DIY shoe rack in the hallway - drawings. DIY shoe rack - a wide range of design possibilities

Just as the theater begins with a coat rack, so each apartment welcomes guests with its hallway. Shoe racks are not only a useful piece of furniture, but also serve as part of the interior design. And if the owner of the apartment is a lover of creative solutions, then he will definitely begin to surprise his guests, starting from the threshold of the house. For guests, beautiful shoe shelves will be a subject of delight and admiration, and for their owners they should also serve as a storage place for many pairs of sneakers, shoes, boots and many other footwear. After all, the question of storing shoes arises for quite a few people, especially if the apartment has a very small hallway.

Of course, it’s easier to buy already ready product, but, as a rule, shoe racks offered in stores have many shortcomings and are unable to fit perfectly into the dimensions of the hallway. The store may offer very large shelves for shoes, which will cost a lot of money, or which are completely unsuitable for the finished interior of the hallway. And it is at this moment that a completely reasonable question arises: how to make a shoe rack with your own hands so that it can ideally suit your requirements and put all your shoe wealth out of sight?

To make a shelf, you first need to have a pair of long boards one and a half or two centimeters thick and twenty to thirty centimeters wide. Tools you will need: ruler and pencil, saw, screwdriver, metal corners and screws. Metal corners will be needed to strengthen the entire structure so that it does not wobble, but stands firmly in its place. To mark the cutting line, use a ruler and pencil. To make a simple structure, it is necessary to cut out two side parts from pre-prepared boards with a height of approximately seventy to ninety centimeters, and several transverse parts that will serve as the lower and upper parts of the shelf. You can choose any length, depending on the dimensions of your hallway.

Next, using a saw, we cut the boards to the required length. When working with wood, you must remember that when pruning with a saw, uneven cuts may result. Sandpaper is ideal for eliminating this problem; it can be used to easily sand rough edges. You also need a rail, from which you will need to make several segments. The number of segments is calculated based on the number of shelves, two segments per shelf. The length of the slats should be equal to the width of the side parts of the shoe rack. Now you need to make markings for future shelves. On the side parts in the designated places using a drill, holes are drilled slightly smaller than the diameter of the screws. We secure the parts with a screwdriver with self-tapping screws for fastening the shelves.

The lower and upper parts are attached from below and above using metal corners. You can strengthen the structure by using not only metal corners, but also for more experienced craftsmen You can use the butt seam method. After performing all these operations it turns out wooden box, having bars on its sides. After these simple manipulations, the DIY wooden shoe rack is almost ready. All that remains is to put your shoe rack in the hallway and place separate shelves inside. This design can become the basis for constructing shoe shelves with any configurations and sizes, everything will depend on your imagination. And if you also master the technique of working with chipboards and learn how to use them in the manufacture of such simple furniture, then you can even get a hallway bedside table with doors.

Shelves in the form of a bench are very popular when using the above-described technique. This is a very worthy and practical option for any hallway. In this case, the shelf will perform two functions: spacious storage for shoes, and also, importantly, a place for putting on shoes. These types of models have a lot of options. If you do the work using natural wood, then in the end you can get simple and beautiful models. Bench-style shoe racks with an upholstered soft top cover also look great. And it’s comfortable to sit and look beautifully. When mastering an already known technique, you cannot stop, but you need to improve your skills and bring your wildest ideas to life.

The oval-shaped shoe rack is very original. Few people would refuse to have one like this in their hallway. beautiful shelf for shoes with an original shape, and even a soft seat on top. This type The work is quite complex, but the result will not make you regret the work done. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. To make an oval shelf that you can move, store shoes and put on comfortably, you will need the following materials: chipboard twelve millimeters thick and 60*60 centimeters in size, parts for fastening shelves, wood screws, special plugs to hide the attachment points. To make a soft seat you will need foam rubber and fabric.

As planned before, our DIY shoe shelf will have unusual shape, to do this, we draw circles on all chipboard blanks. To make the circles even, we drive a nail into the center of the sheet and tie a strong thread to it. We take a pencil and, using the free edge, draw a circle that will fit as closely as possible into the chipboard square. Using a jigsaw, clearly follow the marked lines and cut out three identical circles. Uneven edges can be processed using sandpaper or, if there are any, a sanding machine is used. Next, you need to draw two diagonal lines on each of the resulting circles. The lines are drawn in such a way that they are clearly perpendicular to each other. You need to drill two holes on each part. Holes will be needed to attach partitions.

