Why does weight increase? Weight does not come off when losing weight with proper nutrition and exercise - reasons

Gaining weight on a diet turns into a nightmare for anyone losing weight. It’s possible to get rid of extra pounds and complete your diet with dizzying success! You just need to determine what is preventing you from losing weight, and then you will be able to achieve slimness.

Types of techniques

Diet is a strict nutritional system that requires a special diet and eating regimen. Nutrition is aimed at improving the health of the body, losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

Most diets involve weight loss in one way or another. A light menu, bans on the consumption of fatty foods and fractional meals force the body to burn its own fat deposits.

All diets are united by some general principles, but they are very different from each other. There is a simple classification according to the acceptable diet, which will help you understand at least a little about the variety of diets:

  1. Mono-diets. Only one type of food is allowed. Most often these are sour fruits, non-starchy vegetables and kefir. Some strict diets They offer only unsweetened drinks instead of food.
  2. Protein. Based on limiting carbohydrates and fats in the diet. The main part of the menu should be protein. This nutrition system will allow you to quickly lose up to 5-7 kilograms.
  3. Diets separate power supply. The rules for sharing products are clearly demarcated. Strict alternation of dishes is assumed.
  4. Celebrity diets. They allow you to lose weight just like Larisa Dolina, Alla Pugacheva, Jennifer Lopez and other stars.

A variety of nutrition systems does not at all guarantee easy and quick results. The diet should not only lead to weight loss, but also be safe for physical and psychological health.

Why they don't work

Most often, the first result of the diet is visible after 3-4 days. A balanced and rational diet removes excess salt and water from the body, which already guarantees weight loss of 1-2 kilograms. But then the diet may turn out to be ineffective. Stopping weight, returning extra pounds and constant breakdowns signal the need to review the nutrition system.

There are several main reasons why the diet does not lead to results:

  1. Incorrect calories. If the daily caloric intake of the proposed diet exceeds energy consumption, excess weight won't go away. The same rule also applies if there is an excessive calorie deficit - in this case, the body will begin to prepare for a possible hunger strike.
  2. Individual intolerance to diet. If a person losing weight cannot live even a day without fruit, then a protein diet will lead to severe nervous shock. In this case, there is no point in sitting and waiting for the result; the extra pounds will not only not go away, but may even gain.
  3. Health problems. Some hormonal diseases interfere with weight loss. Then no experimenting with diet, increasing exercise, or even sitting on the water is pointless.
  4. Severe stress. Serious personal injuries or problems at work slow down weight loss. It is necessary to resolve the difficulties, and then start a diet.

Peculiarity! When choosing a diet, you must carefully study the terms of the proposed menu. If in doubt, give your new diet an easy one-day test drive. The best thing to do would be to visit a doctor, get tested and, together with specialists, determine the planned results and methods of losing weight.


Losing weight too slowly and even temporarily stopping weight motivates those losing weight to look for their own mistakes and move forward. But the increase drives you into a stupor and leads to complete confusion. Don't panic! You need to find out why weight may begin to increase on a diet:

  1. Intense workouts. After physical activity muscles swell out of habit, increasing the total body weight.
  2. Excess salt. Salty foods retain water in the body, which leads to weight gain.
  3. Unlimited consumption of tea, coffee, juices. Replacement clean water drinks leads to fluid deficiency and weight gain.
  4. Frequent breakdowns. Severe dietary restrictions, systematically followed by active eating of goodies, lead to weight gain.
  5. Menstrual cycle. During the period after ovulation, women's appetite increases and fluid retention occurs. In this case, you can notice a deviation of 1-2 kilograms on the scales in a larger direction.
  6. Too many carbohydrates. With the correct calorie content, you can upset the balance of dietary fat - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  7. Overeating at night or the consequences of drinking alcohol. After a heavy dinner at night or a late party, you can notice an increase of 1-2 kg the very next morning. This is the influence of alcohol and food not fully absorbed by the body.

The reasons for weight gain on a diet can be systemic and temporary. Systemic ones include incorrect calculations of calorie content, non-compliance with BZHU and drinking regime. To clarify and eliminate them, you need special efforts. But to neutralize the consequences of temporary causes and increase body volume, most often you need to wait time. It is advisable to connect a detox to get rid of waste, toxins and extra calories as soon as possible. Your weight will return to normal within a few days. The main thing is not to repeat mistakes in the future.

