Spearfishing: tips for beginners and necessary equipment. Spearfishing for beginners - the first trick steps

Spearfishing is considered a type of fishing, but requires much more stamina and physical fitness. Hunting using scuba gear will be considered poaching on the territory of the Russian Federation, so you have to rely only on a snorkel and dive while holding your breath. Before you start fishing underwater, you should study how the legislation regulates this area, what you need to prepare and what precautions to take.

When going spearfishing, you should study the legal norms that are established for fishing in the area where the fisherman will hunt. Many regions of the Russian Federation have adopted special restrictions on the amount of catch that one person can catch in a certain time. There are also special protected natural areas and reservoirs where fishing is completely prohibited. You cannot hunt near hydroelectric power stations and dams.
Also, each region establishes periods when underwater hunting and fishing in general is prohibited due to the start of fish spawning. There may be restrictions on hunting certain types of fish during a specific period, or species that are completely prohibited from fishing in a given area. You should find out about all this in advance; usually fishing communities and associations in the place where you plan to hunt underwater have this information.
A harpoon and underwater gun are allowed as hunting equipment. Prohibited:

  1. Some types of networks;
  2. Any toxic substances;
  3. Stunning devices (dynamite or batogs, electromagnetic devices) and other gear that contribute to the massive simultaneous capture of several specimens.

Restrictions also apply to such things as the distance at which the fisherman’s vehicle is located from the water, and the place where fires are made. Should be carefully studied legislative framework by being in a natural area in an area where hunting takes place.
For violating the laws regulating hunting, you can be charged with poaching or harming nature and receive a fine or imprisonment.
When going spearfishing to another country, you should especially take into account that they may have their own, quite complex and strict laws governing its implementation. On fishing forums you can get acquainted with the experience of predecessors, find information about local guides, instructors, and companies that provide the service of organizing spearfishing for tourists. To protect yourself from possible violation of the law, you should go hunting in other countries with a local escort.

Equipment selection

In order to fully engage in underwater hunting, it is necessary to have special equipment that protects the fisherman’s body and organs from the potential dangers that accompany this type of activity.
So, for successful spearfishing you will need:

  • mask,
  • snorkel,
  • wetsuit,
  • belt,
  • fins and socks.

The mask is very important element equipment for underwater hunting. Its quality determines how well the hunter will navigate under water. It should fit as tightly as possible to the face, without allowing water to pass through, without fogging, providing a good, wide view. The material most often used is rubber or silicone.
In some modern models For hunting, glass is installed, allowing you to see the object at a greater distance. Before purchasing a mask, you need to try it on, understand whether it is comfortable in it, and whether anything is in the way. For effective spearfishing, you need equipment that is as comfortable as possible and matches your body structure, so that nothing distracts or interferes with the process.
The breathing tube allows for a long time go underwater, but shallowly, remaining near the surface. This will help you look around and assess the situation around the place where the hunt is taking place. The mouthpiece should be comfortable and convenient, not slip out, not be hard. Hunters are advised to choose tubes with a silicone mouthpiece.
If spearfishing takes place in winter, then top part The tubes must be closed with a valve so that when the hunter dives, cold water does not penetrate his teeth.
Another thing necessary for staying under the surface of the water is a wetsuit. It doesn’t matter whether spearfishing occurs in winter or summer, a wetsuit protects not only from freezing. Although in the warm season, the temperature at the surface and closer to the bottom of the reservoir can differ greatly. Also, this part of the spearfishing equipment protects against damage, scratches, and burns from burning plants and fish.
Suits for underwater hunting can be:

  • wet,
  • dry.