Four partitions are installed on the round piece that will be the base of the shelf. The partitions are installed so that they are clearly at the outer edge. They are secured from below using screws. Then it is necessary to secure the middle circle and the partitions are fixed on top of this circle with screws. The remaining four partitions are fixed in the same way, only they are moved so that they are clearly between the previous partitions. And the final stage is to secure the top circle. To complete the complete picture, you need to close the screws with special caps and paint the shoe rack in any color you like.

And, of course, don’t forget about the soft seat. To do this, cut out several circles from foam rubber and cover them with cloth. All this with the help construction stapler fixed on already finished design shelves. If you want the shelf to move to any part of the hallway, then four rollers are attached to the lower base of the structure.

Another idea for a shoe rack is corner shelf. This is another idea for the master. This type of shoe rack is very common, because this type of structure can be installed in any corner of your hallway. In the corner, the shoe shelf will occupy the most advantageous position and will not block the passage. What for small hallways quite important. To make such a product you will need several sheets of MDF, screws, a jigsaw, a drill, drills and a screwdriver. The work is carried out in several stages. First of all on MDF sheet markings need to be made. Two rectangular parts are drawn; they will be the side walls of the shoe shelf. It is also necessary to draw triangular parts that will be the shelves themselves.

Then all the previously drawn parts are cut out with a jigsaw, and their edges are processed sandpaper. The entire structure is attached using a drill and self-tapping screws. To do this, the location of future shelves is marked on the side parts and all this is fixed using self-tapping screws. To give an aesthetic appearance, the structure of the shoe rack can be coated acrylic paint. To prevent such a shoe rack from falling down with your own hands, for reliability you need to tighten its sides with dowels to the wall. Now you can safely use this design and not be afraid that the shelf may crumble due to careless movement. And we should not, of course, forget that this kind of design does not provide for the ability to store high boots on them.

There are many more different ideas to create unique furniture for hallways. And if you still need a shoe rack with your own hands, photos of various configurations can be found on the World Wide Web, and not only. And if you experiment a little with the already presented drawings of shoe shelves, then it is quite possible to create some kind of masterpiece and exclusive piece of furniture. Fantasy and fantasy again will help you create a unique interior for your hallway. With such furniture you can please not only yourself but also your loved ones. A DIY shoe rack that you create will be a great gift for friends and family. This kind of present will not only be original, but also very functional. And, as you know, a gift made with your own hands is very pleasant.

Having familiarized yourself with some of the intricacies of creating shoe shelves, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated about it and it is quite possible to independently create any design of shoe shelves. The main thing is to show a little imagination and hard work. And, of course, purchase all the necessary tools and materials for the job.

When you have to make your way through the hallway like an icebreaker among the ice of the Arctic, tripping over shoes left here and there, it’s time to think about the shelf. This simple piece of furniture will make it easier to put things in order, save household members from searching for a pair in a pile of shoes dumped on the floor, and will improve the appearance of the hallway. Buying a finished product is not a cheap pleasure, and what the trade offers does not always meet our needs. There is a solution - to make a shelf with your own hands.

Types of shoe racks and materials for their manufacture

The choice of material depends on work skills, the interior of the hallway or the place where you plan to place the shelf, as well as financial capabilities. To make this piece of furniture you will need:

  • wood (bars, slats, plywood, chipboard);
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • PVC pipes;
  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • improvised materials.

Table - advantages, disadvantages and features of using different materials for shoe shelves

Shelf materialAdvantagesFlawsFeatures of application
WoodEco-friendly, noble texture, plasticity of shape.Expensive, difficult to process and ability to absorb moisture.Due to sensitivity to moisture, dry, clean shoes can be stored in a wooden shelf and only indoors. Atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes will lead to its deformation. To protect against moisture, wood is primed with special compounds.
PlywoodA cheaper alternative to solid wood, easier to process.Heavier than wood, absorbs moisture.No special skills are needed when working with the material.
ChipboardFurniture panels made of chipboard have a protective coating against moisture and temperature changes.
Low price and variety of colors, does not require sanding or painting.
If the protective film is damaged, it quickly collapses due to its loose structure.Suitable for inexpensive furniture, inferior to wood and plywood in terms of durability.
MetalStrength and durability.The material is heavy, susceptible to corrosion, and requires special skills and tools to work with.Forging metal creates real works of art that can decorate any interior. Metal shelves will fit into the hallway of a city apartment, and country house, and after special treatment they can be placed outdoors. It is easy to make a product from metal pipes, fastening them with fittings. It’s even easier to make shelves from metal pipes and gratings, combining them with a wooden or other frame.
PlasticLow cost of material, easy to clean, not afraid of moisture.It does not breathe, moisture does not evaporate, so shelves can only be made open.Budget plastic shelves are commercially available, they are made by pressing. It is almost impossible to make such furniture with your own hands, but anyone can make simple shelves from leftover plastic panels.
PVC pipesOriginal and cheap material, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.It is unlikely that he is able to keep company with an expensive interior.Even a teenager can make a shelf from PVC pipes.