What to do

Gaining weight on a diet is not a reason to quit what you started and hastily “seize” the problem. The situation can be resolved without changing the dream of a slim figure.

The first thing you need to do when you see a shift in the scales in the positive direction is not to panic. Refusal to diet after the first failure is a sign of weakness and cowardice. Look for the fighter within you and keep pursuing your dreams!


An unreasonable jump in weight signals the need to review your diet and diet. How to speed up the search for a possible problem:

  1. You need to recalculate your own calorie intake and compare it with the actual one. Minimum rate 1200-1300 kcal per day. If you eat less, you cannot avoid stress and exhaustion of the body.
  2. Analyze the correctness of the drinking regime. The mandatory minimum is 1.5 liters of water per day.
  3. Carefully evaluate your own diet. Must be on the menu sufficient quantity vegetables, light meat, poultry and fish. But potatoes, bread, pasta and sweets will have to be limited.
  4. To remove excess salt from the body, you should avoid consuming snacks, fast food, smoked meats, and sausages. Clean water helps!

Most often, after eliminating the consequences of an incorrect menu, the kilograms begin to melt. It is important to help the body get rid of “excess”: include citrus fruits and coarse fiber in your diet. Move more and recharge yourself with positivity.


When the reason lies in too frequent breakdowns, you should reconsider your diet. Perhaps it is too “hungry” and does not suit the body. Motivate yourself, eliminate hunger and don't skip snacks.

Important! Have a cheat meal - one free meal outside the diet menu. It is important to include such relief in any diet. One cheat meal a week will reduce the stress load on the body and protect you from unexpected breakdowns.

If the previous evening was marked by the consumption of alcohol, fatty, fried, salty foods, do not sit back and be afraid. The next day should be a fasting day and physically active.

To eliminate the effects of overeating and alcohol, drink more fluids and replace one meal with a light vegetable salad. Walking, exercising, or new hobbies will help you take your mind off dark thoughts. In 2-3 days the weight will return to normal.


Gaining kilograms may indicate unfavorable psychological mood losing weight. To successfully continue the diet, it is important to put your nervous system in order:

  1. Sleep! Absence healthy sleep slows down weight loss and does not lead to results. The mandatory minimum is 8 hours.
  2. Do not be nervous. Stress causes disruption endocrine system and win back on weight. This drives the person losing weight into even greater depression. Break the vicious circle! Take a course of light herbal sedatives.
  3. Refuse energy drinks. Excess caffeine deceptively invigorates, but deprives the nervous system of true rest. Strong teas and coffee should be replaced plain water. It will be difficult at first, but after a couple of weeks the body will get rid of unnecessary addiction.


When you have tried all the ways to start the weight loss process, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason lies in the presence of endocrine diseases, depression or exhaustion.

Do not delay visiting your doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • nausea;
  • problems with stool;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

Useful video: how to speed up your metabolism

To learn how to speed up your metabolism and start losing weight easily, watch the video below.


If your weight on a diet continues to increase, you should not panic. It is important to adjust the menu, achieve a systematic diet and solve all psychological problems.


A huge number of representatives of the fair sex, wanting to get rid of excess weight, begin to eat right, and often engage in physical activity. But what a disappointment when weight loss doesn’t happen or “oh, horror!” - weight begins to increase. We suggest not to sound the alarm! Let's take a look at the reasons why the scale indicators may not please you, and also find ways to solve this problem.


Often weight increases during the first time after a person begins to exercise. The indicators on the scales may also become “outraged” if you sharply increased the load: for example, made the workout longer or more intense. After playing sports, the muscles begin to swell, which is why you see weight gain. Don’t worry and under no circumstances give up your good sporting intentions. As a rule, after two to three weeks the body adapts to the new loads, then the weight returns to normal or even plummets are observed.

Eating salty foods

Products that contain a large number of salts, like salt in its pure form, are capable of retaining fluid in the body. Because of this, a person also faces weight gain.
Advice: consume as little as possible various pickles, canned products, salted cheeses, store-bought seasonings, salted fish, “ready” breakfasts, sausage.

These products contain a lot of salt. Besides this, there is usually nothing healthy in the listed store-bought treats. In general, try not to add too much salt to your food, especially during the evening meal. If for some reason you consumed pickles shortly before bedtime, we strongly recommend that you refrain from weighing yourself for the next couple of days. Surely, weight gain cannot be avoided. Alcohol has a similar effect. Drinking even one glass of wine can cause weight gain of several kilograms, which can stay with you for 3-4 days.

