Cutting disc for corrugated sheets. How to cut corrugated sheets: features of work and suitable tools

When a material such as corrugated sheeting is used in construction, the question always arises of how and with what to cut it so that the edges are intact and the polymer layer is not damaged. There are many tools for this, the main thing is to choose a convenient one.

In its structure, corrugated sheeting is very similar to a simple tin sheet, only corrugated. This suggests the conclusion that you can cut corrugated sheets in the same way as tin. But this is not entirely true. Because the top of the sheet is covered with a layer of material that protects against corrosion. And the main thing when cutting corrugated sheets is to maintain the integrity of this layer.

The peculiarity of cutting corrugated sheets is that its coating deteriorates under the influence of high temperatures, which is why it is necessary to cut using cold methods. Therefore, autogen or plasma methods are not suitable in this case. The grinder also needs to be handled carefully, use only special discs, otherwise you can destroy the entire protective layer material. You can cut corrugated sheets using:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Electric scissors.
  3. Low speed saw.
  4. Hacksaw.
  5. A jigsaw used to cut metal.

Cutting profiled sheets with a grinder

Before cutting corrugated sheets using a grinder, you need to buy a special disk, which is specifically designed to cut corrugated sheets. The thickness of this disc is from 1 mm to 1.6 mm, and the teeth are made of durable material.
After finishing the work, it is necessary to paint the edges of the profile decking with special paint, so that corrosion will not appear in these places. But builders do not recommend cutting the entire package of corrugated sheets at the same time, because very often the metal is damaged in such cases. There is only one advantage to using an angle grinder – speed. You can cut sheets in a matter of minutes and without much effort.

And there are a few more disadvantages:

  1. Since the grinder is an abrasive tool, it can damage the sheets. This can happen because hot metal particles, when cutting a sheet with a grinder, fall on the protective surface of the flooring and burn polymer coating and after some time corrosion appears in these places.
  2. After cutting the metal with a grinder, the edges remain torn and will need to be further processed.
  3. A very strong and sharp sound when cutting corrugated sheets with an angle grinder can cause concern for you and your neighbors.

Cutting corrugated sheets with a hacksaw

Among other tools for cutting corrugated sheets, specialists usually choose a hacksaw for metal. Because this tool is convenient, economical and has a number of advantages:

  1. Thanks to the hacksaw, the sheets are cut quite quickly and accurately, and there are no burrs or nicks on the cut.
  2. The work is done manually, but it does not require much physical labor.
  3. The hacksaw is very convenient for cutting small size sheets with a small thickness, which are then used on small roofs and fences.

Disadvantages of cutting corrugated sheets with a hacksaw:

  1. It’s very easy to use a hacksaw to cut a sheet of corrugated board in a straight line, but if you need to make curved cuts, then nothing will work. Therefore, along with a hacksaw, you will have to use other tools.
  2. To work with a hacksaw, you need a special table on which corrugated sheets are attached before cutting.
  3. In any case, all the disadvantages of the work pale in comparison to the advantages and ease of using a hacksaw for metal.

Cutting a profile sheet with a jigsaw

An electric or manual jigsaw is used when cutting profile sheets when you need to make a curved cut. If you need to make small cuts, a hand jigsaw works well. But the electric one is used in cases where the volume of work is very large. The quality of work is not affected by what kind of jigsaw was used.

If the wave height is from 25 mm and the length is short, then use electric jigsaw. Such material must be cut either along or across the flooring. But when cutting, you must press the sheet firmly so that there is no shaking.

The jigsaw file must be designed for working with metal, with small teeth, and must be operated at high speeds. When changing speed, maintain the longitudinal inclination of the saw.

The advantages of this work are low cost, and among the disadvantages:

  1. It is inconvenient to saw corrugated board crosswise if its corrugation is higher than 25 mm.
  2. If you cut thin strips with a jigsaw, the quality may be lost, and this work will take a lot of time.
  3. If you use an electric tool, the edges of the sheet may burn, so the cut will need to be additionally treated with enamel.
  4. Loud noise during operation.

Cutting a profile sheet with metal scissors

In small areas it is very convenient to use special scissors for cutting corrugated sheets. Using such a tool, you can easily cut a sheet across the wave. Benefits of using scissors:

  1. You can quickly and efficiently cut thin strips without spending a lot of effort.
  2. When cutting across a sheet, the metal does not deteriorate.