The simplest and most creative options: shelves made of cardboard, fabric, scrap materials

If you want to quickly build an original piece of furniture, without special skills or the ability to buy expensive materials, you can make it yourself simple models from available materials- fabric, cardboard, improvised items.

  1. The cardboard version will last quite a long time and will cost mere pennies, because the material will be an ordinary packaging box. Lightweight and durable cardboard can withstand heavy loads. Making a shelf out of it is so simple that it can be called not furniture making, but needlework. For this you will need:

    Furniture decorated with film or wallpaper is difficult to distinguish from furniture made from traditional materials. But cardboard also has a drawback: if it gets wet, it will get wet. Therefore, it is better to dry wet shoes first, and protect the base with a moisture-proof film or hang the product on the wall so that when wet cleaning The shoe rack was not damaged.

  2. For slippers, ballet shoes and children's shoes, you can sew fabric pockets. To do this, you will only need small pieces of material and sewing supplies. Placed vertically one above the other, they will not take up much space in the hallway. This design is suspended on one nail and, if necessary, can be moved to another place. Pockets are also sold ready-made, but those made by yourself will cost much less.
  3. Unusual, comfortable and simple shelves can be made from any available materials. Almost anything will do:

    • old furniture;
    • laminate left after renovation;
    • drywall;
    • plastic or wooden boxes;
    • pallets;
    • plastic bottles;
    • shoe or cardboard boxes;
    • piece of tin;
    • grill left over from an old refrigerator.

Which material to choose

When choosing material for a shelf, you need to consider where the product will be installed - in a residential area, on the veranda of a private house or cottage, or outdoors.

For home and garden - timber, plywood, chipboard

Any material is suitable for the room. When choosing, you should rely only on its safety and your taste. You should not make a shelf out of cardboard if there are animals in the house: this material will not withstand the teeth and claws of pets.

Outdoor shelves - metal and plastic

To store outdoor shoes, it is better to use moisture-resistant material or treated protective composition. It is important to consider here that the shelf will be affected by humidity, sun and temperature changes. It is advisable that the material is not too light, otherwise the shelf may be blown away by the wind. The best option is metal treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Chipboard should not be used; such a product will quickly become unusable outdoors. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, it is quite suitable for the street if the shelf is well secured.

Advice! If you plan to use wooden shelf for the street, before painting, treat it twice with a moisture-proof compound, paying special attention to the ends.

Types of shelves for the hallway

The choice depends on the size of the room, its interior, functional purpose shelves.

  1. Closed. Used for long-term storage shoes They are a cabinet or cabinet with doors. They can be placed not only in the hallway, but also in rooms.
  2. Open. Placed in the hallway, suitable for daily storage of casual shoes. The advantage of open shelves is free air circulation: shoes dry faster and the smell disappears.
  3. Floor-standing. Suitable for spacious rooms, as they take up quite a lot usable area. To increase functionality they can be manufactured with a seat. There are open and closed.
  4. Wall-mounted. Save space and make cleaning easier. For a small hallway best option- narrow vertical design, it takes up little space and visually increases the height of the room.

Options for DIY shoe shelves in the hallway in the photo

We make shoe racks with our own hands: drawings, step-by-step photos, diagrams

Having decided on the material and model of the shelf, you can begin to manufacture it. One of the simplest and most inexpensive options is a cardboard shelf.

Narrow wall structure made of cardboard

It can be made in the form of separate pockets, connected to each other and hung on the wall. For this you will need:

  • carton boxes;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • glue;
  • paint, wallpaper or decorative film;
  • cord.

Having prepared everything necessary, we get to work.

  1. Cut out a rectangle measuring 65x60 cm from cardboard.
  2. We measure 25 cm along the short side and draw a line.
  3. We divide the long side into 3 parts: 20 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm. Draw lines.
  4. In the central part we got a square of 25x25 cm and a rectangle of 25x35 cm. We cut off the side parts of the rectangle along the marked lines. A T-shaped blank will remain.
  5. On the remaining “wings” we measure 11 cm from the square along the top line and draw diagonals connecting the marked points and corners of the letter T.
  6. We bend the cardboard along straight and diagonal lines, using a metal ruler for convenience.
  7. We assemble the structure. The rectangle will serve as the back wall of the pocket, the triangles adjacent to the square will serve as the side ones, and we place the remaining parts behind the back wall.
  8. The elements are fastened with glue or tape. The finished pockets are covered with wallpaper, decorative film, covered with paint, and decorated with cords.
  9. Having done required amount pockets, glue them together vertically and attach them to the wall.

