Description and characteristics of the rhea ostrich. American ostrich Nandu: description of the species

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Ostrich-like birds called rheas live in South America. Scientists claim that the individuals belong to the rhea group. This is one of the most ancient bird species. They received their modern appearance in the process of evolution. Archaeologists attribute the remains of birds to the Paleolithic.

Ostrich rhea

It is believed that rheas descended from individuals that belong to the group of hidden-tailed animals. The tinamu bird is also considered to be a member of this species. She small size, looks like a miniature rhea, and also lives in South America. Nandu looks like an ostrich, which is why it has another name: “American ostrich”. Birds have chosen the lowland areas of Peru, Chile, and Argentina.

They also meet on southern point continent, in the subpolar circle. A small population lives in Germany, on the lands of Lübeck. Several individuals escaped from the farm of a German poultry farmer. They quickly adapted to the conditions of the wild. Currently the herd numbers 200 animals. It is under the supervision of scientists.

Characteristics of the “American Ostrich”

Rheas are large birds, do not have a keel, and cannot fly. They have strong and strong legs. They run fast. These characteristics bring the “American” closer to African ostriches, but there are significant differences between individuals.

  • Males are 140 cm tall, females are shorter.
  • The average weight of a male is 40 kg, a female is 30 kg.
  • Individuals have a long neck covered with small feathers.
  • The plumage on the body is thick, which allows “ostriches” to successfully regulate body temperature. The color is light brown, on the belly the shade is closer to white.
  • The limbs are covered with down. The metatarsus are long, ending in 3 fingers. The fingers have long, powerful claws. Claws are also found at the end of the wings of individuals. This is a powerful weapon against ill-wishers, predatory animals and birds.
  • When running, the South American “ostrich” develops high speed, more than 60 km/h. The wings serve him for balance.
  • The "ostrich" rhea prefers to live near lakes and rivers. He loves water and knows how to swim.
  • On the coast, the herd is looking for food: lush grass, small fish. Individuals can consume small crustaceans.
  • Despite their attachment to water, they can easily do without it. for a long time. This makes them similar to African birds and emu “ostriches”.
  • In nature, birds live in herds of up to 100 birds. During the mating season, the livestock is divided into families: 4-5 females and 1 male. Puberty in females it occurs at 3 years, in males at 4 years.
  • The mating season occurs in the spring. Females set up a nest. Up to 35 eggs are laid in it one by one. Egg weight no more than 600 g.
  • The male incubates the eggs and takes care of the offspring. Females bring him food and protect him from dangers.
  • South American ostrich chicks are born after 42-45 days. Their color is the same as that of an adult, but the quality of the feather is different. The body of the chickens is covered with fluff. Their adult plumage appears closer to one year.

In nature, there are 2 types of rhea, if you do not take into account the German population. Rhea common or northern and Darwinian or southern. Individuals of Darwin's species love mountainous terrain. They can live in the Andes at an altitude of up to 5 thousand m. Birds are able to tolerate critical low temperatures south pole, below -30 C. They are most suitable for breeding at home, but individuals are small in height and weight.

The Indians were the first to domesticate the rhea. They received feathers from the birds, which they used to decorate their outfits, meat, and eggs. The fat was used for medicinal purposes. They lubricated the wounds, which soon healed. The emigrants who settled in America also tamed “ostriches” to protect their homes. Birds were kept instead of dogs.

"Ostriches" rheas that live in wildlife, are not afraid of man. They pose for cameras, but don’t let people get too close. It is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior of birds and the sounds they make. The male makes a guttural cry, similar to the sound of a trumpet, if he wants to show that the territory is occupied. On it there is a population of birds or a family that already has a head.

If the male begins to hiss, stretching his neck, this means that he is ready to attack. It is better not to bring the “ostrich” to such a state. Careless behavior of a person can end in disaster for him. In captivity, rheas quickly get used to people and get along well with their owners.

For breeding birds, it is recommended to purchase adult birds or day-old young animals. Three-year-old females will build a nest and lay eggs. The male will hatch them and at first will take care of the chicks. The farmer needs to provide the livestock with food and create normal conditions for the existence of birds.

