Lighting of staircases. General house lighting

Comfortable living of residents in an apartment building is ensured different ways. One of them is lighting in the entrance. Although many residents continue to use incandescent lamps, their popularity is growing alternative sources lighting, as they are more economical, durable and have a low incandescent level.

High-quality lighting in the entrance is a necessary condition for a safe and comfortable stay for residents.

Entrance lighting can be arranged in an economical way. Innovative bulbs provide soft light that is at the same time more intense and less expensive. This is not done on your own. It is necessary to contact the management company, which is obliged to respond if the lighting does not meet the established requirements.

Currently, many entrances are installed automatic system. Thanks to this, it significantly reduces electricity costs. This also complies with the requirements established in legislation.

Sample application for modernization of lighting in the entrance.

Each apartment building entrance is required to be equipped with lighting fixtures. Regulatory documents indicate what the illumination should be (in lux). The rules do not provide categorical instructions on certain lighting devices.

However, there is an indication that lamps should be economical, with greater light output and service life.

Both fluorescent and LED lamps, including LED strips, meet these conditions.

Lighting standards for various parts of the entrance and utility rooms

Lighting in entrances different rooms has its own standards and rules (GOSTs, construction SNiP). The main ones include the following:

  • standardization is carried out according to table VSN 59-88, which contains two types of standards: light from incandescent or fluorescent lamps;
  • in elevators, lamps have an illumination power of 20 lux (for fluorescent lamps) and 7 lux (for incandescent lamps);
  • wheelchair spaces are illuminated with incandescent light bulbs;
  • elevator shafts - 5 lux incandescent light bulbs;
  • basement and attic spaces, as well as electrical switchboards, garbage collection rooms and others, are illuminated with incandescent light bulbs with a power of 10 lux.

Incandescent lamps are gradually becoming a thing of the past. And the leading positions are increasingly occupied by LED devices, as the most economical and durable.

Standards for controlling entrance lighting

Automation undergoes regular modernization. Regulatory documentation does not always have time to change in connection with emerging technologies. Therefore, lighting standards in the entrances of residential buildings are often advisory in nature. In this case, you need to remember the following points:

  • the automatic system must be turned on and off manually;
  • when installing a system that reacts automatically, the light should turn on with different degrees of illumination;
  • if sensors are used, then emergency lighting is provided, switched on in the staircases automatically and manually;
  • The devices that illuminate the attic are located outside this room.

Who pays for lighting in hallways, and how is the amount determined?

Lighting in hallways is a general household need. If previously the consumption of electricity for general household needs was indicated separately in the receipt, then from the beginning of 2017 this item was removed. Currently, the calculation is performed depending on the presence or absence of a common building meter.

If a common house meter is installed, then the indicators are determined by employees of the supervisory authority together with representatives of the house. After this, the difference between the received amount and the metering values ​​in each apartment is calculated.

Quantity also matters square meters, not equipped with sensors. The result is distributed among homeowners depending on the area of ​​the room. The more square meters in the apartment, the more you will have to pay for electrical energy according to ODN.

If there is no meter, then payment is made in accordance with current regulations established in the region.

Motion sensor in the entrance - reacts to the movement of objects in its “area of ​​responsibility”.

Who replaces lighting in hallways?

If there is no light in the entrance, then the reason can be determined independently. It could be as follows:

  • light bulb burnout;
  • lamp malfunction;
  • short circuit;
  • damage to switches;
  • breakdown of the distribution board;
  • accident;
  • planned work.

After determining the cause of the breakdown, the management company or homeowners association is reported. These organizations are responsible for providing light in the entrances apartment building(the obligation does not apply to balconies, the lighting of which is decided by homeowners).

Expert opinion

Mironova Anna Sergeevna

Generalist lawyer. Specializes in family issues, civil, criminal and housing law

Replacement of light bulbs is the responsibility of the management company. Troubleshooting and replacement are carried out based on the results of routine inspections. They are carried out according to a set schedule.

