Shelves for the kitchen - types, methods of fastening and self-production. Everything on the shelves: choosing wall shelves for different kitchen design styles Do-it-yourself carved shelves for the kitchen

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In the kitchen modern man spends almost most time when he is at home, which is due for various reasons: from preparing and eating food to meeting with friends and relaxing with family. In this regard, every housewife wants her kitchen to be functional for work and comfortable for relaxation. There are many ways to solve such problems: this includes using various household appliances, facilitating work, and furniture various designs allowing you to work comfortably and relax comfortably. Shelves for the kitchen on the wall: types, how to choose and make them yourself, as well as how to properly position and install them - this is the topic of this article from the editors of the magazine website.

The design of wall shelves can be completely different, and it is this that determines their purpose.

Wall shelves are very a convenient item, using which you can place many small things without cluttering the space of the room where they are placed. In addition, such items can serve as decorative elements that give the room a certain flavor and originality. Structurally, shelves placed in the kitchen can be of several types: open and closed, corner and cantilever, symmetrical or asymmetrical in shape, with built-in drawers and various additional elements decor (lighting, inlay, etc.).

Open kitchen shelves

Open shelves are the most optimal in functionality and inexpensive option for such products, which are most accessible for making with your own hands from scrap materials.

The convenience of using an open shelf is that in order to take an item placed on it (dishes, containers for storing spices or bulk products, etc.), you just need to reach out and take what you need.

Fasteners at the shelves open type can be made hidden or be additional decorative elements of similar structures. These could be brackets various shapes and sizes or structural elements, combining all the components of the product into a single whole.

The simplest option for self-production are products of this type, made from wood or panel materials (chipboard, etc.). This is due to the fact that wood is easy to process and has a low specific weight, which does not require the use of complex fastening elements when hanging on the wall.

In an open type design, several shelves can be combined, while the material used in manufacturing can be completely different.

Closed wall kitchen shelves

A distinctive feature of the shelves closed type is the presence of rear and side walls, as well as doors of various designs (sliding, hinged, lifting).

The presence of doors allows you to store on such shelves sharp-smelling ingredients used during cooking (spices) and utensils used in everyday life.

When made with your own hands, these products are more complex, because... when assembling them, it is necessary to ensure reliable closing of the doors, and the product itself, as a rule, has more weight than open-type analogues.

For the manufacture of products of this type can also be used various materials: wood and metal, glass and panel materials made from wood processing waste (chipboard, MDF, etc.), as well as durable plastic.

Corner kitchen shelves

The corner structure can be open or closed; its distinctive feature is its placement on two walls located at a certain angle to each other.

The materials used in manufacturing can also be completely different, which allows you to choose a model in accordance with the design style of the kitchen space.

Design options corner shelves May be great amount, so you can always find a model that satisfies the user with all the requirements placed on it.

Decorative wall shelves for the kitchen

Decorative hanging shelves serve to create coziness in the kitchen, giving it a certain style and flavor.

These are, as a rule, open shelves made of lightweight materials, because decorative items are also lightweight and there is no need to construct durable structures.

It is quite possible to make decorative shelves yourself using available materials.

Related article:

Materials for making kitchen wall shelves

As already written above, various materials and their combinations can be used to make wall shelves for the kitchen. Distinctive Features The materials used for these purposes are:

  • for metal– durability and the ability to harmoniously fit into an interior that already has metal surfaces and products;

  • for wood– environmental friendliness and “warmth” of natural material;

  • for plastic– low cost, variety of shapes and colors;

  • for glass– fragility, as well as external lightness and airiness;

  • for stone– strength and significant weight.

How to choose a shelf for the kitchen

The variety of offers on the domestic kitchen furniture market sometimes creates difficulties with its choice, which fully applies to wall shelves intended for placement in the kitchen.

In this case, in order not to make a mistake, you must follow the following selection criteria, using which you can make the right choice:

  1. Initially, you should decide for what purposes the shelf will serve, and what dishes or other items will be placed on it.
  2. The dimensions of the shelf must correspond to the number of items placed on it and at the same time not “put pressure” on general perception kitchens.
  3. The design style must match the existing one or the one being created anew.
  4. To store small items, it is most convenient to use shelves with a multi-level arrangement.
  5. The removable structure, fixed to the wall using hanging hinges, is convenient to use, because It can be easily removed and washed if necessary.

