Losing 10 pounds in a week. How to lose ten kilograms in a week through physical activity

How to lose 10 kg in a week? Can this be done at home? Girls and women often ask these questions. different ages on the eve of holidays or special events. Some of them advise their friends the following: “Lose weight at home with the help of special pills.” But, as you understand, this is one of the worst options for losing extra pounds. Many such drugs not only do not help, but also cause great harm to the health of those losing weight. Therefore, if you plan to lose 10 kg, then, of course, it is better to use diets. There are a lot of them now. Every girl will be able to choose the “ideal” one for herself.

Losing 10 kg in a week

Is it possible to lose that many kilograms in just seven days? Yes, but, as you understand, you are setting a serious task for yourself and your body. For such short term like a week, you want to lose as much as 10 kilograms. You must understand that achieving such results over such a period will not be so easy, moreover, this is also serious stress for the body. It is possible that after such a weight loss you will experience heart pain, dizziness, and menstrual irregularities.

If you really need to lose 10 kg, then we will, of course, help you, give you the appropriate recommendations and recommend some effective diets. But you must understand that only you take responsibility for the actions you take. So let's get started. How to lose 10 kg in a week? How can this be done at home? There are some strict diets that will help you achieve this result.


How to quickly lose 10 kg? Go on a kefir diet. We'll tell you the gist of it now. In 7 days you will lose the desired ten kilograms.

The essence of the diet

During the entire diet, you drink not only fermented milk product, but it is the main product. During this diet, it is forbidden to eat fried and fatty foods, as well as eat sweets and drink alcohol.


  • First day: 5 pcs. jacket potatoes + kefir (one and a half liters).
  • Second day: 100 g of chicken (boiled, without salt) + the same amount of kefir as yesterday.
  • Third day: kefir 0.05-1% fat (one and a half liters) + 100 g of beef (without salt, boiled).
  • Fourth day: 100 g of fish (unsalted, boiled) + the same amount of kefir as on the first day.
  • Fifth day: the same amount of kefir as yesterday, + vegetables or fruits (no restrictions).
  • Sixth day: only kefir 0.05-1% fat (one and a half liters).
  • Seventh day: a liter of water (mineral, still) + kefir 0.05-1% fat (divide one and a half liters into six servings).

Pros of the diet

As a result of this diet, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function better, immunity increases, and you, of course, can lose 10 kg. In addition, the body is cleansed of toxins.

Diet of doctors

How to quickly lose 10 kg? Go on the doctors diet. She is very strict, but effective. Reviews about her are only positive. Many women who have tried this diet themselves recommend it to their friends. Note that in the first three days a person losing weight may experience dizziness due to a poor diet. Therefore, be prepared for this and do not overload yourself physically these days.


  • First day: a liter of water per day.
  • Second day: milk 1.5% fat 800 g.
  • The third day, a liter of water per day.
  • Day four: Today you eat only fresh vegetables. After the vegetable salad, you can drink it 30 minutes later. Today you can drink no more than 500 g of water.
  • Fifth day: milk 1.5% fat 800 g.
  • Sixth day: breakfast - tea (without sugar) or water (100 g) + egg, lunch - boiled beef (100 g) without salt and spices. Dinner - 1 medium apple, which can be eaten no later than nine in the evening.
  • Seventh day: no breakfast. Lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese and milk or kefir (no more than 500 g). Dinner - 1 glass of water or a cup of tea without sugar.


How to lose 10 kg in a week at home? Try going on a buckwheat diet. All week you will need to eat only this porridge and some other foods. Of course, few people will last on such a diet, but the result will be excellent.

Step 1 - preparation

First option: pour into the pan the amount of cereal that you want to eat tomorrow (about 1 glass, but more is possible). Boil water, then pour buckwheat into it. The liquid should be two fingers higher than the grain itself. Now leave this “porridge” covered overnight so that it swells.

Second option: pour 1 glass of buckwheat not with water, but with kefir or yogurt. Note: you cannot add spices, butter, sugar, etc. to the porridge.

Step 2 - liquid

Get used to drinking fluids (still mineral water and herbal teas without sugar).

Step 3 - nutrition

Eat earlier than four hours before bedtime. If you are incredibly hungry, you can eat two or three unsweetened apples, and drink kefir (1 glass) an hour before bedtime. This is what it is, the buckwheat diet.


The condition of nails and skin improves significantly.

The body is cleansed of toxins.

Extra pounds are lost.


Possible weakness and dizziness.