Where to go if there is no lighting in the entrances

Residents can call or come to the management office and submit a corresponding application. Specialists of the management company must conduct necessary work the very next day after the application. In case of delay, residents have the right to contact the housing inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. In some cases, the period during which work is performed may be extended to 7 days.

What are the possible consequences for the management company if there is no lighting in the entrances?

Lighting in the entrance is very important, because in addition to its direct purpose, it provides the safety of residents and protection against theft. Therefore, authorized organizations are required to promptly respond to these applications.

If after 7 days after filing the application the problem is not resolved, the management company may be held legally liable under the Code of Administrative Offenses. In accordance with Article 7.22 of the Code on officials a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles is imposed. And the fine legal entities amounts from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

Art. 7.22 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings and (or) residential premises.

The rights and legitimate interests of citizens are controlled by the state housing inspection. Specialists of this organization and administration have the right to draw up protocols if relevant violations are identified.

Automation schemes for entrance lighting

Lighting in entrances apartment buildings carried out in different ways. Each scheme has its own characteristics. They can combine each other or have similar characteristics. Below are the options that are most common.

Lighting control using push-button stations

The method is more suitable for low-rise buildings, whose residents have a conscientious attitude. With its help it is possible to save money, but this depends only on the residents. The main advantage of this method is its affordable price.

Management is carried out in two ways.

The first one is a push-button post located in the entrance hall and on each floor.

The second one makes it possible to turn the light on and off only at the stairwell. Basements and attics have external lighting in the form standard switch or a special sensor.

If apartment owners do not show awareness in general house issues, then the lights can be turned off using a timer.

Using Light Sensors

In good natural light suitable option is to use a system with light sensors. This is not the most economical option, but is used as an alternative to a standard switch.

The sensor is installed in a dark place. The device works when it gets dark. In this case, the lighting can be turned on in the entrance or outside the room. In utility rooms, it is advisable to use standard switches.

Using motion sensors

This scheme arose not so long ago, but its popularity is growing every year. When using motion sensors, savings are achieved. Moreover, no attention is required from the residents.

In this case, sensors are installed on each floor, but sometimes - one at the entrance to the entrance. After the device is triggered, the time until shutdown is counted. If there is an elevator, the lights are turned on differently. Most often, the sensor is triggered when leaving the elevator. It is better to equip the utility rooms of the entrance with standard switches.

Combined lighting schemes

Often combined lighting schemes are used in entrances. At the same time, they are guided by the type of room and the tasks assigned. For example, the main starter is a light sensor that is activated in low light and sends a signal to motion sensors mounted outside, in the lobby and in the elevator.

In another example, a motion sensor is used as the main one. Other rooms can be switched on using standard switches.

