Feng Shui Basics. Five elements.Bagua

Bagua is an octagon divided into sectors. Its main purpose is to harmonize the surrounding space. Without the use of bagua, according to Feng Shui, it is impossible to determine the exact location of energy zones that affect human life and health.

According to an ancient legend, several thousand years ago it crawled onto the seashore. Her shell was decorated with trigrams arranged in a certain order. An ancient Chinese sage managed to decipher their meanings, and this formed the basis of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Each bagua sector (or area) is responsible for a certain aspect of life - career, fame, love, etc. In the middle of the octagon there is a yin-yang symbol, denoting the masculine and feminine principles.

If objects in space are placed correctly - as the bagua grid advises - qi energy (life force, part of the universal energy) will flow freely. As a result, the atmosphere in the apartment will improve, the health of those living there will become stronger, and material wealth will increase.

Each of the bagua areas has its own trigram (in other words, a symbol of the elements: water, fire, wood, metal and earth). Actually, this is where the name comes from: “bagua” is translated from Chinese as ‘eight trigrams’.

And also each bagua sector has its own gua number. It can be calculated by year of birth. The last two are added until a single digit number is obtained. For example, the year of birth is 1979. Adding 7 and 9, we get 16. Then adding 1 and 6, the result is 7.

  • men should subtract the resulting number from 10;
  • a boy born after 2000 needs to subtract the resulting value from 9;
  • is the resulting value from 9;
  • the woman must add 5 to the resulting number;
  • a girl born after 2000 needs to add 6 to the number.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

An important point to note is that there is no number of gua equal to five. If it works, the man should consider two as his gua number, and the woman should consider eight as his gua number.

By determining the gua number, you can find out favorable directions for yourself, this will help attract good luck and prosperity.

How to find zones in an apartment using the bagua grid?

If you combine the bagua grid with the home plan, you can determine the location of each of the sectors, and then harmonize these zones, thus enhancing the circulation of positive energies.

The action plan will be as follows:

  1. Make a plan of the apartment and designate the conditional center.
  2. Stand in the center and use a compass to determine the location of the cardinal points.
  3. Transfer the data to the plan, indicating the cardinal directions.
  4. Start improving the premises. This is usually done by adding an element corresponding to each of the elements.

Before you start making changes, it is recommended to clean up your apartment and throw out all the trash. Only in a free and clean space will the qi energy work as it should.

Bagua grid diagram for an apartment

Bagua areas

Let's look at the Bagua sectors in detail. After all, each of them contributes to certain successes.


The north is responsible for career growth and professional success. Element: water. Activating element: metal. Sector colors: blue, silver, blue, black.

If you are sitting in one place and there is no forward movement, then it is simply necessary to activate this zone. An aquarium, a small fountain or just an image of a waterfall will help you. It is also in this sector that it is recommended to organize a workplace: install a computer, telephone and other attributes of the professional sphere.

Products made of metal, especially those with a rounded, streamlined shape, without sharp corners, will take root well in the quarry area. It is unacceptable to place standing water here (for example, a painting with a swamp). Career energy should literally flow!

Wisdom and knowledge

The zone of new knowledge, wisdom, and study is located in the northeast. Element: earth. Element: fire. Colors: orange, beige, brown, sand, yellow, terracotta.

Activation of the zone will be facilitated by placing a figurine of an owl, a snake, an artificial lotus or a crystal pyramid in it. Ceramics, porcelain, glass also activate this zone well. But wood or metal will weaken it.

Here you can place your home library. A globe or world map will perfectly complement the interior and enhance energy flows.


Direction - east. Element: water. Element: wood. Colors: blue, light green, light blue, black, green.

You can activate the zone by placing pots of flowers in it. Family photographs will be very useful here, with the exception of those that depict deceased relatives. It is quite appropriate to install an aquarium in this area. You can add decorative figures of turtles and cranes.


This sector corresponds to the southeast. Element: water. Element: wood. Colors: purple, green, dark blue, light blue.

By activating the wealth sector, you can achieve material well-being and prosperity. A figurine of a three-legged toad, images of falling water, fountains or an aquarium are suitable for activation. It is unacceptable to place dried flowers or standing water in this sector!

There is a strict taboo on metal products and furniture in this place.


The south is responsible for fame, universal recognition and career growth. Element: wood. Element: fire. Colors: green, orange, red, yellow.

Your awards, cups, diplomas, and photographs of idols are ideal for this zone. Figurines of a horse or peacock will improve the circulation of energy. It is also recommended to install a fireplace in this sector. Or at least just add an image of fire.

The image of a phoenix, a mystical bird that burns itself and is reborn from the ashes, is very helpful in activating the zone. The pyramid is a symbol of success and prosperity, which means it is also perfect for this area.

Love and marriage

Direction - southwest. Element: earth. Element: fire. Colors: red, pink, orange, sand, terracotta, brown.

Here you can add elements symbolizing family happiness: wedding rings, a couple of lovebirds, etc. It is also appropriate to place wedding photographs in this area.

Wooden attributes: furniture, figurines, toys should not be left here. This will prevent the activation of the necessary energies. But scented candles in delicate shades are exactly what you need! They will create comfort and a romantic mood. What else is needed to activate the love zone!

Children and creativity

Western direction. Element: metal. Element: earth. Colors: gray, white, silver, golden, brown, yellow.

You can place children's photos and toys here. It would be great to set up a workshop or a corner for creativity in this sector. You can decorate your space with ceramics, crystal and porcelain trinkets.

To activate the zone, you can use “wind music”. Pomegranate is a symbol of the children's zone. His image will obviously not be superfluous when decorating the space.

Helpers and travel

Direction - northwest. Element: metal. Element: earth. Colors: peach, terracotta, beige, golden, silver, gray.

It is appropriate to place figures made of wood, clay, crystal and porcelain here. You can place portraits of mentors, images of countries or cities you would like to visit, add affirmations and affirmative statements about success. To enhance energies, a figurine of a dolphin or a horseshoe is ideal.

Fountains and aquariums have no place in this area: water will weaken the effects of the elements, and fire will burn them to the ground. But or “wind chimes” with metal tubes will work perfectly.


The Bagua center is responsible for health. Element: wood. Element: water. Colors: blue, blue, green, light green, black.

