Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich * * * Festive sleep - before lunch * Pictures from Moscow life. Why see a holiday in a dream

Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Holiday sleep - before lunch

Pictures from Moscow life

Pavla Petrovna Balzaminova, widow.

Mikhailo Dmitrich Balzaminov, her son, an official, 25 years old.

Cleopatra Ivanovna Nichkina, widow, merchant's wife, 35 years old.

Kapochka (Capitolina), her daughter, 17 years old.

Ustinka, Kapochka’s friend, merchant’s daughter, 20 years old.

Akulina Gavrilovna Krasavina, matchmaker.

Neil Borisych Neuedenov, merchant, brother of Nichkina, 40 years old.

Yusha (Efim), his son, 13 years old.

Matryona, cook at the Balzaminovs.

Malanya, Nichkina's maid.

* * * *

Scene one

Poor room; to the right is a door, by the door there is an old clock; there is a tiled stove straight ahead, with a cupboard on one side and a door to the kitchen on the other; to the left is a chest of drawers with a dressing mirror on it; There is a window in the foreground, a table by the window.

First appearance

Balzaminova (alone, sitting with a stocking in her hands). Misha! Misha! What are you doing there in the kitchen?

Balsam from the kitchen: “Don’t interfere, mummy! Matryona is curling me!”

Everything curls! Everything curls! I’m already very busy with my beauty. Eh, young, green! He wants to create all his own happiness, to seduce someone. But I think so, he will not deceive anyone; My mind is painfully bad. Someone else, with an unprepossessing face, will bypass him with words, but mine smart words doesn't know at all. Yes Yes! I really feel sorry for him. If he had known smart words, he could have won a lot on our side: the side is deaf, the people are dark. And he doesn’t know any smart words. And there’s nowhere to get enough. At least I could write it out from poetry or something. ( After thinking). And it’s a wonder what happened! Who was he born so blond as? Another problem: blond hair is not in fashion these days. Well, and the nose... it’s not that it’s snub-nosed at all, but somehow it’s so small, something is missing. But you want to be liked, especially if it were a rich bride. Well, the poor guy really is trying his best. Who is your own enemy? Our side is like this, there are a lot of rich brides, but they are stupid. Maybe Misha will be lucky because of their stupidity. God really offended him with his little mind.

Balzaminov shouts from the kitchen: “Mommy, I want to curl my hair a la polka!”

Stupid, stupid! Why are you curling your hair? You just ruffle your hair and burn it, everyone is looking separately. It suits you better, more naturally! Oh, Misha, Misha! You are dear to me, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone; will others somehow like you, especially the rich? I really can’t believe it! In my eyes, it would be better if you didn’t exist, but others are picky these days. They will talk to you, and they will see that you are not smart enough. And who is to blame for this? ( Sighs). My stupid one! But maybe he will be happy. They say that God gives happiness to such people. ( Knits a stocking).

Balzaminov runs in from the kitchen in a dressing gown.

Second phenomenon

Balzaminov, Balzaminova and Matryona.

Balzaminov (holding your head). Ear, ear! Fathers, ear!

Matryona (at the door; with forceps). I’m not a polytechnician, what can you take from me!

Balzaminov. But I asked you to curl your hair, not your ears.

Matryona. Why did you grow big ones! Ying would go to the polyhmachter; and what to take from me! ( Leaves).

Balzaminov. Fathers, what should I do? ( Matches the mirror). Ah ah ah! Everything turned black!.. It’s so painful, there’s no need to cover it with hair so that it’s not visible.

Balzaminova. Get to work!

Balzaminov. What a hit! So, with hot tongs, I grabbed the whole ear... Oh, oh, oh! Mama! Even before the fever... Oh, fathers!

Balzaminova. I say, Misha, it's up to you. Why curl! What a good thing! Just like a barber; Yes, and a sin. No matter how you curl your hair, you won’t get any better.

Balzaminov. How you, Mama, don’t wish me happiness, I don’t understand. How do we live? We're just poor.

Balzaminova. So what! Why spoil your hair?..

Balzaminov. Yes, today is a holiday.

Balzaminova. So what's the holiday?

Balzaminov. Like what? Here is the merchant side; maybe such a case will arise... Suddenly...

Balzaminova. All you have on your mind is nonsense.

Balzaminov. What nonsense?

Balzaminova. Of course, nonsense. Is it good? You'll ruffle your hair and walk past rich merchants under their windows. Somehow you'll get into trouble. Another jealous husband or father will send out the janitor with a broom.

Balzaminov. Well, what is it? Well, he will send it; you can run away.

Balzaminova. There's no need to wander around.

Balzaminov. Why not? Is it better to live in poverty? Well, I go through a year, well, two, well, three, well, five - after all, time is also ticking for me - but suddenly...

Balzaminova. It would be better if you served well.

Balzaminov. What to serve! How long will I serve? And then suddenly you hook a million.

Balzaminova. A million?

Balzaminov. What is this! Nothing happens. You yourself said that I was born in a shirt.


Oh, mamma, you won’t believe how much I want to be rich, I dream and see it. It seems... eh... it would explode! I really want it, I really want it!

Balzaminova. What a bad thing!

Balzaminov. After all, the other one is rich, but what’s the use: he doesn’t know how to manage money, it’s even annoying to look at.

Balzaminova. Can you?