The article is good. The comment refers to the work - the properties of the site. Full or partial copying of materials is permitted only if the source is indicated and a direct link to the site is added Source: RosKvartal® - Internet service No. 1 for management organizations There are no objections to this requirement. But why is the site made (arranged) in such a way that it is impossible for oneself to use your materials? Of course, not only your site is guilty of trying to complicate copying materials from the page - copying with normal formatting (text only) is not supported. It looks "redneck". Those who need it will still copy and apply your material, “but a residue remains.” You are receiving negative energy from many users, no doubt. Think about it. do you need it? I think that it is much better to communicate with people “humanly”. If I liked the text, I can save it for myself to use offline. If I don’t follow the quotation rules, God will punish me even without you. Thank you for your attention and understanding! Today we will tell you how installing light sensors and motion sensors in apartment buildings will help management organizations save energy resources. OUs learn to save energy. This is required by the rules on energy efficiency of apartment buildings. This approach reduces general house energy consumption and reduces the depreciation load on utility networks. How to increase the energy efficiency of a building Why install light sensors and motion sensors After the approval on September 1, 2016 by the government of the Russian Federation of a roadmap for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and after the adoption of a number of regulatory legal acts, the topic of using all possible ways to save energy resources became relevant again. Installing light sensors and motion sensors in the house, in addition to the listed advantages, will relieve the workload of full-time employees of the management organization, housing cooperatives and homeowners associations. They will not need to change burnt-out “Ilyich lamps” every other day and respond to calls from residents. The person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building, at least once a year, is obliged to develop and bring to the attention of the owners of premises in the apartment building proposals on measures to save energy and increase energy efficiency in the apartment building. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the costs of carrying out such measures, the amount of expected reduction in energy resources used and the payback period of the proposed measures (Part 7 of Article 12 N 261-FZ). If you do not save on the use of energy resources, this will naturally lead to a decrease in the energy efficiency class of the house. The state housing supervision authority may not confirm it at the same level. For example, instead of an increased class C, the GZHN body can, after checking, establish class D, which in the classification has the value “normal”. In this situation, the owners of apartment buildings and organizations responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings are looking for all possible ways to save the energy resources used. One of these methods is the installation of light sensors and motion sensors. They are also called twilight switches. What energy efficiency requirements exist for buildings? How are light sensors installed in apartment buildings? Management organizations, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives do not have a direct obligation to install light sensors in apartment buildings. Such an obligation is not provided for by the Minimum List of Services and Works approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 N 290. At the same time, paragraphs. “g” clause 10 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in MKD, which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491, establishes the obligation to comply with legal requirements Russian Federation about energy saving and increasing energy efficiency. If the house is serviced by a management organization, then the installation of light sensors will require an OSS solution, unless, of course, the building authority installs the light sensors at its own expense. In the second case, all you need is a management decision and proper funding. Taking into account the fact that the management organization always has an electrician on staff, it does not seem difficult to install light sensors at least on the first floors. If the apartment building manages a housing cooperative or a homeowners association, then prerequisite financing of work on the installation of light sensors must be approved by this item of expenditure in the estimate of income and expenses. This estimate is approved: general meeting members of the HOA, through targeted financing, by including the column “other expenses” in the estimate. Work on the installation of light sensors can be financed from the capital repair fund, if the established contributions for major renovation exceed the minimum established in the region. Remember that in this case, you can spend the difference between the regional minimum and the actual fees for major repairs on any type of work only with the consent of the OSS. The decision must be made by ⅔ votes (Part 3 of Article 166 of the RF Housing Code). What needs to be done to make the overhaul of common property energy efficient What rules must be followed when installing light sensors Installation of light sensors does not require any special approvals from supervisory authorities, in particular, fire supervision. But there is one thing mandatory requirement, which must be taken into account during installation - horizontal distance from detectors fire alarm there should be at least 0.5 meters to electric lamps. This requirement follows from clause 13.3.6 N SP 5.13130.2009.

Many of us have had to return home to dark time days. At such moments, a person understands how important lighting is inside and around an apartment building. But what to do if there is no light either in the entrance or in the yard? Who should I contact and who is responsible for this? Let's look into this issue

In this article:

Entrance lighting

With the onset of darkness, the lights must be turned on in the entrance and stairwells of a residential building. First of all, this is necessary for the safety of residents. Lighting in the entrance of an apartment building must meet the following requirements:

  • in public spaces a general lighting system is used;
  • if the house has more than 6 floors and more than 50 people live, then the building must be equipped with evacuation lighting;
  • evacuation lamps are installed in the main passages and in front of elevators;
  • It is allowed to use incandescent lamps, halogen and LED lamps;
  • It is recommended to cover the lamp with anti-vandal, impact-resistant glass or metal mesh;
  • The light intensity must comply with established standards.

Illumination standards are regulated by special regulatory documents, SNiP and GOST and are standardized according to VSN 59-88. Lux values ​​for seats common use are presented in the table:

Residents have the right to complain to the management company not only that there are no lamps, but also that their light is not intense enough.

Lighting in the basement

There are special requirements for organizing basement lighting due to the special microclimate inside the room. As a rule, it is always humid there and dampness may occur, so lamps must meet electrical and fire safety standards.

The power must be reduced to 42 W using a step-down transformer. The lamp body must be grounded. It is not recommended to connect copper and aluminum wires, which react when exposed to moisture. The wiring is placed in special corrugated pipes called a sleeve.

