Window decoration in a wooden house: trim. Window trims - stylish ideas for a modern wooden house (105 photos) Arched trims for wooden windows

For a long time served as decoration for houses wooden frames on the windows. Modern technologies allow you to create unique design at home, combining beauty, convenience and the best traditions of Russian architecture.

Choosing wood for platbands

When starting work on creating platbands, you need to decide on the choice of raw materials. The type of wood will depend on the method of carving the platband (overlay or slotted), the desired effect, the texture of the house and the material of the windows:

It is quite simple to make platbands from deciduous trees: aspen, alder and linden (medium soft wood, easy to machine and manually, requires careful impregnation).

Trees such as pine and birch will delight you with their properties (they are resistant to external influences, have high strength and do not require much care).

If your main requirement is durability, then you won’t find better assistants than oak and ash (it’s worth noting that sufficient hardness of the material requires the presence of professional equipment).

Apple tree is well suited for complex decorative details (it has high softness and plasticity).

Tools for making wooden trims

In the manufacture of wooden platbands on our own, you will need tools such as:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • set of chisels;
  • set of knives;
  • sandpaper;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • sanding paper;
  • miter box;
  • milling machine.

Manufacturing of platbands

Many people ask the question “How to make wooden platbands?” To perform quality manufacturing work carved frames the following sequence must be followed:

  • Taking measurements, you need to find out the exact width and height of the window opening.
  • Selection of material, preparation of lumber. The wood must be dried (in order to prevent further deformation) and have suitable thickness for threading (invoice assumes 10 mm, and slotted 30 mm or more).
  • From the side that will be the “wrong side” of the work, a few mm of wood is selected. This will ensure a good fit.
  • The sketch or template is transferred to the surface of the board.
  • After applying the design, the pattern is cut out with a jigsaw and various drills.
  • The resulting holes are carefully processed along the edges with sandpaper or sanding paper.
  • Small parts are attached to the base. This can be done in two ways: construction glue and nails.

Of course, admiring wooden lace, many want to recreate such beauty on the facade of their houses. In order to decide on the desired format, we have selected the most interesting photos wooden platbands. The presented pictures show possible options for decorating your window openings, different kinds threads and fastenings.

It is important! The elements of the design must be laid out along the grain of the wood, otherwise, when drying, the finished part may lose its appearance.

Installation of wooden platbands

High-quality installation is half the work. You can fix carved wooden frames in three ways:

Install on the tenon using special glue. A blind tenon is attached to the wrong side of the part; holes are specially drilled for it in window frame. This method provides a neat appearance finished products and protects the junction of the frame and the casing from unnecessary moisture.

Diverse in ornament and style, platbands on a wooden house will fill it with a special atmosphere. Carved window frames determine the entire appearance of the house and add individuality. You can make them yourself or order them to suit your taste, color and budget.

Photos of wooden platbands

Window trims, despite their simplicity, have great importance in the decorative design of the facade of the house. They not only create a neat look and add an element of individuality to the structure, but also perform the more prosaic task of eliminating the gap between the wall and the window frame. In addition, the platbands must withstand the influence of weather factors without losing their qualities.

The function of window trim and a little history

The architrave was first mentioned as an element of the house back in the 15th century. Nowadays, platbands have somewhat lost their relevance, but their function is still unchanged, regardless of the material of the building and its decoration. Due to design features windows of high-rise buildings and in cases where glazing is used, their presence is inappropriate.

Platbands appeared many years ago

In simple terms, the platband is a wooden frame 30-40 mm wide that frames the window.

The aesthetic function of this part is important, but the main task is to bridge the gap that forms window box and a wall, which increases thermal insulation and protects against the penetration of dust and moisture from the external atmosphere, and also reduces the noise level. In some cases, if there are shutters, they act as a frame.

Types and types of platbands for windows

Their form can be:

  • curly;
  • flat;
  • rounded;
  • convex.

Flat-shaped platbands are characterized by ease of production and low cost. Convex platbands are made using special machines and, in connection with this, the price of products increases significantly. Carved platbands have a large aesthetic value and significant cost.

Platbands are classified according to the installation method:

  • telescopic. They have special projections that fit into the corresponding cavities of the box;
  • invoices.

An important factor when choosing the profile of this window element is the slope, which is performed at the top of the casing. Its purpose is to remove sediment.

Modern materials and requirements for house elements have determined the trends in homeowners' requests. The leaders in popularity are carved platbands made of plastic.

Requirements for platband material

In addition to high aesthetic qualities, the platband must meet practical requirements. Its important qualities are its ability to withstand temperature fluctuations and high humidity. In addition, the material must withstand wind loads.

It is important that the material has sufficient strength and is not subject to chipping and cracking. ABOUT application of MDF or plywood is out of the question. The properties of these materials are such that they are able to absorb moisture, are prone to cracking, and the paint on them peels off over time. All this is a sign of the fragility of products made from these materials.