A spacious enclosure will be organized for the “ostrich” rhea. There should be at least 5 m2 per individual. Be sure to build a shed with feeders and drinkers. A place to rest is made under the canopy: the platform is covered with a deep bed of hay. Birds will take shelter under the canopy from wind, precipitation and heat.

Rheas do not have fatty glands on their body. Feathers and body always remain unprotected from moisture. When swimming in a river or being exposed to rain and snow, birds become completely wet. Despite good innate immunity, they can catch a cold.

The life expectancy of rheas in nature is no more than 20 years. In captivity they live up to 35 years. This is due to preventive measures against infectious diseases, and in creating favorable conditions for their existence.

IN winter time"ostriches" are placed in poultry houses. The ceiling height is at least 3 m. The room must be constantly ventilated. The slightest content carbon dioxide and ammonia fumes will cause rhinitis and bronchitis in birds. Heating is usually not provided; the walls of the poultry house are insulated.

If you purchase young animals, then for the chicks you need to allocate separate room, in which the temperature is maintained at +24 C. After the chicks adapt to the new place, they can be hatched Fresh air, if the temperature environment not lower than +20 C. After a month they are kept at lower temperatures.

It is not profitable to purchase rhea eggs. For them you will have to additionally buy an incubator. Equipment for chicken or goose eggs is not suitable. The rhea egg size is larger, up to 15 cm in length, up to 7-9 cm in diameter. Required special device for ostrich eggs. Hatchability 80%.

What to feed rhea?

A chick is born weighing 500 g. The amount of feed it will need is 1 kg per day. This volume is kept for 30 days. Subsequently, the amount of feed is increased. The chicks are given combined feeds, the same as for meat chickens: the fraction is large.

  • Already at 2 months, chickens will need more feed. Maintain a ratio of 2.1:1. This means that in order for a chick to gain 1 kg of weight, it needs 2.1 kg of food.
  • At 3 months the ratio is 3:1. The volume is maintained until six months of age.
  • At 7 months – 4:1.
  • At 12 months 5:1.

For the first 3 days, the chickens are not fed. They have enough nutrients, which they obtained by drinking the remaining yolk in an egg. On day 4, the chicks are prescribed a diet. It consists of succulent food, food rich in calcium, vitamins and mineral salts.

Ostrich babies eat the same food as chickens, but the portions are larger. In the first days I give them boiled egg, cottage cheese, yogurt, green grass. All ingredients are crushed, but not brought to too fine a state. From 2 weeks, grains and vegetables begin to be introduced into the diet. From 3 weeks, young animals are given roughage such as hay.

Be sure to add small diameter pebbles. It is recommended to add fishmeal, chalk, and shell as mineral supplements. The mash is made from crushed corn, wheat, oats, and minced fish.

The gastrointestinal tract of adult birds is adapted to roughage and consumption large quantity juicy grass. The individual eats 4 kg of food per day. The volume of mineral supplements is reduced. It is believed that the skeleton in adults has already formed; it is necessary to maintain it in good condition. Otherwise, the ostrich's bones may not be able to withstand much weight and will begin to deform.

More than 10,000 species of birds currently live on our planet. Almost all of them can fly. But there are among them separate group birds, popularly called heavy giants. Not only do they not know how to fly, but they cannot even get off the ground! They don’t even have wings, they’re just decorative appendages. Of course, we are talking about true ostriches and their distant relatives - emu, cassowary and rhea. You can see photos of all these birds in our article. So, today we will tell you about the amazing ones about their records, and also dwell in detail on the ostrich with the charismatic name rhea.

Who are ostriches?

Ostrich (photo 1) - Ornithologists have found that adult males of these giants can grow up to 2.5 meters in height and weigh almost a hundredweight! In addition, when running, adult ostriches can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h and run for about 30 minutes. They have excellent hearing and vision. All these abilities provide ostriches with excellent protection from modern predators. The exception is a person who has learned to deftly hunt these amazing creatures of nature.

Why don't ostriches fly?

According to calculations once presented by physicists, ornithologists came to the conclusion that only those birds whose body weight does not exceed 12 kilograms can move through the air using active flapping flight and relying only on the strength of their own muscles. Larger birds can only glide in the air using updrafts. What can we say about heavy ostriches! These giants existed in the era of dinosaurs, but even then they could not rise into the air.

