Edema during pregnancy 2nd trimester what. Swelling during pregnancy: what to do

Gestation is a time when fluid accumulation is a natural response of the body to increased blood circulation. To answer the question of how to avoid edema during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand for what reasons they appeared and, depending on this, begin treatment or preventive measures.

Signs and causes of occurrence

During the examination, the doctor always pays attention to the woman’s appearance. During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, swelling may appear, most often on the feet and legs, as a result of water retention in the tissues.

You can independently determine the edematous reaction by the following signs:

  1. In a week, starting from mid-pregnancy, a woman should gain about 400 grams. But, if after weighing the weight gain exceeds 1-1.5 kg, then this indicates an accumulation of water in the body.
  2. Facial swelling is characterized by swollen lips and a swollen nose. If fluid accumulates on the eyelids, especially in the morning, this may indicate insufficient kidney function.
  3. Numbness of the fingers and toes is accompanied by the inability to bend them, which is direct evidence of the presence of excess water.
The shoes that the pregnant woman wore constantly become smaller. This is often one of the main signs by which water accumulation can be determined. Also, a study of diuresis will help determine hidden edema. You need to compare the amount of liquid you drink with the amount your body secretes.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Due to the accumulation of fluid, the fetus may develop hypoxia and lack of oxygen, so it is necessary to prevent edema during pregnancy as quickly as possible.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy includes the following recommendations:

  • eliminate salt consumption, as sodium chloride retains fluid in the body and provokes the formation of water reserves;
  • do not reduce the amount of clean water you drink so that the body stops storing for the future;
  • feasible physical exercise will help prevent swelling of the limbs during pregnancy;
  • limit smoked, salted, fried and fatty foods, only steamed or boiled dishes;
  • do not consume foods that provoke the accumulation of fluids - coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks;
  • diversify your diet with plenty of fiber to normalize digestion;
  • take vitamin complexes with vitamin E and magnesium.
The third trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous in terms of edema. Therefore, during this period, prevention involves refusing to wear high-heeled shoes. It is better to give preference to comfortable shoes that will not deform the foot or rub. At home, it is necessary to keep the legs in an elevated position; you can place a bolster or pillow under them to stimulate even distribution of the fluid.

How to avoid edema during pregnancy - traditional methods

The 2nd trimester is characterized by active growth of the fetus, which affects the increase in fluid in the body. Therefore, to avoid edema during pregnancy, you can resort to using a contrast shower. Changing cold and hot water helps strengthen blood vessels. Regular massage of the limbs will improve blood circulation and prevent water from retaining in the tissues. Cool foot baths with added sea salt at the end of the day have a relaxing effect and help reduce swelling reactions.

To avoid edema during pregnancy, you can use folk diuretics, which are not only useful and contain many vitamins, but also stabilize the water balance:

  • Birch juice;
  • apple peel infusion;
  • fruit drinks based on cranberries or lingonberries;
  • infusion of chopped parsley, with the addition of lemon;
  • tea based on rosehip or chamomile;
  • decoction of dried apricots, infused overnight.
Diuretics should not be used continuously. It is necessary to take breaks so as not to harm the fetus or cause dehydration. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the causes of edematous reactions individually.

Only 20% of pregnant women do not suffer from swelling. Pregnancy for the majority occurs with swelling of the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body. This is not the most pleasant thing to happen when you are expecting a baby. We will tell you about the reasons for their appearance and give recommendations on how to reduce their impact on the health and well-being of the pregnant woman.

Swelling during pregnancy

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Edema in pregnant women develops against the background of changes in water-salt metabolism. At this time, the amount of liquid increases to 7 liters and is distributed very unevenly throughout the tissues and organs. The appearance of edema is also explained by a failure of blood outflow, its biochemical changes and a slowdown in blood circulation. Another cause of edema during pregnancy is gestosis - toxicosis in late pregnancy. From week 30 onwards, it is important to follow a water-salt diet to reduce the amount of water in the body.

Why do edema appear during pregnancy if you watch your diet? You may have problems with your kidneys, cardiovascular system, or suffer from varicose veins.