Fresh food.

Bonn soup

This diet will help you achieve your desired results. The main dish is Bonn soup, often called onion or celery soup. This dish is prepared from vegetables with “negative calorie content” - it is believed that the body spends much more energy on digesting them than it receives. This means that the energy contained in fat deposits is wasted.

Bonn soup recipe

This dish is very easy to prepare.

You will need the following products:

Tomatoes (medium) - 2 pcs.

Cabbage - 1 pc. (small head).

Celery - 1 bunch.

Pepper (large) - 2 pcs.

Carrots (medium) - 2-3 pcs.

Bulbs - 6 pcs.

Cooking process

Cutting vegetables into free form, better in cubes. Then place it in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, then reduce the flame and simmer the soup until done. Do not add salt, you can only sprinkle dried herbs at the end for spice.

How to eat during the week?

  • First day: fruits (bananas are prohibited) + soup.
  • Day two: vegetables and soup.
  • Third day: fruits (potatoes and bananas cannot be eaten today), vegetables and soup.
  • Day four: fruits (two bananas are fine), vegetables, soup and milk (low-fat).
  • Fifth day: half a kilogram of tomatoes and boiled (unsalted) beef, vegetables and soup.
  • Sixth day: half a kilogram of boiled (unsalted) beef, soup, vegetables.
  • Seventh day: rice porrige(without oil and salt), natural juices, soup, vegetables.

The basis of nutrition, as you understand, is soup, and the foods that are allowed on a given day are additional. In addition to the above, you need to drink three liters of water (or tea without sugar) every day for seven days. Sweets, alcohol and flour are prohibited.

How to lose 10 kg in 10 days?

For those who are not in such a hurry to lose kilos, we offer several diets that are designed for a longer period. So, how to lose 10 kg in 10 days? Go on a diet. “Which one exactly?” - you ask in surprise. The one we recommend to you. It is simply called “Ten Products”. During this system, you should not eat carbohydrates, and choose water (mineral water without carbon) or tea without sugar as a drink. Before meals, drink a glass or two of water half an hour before meals.

Menu "Ten Products"

  • First day: five boiled eggs (divide into 5 meals).
  • Second day: boiled fish without salt.
  • Third day: boiled chicken breast without salt.
  • Fourth day: 5 boiled potatoes.
  • Fifth day: chicken ham (half a kilo).
  • Day six: fruits (no bananas).
  • Seventh day: vegetables.
  • Eighth day: cottage cheese (half a kilogram).
  • Ninth day: kefir.
  • Tenth day: rosehip decoction.

Note: it is advisable to divide the daily diet into five to six meals.

Fourteen day diet

How to lose 10 kg in two weeks? Now we'll tell you. To do this, we offer a medical diet for 14 days, which will help you in your trouble.


  • First day: a bottle of water (one and a half liters divided into six meals).
  • Second day: 0.8 l. milk 1.5% fat, closer to 21:00 you can eat an apple.
  • Third day: the menu is the same as on the first day.
  • Day four: vegetable salad (fully filled liter jar) + 2 tbsp. water or tea.
  • Fifth day: the diet is the same as the second, only you don’t need to eat an apple at night.
  • Sixth day: for breakfast one egg (boiled) and tea, at 11:00 - vegetable broth, for lunch - 100 g of peas (canned) and meat. Afternoon snack, dinner - apple. If you get hungry before going to bed, you can eat another small apple.
  • Seventh day: 2 tbsp. milk + liter of kefir + cottage cheese (100 g). If you experience an unbearable feeling of hunger late in the evening, you can drink a cup of tea.
  • Eighth day: the menu is the same as on the first day.
  • Ninth day: 1 l. milk 1.5% fat (divide into six meals) + at 21:00 an apple.
  • Tenth day: the menu is the same as on the first day.
  • Eleventh day: vegetable salad from greens (liter jar).
  • Twelfth day: 1 l. milk 1.5% fat (divide into six meals).
  • Thirteenth day: one boiled egg and low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Fourteenth day: only water.

Diet of Maya Plisetskaya

This nutrition system is designed for two weeks. As Maya Plisetskaya, a famous Russian ballerina, states, during this time you can lose about ten kg.


  • Breakfast: one cup of oatmeal.
  • Lunch: one bowl of salad and one cup of vegetable soup.
  • Dinner: one cup of salad, a glass of rice and grilled salmon.