It is curious that, for example, the South American ostrich called rhea, although it does not fly, is already very close to the very upper limit of the weight range of flying birds. For example, a large rhea weighs 25 kilograms, while its small “colleague” - Darwin’s rhea - does not exceed 15 kilograms at all. Perhaps one day these creatures will soar into the sky. Speaking about the body weight of modern ostriches, one cannot fail to mention their unique rating.

Who is he - the largest ostrich in the world?

This is an African ostrich (photo presented in the article). It is currently the largest and strongest member of the class of birds on Earth. It is recorded that the largest African ostrich reaches a height of 2.7 meters and weighs 130 kilograms. Some ornithologists also mention individuals weighing 150 kilograms. The females of these giants grow only up to 1.9 meters and weigh from 75 to 96 kilograms.

Who is given second place in the ranking of feathered giants?

Do you think this is a rhea ostrich? No! It lives on the island of New Guinea. In terms of the size and weight of its body, it ranks second in the ranking of the largest birds on Earth. His weight is 80 kilograms with a body height of 1.5 meters. It got its name due to the peculiar growth in the form of a helmet on the head.

The largest ostriches. Third place

The third place of honor in the hierarchy of feathered heavyweights is awarded to emus, popular all over the world. These creatures weigh up to 50 kilograms. They can reach up to 1.9 meters in length. Emus live in Australia and belong to the order Cassowaries. Despite their impressive size, these creatures try to avoid densely populated areas, arid zones and dense forests.

Who is this rhea ostrich?

Rheas belong to the family of flightless birds and represent the order Rheaformes. Its homeland is South America. For this, the rhea was nicknamed the South American (or American) ostrich. Rhea is a bird that can be safely dubbed the “double” of the African ostrich! The fact is that outwardly this creature is very similar to those in the world, but the degree of their relationship still causes discussions and scientific disputes among ornithologists.

Where does the rhea live?

They are widespread throughout Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and, of course, Brazil. A separate species of them - Darwin's rhea - is also found in the south of Peru. These creatures mostly prefer open savanna-type areas, for example, the Andean mountain plateaus or the so-called Patagonian lowlands. The northern rhea can also be seen in the lowest areas with a warm climate. Recently, scientists made a whole discovery: Darwin's rhea can live both at altitudes of up to 4.5 kilometers and in the subpolar extreme south South America.

What does the American ostrich eat?

Rheas, like most other ostriches, eat whatever comes under their feet. In other words, these are omnivorous birds. In particular, they eat broad-leaved plants, fruits, seeds, tree rhizomes, insects and even small vertebrates (rodents, frogs). Rheas, like camels, can go without water for a long time. The fact is that they easily fill this need from the food they eat.

Like many other large flightless birds, these creatures regularly ingest gastrolith stones, which help them grind food in their stomachs. There is a popular belief that rheas are fearless destroyers. poisonous snakes. It is worth noting that it is erroneous. Ornithologists have not yet documented a single such case.

Nandu. Lifestyle

As a rule, the South American ostrich is a follower of a diurnal lifestyle. Only extremely hot weather can prevent him from living during the day. At this time, rheas are awake in the evening or night hours. These birds prefer to live in flocks of 10 to 35 individuals. Such a family usually includes several males, several females and young animals. These creatures are polygamous, i.e. During the mating season, one male “serves” several females at once. Females lay their eggs in a common nest. Incubation continues for 6 weeks, after which the ostrich chicks are born.

Why was the ostrich called rhea?

It's all about his unique voice. American ostrich roars large predator, for example, a lion, rather than true bird sounds. Moreover, when this creature bawles, you can clearly hear the word “nan-du”. It was this word that became attached to the name of the ostrich and came into many languages ​​of the world. Ornithologists have noticed that such sounds mainly come from males during the mating season. By the way, rheas can also make other hoarse sounds. They serve as a danger signal and warn relatives. An ostrich may hiss when angry.

