (birthday number) and Destiny Number (birth date number). If, after reading the interpretation of the Number of the Name, it turns out that it is not in bad relations with the Number of the Soul and/or Destiny, then you can continue to use your full name without making any changes to it. But if it turns out that the Name Number is not in harmony with the Soul and/or Destiny Number, then you better think about it and determine what change should be made to achieve the desired harmony. Using this same form, you can gradually check the combination of different names with your patronymic and surname and carefully see whether the digital value of the new Name Number will be in harmony with your Soul and Destiny Numbers. Once you find suitable option, you should consider officially changing your name, and also repeat your new name up to a thousand times a day or write it on paper for 5-10 minutes. According to Vedic numerologists, then your life will become much easier and more enjoyable!

    In order to find out your Name Number and get its interpretation, enter your first name, patronymic and last name, received by you at birth.
    Please note: this form will Right only names using Russian alphabet(Cyrillic letters must be entered). The result obtained when entering names in transliteration or any foreign languages will not be correct! Letters " D" And " Ë " have different numerical values, so you cannot replace one of these letters with another.

    The name has a huge influence on a person’s life and character from birth. Calculate different meanings You can easily create a name yourself at home.

    Numerical correspondences of letters of the Latin alphabet

    How to analyze a name in numerology

    The meaning of the number of a name in numerology is considered as information about the character, abilities and temperament of a person. Numerological analysis of a name gives answers to the following questions: what abilities do you have, what is your internal motivation and how are you perceived by society.

    It is easy to calculate the name number. Need to be folded numeric values all letters of the full name and reduce them to a single digit number.

    Decoding information is available to everyone; all that remains is to use it competently. We will consider methods for determining a number in three values ​​further.

    The sum of all the numbers of vowels in the full name, surname and patronymic is the number of the soul. The number of the soul is an indicator of a person’s aspirations, true and deep desires: what he wants from life, what he needs to realize in life. To calculate it, you need to add up all the numbers and bring them to an unambiguous form. Digital value letters: a-1; u-1; y-2; y-3; e-4; yu-5; e-6, i-6; е-7; o-7.


    1. One - speaks of leadership qualities, ambition, determination and selfishness. A person with the number 1 will do everything to achieve his goals. He will overcome all obstacles, but will reach his intended heights.
    2. Two are calm, balanced, soft, passive and tactful people. They know how to control emotions and control themselves. They easily find compromises and carry out orders. They do not like to be performers; the role of an adviser suits them.
    3. Three symbolizes people who strive for power and control over people, and also desire universal recognition. They are used to living one day at a time, without long-term goals and plans. They are distinguished by frivolity in life.
    4. Four is a symbol of the four elements and seasons. Such people are distinguished by their balance, prudence, common sense, and hard work. They try to control their emotions and rarely give them free rein, but they like to argue and express their opinions. Born reformers do not recognize rules and regulations. They achieve their goals independently.
    5. Five are eternal students. People who always strive for new knowledge and skills improve themselves and acquire new experience. They love adventure, do not sit still, and are prone to adventures. They don’t think for a long time, they prefer to act immediately. The decision is made quickly. They are cheerful, resourceful and witty.
    6. Six are creative individuals. They love art and romance. Very sociable, kind, honest, loyal and reliable. They do not like noisy companies, preferring to spend time at home. They persistently pursue their goals.
    7. Seven is considered a sacred number. Symbolizes a creative person who has very developed intuition and imagination. Such people are excellent - artists.
    8. Eight is a symbol of material wealth. Eights are usually distrustful, cautious and secretive. But in professional field reach the top in any field of business. They have excellent management skills.
    9. Nine is a symbol of perfection. Capable, successful and highly intelligent individuals. They often underestimate themselves, so it is difficult to find a path in life. They have creative and artistic abilities, as well as enormous physical strength.

    Numerical correspondences of Cyrillic letters

    How to find out your appearance number

    The appearance number is also called the personality number. It indicates the impression a person makes in society.


    1. You need to stand out from the rest. Adding more to your wardrobe bright colors, gracefully emphasize the image with cheerful colors, winning people over.
    2. It is necessary to show your neatness and neatness. Remove unnecessary details from your image, finding a calm and comfortable style. The gentleness of character can be emphasized with appropriate wardrobe elements.
    3. You need to focus on elegance and attractiveness. convert Special attention on the quality of wardrobe items, as well as highlight the image with precious jewelry.
    4. A simple style, expressed in minimalism and practicality, suits you. When choosing clothes for a holiday, you don’t need to wear too fancy things. At a party, you can stand out with a strict and elegant trouser suit.
    5. It is important for such people to follow fashion trends. The appearance should be stylish and modern, but you shouldn’t go to extremes.
    6. Those with this value underestimate their appearance. They need to pay attention to their image and purchase clothes made from quality materials.
    7. You need to focus on elegance, choose your own style and stick to it. The straight style is perfect.
    8. Expensive and high-quality clothes must be in the wardrobe of these people in order for them to look successful.
    9. Particular attention must be paid to posture, and in clothing it is important to maintain a discreet style and avoid black clothes.

    How to calculate the number of an expression

    The number of expression is otherwise called the number of fate or talents. This number indicates a person's innate abilities. You can recognize it by adding up the numbers of all the letters in the last name, first name and patronymic.