Balzaminov. Yes, of course I can. Mama, I have a lot of taste. I know what suits me. ( Runs up to the window). Mama, mamma, look!

Balzaminova. It's very necessary!

Balzaminov. What a ride! All velvet! ( Sits by the window, hanging his head). If someone like that fell in love with me and married me, what would I do!

Balzaminova. And what?

Balzaminov. But: firstly, I would sew myself a blue cloak with a black velvet lining. You just have to imagine, mummy, how blue suits me! I would buy myself a gray horse and a racing droshky and drive along Zatsepa, Mama, and drive it myself...

Balzaminova. It's all nonsense.

Balzaminov. Yes, I forgot to tell you what kind of dream I had! So figure it out.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Holiday:

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date, you are given the opportunity to express yourself in public and political activity. Good luck getting into higher education educational establishments, Related international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday, sources of spiritual energies will be revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the beginning of the conversation, you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about a Holiday according to the dream book:

Holiday, banquet - Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about the Holiday according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see Holidays in a dream - How is celebration woven into the fabric of a dream? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it. However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met. Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate? How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Holidays (New Year, Birthday) – Improvement life situation, happy event; "festive" mood; see Congratulate in the river. Relationships.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Holiday in a Dream

Celebrate – Joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Holiday in a dream

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about Celebrating – Joy

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a Holiday in a dream:

Celebration, banquet - Seeing a holiday in a dream means that pleasant surprises await you. If there is a mess at the holiday, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the celebration means that hectic days await you ahead. Most often, if you dream that you are participating in a noisy festival, in reality you may more than once neglect the cruel realities of life. This dream also foretells that you will never want to depend on others for anything.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about the Holiday?

What does it mean to see in a dream Celebrating a victory is a dream that can actually be fulfilled.


Why did you dream about the holiday?

Holidays in dreams and in reality bring bright and joyful feelings of unity with loved ones. A feeling of wonder and magic accompanies most holiday gatherings.

However, it happens that the holiday turns into sadness or unfulfilled expectations. And you can dream about anything. Understanding what a holiday means in a dream helps you understand what significant needs are not fulfilled in everyday life.


An abstract holiday in a dream symbolizes the “harvest” from the previous life stage. Such dreams become a warning for the imminent end of a significant period and a reassessment of one’s life and achievements, which is necessary for the formation of new goals.

Celebrate alone

Celebrating a holiday alone or in a crowd with many unfamiliar or faceless people means a serious lack of spiritual communication and sincere love. Perhaps in life you have protected yourself from close communication (for the sake of a career or after disappointment) and now realize that there is no one with whom you can share your triumph. The goals were achieved, but they did not bring joy.

This is a sign that it's time to trust people. There are those next to you who you can trust, who can become sincere friends and helpers. Perhaps there is a person in your circle who has deeper feelings for you? Take a closer look, maybe love is nearby?


Did you dream of a holiday with real pandemonium? Are there so many people that the current picks you up and carries you down the street in an unknown direction? This means that you will not be able to influence upcoming events in reality.

Most likely, you yourself have “stirred up the mess” in the past and feel that the situation is getting out of control. Try to accept what is happening with dignity, if possible, make amends in advance to loved ones and significant figures in your life.

Such dreams can take place in an atmosphere of masquerade, which aggravates their meaning, since it adds too many unknown parameters. It is important to track your own feelings - are you enjoying the process, are you wearing a mask yourself or are you “naked” in front of a crowd?

Are you participating in the general fun or are you watching from the outside? Special attention It’s worth paying attention to familiar faces (even from the distant past). Try to understand what all the people you know have in common with you (situations, problems, quarrels, expectations).

Crowded feast

A feast often has a double meaning. With good sleep dynamics (happy people, plenty of food on the table, cleanliness of the room and bright colors), the meal becomes a good omen. Look in the dream book: a holiday of this kind means receiving long-awaited fruits from completed projects.

However, the feast may take place in an unfavorable way (empty tables, drunken guests, fights and squabbles) - this indicates that the path to what you want is becoming much more complicated. Moreover, through the fault of people I know - envious people, slanderers. It is reasonable to evaluate what actions of enemies can be prevented.

It’s worth reducing your social circle for a while, and it’s worth moving away from some people around you altogether. You don’t have to become a hermit, just distance yourself from those who systematically destroy your self-esteem and spoil your mood or often set you up at work.

A poor feast may also mean that you are being unwise in your decision. financial issues. In the near future, try not to make expensive expenses; rather, pay off debts and loans.

My birthday

Celebrating your birthday in a dream - good sign. Why do you dream about a holiday? Usually to the revival of past hobbies or the restoration of significant contacts. Birthday is always a positive symbol, meaning renewal internal forces and the beginning of a new fateful period.

Particular attention should be paid to gifts:

  • If you received material assets on your birthday in a dream, it means that new prospects at work and an improvement in your social level are expected.
  • Gifts related to creativity (even a long-abandoned hobby) are no less eloquent. You probably underestimate your potential - the dream indicates that all investments in self-development will be absolutely justified!

Glorious New Year

New Year- a holiday of expectation of a miracle. For most people, this date is the starting point. It is necessary to have time to complete old affairs, pay off debts, make peace with friends, prepare gifts - perform actions that allow you to “open” the future.

New Year in a dream symbolizes a kind of milestone. It’s probably time to actually complete long-protracted affairs and projects, say goodbye to outdated relationships, and choose a new direction.