Many people ask the question, why is edema during pregnancy dangerous if it is a common and even natural pathology? Increasing swelling against the background of deteriorating tests can provoke dropsy, problems with the kidneys and even the heart. Therefore, if you suffer from edema and pressure during pregnancy, then immediately contact your doctor!

Consequences of edema during pregnancy

In most cases, edema in pregnant women is a physiological norm and yet it is necessary to control it. However, there is also dangerous swelling. What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy? Approximately 10-15% of pregnant women develop dropsy from the sixth month, which is dangerous for both the woman and her fetus.

Due to changes in the water-salt balance, the composition of the blood also changes, and this can cause abnormalities in blood clotting.

Severe swelling during pregnancy also provokes late toxicosis. It can cause disturbances and severe disruptions in the body of a pregnant woman, which can result in induction of labor or a caesarean section. Such interference in the natural course of pregnancy is necessary, since severe gestosis can cause premature placental abruption and oxygen starvation of the fetus - very dangerous conditions for your child.

To avoid dangerous edema during pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor at the first symptoms and follow recommendations on diet, physical activity and daily routine. Do not turn a blind eye to even slight swelling, as it can disrupt the maternal-placental-fetal system. This condition threatens the child with long-term hypoxia, developmental abnormalities, and can even cause termination of pregnancy!

Edema in early pregnancy

Many women are interested in the question of when edema appears during pregnancy. They may not appear, but in the normal course of pregnancy they should be expected in the last trimester. If the pregnancy occurred during the hot season, then swelling in the second trimester of pregnancy is also normal. If swelling appears earlier than the specified period, then, most likely, this is due to the appearance of a disease that was provoked by the pregnancy itself. In pregnant women, the load on the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels, which are larger than other organs and are at risk, increases. If you experience swelling in the first trimester of pregnancy, consult a doctor to identify the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is quite simple to independently recognize edema during pregnancy. You cannot freely remove the ring from your finger, previously comfortable shoes have become tight, marks from tight elastic bands of underwear and socks remain on the skin for a long time, and an expressive dimple remains on the body after pressure. A decrease in fluid excreted in the urine and rapid weight gain (more than 300 grams per week) also indicate edema.

Even minor swelling during pregnancy must be controlled to avoid more dangerous consequences than the general discomfort of a pregnant woman.

Edema in the third trimester of pregnancy

Every day the pressure of the uterus on the ureters increases, so almost every second pregnant woman complains of edema in late pregnancy. At this time, you need to visit the toilet at the first urge to avoid stagnation of urine and not provoke an inflammatory process.

If swelling in the 9th month of pregnancy has become very severe, weight gain has become pathological, and you have gained more than 20 kilograms during the entire pregnancy, then you have so-called dropsy. It is easily corrected with treatment, but it is important to monitor the stability of blood pressure and the absence of protein in the urine.

When edema at the end of pregnancy is accompanied by high blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine, the pregnant woman has developed nephropathy, which is the second stage of the development of gestosis. At this time, the pregnant woman is prescribed inpatient treatment. Doctors improve the blood circulation of a pregnant woman for better nutrition of the child, monitor the metabolism of the expectant mother, and normalize the woman’s blood pressure so that the fetus does not experience oxygen starvation.

Often, women who are expecting a child experience swelling in various parts of the body. The article below dispels the myths associated with this condition, and also explains the reasons for its occurrence and possible methods for solving the current situation.

Edema during pregnancy: a serious threat or a surmountable phenomenon

Swelling during pregnancy is observed in 75% of women. The opinion of specialists regarding the need to eliminate edema is ambiguous and depends on the medical history of the individual patient. The article below reveals the question in which situations such a condition requires immediate intervention, and when it is a physiological consequence of changes undergone by the body.

Why they appear during pregnancy: main reasons

While expecting a baby, a woman’s body takes on the responsibility of performing vital functions “for two.” This also applies to the volume of fluid, which doubles during pregnancy. At first glance, this fact can be considered a completely logical explanation for the occurrence of edema, proving the “naturalness” of the phenomenon in question during pregnancy. However, medical experts consider swelling to be a serious abnormality that requires an immediate decision on the treatment to be prescribed. The situation can also be aggravated by “companions” of edema: high blood pressure or protein in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Main reasons:

  • the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, for example, gestosis;
  • daily intake of insufficient fluid;
  • frequent inclusion in the diet of fried, fatty or foods high in salt and sugar;
  • compression of veins and lymphatic vessels by the grown uterus;
  • physiological changes in the content of microelements in the blood and tissues of a pregnant woman.