    1. Indicates leadership qualities that need to be developed. Such people are born leaders, curators, etc.
    2. You need to develop intellectual abilities. Areas related to mental work are suitable.
    3. You are naturally endowed with creative abilities. You can implement them in music, cinema, literature, drawing, dancing, etc.
    4. These are reliable and responsible people. They are excellent performers, but do not underestimate their leadership abilities. The main thing for them is to see the result of their work.
    5. These people love freedom and independence. They may work under a boss, but they don't enjoy it. They can be travelers, bloggers, entrepreneurs or freelancers.
    6. You are made for family and charity. These are wonderful housewives who love to help other people.
    7. You have been endowed with universal abilities. You can develop in any field of activity.
    8. These people have management skills and the gift of persuasion. Good politicians and leaders.
    9. These are innovators who can change the world for the better. They are generators of ideas in various fields of activity.

    Numbers directly influence the fate of their owner


    Numerological analysis of personality is carried out not only by date of birth. The name also gives answers to questions about what a person’s purpose is, what individual abilities he is endowed with and in what direction he needs to move. Without this, it is impossible to develop harmoniously and self-realize in life.

    As we already wrote in one of our articles, numerology was invented by the ancient Greek mathematician and versatile scientist Pythagoras. Possessing much occult and mystical knowledge, he himself practiced fortune-telling, forming his own club on the island of Croton, where his enthusiastic students and followers came.

    It was Pythagoras who compared the letters with their numerical expression. The scientist believed that not only the date of birth has a huge influence on a person, but also his full name.

    Why did people believe Pythagoras? Yes, because it was amazing person with an amazing destiny. Even when he was in his mother’s womb, a local fortuneteller predicted the birth of a great child who would have extraordinary wisdom and reveal many discoveries to the world. And so it happened. From childhood, Pythagoras was very inquisitive and received an excellent education, because his family came from a noble family of leaders.

    And Pythagoras’s father was engaged in jewelry making. The parents surrounded the little philosopher with love and affection, especially since the child had extraordinary beauty, although he was playful beyond measure.
    However, there was something to love about him - already at the age of 3, the child stood out significantly among his peers not only for his beauty and mischievous character, but also for the art of recitation - already at an early age he memorized the entire Iliad and Odyssey and read them so expressively that everyone admired him.

    The parents hired their son the most outstanding teachers of that time - famous philosophers, sages and priests. The boy also studied music and playing instruments, the art of painting and proper physical development.
    Pythagoras himself was aware of his greatness and tried to stand out among his peers by not cutting his beautiful golden curls, which he wore for a very long time.

    Numerology of the name

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    Since his childhood, Pythagoras strove for science and mysticism, as well as expressing himself through them. Thus, possessing a huge amount of knowledge and wisdom, being an excellent mathematician, he created a whole science that expresses letters with numbers and then deciphers their meaning.

    This science is called numerology.
    Numerologists are sure that if people have same numbers in their code, then their fate and character traits will be to some extent similar.

    Numerology of the last name

    A surname, for example, carries information that came to a person from his family. The name influences his current life; all he has to do is turn all the letters in his first and last name into numbers and calculate the result. Generic information is extremely important in the future life of an individual, because we are all a product of our ancestors and accumulate in ourselves not only their advantages, but also their disadvantages.

    Having identified negative qualities kind, you can begin to eradicate them in yourself, transforming them into virtues, and learn to use them to your advantage. Having received his ancestral information, a person acquires a unique opportunity to draw up a plan to work on his personality and improve his own life, initially directing it in the right direction.

    If an individual takes advantage of this opportunity, he has a chance to achieve high results in life (much higher than his ancestors) and give his children a much more favorable start in life than he himself had.

    Numbers are the basis of the universe

    Numerology of patronymic

    The patronymic shows what generic traits and problems came to you from your father’s side. There is also a huge field for activities to improve your life and future destiny descendants.

    Numbers are the code of the future

    By date

    Pythagoras also understood that the numbers of our birth are not just numbers, they are a special encrypted code by which you can find out almost everything about a person: character, preferences, inclinations, abilities and the entire path of life.
    You just need to add up the numbers of your date of birth and calculate main figure that controls your life.

    For example, you were born on September 18, 1977. We don't add zero.
    We carry out the calculations: 1+8+9+1+9+7+7= 42. Next, we add the two resulting numbers: 4 + 2=6. We get 6 - this is the control number of your life.
    Next, we enter everything into a special square and draw conclusions.

    Numbers are your destiny

    Calculation according to the table

    This table shows the correspondence between letters and numbers when calculating numerical expression last name, first name and patronymic.

    How to calculate?

    Watch the video

    What does it mean?

    Here you can see the interpretation of the resulting numbers for calculating your name:

    It must be said that the formation of a person’s character is also influenced by the environment in which he is brought up. If your number is the number of a born diplomat, and your parents are used to “cutting the truth” to your face, then you will most likely do the same. Don’t be upset, as soon as you change your environment, your innate qualities will fully manifest themselves.

    Many people believe that with the help of knowledge of numerology you can somehow influence fate and events in life. In fact, this is a misconception. Knowing himself, his inclinations and character traits, as well as having the ability to calculate the right time to implement his plans, a person can improve his life by mitigating unpleasant events in it, and become more successful, but this also requires high-quality work on himself.

    In addition, by calculating the numbers that control your destiny, you can obtain information about your family as a whole, about similar character traits and problems in the life of the families of your ancestors over the centuries. Also, based on this knowledge, you can draw up a work plan to cleanse your ancestral karma.
    Sometimes to receive additional information it is required to calculate the number of the week in which the person was born, as well as the number of the apartment where he lives.

    It happens that if an individual’s personal number and the apartment number conflict with each other, then numerologists advise changing their place of residence in order to avoid troubles in life.
    Document codes are also calculated: birth certificate (shows how the child will interact with the outside world before receiving his own passport), international passport (will tell all the information about the trips that a person will make), grade book, diploma (these documents will reveal information about how a person learned and how he related to this process), work book(will give out all the information about the individual’s attitude towards work).