Main types of human activity: description, features and interesting facts. Interesting facts about working life

You have already talked about everything with your interlocutor and you have nothing left to say or add. Here you need to use preparations to maintain a conversation about work. You just need to voice them when the opportunity arises or use your ingenuity and good memory. A selection of interesting facts and funny stories about work will help you with this.

Well, interesting facts about work from around the world are in front of you:

  • The firm's oldest employee worked in New Jersey. He was over 100 years old and of those years he worked for a shipping company for 85 years and never even thought about quitting.
  • The expression to beat one's head is firmly ingrained in the memory of almost every person, but no one knows the meaning of this expression. Backdoors
    they called blanks for dishes and making them was a very simple task. And so it happened.
  • There is one workaholic in the world, whose name is included in the Guinness Book of Records. It turned out to be a woman who fried French fries without a break for 78 hours and 1 minute.
  • In several English dictionaries there is such a term “McJob” - it characterizes low-paid and low-prestige work with no prospects career growth. The McDonald's company has repeatedly tried to remove this word from dictionaries - but so far without success.
  • There are no guest workers in Japan at all. This is thanks to the law issued there according to which the minimum salary of a foreign worker must exceed the average salary of a Japanese worker.
  • Two English scientists came up with a certain pattern - according to which more successful people Incompetent people become because they always overestimate their strengths and abilities. On the contrary, smart and competent employees constantly doubt their abilities and underestimate their capabilities.
  • When a person types on a keyboard, 56 percent of the work is done by the left hand.
  • According to the conducted sociological surveys Around the world, 78% of people find getting up in the morning the hardest part of their job.
  • In America, psychologists conducted a survey of secretaries, and during the survey it turned out that 91 percent of secretaries would like to have an affair with their boss.
  • In Japan, there is such a job as a toilet guide, and he is a government employee. His job is to help anyone find the nearest toilet. His services cost about 4 cents.
  • The established opinion that the oldest profession is trading in the charms of one’s body is wrong. In fact, the oldest professions in the world were farmers, tailors, and herders.

Well, dilute your conversations about work with high-quality and witty humor:

  • An interesting thing, it turns out that Chukovsky wrote about my work a long time ago: “And such rubbish every day, then a seal calls, then a deer.”
  • Work is a pretty weird place. In the morning you want to eat here, in the afternoon you want to sleep, and all day long you can’t shake the feeling that it’s time to go home.
  • Santa Claus has a work schedule that would make anyone jealous! Days in 364
  • If Russians loved to work, they would not call a switch a switch.
  • - Why did you come to work so late?
    - I left home late
    - So what prevented you from leaving earlier?
    - It was already too late to leave earlier
  • Everyone known fact that 15 percent of people do 85 percent of the work. But recently another circumstance became clear - 85 percent of people believe that they are included in this 15%.
  • I have no fear of losing this job, but I do have a fear of not finding another one.
  • During the interview:
    - I really need this job. I have a wife and seven children at home!
    - What else can you do?
  • The old boss hands over work to the new one and, walking through the office, the new one asks the question:
    - How many people work here?
    - I think 40 percent.

Here sample list to maintain a conversation about work with anyone, but still try to improvise more, add stories from your life, your observations, be more interested in what is happening in the world - and you will not have questions about how to develop and support interesting conversation with your interlocutor.

There are thousands different professions, many of which may seem monotonous, but there are also some in which you definitely won’t be bored. But the most interesting professions in the world are usually not easy to get a job, since the need for such specialists is very limited.

This profession is considered the rarest. The need for it arose in 2009, when one of the travel companies announced the search for an employee who would live on the Australian Hamilton Island in a luxury villa for six months, play golf, swim in the pool and do other pleasant things, while actively blogging with photographs. Casting was carried out around the world, and in the end the job was given to a British social service worker.

The following requirements apply to the caretaker:

  • swim, dive and steer a yacht, while entertainingly talking about all this;
  • feed the fish, clean the pools (in fact, they are equipped with a self-cleaning system, so the worker only has to remove random debris from the surface);
  • official correspondence and communication with international media.

In fact, being in a job that is one of the most interesting professions world, is only twelve hours a month, the rest of the time you can just relax and enjoy nature. The position is suitable for both men and women. By the way, a girl from Russia, who also took part in the casting, could have taken it. The caretaker was given a salary of 110 thousand dollars for six months.