If there is no sector in the apartment

It happens that when the bagua grid is applied to the apartment plan, some of the sectors do not appear in the apartment. Or, for example, a studio apartment: in it the living room is combined with both the bedroom and the kitchen. What to do in this case?

There are, in fact, two options: either imitate the missing zones using mirrors, or zone the apartment space using partitions, bookshelves, etc.

In fact, missing areas are not as critical as clutter and clutter. Broken things, broken and glued cups, old clothes must be parted with immediately and without regret.


Feng Shui helps you learn to live in harmony with the world. By learning the basics of this ancient teaching and applying them in practice, you can learn to attract positive energies and achieve success in any area of ​​interest.

Correct determination of zones according to the Bagua grid will help each family balance the energy in the house and direct it in the right direction. With the help of such zoning it is possible to achieve the correct distribution of positive energy and reduce the negative impact on each family member. In addition, with the help of knowledge of Bagua, you can improve your financial situation, career, family relationships, improve your health, and increase the learning ability of children.

The result will not take long to arrive! All aspects of life will begin to improve smoothly and imperceptibly: from health and well-being to the long-awaited promotion up the career ladder. Children will begin to study better and please their parents with their achievements, relationships in the family will become softer, peace, tranquility and confidence in the future will become not just some desires, but a reality. It is only important to maintain cleanliness, not to litter the house with unnecessary and unnecessary things, so as not to attract negative energy into your home.

According to Feng Shui, Bagua zones are parts of the room that contain energy that has a beneficial effect on various areas of activity. To identify such zones, a grid presented in the form of an octagon is used.

Meaning and Description of Bagua

The Bagua octagon is used to divide an apartment into zones, in which, when creating comfort, improvements in the corresponding areas of life will begin. Putting zones in order consists of activating them. The 8 trigrams are, as described in the book “Bagua Quan Xue,” one of the fundamental principles of Feng Shui. The grid is divided into 8 parts, corresponding to parts of the world and types of activities:

  1. The southern sector is responsible for fame and success.
  2. The northern sector is a career.
  3. The Western sector is responsible for creative activities and raising children. If you don't have inspiration for creativity, you need to activate this sector. It is also worth paying attention to it if you have problems communicating with children, raising them or conceiving.
  4. The East is the family zone. The sector is responsible for relationships with children, parents and relatives.
  5. The southwest is all about love and romance.
  6. The southeast is material wealth and prosperity.
  7. North-west – travel sector.
  8. The Northeast is responsible for knowledge.

The center is the ninth zone, responsible for your health, well-being, and vital energy.

Bagua (Pa-Kua) - sacred octagon or bagua grid. It is one of the key analytical tools of Feng Shui. Each part of the body must function properly to maintain the harmony of the whole.

If any element is faulty, its neighbors take over its function to temporarily compensate for the deficiency, but it is obvious that if the problem is not eliminated, then over time the balance of the system will be upset.

Bagua will allow you to identify the weaknesses and strengths of your home and create a favorable atmosphere in the house that will contribute to your success.

How to find zones in an apartment using the Bagua grid

To get started you will need:

  • some free time,
  • printed (or drawn) Bagua grid in A4 format,
  • a drawn plan of an apartment/house/room in A4 format (to match our printed grid)
  • compass (or, in the absence of one, observation skills and a couple of windows in the apartment).

As you can see, we don’t need anything supernatural. Once we have prepared everything we need, we begin to determine the cardinal directions. There are just a few ways.

Method No. 1

Pick up a compass and go to the front door of your apartment/house. Stand with your back to it, and face the “insides” of the apartment.

Having taken the desired position, pay attention to the compass: it should lie horizontally on your palm, its red arrow should point north (always!).

There is one little secret: if the front door is iron, then the “compass” measurements may be inaccurate. Yes, this is the effect of iron objects on the compass.

For the accuracy and precision of readings, take measurements from different points in the apartment. It will be more reliable this way.

If the room you are measuring has an iron fireplace, then it is better to move away from it. Here are some simple tips. Once you decide on the cardinal directions, mark them on the apartment/house plan. This way you will understand more about Feng Shui at home/cottage. By the way, it won’t be difficult to find zones this way.

Method No. 2

In the absence of a compass, you can use your powers of observation. Yes, now many masters can throw sticks at us, since “Feng Shui is an exact science, and accordingly, it requires maximum precision in everything.”

Let’s say that this is so, but what can you do if you really want to change your life today, while you have a couple of free minutes, your mood, or even the absence of “extra” people in the house who may not like your desire.

What if you rent an apartment from an elderly woman with an unshakable Orthodox Christian point of view on all events in life? Then what kind of feng shui is there: piss off a brownie, and you’ll also get a broom from the housewife... Therefore, this method is suitable for those who would not like to waste precious minutes looking for a compass in stores.

So, if the apartment has two windows facing opposite sides, then you are incredibly lucky. You will need to pay attention to where the sun rises or sets. If you are lucky enough to see the sunrise from the window, it means that the eastern side is in front of you.

If it's sunset, then it's western. If you don’t see either sunrise or sunset, then watch the windows during the day, from about 13:00 to 15:00. The side that will be most illuminated or even sunlit is the south side. And the one that remains in the shadows and is less bright compared to the other is northern.

If this is not possible, then take a walk early in the morning or evening around the neighborhood. And watch where the sun rises and where it sets. Then there will be no problems with determining north-south. Well, if you still notice the “topographic ignoramus” syndrome, and after determining east-west, it’s difficult for you to immediately mentally remember the location of north-south, then remember the map of the countries of the world, which you once diligently studied at school (in any case In case, you must agree, this is better than running and looking for moss on the trees on the north side).

The West is the USA, the East is China, the North is, roughly speaking, Canada, and the south is, roughly speaking, African countries. Introduced? Now you understand that if you are facing the west (USA), then the east (China) is behind you. Then you will have north (Canada) on your right and south (African continent) on your left. If you happen to be facing east, then the map layout works in a mirror image.

Mentally unfold this map before your eyes, and voila! – you have finally decided on the cardinal directions. All that remains is to transfer them to the home plan.

Determining Bagua directions in the house using a compass (additional recommendations)

Each zone of the Ba Gua grid is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. Therefore, if you combine the house plan with the Feng Shui octagon grid, you can determine the Bagua sectors in a single apartment. This is done in order to harmonize these zones and enhance their positive impact on human life.