Between meals you can eat a vegetable or fruit. You need to drink a lot of water. During the diet, dairy products, tomatoes, eggs, meat, chocolate and potatoes are prohibited. Oats, lentils, broccoli and barley are welcome. This is such a simple but effective diet.


Now you know how to lose 10 kg in a week at home. As you can see, this is not so difficult, you just need to properly limit your diet, add a little physical activity, and, as they say, it’s in the bag. But remember that such experiments have a negative impact on health, so if you feel very bad during the diet, then stop using it and choose a gentler one for yourself. Good luck to you in achieving your ideal shape!

Every girl, woman always wants to be slim, to please men, as well as herself. Look in the mirror, you want to admire your body. Our pace of life prevents us from keeping our body normal.

We never have time to have a normal breakfast, we snack on sandwiches and buns on the go and gradually gain weight, wondering why this happens if we eat almost nothing. Many doctors do not recommend losing weight quickly. This is harmful to health. But if you need to quickly lose those extra pounds, then get down to business.

What you need to know?

First of all, you must follow all the recommendations of the nutritionist. But if you yourself are not one hundred percent sure that everything will work out for you, and you will definitely lose those extra pounds, then nothing will come of your idea. It’s not enough to repeat that you want to lose weight, you need to be confident in your charm and beauty. Be sure to also learn everything about your health; pressure, condition of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels.

For the reason that . Before you begin to implement your plans, you need to choose a diet that is acceptable specifically for your body. Nowadays, it is very difficult to cope with the selection of the best and most effective diet. Great amount diets are offered on various Internet sites. Be vigilant and choose information from pages that you know. Read reviews from people who have tested any of the proposed methods of losing weight.

Plose 10 kg in a week urgently

Millions of women are losing weight. Weight loss occurs quickly and with probable results on the “Favorite” diet. The name suggests that a lot of people use this method. It is suggested that you start losing weight after consulting with your doctor. Using this method, it’s possible to lose ten kilograms, and the weight will stay off long time. The previous day before you decide to take care of your body, it is advisable not to overeat in the evening.

We begin to lose extra pounds by drinking.

  • This can include: still water, non-fat broths, juices diluted with water, non-sweet teas, kefir, vegetable juices. Broth and fruit juice, preferably taken before lunch. In the evening, try to drink kefir, water, or vegetable juice.
  • On the second day, eat salads in any quantity. As you know, cabbage is an excellent fat burner. Try to add it to all salads. Salt is not recommended, add lemon juice and more herbs.
  • Third day: drink the same as on the first.
  • Next day: eat fruit as much as you like. Eat only those with a lot of sugar in the first half of the day. It will be good if you give preference to berries with low calorie content.
  • During the fifth day you will have to eat food rich in protein. Have breakfast with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese.
    Eat two eggs for lunch. Dine on white meat boiled chicken. For snacks, you can drink a glass of kefir. Add greens before meals both at lunch and in the evening.
  • Sixth day: drinking.
  • We leave the diet using this menu; Eating five times a day. Soft-boiled eggs, tea. Grapefruit. Any light vegetable soup. The apple is green. Vegetable salad (regular).

You are guaranteed success if you follow the description of this diet exactly.

The diet is cruel, but one hundred percent successful

You are faced with the question of when you need to fly on vacation or go to your friends’ anniversary.
You need to choose this withdrawal method excess weight so that it does not harm your health and gives a positive result. There is such a diet, although it is very strict, but effective. You can’t eat almost anything with this weight loss method.

  • We start losing weight by drinking one and a half liters of non-carbonated water per day.
  • Then drink milk one day, eight hundred milliliters is allowed. Have a green apple for dinner.
  • The next day is a drinking day.
  • On the fourth day you can have a holiday; Make a vegetable salad with butter for three times. Drink two glasses of water or tea.
  • The next day you drink milk again.
  • On the sixth day we slowly switch to normal eating. Half a glass of tea, a soft-boiled egg. For second breakfast, drink some vegetable broth.
    One hundred grams of green peas, the same amount of dietary meat. Green apple. Afternoon snack and an apple in the evening.
  • Last day of the week; low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, tea.

That's the whole diet. This is available to people with great willpower. The result will satisfy you.

Review of a person who lost 12 kg

Marina 34 For a long time I decided which diet would be best for my body and would not be a loser. My character is that if something doesn’t work out, I’ll never do it again. I decided in just a month. I decided to shed my extra pounds strict diet. And I was right. In seven days I lost 12 kg. Now, of course, I eat less sweets and starchy foods, and don’t drink alcohol. But that doesn't upset me. But now I feel like a goddess. And this feeling is worth a lot.