Ostriches are still a curiosity on farms. Most ordinary people immediately recognize him from the description, although they have only seen him in the photo. Ostriches are bred for their meat, eggs, feathers and leather. Who is this ostrich? unusual name How does “nandu” differ from domestic birds familiar to the eye?

What does a strange bird look like?

The rhea ostrich is a representative of the family of flightless birds, quite large - up to 1.5 m tall and weighing 35-40 kg. The ostrich's body is completely covered with soft feathers, shaped like a fern. The color of the plumage is inconspicuous, varying from brownish-gray to sand. Discreet camouflage camouflages birds in the grass. A claw grows on the wings, which the bird uses as a weapon for defense. On strong, muscular legs, rheas have three toes ending in sharp claws. Despite such formidable weapons, the birds would prefer to run away rather than get involved in a fight. Weapons will be used only in cases of great danger.

A distinctive feature is large eyes bordered by thick eyelashes. Albinos sometimes appear in the flock; they are distinguished from the rest by their bright blue eyes and light plumage.

During mating games, the ostrich emits a characteristic cry, which is why it got its name. In a situation of great danger, the “Americans” hiss threateningly, like representatives of cats. The hissing has a terrifying effect on enemies. Ostriches warn of danger with loud, hoarse sounds.

The ability to fly was lost in the process of evolution, but this loss is more than compensated by running. The speed of an adult does not exceed 60 km per hour. While running, the ostrich raises both wings to maintain balance. In addition, flightless runners are excellent swimmers even in rough waters.

How do rheas live and where do they live?

Climate preferences. American ostriches do not like heat, so they prefer to be nocturnal. If the weather is cool, then the flock is active during the day. They seek refuge from the heat at bodies of water.

Diet. Rhea ostriches are not picky eaters. They happily eat small animals and insects. Always ready to eat fish. They will not miss the chance to eat juicy grass, fruits and leaves of plants.

Important. Birds easily tolerate the lack of water, because... learned to extract the required amount of moisture from food.

Family arrangement. The flock consists of several groups, which usually contain 6-7 females and 1 male. The male builds a nest within his territory and attracts females with a cry. It scares away opponents with its claws and loud screams. Females move from nest to nest, mate with the host and leave eggs. One single father accumulates 70-80 large eggs.

The male incubates the eggs for a whole month, carefully protecting the nest from predators in anticipation of the chicks. The chicks reach a height of 60 cm already 2 weeks after hatching. By 6 months, the chicks reach the height of their father, and by 2-3 years the adult plumage grows. During this same period, puberty begins.

Important. Rhea ostriches are capable of laying eggs from spring to late autumn.

Neighborhood with other animals. “Runners” calmly react to the proximity of animals of other species, but they carefully guard the boundaries of their own territory. In the wild, the proximity of birds to artiodactyls is beneficial: the delicate sense of smell and acute hearing of herbivores will allow them to smell a predator in time.

Natural enemies remain:

  • puma;
  • jaguar;
  • wild dogs;
  • Human.

Habitats. Initially, ostriches lived in the countries of South America, but over time they developed new territories. In Europe, several birds that escaped from a farm took root, founding a colony, the number of which in 2008 was 100 individuals. Ostriches have become so acclimatized that some farmers associate them with pests and are subject to shooting because... cause damage to pastures.

Representatives of the rhea-shaped order easily get used to humans, therefore they live freely on farms as pets. Ostriches are increasingly being bred on farms in different corners world, so they are not in danger of extinction. The demand for meat, eggs, skin and feathers makes rhea breeding promising direction in the food industry.

Nandu: video

Nandu is separate species ostriches, common in South America. These birds form their own separate family - rheas. Despite the external resemblance to flightless ratites that live in Africa, the relationship with these feathered creatures is currently considered controversial. Some researchers believe that ratites appeared on different continents at the same time. However, given that these birds are not able to fly, most likely their ancestor still had this ability. Due to different habitats, many species of ratites have gone through their own path of development and adaptation to existing conditions, and therefore have a lot of distinctive features.

Rhea is a separate species of ostrich, common in South America.

These birds are significantly smaller in size possible relatives from Africa. The common rhea grows to approximately 1.4 m in height. The weight of an adult bird usually ranges from 30-40 kg. The South American ostrich rhea has quite thick plumage. Not only the body, but also the long neck has such a covering. Like other species of ostriches, rheas have a relatively small head. The eyes are quite large, thanks to which the birds have excellent vision and can notice any approaching predator.