Professional tool this person's glass. He must assess the level of quality of the wine or its components, analyze the taste and smell in comparison with generally accepted standards. Therefore, the main requirement for a taster is an excellent memory for tastes and aromas.

the main objective‒ identify the problems of a particular wine, preferably at the very early stage production

The taster may not understand the rituals of serving wine or its prices, and also, unlike the sommelier, may not think about the origin of the wine, at what temperature it was made and other nuances.

Typically, tasters work at distilleries or wine industry certification bodies. Most best specialist This profession is also well versed in changes in the taste of the drink depending on production technology and the characteristics of human receptors. Usually the taster is a freelancer: he comes, tastes, and then leaves to try somewhere else.

This profession is not taught in educational institutions, but often the confectionery factories themselves organize such courses. And not everyone can pass all the tests and get a job. Those who succeed receive an honorary diploma and an invitation to work at the factory. However, it is possible to graduate from a university related to food production technology, then it will be possible to combine professional knowledge with an innate gift.

The tasting process occurs as follows: the taster examines the pieces of chocolate, analyzes their color and texture, then the aroma and, finally, taste qualities.

It is worth keeping in mind that such an amount of sweets daily causes swipe throughout the body. There is a known case where a man quit due to health problems; in two years he gained 15 kilograms excess weight. The man tried sweets from such famous companies as Mars and Nestle, receiving 30 thousand pounds a year for this. In addition to the sample finished products, his work was related to their coverage in the media mass media.

On average, in one working day you get to try twenty types of chocolate.

This is a person whose responsibilities include testing the software, identifying errors and shortcomings. In other words, a specialist who carries out quality control at the development stage. Similar vacancies exist in many large IT corporations.

The main responsibilities of a tester include:

  • finding and processing bugs and errors while the user is working with the software;
  • development and timely use of automated tests;
  • development of testing algorithms;
  • introducing the found defects into the current documentation, as well as in some cases writing technical documentation to software.

It should be remembered that the tester is not the one who is obliged to find all possible and impossible bugs, but the one who will bring the product to a state that completely suits the user.

Typically, this vacancy is filled by people who are well versed in the device. software and having an analytical mind. Education is not so important in this case; secondary vocational education will be enough. According to statistics, the average salary of such a specialist is 70 thousand rubles, but it varies greatly depending on the region.

In Russia, not a single university teaches this specialty.

It sounds like a joke, but such a profession exists. The fact is that penguins, although very dexterous in the water, are extremely clumsy on land. They waddle slowly on their short legs, and from time to time they roll on the ice on their bellies. It happens that, having raised its head to the noise of a flying helicopter or plane, the penguin simply falls over on its back, losing its balance. They cannot get up, and the poor animals have to either just lie down or somehow roll to the water. Lying on the ice for a long time can freeze a bird to death or be attacked by predators.

That is why at almost all polar stations, both Russian and foreign, there is a position of penguin lifter. As the name suggests, these people watch over a colony of penguins and help them get up if they fall on their backs.

The work seems very simple, but it also has its own nuances. It is necessary to go out to save penguins in any weather, be it a snowstorm or 50-degree frost. However, there are also enough advantages. Penguins quickly get used to humans and soon begin to show tenderness towards them, becoming tame.

To raise an animal, sometimes you have to climb over huge snowdrifts and drown in the snow

This profession is ideal for both girls and men. She also has no age requirements. Currently, the specialty is actively developing. After all, entrepreneurs, politicians and others influential people are forced to very often attend all kinds of events where it is necessary to both look and behave in accordance with the norms of etiquette. To do this, they hire competent specialists who will teach them all the intricacies of behavior in secular society. After all, crimson jackets and gold chains won’t surprise anyone now, business conversation reached a new, more social level.

Knowledge of etiquette is also required for service personnel, for example, maids. Ethics teachers often enter this profession, but there are still very few narrow specialists. But almost any person with a humanitarian mindset, developed social skills, and competent speech and a sociable, friendly disposition.

Etiquette professionals clearly and effectively instruct them in the rules of cultural behavior

This job is perhaps even nicer than the penguin lifter. It exists in China and pays quite well - about thirty thousand dollars a year. Responsibilities - sit all day with the pandas and pay attention to them, play games, share all the sorrows and joys. But not everything is as simple as it sounds: the panda hugger has practically no days off or holidays; he spends more time with his charges than with his family.