A lot of food

Often people who start eating healthy compensate for the “suffering” by consuming more calories than the body needs to maintain its existing weight. Moreover, by eating good products, it can be much easier to overeat than, for example, fatty or fried foods.

So, if previous reasons for weight gain are excluded, analyze your menu at least a few days in advance. A calorie calculator will come to the rescue, which, fortunately, is easy to find on almost any diet Internet site. Perhaps at first proper nutrition, you will have to count the energy units in the food you eat. This will allow you to control your calorie intake, which will help you lose weight or maintain your current weight.

Too small portions of food

There is nothing good in either extreme. Nutritionists are categorically against long-term adherence to diets whose weight is below 1200 calories per day. The fact is that when a person begins to consume too few calories, the body simply gets scared and goes into saving mode. As a result, instead of the expected plumb line, you may even gain.

Critical days

Almost all ladies gain one or two, or even more kilograms, a couple of days before the start of menstruation. You should not weigh yourself shortly before and, directly, during your critical days. Now the body retains fluid, which it will readily part with as soon as menstruation passes. Another thing is that many women experience an increase in appetite. Here you need to show self-control and try not to overeat. Do you often crave sweets? Replace the bulk of the forbidden fruit with sweet fruits or at least dried fruits.

Small volume of water

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the less water a person drinks, the more fluid his body retains. Hence, again, the weight gain. Water is indispensable for the full functioning of our body. It's unthinkable without her proper weight loss or maintaining weight. Even if you need to gain weight, be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of pure, still water per day. And, remember, tea and coffee don’t count. It is better not to abuse them, replacing the next cup of hot drink with a glass of clean water.

One day, looking at myself in the mirror, I was horrified: the only word I wanted to shout was – GUARD! The reflection showed a hippopotamus-shaped carcass with only a hint of its former slenderness.

It so happened genetically that I inherited from my mother a figure like “ hourglass" I've always been proud of her. But, as you know, such a figure gains weight in all places at once. You can barely follow it and that’s it, goodbye abs, hello sides. The matter was further complicated by the fact that I am a natural and professional sweet tooth. So, devouring everything sweet along the way, I didn’t notice how I was gradually gaining weight. When I came to my senses, it was too late. Then I firmly decided to lose weight. But then another problem arose: I seemed to have stopped eating a lot, but the weight still didn’t go away, but on the contrary, it grew and flourished in my body that thirsted for harmony!

I couldn't understand what was going on? Why do I get fat if I eat practically nothing? Then I conducted a social survey among my friends and colleagues, and then began to study all the available information on the Internet regarding this issue.

And this is what I dug up. It turns out there are only three reasons for weight gain with what seems to us to be minimal nutrition.

During the day, unnoticed by myself, I managed to eat a pack of cookies, a tiny sandwich with
butter, dragees or chocolates. And what? It seemed to me that a couple of candies would do nothing, just like a couple of cookies. Yes, only if there were a couple of them, then nothing else. I ate them by the handful, naively believing that this was an innocent trifle. This despite the fact that my diet could not be called correct and healthy. In the morning, oatmeal with coffee, and in the evening, a sandwich with sausage. That's my entire diet.

  1. Metabolic disease.

Everyone believes that if a person eats little, but still gains weight, it means he has problems with the body, with metabolism. At first I thought so too. But the matter turned out to be much more complicated and interesting. Why does metabolic disorder occur?

I studied well at school and know how the human body works. All nutrients that enter the body are sent along “two paths”: some are spent on energy, which is needed for life, others go to “bins”. They are stored in reserve in the most unexpected places: thighs, tummy, butt, arms, face. In short, wherever they want, they settle there in the form of subcutaneous fat.

In this case, there are also two options: either eat less or move more. But there is a third one - eat less and move more. I chose the first option for myself. I started eating less. But the weight did not go away, but came. My reaction is ???.

It turned out that my body behaved like a person who suddenly lost a stable job - it began to accumulate the crumbs that came into it and put them aside for a “rainy day.” So it turned out that I eat less, and my shocked body begins to feverishly store all the nutrients that come in (albeit in small quantities) into “spare storehouses.” Hence the weight gain.