How to make a shelf out of cardboard - video

Shoe storage rack made from cardboard boxes

Advice! If you plan to paint the shelf, glue the ends of all parts masking tape. This way the product will take on a finished look and moisture will not get inside the walls.

How to assemble a rack - video

PVC pipe construction

Making such a shoe rack will require a little time and a minimum of tools:

  • PVC pipes with a diameter of 20–25 cm;
  • paint, paper or film for pasting;
  • glue;
  • hacksaw.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the pipe into pieces 25-30 cm long, process the edges until smooth and decorate the pieces to your liking.
  2. Fasten the finished parts together in the form of a honeycomb or as your imagination tells you.
  3. Mount the structure on the wall or place it on the floor.
  4. Additionally, the pipes can be secured with cord or tape.
  5. As a result, you will get a design like this.

Pallet construction

For a summer residence or garden plot A shelf made from used pallets would be appropriate. Its production will not take much time and effort.

  1. Sand the tray manually or using a sander.
  2. Treat it with a moisture-protective agent, for example, Neogard wood water repellent.
  3. Lean the structure against the wall and use it.
  4. The pallet treated with a water repellent can also be painted. After the paint has dried, the improvised shelf can be used.
  5. If you're going for a traditional style, cut the pallet lengthwise into two or three pieces. Place the resulting parts on top of each other, separating them with bars required thickness, and fasten with self-tapping screws. You will get a shelving unit with two or three shelves.

Simple wooden shelf

You can quickly make a shelf from wooden blocks and slats. To do this, it is first advisable to draw up a drawing or diagram of the future structure, then cut the material according to the calculated dimensions and connect all the parts using self-tapping screws.

Shoe rack made of wooden slats

The simplest version of a wooden shoe rack is a shelf made of slats. If you don’t have bars at hand, you can get by with slats alone. To work you will need:

  • wooden slats;
  • hacksaw;
  • wood screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the place where you plan to install the shelf and make a drawing.
  2. Cut the slats according to the dimensions obtained. For a three-tier shelf, you should have four posts, six cross supports, and nine shelf slats. You can change the width of the shelf by screwing different quantities rack
  3. On the racks, mark the places where the transverse supports are attached, and use a drill to drill holes for the self-tapping screws. This is necessary to ensure that cracks do not form during assembly.
  4. Sand the parts with sandpaper.
  5. Assemble the side posts by screwing the crossbars to the posts with self-tapping screws. You will get two “ladders”.
  6. Screw the shelf slats starting from the bottom.
  7. Cover the product with varnish and let dry.

By showing your imagination and spending a little time, you can make a stylish and inexpensive shoe rack from what is at hand, but has not yet been used. Imagine, create, and your home will become unique and individual.

The first place where a person comes to visit or to his home is the hallway. Often the general opinion about the interior as a whole is formed precisely due to the arrangement of the corridor. The hallway should be functional and equipped to fit the space.

Storage areas for outerwear, clothes, accessories and shoes play an important role. The right shoe rack will not only make storing your shoes easier, but will also help avoid clutter. Shoes won't get lost, won't gather dust or get in the way. To store your boots, slippers and shoes, various shelves, sections and storage stands have been created.


Right choice shoe stands is based on many factors - the area and interior of the room, the expected number of shoes for storage. The shoe stand should be reliable and easy to use.

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the advantages of stands.

  • Significant space savings. By placing shoes on different tiers, there is a significant saving in the small area of ​​the corridor or dressing room. Shoe racks will look especially good small size, which will harmoniously fit into the interior.

  • Built-in storage for additional accessories(umbrellas, keys, women's bags).
  • Often shoe shelves have additional seating, on which you can sit while putting on your shoes. This is especially important for children and older people.
  • Facilitating the cleaning process. Tidying up a dressing room that is equipped with a shoe stand takes much less time and effort.


When choosing a shoe stand, you need to pay attention to the following qualities that it must meet.

  • Strength. This is the first thing that should definitely be taken into account, since the service life of the product will depend on the reliability of the design.
  • Moisture resistant. Please note that shoes may be wet and dirty.
  • Easy to care for. Not every housewife wants to constantly wipe hard-to-reach shelves and buy special cleaning products.