The following requirements are imposed on candidates: age from 22 years, basic knowledge about pandas, ability to take photographs and write correctly, willingness to hug pandas around the clock, while recording their behavior and achievements.

Except worthy wages The Center for the Protection and Study of Giant Pandas provides free housing and food for the worker. That's why foreigners who want to visit China are grasping at this vacancy like a straw.

Pandas are an endangered species, there are only about 1,600 of them in the wild, and the same number in zoos, so caring for them is truly an honorable task

Each of us visits various stores or establishments almost every day. You need to buy food, clothing, and household appliances... But it turns out that you can also make money from the shopping process if you become a “mystery shopper.” Of course, company owners can also rely on reviews from ordinary clients, but, as practice shows, the work of a secret shopper is much more effective, since it works according to a predetermined scenario.

Anyone can become a secret shopper. This could be an elderly married couple or a Kamaz driver stopped at a gas station. For most, this is a good additional income.

On the market in this moment There is intense competition and the owner cannot afford to lose a customer. Therefore, the waiter or seller must be competent and polite, and the product itself must be of high quality and adequate in price.

Often, secret shoppers secretly use voice recorders, video and photo cameras. The overall picture is assessed: appearance object, cleanliness, order and comfort, answers from service personnel to questions asked from a special questionnaire, which the mystery shopper will later fill out.

They study the quality of service at a specific location by asking staff questions about products and services.

This is a person who is hired to artificially create the success or failure of a performance or even an individual actor. Often clackers, with their applause or, conversely, hissing, infect the rest of the audience of the performance. This profession has been around for two centuries. It is based on the sociality of people; as a rule, people behave similarly to the behavior of others.

The head of the clackers also had a difficult task: he analyzed which moments of the performance needed to be highlighted and how to do it - with applause, enthusiastic exclamations, whistling or even crying in touching places.

Today, clackers are used not only in theatrical performances, but also in show business and even politics.

Sometimes, when you come to a clinic or other institution, you notice how long the line is there. Few people enjoy endless hours of waiting for an appointment. In this regard, such a profession as a queue waiter, or officially a tramidator, appeared. This person takes the line behind another person and sits in it for as long as necessary. In Russia this is a fairly new service, but in Europe and America it has been known for decades.

To use a tramidator, you need to contact a special company and place an order. A worker will take your turn and call when it's time to come in. The customer can only return and pay the tramidator.

The service is very relevant, which means it has a great future ahead

Interested in football most of our fellow citizens, and each of them loves to discuss this topic and express their opinion about what is right and what is wrong (and how to do it right). But it turns out that there is such a specialty, and they even teach it. For example, at the Cologne sports school. Its graduates become powerful football theorists.

The training lasts for a year, during which they watch various matches, identify and analyze gaming strategies and select the most effective ones. For men, this profession is simply ideal: you watch matches, express your opinion, and show off your knowledge of how to play correctly, perhaps without beer.

A football strategist is not an ordinary fan, but a specialist with a diploma

When looking for a job, many people are faced with the fact that despite the great variety of vacancies, they are all extremely monotonous. In fact, this is quite sad, because it forces us to take a job we don’t like and often spend our whole lives in it. But each of us can make an effort and find interesting work I like every working day to be perceived as a holiday.

It is believed that our heads contain not one, but three different brains.

John Medina is a molecular evolutionary biologist, director of the Center for Brain Research at Seattle Pacific University, and head of the department of bioengineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine. John Medina was recognized three times as the best teacher at US universities.

What you and your children should know about the brain

To improve your mental abilities, move more. Physical activity supplies the brain with blood that delivers glucose for energy consumption and oxygen for cleansing toxic particles. It also stimulates the production of protein, which helps create neural connections.

Full physical exercise twice a week reduces the risk of developing mental disorders by half and reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 60 percent.

2. There are three different brains

It is believed that our head contains not one, but three different brains. The first is the primitive brain, responsible for the natural functioning of the biological organism; the second controls emotions; and a third, located on top of the first two, like thin layer jelly, and makes us highly developed, intelligent beings.

3. We can only focus on one object at a time

The attention centers in the brain can only focus on one object at a time. There is no multitasking for the brain.

We perceive logical connections and abstract concepts more easily than we remember details.

Emotional arousal helps the brain learn.

Listeners may become bored after just ten minutes of a monotonous lecture or presentation, but their attention can be regained with an emotionally evocative hook.