Disadvantages of using scissors:

  1. Due to the low flexibility along the corrugated sheeting, cutting in this direction is inconvenient.
  2. Sometimes there are torn edges.

Despite the disadvantages, it is metal scissors that are used if you need to cut a sheet that is used in the construction of a gate, garage or fence. They need to cut small volumes of flooring.

Other tools for profile sheet cutting

In addition to the above tools, there are several more options for cutting corrugated sheets. For example, you can use circular saw. When cutting, turn it on at low speeds, because high speeds can damage the sheet. When using a saw, you can easily cut the sheet in any direction, but you need to do this with a partner. And use the minimum feed.

Electric scissors are also used, especially in cases where it is not necessary to have perfectly straight edges. This is why electric scissors are so loved by builders; their main advantage is speed and quality of execution; their disadvantages include rough edges on cuts.

After cutting corrugated sheets

Even if you cut the metal very carefully, you will still not be able to avoid the integrity of the protective layer, and therefore you need to immediately take measures to ensure that the sheet lasts as long as possible.

How to process a cut line:

  1. Special anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant materials, which are sold in any hardware store.
  2. Often when purchasing profiled sheets, they also come with factory paint. You need to immediately paint the edges of the sheet with it.
  3. If such factory paint is not included in the kit, then you need to immediately buy a can of paint, the color and texture of which matches the similar paint on the profile sheet.

The correctly selected tool and the implementation of all subsequent work after cutting will allow the corrugated sheet to serve for many years.

Cutting corrugated sheets can be done using hand or power tools. During this procedure, it is important to follow some rules so as not to spoil the material and shorten its service life.

The corrugated sheet consists of a steel sheet that serves as a base, coated on both sides with an anti-corrosion protective layer, then a primer, a layer of protective paint with inside and polymer coating - on the outside.

Structure of corrugated sheet

Therefore, it is very important to cut such a multilayer structure carefully and with minimal damage. If you ignore the rules, outer covering will be destroyed, and the unprotected steel will corrode.

Another nuance that you need to remember when working: the polymer coating is not resistant to high temperatures - under their influence it burns out. Cutting and any other processing of corrugated sheets can only be done using a cold method.

What is the best way to cut corrugated sheets based on these features?

Hand tools

They can be used for small jobs or for operations that require high precision.

Metal hacksaw and jigsaw

The most commonly used tool for cutting corrugated sheets is a hacksaw.

Using it, you can quickly and accurately make a cut without leaving burrs or nicks along the edges. Cutting a sheet straight takes little time and is easy, but figure cutting You won't be able to use a hacksaw.

Regular jigsaw - a good option, if you want to cut the sheet not along straight lines, but along broken lines. Both tools are used for sheets with a relief height of no more than 25 mm.


Scissors for cutting metal are used only when it is necessary to cut the material in the transverse direction, for shaped cutting, cutting thin strips or for a small amount of work. Treat them a large number of steel sheets will not work, the work is slow, and the edges of the corrugated sheets at the cut points are bent and need to be leveled with a hammer or mallet.

Electrical tools

Will help you cope with a large amount of material.


Manufacturers of the material do not recommend cutting corrugated sheets with a grinder for several reasons:

  • The cut area is heated during the process, and the polymer coating melts;
  • the material may be damaged (chips and cracks will appear on it);
  • the edges are torn and require additional processing;
  • sparks produced by the tool during operation fall on distant areas of the sheet and damage the coating even there, thereby spoiling the corrugated sheet not only at the edges.

However, many ignore the manufacturers' warnings and use an angle grinder to cut corrugated sheets. If there is no other tool, then you should at least purchase a special disk for cutting corrugated sheets to reduce damage to the material during cutting. The disk is a thin product up to 1.6 mm thick with teeth made of carbide materials.

  1. The tool must be positioned so that the disk rotates in the direction of movement of the tool, and not against it. This way, the teeth will grind less, and sparks will not fall on the worker’s hands.
  2. It is necessary to place under the sheet wooden boards so that the corrugated sheet is suspended and does not come into contact with the ground or table. This is done in order to protect the workbench and tools from damage.
  3. After cutting, the edges of the material must be coated with a primer or other protective equipment to protect steel from corrosion.