  • Matching a specific style. The stand should not “harm the eye” or come out of general style environment.

There are a huge number of sections for storing shoes, from simple wall shelves to special cabinets. There is a wide variety of designs on the market to suit every taste and budget.

Pull-out shelves

Such storage sections are comfortable due to the fact that the shelves are attached to individual rollers, thanks to which they move along the guides allocated for them. These shelves are easy to use. They slide out without much difficulty, and, most importantly, silently.

All shoes are located on the surface, so there is no need to look inside the closet. This greatly simplifies the process of finding the shoes you need.

These shelves are elegant in their shape, color scheme, so they fit perfectly into any hallway or dressing room.

However, a clear disadvantage of such storage systems is the need self-assembly and fastening the product, as well as searching for components - rollers and guides.

Folding shelves

Convenient option for people who don't like to bend over for shoes. This design significantly saves space in the apartment. This is due to the fact that all the shelves are fixed into the cabinet. The wardrobe is not big size in height and width, has a closed format, which helps protect shoes from dust and dirt.

Shelf doors

They are equipped with a special mechanism, thanks to which the opening occurs neatly and without unnecessary noise. It is important to note that all shoes inside are securely fastened and do not become deformed during storage.


The simplest, most affordable and popular shelves. Represent standard open horizontal shelves. The material from which such shelves are made can be varied - plastic, wood, metal. They are easy to clean with available products and do not require too much maintenance.

Wall hanging

The shelves are the best option for small spaces. Such structures can either be separately attached to the wall or combined with racks, hangers, or combined with a bench or seat.

Shoe cabinets

Suitable for people who do not like to show off their shoes.

They are compact and roomy, suitable even for small corridor. Shoes do not collect dust in them. It is worth noting that only dry boots and shoes should be stored in the cabinet.

Boxes, baskets, boxes

Compact and mobile. Boxes and baskets with shoes can be raised on the mezzanine of the closet.


IN modern world There is no material that is not used in the manufacture of furniture. For the production of shoe stands, a wide variety of materials are used - from plastic to metal.

Wooden stands are environmentally friendly, but have a fairly high wall. Natural wood- Expensive natural material. Such products easily absorb moisture and odors. Therefore, when purchasing such a stand, you should remember that when storing shoes in it, shoes should always be dry and clean. Due to its characteristics, this product is not suitable for outdoor use.

More budget option are plywood products. It is easy to process, but heavier in mass than wood. It also absorbs moisture.

Shelves made of furniture panels popular due to their affordable price. They have a protective coating against moisture, are resistant to temperature changes, and do not require additional painting or polishing.

Among the disadvantages are fragility and rapid wear and tear in the absence of proper care. If there are cracks or the protective film peels off, they quickly become unusable.

Due to moisture, the metal is subject to corrosion, so it is necessary to apply an anti-corrosion compound to it. This will help prevent rust and extend its service life for many years to come.

For lovers of beautiful and unusual things in the interior, a metal stand with forged elements. Openwork elegant forging will fit perfectly into any style from “loft” to “Provence”.

In the presence of protective coating and with proper care, metal stands can be used not only in the apartment, but also in country house, and even on the street.

Plastic products are cheaper than all the options on the market. They are versatile, lightweight and easy to use and maintain. They are not afraid of moisture, are easy to clean, and do not require any additional processing.

Such stands consist of several shelves, which are located one above the other, forming a shelf. They can break only in case of strong mechanical impact or due to heavy overload.


The variety of color schemes presented for shoe shelves is amazing and invariably pleases any buyer. You can easily choose a stylish and at the same time versatile model.

Wooden models are varnished, which emphasizes the texture of the wood. Such models are preferred by lovers of natural natural shades. They are suitable for country houses and cottages in the Scandinavian style.

White coasters fit well into any interior, dissolve in the surroundings and do not weigh down the space. It is worth noting that if the corridor is not well lit, then it is better not to use shoe racks in dark shades. This will add gloom to an already small space.

Metal coasters are usually painted a bold black color. This is a practical and harmonious shade. Fits perfectly into a discreet interior. Suitable for both apartments and formal office environments.

Plastic is the most universal material. It can be painted in any colors. It all depends on the preferences of the owners of the house and the general style of the environment. Both monochrome shades and pastel colors are popular.

However, you should avoid using too much large quantity shades in the hallway. Very bright and variegated colors are inappropriate in small space, it will be annoying and will soon become completely boring.