Wet neoprene suits let some water in, but allow the body to breathe. At the same time, they tightly fit the human figure, so a very small amount of water actually gets in, and it manages to heat up quickly, thanks to body temperature. The material of the suit is very elastic and does not hinder movement during hunting, the hunter gets less tired. Before putting on a wet suit for spearfishing, it needs to be slightly wetted with water, which is where its name comes from. The thickness of neoprene depends on the temperature of the water - the colder it is, the thicker the hunting suit should be.
A dry suit for spearfishing can be made from fabric trimmed with rubber or sheet rubber. Water does not get inside, but you need to wear warm clothes under your suit to avoid freezing. This suit is even suitable for winter spearfishing - you need to buy it several sizes larger in order to wear good warm clothes under it.
Wetsuits are stored in a suspended state, it is better not to fold them or expose them to sun rays, cold, damp. After hunting, the suit should be washed and allowed to dry.
Zero buoyancy of the hunter’s body – necessary condition conducting underwater hunting. In order for a person to freely adjust his position in the water column, a load is needed. Most often, a special belt is used, which is worn over the suit. This is an ordinary belt with lead plates of various weights and sizes attached to it. Also for hunting, various Velcro compensators are used, which are attached to the suit, but they are not as effective as a belt.
In order for a person to move easily and silently during underwater fishing, you need to purchase high-quality fins. Fins should not press, compress the feet too much, or have any damage or protruding defects that could hinder the swimmer or cause discomfort. The greater the depth to which the hunter dives, and the stronger the current in the hunting area, the stiffer the fins should be. It is necessary to wear neoprene socks under the fins to avoid chafing your feet and to protect against the cold; you should try the fins directly on your socks to understand how comfortable they will be during spearfishing.
You may also need gloves or mittens to prevent your hands from chafing while hunting with a gun or harpoon, as well as to protect you from the cold.

Weapons and useful equipment

Underwater hunting is unthinkable without weapons; it must be chosen depending on experience, physical capabilities and preferences regarding the method of hunting the inhabitants of the underwater world.
The main types of weapons that can be used in spearfishing:

  • crossbow,
  • pneumatic gun,

A fairly simple to use and effective weapon for underwater hunting is the crossbow. It is also suitable for those who are just starting to master underwater fishing. Its action is ensured by rubber rods. For beginners, it is better to choose shorter models for hunting – no more than 70 cm.
The crossbow is most effective in clear water. The range of destruction of underwater production is up to 4 m.
An air gun is another type of weapon that fires a shot using compressed air that pushes the arrow under pressure. This is a very popular and effective weapon for underwater hunting. For beginners, guns of about 50 cm are recommended. Guns can be used in almost any conditions and produce a good catch. They need to be recharged in water.
A knife is a faithful companion for underwater and any other hunting; it must be reliable, sharp, with a blade length of at least 11 cm. The knife must sit firmly in its sheath during hunting. With its help, you can not only finish off and remove the fish from the harpoon, but also cut the nets in which the fisherman can get caught, get disentangled, or get weapons from reeds or sedge thickets.
Also useful during spearfishing is a device called a kukan. This is a snap cord with a needle at one end to put on the fish you catch. Kukan is attached to the belt of an underwater fisherman.
A waterproof, powerful flashlight with a rope to tie to your belt will also come in handy.
Underwater hunting will be effective when the hunter learns how to handle weapons and equipment. Don't expect big catch the first time.

What else does a hunter need to know before heading to the pond? First of all, you need to prepare for scuba diving and make sure that the skills of the swimmer and diver are at the proper level.
When hunting in water, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Carefully monitor the time during which the fisherman remains in the water column. You cannot remain at depth until the last moment, when it is already difficult without air, otherwise you may lose consciousness.
  2. If water may appear on the surface vehicles, then you need to be careful not to surface close to them and not hit the blade or collide with them.
  3. You can only unload a gun during spearfishing in water.
  4. Raniv big fish, you can’t swim up to it right away.
  5. Spearfishing in overgrown waters with many obstacles is dangerous; it is better to avoid such places.
  6. The dive must be done only while inhaling.
  7. When hunting, you should be guided by your level of experience and training and not perform complex dives and other actions for which you lack knowledge and skills.

Spearfishing can be a fun and exciting activity once the fisherman masters the basic rules and techniques. Then he can benefit from numerous tips from equally enthusiastic hunters, which will help increase the catch and efficiency of hunting. The most famous of them:

  • The most favorable time for spearfishing is morning.
  • It is more convenient to dive with your legs bent at the knees and your head down. Then, in the water, the legs straighten sharply.
  • When hunting, they approach fish by taking a horizontal position in the water.
  • When hunting, it is better to aim at the head and sides of the fish.
  • It is better to approach the fish by being slightly above or below it. The closest she gets to her is when she eats.
  • When hunting underwater, you need to move as silently as possible so as not to scare away the fish.