You can use a jigsaw for work only if the tool is professional: household, for home use do not have sufficient power for such a task. In addition, it is almost impossible to choose a blade that is suitable for cutting thick steel sheets for home jigsaws.
A powerful jigsaw is suitable for creating a shaped or curved edge of corrugated sheeting.

Cutting corrugated sheets with a jigsaw

How to cut corrugated sheets correctly using this tool:

  • you will need a special table with clamps for the sheet so that it does not vibrate during work, or an assistant;
  • the corrugated sheet must be pressed firmly against the supporting surface so that strong rattling does not occur during operation;
  • It is not advisable to use a tool to cut material whose wavelength exceeds 20 mm.

Electric scissors

Electric scissors for cutting corrugated sheets come in 2 types:

  1. Slotted ones are best suited because they are equipped with a special head for an even cut and do not leave bends in the places where the material is cut. They can also be used for shape cutting.
  2. Nibblers also do not leave bends, since they cut corrugated sheets along two parallel lines. They can also be used for shape cutting. After work, no nicks remain on the material.

Cordless shears for cutting corrugated sheets

A circular saw

Can I use a circular saw to cut corrugated sheets? Yes, but you should use a disk with fine carbide teeth. Additionally, to protect the polymer coating, a special device is installed: a slit is cut in the center of a board or plywood 1 m long and 30 cm wide.

Before work, place a board on the sheet, positioning it so that the gap runs exactly along the area of ​​the future cut - it will serve as a guide, and the disk will not scratch the material. You need to cut sheets with a saw, setting the operating speed to the minimum value.

Drill with special attachment

Drill attachments

A special attachment for an electric drill works on a principle similar to that used by nibblers to cut. It can also be used for cutting and fitting corrugated sheets in hard to reach places, but this will require experience with the tool.

Edge processing

Having learned how to cut corrugated sheeting, it is worth learning how to protect the cut points from corrosion, since any of possible ways will damage the polymer coating.

Processing the cut edges of corrugated sheets

Open areas leaf bases are most vulnerable to external influences, therefore, to restore their protective properties they need to be treated with special compounds.

To do this, moisture-resistant and anti-corrosion agents are first applied to the cut areas, and then painted. Often the paint is supplied with the corrugated sheeting, but if it was not included in the kit, you should choose the appropriate color and structure yourself. A layer of paint increases the resistance of the material to adverse external factors and extends the service life of the product.

When selecting corrugated sheets Special attention is given to its length - in order to avoid transverse joints, it must exceed the dimensions roof slope. Due to this, it is possible to improve the roofing protection against moisture penetration, as well as simplify the installation procedure. If it is exceeded, the material is adjusted - trimmed in accordance with the required parameters.

It is better to place short sheets of corrugated sheets horizontally in rows, starting from the bottom and up to the ridge. Regardless of the choice of direction (from right to left or vice versa), subsequent sheets are placed on top of the previous ones and attached to the sheathing.

Where sheets are joined along slopes, the overlap level should be at least 200 mm, and bitumen sealant should be applied over the joints.

Those who do the installation roofing material independently, they must take into account that there must be a small gap (20-40 mm) between the corrugated sheeting and the heat-insulating layer for ventilation of the under-roofing pie. Next to the ridge and at the nearest 1.5 meters from it, the sheets should be fastened with double fasteners, that is, not only to the sheathing, but also to the purlins.

When repairing a roof of any structure, the sheets should be placed parallel to the eaves with an allowance of 40 mm, that is, the sheet should still hang slightly from it.

Adjacent nearby sheets are fastened with one self-tapping screw. When laying roofing, and also when adjusting the material to the required parameters, you need to be extremely careful so as not to damage the protective layer of the sheets. If at the end installation work, large overhangs are noticeable, then the metal profile is cut to remove excess material.

How to properly attach corrugated sheets?

Material when laying on wooden sheathing fastened with self-tapping screws at the rate of 6-8 fasteners per 1 sq. m.

You should also adhere to some well-known rules:

It is not recommended to screw in screws “for profit”, so the hole is drilled with a drill with an increase in diameter by 0.5 mm from the size of the self-tapping screw. Fastening must be done strictly at right angles with the sheets tightly pressed to the sheathing. If some changes are necessary, you should decide in advance how to bend the corrugated sheet, because if at this stage the structure is displaced or the seal is skewed, then when attaching the self-tapping screw, a through hole will be formed.