In this regard, MDF as a platband material can only be used inside a home. The manufacturability of the material determines its simplicity and relatively low cost. In addition, it does not take much time to receive ready-made platbands. Such platbands on the facade will require constant care and additional processing.

Our ancestors have been making frames from wood for many centuries. Oak and beech are the most common types of wood used for this. Pine and birch have found less use for the production of platbands. Wood tends to absorb moisture, so to increase the service life of the product and its appearance, it is necessary to use protective coatings. In addition, over time, wood tends to darken, so restoration of the original shade of the material is required.

When using gypsum as a decorative facade element, they also face the problem of interaction of the material with moisture. When water that penetrates inside the plaster freezes and thaws during temperature fluctuations, such architectural details are destroyed.

There are certain requirements for materials

The use of glass fiber reinforced concrete and polymer concrete makes it possible to avoid negative influence exposure to temperature and moisture. Their use is limited by the significant mass of products. In some cases, when installing such platbands, the increased load on the wall is taken into account and made more powerful.

Polyurethane compares favorably with other platband materials. This is due to the fact that its use does not allow the problems described above, and its characteristics make it possible to create additional thermal insulation. In addition, its weight is comparable to the weight of wood, which facilitates the installation of these facade parts.

How to make stencils for window trim?

Wood selection

Wood for the production of platbands can be used in various options. This may be certain types of it, a combination of rocks by gluing or other connection.

Simple and shaped stencils for window frames are best made from pine.

The production of carved platbands requires that the material be soft. Linden has this quality. The requirements for the material are determined by manual processing of wood.

The choice of wood must be done carefully

Climatic conditions associated with high humidity or significant dryness, as well as significant temperature fluctuations during the day, determine the use of wood with a dense and hard structure. These include oak and birch. Manual processing is difficult, so the use of milling machines is necessary. Such products have a long service life.

Required Tools

Before solving the problem of how to make carved platbands, you need to decide on the tool used for this work. The main tools for this are knives and chisels, various in shape and size.

Tools for work

For self-production For platbands, devices for manual milling, a jigsaw, and a drill are used. A jigsaw is practically indispensable when performing such work, since with its help you can create almost any pattern. In some cases it can be used homemade device, which includes a step-down transformer and nichrome wire.

In addition, you may need to make a tool for filing corners. To make such a device, it is necessary to fasten two wooden slats between three hacksaw blades with small teeth. When using this device, the spikes are filed with one blade, and the eyes of the product with the other.

How to choose patterns for the platband?

Using technology slotted thread assumes that in the best possible way suitable aspen, alder, linden or coniferous species. The thickness of the board should be in the range from 5 to 50 mm. It is necessary that the selected pattern for the platband be clearly distinguished from a distance, and act as a single whole of the architectural ensemble. Therefore, it is not advisable to create an image with a large number of small elements.

Platband options

For a long time, at the top of the casing there has been a kokoshnik with the image of the Sun. If desired, the top of the casing can be extended using tenons as a connection. Towels - this is the name given to the bottom of the platband. The design must include a drainage slope. The bottom strip should be 10 mm thick larger size plank located at the top of the plank. It is important to maintain the unity of style of both parts.

To avoid cracks in the threads, parts should be placed along the grain of the wood. As a rule, ends and openwork bends, which are thin, have significant fragility.

Structural diagrams

The simplest cut can be made by drilling a hole round shape using a drill. That is why it is advisable to choose a pattern with a predominance of round holes. In most cases, the ornament is made up of repeating elements, each of which is made up of holes and cutouts that have a more complex configuration.

Window trim drawings contain the following elements:

  • bottom bar or profiled belt;
  • vertical slats or frame;
  • top bar.

Part names

To obtain a stencil, you need to stretch the pattern along its length. For this purpose, a life-size image is applied to paper. Places that suggest the presence of slots should be highlighted in color. Then, the resulting drawing is pasted onto the workpiece. Using a drill, drill holes of the appropriate diameter. If it is necessary to work with a jigsaw, make small holes where necessary.

Manufacturing window trims


The direction of opening the window must be taken into account. In the case when it opens outward, the platband should be installed at a distance of 30 mm from the window sashes. In addition, the platbands should not become an obstacle to opening the window frame. Other parameters depend on the geometric dimensions of the windows.

On initial stage for the production of platbands, it is necessary to plan a dry board, the dimensions of which are within the range: thickness up to 30 mm and width 75-150 mm. In this case, the width of the platbands should exceed the corresponding size of the window frame by 25-50 mm. For a better fit of the platbands to the wall surface, select a groove or make a gap of no more than 2 mm so that it is at a distance of 10-15 mm from the edge.

When working with a power tool, you should not make excessive efforts, as if helping it. This may cause it to fail. If you encounter difficulties cutting wood, you should pay attention to sharpening the blade. It is recommended to make long cuts using a wide blade.

How to make fastening of carved platbands

Fastening of platband parts is carried out using blind or through tenons. Moreover, it is believed that the use of the first of them is preferable, since there is no need to decorate the places where the connection occurs.