What do doctors suggest for quick weight loss?

Patients often come to doctors’ offices with statements: “I want to lose weight very quickly.” I really need it, help!” And they help. They even help a lot. Doctors have such a diet. Many women are delighted with it: they have tried it themselves and recommend it to their friends. Before starting this diet, consult your doctor. Eating according to this principle can lead to dizziness and weakness.

  • Monday: drink a liter of water throughout the day.
  • Tuesday: 0.8 liters of milk for one day.
  • Wednesday: the same as the first.
  • Thursday: Fresh vegetables from morning to evening. Half a liter of water.
  • Friday: milk.
  • Saturday: tea, egg - in the morning;
    For lunch - one hundred grams of meat;
    In the evening - an apple.
  • Sunday: We go straight to lunch; kefir, lean cottage cheese.
    We have dinner; still water or tea.

Doctors at one of the clinics developed this diet for their own staff. She brought great success. That’s why so many people now adhere to this method of losing weight. But! Health must be in perfect order.

A huge minus fast diets, is that if you quickly lose weight by 10 kg in a week, their return will be just as rapid. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to lose weight gradually, consolidating the results of the diet by maintaining the established weight for some time, during which the body gets used to the new weight.

Example: If you have lost 10 kg in a week, this weight must be maintained by all possible means for 20 months., i.e. weight loss in kg is multiplied by 2 (10 x 2 = 20).

If you need to quickly lose 10 kg in a week for some holiday, then the presented diets will tell you how to do this correctly and painlessly for your body.

Remember - Fasting and fast weight loss Not useful for everyone. Consult your doctors.

Lose 10 kg in a week on a buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet allows you to lose 10 kg in a week. The beauty of the buckwheat diet is that you can eat as much buckwheat as you want.

Buckwheat diet recipe

Pour one glass of cereal with a couple of glasses of boiling water and leave to steam for 12 hours and that’s it. We do not add any spices to buckwheat (no salt, sugar, spices or butter). After 12 hours, you can eat as much as you want.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink a liter of 1% kefir in unlimited quantities. In addition, a cup of weak tea or coffee without sugar is allowed. If it becomes really difficult without sweets, then warm water you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.

It is also allowed to eat some fruit (for example, one apple a day). The exceptions are bananas and not grapes.

The first meal is 4 hours after getting up, and the last before 6 pm. After a week-long buckwheat diet, you need to take a break for a month or more. After a pause, the diet can be repeated.

Daily menu on a buckwheat diet


  • Porridge, optionally with fruit;
  • Skim or 1% milk. It is possible to replace it with kefir or green without sugar and additives.


  • Porridge, optionally with fruit;
  • Pear or apple;
  • Green tea without additives or sugar.

* If you do not want to have lunch, then it is better not to have lunch.
* IN buckwheat porridge For breakfast or lunch, it is best to add finely chopped apples or currants.


  • Porridge without fruit;
  • Green tea without additives and sugar;
  • One, any fruit.

How does the buckwheat diet work?

Buckwheat is rich in protein, vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and most importantly, it is low in carbohydrates. As with all exercises, this leads to fat burning. And since the body needs to get energy from somewhere, losing 10 kg in a week seems more than realistic.

ATTENTION! The buckwheat diet is contraindicated for people with diabetes and hypertension due to the lack of salt and sugar.

Doctors diet - lose 10 kg in a week

Using fasting you will learn in a week, for the first time, by 10 kg, and again, up to 3-4 kg. The diet should be repeated no more than once a month.

The advantage of the doctors' diet is its availability and low cost. In fact, in a week there is a guarantee of losing 10 kg, but this requires willpower, and headaches are also possible in the first three days of the diet.

Doctors' diet menu for the week

The first day- We drink 1 bottle mineral water 6 times during the day.

Second day- drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day, and at nine in the evening - eat 1 apple.

On the third day- repeat the first day.

Day four- vegetable. 1 liter of salad (divided into three parts). You can drink two glasses of water or two glasses of tea.

Products for vegetable salad:

  • carrot;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • greenery.
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Fifth day- repeat the second day.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast - one boiled egg and 1/2 cup of tea.
  • At 11 pm - a glass of broth from potatoes, cabbage, carrots and other vegetables (one broth).
  • Lunch - 100 gr. canned green peas and 100 gr. meat.
  • Afternoon snack - one apple.
  • Dinner - one apple.
  • At 21:00 - one apple.