For convenience, you can tighten the screws with a screwdriver or drill. Screws are made from special material, so they are easily attached to metal sheathing.

It is forbidden to nail corrugated sheets, as they can easily come off during strong gusts of wind. If it is necessary to shorten the length of the sheet, then you can use a grinder into which a special disk is inserted for cutting corrugated sheets, and avoid gas cutting and welding of the material.

Features of fastening the material in hard-to-reach areas:

  • Where corrugated sheeting is laid near vertical surfaces (pipes, walls), joint strips are installed.
  • The design of the ridge element must also be securely fastened using a sealant.
  • When laying a coating up to 0.7 mm thick, in order to avoid accidental damage to the roof, you will need wooden scaffolding and special shoes, and a cutter for metal profiles, which is offered on the market along with other components, will not be superfluous.
  • At the final stage, the corrugated sheeting is cleared of debris, shavings, scratches and cut points are painted.
  • After 3-4 months, you should check the quality of fastening of the screws and, if necessary, tighten them.

Corrugated sheet cutting technology

The structure of corrugated sheet metal is similar to sheet metal, but it has some peculiarities in installation techniques, in particular, this concerns questions about how to bend a metal profile and cut it correctly.

Since the material consists of metal base and a special protective coating against corrosion, then when cutting it, you need to ensure the integrity of this layer.

When choosing a method for sawing a coating, its resistance only to low temperatures is taken into account, that is, you will need cold method cutting As a rule, these can be scissors for cutting corrugated sheets and other tools that will be convenient for the developer and will be able to meet the requirements.

Naturally, cutting with plasma, autogen and other similar tools is not suitable due to the high operating temperature. The same applies to abrasive methods, which destroy and char the material in the cuts.

So, what is optimal for cutting corrugated sheets:

  1. A hacksaw is the safest tool for working with corrugated sheets. Despite the fact that the entire procedure will be performed manually, it does not take much time, since the material is easy to cut, while protective covering remains unharmed. The only disadvantages of this technology include the inconvenience of working with complex shapes, which requires a special table.
  2. If you need to get more complex curved shapes, then you can’t find anything better than a jigsaw. The tool can be either electric or manual. A jigsaw not only simplifies the process, but also quickly cuts sheets required sizes, taking into account the original ones.
  3. The building materials market offers manual and electric shears for corrugated sheets, which, although they are not in great demand among professional craftsmen, but will cope perfectly with the task when cutting metal sheets. Since everything depends on experience, beginners may be disappointed with this tool due to the formation of uneven edges of the material. You can correct the situation by covering such an edge with the next sheet.
  4. An undeniable advantage of all the listed methods of processing the material is cutting using a grinder, but not with an abrasive disc, as mentioned earlier, but with a special disc for corrugated sheets. It will also help in cases where you do not know how to make an arch from a metal profile or what tool to use.

The disc provides thin and delicate cutting, which is achieved through the use of a strong alloy for its production. Durable teeth do not break or bend even with long work with metal.

As soon as the tool is selected, you can proceed to the description of the process of cutting corrugated sheets. It should be noted that even professional builders cannot achieve preservation of the integrity of the protective layer, which is why the service life of the material is significantly reduced.

The equipment described above only helps to reduce the destroyed area. The material cannot be restored, especially if bent corrugated sheeting is used, but to reduce the adverse effects, you can coat the cut area with an anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant compound.

How to cut corrugated sheets with a grinder, watch the video:

After cutting and processing the roofing sheet is completed, it is painted with factory paint, which is usually included with the material. If none was found, then you can purchase paint in a can in accordance with the texture of the roofing. This method of protecting seams from negative factors is even simpler and more convenient than traditional staining.

By following the basic rules for working with corrugated sheets, including laying and fastening, as well as cutting and processing sheets, you can achieve good result in the form of a high-quality and reliable roof covering (read: " ").

“How to cut metal profiles?” - enough frequently asked question for people who are working with aluminum profiles for the first time. This is exactly what we will try to answer. More precisely, let's look at the main tool for cutting aluminum profiles, which most home craftsmen have available...

Before you start working with an aluminum profile, you should know how to cut a metal profile. Or, at least, determine for yourself the tool with which such an important operation will be performed.