The algorithm for determining the Bagua sectors in the house is as follows:

  1. Take a plan of a house or apartment and determine the conditional center in this sketch.
  2. Next, you need to stand in the found center of the apartment and use a compass to determine the direction of the light.
  3. The obtained data should be transferred to a sketch of the house and drawn with arrows in the directions of South, North, West and East. To simplify the task, using a compass it is enough to determine the direction of the North, and then using a protractor to indicate the remaining cardinal directions on the sketch.
  4. Once the Bagua directions have been determined, it is worth starting to analyze the room and improve it from the point of view of Feng Shui. This means that in each zone of the apartment you can introduce an element of influence of one or another element responsible for this sector.

However, you should remember rule No. 1 of Feng Shui: before making adjustments to the Bagua sector, you must throw away all unnecessary trash and keep the entire apartment clean and tidy.

According to ancient Chinese teachings, only regular cleaning and maintaining order will initiate the action of positive Qi energy and help improve the quality of life.

Determining the center and directions of Bagua is very easy to do if the house area is a regular rectangular area. But more often than not, the apartment plan has an irregular, complex shape, where its center is difficult to determine, and some Bagua sectors are completely absent. But it doesn’t matter: the missing Feng Shui zones can be activated in individual rooms. To do this, sketches of individual rooms are drawn and drawn into Bagua zones.

Methods for activating Bagua sectors in an apartment

After clarifying the location of the Bagua map on the apartment plan, you need to start activating the sectors.

If you want recognition in society and appreciation for your activities, activate the southern zone by placing awards and diplomas in it. Element – ​​Fire.

To activate the northern sector of the Bagua map, place white, blue, cyan or black objects in it. Sector element – ​​Water.

Activation of the western sector takes place by placing gray, white, golden or silver-colored things in the zone. Element – ​​Metal.

If you have problems in relationships with loved ones, place green objects in the eastern sector of Bagua. Element – ​​Wood.

If you're single or having problems in your marriage, bring order to the southwest with matching pieces. For activation, for example, paired candles are suitable. Element – ​​Earth.

For financial well-being, free the southeastern zone from unnecessary things and activate it with purple, lilac, and red objects. Element – ​​Wood.

If you have been unable to travel to the seaside or to another country for a long time for various reasons, pay attention to the northeastern zone. Element – ​​Metal. Gray, white, yellow colors will help you solve problems in this area.

If you are experiencing problems in learning, acquiring knowledge, restore order in the northeast. This area is also suitable for yoga and meditation. Element – ​​Earth.

The center responsible for health and well-being should under no circumstances be cluttered or cluttered.

The colors of the Bagua sectors are important and contribute to the emergence of favorable energy. If you make the correct division, stick to the colors and don’t forget about the elements, you will soon notice improvements in the areas of life that you decide to focus on. If you only have your room at your disposal, you can work with it as indicated in the plan for the entire apartment.

The Career and Work sector, as is already known, is located in the North of the house according to the compass. The element of this direction is water, and the activating element is metal. The colors of this zone are blue, white, silver, gray. Here it is appropriate to place an aquarium with fish, paintings with a waterfall, a fountain, as well as a fax, telephone, computer, symbolizing the workplace.

It is prohibited to use the elements of fire, earth and standing water in this sector. For example, paintings with a lake and jugs of water do not need to be kept in this area. Here the water should “spring forth” all the time, symbolizing success.

Northeast, as determined by the compass, symbolizes wisdom. The element is earth, and the element according to Feng Shui is fire. Symbols for this zone are an owl, a crystal pyramid, a snake, a lotus. Colors that enhance the effects of energies are beige, brown, yellow. It is appropriate to place desks here and set up home libraries. It is prohibited to place symbols of water and wood in the northeast.

The eastern sector of the Family is activated by the symbols of water and wood. The colors of this zone are blue and green. This is where you should post family photos where everyone is happy. It is prohibited to post photographs of deceased relatives in the Family sector.

The “money” sector in the southeast is protected by the element of water and the element of wood. This is one of the most important sectors, and by properly activating it, you can significantly improve your financial situation.

The symbols of this zone are aquariums with fish, a three-legged toad, a figurine of Hotei, fountains, paintings with waterfalls. There is a caveat here: paintings with water and other symbols of the water element should not be placed above the bed or in the bedroom. It is better to activate the money zone in other rooms. Dried flowers, standing water, and symbols of metal and earth are prohibited in this zone.

The Glory and Reputation sector is protected by the elements of fire and wood. This zone is responsible for success, popularity, and career advancement. The color of the zone is red and green. Portraits of idols who have achieved success, placement of diplomas, awards, certificates are appropriate here. The figurine of a peacock and a horse activates this zone well. In the Glory zone, a fireplace or a picture with a beautiful burning flame is usually placed.

Western zones in the house according to the compass

The southwestern direction, determined by the compass, patronizes marriage and happy relationships with the opposite sex. The elements of the zone are earth and fire. This sector should contain paired items: wedding rings, an image of a couple in love, your own wedding photographs, figurines of mandarin ducks, doves. Zone colors are pink, red, orange.

West - the sector of Creativity and Children. It is symbolic to place children’s photographs and toys here. In the western sector, it is appropriate to arrange a creative workshop and place a treasure map.

In the northwestern sector, symbolizing mentors, it is good to place icons, paintings with angels, and portraits of patrons. This sector also symbolizes travel. Therefore, for those who dream of visiting distant countries, you can place in this zone images of the places where you dream of going. The color of this zone is gold, beige, gray.

The center of the Bagua octagon symbolizes health. Therefore, in the center of a large living room it is good to place a large beautiful chandelier with a bright glow.

By activating any zone according to Feng Shui, you can achieve significant success in one area or another. However, there is a caveat here: if things are going well in some area, then there is no need to further improve this sector. You need to work only with that direction of Ba Gua that really needs improvement.

Source: 1fenshui.ru

Nine Bagua Zones

Some people want to activate a specific zone, depending on what they want to achieve at the moment, for example, wealth or a successful career.

But all zones are important, as they are interconnected. Weakness in one sector can have a negative impact on other sectors and related aspects of life. For example, career failures can affect your personal life and the destruction of your family.