A New Year's feast in a dream is an assessment of one's own financial well-being, stability and reliability of the “family rear”. Many gifts near the Christmas tree mean receiving various bonuses from fate! New acquaintances, lottery wins, victories in competitions - get ready to enjoy pleasant circumstances!

Sleeping atmosphere is a decisive factor

Decoding what the holiday means in dreams depends on the prevailing atmosphere and your personal assessment of what is happening. In such a dream, personal interpretation and associative series become decisive.

  • Does the dream bring positive emotions and a desire to be at such an event in reality? Then the holiday symbolizes a quick and very significant improvement in affairs, social and economic status.
  • But anxious holidays in a dream indicate stress and fatigue. It's time to take a time out and rethink your present: relationships, position in life and goals.

However, even in an unfavorable situation, the holiday remains an extremely positive symbol. You may face a period of difficulties, but it will still end in your victory over any circumstances!


Why do you dream about a holiday?

To understand why you dream of a holiday, you need to remember that the dreamer drinks at this celebration. If people drink alcoholic beverages, then this is a sign that in the near future real life It is better to refrain from strong drinks. A kiss at a celebration can be a harbinger of an imminent wedding or engagement.

It is worth thinking about your life if in a dream the dreamer goes to a holiday of people unknown to him. This means that in the near future he will have to make a difficult choice. And this question will demand the right decision taken. You will need to be more careful in spending your finances if you dream that the holiday has been disrupted. This promises money problems, quarrels in the family and at work. In such a dream, a person may not feel well; in this case, you should keep your mouth shut, otherwise you may lose your loved one.

See in a dream holiday is good sign. In real life, such a dream can lead to a real celebration of some event. And the longer the holiday goes on in a dream, the longer it will be there in reality. After such a dream, you should expect great happiness and a surge of positive emotions.

If a celebration takes place on the occasion of some state date or the like, you will soon prove yourself as a responsible public figure. If you dream about a church holiday, this means discovering extraordinary abilities in yourself.

At this time, most likely, your loved ones will need help and they will wait for it from you. If you dream of preparing for a holiday, then soon good old acquaintances will remind you of themselves. Seeing a festive procession in a dream means a successful and happy marriage. If the hero of the occasion is the dreamer himself, this predicts a quick meeting with friends and cozy gatherings.

A holiday dream is an important dream in the life of any person, since in real life holidays also mean a lot to him. If in a dream the dreamer found himself at a celebration, then after waking up it is worth remembering what emotions he experienced and who was nearby in the dream. After all, holidays can, unfortunately, cause not only a charge of positive emotions, but also negative ones. Such a dream can be caused by a person’s experiences and dreams of a good and calm life.

And most likely his dreams will come true, because thoughts are material. It’s good to see yourself at a holiday at a richly laid table - this means mutual understanding with loved ones and material wealth. On the contrary, it is bad to sit in a dream at a modest table - this is how the subconscious reflects our satisfaction with life and our position in society.

If the dreamer cannot have fun like others, then in his life in this moment There was a quarrel with his family and he is very worried. In a dream, everyone is smart and beautifully dressed - expect pleasant troubles. Is everyone around dressed in fancy dress and masks? The subconscious mind suggests that the dreamer is surrounded by liars and hypocrites.


Holiday street

Dream Interpretation Holiday Street dreamed of why you dream about a Street Holiday in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Street Holiday in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Dream Interpretation - Street

Walking or driving along a wide, spacious, bright street means success in business (for married people) and a profitable marriage (for single people). A narrow, quiet, bright street - quiet family happiness. Walking down the street in a cheerful, noisy company - such a dream foreshadows successful financial transactions. Meeting someone on the street means a new pleasant acquaintance. Wandering through unknown streets, trying to reach a familiar place, you have to unravel a whole tangle of complex problems that have accumulated over a long time.

If you have such a dream, imagine that you are hailing a taxi and the car is taking you home.

Walking along a night street: illuminated - you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Unlit - your circumstances, already difficult, will be aggravated by some unforeseen event. A dirty, rutted street means financial problems. If the dirt is dried, the problems will be solved quite soon, although not without difficulty. If the mud is wet, sticky, and very difficult to walk and drive through, such a dream foreshadows a protracted crisis and a delay in payments. To dream of a brightly lit, elegantly decorated street with festive illumination - you have a journey ahead that will bring you a lot of joyful impressions.

Imagine that you are walking along a bright, spacious, festively decorated street, accompanied by friends, a loved one, and close relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Street

A deserted street means lost opportunities.

Purposefully walk down the street - actively mind your own business.

Narrow and long streets are a sign that work will be difficult for you, and you will not be able to avoid meeting an unpleasant acquaintance or partner.

Walking in a crowd or walking along a crowded street means worries and troubles.

Being alone on a dark street means danger.

Searching and not finding a house on the street is actually taking the wrong step.

Walking down the street in a distant city means a long trip, a business trip.

If the street is brightly lit, you will have fleeting entertainment and pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Holidays

Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative - unjustified hopes, loss or absence of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Street

A dream in which you are idly walking down the street foreshadows new interesting acquaintances in reality. If you walk straight along the pavement during busy traffic during rush hour, a severe mental shock awaits you, but if you walk along a roadway that is completely free at night, this portends you a smooth road in life.