In case of injury, loss of consciousness, etc. emergency situations You should immediately seek medical help. Therefore, you should not hunt alone; it also does not hurt to learn the rules of first aid.
Knowing the basic rules of spearfishing is necessary in order to have a good time and not be in danger. Having mastered everything that a beginner needs, the fisherman will soon begin to enjoy the process greatly, because this is a truly exciting and exciting pastime. It is no coincidence that entire championships and competitions are organized in this sport.

This article is dedicated to those who are just about to join the underwater brotherhood.

Why scuba diving?

It’s even difficult to remember a time when there was no scuba diving in my life. Why do I like underwater? Here you are alone with nature, very beautiful nature, in fact it is another world, underwater, wild and very beautiful. When plunging under water, all above-ground problems are forgotten, a person arrives in a kind of trance, the diver’s body switches to another mode, underwater, a mode of peace, calm and harmony.

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the positive impact on health; everyone understands perfectly well that scuba diving (not extreme) has an extremely positive effect on the diver’s health.

Memo to a newbie in spearfishing:

Mentor. Be sure to spend your first hunts with experienced underwater hunters who will help with advice, prevent mistakes and simply provide backup. Believe me, after watching the video, you will certainly learn something, but already on the pond you will have a lot of questions during the first hunt. It will be great if there is an experienced hunter nearby to help with advice and backup.
The best time to start spearfishing is summer. You should not start your journey as an underwater hunter in cold water or other extreme conditions!
No night hunting for the first 10 hunts. It is highly discouraged for inexperienced hunters to go underwater at night. Lack of experience and excessive self-confidence can play a cruel joke on you. Always remember, they are waiting for you at home!
Do not dive in steep places without experience. You should not immediately rush into snags, strong currents or any other potential dangerous places. Believe me, even an experienced hunter can have problems with them, and even more so for a beginner!
Beware of networks. If you know that on this area There are nets in the reservoir, be extremely careful.
Knife. You can forget your fins and gun when hunting, but never forget your knife; it may not be useful to you for 100 hunts, but it will save your life in 101.
Don't take more prey than you can eat. It’s simple, next year you may be left without any production at all.
Stay away from other spearfishers in the water. Experienced underwater hunters try to keep them away from their fellow fish. There are two main reasons: a) the danger that you will be confused with a fish and get a harpoon in your body, b) the fish is already scared away, it is better to find another place.
Avoid ground-based duck hunters in fall, every year our drunken land-based bad guys shoot shotgun at submariners, either confusing them with ducks or stupidly out of envy.
Buoy. Swim with a buoy, it indicates your location under water, warning scooters, motorboats and other objects potentially dangerous to you. On the buoy-raft you can take with you spare harpoons, water, additional weights, etc.

When choosing equipment for spearfishing, it is better to seek the help of professionals. Our managers will help you choose the optimal equipment for you according to your hunting conditions, size and budget! We do not pursue the goal of “selling” equipment, we choose the optimal one; our managers have a background in selecting equipment for hundreds of underwater hunters from all over the CIS!

The Articles section also provides advice on choosing equipment, a mask, a snorkel, a wetsuit, a gun, fins, and so on, but it is better to call the toll-free number 8 800 333 22 91 and we will help you make your choice!

This activity requires good physical preparation, instant reaction and concentration. And for those who are ready to cope with such requirements, spearfishing will give a lot of unforgettable emotions and impressions.

The main principles of spearfishing

Underwater species active rest, such as hunting or, are most often associated with the sea. However, hunting can also be carried out in fresh water bodies.

The skill of an underwater hunter must develop over the years. The instructor can show the basic techniques of hunting, talk about some of its nuances and, in general, set the training on the right course. But learn to feel part aquatic environment and you can clearly build strategies only after going from a beginner to a professional. We can say that this type of leisure is ideal for phlegmatic people. The underwater world is silent, quiet and calm. Any imbalance here is perceived as a potential danger.

