Peony "Sarah Bernhardt" Peony herbaceous Sarah Bernhardt - a favorite variety of gardeners Peony St. Bernard

This type of peony was bred more than 100 years ago, but it is still considered one of the most beautiful, expressive and aromatic varieties. His name was given by the famous breeder Pierre Lemoine, who was a contemporary of the great French actress and was delighted with her creativity, style of acting, feminine charm and human wisdom.

Peony "Sarah Bernhardt" - description

The famous critic Stanislavsky was sure that the work of Sarah Bernhardt is the standard of stage acting. Lemoine endowed the bred flower with the same perfection. First of all, this peony is known for its rich color palette:

  • white peony "Sarah Bernhardt" looks like an airy meringue or a cloud with rounded cut petals;
  • the red peony "Sarah Bernhardt", like a burning heart, attracts glances and bursts with passion;
  • milky peony"Sarah Bernhardt" is associated with tenderness and love, youth and summer.

The flowers of this peony variety have other tones and shades - they are multifaceted and unusual, unlike traditional varieties. In addition, "Sarah Bernhardt" blooms profusely - the rounded cap can be recognized even in a garden with numerous types of peonies. The flowers of this variety are semi-double, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. They are held on strong, not very tall stems, so the bushes usually look very neat and do not fall to the ground under the weight of the inflorescences. The openwork leaves of the peony variety "Sarah Bernhardt" begin to turn green in April and retain their succulent appearance until autumn.

How to care for the herbaceous peony "Sarah Bernhardt"?

Peonies are recognized quite unpretentious plants: in one place they can grow well and delight with flowering for more than 30 years. There are even cases of longevity when the flower was not replanted and it produced wonderful flowers and greenery for more than 80 years.

But for good peony growth, some conditions must be met:

  1. Particular attention must be paid to the soil - it should be clay or loamy. It is recommended to fertilize it before planting. nutrients. The plant will die on wetlands; in sandy areas they dry out and age quickly; they also do not like peat.
  2. It is better to plant peonies in sunny, windless areas, not covered by trees or buildings.
  3. Since the peony has large roots, the planting hole should be large and deep. Experts advise pouring drainage and a mixture of soil with manure, compost, etc. into the bottom of the hole a few weeks before planting.
  4. The depth at which peonies are planted directly affects their flowering. It is important not to bury the kidneys.

Peonies do not require special care; they tolerate frost well and lack of annual fertilizers. At the end of September, the peony leaves are cut off and the plant survives the winter well.

Transplanting the peony "Sarah Bernhardt"

You don't have to wait long for flowers after transplanting. Already in the 2nd year you can see extraordinary buds. To propagate peonies, division of rhizomes is used, which is carried out in August-September . For the winter, young plants must be trimmed and covered with peat or. In the spring, you just need to remove the “cover” and within a couple of weeks the greenish shoots will reach for the sun.

Sarah Bernhardt could unsurpassably play even the subtle shades of human emotions and feelings - the peony variety of the same name is just as bewitching, exquisite and impeccable. Few people can indifferently pass by the magnificent flowering bush peony "Sarah Bernhardt". By the way, it blooms in the mid-late period, when many varieties have already faded and looks royal on summer cottages, in flower beds. Bouquets with this flower are also beautifully formed and last a long time.

Among the many ornamental crops gardeners and floriculture lovers prefer lushly blooming and fragrant peonies. Peony Sarah Bernhardt, which we will talk about today, attracts attention with its graceful beauty, perfection of forms and diversity color range.

Currently, as stated in botanical reference books, more than 10 thousand foreign and domestic selections are known. However, among such an abundance of varieties special attention gardeners were awarded the peony Sarah Bernhardt.

What is the reason for such a high interest in this flower? Peony of the Sarah Bernhardt variety is characterized by luxurious flowering, a subtle refined fragrance, a variable palette of shades, ease of care and excellent winter hardiness. But we will begin our acquaintance with the fascinating history of the origin of this garden crop.

So, the Sarah Bernhardt peony was bred by the famous French breeder Pierre Louis Victor Lemoine, who is the author of many varieties of lilacs and peonies. Most of the creations of this great scientist are considered classics of landscape art.

The first mention of the graceful and unusually beautiful peony dates back to 1906. The flower received its name - Sarah Bernhardt - in honor of the famous French actress Sarah Bernhardt. There are many versions of the appearance of this name, but all of them have no official confirmation. It is assumed that Pierre Louis Lemoine, captivated by the talent and prettiness of the French artist, decided to dedicate one of his discoveries to her.