How to make a kitchen shelf with your own hands - nuances

When making a shelf yourself, as well as other furniture, you should remember the following nuances of the work, namely:

  • Before starting work, you should make a sketch (drawing) of the product being manufactured;
  • The dimensions of the shelf and the style of its design must correspond to the location;
  • Having thought through the design and choosing materials, it is necessary to prepare the tools required to perform the work;
  • the fastening elements used in the design must correspond to the selected materials and ensure reliable fixation of the shelf to the wall surface.

Installation of wall shelves for the kitchen

For correct placement hanging shelf requires a measuring construction tools(level, plumb line, tape measure), as well as carefully marking the place where it is placed. The shelf must be located strictly in a horizontal plane, and its fastening elements must correspond to the material of the wall on which it is placed.

For your information! To attach to wooden surface self-tapping screws are used, on a brick wall - expansion dowels, and on a concrete wall - anchor bolts.

Mounting options may be slightly different, but the above are the most common among experienced users.

How to properly and effectively arrange shelves in the kitchen

The location should be such that it is convenient to use the items placed on the shelves. Experienced designers and designers recommend following the following recommendations when choosing the location of wall shelves:

  • for kitchens with L- and U-shaped layout, easy to use corner models;
  • in the presence of a hood located above hob, shelves can be placed on both sides of it;
  • placement above the tabletop is classic version location;
  • if the kitchen has a niche in the enclosing structures (wall, partition), then this perfect place for placing shelves.

In each specific case, the placement location is considered individually, based on the nature of use of such products, the personal preferences of the user and the design style of the kitchen space.

Both wooden and plastic boards and simple pallets can serve as the basis for the structure. The proposed instructions will tell you which type of structure is suitable for a particular style.

  • Minimalism and hi-tech. In this case, designs with simple, laconic forms will be most appropriate. The color scheme is monochromatic, but sometimes it is acceptable to use bright shades. As an addition, a DIY kitchen shelf can be decorated with LED lighting.

Minimalism and hi-tech are characterized by a simple and laconic design.

  • Loft or Scandinavian. Massive shelves with a slightly rough texture are perfect. The basis for them can be chipboard sheets, rough boards, old pallets and boxes.

How more original materials, the better they will fit into the loft interior or Scandinavian decor

  • Modern. Glass or metal accessories will ideally complement the Art Nouveau style.

Metal fasteners are what you need for modern style

  • Country, Provence and shabby chic. Decorative shelves with metal consoles, patina, decoupage patterns or carvings as decoration will succinctly fit into such an interior.

The best shelf for a kitchen in a country or shabby chic style is a design made of natural wood

  • Modern. To fill it, you can use unusual grid shelves, racks for wine bottles made of cork, etc.

Shelf stairs fit perfectly into modern decor

What to pay attention to before starting work

Before creating shelves for the kitchen with your own hands, it is not enough to simply decide on their style. There are a couple more to consider important nuances, which affect the visual perception of the structure.

When thinking about creating a shelf, you need to take into account its location, shape, fastenings and dimensions

  • Location. Think carefully about the location where the structure will be located. Access to it should be unobstructed, so do not place it too high.

All shelf contents must be accessible at any time

  • Form. The most popular designs due to their ease of execution are those with a rectangular shape. In addition, they are the most spacious.

Rectangular shapes are most popular due to their spaciousness and ease of implementation.

  • Dimensions. It all depends on the size of the kitchen and the items you plan to store on the shelf. Shelves for decorative accessories, spices or bottle holders can be made small. The structures, which are intended to serve as a full-fledged replacement for upper cabinets, can be massive and located along the entire wall.

On spacious kitchen Instead of standard shelves, you can install full-fledged racks

  • Fastening. To make a DIY kitchen shelf look stylish and complete, you need to carefully select the fastening for it. It should match the color and material with the base.

Fastenings should be organically combined with the color and texture of the base


DIY kitchen shelves will make the interior individual and unique. We have offered you three interesting master classes with which you can create truly stylish designs. More useful ideas you will find in the photos and videos in our material.

Homemade kitchen furniture will never go out of fashion, these stylish interior items can be found in the apartments of different people social groups. Sometimes owners start small, first making kitchen shelves with their own hands, gradually moving on to more complex projects and drawings.