The grooves for the tenons are made by drilling several holes, the depth of which is slightly greater than the tenon. Removing the partitions between the holes is done with a drill designed for metal. The entry of the spike should be tight, however, without the use of force.

The spikes are secured with dowels made of hard wood. It is not advisable to use glue. This is due to the fact that adhesives are not able to work for a long time under the influence of an aggressive atmospheric environment.

Installation of platbands: features

Installation of platbands is carried out without the use of glue using nails. They are driven in at intervals of 400-500 mm so that the head is recessed into the wood. Most often, the platbands are attached tightly to the box. In some cases, an indentation of 5-20 mm is made on the side, which depends on the direction of opening of the valves.

Platband drawing

The window sill board at the window opening and the platband are installed closely. This design allows you to install bedside tables that protect the lower part of the platbands.

Upon completion of installation work, it is necessary to carry out protective treatment platbands. You should also apply paint or varnish, which needs to be renewed from time to time.

Photos of platbands of an interesting design

Beautiful rose frames
Platbands are an important part of the architecture of the house
Beautiful platbands
Original platbands

Platbands are a decorative part of a window or door design, which allows you to transform it and make it original. They have been used since ancient times and still have not lost their relevance. Even if we take the old Russian huts, not one of them could do without a window casing. They complemented the design and created some color. In addition to the frame, the wooden frame looked impeccable. Look at the photo to see this.

What is the advantage of such platbands? What functions do they perform? How to make window frames with your own hands? All this can be found out by reading this article.

Let's start with getting acquainted

These products appeared quite a long time ago, along with glazed windows and mica. Initially, they were intended to cover insulation and windproofing. But decorative items that had patterns and were distinguished by beauty were found among the ancient Celts. But the true dawn of window frames is the period of the revival of Rus', which was marked by the overthrow of the Mongols. Russian woodcarving masters were famous throughout the world. Platbands for windows wooden house photo

But at the same time, window frames were unrecognized by the Bolsheviks, who considered them relics of philistinism and intended to destroy them. Although in our time, such decorative elements, which make it possible to ennoble a home, are being revived. What are they like now? What are their features and pros and cons? Now it is difficult to overestimate the demand for platbands for windows and doors. They allow you to create traditional decor and protect the window structure. Here are the main advantages of the products:

  1. Serve decorative element, decorate the building and visually expand or stretch it.
  2. Complement the architecture of the structure. And it is simply impossible to imagine the Russian style without platbands.
  3. They protect the space between the wall surface and the window opening. With them, dust and humidity are not a problem.
  4. Allows you to reduce heat loss and noise levels.

But, in addition to obvious advantages, window frames in a wooden house also have their disadvantages:

  • tree - beautiful construction material. But, it requires proper processing and protection from external influences;
  • during operation, platbands require regular treatment and maintenance;
  • do not quite fit with metal-plastic windows.

Note! There is an option to combine wood with metal-plastic windows. However, then everything will need to be done in one color so that the window frame looks harmonious.

If we highlight the functions of window frames, then they perform decorative and protective functions. It is noteworthy that there are different types platbands. Let's look at them.

Types of products for wooden windows

Why many people love this or that material is the large number of options that differ from each other in materials, design, price and other parameters. After all, the more choice, the easier it is to choose exactly what everyone likes. Not everyone remembers the era of the Soviet Union, when it was impossible to boast of diversity. Today, users have access to a variety of types of platbands. In fact, they are similar to each other, only they differ in the installation method, material and price.

So, let's start with installation. You can find two types of platbands on sale:

What is the difference? The first option is the simplest and, so to speak, classic. It has been used in construction for a long time. It's quite easy to work with. Installation is carried out on top of the window frame. It will protect the structure from the sun, moisture and dust.

But they consider it more modern telescopic trims. Their installation is carried out in the space between the wall and the window opening. For fixation, additional fastenings in the form of screws and bolts will be required. But thanks to this, the platband is more securely attached to the height and width of the window.

For wooden houses Telescopic platbands are better suited. The advantage is their convenience and reliable protection premises and preventing deformation of the window opening. The catch is that installation requires removal of the window frame. For wooden house this can be problematic. For self-installation It is better to resort to the use of overhead products.

The trim for windows in a wooden house can also vary in material used. Here are the types of products:

Let's start with wooden products. The advantage is their simplicity, versatility and practicality. They can be installed for any interior. You can also make them yourself. Products can be ordinary or carved with patterns. To do this you will have to use templates or stencils. Then a beautiful ornament will decorate the window.

This is the type of platbands that are most amenable to processing. You can use them to make a work of art or just create simple products. This is why designers love them so much that they introduce them into their projects. After all, the same plastic trims cannot be processed in any way. But wood also has some disadvantages. It does not tolerate temperature changes well and high humidity. The structure may change and the casing may become deformed.