4. Short-term memory: repeat to remember

Memory is characterized by four stages: remembering (or encoding), storing, recalling and forgetting.

Information entering the brain is instantly divided into fragments that are transferred to storage in various areas cerebral cortex. Most events that happen during learning are also remembered in the first few seconds of learning. The more thoroughly we encode information into memory at the very beginning, the better it is remembered.

You can increase the chances of recall by reproducing the conditions under which the information first entered the brain.

5. Improving the reliability of long-term memory

Most information disappears from memory within minutes of perception, but that which survives this period will become consolidated over time.

The brain gives us only an approximate picture of reality, as it mixes new knowledge with memories from the past and stores them as a single whole.

Long-term memory can be made more reliable by introducing new information gradually and repeat at regular intervals.

6. Good dream- good thinking

The brain is constantly in a state of battle between the cells and chemicals that want to send you to sleep and the cells and chemicals that keep you awake.

The activity of brain neurons during sleep is extremely high and rhythmic - perhaps due to the reproduction of information received during the day.

The need for sleep and rest varies among people, but the need for a midday nap is common to everyone.

Lack of sleep negatively affects attention, ability to purposeful activities, working memory, mood, logical thinking and even motor skills.

7. Stress negatively impacts the brain’s ability to learn.

The body's defense system - the release of adrenaline and cortisone - is designed to trigger an immediate reaction to a serious but short-term threat to life. Chronic stress, such as an unfavorable home environment, has a devastating effect on a system designed for short-term response.

With chronic stress, adrenaline leads to the formation of scars in blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, and cortisone destroys cells in the hippocampus, harming the ability to learn and remember.

Most severe stress causes a feeling of lack of control over the situation, that is, a feeling of helplessness.

Nervous stress impairs children's learning ability and reduces the productivity of employees.

8. Sensory Integration: Engage More Senses

We perceive information about an event using our senses, translate it into electrical signals that are sent to certain parts of the brain so that it reconstructs the overall picture piece by piece.

When deciding how to combine signals, the brain relies partly on previous experience, so two people perceive the same event differently.

Our senses work together - vision affects hearing, for example, etc. - therefore, we learn better when several senses are stimulated at the same time.

Smell has the ability to revive memories. This may be because olfactory signals (nerve impulses) are analyzed in the area of ​​the brain that is involved in the formation of emotions and motivation. And emotions, as we know, are closely related to memory.

9. Vision is more important than other sensory organs

Vision is more important than other senses; it consumes a good half of the brain’s resources.

What we see is what the brain tells us to see, and the accuracy of the reproduced picture is far from 100 percent.

Analysis and processing of visual information occurs in stages. The retina of the eye accumulates light energy into short-term, movie-like information tracks. The visual cortex processes the received signals (some of its areas register movement, others - color, etc.) and combines them into a holistic representation.

Visual information is better remembered and reproduced than printed text or spoken language.

10. Men and women have different brains

Men have one X chromosome, and women have two, despite the fact that one of them is reserve.

Genetically, women are more complex, since active x-chromosomes of cells are a set of maternal and paternal cells. Males receive X chromosomes from their mother, and the y chromosome contains less than 100 genes, while the x chromosome carries about 1,500 genes.

The structure and biochemical composition of the brains of men and women is different - for example, men have a larger amygdala and produce serotonin faster.

Men and women react differently to severe stress: women use the left hemisphere amygdala and remember the details of emotions. Men use the right hemisphere amygdala and perceive the essence of the problem. published

IN modern world available great amount of various specialties, their number is so great that it is hardly possible to count them. It has been noted that every year some specialties lose their relevance and simply disappear, while others, previously unknown, are formed. But the complete database of vacancies in Russia, including in Perm, can be found on the portal
Jobsora Perm. Believe me, with this service you will definitely be able to choose for yourself suitable job. And this article contains the most interesting points, one way or another, related to work issues.

1. England (18th century) - in order to attract hermits to the work process and interest them as much as possible, they initiated the construction of huts.

2. A low-paying and low-prestige profession is called a “McJob.”

3. New Jersey - it was there that there was an employee who managed not only to live to be 100 years old, but also to continue to fulfill his professional duties at this age!

4. Belgium - the longest working day was recorded for a resident of this state. For 78 hours straight, the woman fried the well-known French fries!

