Character “Snow Golem. How to make snow in Minecraft? Instructions for making snow

One of the most interesting and dangerous places you should visit is the ice world. In Minecraft, a portal to the snowy world is not so difficult to assemble, therefore, it can be made literally in the first stages of the game.

To do this, you will need to find a snow biome in the normal world. Next, collect snowballs there.

How to do it? You simply break the block on which the snow lies, and those very snowballs fall off. Now let’s calculate: you will need 14 blocks for the portal to the snowy world of minecraft, each block takes 4 snowballs, so, as they say, without sparing our belly, we run and gain resources.

Making blocks for the portal

However, be careful: here you can be attacked by dangerous mobs at any moment: frost and an ice monster, which, by the way, also lives in the snowy world. And if you can hide from the ice monster by placing blocks under yourself (at least three), then you cannot easily escape from the “plank” that is thrown with fire.

If these two mobs did not attack you at the same time, it is possible to deal with them. Against the ice monster you need a good sword, with which you will kill it by standing on three blocks (this is so that this mob cannot harm you, since you should immediately note that one blow will be enough for your death, and it will not take up speed) .

With frost boards, you need a different tactic; they usually don’t fly very high, and if you constantly move, they won’t be able to accurately throw fire at you, but you can always get close to them and attack. And what can you do to get a portal to the snowy world in Minecraft!

So, we believe that we have dealt with the monsters. And, by the way, they were very successful in collecting the required number of snowballs. Then let's go home! We will have a portal to the snowy world ready for minecraft very soon!

So, first, we make blocks in the workbench: one block of the portal to the snowy world, as already mentioned, will take 4 snowballs.

Portal frame

Now in Minecraft the portal to the snowy world needs to be activated. To do this you need to do

This is where many people have a problem, since such an item requires quite a lot of gold. So, about everything specifically. First you need to make ordinary ones, which will cost 4 gold bars and red dust.

Well, the regular watches are ready, now you will need exactly 9 of these watches, and then you will have a twilight clock in your workbench.


Health: 3 units

Spawn: Anywhere by Player or Ender

Drop: Snowball

Snow golem, or as it is also called - snowman. Each player can independently create a mob made from blocks of snow and pumpkins.

Such mobs do not play a role in the attack, but you can go hunting with them as escorts. They will throw snow balls that do not cause damage to the enemy. When a golem dies, it drops up to 15 snowballs.

To create such an amazing mob you don’t need many elements, you only need 2 blocks of snow and a pumpkin, which can be replaced with a Jack-o-lantern. Snow golems cannot be made at a workbench. It's funny, but the Endwalkers, with their manner of dragging blocks, can accidentally assemble a Snow Golem; this, of course, is very rare.

Snow Golems love to throw lumps of snow at nearby unfriendly mobs, provoking them to aggression, which leads to the quick death of the snowmen. It’s a good idea to use golems as bait, placing them next to traps. Snowmen are well aware of the terrain and almost never end up in places that are dangerous for them.

Snow farm.

Snow Golems leave a trail of snow behind them, which prompts the idea of ​​​​organizing a snow farm.

Please note that in the desert, swamp, plain, jungle and Nether biomes, the snowball will not appear under the golems. To establish a farm, you should fence off the space where the golem will appear, for example, one or two blocks, then raise this structure to a certain number of blocks in height.

Protectors of important elements.

By creating a Snowman inside a fenced area, you get an “automatic protector” that will protect the most important objects from destruction and theft. Golems cope well with zombies and spiders, and also attack neutral mobs, for example, land wanderers and zombie pigmen.

You should be careful not to place Snowmen near your house, because a defender can not only scare away unfriendly guests, but also attract the attention of creepers who can easily destroy your home. In some situations, Snowmen help the Iron Golem by throwing snowballs at enemies, but if a snowball accidentally hits the Iron Golem, it will simply destroy the snow mob.

Snow Golem Facts:

— If four or more Snowmen throw snowballs at the enemy at the same time, the Golems will become inaccessible to him.

“Even if they fall from a great height, they will not suffer any harm to their health.”

— Snow golems cannot stay in water for long, as they quickly suffocate.

— Snowmen are afraid of rain and suffer damage from it.

— The snowballs of other golems got into them. don't harm them

— Snow Golems never attack unfriendly slugs, ender dragons and ghasts.

How to make snow in Minecraft?

The Minecraft game is one of the most popular on the Internet today. It allows you to create your own world and fulfill desires and actions that are not yet possible in reality. For example, you can build a real snow house. Only for this you need to make snow first.

How can you make snow in Minecraft?