Seventh day- 100 gr. cottage cheese and 2 glasses of milk or kefir. In the evening one glass of tea.

At the end of the week you have lost 10 kg. Congratulations.

Mayo Clinic diet - lose 8 kg in a week

If you follow the Mayo Clinic diet, you will lose 10 to 10 pounds within a week. The basis of the diet is a special fat-burning soup, which you need to eat as much as you want (the more you eat, the more kg you will lose), but you should not eat only this soup, since it is not high in calories. The diet needs to be diversified with other products.


  • The foods recommended by the diet should be eaten only on the days indicated.
  • You need to pause for up to 2 days if you have lost 7 kg or more in a week.
  • You can't eat soup without a diet!
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, this will disrupt the fat burning process.
  • It is forbidden to eat bread, fried foods, drink carbonated drinks, or cook with fats.
  • The diet can be repeated as often as you like, but if you interrupt it, you will have to start from the beginning.

How to make fat burning soup

Ingredients for soup:

  • 6 medium onions,
  • several tomatoes (canned can be used)
  • 1 small head of cabbage,
  • 2 green peppers,
  • 1 bunch of celery,
  • 2 cubes of vegetable broth.

Preparing the soup:

Pour water over cut vegetables into medium pieces. Season with salt, pepper and, if desired, hot sauce or curry. The soup must be boiled for 10 minutes over high heat, and then reduce the heat until the vegetables soften.

Mayo Clinic diet menu for a week for 8 kg.

The first day: In addition to soup, you can eat any fruits, watermelons and melons, except bananas. It is advisable to drink water as often as possible. Water can be replaced with unsweetened tea or cranberry juice.

Second day: Eat vegetables with soup until your hunger is satisfied, raw or canned, leafy greens. It is strictly forbidden to consume legumes and corn, as well as fruits. For lunch you can eat baked potatoes with butter. It is highly advisable to drink as much water as possible.

Day three: eat soup, vegetables and any fruit except baked potatoes, drink water.

Day four: Eat so much soup fresh vegetables and fruits as much as you want. In addition, you can eat 3 bananas with the soup and drink as much water as you can.

If you followed the diet for 3 days, you may have already lost 2.5-3 kg. =)))

Day five: eat 400-800 g of beef or a can of canned tomatoes ( canned tomatoes can be replaced with fresh ones). You should eat soup at least once a day.

Day six: Oh vegetables (but not potatoes) and beef can be eaten without restrictions. You can also eat 2 or 3 steaks and leafy green vegetables. Don't forget to drink water!

Day seven and last: On this day you can eat brown rice, vegetables and drink unsweetened fruit juice. Add rice to the soup, or you can add vegetables separately to the rice - tomatoes, onions and cauliflower. Curry for vegetables, optional. Water!

Important to remember:

  • Follow the recommendations. Don't retreat.
  • Satisfy your hunger with soup whenever you feel hungry.
  • The butter can be eaten exclusively with baked potatoes, once.
  • When cooking, remove fat from meat and skin from poultry.

Congratulations, you were most likely able to lose 8 kg in a week, if, of course, you followed the diet correctly.

Kefir-apple diet - lose 9 kg

The kefir-apple diet is designed for a little more than a week, namely a week and 2 days. By following this diet you can lose 9 kg. This diet is one of the simplest. The main advantage of the kefir-apple diet is getting quick results (in a week and 2 days - 9 kg). The second advantage is that apples contain many minerals and vitamins.

The main disadvantage of the diet is that it is not perfectly balanced and also lacks carbohydrates. Repeated use of the diet is possible only after 3 months. To be able to use it, you must consult your doctor.

Kefir-apple diet menu - lose 9 kg in a week and 2 days.

  • The first three days - low-fat kefir - 1.5 liters, daily.
  • The second three days - fresh apples - 1.5 kg, daily.
  • The third three days - low-fat kefir - 1.5 liters, daily.

During the diet you may feel weak, to avoid this you can add some carbohydrates or proteins to your diet.

The problem of excess weight has become one of the most pressing in Lately, because many of us, unfortunately, are faced with it more and more often. Some girls are interested in quick and effective weight loss, others prefer to lose weight slowly and gradually, and still others set out to lose a certain number of kilograms. Most often, these girls are concerned with the question of how to quickly lose 10 kg or more? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

It is known that quickly losing 10 kg of weight is possible, but desire alone is not enough, so you need to act immediately. Remember that with the wrong approach, all extreme methods and accelerated diets can harm your health and also disrupt your hormonal levels. To find out how to quickly lose 10 kg without risking your health, we recommend using a healthy diet, which we will consider next .