The ability to silently swim and dive is one of the fundamental factors for successful diving. Experienced hunters know that any vibration can scare away fish, so when swimming they practically do not create vibrations in the water. Beginners often make serious mistakes by hitting the water hard with their fins and making sweeping movements with their free hand. In order to learn to move smoothly underwater, lead bracelets with weights are sometimes used, worn on the ankles.

The next quality important for spearfishing is the ability to be underwater without a supply of air. Good results can be achieved through breathing training and frequent diving. Staying at a depth of 8-10 meters for several minutes is a remarkable indicator that you should strive for.

As for hunting methods, this question is of a purely individual nature. Actually, there are three methods of underwater fishing: active search, lying down and rafting hunting. But how to combine these techniques in the conditions of a particular reservoir and time of day must be decided by the hunter himself.

What do beginners need to know about spearfishing?

The laws of any country strictly regulate any activity related to hunting. Underwater fishing is no exception. Full legality of the activity is ensured by membership in the sport fishing club, which also allows you to participate in organized trips and competitions. The club issues a special certificate and a permit that allows you to hunt in a certain area.

It is better not to neglect the principle of legality of hunting. Participation in such organizations will bring not only confidence in the legality of your actions, but also many useful contacts with like-minded people.

You can also get complete information about permitted hunting areas from club organizations. There are a number of reservoirs in which fishing and hunting are strictly prohibited. These are protected natural areas, reserves, recreation areas and private areas.

An interesting feature of this type of active recreation is that its adherents are prohibited from artificially extending the time spent under water. In other words, the rules of spearfishing exclude the use of breathing techniques that conserve oxygen. Otherwise, such activity may be regarded as poaching.

Collecting equipment for spearfishing

Like any other, hunting requires special equipment. First of all, you will need weapons for hunting, as well as swimming and navigation equipment.

The result of underwater fishing largely depends on the correct choice of weapon. The use of harpoons and guns of various types is permitted. For beginners, it is best to purchase crossbows with a rubber striker. This type of weapon is affordable and quite easy to use. Air rifles are more suitable for professional hunters. It is worth remembering that fishing with gunpowder guns and dynamite is an impermissible technique in underwater hunting.

All the equipment you need for swimming underwater is a mask, a breathing tube and fins. Before buying a mask, it is advisable to try it on: it should fit as tightly as possible to your face. For diving in the cold season, it is mandatory to retain heat. If the suit is made of neoprene, you will likely also need a weighted belt to improve buoyancy.

Navigation equipment such as compasses and depth gauges are not essential equipment, but they significantly improve the quality of fishing. Thanks to these devices, the possibility of losing orientation at night or during sea hunting is eliminated.

The modern assortment of spearguns presented in underwater equipment stores is somewhat confusing, and choosing a speargun for spearfishing often becomes difficult. Many people, especially beginners, find it very difficult to make a choice in favor of one model or another, let alone make conscious decisions. But the gun still needs to be properly equipped. This article is intended to ease the pain of choice for both beginners and relatively experienced underwater hunters who are faced with the question of buying a second gun. Together we will try to understand the existing types of guns in more detail, list the minimum set of equipment for comfortable hunting, and also put in a word about hunting conditions in various bodies of water.

Types of spear guns

First you need to somehow classify the guns available for sale. This is quite easy to do; there are only two main types of guns - pneumatic guns and crossbows, or rubber bands.

Crossbows. If you plan to hunt in sea ​​waters, you should choose the “crossbow” type of underwater gun, since this type of gun is used primarily at sea, in conditions of good visibility. The combat range of an underwater crossbow gun depends on its length. The power is regulated by the thickness and number of rods. The diameter of the harpoon ranges from 6-8 mm or more on captured ocean guns. The sizes of crossbows vary from 50 cm to 1.5 meters or more. It should be taken into account that when determining the length of a gun, we mean either the length of the barrel (barrel) or the distance from the place where the rods are attached to the first hook on the arrow, that is, the actual length of the gun will be greater than the declared one. For example, the total length of a gun with a loaded harpoon, stated as 50 cm, will be about 80 cm, and 75 cm - about 110 - 120 cm. Accordingly, guns from 50 to 75 cm, which are easier to maneuver, are used for hunting, which involves shots from a short distance - from 0.5 to 3 meters, for example, in grottoes. Longer guns are suitable for hunting in clean water, where long-range shots are needed, at a distance of more than 3-5 meters.