Description of the finished product

The kitchen is a kind of heart of any home, magic happens here - delicious and healthy food is prepared, this is where guests are invited and where you can take a break from adversity working day over a cup aromatic tea. Therefore, the kitchen, as a room with wide functionality, is subject to high comfort requirements.

When sitting down in a corner, many household members no longer want to have to stand up for the TV remote control or glasses; all these items that are necessary every day should be in close proximity to the resting place.

A kitchen shelf is needed not only next to a corner or sofa; when preparing food, the housewife also needs the convenience of arranging the necessary seasonings, utensils and other essentials. In order not to go to the other end of the kitchen to buy hot peppers for kharcho, it is much more convenient to place jars of seasonings next to the hob.

Do-it-yourself kitchen shelves or ready-made ones from the store must meet the same requirements:

  • harmony with color scheme walls, floor and ceiling;
  • comfortable shape;
  • comfortable operation;
  • safe materials for manufacturing.

Sometimes when purchasing finished products In the store, consumers make typical mistakes:

  1. The shelf purchased for the kitchen looks like a foreign object in general interior premises (stands out strongly for its external characteristics– finishing, color, size, etc.);
  2. The purchased design does not correspond to its purpose: they begin to place wet dishes on a heavy shelf for flowers, as a result the shelf begins to crumble and quickly fails;
  3. The abundance of brackets and shiny fasteners in a kitchen of calm pastel colors without bright spots will cause discomfort to the viewer.

Design issue

You should start making DIY kitchen shelves only after carefully planning the details. Product design is an important issue in drawing up a project drawing. Moreover, the concept of design in this case refers to the combination of all factors: a set of functions, appearance and decorative design.

Before you start making a shelf for your kitchen or purchasing it from a furniture store, designers recommend studying a few rules:

  • A kitchen decorated in hi-tech style does not tolerate maximalism and pretentious items. Shelves should be neat, laconic in shape and neutral in color. This style allows the use LED backlight furniture, and the most popular materials are plastic, metal and glass;
  • Kitchen Scandinavian style can be decorated with shelves made of solid wood, light chipboard with all kinds of drawers for vegetables and trays for small items. Furniture made from logs or turned wood looks great in this interior. sea ​​water wood;
  • Country, classic or Provence style kitchens allow the installation of light shelves with decorative finishing. It is worth noting that decoration can be both carved wooden elements and objects artistic forging. Furniture pieces with carvings made from artificially aged wood look especially stylish in the above-mentioned interior styles;
  • A DIY shelf for a modern kitchen is most often made of glass and has several metal or plastic inserts.

Modern designers allow the use of shelves for wine bottles and shelves with lattice sectors in the kitchen space. And corner models of kitchen shelves allow you to save usable area premises and perform all the same functions as traditional upright products.

Nuances of furniture construction

How to make a shelf for the kitchen, having little experience and minimal knowledge of carpentry? The most simple model It has rectangular shape and wood or chipboard is used for its production. Important point– the thickness of the material should hold the objects that are planned to be placed on this shelf. Example: a small piece of furniture is enough to arrange jars of spices, while bottles of oil or vinegar require a different design.

When planning the height of the kitchen shelf, the choice is made in one of two directions:

  1. All household members can reach the placed items;
  2. Dangerous seasonings should not be reached by small children.

In small kitchens, shelves can serve as racks on which all kitchen utensils, food supplies and useful devices are compactly placed. When placing several rows of shelves, it is important to use the space so that these interior items protruding from the wall do not obscure each other and do not interfere with the comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen.

A DIY kitchen shelf can have a variety of fasteners, the difference lies in the materials used, the expected load level and the design of the products. The determining factor is the raw material for the production of fastenings.

All designs used in the kitchen interior are divided into the following types:

  • floor;
  • retractable;
  • mounted

Set of tools for work

Kitchen shelves can be made from natural wood or light slab Chipboard. Simple work is possible even for a schoolchild who likes to make furniture with his own hands. To implement the plan you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  • raw materials: wooden boxes, wooden boards or chipboard;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • pencil with ruler;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver, screwdriver (optional);
  • hammer drill for drilling holes for fastening;
  • brackets, consoles;
  • sandpaper of varying degrees of grain for sanding;
  • alkyd-based varnish (moisture-resistant);
  • stain and brush (if necessary).