The size of shoe racks is dictated primarily by the size and number of shoes stored in them. In addition to house shoes, each apartment contains more than one pair of boots, shoes and sneakers. For each household member there are on average 3-4 pairs per season. Therefore, using a shoe rack that is too small will not work - there is simply not enough space for the shoes of each family member.

It is also necessary to take into account the size of the surrounding space. If the corridor is too narrow, then a large stand will be clearly inappropriate here. It is better to purchase a small, neat, closed shoe cabinet.

How to choose?

To choose one or another shelf model, you need to decide how much space you can allocate for it. You need to take into account the size of the hallway and the amount of surrounding furniture. After all, it is from calculations of the area that the necessary model will be selected.

If the space as a whole is small, then you should think about a one-piece design that will include a mirror, a hanger and a cabinet small sizes. It will be convenient and optimal solution for small areas.

For large space or an entire dressing room, wall-mounted and hanging shelves, cabinets under the ceiling and small soft islands - poufs. This is a banquette, upholstered on top soft cloth(for example, velvet or velor) or leather. Such a pouf can be equipped with additional storage spaces, in which you can also store shoes.

Not a bad option for any hallway there will be models with extra space for sitting. These can be either banquettes or stands with built-in soft seating.

With your own hands

Many people think that it is unnecessary to spend money on expensive furniture accessories or shoe racks, because you can make them yourself. And this is partly true.

To make a shoe stand with your own hands, you don’t need to be a craftsman or have any knowledge special education. It can be made from scrap materials. All you need to know how to use is a pencil, a hammer, a screwdriver and, in some cases, a saw. And, of course, the Internet.

The most budget material cardboard is used to make shelves. This model does not require much time to manufacture. Tools that will be useful for making:

  • scissors;
  • Super glue;
  • cardboard (corrugated cardboard, which is used to make boxes, is best; it is stronger than usual);
  • scotch;
  • industrial (furniture) stapler.

First, on a sheet of paper, draw a layout of the future structure, its dimensions and the planned number of shelves. Next, transfer all the drawings onto cardboard. Use a pencil to make markings on the cardboard, along which the blanks can then be cut out with scissors.

From the resulting elements, small boxes are formed that are connected to each other. All parts are connected to each other using staples from a furniture stapler. The final version of the shelf is secured with tape. The structure itself is attached to the wall. The finished stand can be painted or covered with adhesive film, thereby creating an imitation of another material (marble, stone, wood). The main disadvantage of such a structure is the fragility of the material, since cardboard cannot interact with moisture. Under the weight of several pairs of shoes, shelves can sag or even break completely.

This type of shoe rack is only suitable for dry cleaning. Unfortunately, such a product will quickly become unusable.

Plywood is a more durable and affordable material. It is light in weight and easy to manufacture. From plywood you can make not only a good stand, but also an entire shelf or a lockable cabinet for your shoes. You can do all this yourself. You will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • screwdriver (drill);
  • hammer;
  • glue;
  • jigsaw

Every person's wardrobe is undoubtedly large. Among all the things important place takes up shoes. It is placed separately from all other items of clothing. In most cases, shoes, for convenience, are stored in the hallway or corridor. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is necessary to handle it carefully and also store it correctly. For the latter, a separate shelf is best. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. In this article you will learn how to make a shoe rack with your own hands.

Today, furniture stores have a huge number of shelves. different forms and designs. Choosing a model yourself is sometimes difficult. First of all, the dimensions of the structure are calculated:

  • height;
  • length;
  • width.

It is also worth considering the number of shelves or cells and their height. To do this, you need to review all shoes for their size. In addition, the design can be supplemented with a cabinet, banquette or other decorative finishing. The shelf can have a corner, round, rectangular shape, be rotating.

A simple, but at the same time durable shelf can be made from scrap materials, for example, wood or a sheet of fiberboard.

The durability and practicality of a shoe rack will depend on the material from which it is made. So today there are practically no restrictions in choice. Among the most common materials are:

  • plywood;
  • tree;
  • laminate;
  • slats;
  • profile;
  • box;
  • pipes;
  • metal.

The most common is wood. You also need to buy varnish or paint. Thanks to this, the shelf will repel moisture and dirt. This also applies to chipboard. Experts advise providing a bottom shelf for wet shoes, which will serve for drying. They also need additional protection hardware, since corrosion may occur as a result of exposure to moisture. You can use leftover paint to create a protective layer. The manufactured shelf can be installed in the hallway.

Thanks to the protective layer, the wood will not be subject to swelling and, as a result, deformation. This will increase the service life of the product by several years.