For its amazing decorative qualities, the Sarah Bernhardt peony was awarded the honorary English AGM Award of Garden RHS, presented by the Royal Horticultural Society.

General description and appearance

According to botanical description, the Sarah Bernhardt variety belongs to herbaceous ornamental crops late date flowering. The periods of budding and flowering begin at a time when other varieties of this garden crop have already faded. With proper care and appropriate weather conditions, the duration of flowering can range from one to one and a half months.

Large single inflorescences are formed on strong and lodging-resistant peduncles. In regions characterized by strong winds, it is recommended to install special metal or plastic supports that will protect the peony from falling.

The average diameter of the bud reaches 20 cm. The characteristic color of the petals of the Sarah Bernhardt variety is a delicate pearl pink shade with a silver edging. Thanks to the work of breeders, buds of purple-red, snow-white, muted lilac, cream, milky and yellow colors appeared.

Large sheet plates painted in a beautiful dark green shade and have an openwork structure. It is worth noting unique feature of this light-loving crop: with the onset of autumn, the leaves do not turn yellow, but acquire a noble crimson color. Due to this foliage color, peonies stand out among many other ornamental garden plants even in the autumn.

With additional shelter, the peony withstands cold frosty winters and at the end of spring pleases gardeners with abundant and lush flowering.

Video "Peony Sarah Bernhardt"

In this video you will learn about the features of the Sarah Bernhardt peony.

Popular varieties

Peony Sarah Bernhardt stands out against the background of other ornamental crops grown in open ground on the territory of garden plots, with a rich range of colors. To the most popular varieties of this plant, according to gardening experts, include the following.


Terry peony of purple-red, pearl pink and muted lilac shades attracts attention with the saturation and richness of the color of the buds, as well as a pleasant sweetish aroma.

The average height of an adult bush is 85 cm, but the diameter of the bud in a fully open state reaches 15 cm. Thanks to the noble dark green color of the foliage with a characteristic shine and openwork structure this flower widely used in both landscape design, and in floristry.

To the advantages of late flowering herbaceous plant include high frost resistance and good resistance to pathogens of various fungal diseases.


Snow-white peony White Sarah Bernhardt is often used to form flower arrangements for a wedding. The flower represents tenderness, femininity, sophistication, sophistication and love. The white petals are slightly rounded. It seems as if the bud is trimmed with a silver border and dark green foliage.

This ornamental crop is considered unpretentious in terms of care. garden plant. It grows and develops well in soils enriched with useful and nutrient substances.

Among the huge variety of flowers that grow near cottages and private houses, you should pay special attention to peonies. They have become widespread due to their unpretentiousness, longevity and, of course, the beauty of flowering. Today, more than 5 thousand varieties of peonies have been bred, each of which impresses with its brightness and originality. The Sarah Bernhardt peony, named after the talented French actress, deserves special attention. Numerous photos herbaceous perennial of this variety are a testament to its amazing charm.

The history of the peony Sarah Bernhardt and its modern forms

This hybrid was created by the famous breeder Victor Lemoine, whose creations included numerous varieties of not only peonies, but also lilacs. History is silent about why the breeder named it in honor of the celebrity. One can only assume that Victor Lemoine was so delighted with the talent and beauty of her countrywoman that he decided to dedicate one of his best varieties to her.

The flower named after the actress is considered a standard of gardening skill. Late ripening variety peonies even received an honorary English AGM award, awarded by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Main characteristics of peony Sarah Bernhardt:

  • petals - dark crimson, double or semi-double;
  • bud diameter – 15-20 cm;
  • bush height – 80-90 cm;
  • aroma – strong and rich;
  • leaves – openwork, dark green;
  • Flowering duration is 1-1.5 months.

Flowering variety Sarah Bernhardt

Today you can find other, more modern varieties named variety. Thus, peonies of red, pearl pink and muted lilac colors were bred.

A spectacular milky-white flower has become widespread. It is distinguished by its pink shape and rounded petals with a silver border. Two or three buds may appear on one stem at once. The value of this variety lies in its resistance to diseases and frosts.

Rules for planting and propagation

A peony can grow even without careful care for up to 30 years. To achieve the greatest decorative effect of a flower, it should be planted against the backdrop of a well-groomed lawn or made part of a constantly blooming garden.

Lighting and soil requirements

Peonies grow best in well-lit areas of the ground, much easier the shadow falls no earlier than noon. In the shade, the flower will not be able to produce buds, although it will not die.

The best soils for these flowers are considered to be loams that have only a slightly acidic reaction. If landing is planned on clay soil, then you should add sand to it. Soil with a high pH needs to be limed to obtain optimal acidity (300 g / 1 sq. m).