Lighting of the local area

Before you figure out what standards the lighting of the local area and courtyard of an apartment building must meet, you need to understand what is included in this concept - “ local area" According to the law this is:

  • the land plot on which the house is built, its dimensions are determined by the cadastre;
  • landscaping elements (this includes, among other things, lamps);
  • objects intended for home operation (heating points, transformer, children's and sports grounds, car parking).

Directly lighting the courtyard of an apartment building can be done in three ways:

  1. A lantern under the canopy above the door to the entrance. This is convenient because you can take a low-power lamp and you won’t need much light. The disadvantage is that it will only illuminate small area in front of the door.
  2. Lantern over the entrance canopy. It is advisable to take a lamp with a luminous flux of at least 3500 Lm and a circular luminous intensity. Placed at a height of 5 meters at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal. But, despite the fact that the entire yard is illuminated in this way, the area next to the door remains in darkness.
  3. A combination of the two previous options. Most the best way lighting the yard, but it consumes a lot of electricity.

Standards have also been developed for lighting the surrounding area, which are presented in the table:

Some residents insist on installing lighting fixtures with a motion sensor to save energy. It makes sense to install such lamps inside entrances, whereas on the streets they will not work quite correctly. On the street, the sensor can be triggered by the movement of an animal, and the light will turn on when it is not required.

Who is responsible for lighting the house?

According to Federal Law No. 131, authorities are responsible for the illumination of streets, roads and courtyards local government. But maintaining the functionality of the lamps is the responsibility of the residents of the house.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, responsibility for light inside residential buildings and in the local area lies with the management company with which the residents entered into an agreement. The text of the agreement states what services the management company provides, what it is responsible for, and what the procedure is for dealing with problems or controversial issues that arise.

What to do if residents find that there is no light in the entrance, common areas, basement or adjacent area? They need to take the following steps:

  1. An act is drawn up that describes the problem.
  2. The act is signed by at least 3 people. These could be neighbors, a senior person in the building, or the chairman of the house.
  3. Evidence of the existence of the problem is attached to the report. For example, a photo of the absence of light in the evening.
  4. The documents are transferred to the management company.
  5. Within seven days, management company employees check and analyze information, troubleshoot problems and draw up their own report on the problem.
  6. A document detailing all actions taken to resolve the problem is handed over to the applicants.

If the management company fails to fulfill its responsibilities and refuses to fulfill what is specified in the contract, residents have the right to terminate the agreement with it and enter into an agreement with another organization.

Who pays for the lighting of the courtyard and entrances of an apartment building? According to the Federal Law, the area around the house, like the entrances, is common property. The costs of lighting and troubleshooting are borne directly by the building occupants. Moreover, the costs are divided for each owner depending on the area of ​​his apartment.

You should pay attention to whether it is documented that this particular local area is the common property of this particular house. If there are no such notes, then inclusion of payment for it in the receipt is unlawful.

Lighting multi-storey buildings strictly regulated by laws and sanitary standards. If one of the important parameters is not met - there is no light at all, it is not bright enough, the lighting is organized without taking into account the safety of the residents, then the residents of the house have the right to apply to the management company, the local administration or even to the court.

(4 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Electricity tariffs increase every year, along with them the general house payments for lighting of common areas are increasing. In this regard, many management companies are beginning to consider the question of how to upgrade lighting in entrances to LED. What solutions exist today and how to make the right choice?

Do you need built-in sensors?

The main goal of introducing LED lighting technology in the housing and communal services sector is savings. The LED solution itself is 8-10 times more economical than a similar one with an incandescent lamp and about 2 times more economical solution with a compact fluorescent lamp, so you can limit yourself to the introduction of lamps without sensors.

But a product with built-in “intelligence” will allow you to additionally save another 60-80% of electricity. At the same time, the additional costs will be quite small. We can conclude that for the housing and communal services sector, lighting equipment with a built-in sensor is an economically viable solution.

Which detection type should I choose?