You receive maximum benefits from Feng Shui when all Bagua directions in your home and workplace are strong and balanced.

If there is one sector that can dominate others, it is the center. He is responsible for your health, and this is the most important thing in life. And if you haven’t decided which sector to start with, then the most reasonable thing would be to start from the center.

Source: pofenshuyu.com

The meaning of trigrams

By superimposing a bagua grid on the plan of your house or apartment, you can assess the energy of a place and identify weaknesses and strengths.

Each trigram has several meanings.

1. Trigram Qian. This is the sector of the head of the family. This is the dragon, the creative spirit that lives in the water or soars in the sky. It gives creativity and strength for resistance. The image is the sky. Symbolizes the Father.

This sector is responsible for assistants and travel, connected with people who help you in life: teachers, mentors, friends and colleagues. It is also associated with travel and with the male half of the family: father, brother or son. Located in the northwest.

2. Trigram Kan. This is the spirit of water. He overcomes obstacles, fills gaps. It gives you the strength to concentrate in a difficult situation and overcome difficulties. The image is water, symbolizing the middle son.

Sector: Career. This area is related to work, profession, employment and income. Located in the north.

3. Trigram Gen. This is the mountain spirit, it helps you evaluate your successes. Her image is a mountain, signifying her youngest son.

Sector: wisdom, knowledge. This direction is associated with self-improvement and intelligence, life experience and spirituality. Located in the northeast.

4. Trigram Zhen. It is the spirit of thunder that inspires, motivates and disrupts the balance. She reveals what was previously hidden. It can awaken dormant energies and give strength to accomplish difficult tasks. Her image is thunder, symbolizing her eldest son.

Sector: family. This direction is connected with your family (with close and distant relatives). Located in the east.

5. Trigram Sun. This is the spirit of wind and wood. Delicate and beautiful, it gives things maturity. She nourishes and supports. Her images are the wind and the tree. Symbolizes the eldest daughter.

Sector: Wealth. This direction is associated with your wealth and symbolizes abundance and prosperity. Located in the southeast.

6. Trigram Li. This is the spirit of fire, light and warmth, the magical power of awareness. It can give strength to understand the meaning of things, to formulate goals. Her image is fire. In the trigram family, it denotes the middle daughter.

Sector: Glory. This direction is related to your fame and reputation, it reflects what others think of you. Also related to how you see your future. Located in the south.

7. Trigram Kun. The image is the earth, which gives birth to all living things; without it nothing can exist. It gives the ability to give shape to things, to bring ideas and images to life. Symbolizes mother.

Sector: love, marriage. This direction is associated with your main partner: husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. In addition, he is associated with the female half of the family - mother, sister, daughter. Located in the southwest.

8. Trigram Dui. This is the spirit of fog from lakes, ponds and swamps. This is the most friendly and open spirit, which is associated with a pleasant pastime and the absence of restrictions. Gives confidence and inspiration, the ability to create a good mood. His image is a lake. Symbolizes the youngest daughter.

Sector: Children, creativity. This direction is associated with children, creative projects, and artistic expression. It also reflects your tendency to communicate. Located in the west.

Sector: Health. The central area is associated with physical health, unity and harmony of all things. It connects and unites all eight external lines.

And in fact: if you don’t have health, then you won’t experience joy from anything else.

Source: magic-pendel.ru

Strengthening Bagua Zones

In modern Feng Shui practice, with the help of the sacred octagon, they try to understand and reveal the energy configurations that are inherent in an office, apartment or home. Each side of the octagon is equally important, all sides interact with each other and also depend on each other. If one aspect is weakened, for example, health, it has a negative impact on other aspects of life (other aspects), in particular, on career.

In the most ideal scenario, absolutely all directions of Bagua should be balanced and equally strong. Therefore, you should not strengthen only one zone, for example, the travel zone - this will immediately negatively affect other areas. you can start traveling actively, but you will lose money and health, and family relationships will deteriorate.

To begin to actively influence various areas of your life, you must first of all apply a magic octagon to the plan of your room, apartment or room, and the location of the front door should coincide with the career area. After this, you can accurately determine where each Bagua sector is located and what it means. To understand how to activate each of the areas of the room to achieve your goals, you need to learn more about each of the eight sides.

Career area in the house

The quarry area faces north. The success of private, public or professional activities is directly related to the career zone. How your relationship with your superiors and subordinates will develop and how fast your career advancement will be will depend on her activity.

The career area will be an ideal place to place a study, office or hallway. It must be activated if things in the service are not going very well, if there are conflicts with the boss or subordinates.

In the career area you can put a phone, computer or any other item that is related to your work.

The means of activating this zone may be non-traditional. The most important thing is that it reminds you of the goal you decided to strive for, the successes achieved or moments of glory. An athlete in this sector can place his awards, which are received for victories in sports competitions.

Marriage area in the house

The marriage zone is directed to the southwest. The energy potential of this zone is directly associated with any personal relationships. You definitely need to attract positive energy to this sector if you need help or support for an existing relationship.

This sector can be activated with the help of bright lighting or symbols that relate to relationships with others and are evidence of successful cooperation or marriage.

This is a good place to place family photos, wedding candles, and gifts from close friends.

In the marriage zone you need to place only those objects that bring a positive charge of energy. Images or objects that remind you of unrequited love, a traitorous friend, or a failed marriage will reduce the energy potential of this area of ​​your home, bringing you back to past disappointments and failures, preventing productive and friendly communication with loved ones.

Family area in the house

The family zone faces east. The family zone is associated with those people with whom close relationships are maintained. The area of ​​this part of the house should be carefully thought out and organized taking into account the constant attraction of positive energies. Thanks to these measures, you can avoid the emergence of family problems, as well as make new friends and strengthen existing friendships and family ties.

The family area is best for displaying albums of family photos, heirlooms, and items that have belonged to the family over the years.

This way you can constantly feel the influence of positive energy, which originated long before your appearance and has a significant impact on the present. The family zone is also associated with the health of the household. In the event of illness of one of the family members, it is necessary to further activate this sector with the help of crystals, symbols and bright lighting.

Wealth zone in the home

This direction corresponds to the southeast. This zone is associated with material well-being. It symbolizes prosperity and abundance of any kind.