So the body’s work is not disrupted, but simply switched to the “Reserves for the winter” mode.

  1. Incorrect mode or lack thereof.

Somewhere, something, with someone and whenever... I eat. This is how you can explain it in a few words
lack of regime. Routine, not only in the sense of eating on time, but also going to bed and waking up at the same time. The main thing is to get enough sleep. Because even during sleep, fat is burned in the body! And if you go to bed with the first roosters, get up with the third, or eat before bed, then metabolic processes are disrupted. The results of this regime are obvious - irritated nervous system, red eyes, earthy complexion, impaired metabolism and excess weight.

After analyzing this information, I came to the conclusion that healthy image life and proper nutrition are not an empty phrase, but the main assistants in the process of losing weight and maintaining health.

So, if you are faced with a similar problem, listen to the advice of the “grated kalach”, that is, me:

  • Don't starve yourself. Never! Otherwise, your body will go into economy mode, and what does this mean? See point 2;
  • Try to develop your own regime in which your body will be pleasant and comfortable to work;
  • Balance your diet. Don't deprive yourself of fats, carbohydrates, or proteins. Just keep everything in moderation;
  • Don't snack on any kind of food. Cookies, crackers, chips, marshmallows, sausage sandwiches - this is kaka. And generally exclude such products. They will only add excess weight, not health;
  • Move more!

Watch yourself: how many chances to move we miss! Instead of stairs - an elevator, instead of a walk - a minibus, instead of a run - lying on the couch or watching a movie with popcorn. You need exactly the opposite: steps, walks, jogging, swimming, active recreation.

Follow these simple, and most importantly proven, rules and you will be happy!

Many people are familiar with the situation when a person makes every effort to look slimmer: he starts eating right, playing sports, leading an active lifestyle, but at the same time he continues to gain kilograms and is at a loss as to why the weight is not coming off? The essence of this phenomenon has been repeatedly studied by scientists, nutritionists and fitness trainers, who have made a number of important conclusions about the nature of this paradox.

How does weight come off when losing weight?

Health experts agree on how weight comes off when you lose weight. A person begins to lose weight by first getting rid of excess fluid in the body; at the second stage, the previously accumulated adipose tissue is eliminated. During this period you should start practicing physical exercise that will help prevent such unpleasant consequences weight loss, like sagging skin and cellulite. Sometimes at the most intensive training fat burning is not observed and the logical question again arises as to why weight loss is still not happening.

Why do you gain weight when you start exercising?

You can often hear from those who have recently started studying in gym, the question is why, when you start playing sports, do you gain weight? This paradox is explained by several reasons:

  1. Accumulation of fluid in muscle tissue. As the load increases, the body, in order to adapt to new conditions, saturates the muscles with glycogen, which retains fluid. This will change after a few weeks as the body adapts to the physical effort, metabolism increases, and weight begins to fall off.
  2. Binge eating. A person ceases to control his diet, believing that he will compensate for the abundant food by exercising more actively. Food must correspond to the energy intensity of the load, and only then the question of why weight does not decrease will lose relevance.

How quickly does weight come off with proper nutrition?

To know how quickly weight goes off with proper nutrition, you should consider some factors:

  1. Calorie content, portion size, regularity of food intake, combination of foods.
  2. A history of numerous experiments with diets that caused your metabolism to be disrupted.
  3. The presence or absence of regular physical activity.
  4. Hormonal disbalance in women, it can additionally negatively influence why weight does not decrease.
  5. Features of the body.
  6. A figure of 2-5 kg ​​per month is considered safe, then gaining back the lost kilograms will be much more difficult.

Why volumes don’t go away when losing weight

Many people are familiar with the situation: as a result of a new lifestyle, body weight begins to decrease, a person feels light, energetic, plays sports with greater dedication, but when trying on clothes, he does not understand why the volume does not go away when losing weight. There are several explanations for this:

  1. If you eat foods that are too low in calories, your body will experience serious stress and will burn muscle tissue instead of lipid tissue.
  2. It is necessary to work out all parts of the body, diversify the exercises, otherwise losing weight in volume will be difficult.
  3. Since centimeters are lost first in those places that began to gain weight last, you may not notice how the area of ​​the buttocks, arms or inner side hips.
  4. The less time you devote to sports, the slower your volume will go.
  5. Excess salt retains water in the body, which is common cause that the centimeters stand still.