The same cannot be said about plastic products for windows. They are also used for wooden houses. The material has many advantages. It is practical, convenient, cheap, lightweight and durable. In production, plastic frames are created in various shapes and colors. One cannot but rejoice in the fact that the surface can imitate natural wood and other materials.

Plastic is less susceptible to deformation and is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Thanks to this, products can last longer than wooden ones. If we talk about installation, then everything is also simple. No additional fasteners are required. The platbands are simply fixed to the built-in elements. Due to this, the front side has no holes or visible marks from nails.

One cannot fail to mention the main disadvantage of plastic. We are talking about artificial components in the composition of the material. If the building is wooden, then few people want to introduce a touch of artificiality into a natural and environmentally friendly house.

And finally, let's look at MDF trim. We can say that MDF products are something in between the first and second options. The MDF board itself is made from waste wood and its residues. This means that the products will be natural. And thanks to the special compositions in the impregnations, the product can last long service and is not afraid of moisture.

As for the disadvantages, one can note one - low strength. Plastic and wooden window frames are much stronger. But everyone decides for themselves which type of platbands to choose for their windows. We need to build on available funds, advantages and disadvantages of the material and personal preferences. But, when your goal is to make window frames with your own hands, then the choice is obvious. You need to stop at a tree. How exactly can you make them? This is what we will consider.

A few points before creation

You need to understand that platbands on windows in a wooden house should not prevent the sashes from opening, at least not less than 90 degrees. As for other parameters, everything is chosen according to personal preference. Fastening occurs using spikes or the half-tree method.

If the design requires it, then top part the platband is further expanded. It is popularly called kokoshnik. To create a specific pattern on it, you need to use templates. With them the work will be done much faster and easier. The lower part is made according to the same principle. Only now it must be made with a bevel so that water flows down it.

Advice! The thickness of the upper and lower parts should be different, namely the upper one is 1 cm thinner.

Small slats are placed on both sides of the opening, which will hide differences in the walls, of course, if there are any. The final fastening is carried out after precise adjustment of the joints. By the way, in the case when the shutters open towards the street, the platbands will have to be mounted 3 cm above the window.

Selecting a pattern for the platband

The first stage of creating platbands with your own hands is choosing their appearance. It directly depends on the pattern of the products. They are the ones who help create that Russian flavor. It is clear that complex and intricate patterns can only be created by qualified craftsmen. But, in our era of accessibility of information and auxiliary tools, everyone can do this. Templates will become indispensable assistants for newbies.

It is noteworthy that now even professionals use templates and stencils, because they do their job perfectly. A stencil or template for the platband consists of several elements:

  1. Bottom bar.
  2. Top bar.
  3. Vertical slats.

In addition, sometimes the template has additional decorative details, such as hangers, flowerpots, etc. Some of the templates can be seen below.

All that remains is to choose best option for yourself and prepare for the next stage.

Creating a Frame

First of all, a frame is created from the prepared elements. Its installation is carried out using spikes fixed in the hole with dowels. To create these spikes, a jigsaw is used, but if you don’t have one, you can use a regular hacksaw with fine teeth. A knife is used to remove sawdust. The frame is the basis of our platbands. Next we will transform it.

Do not forget that the width of the finished casing should allow the doors to open freely. The platband frame is made 2-4 cm larger than the window frame. Now let's talk about making the platband. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

That's all the work. All that remains is to install the platbands. Creation is not as difficult as you might think at first. You just need to make high-quality markings and carefully cut everything along the contours. We invite you to watch a video that will help you create platbands for a wooden house with your own hands.

Mistakes to Avoid

It is impossible not to consider some manufacturing errors that lead to common problems. Here is the list:

I would also like to remind you that before starting a task, it is better to calculate in advance all production costs (time and money). This will show whether it’s worth doing everything yourself. If you do not have the proper skills, it would be easier to buy window casings.

Let's sum it up

Those who own wooden houses have some advantages. One of them is the possibility of creating original Russian design in combination with wooden window frames. These are excellent products that help protect the window structure and make it more attractive. At the same time, everyone has a choice - to make them with their own hands, or spend from 2.5 to 15 thousand on average on ready-made platbands. And to make it easier for you to install them, we have prepared a visual video on this topic.

Installing plastic windows, many do not even suspect that there are special, simple and laconic in appearance, platbands for them. And it is completely in vain - when placing an order for the installation of such window systems, it is quite possible to immediately coordinate the installation of these elements.

However, this is not the only Possible Solution question. Platbands for plastic windows can also be made of wood and decorated with artistic carvings. If you use this option to decorate the front of the house, then the window openings will be framed in the same way as Russian masters of wooden architecture have done for centuries.

There is no need to think that platbands perform exclusively decorative role. In fact, they are quite functional, and are designed to close the gaps between window frame and the wall, which nowadays are most often sealed with polyurethane foam. Platbands protect this filling from negative factors external influence, such as ultra-violet rays, destructive to polyurethane foam, direct contact with moisture, etc.