Instructions for making snow

A snow block can be crafted from four snowballs. It is enough to arrange them in a square in your inventory. The snowballs themselves can be obtained in several ways:

  • by destroying an already built snow block (at the same time, as many as 6 pieces can fall out, which allows you to independently increase the number of snowballs. You just need to build and break snow blocks several times).
  • You can also get snowballs by killing a snow golem.
  • Snowballs can also be obtained by digging snow with a shovel.

Once you've made a whole block of snow, you'll be able to make the snow itself. It appears as a thin layer on surfaces. To do this, combine three snow blocks in the bottom row.

Snow Golem or snowman in Minecraft - This is a service mob that throws snowballs at hostile mobs. The Snow Golem is always friendly to the player and never attacks them. He looks for the enemy and throws snowballs at them. This behavior of the snow golem in Minecraft is very witty, since his snowballs do not cause damage to anyone except ifrits and the End Dragon, but the explosion or fangs of the wolf which he aggravates on himself are very damaging.

When a snow golem moves, it leaves a trail of snow behind it. If killed by a player, he will drop up to 15 snowballs. You can find the same number of cs builds on

This time the roll was 4

How to make a snow golem

Snow Golem in Minecraft is probably the easiest crafting recipe. In order to make a snow golem, simply place one on one snow block, then place a pumpkin on these two snow blocks or.

The behavior of a snow golem resembles the behavior of a tank aggravating everyone, which can also be used to your advantage, for example by setting traps. And in the latest version of Minecraft 1.5.2 their behavior has been further improved.

  • The four snow golems throw snowballs fast enough to continuously push back.
  • Snow golems take no damage from falling from heights.
  • The snow golem wears a pumpkin as a helmet. His real head is hidden underneath.
  • If the player becomes like a snow golem, he can see through his pumpkin helmet, as well as see the golem's real face.
  • Snow golems also leave a stripe of snow in the End dimension.
  • Snow golems do not create ice by moving through water.
  • Snow golems are not damaged by snowballs.

These are the creatures that inhabit the world in which the main character finds himself. They can be either harmless (chickens or sheep), neutral towards the player, or aggressive. If a mob is neutral, this means that it will not attack the player until the player gets too close and attacks him. If you “aggried” such a mob, then it will attack you until one of you dies, or until you disappear from it for a certain time. Aggressive mobs set a specific goal for themselves - to kill the main character, and if they notice him, they will immediately begin to attack. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that absolutely all mobs are already part of the game, that is, the character can create a huge number of different objects, but, unfortunately, mobs cannot be created. At least, this was the case until the snow golem was introduced into the game, which everyone calls the snowman for simplicity. This is the first mob that gamers can create on their own. Therefore, everyone is interested in how to make a snowman in Minecraft. This article will answer this, as well as questions about what a golem can do and how to use it.

Making a Snowman

If you are interested in how to make a snowman in Minecraft, then you won't need too many materials. The fact is that to create a snow golem you don’t even need to use a workbench or any other device. All you need to do is place a block of snow, on which you should then place another block of the same type, and place either a pumpkin or a Jack-o'-lantern on top. Immediately after this, the resulting design will take on a more meaningful form and come to life - now you have a creature that will always be friendly towards you, and most importantly, you created it yourself. Now that you know how to make a snowman in Minecraft, you can create an entire army. But what will this give?

What does the snowman do?

Just knowing how to make a snowman in Minecraft will not be enough, because you do not know any of the functions of this creature. But this is important, because with such knowledge you can already figure out how to use the snow golem. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that when the snowman moves, he leaves behind a strip of snow, which you can collect for further processing and use. But more importantly, the snow golem is a walking device for making any mobs aggressive. The snowman constantly throws snowballs at all mobs around - they do not cause damage, but they stop movement for a second and make neutral mobs aggressive. And if you are thinking about how to make a snowman in Minecraft, then you should think about whether you are ready for the consequences that this decision will lead to.

Snow production

You know one of the main secrets of the Minecraft game - how to make a mutant snowman. Now it's time to figure out how to use his abilities to your advantage. You can take advantage of the fact that it leaves a trail of snow behind it - one snowman will already turn into a worthy factory for the production of this material. However, keep in mind that in some locations, for example in the Nether or in the desert, this golem function does not work.

Snow Shooter

Naturally, you should definitely figure out how to use the snowman's snowballs, as they can do you a lot of good. Using them, for example, you can hold back the attack of mobs, because snowballs slow down the enemy for a second, and if you have enough snowmen, the barrage will prevent enemies from approaching your house.