As for the shape of kitchen shelves, they can be anything: round, triangular or rectangular. To make shaped products you will need a compass. Wood itself is afraid of excessive humidity, and the kitchen microclimate can be called aggressive towards furniture made from this material. Therefore, great attention should be paid to protective manipulations: applying impregnating compounds, coating shelves with varnish, gluing special edging tapes and other measures.

Important: the size of the kitchen shelves themselves must be consistent with the parameters of the kitchen: small rooms are heavily overloaded with bulky furniture.

Using drywall

You can make kitchen shelves yourself from plasterboard, but ready-made structures can only be used to place light and dry household items and food supplies. Plasterboard shelves must be placed away from sources of water and steam: multicookers, steamers, sinks, hob etc.

Most often, plasterboard shelves are decorative in nature, because gypsum is very hygroscopic and fragile. To slightly increase strength, the master strengthens it with metal profile(fixed on back side products). On finished design it will be possible to place interesting figurines, sets of spices, music speakers, etc. Neat plasterboard shelves can decorate any interior, but look especially good in a romantic interior.

To make shelves from plasterboard material, you will need the following tool and set of consumables:

  • the drywall itself in sheets;
  • metal profile;
  • mounting foam for filling joints;
  • metal screws, gypsum-wood screws;
  • corner for fastening;
  • putty;
  • decorating materials: wallpaper, paint, mosaic, fabric, etc.

An interesting solution in the kitchen interior is the placement decorative shelves in several rows, you can tastefully arrange collectible dishes or souvenirs from travels around the world on them.

Important: the play of colors when attaching decorative shelves looks original - rough wooden structures fixed with bright blue or black brackets.

Pull-out shelves and bottle holders

The most popular type of kitchen shelves among housewives can be called retractable structures. The popularity of such interior items can be explained simply: minimalism came into fashion more than 3 years ago, the trend continues to this day with minor innovations (notes of eco-style, for example).

Pull-out mechanisms make the shelves easier to use and allow you to ergonomically use the work area in the kitchen. With such shelves, every square centimeter of kitchen space is used as efficiently as possible.

Pull-out shelves are divided into several types:

  • panels designed for storing lids;
  • bread bins;
  • food baskets;
  • bottle holders;
  • other designs with a retractable mechanism.

Standing apart from other types of retractable shelves are bottle holders, which are often made by wine lovers and collectors. Any sommelier will confirm that the storage conditions of wine directly affect its taste characteristics. Placing bottles in a vertically inverted position prevents oxygen from reaching the drink, which allows the wine to retain its original taste and aroma.

How to make a corner kitchen shelf

Before deciding how to hang shelves in the kitchen, you need to carefully consider the layout of the room. Corner designs are the most popular and stylish products. These shelves conveniently accommodate dishes, spices, jars of tea, etc.

Material for creativity - scraps of laminated chipboards, which remain after the manufacture of the kitchen set. By the way, these trims can be bought at a furniture workshop for little money.

In total, making a shelf requires no more than 7 hours and the following tools:

  1. Jigsaw;
  2. Sanding machine or set of sandpaper;
  3. Set of drills various sizes(for woodworking);
  4. Square;
  5. Tape measure, pencil and compass;
  6. Screwdriver or simple screwdriver;
  7. Hexagon (4 mm);
  8. Stationery knife;
  9. Iron.

Accessories can also be purchased at a furniture workshop: edge tape(11-12 m), 8 screws, 16 confirmations, 4 hanging hinges, 16 plugs.
First you need to draw a sketch of the product using paper or a computer. The result of the work should be a virtual shelf diagram consisting of the following elements:

  • 2 shelves with a radius of 19 x 90 cm;
  • 2 shelves, the radius of which is 19 x 110 cm;
  • 2 racks 44 x 26.5 cm;
  • 2 racks 60 x 26.5 cm.

The shelf is made as follows:

  1. First, the sidewalls are cut out, for which markings are applied to the surface of the chipboard. If you have clamps, you can cut 2 sidewalls at the same time;
  2. The internal stand does not have a protrusion on top, so it is smaller. All chips along the edges must be immediately treated with a grinder or sandpaper;
  3. The next stage is gluing the parts with thermal tape, which is ironed through cotton fabric with a hot iron. To carefully process the bends of the material from the inside, you only need to press the tip of the iron. The tape sold usually has a width slightly greater than the thickness of the end. Excess can be trimmed using a utility knife;
  4. After completing work with the racks, you can proceed to assembling the structure. The crossbars are rectangular pieces of chipboard of identical length. It is very important to select the details so that vertical stand did not stick out from the shelf itself;
  5. The lower and upper posts are fastened to each other with an angle clamp, confirmations or a square;
  6. After fixing the inner stand at a certain distance from the outer one, the entire product is firmly connected. The fastening points are masked with plugs, and the shelf is hung on the wall.