Signs: how to determine swelling

To minimize the negative impact of swelling on the body of the mother and child, it is important to diagnose it in a timely manner at the initial stage. In addition to edema, visible to the naked eye, there is a possibility of developing pasty tissues of the body (hidden fluid retention).

Such serious deviations are determined by doctors during examination and evaluation of the results of a general urine or blood test. Due to the inability to visit a gynecologist or get tested every day, it is up to the pregnant woman herself to periodically check parts of the body for obvious swelling visible to her.

Shins and lower extremities

Provided that the pregnant woman has no serious illnesses and the course of pregnancy is favorable, swelling of the lower extremities occurs in the second and third trimesters and is considered natural changes in the body.

Edema is considered not dangerous for the expectant mother and baby only if the results of OAM and OAC are good. Otherwise, the doctor must prescribe treatment, and sometimes give a referral to a hospital.

The main “signals” for a woman indicating the occurrence of fluid accumulation in the legs and lower extremities are:

  • weight gain of more than 300-400 grams over the past week;
  • severe “swelling” of the limbs exclusively in the evening;
  • feeling of heaviness, discomfort or pain in the legs.

Arms and fingers, hands

To diagnose the occurrence of swelling of the upper extremities, it is reasonable to pay attention to:

  • the presence of a sensation of “tingling” or “numbness” in the arms and hands;
  • the ability to easily remove and put on rings from your fingers;
  • the presence of traces from a bracelet or a thick elastic band (located for a short period of time on the wrist) for a long time after their removal.

Frequent numbness and “tingling” of a pregnant woman’s hands may indicate not only the presence of a large amount of fluid accumulated in the tissues, but also disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Swelling that occurs on the face is the most obvious for the expectant mother. This fact is due to their significant influence on changes in a woman’s appearance. With the development of swelling, pregnant women observe:

  • "swelling" of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of “bags” under the eyes;
  • “rounding” the oval of the face;
  • increase in nose size.

Belly and waist

“Swelling” of the waist area is considered the most dangerous type of abnormality in question. This is explained by the inextricable connection between the mother’s abdomen and the baby’s vital organs, which consists in supplying the baby with oxygen to the placenta (“inflating” when the abdomen swells). Accordingly, the sooner a pregnant woman manages to independently notice the slightest swelling in this area, the greater the chance of avoiding the influence of pathology on the growing body. An objective reason for concern should be:

  • fluid withdrawal is less than 75% of the daily volume of water consumed by a woman;
  • “sharp” significant weight gain;
  • significant “swelling” of the ankles;
  • increased blood pressure.

If your feet are swollen

To determine the accumulation of fluid in the feet, doctors recommend paying attention to the fact of their possible increase in width. As soon as a woman notices that it becomes impossible to put on old shoes, she should immediately contact a gynecologist to confirm or refute the development of a dangerous condition caused by water retention in the body.

What is hidden edema, how to identify it during pregnancy

Unfortunately, excessive fluid accumulation in a pregnant woman’s body cannot always be determined during regular self-diagnosis at home.

It is necessary to visit a gynecologist regularly. In addition to scheduled visits, a pregnant woman should regularly undergo tests and follow the doctor’s general recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle.

Taking on the definition of hidden (pasty) swelling, the specialist will take as guidelines:

  • uneven or sudden weight gain over the past month;
  • deviations in the analysis of diuresis results;
  • slow resorption of a special solution that forms a kind of “blister”, injected under the skin of the pregnant woman (a similar procedure is known in professional circles as the “blister test”);
  • significant excess of normal blood pressure;
  • detection of protein in the patient’s urine.

Why is fluid retention in the body dangerous during pregnancy?

The effect of edema on the body of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus in the womb is directly related to the stage of pregnancy when the described condition was diagnosed.