A healthy diet, or how to quickly and effectively lose 10 kg?

Among the specialists proper nutrition There is an opinion that the most effective way Losing 10 kg quickly is a low-carb diet. It consists of completely abstaining from sweets, flour and high-calorie foods for a certain period of time, i.e. eat as few carbohydrates as possible.

At the same time, do not forget about the mandatory physical activity. They are necessary in order to quickly burn accumulated fats. The loads can be anything - from jumping rope and squats to cycling. It all depends on your individual preferences. Don't forget also about walking fresh air, running, jumping and swimming, even if you visit Gym and do exercises to lose weight.

When answering the question of how to quickly lose 10 kilograms, do not forget to also exclude sugar from your diet. Do not use it in any form, and under any pretext. Be careful when reading the labels of the foods you eat. Remember that carbohydrates in your daily diet should not exceed 60 grams.

This diet has helped many women figure out how to quickly lose 10 kilograms, because it is quite simple and has no special contraindications. There is another equally effective diet that is indispensable for rapid weight loss. This is a 10 by 10 protein diet.

How to quickly lose 10 kilograms using the “10 by 10” diet?

The essence of this diet is to consume certain protein foods, because carbohydrate foods tend to be converted into fat most quickly. At the same time, metabolism is focused on burning excess fat deposits in order to provide the body with the energy necessary for life. Meals should be frequent and small, at least 5 times a day, but the amount of food is not limited.

You should start your morning diet with a glass of still water with a slice of lemon. The meat and fish you will eat are best cooked on the grill, steamed or in the oven. Frying should be completely excluded. Salads can only be dressed with olive oil or vegetable oil with lemon juice. Remember to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but do not drink it with meals.

Avoid flour and sweet foods, as well as sausages, high-fat foods, marinades and cereals. Alcohol, fresh juices, starchy vegetables, nuts, corn and legumes should also not be present in your diet. Special attention pay attention to the complete rejection of harmful foods, fast foods, pates, carbonated drinks, etc.

But how to quickly lose 10 kilograms, and what foods can you eat? These should be, first of all, protein products: lean meat (rabbit, veal and beef), poultry (turkey and chicken) and fatty fish, as well as low-fat kefir and cheese. Eggs can be consumed no more than 2 pieces. every 2-3 days or 1 egg white per day. Among fiber, it is allowed to consume any vegetables that contain no more than 5-10 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product. These can be cucumbers and tomatoes, all types of cabbage, zucchini and eggplants, any greens, radishes, asparagus, celery, as well as mushrooms and green onions. It is very important that you do not forget to eat fresh vegetable salads along with protein products. Drinks that you can drink on this diet are tea (green, herbal or fruit) and coffee without sugar.

The duration of the 10 by 10 diet is 10 days, and it involves daily weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg, hence the name, so ideally you can lose 10 kg. It is easiest for those who are significantly overweight to lose maximum kilograms, so if you don’t have that much weight, you can lose 4-5 kg. Now let's look at sample menu of this diet by day.

Day one: During it you need to eat 5 boiled eggs at intervals of 2 hours, starting at 10 am.

Day two: On this day you need to eat boiled fish without salt and spices. Mackerel is the best choice.

Day three: By the same principle, you should eat boiled chicken breast without salt.

Day four: It is a little similar to the first, but instead of eggs you need to eat boiled potatoes in the amount of 5 pieces according to the principle stated above.

Day five: During the day, eat 0.5 kg of ham, boiled chicken or lean beef.

Day six: This is a fruit fasting day, when you can eat any fruit except bananas.

Day seven: This is a vegetable day. You can eat any vegetables that do not contain starch.

Day eight: Throughout the day you need to eat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese.

Day nine: Throughout the day you are allowed to drink only low-fat kefir.

Day ten: This is the final day of the diet, on which you can only drink rosehip decoction and any tea.

To make your diet easier, don’t forget to spend more time outdoors. Once completed, do not proceed to high-calorie foods, otherwise the weight will return, and even in excess.

Is it really possible to lose 10 kg in a week? Yes it is possible. In this article, we have put together a collection of 4 quick weekly diets that will tell you how to lose weight, say, 5-10 kg.