Attention! Peonies won't give good flowering on too acidic and swampy soils.


The described flowers are often propagated by dividing the bush, which is done in August or September. In this case, you need to follow these instructions:

  • dig up a bush;
  • cut 10 cm from the root;
  • wash the roots running water, then dry and germinate in a dark place;
  • choose planting material with a fairly large root (10-15 cm) and two or three buds;
  • disinfect the “delenka” by placing it for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or garlic composition;
  • keep the planting material for half a day in the Heteroauxin solution (dissolve one tablet in 10 liters of water);
  • dry the “cut” and cover all cuts with charcoal.

Planting seedlings

When disembarking or transferring to permanent place, you need to maintain a distance of one meter between bushes and adhere to the following rules:

  • prepare enough big hole(60x60x60 cm);
  • fill it with a mixture of humus, earth, sand and peat;
  • add fertilizer: 0.2-0.4 kg of superphosphate, 0.5 kg of bone meal, 1 tbsp. spoon iron sulfate, 1 liter of wood ash and 1 teaspoon of potash;
  • fill the hole with garden soil;
  • compact it a little and water the planting.

Attention! Don't expect flowering this same year. The first buds will most likely appear only next year.

How to properly care for peonies

These unpretentious flowers require minimal care:

  1. During the period of bud setting and flowering, peonies need to be watered in the evening once every 7 days (2-4 buckets per bush).
  2. After correct landing Peonies do not need feeding for several years. Then you should apply fertilizer three times a year. In the spring you can mulch the soil with peat and add a little wood ash, in June you can water the flower with a solution of bird droppings, and in the fall you can fertilize it with superphosphate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).
  3. Periodically remove weeds around the bushes, loosen the soil after watering, remove dried inflorescences, and trim the stems for the winter.

Attention! Faded inflorescences must be removed on time, otherwise they can cause the flower to become infected with a fungus.

Sometimes peonies suffer from the following diseases:

  • Gray rot - has the appearance of a gray coating, most often affecting young bushes. To avoid this disease, you need in early spring treat the bushes and soil with garlic solution or Bordeaux mixture.
  • Rust - appears as brown spots on the leaves. To prevent the disease from spreading, you need to trim and burn all affected peony leaves.
  • Mosaic - has the appearance of yellow stripes and light green spots on the leaves of peonies. This virus has no cure and requires complete removal and burning of the bush.

Therefore, peony Sarah Bernhardt is luxury flower, capable of decorating any yard or garden. If you adhere to the rules of planting and care, then every year it will delight the owners of the house with colorful and long-lasting flowering.

Variety Sarah Bernhardt: video

Peony Sarah Bernhardt (Sarah Bernhardt)- belongs to the herbaceous class with dense, semi-double flowers, incredibly beautiful inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter, light pink with a strong aroma. Description and photo of peony Sarah Bernhardt already available in the "Valley of Roses" catalogue.

The flower is composed of regularly arranged concave petals, like scales. Peduncles Peony Sarah Bernhardt very stable and do not require support 90-100 cm high, thanks to which the bush retains its shape and does not collapse under the weight of large flowers. The openwork lush dissected foliage persists until late autumn, turning from dark green to crimson.

Peonies Sarah Bernhardt grow well in any soil, especially one rich in nutrients. They require almost no maintenance and are very frost-resistant. Peonies planted in well-fertilized soil do not need to be fertilized in the first year and several subsequent years. After transplantation, varietal qualities appear in 2-3 years! The most common method of propagating peonies is by dividing the rhizomes, which should be done in August or early September.

In autumn, with the onset of stable frosts, around mid-October, the stems of peonies are cut off, leaving stumps 1-2 cm high above the buds. For the winter, peonies are covered with a layer of peat or unripe compost. There is no need to cover adult plants. When the soil thaws in the spring, remove the insulating cover, as the buds quickly begin to grow.

For sending peony to Sarah Bernhardt used standard division with 2-3 buds in the amount of 1 pc.

Delivery is carried out by Russian Post, transport companies PEK, SDEK or the one that is convenient for you.

Order and buy peony seedlings Sarah Bernhardt you can by clicking the add to cart button.

Type of packaging: a bag of peat, a label indicating the variety, a standard section with 2-3 buds.

Delivery terms: Orders with peony seedlings are sent in the autumn, from September 1, and spring, from March 1, seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).

The Chinese believe that the gods themselves patronize the cultivation of peonies. And, indeed, the flowers are unusually spectacular and original. There are simply no ugly peonies. But some varieties are the most attractive.This group includes, for example, luxurypeony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, planting and carebehind it beautiful plant— we’ll talk about all this later in the article.