Why doesn't the weight come off?

The most pressing question of all those losing weight is why the weight remains, taking into account all the Herculean efforts? Doctors name a number of factors that prevent you from losing extra pounds:

  1. Problems with the thyroid gland, due to which many begin to get better, even with strict diet and active loads.
  2. Chronic lack of sleep (less than 7 hours a day) prevents calories from being fully burned.
  3. Write down everything you eat. Perhaps weight gain is due to snacking or large amounts of fatty, sweet, salty, smoked foods.
  4. Too much dinner.
  5. Excessively intense training without rest and relaxation.
  6. Intestinal problems: constipation or adhesions.

With proper nutrition

Often female communication ends with the words: “I eat right, but the weight doesn’t go away,” but few representatives of the fair half of humanity can explain what the term “proper nutrition” means. A quick snack on the go, a small amount of protein and fiber, foods containing sugar or salt, low-carb or high-carb foods do not allow fat to be burned. With the most intense workouts without a balanced meal: vegetables, plant and animal protein, whole grain cereals, kilograms and volumes will increase.

With regular training

If the statement: “I go to the gym, but the weight doesn’t come off” applies to you, then pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. You need to start with proper nutrition - perhaps you eat too many complex carbohydrates and not enough protein and fiber.
  2. Incorrectly calculated training intensity, the same type of exercises, during which fat does not have time to burn.
  3. Sometimes the mass continues to increase due to muscles, and the centimeters melt away, you begin to look slimmer and sexier.

Why the weight does not go away, but the volume decreases

Any experienced trainer knows that if the weight does not come off and the volume decreases, then the weight loss process is going in the right direction. Since fat is lighter than muscle, but its coverage is greater, with a decrease in fat tissue and an increase in muscle, you will not lose weight by the scale, but you will become leaner in volume and will be able to move on to more small size clothes. You shouldn’t focus on the number of kilos if your body parameters indicate progress.

When you diet, your weight stays the same

A situation in which weight stays the same during a diet is called the “plateau effect.” Its essence is as follows: at a certain stage, when the usual amount of calories begins to decrease rather than increase, the body “freezes” for a while, and body weight may even increase. Sometimes it is caused by a lack of hormone thyroid gland, water retention in tissues, too strict a diet and training, functional restructuring of the body to new way, poor functioning of mitochondria (energy cells), these are the main reasons why weight stays the same on a diet.

What to do if the weight does not come off

Finally, what to do if the weight doesn’t come off? Try to sensibly assess your lifestyle: what you eat, when, in what quantities, how active you are during the day. Maybe the body does not have time to process all the food eaten and therefore is forced to put it aside, or you have tortured your body with training. Pass medical examination, go to an endocrinologist, get tested necessary tests. Only A complex approach and common sense will help you achieve the desired result, so it is in your best interest to continue moving towards your goal.

Video: why weight is not lost

Many ladies are sure that it’s worth a week to do morning exercises, switch to proper nutrition and here it is, a wasp waist. With such expectations, disappointment is inevitable.

Excess weight, sometimes accumulated for years, cannot easily and simply dissolve into short time without harm to health. Therefore, you should avoid diets that promise to turn you into a model in a couple of weeks - this can result in a hospital bed.

And even if such a disastrous result does not follow, lost on a low-calorie diet and grueling workouts the weight will come back hundredfold: with such a diet, weight loss is explained by the loss of water and muscle mass, and not fat at all. Sooner or later the diet ends, the woman returns to her usual diet. Weight inevitably begins to increase, despite training, because the body, which has experienced a long period of time, seeks to store energy in case of another hunger strike. It's a vicious circle, diets don't work, remember.

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise will definitely help you achieve slimness, but the process can take quite a long time.

The main task is to create conditions for fat burning and not disturb them. Gradually, the body will adopt a new regime, the metabolism will speed up, and the hated fat will finally begin to burn.

The path to perfect figures it will most likely take more than one month During this time, proper nutrition will become a healthy habit, and training will begin to bring pleasure. Patience, just patience.

Plateau effect

This unpleasant phenomenon is encountered by the vast majority of those losing weight, and not so much by beginners, but by “experienced fighters” who have already seen the first result. And everything seems to be as it should be: proper nutrition, adequate training, sufficient reserves of patience and motivation. What's the matter?