Most often, the presence of a person on a staircase is determined by sound or movement. Smaller applications in apartment buildings lighting technology with motion sensors is due to the fact that this type of device is directional, which imposes significant restrictions on the location of the lamp on the staircase. It turns out that in a limited entrance space it is not always possible to replace existing lighting equipment “point to point” while maintaining the installation location. At the same time, the supply electrical networks to a new place is always an additional cost.

Equipment with sound detection is not this deficiency, the accuracy of determining the presence of a person does not depend on the location of the lamp. This is probably one of the reasons that such products are widely used in all regions of Russia without exception. The disadvantages of the acoustic method include false alarms, for example, due to extraneous noise on the street or in apartments. But such activations in general, for all solutions installed at the facility, rarely account for more than 3% of the total operating time.

The second sensor that manufacturers integrate into housing and communal services lamps is optical. Its function is to prevent the light in the entrance from turning on during daylight hours if there is enough natural light. It is permissible to conclude that the most the best solution is a combination of two sensors in a product, namely optical and acoustic. Such “smart” lighting technology can save up to 98% of electricity. There are facilities where consumers were able to reduce the cost of each light source from 1,500 rubles to 27 rubles per year.

Why do you need standby mode?

To increase comfort and safety, some luminaires have a “standby mode”. In this mode, the equipment operates at full power only when a person is on the staircase, and the rest of the time it emits 20-30% of the declared luminous flux.

There is no longer pitch darkness in the room, there is enough light for the operation of video surveillance systems, in order to see through the door peephole what is happening on landing. At the same time, energy consumption is extremely low. Perhaps we can already say that the presence of a standby mode is one of the standard customer requirements for lighting equipment with sensors in the housing and communal services sector.

What power should I choose?

All other things being equal, the higher the power of the equipment, the brighter the room will be. Today, the optimal total power consumption for housing and communal services lamps is in the range of 6-8 W. This product will replace an analogue with an incandescent lamp with a power of up to 60-75W.

What degree of protection against moisture and dust is sufficient?

The degree of protection is indicated according to GOST 14254 by the letters IP and two numbers. From IP20 to IP68. The higher the index, the higher the protection.

For entrances and other dry rooms, IP20 protection is sufficient; for basements and similar rooms, protection from IP54 and higher is desirable. For lighting at the entrance to the entrance, it is better to choose lamps with IP64 and higher.

Products with acoustic sensors are characterized by a relatively low IP degree, since technological holes in the housing are necessary for more accurate operation of sensors of this type.

How to protect equipment from vandals and theft?

Vandal resistance is a fairly important parameter when choosing solutions for the entrances of residential buildings. Lighting equipment for the housing and communal services sector must withstand significant shock loads while remaining operational.

If the body of such lamps has a streamlined shape, this will also complicate its unauthorized removal from the wall or ceiling. Anti-removal fasteners, plugs, others Constructive decisions able to provide enough reliable protection from equipment theft.

SA-7008U lamps of the “Perseus” series, as one of the common solutions in housing and communal services

It seems that the need to replace existing equipment in the housing and communal services sector with modern LED lighting equipment with sensors is quite obvious and even inevitable.

As an example of a specific solution that is already widely used in apartment buildings, let us cite the SA-7008U lamp of the Perseus series. This series is produced by the Aktey company, located in St. Petersburg.

SA-7008U series "Perseus" is a multi-mode LED lamp with built-in optical and acoustic sensors.

Power consumption – 8 W, luminous flux – 800 lumens. Power consumption in standby mode is no more than 2 W. Three modes of operation in one product significantly expand the possibilities of application, while both the design and installation organization and the warehouse facilities of the manufacturer and customer continue to work with just one item.

Application of SA-7008U

Lighting stairwells, halls, corridors, lobbies and other premises with periodic stay of people in residential and public buildings. The SA-7008U “Perseus” multi-mode lamp with standby mode and complete shutdown mode is designed for network operation alternating current with a voltage of 220 volts.