First trimester

Significant fluid retention in a woman’s body in the first trimester of pregnancy is extremely unphysiological and will definitely be regarded by the doctor as a consequence of dysfunction of the vital organs of the pregnant woman (kidneys, heart, liver).

In addition to possible heart or kidney failure, swelling in the early stages can be caused by varicose veins or severe toxicosis, which significantly dehydrates the pregnant woman’s body.

Ignoring the problem is fraught for the expectant mother with the development of serious diseases, which over time become “chronic”. For a child at the stage of “laying” the basis for the subsequent formation of vital systems, maternal edema can be dangerous by possibly provoking disturbances in the functioning of the placenta, which is responsible for supplying the baby with oxygen.

Second trimester

The considered deviations in a woman’s condition in the second trimester are more natural, due to the significantly increased load on the body, including due to weight gain. The safety of detected swelling at this time can be determined exclusively by a gynecologist based on the results of additional studies and tests. Otherwise, we are talking about the initial stage of gestosis, which is dangerous not only for the general condition of the mother, but also for the life of the unborn baby.

Third trimester

Significant swelling in the last weeks of the third trimester inevitably entails hypoxia of the fetus in the womb. In the vast majority of cases, doctors in such situations decide to send the pregnant woman to the hospital to try to eliminate the excessively accumulated fluid in the woman’s body using medication. In the absence of positive dynamics in relieving edema, the expectant mother will be advised to have an emergency delivery to save the life of her child.

How does swelling affect a child, what are the dangers?

Modern gynecologists perceive swelling in a pregnant woman, accompanied by significant weight gain, increased blood pressure, as well as deviations in the TAM and BC, as a phenomenon that poses a serious threat to the child in the womb. The influence of such a condition can be expressed in:

  • disruption of normal blood circulation in the placenta or the development of placental insufficiency, inevitably leading to hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • provoking excessive activity of the baby, leading to the umbilical cord entwining his neck or abdomen, which poses a potential danger for subsequent births.

When does swelling occur in the early stages of pregnancy?

Swelling in the first weeks of pregnancy is considered a consequence of:

  • dysfunction of the vital systems of the woman’s body (cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, and so on);
  • non-compliance with the daily drinking “regime”;
  • eating a large amount of salty, fried, spicy, sweet, fatty foods.

Is there always swelling in the last 9 months of pregnancy?

The frequent occurrence of edema in the last stages of pregnancy does not mean that every woman necessarily has it. In the absence of abnormalities in the functioning of other organs and the normal course of pregnancy, a young woman who plays sports before and while expecting the birth of a baby may not experience fluid retention that poses a danger to her or her baby.

If your face, legs and arms swell, is it possible to reduce the swelling with medications?

Having identified the occurrence and development of hidden or obvious edema in a timely manner, the gynecologist, depending on the medical history and current condition of the pregnant woman, prescribes treatment. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs that are effective in combating this dangerous “disease.”

What is prescribed for acute forms

For severe swelling of the legs, face or upper extremities, in addition to general recommendations and adherence to the drinking regime, as well as adjustments to the daily diet, doctors in a hospital setting prescribe:

  • "Courantil";
  • "Canephron";
  • "Phytolysin";
  • "Spironolactone";
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Magneroth".

What remedies are effective?

The most effective of them are “Curantil” and “Canephron”. The compositions of these medications are as natural as possible, which ensures the absolute safety of their use, along with the high speed of action of the active substances.

A pregnant woman is strongly advised not to self-medicate, since in the absence of a proper preliminary examination, as well as the correct dosage determination, any medications can cause more harm than good for the mother and her baby.

What not to take during pregnancy for edema

Because of the potential danger to pregnant women posed by some drugs that have been successfully used to treat edema in other people, doctors prefer to avoid prescribing drugs that have diuretic properties:

  • "Furosemide";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Theobromine";
  • "Xipamide";
  • "Lasilactone";
  • "Triamterene";
  • "Diakarb."

How to cope with edema during pregnancy using folk remedies

A pregnant woman can try to minimize swelling at home by using effective folk methods, adjusting her diet, and performing simple exercises.