Walking along the boulevard - a free and cheerful life awaits you; in general, along a very green street - aimless and useless chores await you. If in a dream you wander along the central avenue, you will be preoccupied with problems that are far from real life. Walking along the embankment means you will have to defend your rights and independent position.

Driving down the street - you will find happiness in struggle. A street accident is a sign of trouble with children. Finding yourself on an unfamiliar street in an unfamiliar city in a dream means that you will soon have to go on a long trip. Being robbed on the street foreshadows the persistent advances of a man you don’t like. To be knocked down on the street by a running man - you will soon take part in a celebration in which you alone will be sad among the merry, joyful people.

Dream Interpretation - Street

Wide, clean, bright and spacious streets in a dream foretell the successful progress of your business. Narrow, crooked, dirty and dark streets in a dream mean obstacles in business.

Searching for the right street in a dream indicates your confusion and worries due to your unsettled situation. Recognizing streets in cities where you have never been in a dream predicts unusual turns in your destiny.

Deserted streets in a dream are a harbinger of loneliness, poverty and anxiety. See interpretation: house, crowd, road.

Dream Interpretation - Street

Wandering the deserted streets at night: a period of calm is coming in your life.

Instead of being bored, take care of yourself, or rather, your soul, because it, no less than your body and face, needs constant care and improvement.

So, soon the moment will come when you simply need to start developing your spirituality.

Don't be lazy, be responsible, and the results will exceed even your wildest expectations.

Perhaps you will finally decide to change your life and successfully implement this decision.

In general, the period that will come in the near future can be called transitional and preparatory, so take advantage of it and you will not regret it.

Finding yourself on the streets of an unfamiliar city and, sadly, getting lost, and the locals who could help you speak a completely unfamiliar language to you: the dream foreshadows big troubles.

Apparently, you will find yourself alone if, despite the misunderstanding and unwillingness of others to help, you manage to find the right path: and in reality you will cope with all the difficulties and achieve success.

Well, if you wander the streets of an unfamiliar city, trying in vain to find the right path: in real life you will confirm the rightness of your friends and will be put to shame by them.

If you walk the streets with pleasure, and everyone you meet turns out to be your good friends who greet you with a smile: in reality you will soon find yourself in the center of attention, and, importantly, well deservedly so.

You will finally understand that life is truly wonderful, and your acquaintances, friends and relatives will help you see this.

If you find yourself on a deserted street during the daytime: in reality, you will find yourself in complete isolation, but the reason for this attitude of others towards you will become clear much later, but for now you will have to be at a loss and curse fate.

A smile: a smile can brighten up any person in reality, and it makes him simply irresistible.

But what can a smile in a dream mean? Is this a bad sign or, conversely, a good sign? If you yourself are smiling: your satisfaction with life has reached its peak.

There is nothing wrong with this, of course, but if you relax and stop realistically assessing the situation, being euphoric from previous successes, you can lose everything.

Be carefull.

If someone smiles at you: this can be regarded as a warning, this person is not completely sincere, and you should not trust him.

If you do not pay attention to this sign and do not change your relationship with this person, you will not avoid major troubles.

If someone close to you smiles, this means the following: you are so immersed in business that you do not pay due attention to the people closest to you, and this offends them.

Try to devote at least a little time to your family so that the people dear to you do not feel deprived.

It is not at all necessary to communicate with them from morning to night: just do not forget to show them at least small signs of attention, thereby you will let them know that you love them, appreciate them and always think about them.

Dream Interpretation - Street

Walking down the street in a dream is a sign of trouble and anxiety. You will almost despair of finding your desired goal.

If you dream that you are walking at dusk along a familiar street in a distant city, it means that you will soon go on a journey that will not bring you the expected joy or benefit.

If the street in your dream is brightly lit, it means that you have to take part in some kind of entertainment, which will end very quickly and will not give you any consolation.

If in a dream you are running down the street in fear that a killer may overtake you, then this means that you will dare to take a risky step for the sake of promotion or in search of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Street

Street - Looking for the right street - your search for a new business or your place is quite timely. He will be crowned with success. Seeing the street means there is a wide road ahead to fulfill your plans. Paving, asphalt, laying a street - in your haste you have lost sight of something important, but if you catch it in time, this will not become an obstacle on the way.

Dream Interpretation - Street

Seeing a deserted street in a dream is a missed opportunity.

A street filled with people means trouble.

Walking down the street at night is a worry.

What are you doing outside at night? Go home, it's time to sleep!


Receive an invitation to a party

Dream Interpretation Receive an invitation to a holiday dreamed of why in a dream Receive an invitation to a holiday? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Receive an invitation to a holiday by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Invitation to receive

If you dreamed that you were invited somewhere, a warm welcome awaits you in an unfamiliar company, but only if you accepted the invitation. If you refuse, the dream warns you against making a hasty decision.

Imagine accepting an invitation and writing thank you letter in reply.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this is an unexpected receipt big money. Invite to family celebration a multitude of guests portends confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party means in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this means annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun until you drop at the festival is a sign of a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart. A holiday marred by a drunken fight foreshadows trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year - to wonderful prospects that will turn into a prosperous and happy family life. The Maslenitsa holiday means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Dream Interpretation - Holidays

Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one.

How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it.

However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met.

Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate?

How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Dream Interpretation - Invitation

If you see in a dream that you have received an invitation to dinner, it means illness.