5. It has been noted that most citizens spend almost 50% of their lives implementing labor activity.

6. Ronald Reagan (America) - known for the fact that before taking the post of President, he worked for some time as a rescuer. He has 70 saved lives to his credit.

7. Antarctica - only there you can find such a specialty as a penguin lifter! The duties of such a person include the timely raising of animals, which, due to their curiosity, periodically end up on their backs.

8. Todd Gordon (USA) is the only person in the world whose profession is to work with a smile.

9. Japan - residents of this country spend 60% of their time in offices.

10. Career turns out to be a priority for 2/3 of the representatives of the fair half of humanity - there is no question of children.

11. According to the survey, women sincerely believe that they cope with their responsibilities many times more effectively than their male colleagues.

12. Britain - stylists in beauty salons there use bull sperm in their practice, considering it the best air conditioner for hair.

13. Monday is a hard day, as almost everyone on the planet believes.

14. A study conducted by employees of one university showed that the internal climate has a significant impact on the performance of the team.

15. According to the great scientists from Britain, those employees whose workplace located as close to the window as possible, they work much more efficiently.

16. Portugal - this is where the largest number of women have been recorded who have achieved incredible success in their work.

17. Flight into space is recognized as the most difficult and dangerous work activity.

18. Coca-Cola manufacturing plant - its staff members do not have the right to divulge the secret of preparing the drink.

19. For some reason, many scientists came to the conclusion that increasing wages for employees should be carried out only on Wednesday, and not on any other day.

20. Microsoft company - at the beginning of its journey (first year), its income was only 16,000 thousand dollars.

21. India - famous for its restaurant, built on the territory of a former cemetery. Before serving a visitor, waiters are required to bow to the deceased.

22. Restaurant “Dick’s Last Resort” - if a visitor needs napkins, he must give something to the service staff.

23. The NIKE company bought the rights to this logo from its creator for only $35.

24. It has been proven that every day about 60 people become millionaires.

According to recent data, three-quarters of Japanese spend 60% of their time in the office. Two thirds of working Japanese deliberately refuse days off and only 5% go on vacation. This top ten contains something about our work.

10th place: The oldest company currently operating - it has existed since 1189. The FeverHam Oysters Fishery Co. grows oysters. It's open Joint-Stock Company, you too can buy a share and become a co-owner of this company.

9th place: The largest bureau in the world. Now it no longer exists. WTC in New York employed 65,000 people at any one time. Together with company visitors and tourists, 150,000 people visited the World Trade Center daily.

8th place: By the way, now the tallest office building is in Europe: the building, 265 meters high, has 65 floors, on which a total of 4 thousand people work.

7th place: The largest store in the world (thank God, nothing has happened to it yet), it is also located in New York, this is Macy's department store. It employs 12 thousand people, retail space occupies 200 thousand square meters. meters, and customers are offered 400 thousand different products. Macy's annual turnover reaches one billion dollars.

6th place: The world's oldest stock exchange. It is located in the Belgian city of Bruzz and was founded in the 13th century. A stock exchange is a place where merchants meet to make deals. The word "exchange" comes from the Greek birsa, which means "bag of money." The family coat of arms of the founders of all exchanges, the merchants Van der Brutse, depicts three wallets.

5th place: The oldest employee of the company. He worked for the New Jersey Steamship Company and celebrated his centenary in '86. But he never thought about retiring! Just like 85 years ago, he came to work in his office every morning.

4th place: The oldest mental worker, professor. At the age of 107, Friedrich Wilhelm von Rauchhaupt was included as an adjunct professor in the lecture schedule of the University of Heidelberg. Mr. Rauchhapt's specialization is foreign law and comparative law, in particular legal aspects related to the use of space (for example, who owns the minerals on the Moon).

3rd place: The most diligent secretary in the world. He works in an Indian factory that makes typewriters. Once Mr. AnbKhavane spent a little over five days at the typewriter. During this time, he typed 800,000 letters, that is, he made approximately 2 key strokes per second.

2nd place: The longest working day in the world. A housewife from Belgium ended up in the KRG after standing at a hot stove for 78 hours and 1 minute, without breaks, frying French fries. By the way, French fries were invented in Belgium, and to this day the Belgians consume them more than anyone else in the world.

1st place: The most unusual profession in the world. American Todd Gordon works with a pretty smile. Nobody can explain why. But advertisers have discovered that Gordon's smile increases the impact of any advertisement. Now for one smile in one commercial Gordon receives 4 thousand dollars.