CA-7008U series "Perseus" is designed for work on staircases, therefore the degree of protection is IP30. The anti-vandal housing can withstand very aggressive external influences. Each product is supplied with special anti-theft hardware and the required tools for on-site installation. Thanks to the polycarbonate body, the CA-7008U has electrical safety class II, which means it does not require a grounding line.

The high reliability of the SA-7008U leads to the fact that customers who started using lighting solutions from the Perseus series continue to use them on the next floor, in the next entrance, in the next apartment building.

Characteristics of SA-7008U

Operating voltage- 160…250 V
– Mains frequency - 50 Hz
– Nomin. power consumption in active mode - 8 W
– Power consumption in standby mode - ≤2 W
– Nominal luminous flux - 800 lm
– Acoustic switching threshold - 52±5 dB (adjustable)
– Optical response threshold - 5±2 lux
– Illumination duration - 60…140 sec. (adjustable)
– Automatic restart of the light off timer
– Sensitivity adjustment - yes
– Adjustable lighting duration - yes
– Power factor - > 0.85
– Protection class electric shock- II

Features of SA-7008U

– To replace lamps of the NBB, NBO and SBO types in housing and communal services.
- Frame LED lamp made of impact-resistant polycarbonate.
– Adjustment of acoustic sensitivity.
– Adjustment of lighting duration.
– Original patented shockproof design.
– Special fastening screws that make unauthorized dismantling difficult.
– Network overvoltage protection.
– Soft start system.
– LEDs Nichia, Samsung.
– No flickering or stroboscopic effect.
– Electromagnetic interference suppression filter (EMI filter).
- Not required protective grounding.
– Multi-mode with the ability to turn on standby mode (backlight).

Company Aktey develops and produces innovative electrical appliances for energy saving in housing and communal services (HCS), individual apartments, cottages and household plots.

The company's products allow you to save up to 95% of the electricity used to illuminate entrances, staircases, corridors and vestibules public places: modern light-emitting diode (LED) lamps, lamps with built-in optical-acoustic or infrared presence sensors, as well as built-in energy-saving sensors for the needs of serial manufacturers of lighting equipment.

Aktey company carries out custom (OEM, ODM) development, production or modernization of existing lighting equipment according to technical requirements customer. The products are characterized by ease of installation, ease of operation, reliability and low price.

Perhaps, each of us at least once in our lives had to walk without lighting along the staircase of an entrance in complete darkness in the regions of Russia. And even if in this case it was possible to safely overcome all the steps, the unpleasant sensations we suffered would still remain for a long time. This means that in order to completely eliminate the possibility of something like this happening again, it is necessary to properly organize a reliable and comfortable lighting stairs

The main task when controlling the lighting of staircases is to ensure safe and comfortable movement for all people passing through it. To do this, the light must be directed at the steps from above and clearly highlight the contours of each of them. In addition, the light should create soft rather than harsh shadows to improve people's spatial orientation. It should also be taken into account that well-lit walls create a feeling of security in a person.

Emergency lighting for staircases should also be considered. In case of unforeseen or critical situations, it will help to avoid unnecessary risks.

The AKTEY company in the regions of Russia will be able to offer you at least 10 solutions for staircase lighting for every taste and budget. You can buy our solutions from us or from our dealers in any region of Russia.

Lighting standards for staircases

The level of illumination in staircases is standardized by SNiP 23-05-95* “Natural and artificial lighting”, it ranges from 50 to 100 lux. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the contrast of the steps when lighting them, but at the same time the lamps should not dazzle people passing along flight of stairs. Therefore, light sources are usually placed on ceilings or high on walls.

The most functional and complete solution AKTEI's portfolio includes the LED lamp SA-7008U of the Perseus series. This smart product always works in the presence of people, and at the moment when there is no one on the stairs, it turns off completely or goes into standby mode. At this moment, only natural lighting of the staircases of residential buildings works. SA-7008U does not require replacement of lamps; when using this solution, there is no need for any maintenance during the entire period of operation.