Like other feathered creatures, rheas have a beak. It is pointed and relatively small, so it does not weigh down the head. Since these birds abandoned flight, preferring terrestrial life, in the process of adaptation they acquired long and very strong legs. Thanks to its strong joints, the bird can move quickly even on rocky terrain. To maintain stability, 3 toes are preserved on each foot. The foot of adult individuals is covered with a thick horny covering, which greatly facilitates movement over rough terrain. This South American ostrich can reach speeds of about 60 km/h.

Despite the fact that these birds lost the ability to fly due to their weight, their wings were not reduced. They are actively used when running, which allows the ostrich to better maintain balance. In some cases, the wings spread out like a sail. This allows the ostrich to run faster, using less energy. Quite impressive claws are also hidden under the feathers on the wings, which can be used as weapons when attacking a predator and while searching for food.

Thanks to its strong limbs, the American ostrich can not only run well, but is also an excellent swimmer.

Rhea feathers resemble soft down. Thanks to this, the plumage looks very fluffy. However, even if the ostrich really wants to use its wings to fly, it will not be able to do this, since there are no special hooks that would hold the individual elements together, forming a strong smooth surface There is no feather like other birds. The rhea ostrich has a very specific voice. The singing of these birds cannot be called pleasant. When giving voice, sounds similar to “nan-doo” and wheezing appear.

Snow-white rheas (video)

Gallery: ostrich rhea (25 photos)

Rhea ostrich habitat

These birds are distributed over a fairly wide area. Large populations of them are present in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Some species of ostriches, classified as rheas, are found primarily in southern Peru. Typically, these creatures prefer open savannas and steppe zones. Many species of rhea ostrich graze in the windswept lowlands of Patagonia.

These birds are also fond of the Andean mountain plateaus. The so-called Darwinian rhea can climb to a height of about 4500 m above sea level for grazing. This species is also found in the subpolar extreme south of South America. The northern rhea prefers to settle in lower areas where the air temperature is higher. These birds easily adapt to new conditions, so they can live wherever the areas are rich in food. Rhea ostriches, living in rather difficult conditions of savannas, are omnivores. Their diet includes:

  • broadleaf plants;
  • fruits;
  • seeds;
  • roots;
  • insects;
  • small vertebrates.

It is believed that these birds, when given the opportunity, can kill and eat snakes. For a long time, rheas can do without water, using the amount of liquid that is present in food. Since ostriches, like other birds, do not have teeth, they solve this problem by regularly swallowing small pebbles, which are called gastroliths. They help break down food in the stomach, allowing it to be extracted maximum amount nutrients.

Behavior in nature and reproduction of rhea ostriches

Throughout the year, females try to gather in herds of up to 30 individuals. This allows them to be more protected from possible predators. Males can form small flocks, but usually they lead a solitary lifestyle, defending a separate territory. In some cases, the groups are mixed gender. Rhea-like animals are quite calm about the proximity of ungulates, so they can join their herds. During the breeding season, harems are usually formed in a separate territory, in which there is 1 male for every 3-7 females. This is enough for the birth of offspring.

Over a long period of time, the male must prepare for the upcoming breeding season. He needs to eat a lot. It is the male in the harem who incubates the eggs, so he needs to accumulate large fat reserves. Only after this can he begin to fight for the right to become a father. If the harem chooses a male, he begins to prepare the place where the clutch begins. The eggs of the rhea bird, like those of other species of ostriches, are quite large. The volume of 1 ostrich egg is equivalent to 2-4 dozen chicken eggs.

Considering that they are a tasty dietary product, for many centuries local residents have been stealing them for food and using the shells for crafts.

After the eggs are laid, the male begins to incubate them, covering them with his thick feathers from the hot sun and coolness of the night. A clutch may contain from 15 to 40 eggs. Incubation continues for 6 weeks. After the chicks hatch, their father immediately tries to take them to any source of water. After that he long time stays with the young. He does not need to look for food for the chicks, since from the first days they cope with this task themselves. Thus, the male acts as an accompanying protector from the predator.