A woman sees a wedding invitation in a dream - a sign of purchasing new jewelry and clothes.

Seeing you receive an invitation to a concert means making new friends.

The patient sees that he has received an invitation to a wedding - a sign of imminent death.

An employee sees an invitation from his boss to dinner - a sign of promotion and increased income.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Pleasant surprises.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Dream Interpretation - Invitation

Inviting guests in a dream is a sign of future troubles and worries. A dream in which you are invited to visit portends you grief and disappointment. If you dream that you receive an invitation to take part in some event, then the dream indicates that others will appreciate your abilities. If in a dream you are invited somewhere (it is not clear where), then such a dream indicates that soon they will make you an offer, accepting which you will only waste your time. Being invited to a wedding in a dream is a sign that you are satisfied with the state of your affairs at the moment. If you dream that you are invited to a funeral, then such a dream warns you about possible danger and the need to exercise caution. See interpretation: funeral, wedding, birthday.


Church holiday

Dream Interpretation Church Holiday dreamed of why you dream about the Church Festival? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Church Festival in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this means unexpectedly receiving a lot of money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday foreshadows confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party means in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this means annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun until you drop at the festival is a sign of a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart. A holiday marred by a drunken fight foreshadows trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year means wonderful prospects that will result in a prosperous and happy family life. The Maslenitsa holiday means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Dream Interpretation - Holidays

Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one.

How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it.

However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met.

Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate?

How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Seeing yourself at a holiday at a rich table: a favorable sign that promises you good luck and excellent relationships with others.

At the same time, eating or drinking during a holiday is not a very good sign. Often such dreams suggest that in reality you are experiencing difficulties.

If something disturbs you during the holiday and overshadows the fun: such a dream foreshadows disappointments and conflicts with your loved ones and friends.

Seeing a festively dressed crowd is a harbinger of bustle and pleasant troubles in your life.

A festive masquerade in a dream: a sign of frivolous hobbies and empty promises that can confuse you.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Pleasant surprises.
Being late for a holiday means hectic days;
a noisy celebration in which you take part Active participation- You will resort to unjustified risks, your desire for independence;
the holiday is accompanied by some kind of unrest - a misfortune caused by someone's negligence.
Also see New Year, Crowd, Party.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

A cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows personal happiness. Having a cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows happy meetings and a pleasant pastime. A festive procession in a dream portends you happy love. The longer the procession, the longer your happiness will last.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday, banquet

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Dream Interpretation - Holiday


Family celebration

Dream Interpretation Family holiday dreamed of why you dream about a Family holiday? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Family holiday in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this means unexpectedly receiving a lot of money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday foreshadows confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party means in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this means annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun until you drop at the festival is a sign of a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart. A holiday marred by a drunken fight foreshadows trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year means wonderful prospects that will result in a prosperous and happy family life. The Maslenitsa holiday means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Dream Interpretation - Holidays

Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one.

How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it.

However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met.

Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate?

How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Seeing yourself at a holiday at a rich table: a favorable sign that promises you good luck and excellent relationships with others.

At the same time, eating or drinking during a holiday is not a very good sign. Often such dreams suggest that in reality you are experiencing difficulties.

If something disturbs you during the holiday and overshadows the fun: such a dream foreshadows disappointments and conflicts with your loved ones and friends.

Seeing a festively dressed crowd is a harbinger of bustle and pleasant troubles in your life.

A festive masquerade in a dream: a sign of frivolous hobbies and empty promises that can confuse you.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Pleasant surprises.
Being late for a holiday means hectic days;
a noisy festival in which you take an active part - you will resort to unjustified risks, your desire for independence;
the holiday is accompanied by some kind of unrest - a misfortune caused by someone's negligence.
Also see New Year, Crowd, Party.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

A cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows personal happiness. Having a cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows happy meetings and a pleasant pastime. A festive procession in a dream foreshadows you happy love. The longer the procession, the longer your happiness will last.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday, banquet

Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

whoever sees himself celebrating a holiday in a dream will come out of worries and worries and return to joy and relief. A holiday represents prosperity in life and also indicates a lot of spending of money.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Seeing a noisy, bright, cheerful holiday - such a dream foreshadows prosperity in the near future. Participating in a holiday - a dream means joy and pleasure.

Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.


Winter holiday

Dream Interpretation Winter Holiday dreamed of why you dream about the Winter Holiday? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Winter Holiday in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

If in a dream you are joyfully and animatedly preparing for a holiday, this means unexpectedly receiving a lot of money. Inviting many guests to a family holiday foreshadows confusion and differences of opinion on fundamental issues.

Spending all the holidays at a party means in reality you will be provided with a service that will cost you dearly. If, in the midst of a holiday, your mood is spoiled so much that you are even brought to tears, this means annoying losses and an unpleasant showdown.

Dancing and having fun until you drop at the festival is a sign of a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart. A holiday marred by a drunken fight foreshadows trouble at work.

A dream in which you celebrate Christmas or New Year means wonderful prospects that will result in a prosperous and happy family life. The Maslenitsa holiday means that you will receive forgiveness and mercy; Easter means spiritual grace, unclouded mutual love for loved ones, good health.

Dream Interpretation - Holidays

Holidays are a remarkable event for dreams, because they mean so much in our real life. Holidays evoke both positive feelings - a feeling of unity with family, maintaining family traditions, and negative ones - unjustified hopes, the loss or absence of a loved one.