The wealth zone has a direct bearing on everything that can make a person’s life happier, richer and more abundant.

The zone is activated if they want to increase their material income, enter into a profitable contract, maintain wealth or earn more money. To activate this area, you can install a small fountain or an aquarium (preferably with 8 gold and 1 black fish). Such an aquarium will remind the owner of the house of the need to work to achieve financial freedom.

Teachers' area in the house

The direction of this zone is northwest. The teacher zone refers not only to the learning process, but also to the people who can teach you something or provide support. In China, a teacher is a leader or spiritual mentor, assistant, patron who can provide assistance in a particular area of ​​activity.

If you need spiritual help, you can place items in this area that are related to the issues that concern you.

The teachers' zone is also associated with travel, wanderings, trips. If you like to travel, in this area you can place a collection of souvenirs that you brought from your trips, photographs of the places you want to visit.

Children and creativity zone

The direction of this zone is west. This sector is closely intertwined with physical and spiritual creativity, with children and various ways of self-expression. It may reflect your tendency to interact with people. The children's zone is directly related to the future.

It is activated if they want to have a child or achieve success in implementing some idea.

Activating the children's zone can help improve relationships with relatives, cope with problems in raising children, and develop better in various professional areas. If you want to have a child, you can place toys, children's photographs or any other items that are related to children in this area.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge, zone of glory

The direction of this zone is northeast. The sector relates to everything related to life experience, self-improvement, spirituality, clarity of thought, intelligence. This area of ​​the house is ideal for meditation, reading, studying, and obtaining useful information. You can place bookshelves and education diplomas in it.

The fame zone occupies the southern sector and is directly related to reputation and fame. The fame zone reflects what other people think of you.

The direction of the glory zone can be associated with how you see your future life, your future.

This sector is directly related to the determination of all human life goals. If you doubt your abilities, are embarrassed or hesitant to start a new business, or are depressed after a series of failures, then this zone needs to be strengthened. You can attract positive energy with the help of mirrors and portraits of idols. The symbol of this zone is fire. The lighting in this part of the house should be especially bright.

Health zone in the home

This sector is located in the very center of the Bagua octagon. It is associated with physical health, harmony and unity of all things. By activating this zone, you can improve aspects of your life that do not fit into any specific direction.

If the center of the house is neglected or its space is not organized correctly, then disharmony appears in all directions.

You can activate this sector by placing a magic ball, crystal, or crystal chandelier in it. Here you can place a dining room or living room.

1. Start with cleaning.

Heaps of unnecessary, and even worse - broken things, clutter, centuries-old dust, cramped space and darkness directly tell the Universe about your state of depression, lack of initiative, inertia and lack of interest in life. By clearing away the rubble and freeing up your living space for positive change, you must prepare for miracles.

Disorder, clutter and dust with cobwebs symbolize your unsettledness and unpreparedness for happy changes. Basic wet cleaning will help.

First of all, those things or objects that are unpleasant to you, that are associated with negative events or antipathetic people are subject to merciless expulsion. Throw away broken and out-of-use items.

An important point is cleanly washed windows: this is a symbol of your awareness, clarity of perception of the world.

The refrigerator is the personification of your well-being. Therefore, cleanliness and order should reign here - and only fresh fruit.

When attracting love into your life, remember the power of pairings: two red candles, a pair of pink pillows in the bedroom, or a picture of a happily laughing couple.

Money is a very sensitive energy; it loves to be treated with respect. When putting money in your wallet, carefully smooth out the bills and place them in ascending order.

A lot has been said about leaking taps, and yet: until you fix it, no amount of space activation can save you.

Work carefully with your phone book: copy only pleasant and most necessary contacts into a new one. Remember the main rule of Feng Shui: before something new comes, something old must go.

Eliminate overfilled cups and plates - this is a direct allegory of poverty. Your home should broadcast your determination to be a rich and prosperous person into the Universe.

A curious feature of Feng Shui is that even what is hidden works. Therefore, even if your whole house shines, but the cabinets are filled with junk, the chi energy is blocked. We need to clear it out. The same applies to invisible secluded corners - balconies, mezzanines and space under the bed.

Feng Shui speaks to us in the language of symbols. For example, a dinner table covered with medications (even if they're seasonal vitamins) is a direct statement of your willingness to swallow pills. Get a first aid kit and store it in a special place, with a red cross on its lid symbolizing a ban on any illness.

From time to time, take a clean broom and sweep stagnant energy out of the corners like cobwebs - this cleanses and refreshes the home atmosphere.

2. Draw a Bagua Grid

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in our lives is conditionally divided into 9 life categories: wealth, love, family, health, career, success, children and creativity, helpers and travel, as well as wisdom and knowledge. All of them, combined in a special way, form a Bagua grid: correctly superimposed on the home plan, it divides an apartment or house into zones, each of which is responsible for a certain aspect of life. By strengthening one or another zone, you can creatively manage your life.

How to properly apply the Bagua grid

1. Draw a plan of your apartment.

2. The shape of your home can be any: build it up to a square in plan.

3. Draw the diagonals of the square: at their intersection the center of your home will be located. Mark it with a detailed circle.

4. Draw a circle through the corners of the square.

5. Standing in the center of the apartment, use a compass to determine where north is.

6. Fix the cardinal directions in the plan.

7. Divide the circle you drew into equal sectors - in accordance with the cardinal directions.

8. Identify the areas responsible for the most important aspects of your life.

There may be some areas in your home that are very small or non-existent. In this case, feel free to activate them in the main room of your home - for example, in the living room.

If the main area is on the toilet, close the toilet lid and make sure that the room is always thoroughly cleaned.

Put each sector in order: remove rubble, follow the color scheme, try to place pictures, photographs and other feng shui things in each zone.

You don't have to do everything at once. You can do it gradually: one thing a day. Start with the basics: wipe off the dust, eliminate cobwebs, wash the windows, rearrange, throw away or donate everything unused - and then arrange talismans and hang wind chimes.

North Career, life path

Element - Water
Enhances - Metal
Suppresses - Earth
Counteracts - Fire
Drains energy - Wood
Colors - blue, blue, black
Shape - wave
Number -1

Work and career sector. It is activated in order to climb the career ladder, get the desired job, increase earnings, change profession. The fluid and changeable energy of Water brings peace and wealth.