Modern crossbow manufacturers are ready to satisfy the most demanding hunters with a variety of brands, types and sizes of crossbows offered. Crossbows are very popular among Ukrainian consumers Italian manufacturer underwater guns Omer, French crossbow guns Esclapez Diving.

Advantages of crossbows:

Precise and quiet combat
. simplicity of design
. ease of aiming

Disadvantages of crossbows:

Low rate of fire
. inconvenience of maneuvering

Underwater crossbow gun Omer Cayman Cave

Crossbow Devoto Sub Special Rebel Gun

The text was prepared specifically for
Internet portal Alp.dp.ua
Author of the article: Maxim Kanygin

  • The required equipment for spearfishing includes: a wetsuit, fins, mask, snorkel, weight belt and a gun.
  • The optional group of equipment for an underwater hunter includes a lot of useful things. And this group is much broader and with the development of technology and technology is constantly replenished with new elements. This includes: kukans, valves for snorkels and masks, gloves, boats, knives, buoys, flashlights, dive computers, various unloadings, chargers and much more.

With the start of perestroika Russian market a flood of imported underwater equipment poured in. However, due to the fact that abroad spearfishing is perceived almost exclusively as sea hunting, the Western manufacturer makes both guns and equipment for it specifically for such hunting. In our country, where 95% of hunters swim in fresh water bodies (that is, more muddy, colder and replete with various kinds of underwater obstacles), such equipment is either inconvenient to use or completely inapplicable.

Spear gun

Gun(as, indeed, a mask) is an indispensable attribute of a hunter. A diver may be without a wetsuit, without fins and without a snorkel, but if he has a gun in his hands, he is a hunter. By by and large The entire range of modern underwater weapons can be divided into two large groups according to their operating principle:

  • guns that fire using the energy of rubber bands (“crossbows”)
  • guns that fire using energy compressed air(“pneumatics”).

Due to the characteristics of fresh water bodies indicated above, most of Russian underwater hunters use pneumatic guns. Coming close to the issue of choosing a particular weapon or equipment for spearfishing, it is important to identify main principle such a choice. It lies in the fact that any of the best equipment or guns in certain underwater hunting conditions can turn out to be very inconvenient, or even completely inapplicable. In other words, any equipment is selected based on the specific conditions of its use.

In relation to spearguns, taking into account their design features, it is advisable to use:
- with high water transparency (3-5 m or more), the absence of dense reeds or dense debris and powerful currents - crossbows;
- with low water transparency, in reeds, rubble, and in strong currents - pneumatics.

The length of a speargun (and its power) must correspond not only to the aforementioned hunting features, but also to the size and security of possible trophies. For example, carp, carp and crucian carp are much more difficult to penetrate than ide, bream or the same pike.

Among the pneumatic guns for underwater hunting, pneumatic vacuum and hydropneumatic guns should be noted. Both have increased power, but are less reliable in operation. Unfortunately, crossbows are not produced at all in our country, and industrially produced pneumatic guns are far from perfect. Small-scale production of Taimen pneumatic vacuum guns has been established in Chelyabinsk. Quite good pneumatics “Kayuk” are made in Belarus. “Kayuk” are the only guns that have a handle shifted to the middle, which is preferable in fresh water conditions.

Spearfishing mask

Without masks spearfishing is also impossible. Today there are dozens of types in specialized stores. An essential requirement for any spearfishing mask is its ability to keep water out of the eyes. Therefore, when choosing one model or another, you must apply it to your face and apply light pressure. If the mask sticks and doesn’t immediately fall off when you shake your head, it’s your mask. They also pay attention to the size of the under-mask space (the smaller it is, the more convenient it is to dive to great depths) and the amount of visibility. For Russian conditions, the second parameter is in much greater demand. For hunters with poor vision, there are spearfishing masks with diopter lenses.

Spearfishing snorkel

Snorkel needed by an underwater hunter so that he does not have to constantly raise his head above the surface for the next breath. With a snorkel you can comfortably lie on the surface, survey the nearest underwater world and be ready to shoot at any moment. This is the main purpose of a spearfishing tube.