The polycarbonate housing, on the one hand, ensures a high light output from the LED module, and on the other hand, significantly reduces glare. The streamlined shape allows the lamps to be used as decorative elements premises. The body of the lamp is made of polycarbonate, which, on the one hand, has high light transmission capabilities, and on the other hand, evenly distributes the light flow without causing a blinding effect. The impact resistance of this material and the special streamlined shape provide excellent vandal resistance.

How to make lighting on a staircase?

In addition to the fact that the lighting of stairs and landings in the entrances of residential buildings is intended to ensure the safety and comfort of the residents of the house, it must be energy-saving and vandal-proof, that is, protected from external destruction, breakdown and theft. The use of lamps with sensors will allow you to save up to 98% of electricity on lighting. Anti-vandal protection of LED lamps is provided by a durable polycarbonate housing; special fasteners protect against theft.

Since luminaires on staircases and flights often work around the clock, the absolute value of the savings, both in Watts and in rubles, can be quite significant.

At AKTEY you can choose the optimal solution for your staircase from the following options:

  • LED lamps of the Perseus series - SA-7008U, SA-7006, SA-7006D, SA-7106E;
  • LED lamps DBB 64-08 and DBB 64-08D;
  • lamps and sockets with sensors for lamps with E27 socket - CA-18, CA-19, CA-20.

LED lamp SA-7008U, Perseus series


  • Network frequency - 50 Hz
  • Rated power consumption in active mode - 7.8 W
  • Nominal luminous flux - 800 lm
  • Illumination duration - 60...140 sec. (adjustable)
  • Adjustable lighting duration - yes
  • Power factor - 0.85


  • Adjusting the lighting duration
  • Soft start system
  • LEDs Nichia, Samsung
  • Multi-mode with the ability to turn on standby mode (backlight)

Energy-saving LED lamp for housing and communal services SA-7006D, "Perseus" series


  • Operating voltage - 160 - 250 V
  • Network frequency - 50 Hz
  • Rated power consumption in active mode - 6 W
  • Power consumption in standby mode - ≤2 W
  • Nominal luminous flux - 700 lm
  • Acoustic switching threshold - 52 ±5 dB (adjustable)
  • Illumination duration - 50 ±10 sec.
  • Automatic restart of the light off timer
  • Sensitivity adjustment - yes
  • Degree of protection from exposure environment- IP40
  • Power factor - 0.85
  • Electric shock protection class - II


  • To replace lamps of the NBB, NBO and SBO types in housing and communal services
  • The body of the LED lamp is made of impact-resistant polycarbonate
  • Adjusting Acoustic Sensitivity
  • Original patented shockproof design
  • Special fastening screws that make unauthorized dismantling difficult
  • Network surge protection
  • Soft start system
  • LEDs Nichia, OSRAM
  • No flicker or stroboscopic effect
  • Typical value power factor (cos φ) - 0.85
  • Electromagnetic interference filter (EMI filter)
  • No protective grounding required
  • Standby mode (backlight)

Energy-saving lamp SA-18 optical-acoustic


  • Operating voltage - 180 - 250 V
  • Network frequency - 50 Hz
  • Incandescent lamp power (LN) - up to 60 W
  • Power compact fluorescent lamp(CFL) - up to 18 W
  • LED lamp power - up to 10 W
  • Optical response threshold - 5 ±2 Lux
  • Acoustic switching threshold - 52 ±5 dB (adjustable)
  • Illumination duration - 55 ±10 sec.
  • Own power consumption - ≤0.2 W
  • Lamp base type - E27
  • Sensitivity adjustment - yes


  • Direct replacement for NBB and NBO type luminaires with threaded connection A 85 for light diffuser
  • Standard threaded diffuser mount
  • Mounting hole compatibility with NBB and NBO type luminaires
  • Possibility of use in conjunction with LN, CFL or LED lamp
  • The body is made of fire-resistant (flame retardant) polycarbonate
  • Adjusting Acoustic Sensitivity
  • Lamp inrush current limitation
  • Turning on the lamp when the supply voltage passes through “zero”