How is celebration woven into the fabric of sleep? If you knew about the holiday in advance, analyze how others feel about the celebration and whether they participate in it.

However, sometimes you learn about a reason for a holiday completely unexpectedly, while others have known about it for a long time. And then you realize that you are not sufficiently prepared for the festive event. This reveals your concern about your inability to meet or unwillingness to meet the expectations of others. Sometimes we fail to do this, not because of our incompetence, but because these expectations are not met.

Are those around you prepared for the holiday? Does their mood match the spirit of the festive event? Are their gestures appropriate?

How did you feel after such a dream - overwhelm, shock or emptiness?

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Seeing yourself at a holiday at a rich table: a favorable sign that promises you good luck and excellent relationships with others.

At the same time, eating or drinking during a holiday is not a very good sign. Often such dreams suggest that in reality you are experiencing difficulties.

If something disturbs you during the holiday and overshadows the fun: such a dream foreshadows disappointments and conflicts with your loved ones and friends.

Seeing a festively dressed crowd is a harbinger of bustle and pleasant troubles in your life.

A festive masquerade in a dream: a sign of frivolous hobbies and empty promises that can confuse you.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Pleasant surprises.
Being late for a holiday means hectic days;
a noisy festival in which you take an active part - you will resort to unjustified risks, your desire for independence;
the holiday is accompanied by some kind of unrest - a misfortune caused by someone's negligence.
Also see New Year, Crowd, Party.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Holiday - The dream takes place on the day of celebration of a national, international date - you are given the opportunity to express yourself in social and political activities. You will be lucky when entering higher educational institutions related to international relations, for example MGIMO. The same thing, but on a church holiday - sources of spiritual energies are revealed to you. You will be lucky in the humanitarian field. On the eve of some dates or about the bottom there is a conversation - you need to be prepared to reveal some extraordinary abilities. At other times, you urgently need to think about your calling or help your loved ones in this.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

A cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows personal happiness. Having a cheerful holiday in a dream foreshadows happy meetings and a pleasant pastime. A festive procession in a dream foreshadows you happy love. The longer the procession, the longer your happiness will last.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday, banquet

Seeing a holiday in a dream means pleasant surprises. If the holiday ends in unrest, this portends quarrels or misfortunes due to someone's negligence. Being late for the festival means anxious and restless days ahead. If you dream that you are taking part in a noisy celebration, in reality you often neglect the so-called cruel reality. This dream also means that you are avoiding dependence on other people.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

whoever sees himself celebrating a holiday in a dream will come out of worries and worries and return to joy and relief. A holiday represents prosperity in life and also indicates a lot of spending of money.

Dream Interpretation - Holiday

Seeing a noisy, bright, cheerful holiday - such a dream foreshadows prosperity in the near future. Participating in a holiday - a dream means joy and pleasure.

Imagine that you are celebrating an event with all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

Holiday nap before lunch- play (“Pictures from Moscow Life”) by Alexander Ostrovsky in three paintings. Written in January 1857: Alexander Ostrovsky conceived it on January 6, began it on January 8, and finished it on January 18. The play was filmed.


  • Pavla Petrovna Balzaminova, widow.
  • Mikhailo Dmitrich Balzaminov, her son, an official, 25 years old.
  • Cleopatra Ivanovna Nichkina, widow, merchant's wife, 35 years old.
  • Kapochka (Capitolina), her daughter, 17 years old.
  • Ustinka, Kapochka’s friend, merchant’s daughter, 20 years old.
  • Akulina Gavrilovna Krasavina, matchmaker.
  • Neil Borisych Neuedenov, merchant, brother of Nichkina, 40 years old.
  • Yusha (Efim), his son, 13 years old.
  • Matryona, cook at the Balzaminovs.
  • Malanya, Nichkina's maid.


On the holiday, Balzaminov has a dream promising marriage to a rich bride. But on popular belief, the holiday dream comes true only before lunch. Soon matchmaker Krasavina comes to the Balzaminovs and reports that Kapochka, the daughter of the rich merchant Nichkina, is in love with Balzaminov. At this time, Ustinka comes to Kapochka, and soon his uncle, Neuedenov, arrives from the provinces with his son Yusha. The girls are worried that Neuedenov will upset the marriage, but they can’t do anything. When Balzaminov arrives, he and Kapochka retire to the garden, where they kiss several times. And every time Yusha shouts from the dovecote: “One! Two!” etc. Ustinka dissuades him from talking about this, but at dinner Neuedenov insults the Balzaminovs, saying that “he has to work” and that he is afraid that his stupid sister will give her daughter to a speculator. Balzaminova takes her son away. And despite the fact that Kapochka resorted to fainting and expressed her grief in every possible way, she willingly agrees to marry the mustachioed merchant


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Holiday sleep before lunch” is in other dictionaries:

    - (will certainly) come true Wed. Go more often, it’s more fun without you (a comic refusal to the wooing Misha Balzaminov). I told you, Misha, that the holiday sleep is until lunchtime. Ostrovsky. Holiday sleep until lunch. 3, 4. Wed. Post mediam noctem visus, quum somnia... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    The holiday dream will (certainly) come true before lunch. Wed. Go more often, it’s more fun without you (a comic refusal to the wooing Misha Balzaminov). “I told you, Misha, that the holiday sleep is before lunch.” Ostrovsky. Festive sleep before lunch. 3, 4. Wed. Post... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Dramatic writer, head of the repertoire of the Imperial Moscow Theater and director of the Moscow Theater School. A. N. Ostrovsky was born in Moscow on January 31, 1823. His father, Nikolai Fedorovich, came from spiritual rank, and by... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Alexander Nikolaevich (1823 1886) the largest Russian playwright. R. in Moscow, in the family of an official who later became a private intercessor in civil cases. In 1835-1840 he studied at the First Moscow Gymnasium. In 1840 he was admitted to law school... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Alexander Ostrovsky ... Wikipedia

    1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 Portal: Theater See also: Other events in 1857 Events in music and Events in cinema Contents ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Marriage of Balzaminov (meanings). Whatever you go for, you will find. The Marriage of Balzaminov Genre: Comedy

    The Marriage of Balzaminov (What you go for is what you will find) Genre: comedy Author: Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Original language: Russian Year of writing: 1861 Publication: 1861 “The Marriage of Balzaminov” ... Wikipedia

    Former names Omsk Theater for Young Spectators named after. Lenin Komsomol Founded 05.15.1937 Chief choreographer Tzaptashvili, Viktor Datikovich Website www.tuz omsk.ru Omsk Theater for Children and Youth The Omsk Theater, better known as the Omsk Youth Theater, with ... Wikipedia

Pavla Petrovna Balzaminova, widow.

Mikhailo Dmitrich Balzaminov, her son, an official, 25 years old.

Cleopatra Ivanovna Nichkina, widow, merchant's wife, 35 years old.

Kapochka (Capitolina), her daughter, 17 years old.

Ustinka, Kapochka’s friend, merchant’s daughter, 20 years old.

Akulina Gavrilovna Krasavina, matchmaker.

Neil Borisych Neuedenov, merchant, brother of Nichkina, 40 years old.

Yusha(Efim), his son, 13 years old.

Matryona, cook at the Balzaminovs.

Malanya, Nichkina's maid.

Scene one

Poor room; to the right is a door, by the door there is an old clock; there is a tiled stove straight ahead, with a cupboard on one side and a door to the kitchen on the other; to the left is a chest of drawers with a dressing mirror on it; There is a window in the foreground, a table by the window.

First appearance

Balzaminova (alone, sitting with a stocking in her hands). Misha! Misha! What are you doing there in the kitchen?

Balsam from the kitchen: “Don’t interfere, mummy! Matryona is curling me!”

Everything curls! Everything curls! I’m already very busy with my beauty. Eh, young, green! He wants to create all his own happiness, to seduce someone. But I think so, he will not deceive anyone; My mind is painfully bad. The other one, with an unpretentious face, will get around with words, but mine doesn’t know smart words at all. Yes Yes! I really feel sorry for him. If he had known smart words, he could have won a lot on our side: the side is deaf, the people are dark. And he doesn’t know any smart words. And there’s nowhere to get enough. At least I could write it out from poetry or something. ( After thinking). And it’s a wonder what happened! Who was he born so blond as? Another problem: blond hair is not in fashion these days. Well, and the nose... it’s not that it’s snub-nosed at all, but somehow it’s so small, something is missing. But you want to be liked, especially if it were a rich bride. Well, the poor guy really is trying his best. Who is your own enemy? Our side is like this, there are a lot of rich brides, but they are stupid. Maybe Misha will be lucky because of their stupidity. God really offended him with his little mind.

Balzaminov shouts from the kitchen: “Mommy, I want to curl my hair a la polka!”

Stupid, stupid! Why are you curling your hair? You just ruffle your hair and burn it, everyone is looking separately. It suits you better, more naturally! Oh, Misha, Misha! You are dear to me, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone; will others somehow like you, especially the rich? I really can’t believe it! In my eyes, it would be better if you didn’t exist, but others are picky these days. They will talk to you, and they will see that you are not smart enough. And who is to blame for this? ( Sighs). My stupid one! But maybe he will be happy. They say that God gives happiness to such people. ( Knits a stocking).

Balzaminov runs in from the kitchen in a dressing gown.

Second phenomenon

Balzaminov, Balzaminova and Matryona.

Balzaminov (holding your head). Ear, ear! Fathers, ear!

Matryona (at the door; with forceps). I’m not a polytechnician, what can you take from me!

Balzaminov. But I asked you to curl your hair, not your ears.

Matryona. Why did you grow big ones! Ying would go to the polyhmachter; and what to take from me! ( Leaves).

Balzaminov. Fathers, what should I do? ( Matches the mirror). Ah ah ah! Everything turned black!.. It’s so painful, there’s no need to cover it with hair so that it’s not visible.

Balzaminova. Get to work!

Balzaminov. What a hit! So, with hot tongs, I grabbed the whole ear... Oh, oh, oh! Mama! Even before the fever... Oh, fathers!

Balzaminova. I say, Misha, it's up to you. Why curl! What a good thing! Just like a barber; Yes, and a sin. No matter how you curl your hair, you won’t get any better.

Balzaminov. How you, Mama, don’t wish me happiness, I don’t understand. How do we live? We're just poor.

Balzaminova. So what! Why spoil your hair?..

Balzaminov. Yes, today is a holiday.

Balzaminova. So what's the holiday?

Balzaminov. Like what? Here is the merchant side; maybe such a case will arise... Suddenly...