Platbands and their functions

Briefly, the process of installing a plastic window is as follows:

  • If old windows are installed in the openings, they are dismantled, and the vacated opening is cleaned of insulating materials and contaminants.
  • Then, it is inserted into the opening plastic frame, which is aligned to construction level and is fixed on the walls in several places with special metal elements– anchors or plates (subverses). Double-glazed windows are installed and fixed with special glazing beads.
  • Next, all the gaps left between the frame and the wall are sealed - filled with polyurethane foam, closed with special sealing and hydrophobic tapes, etc.
  • After the foam hardens, its excess is cut off. Then the top is filled with putty and the slopes are installed.
  • And finally, platbands are installed, which close the foam-filled gaps from the outside or inside.

Installing a plastic window yourself is not an easy task.

When installing such a system, it is necessary to provide for many nuances. The process is described in detail in a special publication on our portal.

Standard equipment metal-plastic window with double-glazed windows, as a rule, does not include platbands, especially since these finishing elements are not suitable in all cases. For example, if the windows are deeply recessed into the wall, then you need to choose very narrow trims, or install them around the window opening. Moreover, in the second option they will serve exclusively as a decorative element, therefore they are installed only at will.

However, it should be noted that platbands have their own advantages, which attract many owners of private houses:

  • Neatness and aesthetic appearance of windows.
  • In its own way, there is a certain exclusivity in the design of standard plastic windows, since most owners do not use these elements of facade decoration.
  • And the functionality already mentioned is the protection of the sealed gap from the influence of the external environment.

It should be noted that there are platbands designed for finishing windows and inside. Such products are usually intended only for decorative design, therefore, it is purchased mainly in cases where the interior of the room needs to be maintained in a certain style. For example, such a design is suitable for the “rustic Russian” style or “country” - both of these directions are in Lately are actively coming into fashion.

Varieties of platbands by shape and material of manufacture

Platbands for plastic windows can be various types and profiles, made using a variety of materials:

  • Flat strips made of plastic, aluminum, polyurethane and wood.

The simplest ones are platbands in the form of flat plastic strips

Most often, flat-shaped platbands are used to frame plastic windows, since they are easy to install, create a neat appearance, are easy to clean and have the most affordable price from all existing configurations.

  • Carved platbands, which are made of plastic or natural wood.

This version of the parts is made mainly to order from wood, and therefore is quite expensive. Plastic versions of carved window frames are not easy to find in construction stores, since their mass production is not organized everywhere and is not large enough.

  • Shaped-type platbands can have a smooth semicircular shape or almost flat, but with a relief pattern in the form of stripes of different depths. This type is made from almost all of the listed materials.

  • Profile trims are made of plastic, wood, polyurethane or aluminum. They have a certain cross-sectional shape, sometimes made in a rather intricate configuration.

The peculiarity of profile platbands is their complex cross-sectional shape

Selecting a platband based on material of manufacture

It is important to choose the right platband, which would match in appearance not only the window frame, but also the material of the facade walls or its external decoration.

  • Plastic options have the most affordable price and a very aesthetic appearance, however, they do not have a very long service life.

Typically, all manufacturers have in their product range also platbands of the same color as the profile for the frames. Therefore, when placing an order, you can immediately ask which types of decorative trim can be offered.

As a rule, plastic trims are made in different colors, but the most popular option is White color. After it, “on the popularity ladder” is brown-chocolate, and then other colors follow, which are used much less frequently. Therefore, not all window manufacturers can offer the profile of the desired rare shade.

The color of the frames is usually matched to the shades of the walls or roof of the house, and sometimes the design of the facade is carried out on contrasting principles.

Plastic framing options are produced in sets that are assembled into a single frame on site, or in a finished, solid form, in the likeness of a frame, which can only be secured around the perimeter of the window opening.

There are special plastic profiles for platbands that are mounted on the wall and snapped into place with a special lock connection on slopes installed around the window. This option allows you not only to create a neat frame, but also to securely connect the slopes with the decorative frame of the opening, without any gaps.

  • Platbands made of polyurethane also deserve attention, as they are often used to decorate windows.

Profiles made of this material can have different relief shapes, they are light in weight and can be easily adjusted to size and mounted on a window opening or even directly on a window.

Polyurethane framing options withstand moisture and sun rays, so they will last for a very long time.

This material can be coated with paint, so if you decide to change the facade design, there will be no problems with changing the color of these elements. When painted, polyurethane becomes even more resistant to external influences, acquires an aesthetic appearance and is very easy to clean from dust deposits.

Platbands are also made from polystyrene foam, which usually have additional internal reinforcement. They are somewhat inferior in quality to polyurethane foam, but can also be used for both external and external use. interior decoration window openings with plastic windows.

  • Platbands made of natural wood, subject to good treatment with protective compounds. Such parts, with high-quality performance, have a fairly high cost.

Wooden trim is, of course, a “classic” façade decoration

Wooden frames for plastic windows are perfect for a home with wooden walls or finished with a material that reliably imitates wood. As mentioned above, wooden platbands with figured carvings are most often made by hand and ordered individually for each style of selected facade design.