There is no need to talk in detail about how to hang shelves in the kitchen. The strength of the chipboard allows you to place dishes, jars and kitchen utensils on the finished structure.

An irreplaceable attribute modern kitchen are various types shelves. Many people prefer to buy kitchen set already along with the shelves, and some want to make them with their own hands.

Installing a shelf yourself will cost much less than the work of a craftsman.

DIY kitchen shelves will cost you much less.

In addition, you yourself can decide on the size, material and place for fastening or installation.

There are a few different types shelves for the kitchen. Some are designed to be placed on a table or floor, while some need to be hung on the wall. A universal option is a shelf that can be placed in any way.

Materials and tools

Tools needed for work: hammer, screwdriver, compass, pencil, ruler, hammer drill, jigsaw.

Before we move on to considering how to make a shelf for the kitchen, you need to carefully prepare for the work. To do this you need to consider several useful tips, as well as purchase all the materials and tools necessary for the work. To work you will need:

  • the main material from which the shelf will be made. Its quantity is calculated based on the future dimensions of the structure. It is convenient to choose wood or good chipboard as a material;
  • material for legs and bracket if necessary. Steel tubes that are used for legs under kitchen tables. The sizes are also selected depending on the size of the shelf. And if you also want to make a bracket for hanging, preference should be given to stainless steel. The best option in this case, you will purchase a ready-made bracket in size;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • metal hinges (in case of mounting the shelf on the wall);
  • hammer;
  • silicate sealant or glue;
  • edging for finishing edges;
  • jigsaw;
  • Sander;
  • compass and pencil, ruler.

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Important Details

So, you have already prepared the materials and tools. But before starting work, you need to clearly understand some important tips. Moreover, they will be useful to you not only when installing a shelf with your own hands for the kitchen, but also during its future use for its intended purpose.

  1. Shelf shape. The most successful configuration is a rectangle with slightly rounded edges. Triangular shelves are also possible, which is especially convenient if placed right in the corner. But circles and ovals are not suitable in all cases. They are best made for special design solutions or, if possible, approach the shelf from any side. The main rule in choosing a form is convenience. Therefore, first of all, decide on which form it is more convenient for you to place the dishes or other utensils that you are going to store on the shelf.
  2. Decorative style. The stylistic solution of the shelf is important element decor of the entire kitchen. Therefore, take into account the furniture you already have in the kitchen. It is desirable that the shelf harmonizes and matches the style of other attributes. If you want to highlight a shelf from the general stylistic decision, then do it so that the design looks like an accent spot, and not an extra detail.
  3. Try to use very durable and durable materials for the shelf. For coating, use only special paints. Don’t forget about the durability of the structure: you shouldn’t make a shelf to store objects that are too massive and heavy. This will not only quickly render it unusable, but will also spoil the overall atmosphere of comfort and lightness, which is so important to create in the kitchen.
  4. Be extremely careful when choosing fasteners. After all, fasteners are the basis for the quality and reliability of a kitchen shelf. Choose screws, self-tapping screws or nails large diameter and lengths greater than average. And when screwing in, carefully check the reliability of the screws.

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Installation of shelves for the kitchen

Now you can safely move on to the process of installing your own kitchen shelves.

The work is carried out in several stages, which are interconnected. Now we will consider the option of installing a universal kitchen shelf, which can be either placed or hung on the wall.

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Taking measurements

Step one is choosing a location for the shelf and determining the dimensions. It doesn’t matter at all whether it stands or hangs. Your task at this stage is to make the correct measurements. Decide on the final height of the shelf, then divide it by that amount equal parts, how many shelf floors do you want to have. After this, decide what distance should be between them. It can be either the same or gradually increase (decrease). Again, depending on what you intend to store on the shelf. The optimal distance from one shelf floor to another is 30 cm.