Another purpose of this zone is the life path. To make achieving your goal easy and painless, try to throw away everything unnecessary from the northern sector.

The symbol for this zone is turtle. You can also activate the sector using a mirror, fountain, aquarium, glass and crystal products, images of fish, waterfalls, seascapes and simply wavy lines.

North West - Helpers, mentors, travel
Element - Metal
Enhances - Earth
Suppresses - Fire
Counteracts - Wood
Drains energy - Water
Colors - white/metallic
Shape - circle
Number - b

The northwestern sector primarily affects those who are the boss of the house. It also helps improve relationships with colleagues and managers: proper “strengthening” of this zone helps to gain influential patrons.

In addition, this area is worth paying attention to those who dream of traveling. You can strengthen the sector with the help of metal objects or products of white or “metallic” colors. For example, a wind chime with six steel tubes is perfect.

Northeast - Wisdom, knowledge
Element - Earth
Enhances - Fire
Suppresses - Wood
Counteracts - Water
Drains Energy - Metal
Color - beige and all shades of brown

Number - 8

This is a sector not only for schoolchildren and students, but also for everyone who strives for knowledge and wisdom. But wisdom, in addition to being one of the main virtues, helps to deal with all aspects of life - love and children, money and power, career and creativity.

Various products made of clay, terracotta, porcelain and stone will help to activate the zone.

South - Fame and reputation
Element - Fire
Enhances - Wood
Suppresses - Water
Counteracts - Metal
Drains energy - Earth
Color - red
Shape - triangle
Number - 9

Pay attention to the fame sector: it helps to achieve popularity, strengthen your reputation, move up the social ladder - and all this contributes to a successful business.

The symbol of Fire is the phoenix. Also, the southern sector is enhanced with candles, lamps, incense, paintings depicting fire or the sun. It’s even better if there is a stove or fireplace in this area.

Southeast - Wealth
Element - Wood
Enhances - Water
Suppresses - Metal
Counteracts - Earth
Draws energy - Fire
Colors - green, purple

Number - 4

The southeastern sector is responsible for abundance and prosperity, and not only in the material sphere: after all, wealth gives power - and this, in turn, ensures freedom and independence.

This sector welcomes wood and paper products, fresh flowers, plants in flowerpots (you can create entire compositions from living plants), as well as paintings or photos depicting nature.

Southwest - Love, marriage, relationships
Element - Earth
Enhances - Fire
Suppresses - Wood Counteracts - Water
Drains Energy - Metal
Colors - terracotta and all shades of the Earth, activated by red
Shape - square, flat surface
Number - 2

Love, sexual, social relationships are dominated by this sector. Its activation will help refresh and revive relationships, find new friends and even a life partner. It is this zone that should become the real embodiment of love - so that the dream of it becomes a reality. Here you can place crystals, portraits of happy newlyweds, hearts - everything that symbolizes love and happiness for you. Of course, there should be a couple of everything: after all, the number of this sector is 2.

East - Family, support
Element - Wood
Enhances - Water
Suppresses - Metal
Counteracts - Earth
Draws energy - Fire
Colors - green, purple
Shape - elongated rectangle
Number - 3

The element of the eastern sector is Tree, which has the energy of growth and advancement. Strengthening this zone helps improve relationships between parents and children, grandmothers and grandchildren. We should also not forget that the family zone “feeds” the neighboring wealth sector. The eastern sector is responsible for the costs of food, clothing, study, and rent. The symbol of the family sector is the dragon. Indoor plants, columns, decorations made of wood, paper and cardboard, landscapes and still lifes will also be favorable here.

West - Children, creativity
Element - Metal
Enhances - Earth
Suppresses - Fire
Counteracts - Wood
Drains energy - Water
Colors - white, metallic
Shape - circle
Number - 7

The Western zone represents everything that has to do with fatherhood and motherhood, caring for children (your own and others, future and present), their health and well-being.
If you are a person in a creative profession, this is a muse sector for you: Metal will help you realize yourself and implement any creative project.
The symbol of this zone is the tiger. It is also enhanced by any metal objects - jewelry, coins, watches.

Center - Health, well-being
Element - Earth

Enhances - Fire
Suppresses - Wood
Counteracts - Water
Drains Energy - Metal
Color - terracotta
Shape - square, flat surface
Number - 5

Health occupies a central position and is completely justified: if it is not there, nothing in life is happy. In the health zone, all sectors - and all aspects of life - meet and harmonize. The constancy and stability of earthly energy brings peace and security. If you want to change your life for the better, but don’t know where to start, feel free to start transforming the center. Ceramic products and stone figurines are great for this.

If your apartment has a non-standard layout and one of the sectors is missing, don’t worry. Simply work with the Bagua grid in a separate room - for example, in the living room.

The Chinese Feng Shui system has developed a scheme called bagua, which will help you properly organize the space in your home, taking into account the goals that you set for yourself. The scheme is developed based on the I Ching Book of Changes. The bagua diagram must be combined with the plan of your apartment or office. Thus, it will help you understand which objects from your environment are responsible for certain life manifestations. This knowledge forces us to seriously think about the symbolism of each thing and what place is intended for it. But this affects our destiny.

Often my clients ask me to leave their favorite cacti in the “Family and Marriage” area. “Is this really how you imagine your personal life?” - I tell them. Yes, just as the entire macrocosm consists of many microcosms, so our existence includes many manifestations. In the bagua of the whole house, like nesting dolls, are “embedded” the bagua of the plot of land on which the building stands, the bagua of the building itself, the bagua of each room, the bagua of the bed or desktop...


On a piece of paper, draw a large-scale plan of your house, with all the rooms. If the house has several floors, then first draw a plan of the floor where the main entrance is located. And work on a plan. On a sheet of tracing paper or other transparent material, draw an octagonal bagua diagram.

It’s good if the outline of your house is a geometric figure of the correct shape, a square or rectangle.

Find the center. This will be the intersection point of the two diagonal lines. If the shape of the house is irregular, then expand the contours to a rectangle or square, and then draw diagonals.
Align the center point of the bagua diagram with the center of your home. The bagua grid needs to be enlarged or reduced so that it covers the entire floor plan of the house or its floor. The bottom edge of the bagua diagram, zone 1, should be located parallel to the wall of the house where the main entrance is located.