History of creation

This peony was bredwas in the 19th century by the breeder Pierre Louis Lemoine.Garden qualitiesSarah Bernhardt varietieswere recognized as outstanding already at that time. No wonderthis peonyat the beginning of the century they were awardedremiumsAGM Award of Garden RHS. And stillWITHBernard's macaw remains a true legend in the world of ornamental garden crops.

Who is Sarah Bernhardt

Below in the article we will provide the reader with comprehensive information about what constitutespeony Sarah Bernhardt (variety description). History of originsameThis variety is actually extremely interesting. This peony, as already mentioned, is named in honor of the famous French actress Sarah Bernhardt.Mmany movie lovers still believeherthe most talented actress ever to star in a film. Sarah Bernhardt was born in 1844.In films, she was usually offered sublime, sensual roles. Therefore, soon the audience began to call her the divine Sarah. And to this day, many consider Bernard the most talented actress of the 20th century.

The peony named after her has the same sublime unearthly qualities as this world's first superstar. The Sarah Bernhardt variety blooms at a time when many other plants are blooming in the garden. But at the same time, it never gets lost against the background of even the most beautiful and unusual ornamental crops.

How the Sarah Bernhardt peony came to Russia

This wonderful variety was brought to our country almost immediately after its breeding. It was spread and popularized by peony breeders of Moscow State University. Initially, this luxurious flower in Russia was called not Sarah Bernhardt, but Miss Eckhart or Alex Fleming. This error was later corrected.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt: general description of the variety

This peony belongs to the group of late-ripeningherbaceous. Its double huge flowers(up to 20 cm in diameter)are distinguished by a pleasant juicy,homogeneous lilac-raspberry-pink color. Each petal of Sarah Bernhardt is edged with a silver border. The flowers of this variety themselves amaze with their richness of tones and halftones. This peony attracts attention in the garden not only for its truly luxurious appearance. The aroma of this variety is also very pleasant and rich.Sarah Bernhardt blooms profusely and generously.

This peony grows quite tall. But at the same time, the bush itself is durable. The color of the leaves and trunks of this variety is rich dark green. This one is niceThey retain their shade until late autumn.Stemsthis varietyerect. Looks like bush Cara Bernard, therefore,very neat.The advantages of this variety, among other things, include the fact that its stems never fall to the ground under the weight of flowers.There is no need to use any supports when growing this flower.

The first buds on the bushes of this variety usually appear in the second year after planting.These peonies bloom in the summer, around the second half of June.


The color of the peony petals of this variety thus has pink color. But in gardens you can see such flowers of both a very delicate shade and a darker and more saturated one. Both varieties are considered to be the Sarah Bernhardt variety. Why did this happen, and why might these peonies have some difference in shades? This discrepancy is explained quite simply. At the beginning of the activities of the US Peony Society, American lovers of this ornamental crop, unfortunately, mixed up the names of some varieties.This also affected such a then popular variety aspeony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, photo- all this was presented to the public incorrectly.

Later, at the request of members of the peony breeding society, the originator Desser tried to restore order in this matter. As a result, even varieties were identified that had 4-5 other names. Among them was the Sarah Bernhardt variety. The inaccuracies were eventually corrected. But unfortunately, the results of Desser’s work were later considered unsatisfactory by some peony scientists. As a result, confusion again crept into the classification of variety names.

Disputes about what a peony really should beWITHBern's macawR,still haven't subsided. Both supporters of rich colors and delicate ones give their own arguments. Most breeders are still inclined to believe that the real Sarah Bernhardt has dark color petals.The soft pink flowers, according to peony growers, belong to a completely different variety, also very old - Eugenie Verdier.

How to plant

Looks likepeony Sarah Bernhardt (variety descriptionwas given in full detail above) simply luxurious. But, of course, these bushes will be beautiful only if proper care after them.INgrowingpeony Sarah Bernhardtconsidered relatively unpretentious. These flowers are planted in the soil in the spring. The bushes should be positioned in such a way that each of them has at least 1 m2 of free space. A hole for Sarah Bernhardt peonies, since these bushes grow quite large and root system give a developed one, make a large one - 60 x 60 x 60 cm. The mixture for filling is prepared from the following components:

    nutritious turf soil;

    compost or manure;

    superphosphate (200 g per bush);

    bone meal (400 g);

    potassium chloride (100 g).

Actually, the landing technology itself is as follows:

    a small mound is placed in the center of the pit;

    a rhizome is placed on it;

    carefully straighten the roots;

    fill the hole to the top with soil mixture.