In this review article:

To quickly get rid of 5-10 kg, help yourself lose weight

When losing weight rapidly, up to 10 kg per week or more, the volume of the wrong places often decreases. Thus, fat is most easily removed from those areas of the body where it is looser and where there is more blood vessels. With rapid weight loss, fat will initially be removed from the face, then from the chest, then from the buttocks, and the last to lose weight is the stomach and legs.

To get rid of 10 kg in one week, it’s not enough to just diet, your muscles also have to work. Do exercises, play sports, run, swim, and also walk a lot, forget about the elevator.

In order for fat to leave exactly those places that we prefer, it is necessary to systematically massage them. Massage organizes blood flow to problem areas and fat will burn faster there.

Disadvantage of fast diets

One of the disadvantages of fast diets, using which you can lose 10 kg in a week, will be the rapid return of your previous weight. In order to prevent this from happening, it is not advisable to lose weight too quickly, since in order to consolidate the result, maintaining the established weight is very long time, during which the body will get used to the new weight.

How to maintain weight after a diet

- if you lost 10 kg in a week, now, new weight needs to be supported by everyone possible ways 20 months, i.e. weight loss in kg multiplied by 2 ( 10×2 = 20).

Now it will not be superfluous to eat a balanced diet for 20 months, but counting calories based on the fact that to maintain a stable weight the body needs about 30 kcal for every kg of weight.

- You weigh 70 kg, lead a normal lifestyle, without intense exercise, and want to maintain this weight - for this you need to consume 2100 kcal per day ( 70×30 = 2100).

How to lose 10 kg in a week - quick diets

Emergency weight loss is a thankless task. Anyone who tried to do something like this managed to verify this. The fact is that rapid weight loss results in stress for the body and it can respond by exacerbating diseases.

With all this, if you really need to lose weight quickly and a lot, for example, for some holiday, the diets presented below will tell you how to do this.

We wish you success and victory in the battle with extra pounds, but be careful! Fasting and rapid weight loss are not beneficial for everyone. Consult with doctors.

Weekly buckwheat diet

On a buckwheat diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in a week and it is also designed for one week.

  • its simplicity,
  • the fact that you can eat as much buckwheat as you want,
  • buckwheat is rich in macro and micro elements,
  • Buckwheat contains relatively few carbohydrates, which, moreover, are slowly absorbed.

Buckwheat diet recipe

Take a glass of cereal and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water and leave to steam for 12 hours. Do not add salt or add sugar, spices or butter.
That's it, you can eat as much as you want.

You can eat some fruit, but not bananas or grapes. For example, one apple a day.

- the first meal is 4 hours after getting up, and the last before 6 pm. In the future, after a week-long buckwheat diet, a pause of more than a month is definitely necessary. After a pause, you can repeat the diet again.

Approximate daily menu on a buckwheat diet

  • porridge, optionally with fruit;
  • skim or 1% milk, or kefir, or green tea no sugar or additives.
  • porridge, optionally with fruit;
  • pear or apple;
  • green tea without additives and sugar.

* If you don't want to have lunch, don't have lunch.
* It is best to add finely chopped apples or currants to buckwheat porridge for breakfast or lunch.

  • porridge without fruit;
  • green tea without additives and sugar;
  • one, any fruit.

How does the buckwheat diet work?

Buckwheat is rich in protein, vitamins and magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and has few carbohydrates. The carbohydrates in buckwheat take a long time to digest, so the feeling of hunger will not occur as often. As with all low-carbohydrate diets, their lack leads to fat burning. Since the body needs to get energy from somewhere, losing 10 kg in a week seems realistic, unless, of course, you forget about feasible physical activity ( morning work-out, long walks).

- people with diabetes and hypertension should avoid the buckwheat diet due to the lack of salt and sugar.

Doctors diet for a week

Having become acquainted with this fasting fasting, which was described in the Health magazine, you will learn how to lose weight in a week, for the first time, by 10 kg. Repeat, up to 3-4 kg.

You should not repeat the Doctors' Diet more than once a month.

Benefit of the diet:

  • availability and cheapness,
  • practically, in a week (but anything can happen) - a guarantee of losing 10 kg.


  • you need willpower
  • The first three days you may have a headache.

Doctors' diet menu for the week

The first day

Second day
- drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day, and at nine in the evening - eat one apple.

Day three
- drink one bottle of mineral water 6 times during the day.

Day four
- vegetable. One liter of salad (divided into three parts). You can drink two glasses of water or two glasses of tea.