Requirements for a spearfishing tube:

  • the mouthpiece should fit comfortably in the mouth and not rub the gums;
  • it is good if there is a corrugated part on the bend, which dampens vibrations of the tube and does not transmit them through the mouthpiece to the gums;
  • when hunting at shallow depths, among all kinds of natural debris on the surface (scraps of grass, duckweed, etc.), as well as in winter time It is good to use a tube with a top valve;
  • The length of the tube should be such that, lying on the surface and lowering your head down, the end of the tube would not be hidden under water.

Spearfishing suit

Wetsuits- perhaps the only attribute of spearfishing equipment that is quite successfully manufactured in significant quantities in our country. These are “wet” suits for spearfishing from the Moscow company “Neopro” and the growing company from Rostov-on-Don “Aqua-Discovery”. Any hunting suit for spearfishing differs from a diving suit in that it contains neoprene naked, without any fabric. This allows the suit to stick to the hunter's body and prevents water from circulating underneath. The lack of lightning also allows for slower heat loss when spearfishing in cold water.

How to choose a suit for spearfishing
Suits for spearfishing differ in the thickness of neoprene (from 3 to 10 mm), its quality (softer neoprene is more comfortable, but less durable) and outer coating (nylon, lycra, supratex, etc.).

If the underwater hunter is from middle zone Russia has the opportunity to buy only one suit for spearfishing; a wetsuit with a thickness of 7 millimeters is most suitable. It is quite comfortable to hunt in it, from spring until October inclusive. True, in the middle of summer it will be hot, and in late autumn it will be cool. Therefore, most underwater hunters today have two or even three suits different thicknesses in spearfishing equipment.

But in all cases, a good diving suit for spearfishing is one that fits exactly to your figure, not loose and not too tight. Therefore, from the above-mentioned companies you can order a wetsuit according to your personal measurements, taking into account all the characteristics of your body.

If “wet” suits for spearfishing retain heat due to the heat-insulating properties of neoprene, then “dry” ones - due to warm clothing worn under a waterproof top. Imported “dry” suits are suitable for diving work, but are not suitable for hunting, and “dry” wetsuits are not produced in Russia. They are made only by individual craftsmen. This is partly why such costumes are not widespread. This is despite the fact that in winter hunting and on small bodies of water, “dry” suits have obvious advantages over “wet” ones.

Socks and gloves for spearfishing

Socks and gloves are also made of neoprene and also have different thickness under different temperatures water. Gloves can be three-fingered. And, as a rule, they have a maximum (7 mm) thickness for the coldest water.

It’s good when thick gloves have fingers curved inward - this makes them easier to use. When choosing gloves, you should pay attention to the “waterstops” - the cuffs of the gloves, which, together with the cuffs of the wetsuit sleeves, should not allow water to pass to the hands. This means that the open pore (or polished neoprene) of the gloves should fit over the open pore of your wetsuit cuffs. The same requirements regarding waterstops should be applied to socks. Sometimes in stores you can find socks with open at times inside. It is not right. In such socks, already on a slight coastal slope, due to the lack of friction between the open pores and the feet, the hunter will certainly slip out of them, fall and can damage not only them, but also himself.

In certain conditions they become very popular neoprene boots with rubber soles. Bots helped me a lot on mountain rivers, where during the hunting process I have to walk a lot and often along the banks and sharp stones, and in reeds, on which sometimes I also have to walk and crawl rather than swim. In addition, the presence of a hard sole greatly extends the life of the socks. One bad thing: socks and boots greatly increase the required size of the galoshes of fins, so much so that you have to give up fins with a closed heel and use so-called diving fins (short blades and an open heel with a strap).

Fins for spearfishing

Choosing fins for spearfishing, remember that although these are underwater, they are still shoes. If these shoes squeeze the foot even a little, then a long swim will turn into prolonged torture. And in order for a foot, for example size 41, to be comfortable in a 5 mm sock and boots, the fins should be approximately 45-46 sizes. Keeping in mind the main principle of selecting equipment, ask yourself: in which bodies of water will you be spearfishing? For sea and other deep-sea hunting, it is better to use powerful and long fins with a closed heel. They will allow you to move quickly underwater. If underwater hunting is supposed to be in relatively shallow water (up to 5-6 m) or among reeds, grass and rubble, then it is better to use small and soft fins. For example, fins for spearfishing with an open heel and a blade cut lengthwise performed very well. They are convenient due to tunnel effect They are quite effective and do not require much effort when swimming. It’s good when the spearfishing fins you like have a certain (about 200) angle between the galoshes and the blade.