Making a shelf at home does not require a lot of time and effort. In most cases it all depends on the design, so indicate standard set will be somewhat problematic. When selecting tools, be sure to include in the list:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw (for metal or wood);
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • fasteners;
  • chisel;
  • sanding machine or sandpaper.

When planning to make a shelf out of wood and metal, carefully select paints and varnishes. It is desirable that the finished shelf matches the interior of the room.

The most relevant and simple option is a wooden shoe rack. To install it, just take a few boards that were left after repair and finishing works. As already mentioned, first of all it is necessary to decide on the dimensions, functionality and design of the product. After selecting all the tools and fasteners, you can begin assembly:

  1. From the prepared lumber it is necessary to cut out all the elements in a given quantity: support bars, cross beams, side posts.
  2. To prevent injury, all prepared parts are treated with fine sandpaper.
  3. Using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, the frame is fastened and the shelves are mounted.
  4. The finished product is coated with varnish or paint.

An old cabinet or shelf can serve as the basis for making a shoe rack. In this case, the whole procedure is greatly simplified.

An equally simple option that you can do yourself is a combination of wood and metal strips. Can be used as regular boards, and fiberboard sheets, but the thickness should not exceed 1.5 cm. The planks should have a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 2 cm. Ideal option there will be stainless steel, which is not afraid of moisture. Don't forget about fasteners.

For convenience, it is better to draw a sketch of the future product on paper. This will help avoid errors or defects. The side and back walls are cut out of wood. All edges must be smooth. Used for convenience Sander or sandpaper. Before fastening all prepared elements, it is necessary to apply markings. Nails and screws can serve as fasteners.

It is best to place such a shelf on the floor. In order for a large structure to be held on the wall in the corridor, it must be securely fastened.

So, creating a shelf for storing shoes yourself is quite simple. You need to have the desire and also allocate some time. By showing your imagination, you can get not only the necessary thing, but also original item decor that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway.

You might be interested in the following materials:


From the provided video materials, you will learn about two simple methods making a shoe rack for shoes:


Below are a bunch of photos from different ideas for making a shoe rack with your own hands:

A shoe rack made from scrap materials will be a wonderful addition to the interior. Such a piece of furniture will be appreciated by those who do not want to spend money on ready-made shelves. You can make a shoe rack from any materials available to the owner of the house, for example, from metal, wood, plywood, pipes or even cardboard. At the same time, cardboard products can be made even by a person who does not have carpentry skills.

U homemade shelves there are a lot of advantages. The first of them is, of course, price. The assembly of such a structure will require a minimum of cash costs. The second advantage is that you can make a shoe rack of any size yourself, while the finished product is not always suitable in size for small spaces. The third advantage is that making furniture with your own hands gives scope for design imagination.

The simplest manufacturing options

Before you start work, you need to stock up on the necessary materials. Cardboard can be thick (for example, containers from large household appliances) or thin (small shoe boxes). The design of the future product largely depends on the type of material used.

  1. Box construction. The easiest way to make shelves is to take several cardboard containers of approximately the same size and connect them together using glue, tape or other fasteners. If necessary, the boxes used can be cut to give them a suitable shape and depth. Such the model will fit for summer and autumn shoes, but for winter boots you need to make more reliable design.
  2. Products made from cardboard tubes. If cardboard tubes of a suitable diameter are available, they can be cut to the required length (for example, 30 cm) and connected to each other with side edges. To do this, use glue or fasteners.
  3. Shelves with racks made of cardboard tubes. You need to take 4 cardboard tubes of the same length, make notches on each of the tubes at an equal distance from each other. The corners of the sticks should be inserted into the notches. Shelves can be cut out of thick cardboard or wood.

To make the shelf more aesthetically pleasing, it can be decorated decorative film, coat with furniture varnish or paint.

Standard bookcase

This is a model of a shoe rack, which consists of several sticks and side stands. The parts of the shoe rack are connected to each other using staples or shoe threads. Additionally, the joints can be reinforced with tape.

First of all, you need to cut out the details of the future bookcase from cardboard. If it consists of 4 sticks, then we will need 6 identical elements - 4 for shelves and 2 for racks. If the height and width of the shelf are 80x80 cm, and the depth is 30 cm, then we will need 6 parts 80 cm long and 40 cm wide.

On each part along the long side, at a distance of 5 cm from each edge, you need to draw lines with a pencil. Then the part must be bent along these lines. After this, you should assemble the shoe rack. Horizontal elements are installed with the curved edges down; all elements are connected to each other using staples or threads. The attachment points are the points of contact between the curved edges of the vertical and horizontal structural elements.