The Sarah Bernhardt peony should be planted in such a way that its buds are located at a depth of 3-5 cm from the soil surface. This condition must be met. Otherwise, in the future, Sarah Bernhardt, like any other variety, may simply not bloom. Or the bush will not look very attractive.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt: variety description, care

At one placethese flowers cangrow up to 30-50 years.hardy and undemanding. However, in order for the bushes to bloom well, the owners of the site should follow the following recommendations when growing:

    The peony should be planted in a well-lit place;

    In summer, no more than half of the flower stalks thrown out by it should be left on the bush.

In the fall, the bush is simply pruned,leaving 1-2 cm of stem above the buds. Cover it for the winternot necessary. Sarah Bernhardt tolerates the Russian cold well.But to be sure, the “stumps” remaining after cutting can be sprinkled with peat or humus.

How to propagate

Thus, we figured out what pion Sarah Bernhardt (variety description, planting).Next, let's see howyou can propagate these beautiful flowers.

In order to get many newpeoniesfromone,store boughte,you just need to divide the rhizome of the latter. Of course, this should be done only after the plant has gained sufficient strength - in the third or fourth year after planting.So it's completely easypropagate peony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, dWhat is described in the article allows us to judge him as quite unpretentious. These peonies are well received. However, it is worth performing the operation to separate the roots on time. This procedure should be performed no earlier than August - September.

How to feed

Undemandingness to the composition of the soil is what, among other things, distinguishespeony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the varietygiven to him when compiling old catalogs allows us to judge him as one of the most enduring.

There is no need to feed Sarah Bernhardt too often. Fertilizers added to the hole during planting last for a very long time. In the first two years, no compounds need to be used to improve the soil under these peonies. In the future for better development And abundant flowering You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

For the first time, Sarah Bernhardt peonies are fertilized in the spring. In this case, humus is usually added under the bushes. You can also use urea in the amount of one matchbox for 10 liters of water. The second time the peonies are fed in the fall. In this case, a complex composition is used, intended for herbaceous ornamental crops, which does not contain nitrogenous components.

How to water peonies

So, the culture is quite hardy -peony Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety (planting and carethese plants are not difficult), given above, allows us to judge this unambiguously. Sarah Bernhardt, for example, is not at all afraid of drought. Butmoisten the soil underthese peonies, of course, are still needed.In hot weather, plants are watered approximately once every 10 days. In this case, about 30 liters of water are poured onto each bush. These peonies are not very prone to burns. But still, it is advisable to water only in the morning or evening, using the root method.This variety especially needs moisture during the period of bud formation.

What diseases can affect

TO various kinds The Sarah Bernhardt variety is quite resistant to pests and pathogenic microorganisms. However, under unfavorable conditions, these peonies can still get sick. Most often, Sarah Bernhardt is affected by gray mold. To prevent this unpleasant disease, it is advisable to treat peony plantings in the spring with a 5% solution. Bordeaux mixture. For each adult bush, 5-6 liters of fertilizer should be used.

Also, sometimes the Sarah Bernhardt peony variety is prone to flower rust disease. For prevention in this case, a 6-7% solution of copper oxychloride is suitable. You can also use Bordeaux mixture.

Modern forms

So, the reader now understands what it looks like and what features it differs fromion Sarah Bernhardt. Description of the variety, oneHowever, it will be incomplete without mentioning its modern varieties.

BaseSarah Bernhardt,as we found out,has a dark raspberry pinkpetal color. Howevertoday, if desired, you can purchase modern variations of this peony of differentshades.In addition to dark crimson, it is very popular among garden lovers. ornamental plants enjoysmilky whitepeony whiteSarah Bernhardt.Description of the varietyin this case (except for color) it is similar to the main variety.These flowers have a pink shape. Distinctive featuretheirbuds,however,is the presence of rounded petals. White Sarah Bernhardt looks very impressive. Each petal of this variety, like the basic form, has a soft silver border.

In addition to white peonies, several less popular variations were developed based on the Sarah Bernhardt variety - muted lilac, pearl pinkish, Red. The last variety differs from all other forms not only in being more saturated and dark color, but also with a smaller flower size (15 cm).

Instead of a conclusion

So, we hope we have fully understood what the Sarah Bernhardt peony is (variety description, cultivation). This flower is actually very beautiful and can decorate even the most tidy garden or yard. He is unpretentious in care. However, he will still have to pay a little attention to the owners of the dacha during the summer season. Otherwise, the Sarah Bernhardt peony will not bloom profusely and regularly.