Foot baths: how to relieve swelling

The most common home remedies for eliminating fluid retention in the legs include:

  • foot baths (dissolve sea salt, mustard, chamomile or lemon balm in water at a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of active substance per liter of liquid);
  • cold and hot shower.

How to relieve facial swelling

To eliminate “swelling” of a pregnant woman’s face, it is recommended to wipe the skin with ice daily, and also regularly do the following:

  • cucumber mask;
  • potato and honey mask;
  • compress on the face with a decoction of calendula and green tea.

How to reduce swelling in the lower abdomen

Daily consumption will help reduce dangerous swelling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy:

  • berry fruit drinks;
  • fresh vegetable juices;
  • herbal infusions, in particular parsley, rose hips, hawthorn, chamomile.

Diet for swelling during late pregnancy

In addition to the above “rituals”, pregnant women are advised to adhere to a special diet that requires sufficient fluid intake to reduce swelling.

Foods that reduce swelling

Along with drinking plenty of fluids, important components of the complete menu of a woman who is expecting a baby should be:

  • salt-free dishes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, for example, carrots, melon, watermelon;
  • seasonal berries, in particular cranberries, lingonberries or red currants.

Diet per day in early and late stages

The daily diet of the expectant mother with the development of swelling, both in the early and late stages, implies adherence to identical basic rules of “healthy” nutrition:

  1. The daily amount of salt in dishes should not exceed 5 g.
  2. It is necessary to completely exclude sweet, starchy, fatty, spicy, fried foods.
  3. Priority should be given to dishes rich in proteins, vitamins, and beneficial micro and macroelements:
  • boiled or oven-baked “diet” meat;
  • fermented milk products;
  • steamed dishes;
  • vegetables;
  • citrus fruits, in particular lemon (in the absence of allergies);
  • porridge.
  1. It is extremely important to avoid excessive consumption of coffee, black tea, and carbonated drinks.

Amount of fluid consumed in recent weeks

The volume of fluid consumed by a woman in the last weeks of pregnancy should be at least 1 liter per day. This indicator applies not only to clean water and other drinks, but also to all liquid food in the daily diet of the expectant mother.

The slightest deviation from the generally accepted drinking regime can lead to the development of swelling or, conversely, dehydration.

Exercises for swelling during pregnancy

It is also worth noting the need for pregnant women to perform a number of exercises to help normalize the process of removing accumulated fluid from the body. These include:

  • regular adoption of the knee-elbow position;
  • visiting the swimming pool;
  • daily active walks over long distances;
  • “rounding” and “bending” the back, standing on all fours;
  • maintaining the position, several times, alternating legs, “pull up” the bent knee to the stomach, with a concomitant rounding of the back;
  • lying on your back and placing your lower limbs on a pillow, perform circular movements of your feet in different directions;
  • Remaining in the same position, alternately pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach.

After studying the information in the above article, a pregnant woman will be able to understand how to prevent the occurrence of a potentially life-threatening condition for her baby. However, despite the existing “home” methods of combating swelling and the known “variants of the norm”, if symptoms of the abnormality in question are detected, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor to determine whether there is a real threat to her health.

Useful video

Swelling of the legs during late pregnancy: what is dangerous and how to treat

The last months of pregnancy create a feeling of immediate happiness, but the elevated mood from hormones can be overshadowed by a serious problem. Swelling of the legs in pregnant women in late stages– this is not such a rare occurrence. The growing fetus requires more space in the abdomen and displaces internal organs, causing swelling in various parts of the body. They can be a physiological norm or, conversely, dangerous for the child and require treatment.

  • Why does swelling occur?
  • Attention! Summer
  • How to relieve swelling in the heat
  • What can cause swelling in pregnant women?
  • Consequences
  • Swelling of the hands
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Facial swelling
  • Pastiness of the genital organs
  • Drinking regime
  • Treatment
  • Local therapy: gels, creams for swelling during pregnancy
  • Treatment in hospital
  • Therapeutic diet and sample menu
  • Exercises and gymnastics for home
  • Treatment with folk remedies and recipes
  • Diagnostics

Causes of edema, what is wrong with the pregnant body

Edema appears due to a sharp enlargement of the uterus: water accumulates in the body, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels are compressed, the passage of oxygen to the extremities is blocked, the outflow of urine is disrupted and stagnation occurs in the bloodstream.