Representatives of the opposite sex do not participate in incubation. They continue to feed. They do not participate in further cultivation chicks. Throughout the summer, they try to go out in search of food in the morning and evening, since at noon the air temperature rises to critical levels. In some areas, ostriches become nocturnal.

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Europeans saw it at the very beginning of the 16th century. And the first description of these creatures in literature dates back to 1553, when the Spanish explorer, traveler and priest Pedro Cieza de Leon in the first part of his book “Chronicles of Peru”.

Despite the significant external similarity African ostriches rhea, the degree of their relationship still causes controversy in scientific circles, since in addition to similarities, there are plenty of differences between these birds.

Description and features of the ostrich rhea

Unlike their African relatives, ostrich rhea in the photo - and the television camera reacts quite calmly, does not try to hide or run away. If this one doesn’t like something, then the rhea emits a guttural cry, very reminiscent in sound of the growl of a large predator, such as a lion or puma, and unless you see that this sound is made by an ostrich, it is simply impossible to determine whether it belongs to a bird’s throat.

The bird can also attack someone who comes too close, spreading its wings, each of which has a sharp claw, advancing towards the potential enemy and hissing threateningly.

Sizes of the ostrich rhea much less than . The growth of the largest individuals reaches only one and a half meters. The weight of South American ostriches is also significantly less than that of African beauties. An ordinary rhea weighs 30-40 kg, and the Darwinian rhea weighed even less - 15-20 kg.

According to the descriptions of the first Portuguese and Spanish explorers, these were domesticated by the Indians. Moreover, not only in our usual understanding of poultry.

Rheas not only provided people with meat. Eggs and feathers for making jewelry, they acted as dogs, performing guard and possibly hunting and fishing functions. These birds are excellent swimmers; even wide, fast-flowing rivers do not frighten them.

For some time the population was under threat due to the high popularity of rhea hunting. However, now the situation has improved, and the popularity among owners of ostrich farms is much higher than their African relatives.

Rhea ostrich lifestyle and habitat

They can feast on carrion and the waste of artiodactyls. There is an opinion that rheas are capable of hunting and, when tamed, protecting human habitation from them. But scientific evidence no to this.

Although these birds are excellent swimmers who love to frolic in the water and catch a few fish, they can go without drinking water for quite a long time. Like others, ostriches periodically swallow gastroliths and small pebbles, which help them digest food.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the rhea ostrich

During the mating season, rheas exhibit polygamy. The flock is divided into groups of one male and 4-7 females and retires to its own “secluded” place. Ostrich rhea egg equal to about four dozen chicken eggs, and the shell is so strong that it is used for various crafts that are sold to tourists as souvenirs. According to the records of European researchers, in Indian tribes, the shells of these eggs were used as utensils.

Females lay eggs in a common nest; in general, the clutch contains from 10 to 35 eggs, and the male incubates them. Incubation lasts on average a couple of months, all this time ostrich rhea feeding what his girlfriends bring him. When the chicks hatch, she takes care of them, feeds them and walks them. However, most babies do not live to see a year due to various reasons, not the least of which is hunting.

Although hunting rheas is prohibited in most countries where they live, these bans do not stop poachers. Sexual maturity in females occurs at 2.5-3 years, and in males at 3.5-4. These live on average from 35 to 45 years, with favorable conditions, unlike their African relatives, who live to be 70.

Interesting facts about the ostrich rhea

Speaking about the ostrich rhea, it is impossible not to mention where this came from interesting name this one. During the mating season, these birds exchange calls in which the consonance “nandu” clearly sounds, which first became their nickname, and then official name.

Today science knows two species of these wonderful birds:

  • common or northern rhea, scientific name - Rhea americana;
  • Small rhea or Darwin, scientific name - Rhea pennata.

According to zoological classifications, rheas, like , and emus, are not ostriches. These birds were allocated to a separate order - rheas in 1884, and in 1849 the rhea family was defined, limited to two species of South American ostriches.

The oldest excavated fossils resembling modern rheas are 68 million years old, meaning there is every reason to believe that such birds lived on earth during the Paleocene period and saw dinosaurs.