Pocket shelves

Simple shelf for shoes with your own hands, it can be made from cardboard using a different technology. To work you will need scissors, tape, a ruler, a pencil, a stapler with staples, and thick cardboard. It is best to use boxes from household appliances.

On a cardboard sheet you need to draw several rectangles 25-30 cm wide; the length of the rectangles can be arbitrary (but it should be such that a pair of shoes can easily fit into the finished pocket). The number of blanks is arbitrary, each of them will form a pocket for one pair of shoes.

Then the cut out rectangles are divided into 3 equal parts using a ruler and pencil, after which the side parts are folded twice, forming triangles. Each pocket is fastened at the back using a stapler or tape, after which the blanks are partially inserted into one another and fastened together, forming a snake.

The resulting product can be hung on the wall, it will perfectly complement the interior in rustic style, also such a shoe rack would be appropriate in the country. The resulting shelves can be decorated in any way, for example, covered with paint or varnish, pasted over with colored paper or self-adhesive film.

Reliable cardboard shelves

There is an opinion that using a material such as cardboard, you can only make very fragile products that cannot withstand significant weight, but in reality, cardboard products can be very durable, supporting even large household appliances.

In this section, we will look at the technology for making a shoe rack that can withstand quite a lot of weight. The strength of such a product is explained by the presence of stiffeners inside the shelves and vertical racks. In addition, the structure can be further strengthened by duplicating its walls.

We will be assembling a bookcase with 4 shelves, and the sticks can be horizontal or inclined towards the back wall. Inclined sticks prevent shoes from falling off the shelf onto the floor. Size of the future shoe rack: height and length - 80 cm, depth - 30 cm. For work you will need:

  • ruler, tape measure, pencil;
  • wooden slats for cutting parts;
  • paint, glue, brushes;
  • a stationery knife necessary for cutting out cardboard elements;
  • sandpaper, which will be used to sand the joints.

Assembly is carried out in several stages:

  1. Blanks for the back wall. You need to take a sheet of cardboard and draw a square measuring 80x80 cm on it, inside it you should draw another square measuring 77x77 cm. These 3 cm are the size of the ribs of the side posts, as well as the top and bottom parts. Inside the smaller square we mark the locations of future sticks. The height of the second shelf, intended for house shoes, will be 15 cm; accordingly, we set aside 15 cm from the upper edge of the inner square, and then another 3 cm on the edge. The third shelf on which will be placed Summer shoes and shoes, should be 25 cm high. Mark its location, add 3 cm to the edge. There is still 31 cm left; this space will be occupied by the lower shelf, intended for winter shoes. Then you need to cut another 80x80 cm square, these two squares will form the back wall of the bookcase. Between the squares there will be stiffening ribs that increase the reliability of the structure.
  2. Manufacturing of shelves and side racks. For 4 shelves you will need 8 rectangles 74x30 cm, for racks - 4 rectangles 80x30 cm.
  3. Stiffening rib. They provide the structure with strength and reliability. To make them, you can use corrugated cardboard; it should be cut into strips a little less than 3 cm high, and then lightly cut into strips. After this, the strips need to be placed vertically on the bottom edge of each shelf, glued, and after the glue has completely dried, cover with the top edge. The same must be done with the side posts and the rear wall. If you don’t have corrugated cardboard, you can use regular cardboard, cutting it into strips slightly less than 3 cm wide. You need to glue the strips in a chaotic manner, twisting them in spirals in different directions. The number of cardboard strips is not limited; the more there are, the more reliable the design will be.
  4. Assembly order. It is advisable to connect the elements of the shelf using PVA or Moment glue. Most often, Moment is used to combine the main structural elements, and PVA is used to secure stiffeners. The shoe rack needs to be collected in the following way: first the upper, lower and side elements are connected, and then the back wall and two middle shelves are attached.
  5. Decorative works. When all parts of the structure are connected to each other, all that remains is to run sandpaper over the surface of the product to smooth out any unevenness. All joints and edges should be covered with paper tape, and it is better to do this across the seams rather than along them. After this, the entire shoe rack is covered with tracing paper, newspaper or thick paper. When the bookcase is completely dry, it will need to be covered with self-adhesive film, paint or yacht varnish. Such a coating will ensure the durability of the furniture and make its appearance more aesthetically pleasing.

Using this technology, you can make shelves of any shape and size, including modern and creative ones. If the master wants to assemble a complex structure, it is recommended to first prepare a drawing of the product.