This is usually the front door, although some people prefer to use the back door or side door. In any case, you should rotate the diagram so that the first zone is in the center of the wall where the current entrance to the house is located. If you live in an apartment building, then the starting point will be the door of your apartment. Are you renting a room? Then the main entrance will be considered the entrance to your room. And when the house has several floors, then each of them will have its own bagua. The grate must be oriented in the direction that will be in front of you if you climb the stairs to the next floor.


The house's bagua will be fully represented if it has the correct symmetrical shape. However, if some zones are missing or if they are defective, you will get problems in those areas of life to which these zones correspond.

People often wonder why, after they have made an extension to some part of the house, changes occur in their lives. If the bagua of the house is disrupted as a result of the extension and missing zones appear, this will provoke changes in some area of ​​life. And when a new room appears in the missed area, changes will happen for the better. However, to replenish and activate negative areas, there are certain means and methods of Feng Shui adjustment. I'll tell you about them a little later. And now I’ll introduce you in more detail to nine bagua zones.


Read which area of ​​life this or that bagua zone is responsible for, and determine which aspects you would like to change or adjust. It's better to start with one zone or two. Don't take on everything at once!
I give several options for zone names. Traditional names have become established in the Chinese system. And William Spear, in his book “Feng Shui for Beginners,” adapted them to European reality.


The first area is responsible not only for your professional achievements, but also for personal growth, development, and general worldview. From here the paths open for new opportunities and endeavors. So, choose your path, remove obstacles, and you can realize yourself. You can use Feng Shui amplifiers to help.


The second zone is mainly associated with family and marriage relationships. In a broader sense, this is an indicator of how you communicate with colleagues, friends, and the world around you; Are you experiencing internal discord? Particular attention should be paid to this area of ​​the home when you are single and looking for a life partner. And if you have it, then Feng Shui remedies will help maintain relationships at a high level and feed them with positive energy, and will also enhance harmony in communication with all your friends.


The third zone is responsible for your relationships with parents, ancestors, bosses, regulates inheritance issues, and shows how past events affect your current life. These are your roots, the karma of your family. This is where you draw strength and wisdom. By clearing away deposits and strengthening this area, you will improve relationships with parents, teachers and management.


The fourth zone is responsible for prosperity and abundance. Keep in mind that it is not only money, but also other types of well-being. In this zone, many businessmen use Feng Shui amplifiers to achieve success in business. But if there is a closet, toilet or trash can in this area, you should not count on great benefits and good luck.


The most important thing in our life is health. And it is clear why the zone associated with our vitality is located in the center of the house. If you have accumulated deposits of rubbish in this place, you will often get sick, feel tired and overwhelmed. If possible, free her from all objects. It was customary for the Chinese to build a courtyard in the center of the house so as not to overload this area with anything. Health problems may be associated with the accumulation of different things in the center of the whole house and in the center of rooms.


After clearing and strengthening Feng Shui in this area, you will suddenly begin to receive lucrative offers. Help can be offered by family members, friends, colleagues, government officials, and strangers. In the end, you will simply open a book page or newspaper at the right place. In this area you can install an altar to pray to God and the angels and call upon invisible helpers. But a person receives as much as he gives to others. Therefore, the zone of helpers is also responsible for your good deeds.


The seventh zone of the bagua relates to everything you bring into this world. If you want to raise your children, realize your projects and dreams, take care of this area. Here you can hang a “treasure map” - a symbolic image of your desire. For example, a photo of the car you want to have, a description of a new job or a place where you want to travel. And most importantly, attach a photo there in which you smile broadly and from the bottom of your heart. I myself and many of my friends achieved success thanks to such a “map”!

KNOWLEDGE (OR CONTEMPORATION) The eighth zone is the area of ​​new knowledge, meditation and self-knowledge, intuition and contemplation. This is a suitable place for a home library or meditation room, as well as for acquiring new knowledge and skills, focusing on spiritual development and establishing contact with your higher self.


We are all unique, and the last, ninth, zone of the bagua relates to our individuality. What makes us unique is concentrated here. In its highest expression, this is spiritual enlightenment, self-realization. If you need to develop your charisma, earn a good name and know fame, increase your spiritual level, work on this zone. It is located on the opposite wall from the main entrance, and often it is where the control center for the entire apartment is located.


Europeans usually do not attach much importance to the location of the toilet in the house. And in vain! For people who have an understanding of bagua, this question is very significant. For centuries, Feng Shui experts have learned that all our efforts are in vain if the toilet is located in a wealth zone. Symbolically, you are simply flushing all your income down the toilet! Even if you have a constant source of income, you will lose more than you gain.

In 1993, the British were just beginning to become interested in Feng Shui. I was invited to appear on a morning television program and explained why it is not advisable to have a toilet in this area. The editors of the program did not expect such a violent reaction from TV viewers - a flurry of phone calls hit the studio. Many callers reported that after moving to a new house, for inexplicable reasons they began to lose money.

But not everything is so hopeless. Feng Shui offers several solutions to this problem. It is best to use them simultaneously.

  • If your closet has a window, hang a multi-faceted crystal on it so that it reflects a lot of rainbow rays.
  • Keep the toilet lid closed when not in use.
  • Keep the door to the restroom closed too. And on its outside, hang a mirror that will reflect the flow of energy. You can take a mirror of any size, but it must be inserted into a frame and fit snugly against the door. I'll talk more about mirrors in the next chapter.
  • Place a plant with a straight stem and rounded leaves in the toilet so that it harmonizes the energy there. If this is not possible, hang a picture of blooming flowers or a fruitful tree on the wall. Typically, these Feng Shui enhancers help neutralize a negative trend. But keep in mind that you need to be on guard at all times and check that the door to the toilet is closed and the toilet lid is down. Likewise, you need to be more careful with money.

And when you decide to look for a new home, don’t be lazy, visit real estate agencies, ask employees, study the floor plan of the house you want to buy. And of course, pay attention to where the toilet is located in the house.