Most edema occurs in women bearing a child for the first time, but the first child is not the main cause of pathology.

During gestation, progesterone levels increase. Its main effect is relaxation of smooth muscle muscles. And this type of muscle tissue is present in most internal organs:

  • in the vascular wall of veins and arteries;
  • in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, gall bladder, bile ducts;
  • uterus;
  • in the ureters and bladder.

Progesterone is the main cause of edema. All others are secondary or dependent on the influence of this hormone. It is because of it that heartburn, constipation and swelling occur during pregnancy.

Other causes of edema in pregnant women:

  • Chronic diseases: cardiovascular (increased load), endocrine, genitourinary systems, vascular diseases - or deep vein thrombosis.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of salty foods.
  • Tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes: leggings,...
  • Protein deficiency (hereditary or due to poor nutrition or loss of proteins due to gestational nephropathy).
  • – toxicosis in pregnant women. In addition to edema, hypertension (increased blood pressure) appears. Adult women at risk: (from), pregnant with twins or triplets, smokers, suffering from episodic seizures or with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Fluid accumulation occurs from bottom to top, so the first swelling appears in the legs. Pasty feet look like thickening of the skin, swelling of the subcutaneous layer of fat. Easily distinguishable, since the protruding veins on the leg are completely closed, folds may form. Usually the swelling looks like in the photo.

To check whether there is an accumulation of sweaty plasma on the lower extremities, you need to press the soft tissue with your thumb to the tibia. This bone is located on the front surface of the lower leg. If after pressing for 3-5 seconds a depression remains, this is swelling. Moreover, the degree of swelling is higher, the higher the pressure remains on the hole.

Preeclampsia is dangerous because it causes swelling of internal organs, including the placenta, which can impair the exchange of oxygen between mother and fetus. Late gestosis is a threatening condition for both. Therefore, the woman and the obstetrician-gynecologist should be wary in his presence. If the condition is confirmed in severe cases, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and intensive treatment is prescribed.

Attention: summer and heat

When talking about the reasons for the development of edema syndrome in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to mention the time of year. In summer, especially in the heat, swelling develops faster, stronger and more difficult to remove. This is due to the physical effect of heat, which has a relaxing effect on blood vessels:

  • blood flow slows down;
  • perfusion pressure in the vessels increases;
  • more fluid sweats into the intercellular space.

Therefore, if the 3rd trimester of pregnancy occurs during the hot season, your actions should be aimed in advance at preventing the appearance of edema.

What can you do in the summer to alleviate the condition?

You can remove or alleviate swelling with a contrast shower for your feet. The temperature difference will allow the vessels to “play” and return to tone. Such hardening exercises are the best way to prevent swelling of the lower extremities in the third trimester.

What can cause swelling in pregnant women?

In addition to the feet, the hands and fingers, face, mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and genitals are susceptible to swelling. Hidden edema is the most dangerous during pregnancy. They are distinguished by the absence of external symptoms: the body does not get tired, muscles do not ache, skin thickening is invisible, but weight is rapidly gained. Therefore, in the antenatal clinic where you are being observed, before visiting the obstetrician-gynecologist, they must carry out a control weighing.

Since edematous fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of internal organs, a chronic disease can determine which part of the body is in greatest danger. Mothers with cardiovascular disease are more likely to have swelling in their legs, lower back, and feet. In women with kidney disease, any organ can be affected, including the face and hands.

The average period for the occurrence of edema during pregnancy is . But later swelling is also possible, and even. And the early ones - from .

What are the dangers of edema in late pregnancy?

Edema in the last month of pregnancy associated with chronic diseases causes rapid weight gain (about 300-400 g per week) and is dangerous if it quickly spreads throughout the body. Swollen organs compress blood vessels, sodium and oxygen metabolism is disrupted, the baby does not receive enough nutrients and may be born premature. To exclude such consequences, pregnant women are constantly monitored in the hospital.