Wooden options can be painted in various colors, which are selected depending on other shades present in the overall ensemble, so as to achieve harmony with the decoration of the facade and the color background of the roof of the house.

The disadvantage of wooden trims is that they need to be painted much more often than polyurethane ones - paint on wood is more susceptible to fading.

Installation of platbands on windows

Platbands are installed different ways. This depends on both the material of manufacture and the installation location, since the window can be recessed into the wall or be located in the same external plane with it.

  • If the window is recessed into the wall, then they are first installed around it, which will cover unsightly areas of the wall around the frame that can ruin the overall aesthetic appearance.

To do this, a special plastic starting profile is attached to the window frame, into which the slope panel will be inserted.

The figure clearly shows the principle of installing the slope into the starting profile, and then the plastic casing.

To join the platbands at the corners, their edges are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The cuts will turn out neat and accurate if you follow some recommendations:

- sawing should be carried out using a special template - a miter box;

Smooth joints of the platbands at the corners are ensured by using a special device for cutting them - a miter box

— if the miter box is not used, and the casing is sawed off in a horizontal position, then the cut should be made from the outside;

  • If the platbands have special grooves for fastening them to the slopes, then they are simply installed with tenons in them and snapped into place.

Video: example of installation of plastic trims - flashings on a PVC window

  • In the case of fastening the platbands to the wall surface separately from the slopes, the prepared parts are tried on the window opening, and their location is marked on the plane of the wall. After that on reverse side Liquid nails or Moment glue is applied to the trim panels, and the frame is glued along the markings. The joints at the corners are also glued together with glue.

Application " liquid nails» on the back side of the casing

Wooden trims are fixed to the walls using dowels or self-tapping screws. To do this in wooden parts First, through holes are drilled, which are then slightly expanded on the front side so that the head of the fastening element is hidden in the thickness of the wood. Using the markings applied on the wall, a hole is made into which the dowel is installed, and then a self-tapping screw is screwed into it through the platband. The remaining hole in the platband, in which the screw head is “hidden,” is sealed epoxy resin mixed with fine sawdust. This putty will make the installation sites of fasteners almost invisible.

Manufacturing of platbands

Some craftsmen prefer to make carved frames themselves. They are cut out according to a pre-made template, through which the design is transferred to a perfectly processed high-quality board.

You can also make platbands in the form of smooth panels, which will be quite simple to make, but in this case, the board must be even and smooth. It is treated and then with water-repellent compounds. Sometimes the wood is darkened with stain and then coated with a moisture-resistant yacht varnish.

Choosing wood for platbands

Properly selected wood will greatly facilitate and speed up the work on platbands, so the choice of material must be taken seriously.

It would be optimal to choose wood that is easy to process. Thus, linden, alder and aspen are well suited for cutting out complex lace elements of the casing. You should not choose coniferous trees:

- for example, spruce has a large number of knots, which can significantly spoil the design;

— pine is an excessively fragile material that may chip during operation;

— cedar and larch, in principle, are well suited for long-term use of platbands in outdoor conditions, however, they have a very high structural density, so they are difficult to process.

The wood must be moderately dried so that when drying, the finished parts, on which a lot of effort will be spent, do not become deformed or crack.

The thickness of the boards for platbands is selected depending on the height of the relief pattern, and can vary from 10 to 40 mm. Therefore, before buying material, you need to decide on the choice of ornament.

If the relief contains small protruding elements, it is recommended to manufacture and process them separately, and then glue them into the place provided for them.

If the platbands are not intended to be painted, then you need to choose boards with a beautiful textured pattern, without a large number of knots, having an even “healthy” structure of one shade, which will be in perfect harmony with the design of the entire facade.

Platband dimensions

Calculations are made as follows:

  • The height and width of the window opening are measured - these will be the parameters of the internal perimeter of the casing.
  • Then, the width of the platband is measured from the opening line to determine how much it will cover the wall. This is especially important when the window frame is in the same plane as the wall.
  • The height of the platband should be equal to the height of the window opening plus two widths of the platband panel. Thus, the calculation is carried out if the horizontal top and bottom bars of the frame being created will have the same width as the vertical ones. If the horizontal panels are planned to be made wider, then the vertical ones should have a height equal to height window opening plus the width of the upper and lower sides of the casing.
  • The size of the sides of the platband will also depend on what gusset will be chosen, so before you start cutting the board, you need to carefully think through all the nuances.

Manufacturing and processing of wooden platbands

The selected pattern is applied to the prepared boards. As already mentioned, this process is best carried out using a pre-cut stencil.

If you have no experience in cutting out designs, then it is better to choose a design that is not the most complex.

When the drawing is completely transferred to the board, you can start cutting it out. An electric jigsaw is used for work. In each closed section of the drawing, a through hole is drilled with a drill into which a vertical jigsaw file will be inserted, and from this place this fragment of the board will be carefully, slowly cut out.