But let's start with the markup. Accuracy and adherence to dimensions play a significant role in construction or repair work. A small marking defect can significantly complicate the entire process, which, naturally, only has a negative effect.

The cutting line is marked using a tape measure, ruler or other hard and even object, as well as a felt-tip pen. There is no point in explaining how to do this, so several illustrations are simply presented that reflect the main essence of this process.

After the profile cutting line has been outlined, you can proceed directly to cutting the material itself. And, answering the question “What to cut aluminum profile?”, we can suggest the following tool:

  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors.

Let's talk about the process of performing work by each of them, as well as their advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

Cutting an aluminum profile with a jigsaw

First of all, you should make sure that a metal file is installed. If instead of it there is a wood saw, then, of course, it will be possible to cut the aluminum profile, but the result will be far from high quality.

You should start cutting from one of the edges of the profile, sawing first the back part, and then the side edges one by one.

As you can see in the photo below, the quality of the cut is very high. There are no burrs, bevels, or other clearly visible defects. In general, the result is almost perfect.

Cutting an aluminum profile with a grinder

The next tool for cutting aluminum profiles is an angle grinder. Or simply “Bulgarian”. Very good helper when you need to cut something. As for the metal profile, in this case the grinder is an excellent solution for quick and high-quality execution similar work. Cutting a profile with this tool is faster than with a jigsaw.

The advantages are the same as those of a jigsaw, if you have the skill to work with an angle grinder. Otherwise, it’s easy to leave the marking line and get a crooked cut. Also, do not forget about the mandatory observance of safety measures when working with the tool.

Cutting an aluminum profile with a hacksaw for metal

We considered above electric tool for cutting aluminum profiles, which allows you to quickly and efficiently obtain the required result. But it also happens that, either the use technical means impossible for some reason, or they are not available at all. Then it’s worth looking for tools for self made. And the first option is a hacksaw for metal.

You should also start cutting from the edge, and then sequentially the back of the profile and the side edges.

Main difficulty this method– this is the deformation of the profile under mechanical influence. Those. holding the profile itself and working with a hacksaw, a strong mechanical impact is exerted on the aluminum material, as a result of which it bends. And this leads to a complicated movement of the hacksaw blade and possible care from the marking line. This situation can be avoided by inserting the usual wooden block inside the profile. It will act as a kind of stiffening rib, preventing the profile itself from deforming.

The final result is the same as when using a jigsaw! But at the same time, more time and effort is wasted when making a cut.

Cutting an aluminum profile with metal scissors

Everything is simple here! Use scissors to cut the profile along the marking line.

If used quality tool, then you can get a pretty good result. Usually the most difficult part is the passage of the metal profile ribs. It is in these places that departure from the marking line occurs. Therefore, before you start cutting the base material, it would be better to practice first to get a feel for working with the tool.

Combined cutting of aluminum profile with hand tools

Another option for cutting an aluminum profile is to use a hacksaw and metal scissors together. We start cutting from the edge with a hacksaw and, approaching the edges of the metal profile (when the cutting process becomes difficult), we complete the cutting by trimming with scissors. In this case, it’s a little easier than just using a hacksaw and better quality than just using metal scissors.

That's all I wanted to tell you on the topic “How to cut metal profiles.”

  • When constructing a roof from corrugated sheets that has a complex shape, or when installing junctions, as a rule, there is a need to cut the roofing material. Quality of processing: the initial geometry of the corrugated sheet and the safety of the protective coating depend on the tool used.

    Everyone who is going to cut corrugated sheets is interested in how not to lose the consumer qualities of the processed products. To do this, first of all you need to choose the right way to cut corrugated sheets. An error can result in, at the very least, uneven cut edges. And if this can somehow be dealt with, then burnt zinc and polymer coating as a result of overheating of the metal during the cutting process is another matter.

    A tool for cutting corrugated sheets must meet certain requirements: do not contain abrasive substances, for example, a grinder, or not be used in the process of cutting corrugated sheets high temperatures, as we say, autogen.

    Manufacturers of metal profiles do not extend their warranty to cases where the cutting of the profiled sheet was made with the wrong tool, for example, if a grinder with a diamond or abrasive disc was used.