Weight belt for spearfishing

Since you are using a wetsuit for spearfishing, you cannot do without weight belt. It compensates for the positive buoyancy you get from the suit, as well as socks, boots and gloves. For the average Russian (height - 175 cm, weight - 75 kg), with a wetsuit 5 mm thick, about 8 kg will be required, with a wetsuit 7 mm - about 12 kg, and with a wetsuit 9 mm - about 16 kg of lead on the weight belt. It is better to take a rubber belt itself, not a nylon one; the buckle should be easily removable, in case of an emergency release of the belt under water.

During a long voyage, a weight belt for spearfishing of 16 kilograms or more begins to cause noticeable inconvenience and even lower back pain appears. This can be eliminated with the help of “unloading” various designs, which partially relieve the load from the lower back and move it to the back. The same task is performed weight vests, in the pockets of which this or that amount of cargo can be placed. The use of vests and unloaders on nylon belts allows you to attach a knife, a pocket for a spare tip or a small underwater camera to them. The location of the knife on the chest is the most correct, since in any situation and in any position it is easy to reach with any hand.

Spearfishing knife

Since we're on the topic underwater knife, then I will express my attitude towards this piece of equipment. Everywhere in the literature, the underwater knife is presented as a means of “self-rescue” under water. I would not press on this possible use of it, so that the hunter’s faith in this remedy does not strengthen. It is much more important to instill in the hunter common sense caution and the entire set of safety measures that, in principle, exclude a critical situation with the need to use a knife. This is quite real. Of my 50 years of underwater practice with a knife, I have only been swimming for the last couple of years. And over the course of half a century, I only needed a spearfishing knife twice: once to cut an almost completely torn line and not lose the arrow, and the second time, when I had to rescue the arrow from being captured by reed roots. For these purposes, a knife for underwater hunting should have a stiletto-shaped blade 10-12 cm long, with a saw on one side.

Kukan for spearfishing

So that underwater hunters do not have to swim to the shore with every fish they shoot, we use Kukans. They are usually attached to a weight belt. The belt kukan is an element of equipment for underwater hunting that is not industrially manufactured either here or abroad. Abroad, apparently because there spearfishing is carried out only at sea with a mandatory support boat nearby. Our conditions are completely different. An underwater hunter, sailing into the reed bushes or far down the river, must take care in advance about where to put the possible prey. With this prey, most likely, you will have to swim for more than one hour, while climbing through grass, rubble, reeds, and it should not interfere with hunting and movement. These are all the requirements that our home-made workers lay down when creating kukans. Now there are quite a lot of them in stores.

When choosing a kukan, I would advise you to pay attention to the following:

  • the kukan needle must be sharp and have a petal hook that prevents the fish from slipping back from it;
  • The cord should be thick nylon, and not made of steel cable and without vinyl chloride protection.

Useful little things for spearfishing

When you go to a diving equipment store, you will see on the shelves many other products and devices that are not included in the required hunter’s kit, but can be useful in one situation or another. There are underwater lights, wrist computers, special bags, all kinds of lubricants, various lines and reels, leg weights, helmets and balaclavas, shampoos - you can’t list everything. A special place on the shelves is occupied by various tips, on which the result of any hunt greatly depends (a separate discussion should be devoted to this topic). Hunters come to using this entire arsenal of underwater “devices” after having already accumulated some experience.

In conclusion, I want to give one more fundamental piece of advice: When purchasing equipment, you should not rely on the recommendations of store sellers. Any, most honest seller is bound by obligations with the store and will never say: “Go to the next store, they have what you need...” Therefore, before going to the store, you should consult with an experienced hunter who is in no way connected with this or that underwater company. Fortunately, there are now many such people in underwater clubs, federations and forums on the Internet. Good luck to you.