When cutting out a figured pattern, special care and caution will be required - any awkward movement can ruin the whole work

In addition to a jigsaw, you can use a router for work. It will help smooth out sharp corners in a through drawing, and it is more convenient to cut out some relief elements with this tool.

In order for the pattern on the casing to look aesthetically pleasing and professional, it must be sanded with sandpaper, first with medium grain (140 ÷ 180), and then with fine grain (220 ÷ 400). Processing is carried out manually, and to make it less labor-intensive, you must first work well with a milling machine.

If individual relief parts were made separately, they are secured using wood glue after processing all surfaces. When the glue dries, the entire casing, including all relief elements, is impregnated with antiseptic compounds and also left to dry.

The final stage of work is coating all surfaces with a waterproof protective composition for wood. The most the best option For external parts, yacht varnish will be used. Naturally, if desired or in compliance with the façade color scheme, the trims can be coated with paint of the desired color.

Curly platbands will help to “revive” the look of standard plastic windows

If you want to try your hand at making this façade decorative detail, then it’s best to start by practicing on pieces of board to “get your hands on it.” Then, when it works out, you can go directly to . Detailed instructions can be obtained in a special publication of the portal.

In conclusion, we can summarize that whatever type of platbands is chosen, they will make the appearance of the facade of the house more aesthetically pleasing and neat. In addition, these parts will create additional protection for the gaps between the window frame and the wall that are hermetically sealed with insulation.

Decorating windows with platbands is an ancient practice. Wood carving - at one time, was one of the most popular professions, and now has moved into the category of applied art.

Our ancestors believed that devilry can enter the house through window and door openings. Therefore, the platband served not only as a decorative element, but also as a talisman, and each applied ornament and pattern on the carved platband carried a specific message. Moreover, each region had its own traditions.

The meaning of carved elements on platbands is interesting

  • Wings emphasize strength.
  • The bird is an element that unites all times.
  • The sun represents life and energy (usually located on the kokoshnik).
  • The snake symbolizes wisdom and fertility.
  • The cross demonstrates the owners’ desire for harmony between the material and spiritual.
  • Vegetation shows a sense of unity with nature.
  • Earrings testify to the hospitality of the owners of the house.

Wooden frames are rarely found in cities with multi-storey buildings. But in private construction today they are again in demand, making modern houses more stylish and unique. They emphasize the desire of many to revive traditions in decoration.

Today, window casings perform a completely different function and are made not only from wood. Platbands made of metal, plastic (PVC), plywood, laminated MDF are common. As for the latter, frames made of MDF or plywood are not intended for external framing of windows, only for interior design door and window openings.

It should be noted that the correct name for the external decorative frame of windows is cashing. The platband is installed indoors.

Functional purpose of window frames


  • decorating window openings. For example, a platband can visually lengthen a low house, or expand a narrow one;
  • the opportunity to express your individuality or give your home the style of a certain era or region;
  • emphasize the style of the house and allow you to combine all the buildings on the site into a single architectural ensemble;
  • protecting the gaps between the window and the wall from dust and moisture;
  • reduction of heat loss at the junction of the window frame and the wall;
  • reducing the level of external noise;
  • sometimes they are the only ones possible option registration For example, platbands on the windows of a wooden house or log house can only be made of wood. Otherwise, all the flavor of such a structure will be lost.


Wooden, especially carved platband has a number of disadvantages, or rather features:

  • dependence on atmospheric influences. Frequent temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation, all these factors cause damage to the casing;
  • dependence high-quality processing. Right choice species, careful impregnation of wood, timely replacement of parts, and painting, all this can extend the service life of the product. Otherwise, the wooden frame will soon become unusable;
  • difficulty in combining with modern plastic windows. Wooden frames are not always suitable for plastic windows.

Quite often there are plastic windows framed with wooden frames, as shown in the photo above. A somewhat unfortunate and controversial decision. In such cases, you either need to install wooden double glazed windows(or windows laminated to resemble wood), or paint the trim white.

More harmonious finish- in the photo below.

Types and types of window platbands

The production of window casings depends on the type and method of installation of the casing.

There are simple window trims - flat and standard. More beautiful ones are made using special equipment. The most beautiful window frames are, of course, carved ones.

The manufacturing method and cost of the platband are influenced by the method of their installation:

  • telescopic. Changes in framing to a greater extent doorways. Special L-shaped protrusions of such a casing fit into the grooves of the box. This connection is more complex, but beautiful;
  • invoices. Attached to the window frame using nails or special glue.

It is worth noting that platbands come in a wide variety and are often complemented by shutters.

How to make window trim - choosing material

1. Wood species

To make the casing, it is better to use wood such as beech, oak, birch, linden, alder, pine, walnut or even fruit trees.

The choice of breed will be influenced by the intended method of making the casing.