Next, decide on the width and depth. Here we will talk only about your personal choice and permissible space. When choosing these options, keep in mind that part of the shelf will be occupied by an edge along the outer edge, the presence of which will prevent things from falling in the future. After the main parameters have been calculated, it is a good idea to draw a simple sketch of the shelf on paper with a mark of all available dimensions. This will help you not get confused in the future.

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Preparing individual templates

Figure 1. Points to consider when installing a shelf: shelf shape, decorative style, coating materials, choice of fastening.

Step two is preparing the shelf floors. After this, you need to prepare assembly elements for the shelf from pre-prepared materials. To begin, we use a jigsaw to cut out individual shelf-floors according to the intended dimensions. (Figure 1.)

If you want to make rounded edges, then use a compass and a pencil to mark the same curves and cut off the sharp corners. After this, all cut areas must be sanded with a special grinding machine. So, the blanks are ready.

Now you need to immediately secure the edge along the edges. In the case of kitchen small shelves it is not necessary to make grooves. You can get by using silicate sealant and glue. Just apply the sealant to the edges, sparingly, and then immediately apply the edge, pressing it down well. You can use any edge; there is a fairly wide selection in the store. Immediately wipe off excess sealant with a soft cloth.

In the world of trendy kitchens, one of the fashion ideas The use of open shelves, which are used instead of hanging structures, is considered.

Open shelves in the kitchen are intended to become part of the interior furniture, or a decorative element to decorate the kitchen space.

Today, such shelves are a practical, stylish and at the same time inexpensive solution. They fit perfectly into the interior of kitchens, especially those created in the Provence style and not only.

You can see the photo open shelves for the kitchen in the catalog presented on our resource. Affordable price This is a huge plus, because buying a closed type of structure will cost much more.

In addition, shelves visually expand the space, and the necessary items will always be at hand.


Open kitchen wall shelves have obvious advantages:

  • arrangement is possible even in a small kitchen;
  • no need to waste time opening and closing doors;
  • no need to search for items, as they are presented in the full overview;
  • quick access to things on the shelves;
  • demonstration of original dishes.


However, kitchen shelves are not without their drawbacks, namely:

  • performing a function decorative elements, the shelves get dirty quickly. Therefore, there is no need to place them close to the stove;
  • Open shelves require placing exceptionally beautiful dishes on them.

If the listed disadvantages are considered significant for you, then a kitchen with several open shelves will be an excellent way out of the situation.

A pair of decorative shelves will bring maximum expressiveness to the kitchen space and make it more homely.

What nuances should you pay attention to? Special attention when arranging open structures?

A kitchen with open shelves looks original and cozy, so such an interior is not suitable for housing in a classic style.

But country and loft allow the use kitchen utensils, spices on display.

There is no place for packaging products made of plastic and paper on such structures. It is advisable to place cereals and other food products in an original container made of ceramics or glass.

But cookbooks and wine bottles will look great on exclusive hanging shelves.

It is desirable that the walls where it is planned to install wall-mounted shelves should be plain in a calm shade that does not attract attention.

Unusual dishes will be perfectly emphasized by a gray or milky background. And for snow-white kitchen utensils in a kitchen interior with open shelves, you should choose a coffee background.

Small kitchen

If the kitchen area is small, then open wall shelves will visually expand it.

However, such a solution is only relevant if you have few kitchen utensils and the household appliances are not large.

This idea is also not suitable for those who like to cook. It is better for them to purchase spacious structures.

Big kitchen

A larger room provides significantly more different opportunities for turning original ideas into reality.

Now almost every project offers an option where work area hanging shelves are placed. Has become widespread and corner kitchen with open shelves.

In such cases, dishes and household appliances are hidden in almost invisible hinged closed structures.

They are placed along the wall surface on the side. Such cabinets accommodate a microwave and also an oven, so that they do not become cumbersome.

Colors, materials

Metal shelves are an excellent solution for modern kitchen spaces. For a classic style, designs with sides are suitable.

Wooden and glass wall shelves are suitable for a set made of natural solid wood.

As for shades, then different shapes designs open view can have rich or calm tones. The choice depends on general design kitchen space.

At the same time, do not forget that an excess of saturated tones can negatively affect appearance room, will give it a certain absurdity.

Open kitchen shelves allow you to combine style with ergonomics in your interior design.

Photo of open shelves in the kitchen