Bagua grid, meaning of sectors

Unfortunately, we begin to think about such a concept as karma not at the best moments of our lives. Therefore, in order not to reach a critical moment, it is better to take care of your well-being in advance, setting life priorities and covering your rear. And the best way to help with this is the bagua grid, which is a regular octagon with a center in the middle. Each of the 8 sides and the center of the grid correspond to one of the main areas of a person’s life: career, wealth, health, family, children, fame and reputation, family, knowledge and patronage. Here it is impossible to distinguish between main and secondary directions; they are all equivalent.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, our home is a magical bagua grid, harmony and balance in which are indicators of a person’s favorable karma. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to simply analyze which sector of the bagua square is problematic. An imbalance that arises in one area can affect other vital energies and spoil the karma of not only the present, but also the future.

Applying bagua to a home plan

To correctly determine the sectors in any room, the octagonal bagua grid is superimposed on the home or office, and in such a way that its center coincides with the center of the room. If we are dealing with an irregular shape (which often occurs), then on paper the plan must be drawn to a correct, rectangular one, then the cardinal directions must be marked using a compass. The correctness of these procedures will protect you from possible inaccuracies and errors.

Bagua square and its 9 sectors

Each of the 9 sectors of the square has its own cardinal direction, shape, element, talismans and many other features.

  1. Wealth is the number 4. This sector is located in the southeast of any room and corresponds to the element Wood. Therefore, all the symbols of the Tree and the Water that feeds it will help strengthen the effect of the zone. It is good to decorate it with green, red, purple and gold colors, and place symbols and figures associated with the number 4 in it.

    Here you should avoid candles, lamps, and triangular-shaped objects.

  2. Fame is the number 9. Located in the south of the home, the fame sector is responsible for reputation and popularity. And if you think that all this is not enough in your life, then it is recommended to “illuminate” this area with the help of sconces, lamps, and candles. Images of a sunrise, a bouquet of poppies, sunflowers, as well as a rooster or peacock will be relevant here; red objects will also be suitable. It will be good if you place here your awards, medals, diplomas and attributes of the profession in which you strive to succeed. The symbols of Wood and Fire maximize this zone.
  3. Marriage is number 2. The southwest of the apartment is responsible not only for marital relationships, but also relationships between friends and loved ones. If there are not enough of these in a person’s life, then this sector needs to be strengthened. Paired figures and objects are suitable for this. The southwestern direction corresponds to the element Earth and the color scheme in brown and red shades.
  4. Family – number 3. This sector of the East is responsible for the well-being of the entire family clan and favorable relationships between family members. If you are not a family person, but strive for this, or do not find support in your existing family, then this is a clear sign that you need to act. It’s good to decorate this sector with an emphasis on the Wood element: place wooden furniture, plants, family photos in wooden frames here. You should avoid anything related to the Metal element, as it destroys Wood.
  5. Children (Creativity) - number 7. Oddly enough, the same energy flows, which correspond to the western side of the room, are responsible for creativity and childbirth in the philosophy of Feng Shui. Harmonization of this sector will help those who do not yet have children, but a person strives to have them, and if they already have them, then simply bring luck to their side or establish relationships with them. In this case, in the western part it is good to locate a nursery or a place for games. If creativity is a priority, then it would be appropriate to make a workshop here and display the fruits of your creativity.

    The colors of Metal (silver-golden) correspond to the West and the elements and colors of Fire are contraindicated.

  6. Knowledge is the number 8. This sector of the northeast is responsible for education, self-development and improvement of a person throughout life. It would be appropriate to place here everything related to the acquisition of knowledge: books, a globe, geographical maps and objects with 8 elements. The image of a snake as a symbol of wisdom is also suitable. The Northeast corresponds to the Earth, so it is important to design the sector in brown and all its shades.

    It is necessary to avoid here the green color and the presence of the Wood element.

  7. Teachers (Helpful people) – number 6. This sector, which is important for every person, is located in the north-west. If you can confidently say that you meet the right people in difficult times, you have those you can always count on, therefore, everything is fine with this sector. Otherwise, it is necessary to harmonize this area with the help of Metal symbols (horseshoe or bell), with an interior in silver, gray, white and golden colors.

    This zone is also a travel sector, so it’s good to post photos here of the places you dream of going to.

    Everything related to Fire and red should not be used here.

  8. Career – number 1. This zone corresponds to the north side of the apartment, house or office. It is in this part that it is best to arrange work rooms. According to Feng Shui, the North is associated with Water, so talismans such as aquariums, small fountains, water landscapes, etc. enhance the energy of the zone. A turtle is also a good mascot for this zone. Constantly working equipment in this sector, directly related to work, is an excellent activator of the zone. The color scheme for decoration must be selected in blue-white-blue tones.

    It is important in this zone to avoid everything that relates to the element Earth and its corresponding shades.

  9. Health is the number 5. This is, in fact, not a sector, but the center of the square, which, among other things, is also responsible for luck and well-being. The color of the center is yellow and its various shades, so you can enhance the effect of this zone with an interior in the appropriate color scheme and symbols of the Earth element. The center must certainly be well lit, so a large chandelier, ideally made of crystal, will be very useful here, because it is a talisman of well-being and health. Turtle figurines, bamboo products, wicker furniture and other hand-made elements are appropriate for the center. If the center is not indoors, then it must be placed in a room with the best lighting.

And don’t be too upset if any of the sectors are not clearly expressed or are completely absent. It can be activated in one of the rooms, given its location on the bagua grid.

Bagua mirror

Bagua mirror

In addition to the harmonization of all spheres of life, each of us needs protection from external sources of aggression. So, feng shui is a powerful protection. Like a grid, it has a regular eight-pointed shape with trigrams. The power of the bagua mirror is so great that it was used to catch evil spirits, and the trigrams of the mirror kept them imprisoned.

Today it is used as a talisman that corrects energy flows and absorbs negativity. This is why it is often attached to the outside of doors, buildings and homes located near intersections, roads, pointed ledges and many other external "hazards".

The mirror has very great power, so you must strictly follow the rules for using this magical item:

  • a bagua mirror should never be hung indoors; violation of this rule can lead to an increase in existing problems and the acquisition of new ones;
  • a bagua mirror should not be placed opposite the living quarters of other people - this will harm them;
  • The bagua mirror should be out of reach of prying eyes; it cannot be used as an ordinary mirror.

Despite the fact that the entire philosophy of Feng Shui is aimed at harmonizing human life, in absolutely everything it is important to be guided by the main rule - do no harm.