Significant risks to the fetus arise only when the woman does not report swelling and allows it to progress.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

The most common location for swelling during pregnancy is the legs. Fluid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, falls down to the ankles.

At night, when a woman lies in a horizontal position, the fluid moves higher up her legs and the swelling may decrease in the morning. This condition is normal for pregnant women. Slight tingling and short-term numbness of the extremities are possible. Exercise also helps with morning pastiness.

You can reduce mild swelling on your own. During sleep, it is recommended to elevate your legs - place them on an additional pillow.

You need to be less in an upright position without moving, wear comfortable shoes (especially if flat feet are diagnosed to any degree), do foot massage or exercises, wear compression stockings and drink 1.5 liters of fluid a day in small portions.

If the swelling remains the same size in the morning or other parts of the body begin to swell, you should inform your gynecologist. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be an indirect sign.

Swelling of the hands in pregnant women

There are two ways to determine whether there is swelling of the hands during pregnancy or not:

  • In the morning, put the ring on your finger; if there is swelling, by the evening swelling will form around the ring, and the jewelry itself will be more difficult to remove;
  • take a tight elastic band and put it on your hand; when there is swelling, after a few minutes the skin under the elastic band is pressed in, and after removing it, a dent is still visible for some time.

Swollen hands usually do not cause discomfort. Your fingers hurt if you type on the keyboard for a long time. To avoid swelling when working at the computer, just place your elbows on a flat surface, preferably with a soft pillow, and give your hands a rest every 10-15 minutes.

Simultaneous swelling of the arms and legs is a sign that the cardiovascular system, along with the lymphatic system, cannot cope. In late pregnancy, the heart experiences increased stress, and venous blood is poorly “pumped” from the extremities to the heart. Due to high pressure, the walls of the veins expand and small holes are formed through which fluid leaks into the intercellular space. At the same time, thrombophlebitis worsens. Inflammation of the veins can be suspected if one leg is swollen more than the other.

If swelling of the fingers does not go away on its own, the doctor prepares a strict diet and monitors the fluid entering the body. In advanced cases, medications that increase blood flow in the kidneys and vitamins B, E and A are prescribed separately.

Facial swelling

Facial swelling appears later than anything else, sometimes before childbirth. In the morning, slight swelling of the eyelids is noticeable. In severe cases, the area under the eyes constantly swells and the contour of the face changes.

In the early stages, a runny nose or nasal congestion develops, which sometimes accompanies the pregnant woman until the very beginning. The face often swells when the salt load increases at night. You should avoid eating salty, spicy foods.

Swelling of the face is dealt with in the same way as swelling of the arms and legs: a strict diet, fluid control, baths, moderate physical activity.

Swelling of the labia

Swelling of the genitals at 9 months is not always dangerous; more often the fatty tissue increases to make it easier for the child to pass through the birth canal. But such enlargement of the labia is not accompanied by a constant feeling of discomfort.

If, along with swelling, the vagina constantly itches or the discharge takes on a green or yellow tint, then we can talk about infection and infection. In this case, additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are individually prescribed, then medications are prescribed.

If the swelling causes discomfort, but the discharge is normal, a general diet, drinking regimen and a warm bath are prescribed.

Drinking regime for swelling

In the third trimester, blood circulation increases by about 40%, which is why the body requires more fluid - about 1.5 liters per day, including first courses, juicy fruits and vegetables. Moreover, during a full lunch, it is important to reduce the amount of salt to 1.5 g, it has the property of retaining liquid. In the morning and evening you should drink a glass of kefir or. and it’s better to drink hawthorn infusion or kidney tea. If it is difficult to adhere to the drinking regime, and the body constantly requires more water, you need to drink; you cannot starve yourself with thirst during pregnancy.

You need to know that fluid in the body retains not only salt, but also sugar. Therefore, the diet also includes the exclusion of sweet foods. But most of all, the formation of edema in pregnant women is influenced by the sugar-salt complex. These two products potentiate each other in the development of edema syndrome.

To get rid of edema during pregnancy, it is forbidden to take diuretics (diuretics) on your own. If you choose the wrong drug during pregnancy, the body will begin to remove beneficial substances, depriving both the child and the mother of macroelements. Only a doctor can prescribe a diuretic based on tests.