    Features of cutting profiled steel decking

    In essence, a metal profile is nothing more than galvanized a metal sheet most often with a special coating, having a special profile. The difficulty of choosing what to cut the profile with is due precisely to the presence of a protective layer, which should remain intact when cutting the profiled sheet with your own hands.

    The polymer layer is not heat resistant and is therefore subject to thermal influences. Therefore, when choosing a cutting option, preference should be given to cold methods.

    In addition, it will be necessary to treat the cut areas with compounds that will ensure their moisture resistance and corrosion resistance. Usually, a special factory dye is supplied with the material, which is used to paint over the edges remaining after cutting.

    On a note

    Even when processing sections with ordinary paint, you can achieve the appropriate degree of protection of the sheet from corrosion and various natural factors.

    How to cut a metal profile

    Let's highlight possible options what and how to cut a metal profile: use

    • power tools;
    • hand tools;
    • machine equipment.


    The safest cutting option, which will preserve the integrity of the decorative protective layer, is to use a regular hacksaw for metal due to the absence of thermal effects in this case. In addition, working with a hacksaw does not take much time, since corrugated sheets do not offer much cutting resistance, and cutting does not require significant effort.

    The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of using it when cutting complex shapes. A hacksaw is not suitable for processing sheets whose wave height exceeds 25 mm. Moreover, deep cuts cannot be made with this tool. Working with it requires a special table or support surface.

    On a note

    For cutting curved, complex shapes, a jigsaw (electric or manual) is more suitable.

    Is it possible to use an angle grinder?

    Manufacturers strictly do not recommend processing profiled sheets with a grinder, better known in everyday life as a grinder. However, in practice, cutting with this tool is quite possible. Following certain rules, you can fully appreciate the obvious advantages of this method.

    It is important to understand that problems with this tool arise when using abrasive (diamond) discs and at high cutting speeds. That's why negative consequences processing of the material can be avoided if you work when cutting corrugated sheets with special disks with teeth made of hard alloy, which are located along the edge of the circle, and select the correct number of revolutions. These discs are quite thin, their thickness ranges from 1 mm to 1.6.

    Usage grinder allows you to significantly increase the speed of installation, especially since sheets can be cut 10 pieces at a time. True, cutting a pack requires some skills. This cutting method allows you to obtain the desired geometric configuration, including an arc with a certain radius.

    Let us note some features of working with an angle grinder:

    • When cutting, the sheet is placed on supports, placing them at a certain distance from the surface of the ground or table where the cut is being made. Otherwise, the disk will “catch” on it and either a cloud of dust will rise or the desktop will be damaged;
    • If you use a small grinder to cut corrugated sheets with deep grooves, you will not be able to cut the sheet to the end - it will have to be turned over to the other side. Therefore, when choosing a grinder, you should take into account what the maximum diameter of the disk should be in order to complete cutting a sheet mounted on pads in one pass.

    Shears for corrugated sheets

    If you are looking for how to cut corrugated sheets, if you need to cut thin strips, then you need special scissors. The edges of the tool are perfectly sharpened, which allows you to cut the sheet across the wave.

    Cutting the material lengthwise is made difficult by the structural features of the metal profile, its greatest flexibility in the longitudinal direction.

    Scissors for cutting corrugated sheets make it quite easy to cut the material without damaging the protective coating. When using them, an uneven cut may remain, which, when installing the roof, will overlap the adjacent corrugated sheet.

    Hand scissors

    They are used when it is necessary to shapely cut profiled sheets or the amount of work to be done is small. This tool, which is also inexpensive, allows you to form roofing elements complex configuration. Hand scissors different models differ in such parameters as

    • length of cutting edges;
    • blade configuration - it can be straight or beveled;
    • design, say, the presence of a locking mechanism, etc.

    When cutting, the material is placed on a platform, which is assembled from bars. Their number should ensure that the distance from the floor surface (ground) to the platform should be sufficient so as not to interfere with the movement of the scissors.

    First, make a basting cut and check how deformed the edges of the sheet are.

    Only after this do they begin final processing corrugated sheets


    For greater cutting precision, nibblers are used. They work on the principle of an office hole punch, punching pinholes with a small diameter. While working with this tool, the metal profile is held suspended. The working head of the tool is inserted into the hole; it is pre-formed using a drill. The metal is punched through with a punch. To set it in motion, simply pressing the handle is enough. After each hole is formed working part The scissors continue to move forward in the direction of the cut.