Balzaminova. All you have on your mind is nonsense.

Balzaminov. What nonsense?

Balzaminova. Of course, nonsense. Is it good? You'll ruffle your hair and walk past rich merchants under their windows. Somehow you'll get into trouble. Another jealous husband or father will send out the janitor with a broom.

Balzaminov. Well, what is it? Well, he will send it; you can run away.

Balzaminova. There's no need to wander around.

Balzaminov. Why not? Is it better to live in poverty? Well, I go through a year, well, two, well, three, well, five - after all, time is also ticking for me - but suddenly...

Balzaminova. It would be better if you served well.

Balzaminov. What to serve! How long will I serve? And then suddenly you hook a million.

Balzaminova. A million?

Balzaminov. What is this! Nothing happens. You yourself said that I was born in a shirt.


Oh, mamma, you won’t believe how much I want to be rich, I dream and see it. It seems... eh... it would explode! I really want it, I really want it!

Balzaminova. What a bad thing!

Balzaminov. After all, the other one is rich, but what’s the use: he doesn’t know how to manage money, it’s even annoying to look at.

Balzaminova. Can you?

Balzaminov. Yes, of course I can. Mama, I have a lot of taste. I know what suits me. ( Runs up to the window). Mama, mamma, look!

Balzaminova. It's very necessary!

Balzaminov. What a ride! All velvet! ( Sits by the window, hanging his head). If someone like that fell in love with me and married me, what would I do!

Balzaminova. And what?

Balzaminov. But: firstly, I would sew myself a blue cloak with a black velvet lining. You just have to imagine, mummy, how blue suits me! I would buy myself a gray horse and a racing droshky and drive along Zatsepa, Mama, and drive it myself...

Balzaminova. It's all nonsense.

Balzaminov. Yes, I forgot to tell you what kind of dream I had! So figure it out.

Balzaminova. Well, tell me, which one?

Balzaminov (takes a chair and sits next to his mother). Now, suddenly I see that I’m riding in a good stroller and that I’m dressed very well, with taste: it’s like I’m wearing a vest, mama, black, with small gold stripes; the horses look gray, and I’m riding near the river...

Balzaminova. Horses are a lie; river - speech, conversation.

Balzaminov. Listen, mummy, what happened next. Look, I see that the coachman dropped me, in a new dress, right into the mud.

Balzaminova. Dirt is wealth.

Balzaminov. Yes, what dirt, mummy! Brrr... And as if I was... all dirty in this. So I died! Everything is new, imagine!

Balzaminova. Is this gold. This will bring you great wealth.

Balzaminov. If only it came true! If only this mockery would make one dream come true! I’ve had so many dreams like this: I have a lot of money, and I’m dressed very well - you wake up, grab it, but there’s nothing. Once I saw myself as a general. How happy I was! No! I'll stop believing dreams.

Holidays in dreams and in reality bring bright and joyful feelings of unity with loved ones. A feeling of wonder and magic accompanies most holiday gatherings.

However, it happens that the holiday turns into sadness or unfulfilled expectations. And you can dream about anything. Understanding what a holiday means in a dream helps you understand what significant needs are not fulfilled in everyday life.


An abstract holiday in a dream symbolizes the “harvest” from a previous life stage. Such dreams become a warning for the imminent end of a significant period and a reassessment of one’s life and achievements, which is necessary for the formation of new goals.

Celebrate alone

Celebrating a holiday alone or in a crowd with many unfamiliar or faceless people means a serious lack of spiritual communication and sincere love. Perhaps in life you have protected yourself from close communication (for the sake of a career or after disappointment) and now realize that there is no one with whom you can share your triumph. The goals were achieved, but they did not bring joy.

This is a sign that it's time to trust people. There are those next to you who you can trust, who can become sincere friends and helpers. Perhaps there is a person in your circle who has deeper feelings for you? Take a closer look, maybe love is nearby?


Did you dream of a holiday with real pandemonium? Are there so many people that the current picks you up and carries you down the street in an unknown direction? This means that you will not be able to influence upcoming events in reality.

Most likely, you yourself have “stirred up the mess” in the past and feel that the situation is getting out of control. Try to accept what is happening with dignity, if possible, make amends in advance to loved ones and significant figures in your life.

Such dreams can take place in an atmosphere of masquerade, which aggravates their meaning, since it adds too many unknown parameters. It is important to track your own feelings - are you enjoying the process, are you wearing a mask yourself or are you “naked” in front of a crowd?

Are you participating in the general fun or are you watching from the outside? Particular attention should be paid to familiar faces (even from the distant past). Try to understand what all the people you know have in common with you (situations, problems, quarrels, expectations).

Crowded feast

Sleeping atmosphere is a decisive factor

Decoding what the holiday means in dreams depends on the prevailing atmosphere and your personal assessment of what is happening. In such a dream, personal interpretation and associative series become decisive.

  • Does the dream bring positive emotions and a desire to be at such an event in reality? Then the holiday symbolizes a quick and very significant improvement in affairs, social and economic status.
  • But anxious holidays in a dream indicate stress and fatigue. It's time to take a time out and rethink your present: relationships, position in life and goals.

However, even in an unfavorable situation, the holiday remains an extremely positive symbol. You may face a period of difficulties, but it will still end in your victory over any circumstances!
Author: Ekaterina Volkova