Treatment: medications and rules of administration

During pregnancy, the following medications are allowed to be taken under medical supervision:

  1. Triampur (for heart, liver and kidney diseases) – 2 tablets/day. morning and evening for 20 days;
  2. Canephron – 1 tablet 2 times a day before meals for 15 days;
  3. Eufillin – 0.15 g, 2 times a day;
  4. Hofitol (organic preparation based on artichoke) – 3 tablets/day. before eating;
  5. Furosemide – 1-2 tablets/day.

Excess medication in the 3rd trimester affects the baby. The exact dosage can only be prescribed in a hospital. Any of the drugs is supplemented with diuretic products: oatmeal, eggplant, celery or. In severe cases, only medications help.

Local medications to relieve swelling

Local remedies - heparin-based gels and creams - help fight edema syndrome. It improves the rheological properties of blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and restores the vascular wall, thereby helping to avoid swelling in pregnant women on the legs, arms and under the eyes on the face.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy with creams and gels without the consent of the doctor is prohibited!

Treatment of edema during pregnancy in a hospital

In case of severe edema syndrome, hospitalization of the pregnant woman in a permanent hospital or day hospital may be recommended.

In the hospital, if necessary, vascular drugs are prescribed and administered through a drip. Treatment with Pentoxifylline and Eufillin is carried out in this way. In short, these drugs will help the kidneys filter out excess fluid accumulated in the expectant mother’s body and cope with edema.

Previously, the drug magnesium sulfate (magnesia) was prescribed for this purpose, but progressive specialists are gradually “moving away” from it. Its effect is insignificant and questionable in terms of fetal health.


The table shows acceptable dishes for each meal; the diet is compiled based on the preferences of the pregnant woman.

Table 1.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime
Muesli with milk, or boiled eggs, or 100 g of cottage cheese;

Juice and apple or berries

Vegetable or seafood soup or beef soup

100 g vegetable salad or rice side dish.

2-3 slices of black bread, cucumbers.

Drink juices or compotes.

Apple, pear, assorted berries, a piece of watermelon or melon, dried apricots (your choice). Kidney tea Rice side dish with cutlet or boiled fish.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy with folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help cope with swelling; they can be taken along with a course of medications, but it is important to notify the doctor about this. The course of folk herbal medicine includes various tonics and sedatives:

  • cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks from fresh or frozen berries;
  • tea or infusion of lingonberry leaves;
  • (without sugar, you can with honey), it is important to choose high-quality tea;
  • A decoction of bearberry helps to remove excess fluid, drink for no more than 10 days, long-term use may irritate the muscles of the uterus;
  • , lavender, jasmine or other herbs as an addition to water;
  • For treatment, use a decoction of dill seeds or add seeds to food;
  • corn silk for kidney disease.

Diagnosis of pastosity: how to determine whether there is fluid retention or not

To identify edema during pregnancy, doctors prescribe the woman a daily amount of water and monitor the amount and condition. By comparing the rate of consumption and output, one can conclude how much fluid remains in the tissues, and therefore predict the appearance of edema. Pastosity in a progressive form affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and throat, a constant runny nose occurs, turning into rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa). Rhinitis in pregnant women does not require treatment.

A blister test is used: injection of 0.2 mg of saline into the forearm. The greater the body's edematous readiness, the faster the blister resolves.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky (normal in brackets) shows the average volume of urination (60-300 ml), the ratio of daytime and nighttime diuresis (3:1), the ratio of excreted to ingested fluid (75-80%). For analysis within 24 hours, a urine sample is taken every 3 hours 8 times, starting at 9:00. The first portion is flushed down the toilet, the rest are collected each time in a separate jar, stored in the refrigerator and taken to the hospital in the morning. Diuretics should not be used during the analysis.

If a pregnant woman’s body is predisposed to edema, then it will not be possible to avoid it, but it can be prevented and recognized in time by undergoing examinations in the hospital, especially in the 3rd trimester. It is not the swelling that is scary, but the lack of desire and desire to treat it.