You shouldn’t get upset, much less give up what you started. - This is normal and may last from two weeks to several months. The main reason for weight loss is the body gets used to training, metabolism slows down. Our body simply adapts to stress and is lazy about burning fat.

In this case, it is enough to change the training program: add new exercises, move the training time from evening to morning or vice versa. Nutritional adjustments may not be required.

Another impetus for fat burning will be going to the bathhouse or sauna right after strength training. This method is often used by athletes who want to lose a couple of kilos before competitions. Intense heating of the body increases oxygen consumption and nutrients, stimulating metabolic processes. The method is very effective, but is contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease.

Sometimes weight loss is caused by too much strict diet, is a protective reaction to hunger. Proper nutrition comes first balanced menu and regular meals every 4-5 hours. Lack of meals for a long time perceived as metabolism slowing down.

The best way out is to gradually increase the daily calorie intake, by 100 kcal per day maximum, at the same level of training, then the body will have time to adapt.

Incorrect calorie calculation

For the right woman should receive 1300-2000 kcal per day from food, more exact figure A nutritionist will help you calculate based on the client’s age, lifestyle, amount of extra pounds and health indicators. At the same time, about 30% of diet must occupy squirrels, 60% complex carbohydrates, 10% fat. Therefore, the decision to completely abandon fat-containing foods, so often made by those losing weight, is fundamentally wrong and very harmful. We need fats for the synthesis of hormones and the absorption of vitamins.

Often, wanting to consolidate the effect of training, ladies cut back on the already modest caloric intake, limit yourself to food. This technique will help you lose weight quickly, but be sure to will affect your health. However, we have already described above the dangers of a calorie deficit.

The second most common mistake of those losing weight is constant failure to eat properly. Having noticed the first fruits of training, ladies relax - they begin to abuse sweets and buns, hoping for the miraculous power of physical activity. Such errors very quickly become a habit, an excess of calories appears, settling on the sides as hated fat.

Do not forget about the need for systematic proper nutrition, and on days of breakdowns, be sure to increase the intensity of your workout, otherwise you will not be able to lose weight.

A few words about proper nutrition for burning fat (video)

Muscle enlargement

In the first month after starting training, almost all girls notice weight gain instead of the desired decrease. The mood is hopelessly spoiled - is it really all in vain, why didn’t you manage to lose weight? Nothing terrible happens, everything is explained very simply.

During active training, it begins building heavy muscle tissue, replacing lighter fat fibers. The body becomes stronger, more resilient, and the body spends much more energy on fully maintaining the muscles than on maintaining the fat layer. Do not forget about proper nutrition during this period and you will soon notice pleasant changes in shape in the mirror.

Plus, our body should be able to recover after workout, relax. Muscle pain- the very first and clear signal that the loads did not go unnoticed and did their job. The muscle recovery process is always accompanied by water retention needed by fibers to carry out all metabolic processes in cells. This explains the sharp weight gain 1-2 kg. After 3-5 weeks excess liquid it will come out on its own - you will immediately see it by the reduction in volume.

Proper nutrition and sufficient consumption of clean water during training helps align hormones, speed up metabolism what will it take more than one month. But as a result, the body will be completely rebuilt, tissue regeneration will accelerate, and losing weight will now not be difficult.

Wrong workouts

Ideally, it is better to exercise in the gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer who will select an individual training program. Those who study on their own should take into account that it is far not any physical activity helps to lose weight. So leisurely walks will not burn a lot of energy, even if they take a decent amount of time.

Proper training will take no time at least an hour, and half of this time the body will spend calories received from food, and only then will begin to burn fat deposits. Be sure to include exercises in your workout different groups muscles, then the calorie consumption will be much greater. By gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises, you can achieve more noticeable results, but here it is important to listen sensitively to your health.

It is categorically not recommended to go to extremes and overly exhaust yourself with training, because under such loads it will be difficult to lose weight. Paradox? Not really. Constant fatigue, lack of good rest entails the release of g ormone - cortisol, which slows down digestion, reduces, and negatively affects mood. But this is not the most unpleasant thing. Cortisol destroys muscle tissue and provokes fat deposition in the waist area, that’s the main danger. Try to time your workouts so that they take 5-6 hours per week, this time in the gym is enough to lose weight if you follow the basic aspects of proper nutrition.