Products for vegetable salad:

  • carrot;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • greenery.
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Fifth day
- drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast - one boiled egg and 1/2 cup of tea.
  • At 11 pm - a glass of broth from potatoes, cabbage, carrots and other vegetables (one broth).
  • Lunch - 100 gr. canned green peas and 100 gr. meat.
  • Afternoon snack - one apple.
  • Dinner - one apple.
  • At 21:00 - one apple.

Seventh day
- 100 grams of cottage cheese and 2 glasses of milk or kefir. In the evening one glass of tea.

That's it - you've lost 10 kg in a week.

Mayo Clinic 7 Day Diet

If you follow the diet in a week, you will lose 4.5-8 kg.

The backbone of the diet is fat-burning soup, which you need to eat as much as you want (the more you eat, the more kg you will get rid of), but you should not eat this soup alone.

Soup does not add calories. The diet must be diversified with other products, then it will provide correct work of all organs and systems and the goals of the diet will be achieved without harm to the body.

  • Foods recommended by the diet should be eaten on the days indicated.
  • You need to pause for 2 days if you have lost 7 kg in a week. You can continue the diet later.
  • Don't eat soup without diet!
  • Drinking alcohol is absolutely not allowed, as this will disrupt the fat burning process.
  • It is not allowed to eat bread, fried foods, drink carbonated drinks, or cook with fats.
  • You can use the diet as often as you want. If you stopped it, start from the first day.

How to make fat burning soup

Product composition:

  • 6 medium onions,
  • several tomatoes (canned)
  • 1 small head of cabbage,
  • 2 green peppers,
  • 1 bunch of celery,
  • 2 cubes of vegetable broth.

Prepare fat burning soup like this:

Cover vegetables cut into medium pieces with water. Season with salt, pepper and, if desired, hot sauce or curry. The soup should simmer over high heat for about 10 minutes. After that, reduce the flame and simmer until the vegetables are soft.

  • Follow the daily recommendations. Don't retreat.
  • Satisfy your hunger with soup whenever you feel hungry.
  • The butter can be eaten exclusively with baked potatoes, once.
  • When cooking, remove fat from meat and skin from poultry.

Mayo Clinic Diet Menu for the Week

Soup and fruit - first day:
- in addition to soup, eat any fruits, watermelons and melons, but not bananas. Drink water (as much as possible), not sweet tea or cranberry juice.

Soup and vegetables - second day:
- can be eaten with soup until your hunger is satisfied, raw or canned vegetables, leafy greens. You can't eat beans and corn. Don't eat fruit. At lunch you can eat a baked potato with butter, drink plenty of water.

Soup, fruits and vegetables - day three:
- eat soup, any fruits and vegetables, except baked potatoes, drink plenty of water.

Soup, fruits and vegetables, including bananas - day four:
- you can eat 3 bananas with soup and drink as much water as you can get. Eat as much soup, fresh vegetables and fruits as you want, but only 3 bananas.

If you completely followed the diet during the first 3 days, you may have already lost 2.5-3 kg.

Soup, tomatoes and beef - day five:
- eat 400-800 g of beef or a can of canned tomatoes, and if fresh, then as much as you want. You should eat soup at least once a day.

Beef, vegetables and soup - day six:
- eat plenty of vegetables (but not potatoes) and beef. You can eat 2 or 3 steaks and random leafy green vegetables. Also drink water.

Soup and vegetables, brown rice and fruit juice - day seven:
- You can eat brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juice. Add rice to the soup, or you can add vegetables separately to the rice - tomatoes, onions and cauliflower. Curry for vegetables, optional. Also drink water.

Congratulations, you were most likely able to lose 8 kg in a week, if, of course, you followed the diet correctly.

Nine-day kefir-apple diet

The kefir-apple diet is designed for one week and 2 days. You can lose weight by 9 kg during this period.

This diet is one of the simplest and least expensive, both in terms of food selection and diet preparation.


  • The main advantage of the kefir-apple diet is getting quick results (in a week and 2 days - 9 kg).
  • The second advantage is that apples contain many minerals and vitamins.


  • The disadvantage of the diet is that it is not perfectly balanced and there are almost no carbohydrates.
  • Repeated use of the diet is possible only after 3 months.
  • For use, you must consult your doctor.

Kefir-apple diet

  • First three days
  • Second three days
    - fresh apples - 1.5 kg, daily.
  • Last three days
    - low-fat kefir - 1.5 liters, daily.

- using this diet you may feel weak, to avoid this you can add some carbohydrates or proteins to the diet.

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