  • Hardwood frames (beech, oak, ash) are very reliable, but this material is very hard. It takes a lot of effort and time to carve a pattern on them.
  • Platbands made of soft-leaved trees (linden, alder, aspen). Soft material wood, it is a pleasure to work with it. But if not handled correctly, they absorb moisture and quickly become unusable.
  • The best option is deciduous wood (birch) or coniferous wood (pine). Hard enough to be used outdoors, they allow you to make clean cuts.
  • Cherry or apple tree is used to make small decorations that are superimposed on the main pattern.

2. Patterns for window trim - drawings and templates

If it is expected decorative decoration carving, you need to decide on the pattern. Depending on your skills, you can choose a light or very complex ornament for the platbands. Below are some drawings of carved window frames. Templates can be copied in whole or in part, bringing something of your own into the pattern.

Sketches with interesting ornaments and patterns are placed on a separate page, by going to which you can
It also describes how to make stencils for making templates with your own hands.

It is desirable that all windows be decorated with the same frames with the same carvings. Therefore, when choosing a pattern, keep in mind that it will need to be repeated several times. It shouldn't be too pretentious. Especially if you are a beginner. It is better if your pattern contains round holes (they are easy to drill) and large elements. It is worth noting that small elements are not only difficult to manufacture, but also deteriorate faster than others. Therefore, they will require periodic replacement.

Another important point- this is the mandatory presence of a slope at the top of the casing. Otherwise, snow will accumulate on the surface of the tree, which will inevitably lead to its destruction. A slope of a few degrees is easy to do; it will drain water downwards.

3. Tool

  • hacksaw;
  • knives;
  • chisels of several types (clukars, corners, flat, curved, semicircular, caesars);
  • sanding paper;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • milling machine (if available)

4. Patterns for platbands - stencils and sketches

To ensure that the pattern is the same on all windows, it is recommended to make a sketch or stencil.

You need to place the drawing on the workpiece correctly. The elements must be located along the grain of the wood. This will prevent the threads from cracking.

The areas of the pattern where you need to make cuts can be marked with color.

5. Making carved window frames

There are two ways to make wood carving:

  • slotted wood carving. The pattern is cut through the entire frame and, like lace, beautifully and elegantly frames the window opening.

  • applied wood carving. This method is much the easier it is that the work uses a thinner workpiece, which is easier to work with. With the overlay method, individual thread elements are created, which are then put together on a solid board. In this way, you can refine simple window trims.

beauty openwork platband on windows is to use contrast. More often there is a lighter carved element on a dark background.

Do-it-yourself wooden window frames - instructions

  • measurements are taken from the window;
  • All work is performed on dry lumber. The height and width of the board depends on your preferences, but the thickness should be at least 30 mm for slotted threads and at least 10 mm for overhead threads;
  • blanks are cut;
  • from the inside of the clypeus, to a depth of 1-2 mm. wood is selected. Edges are left along the edges. This approach will ensure a tighter fit of the platband to the frame;
  • The pattern applied according to the template is cut out. In this case, holes can be drilled with drills of different diameters, and the slots can be made with a jigsaw. The insertion point for the jigsaw is indicated by a drilled hole. This will make the cut more beautiful;
  • slots and holes are processed with sanding paper. If there are blind holes in the pattern, then wood dust must be removed from them. This is done using a vacuum cleaner.

6. Fastening carved elements

Parts made with applied threads are attached to the wide base of the casing using nails. It is advisable that the nails be without heads. A more reliable connection can be ensured by applying glue to the pattern from the wrong side. Craftsmen advise not to use self-tapping screws for connections, so as not to damage the connection point.

7. Installation of platbands on windows

It is not enough to create a beautiful product. You also need to know how to install platbands on windows correctly.

Correct installation of platbands on windows is the key to their long-term operation and aesthetic appearance. The following methods can be used for fastening:

  • dull thorn. Such spikes are installed in the platband, and holes for them are drilled in the frame. A little glue is applied to the tenon and inserted into the groove. This fastening is the most complex, but it protects the installation site from moisture and does not spoil the appearance of the product;
  • through tenon. Simpler and less reliable way. This system of spikes provides fastening. But, the spike needs to be installed where it will be least noticeable and additionally protected from moisture.

The listed methods are used if platbands are installed on wooden windows.

If it is necessary to install platbands on plastic windows, special glue (liquid nails) is used. This method will ensure that the integrity of the frame is not compromised.

In order for the carved frame to please you for as long as possible, you need to take care of its processing. To do this, the wood is primed, varnished or painted.

Bottom line

The desire to follow the traditions of our ancestors is commendable. The revival of carved art could not come at a better time in the conditions of modern urbanization. The special flavor of Russian carving will not lose its relevance. With some effort, you can make carved wooden frames with your own hands. Yes, the work is difficult and painstaking, but it is worth it. Plus, you can save a decent amount, because... if you order the production of a set of carved frames for one window in a workshop, it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles.

Carved wooden frames for windows - photos with examples

Carved wooden frames for windows - 2 Windows